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Thursday, October 29, 2009

to clear things up...

Alright so evidently a lot is going on with this whole Kai debacle.
These are the FACTS we know;

--Kai deleted her twitter, blog, blogtv, and youtube
--Kai has a new twitter (kailynkreations), blogtv (kailynskreations), and youtube (kailynskreations)
--A forum was found in which screen shots were included of kai showing her saggy boobs online to a guy she (apparently) had just met

now, here are some of my conclusions; (not necessarily fact)
--i would like to hope that david did actually break up with kai, but apparently its not true, and dear god i hope they never reproduce
--why she deleted and recreated all her shit? i have no idea. my guess as to why she made a new youtube? to try and make partner again. because why would she want to make money at a real job?
--kai's mom was the YT user (Getridofhaters) who is trying to.. i guess.. get rid of haters? and is claiming to be "cybertipline" even though cybertipline is for children and this person cannot spell anything correctly.

OH and one more thing. I do not consider myself (or anyone here, really) a "hater". i just enjoy calling people out on their bullshit. i didnt make her show her boobs online and then force her to enjoy a delicious chicken pot pie. ohhh no kai, you did that on your own.


ahh yes, also, some useful links: -chelseas impersonation. dead on. -underwear pic.. -weed pic.. -moneybag mom!


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victoria said...

I asked someone to send me the screenshots and stuff earlier but no one ever did. You're asking us to believe a lot, so I'd like some proof of all this.

Anonymous said...

You can download them there. Makes it a lot easier than sending out tons of emails.

victoria said...

Says the file is no longer available.

Anonymous said...

I just downloaded it myself from that link.

w said...

Has this myspace been posted yet?

victoria said...

This is what I see when I go to that link.

I need to vent.. said...

HAHAHAH future playboy girl?! hahahaha. she hasnt logged into that one since 2007, do you have the link to her current one?

I need to vent.. said...

that website is a gem though. fantastic pics.

fuzzyria said...
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victoria said...

Holy crap that Playboy site is hilarious. What's with all the sex graphics under her pictures? She acts so conservative nowadays and prude.

w said...

Current myspace:

The thought of her having sex is mortifying tbh. If I had a penis I'd rather have sex with a bagel.

emily said...

oh my God hahahha at first I thought that myspace was fake, but no one was trolling her that much on 07. girl seriously thinks shes hot shit.

Anonymous said...

Ew, I was deeply digusted by those pictures. I love the little graphics below them though. Rofl. How the hell do you people find this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Oh God I just re-tasted my wine....the combo of the 80s eyeshadow style and the scary orthodontics was too much this close to dinner...

Anonymous said...

victoria: I just visited that link to the pdf download and it's there for me!

typhoidmari: rofl @ sex with a bagel comment!

emily: I've always said she thinks she's some kind of hot. She's really not.

dingopussmonster: lol

ineedtovent: good to see you back - you've been scarce around here I thought =)

Unknown said...

OMG I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks she has fetal alcohol syndrome!!!

A couple weeks ago when she had her mom with her on blogtv, I said in the chatroom, "You mom *does* know she's not supposed to drink while pregnant, right?" Ironically, I think it was glitterskrink who kicked me from the room.

Orange Face said...

Wow...holy shit. One long day at work and the shit hits the fan and I miss everything good.

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

I think she has a combination of illnesses - ADD, ADHD, autism, mental retardation, FAS, dyslexia and reverse body dysmorphic disorder. She seriously thinks she could be a playmate? I guess that gives us a little insight as to her self-image. She thinks she's on par with playmates! Good Lord. The playboy bunny crap in her room always gave me pause when I watched her tutorials. At first I thought she was just jumping on the bandwagon. Now it's even more disturbing to know she takes herself seriously. I think she needs a straight jacket.

I need to vent.. said...

nuclearreactionz; haha thanks =P just busy, you know. but i always have time to expose kai for the fraud she really is!

crabapples100 said...

There's definitely *something* wrong with her. Could be FAS. Could be aspergers (mild form of autism that effects social skills). The only thing she can ever seem to say is "I bought this today and I love it. So cute" or "I love my boyfriend" or "I love (enter stupid basic-cable tv show here)". And the only book she's ever read is Twilight. It's like she crash landed from another planet and just copied everything that a typical American 13-year-old girl would say and do. It's bizarre. At first I thought she was just innocent and naive, but now I think she's either dumb or actually has a problem.

Anonymous said...

I think Getridofhaters on YT is Kai's Mom. If you look on Getridofhaters' page, you can see the 2 comments they left for Pat after his video tonight. The grammar is past the 5th grade level and refers to Kai is "Kailyn" (as her Mom did as well in the infamous video sitting in the chair with her reading glasses when Kai lost her adsense) By the way..if you missed the spoof by BillieJeanIsNotMyLvr about Moneybag's Mom- RUN, don't walk, to watch it NOW!!! I can just hear her Mom's voice reading it and trying to be all cool about it.

emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Seriously, her mom butting into everything is what leads me to believe that Kai has some serious issues. She needed her mom to post a video and now she needs her mom to come on the internet and fight off "cyber bullies"
She's 19 year old. Sometime soon Kai and her mother both need to realize that even the real world is going to be a harsh place. It's not rainbows and lollipops all the time.

Anonymous said...

can you send screen shots to

Anonymous said...

When I DL the link, all it gives me is a Notepad file? Nada else. :(

Orange Face said...

You know what, I had a thought this morning. I was thinking about the pot pie again because it cracks me up so very much and it occured to me...she almost certainly had her mom make her the pot pie. How gross! I wonder if she yelled down in the middle of the fake bj or the dance "MOM! I need a POT PIE!" LOL!

Unknown said...

lol i can see why she didn't stay at school, we just bullied her off the internet

Unknown said...

lol on twitter "what's up guys"

does anyone else notice she can't form an idea on her own? when she asks for makeup suggestions she doesn't wan an idea she wants a written out face chart.

lol she's a makeup artist, doesnt she know how to get a makeup look from a theme?

Sea of Polish said...

i'm dying at that myspace. does she seriously have a picture of herself on there posing with a bowl of...potato soup? wtf LOL


Omg those myspace pics LOL wow what is with those gifs?

fuzzyria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashlee said...

LOL OrangeFace... my friend totally suggested that idea too about her mom making the pot pie.

Lora... I'd noticed her need for other people to give her directions and answers before, too. One time in BlogTV she was asking how to make a resume to apply for a job at ULTA, and people were actually making a resume FOR HER because she was so dense. All she ever posted on Twitter was "What should I get at this sale?" or "What brand has the best lipstick?" Yada yada yada. She cares too much about what other people think (I guess as a way to fit in) and depends too much on other people to guide her along.

Unknown said...

so she wrote her resume, but never atually applied for a job, or is it that she was just never hired?

What is she planning on doing with her life? she's 19, sits at home all day and doesn't work. where is she going to get the money to move out of her mom's house?

and from what i've heard her mom's really strict, like not letting her travel without her, or not letting her have a ~sleep over with boys.

Anonymous said...

OK so last night someone posted the "bathing suit" pic of her right on her new Facebook page and said something like "Why did you do this, you're going to hell" or something like it. Dumbass Kai doesn't notice it and it stays up all night. This morning she unfriends like 100 people, but is too DUMB to delete the right people who aren't really her friends?!? Duh! Did anyone see that? Classic!

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember her dog's name that she made a video about? One of the security questions on her hotmail is name of first pet, she took it off her myspace though sometime yesterday. God only knows what other shit she's signed up to.

Orange Face said...

I think she had a dog named Jessica, but I'm only about 80% sure on that one. Worth a shot, though.

Unknown said...

Her dog's name was Jessica

Anonymous said...

I love how she ran off probably thinking this would all go away. But now, everyday there is more on her. Haha. Stupid ass girl.

Anonymous said...

I can't get the link to work, so if someone would pleaseeee E-mail me, everything?

Anonymous said...

So, basically David feels as thought because he has done "bad" things in the past, he would be ignorant if he left Kai now. Pathetic. Grow some balls and go.

crabapples100 said...

Just checked David's new video on youtube - he's back together with Kai.


crabapples100 said...

Oh, and he called me a "kneegro" in the comments section and then proceeded to tell me he's gonna "forgive and forget" and that I can't judge him. I posted another comment, but I'm not getting into it with him after that. He's a fucking idiot and the fact that I ever felt sympathy for him makes me feel retarded.

Orange Face said...

crabapples100: Open season indeed. I've been going back and forth with him on the video too, but now I'm wondering why he isn't at his awesome telemarketing job? It took me a while to understand what the fuck a 'kneegro' was. Lame, lame, lame.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sounds like David is too comfortable to let go and so has elected to just delusion himself and justify Kai's actions to himself. I wonder if he can look at himself in the mirror knowing everything that he does now.

Crabapples100: I totally agree with you. I used to have sympathy for him until I found out that they got back together. He's going to find out eventually (I hope) that it was a huge mistake.

I love how on his YT video he is trying to defend himself but cannot spell the simplest of words correctly. LOL.

crabapples100 said...

OrangeFace: Exactly. If I found out my girlfriend of 3+ years had gone online and gotten naked for some random guy, I'd dump her ass (especially if she looked like Kai does). Like I said on youtube, people doing shady shit behind each others backs in relationships is a recipe for disaster. If he wants to get back together with her, good luck. I'm assuming he doesn't have any guy friends to tell him otherwise.

But anyway, enough with the emotional aspect of it. They're both idiots and they deserve each other. :]

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I'm not surprised they're back together. They're both completely naive and delusional, she's too comfortable with David and is used to being catered to even by her own mother. She acts like everybody owes her something or she has some sort of entitlement. They're perfect for each other.

crabapples100 said...

Does anyone have David's MSN address?

Anonymous said...

i used to feel bad for kai because like david would go in her blogtv and act like an asshole and i don't think he truly liked her at all, but it's sort of equal now.

i think they're both too comfortable and don't want to let go and be alone, because let's face it. neither of them really seem to have anyone else. we know kai doesn't have friends, and i can't imagine david does because of the way he acts and looks. i don't think their relationship was ever one of love, but more so of desperation.

what has david done to her, though? i mean aside from obviously leaking the underwear and weed pictures. he kept saying in the comments on his youtube that he's done way worse, does anyone know for sure?

Orange Face said...

No idea and you know he'll never say what the 'way worse shit' is.

Orange Face said...
It's a conversation with David and someone on MSN. You have to make it full screen to read it but it's pretty good.

I need to vent.. said...

with the whole thing about how kai could never do anything on her own.. you guys are totally right! i remember in a blogTV once she was asking everyone where she should apply, someone told her Macys and she went to the website to apply online. she couldnt find where on the website to go to apply to save her life, and she was asking everyone to link her to the specific site since everyone else could find it, but retard kai couldnt.
although i think david is stupid for getting back together with kai, it doesnt really change anything for me as far as kai goes. shes still a bitch, a slut, retarded, etc. but as i said before, one of them (or BOTH, preferably) need to be made sterile. those two could produce the dumbest, ugliest babies the world would ever see.

nuclearreactionz; would you mind sending xspoiled the screen shot to her email? some people are having trouble downloading it for some reason

crabapples100 said...

I'd also like to know about this abortion thing. Pat's video alludes to it in his tags, and someone mentioned it in the last post's comment section (something to do with a blogtv show). I'm morbidly curious lol.

quadrilaterals said...

i'm really glad if she had an abortion, tbh. i mean yeah she's dumb for not using birth control (honestly wtf) but at least that shows that she knows she'd be an unfit parent.

Anonymous said...

no wait can you send scren shots to the link wont work for me either!

quadrilaterals said...

omg guys do you think kai's mom knows about all of this? i wonder if she's going to have her webcam taken away.

Anonymous said...

You need to view the screenshots of the full chat on nuclears blog.

Anonymous said...

OH, wow. I wonder if that girl would be willing to send those shots to me. I have a whole folder named "Kaikhaos" and slowly added all these hilarious things to it

Anonymous said...

I don't know if her mom has seen any of the pictures, but I sent her a message on facebook with the weed and bra picture. I told her to check up on Kai and consider taking away her webcam, wonder if she'll even respond.

w said...

I wonder what Kai's going to do with that expensive, nice camera she owns. I wish the greedy ho would give it away to someone that can make better use of it, but she'll probably sell it for double the price despite having her greasy hands all over it. I wonder if she sold those dirty beat up cellphones lol. Probably not! /bitter that the spoiled bitch has so much nice things

quadrilaterals said...

i doubt she'd just give away her camera. she hasn't even had it that long, it's still worth a good chunk of what she paid for it if she chose to get rid of it. selling it wouldn't make her a greedy ho, it would actually just be less wasteful.

emily said...

Her inability to make decisions was always weird. Even to be able to figure out the simplest things. One time I remember she was asking everybody "how do you guys think I should wear my hair?" or something, and somebody told her to unclip her bangs and have them be sideswept/side bangs. She literally could not figure it out. She was like "wait, what do you would I do that?" and had to have everyone explain it to her step by step. There's something vastly wrong with her cognitive processes.

emily said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Damn, I miss everything!
Im all caught up now though.
Thank god.
Im so glad people hate her and know who she really is.

Anonymous said...

I just think it's funny to have had some *random guy* say that he got a *random message* when he clearly asks her to ~dance again.

does anyone have the uneditted shit?

p.s. who is that *guy anyways?

Anonymous said...

and how does he know who kailyn is? is he someone's bf?

sorry for the q's, like most of you, i just like getting to the bottom of things?

Kirby said...

Where did Pat's video go?

Anonymous said...

He made a long blog about the whole thing instead. stayyfierce @ blogspot

Anonymous said...

Kirby said...

Thanks. And I agree with this...

"Aside from the sheltering issue, its no denying that Kailyn is spoiled. As am I, and about three quarters of the beauty community on youtube. But I know I'm spoiled and that I have more luxuries than most kids my age and I openly admit it." fucking much. If she could just be HONEST about things, she'd earn so much more of my respect.

crabapples100 said...

Not gonna lie, but I'm having idiot withdrawal. David just makes me roll my eyes; I want to hear more from Kai. See what she has to say, straight from the source. OR, does anyone have things saved from when she called them, etc, and said all she needed was god now?

crabapples100 said...

Old and not really funny, but I like the part where she says she's a "SERIOUS CAMERA WHORE <3". Ain't it the truth.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez, every time I come here you guys are just cracking me up more, lol!

For those of you who are having trouble viewing the pdf download, take not of 'owleyes' comment above: you need to download Adobe Reader ( to be able to view the file.

Kirby said...


This has to be 5 years old...

Unknown said...

i wish she would come back though, i loved watching her drag eyeshadow accross her lids with so much force she needed to hold her skin still. and then say ' pack it on there'

Unknown said...

Kirby - it said it was updated 1/1/02 - it's 7 years old, so she was 12.

Kirby said...

Reading comprehension fail on my part. Oops. :X

It's still pretty funny, though.

crabapples100 said...

All I can think of when I see that 7 year old website is: TEEF. I look at her and wonder what her father looks like. Her mom might be crazy, but Kai didn't get those genes from her.

Unknown said...

omg true i need to see her dad.

Kirby said...

Seriously. Compared to those pictures, she's looking pretty good these days. :X

Anonymous said...

crabapples, beer goggles helped conceiving of kai

; ]

Sea of Polish said...

She deleted me from her myspace so I can't get the picture, but she posted pics before of her and her dad on her birthday. Believe it or not, he looks normal. Maybe someone who is still friends with her on myspace can dig it up.

Anonymous said...

I believe in one of her birthday haul videos she showed a picture of her and her dad....she def. took after him.

Kirby said...

Here, have some more.

It's like she's on every social networking site ever... господи!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, it's like she's a profile junkie or something. Personally, I think given her rather questionable behavior, she posts to as many profile sites as she can looking for anyone who'll give her a root.


Anonymous said...

Also, how is it possible that 97% of users on the "your face sucks" site found her face "hot"? WTF? Was she voting for herself!

Unknown said...

not like she has anything else to do.

Kirby said...

It's most creepy because she seems to be 15 and under on those pages.

Anonymous said...

Note Irene's response about her greed:

Anonymous said...

Lmao...Those websites gave me some good lols..Why the fuck is she on a russian website?

Brittany said...

So I have tried to find her new youtube account and it doesn't have any results for "kaiskreations"
Is that actually it? I don't know what's going on

Anonymous said...

It's actually Kailynskreations.
twitter: kailynkreations

Youtube has an "s" after kailyn and twitter does not!

Anonymous said... David's facebook.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said... Her mom's myspace.

Anonymous said...

Saw this link over on Nuclear's blog, David's xanga from before he dated Kai. There's even more racist remarks then I've heard him type currently, if you go back to around 04 when he first made it, he talks about his drug usage.

emily said...

Her mom isn't even friends with her hahaha

Anonymous said... Funny how she says her turn offs are liars, hahah.

Anonymous said...

Ew, his blog has some of the most disgusting shit EVER! Besides barely being able to understand a single fucking word of what he was trying to type, I did read that him and his friend tried to jerk off on 197 and they weren't able to "jizz" because a cop come by and sent them home. Also, another time he jerked off into a tree.
What I can make sense of this blog is that David is a disgusting fucking shit wad. *barf*

Anonymous said... "I'm a very honest girl"

Kirby said...

Emily, if my kid ran around calling herself "FUTURE PLAYBOY GIRL" and posted pictures of her licking her boyfriend's face, I wouldn't add her as a friend, either. Ignorance is bliss, and Kai's mom seems to be allllll about that.

Kirby said...

So she's been a ho since she was 13, eh?

fuzzyria said...
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fuzzyria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kirby said...


emily said...

word to that kirby.
her old lj is full of lulz: "1 word of advices kaylin..GET SOME FUCKING BRACES"

I can see why she obviously never lasted at that private school.

Ximena said...

hey can u please send me the instant messaging pics?

patricia's beauty blog; * said...

"singleshears" was the channel her mother e-mailed me from when she claimed I "ruined" Kailyn's life. Too bad the sorrow effect doesn't work with me.

Kirby said...

Ridiculous. If Kai's life is truly ruined, the blame lies on no one but herself. That tends to happen when you lie, cheat, and treat people like shit.

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
If you can't take the criticism, remove yourself from the online community.

M said...

I've been debating with myself over whether or not to say anything and I feel like I have to. I know the majority of people here are not going to agree with me and that's fine.

First of all, this whole "slut" thing is really disgusting. It demeans women and to the other girls that are calling her a slut, you should know better. What makes her a slut exactly? David has cheated as well and I don't see any of you calling him a slut. Did Kai even actually cheat? I don't consider what she did to be cheating, to be perfectly honest but again, I guess it comes down to what you consider cheating. "Slut-shaming" is horrible and frankly ignorant. I feel that's what people do when they don't have an actual reason to hate someone. Besides, I fail to see how what anyone does with their sexuality (whether they're a virgin, whether they're in a committed relationship, or whether they have 20 partners) is anyone's business, it does not affect you whatsoever, so why do you care? Really though, whether Kai "cheated" on David or not is irrelevant, David is a racist piece of shit who is emotionally abusive to his mentally handicapped girlfriend.

Secondly, I do truly believe that Kai has a form of autism, accompanied by some sort of personality disorder. With that said, I don't think this is right. It's not okay to make fun of someone with these problems, at all. I'm not sure Kai even realizes what is wrong with her and I blame her mother for that. She seems like the type of woman that hides things from her kid just so she won't have to deal with them. It's really not right to blame Kai for these things. She should have been on medication or going to therapy at the very least, as well as attending special ed classes. I believe she would be in a MUCH better place right now (mentally) if she had a competent mother.

And finally, why is any of this a big deal or even remotely "scandalous"? You guys are digging up sites she made when she was 12 as a way to "prove" something. What are you trying to prove? Unless each and every one of you is perfect and has never made a mistake (and if that's the case, I'd assume you're too enlightened for this bs anyway), you have no right to be judging this girl as harshly as you are.

The owner of this blog says she's in her 20's, well I'm 22 and this blog reminds me of petty middle school drama.

If you have been personally affected by Kailyn, I understand your frustration but I think it would be best for everyone (including yourself) to simply stop talking to her and move on, gracefully.

I think we're all better than this.

Anonymous said...

You don't think getting on webcam for some random guy, showing your boobs, simulating a BJ, playing with yourself, etc (while your in a relationship, no less) isn't slutty or scandalous?

And that is just the one time she was CAUGHT. Who knows how many times she does her little camshows for guys when her bf is not avaiable.

Adding to the fact, she runs around pretending she is innocent and constantly claiming she doesn't have sex and is a "good girl".

M said...

pinkk - Would I personally do it? No. But do I think less of others that do? Absolutely not. How does it affect me? It doesn't.

She never denied having sex, actually and it's possible she has changed over the past year. People do change, but even if she hasn't - showing her boobs to some guy on MSN does not make her a bad person. At all. Maybe it's irresponsible but who hasn't made an irresponsible decision or two?

You can be a "good girl" or a "good person" while still enjoying sex.

I should add that I'm not so much defending Kailyn, I don't know her and I've never even spoken directly to her, but moreso her actions and every girl that has ever been made to feel ashamed because of their choices, especially when it comes to their sexuality.

fuzzyria said...
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fuzzyria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fuzzyria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M said...

fuzzy - I definitely don't think you should help aiding her in anything if you don't want to! But that would mean just not watching her videos at all and cutting off your support altogether cold-turkey.

I don't think I have a holier-than-thou attitude at all, if I came across like that I apologize. I definitely did not mean to.

And yes, she should be held responsible to some degree. I'm not saying she shouldn't be. And she's clearly capable of making SOME decisions on her own (I think?) but it's hard to deny that there are some serious mental illness/limitations going on. So, while I do she should be held accountable for her actions, I don't think this is the way to go about it. If she has scammed you or anyone else, there is nothing wrong with addressing that. But the personal attack after personal attack is wrong, imo, and doesn't really accomplish anything. Especially going on about the fetal alcohol syndrome, calling her a retard, etcetc. She has the cognitive and social skills of a small child. This doesn't excuse her for everything but I think it warrants a little more understanding, I can't help but to put most of the blame on her mother.

M said...

And the reason I firmly believe that there are deeper issues going on is because of the way she repeats everything so much, she rocks back and forth, when she gets upset she paces back and forth, she doesn't seem to understand the simplest of things, the way she just stares into space in the middle of a sentence, lack of friendships, etc.

fuzzyria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
patricia's beauty blog; * said...

I made the font bigger on the blog for any of you blind bastards that couldn't read it before. You can now.

Amelia said...

I don't think Kai has mental retardation. I know a lot of people that act like she does and they have no mental problems..

w said...

M brings up lots of good points.

Kai's vids brought some lols, but beneath that I do feel sad. I don't know Kai personally but I do hope she grows up some. I'm sure her mom loves her to bits, but Kai's the result of her mom's ill parenting skills. David has also corrupted her.

As for this site, it's gone to the point where now that her channel is kaput, people are searching every corner of the internet for anything about Kai. I'm guilty of it by posting an old myspace, but now it seems like we're using Kai as a means of shameless entertainment, rather than hoping she changes her ways. Her channel is gone, what now people? I sincerely hope that Kai learns something from all of this.

I'm through with all this.

Sea of Polish said...

I agree with everyone. I started out watching Kai and feeling genuinely sorry for her. I just thought she was a sweet girl with some problems until I watched her BlogTV chats. She lashed out at simple questions that weren't rude at all, etc. You all know how it went. It changed my view of her for sure, but I have to agree that the blame can be placed on her mother, and David doesn't help, either. I really cannot understand for the life of me why her mom, who really seemed to care about her so much, would let Kai go on the way she has. Why didn't she get her a proper education or acknowledge her obvious mental challenges in anyway? With a little more nurturing, Kai may have actually been able to make something out of her life. But at this point...with the attitude she has will be very difficult for her to change or learn anything. And it's sad, but so long as she's happy with the way things are, this is how it will be.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I, also, feel as if Kai might have some sort of learning disability. Which is why I supported her in the beginning when people were making fun of her and only subbing to her channel to laugh at her. I felt bad for her.

However, she is not incapacitated to the point of she isn't responsible for her behavior. Sorry, that's not a good excuse. She is perfectly capable of right and wrong.

The only one who "ruined" Kai is her mom/dad. She should not of sheltered her so much and gotten her a better education.

Anonymous said...

Like others, I too at first was really into trying to get to know Kailyn. When I first came across her videos, people were bashing her and I felt bad and subscribed to her. Since that time, she's said over and over how she's never had a best friend and how girls always tend to stab her in the back. When she said those things, I genuinely felt my heart skink for the girl. But, the thing that made me turn on her was the simple fact of the way she treated me many times in her blogtv. In the start, I was definitely looking to become a girl that Kailyn could have as a potential "best friend".In the end though, Kai was rude to me and never took any good advice I had to give her on her so called "bffs" who were being shady to her. It upset me to see who she really was and I guess I used this blog as a way to be in the end, a little childish.

Anonymous said...

childish, whatever. this is the first time we've really gotten to RANT about kai! for so long i've been holding in my feelings about her and giving her the benefit of the doubt. why shouldn't it be a little over the top?

i've had the same feelings about her for years: kai is a selfish, rude, self-centered, and uninformative "guru". she doesn't care about her subscribers feelings, or even the makeup looks she churns out for them, but only how many subbies she has so she can keep her google adsense account and make MONEY to buy more stupid products!!! she churns out 3 meaningless videos a day... if her subscribers try to give her tips and hints, she freaks out and blocks them... easy to see why she hasn't improved her makeup skills AT ALL over 3 years.

in addition to her maddening youtube behaviors, i don't like her as a person, regardless of what she decides to do with boys/over the internet. although i know she's lacking intelligence, she should at least be able to anticipate a negative reaction if she chooses to fingerbang herself in front of a stranger while eating a microwaveable meal.

Anonymous said...

Ok, there is one point I can agree with M on.

Calling saying she's slut-ish and whore-ish *just* because she sent nude pictures, yeah, that's kind of harsh. Especially considering a lot of people I know have taken some provocative pics, and at least half the internet seems to have a "n00d" of them lurking somewhere on someone's hard drive...or even on the world wide web itself.

Now, sharing those pictures with strangers and camwhoring is rather a different story, in my opinion. If you do it? That's nice. But it's something you better not lie about to everyone when the topic arises or it's going to slam back in your face.

But I do believe that sometimes, like Pat said about stickylipgloss or whatever in his blog, people need to have the truth laid bare--by "trolling" or what-have-you--so that people can see their hypocrisy, and can maybe learn to be honest, and learn to laugh at themselves in the process. With a troll, the worst thing you can do is take yourself too seriously, but that's the way life should be sometimes, too. Obviously Kailyn is never going to understand that, for whatever reason.

Now, digging up those old sites... I do think that serves a purpose too. I'm fucking appalled at her posing with her hips thrust in the air on her bed--AT TWELVE YEARS OLD--and posting a myspace called ~*futureplayboygirl*~ at what, 14? With provocative images all over, no less. Seriously? Seriously? What parent allows that! It's likely her mother never even knew, and that's disturbing. It's a lesson for her, her mother, and all of us, if or when we become parents in the future. WATCH what your kids do online!

And if her mother needs to figure that out by us trolling the internet and bringing these things to light, that's just cool with me. It's a little impossible to rewrite her childhood, but hey, I'm sure they can both still get something from all of this. If they choose to.

Anonymous said...

PS: On a lighter note, I'm also lol-ing over old-Kailyn listing punk rock as one of her favorite types of music. No, honey, Simple Plan and Good Charlotte and Evanescence are NOT punk rock.

emily said...

While it's clear, and has always been clear to me, that Kai is in some way mentally handicapped, I truly think if it were not for her mother spoiling her rotten and giving her no realistic structure, none of this would have happened. At first when I saw her videos I thought it was sad that this girl was completely unself aware enough to expose herself to basically the entire world, exhibiting her inability to read, pronounce words, even form much of a coherent sentence at times. She is to be held accountable for her actions, as she's an adult and should know right from wrong, but think about it; she's been living in a bubble all her life, being an only child who has never had to go to a formal school with a mother who obviously is just an enabler/"yes" man (and whose attitude towards Kai's presumed disabilities I wonder about) it's no wonder she has no social skills. What's really sad is that she's learned them from the internet.

On the nude/provocative pics tip, I don't necessarily agree with it, but I suppose it's fine to send them to your significant other. The weird thing is, Pat mentioned in the video that she even sent them to HIM. I don't think she's selective about it at all, judging by the chicken pot pie incident, she's willing to do that to get attention and validation. It's pretty fucking lulzy, but at the core, it's sad and indicative of a really bad job of parenting.

crabapples100 said...

I, like many of you, have the same experience with Kai. I first saw a video of hers posted on a website who's name rhymes with Fourpan, and, surprise surprise, people were making fun of her. I gave her a chance and watched her videos, and although she was awkward, she seemed genuine and sweet. For a while.

People kept making remarks about the fact that she would delete rude comments. It's her channel, so she can do anything she wants on it. Moderating comments is often a smart idea. But when I posted constructive criticism (i.e. "Try blending out the edges more", etc) I noticed that the comment was "pending". Those comments never went through. That was my first red flag.

Then, I logged into her BlogTV, and I know this is redundant to other posts, but it was night and day. She was very immature, not "sweet" at all, and she reminded me of everyone I hated in high school: mean attitude, ignoring people in the chat, picking up every prank phone call (which still baffles me - paying attention to her harassers and ignoring her friends?). She would ALWAYS answer her phone and taunt the people on the other line, fueling the stupidity (although it was kind of funny). In a lot of ways, she brought this on herself.

And /then/, I saw the video her mom made, which just made me laugh. She didn't allow comments on the video, because (I assume) she knew people, even loyal subscribers, would raise an eyebrow. Also, did her or her mom really think people from Google would watch her video and make her partner again? They've got more important things to do. Jesus, it's Google - get a job if you want money.

The whole situation has honestly made me fairly bitter. I guess this teaches us all that you can't trust the image you see on the screen, even if it's an intimate one like YouTube.

crabapples100 said...

Emily - I thought the same thing! You can send naughty photos to your lover/boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever, but the fact that she sent them to Pat, someone who is *clearly!* openly gay, baffles the shit out of me. I'm honestly really confused about the train of thought there.

I need to vent.. said...

as i said before, im not here to talk shit and make people feel bad, but for so long kai has gotten away with ridiculous shit and quite frankly, it pisses me off when people say what a sweet and nice girl she is. shes NOT. i have never been rude to her directly, ive always been quite nice actually, but have never been met with the same respect from her. shes always been rude to me. even if she does have some sort of learning disorder, you, "M", like kai herself, are victimizing her. youre acting like shes not responsible for herself because her mother never told her about her disabilities or whatever the fuck you said. shes, what, 19? she old enough to know how to act. kai has gotten away with lie after lie and im here to call her out on her bullshit. its not fair that she acts like this without her subscribers knowing. when you plan on becoming "popular" on youtube or anywhere in general, this kind of shit is going to happen.

you think calling her a slut is demeaning to women? well, i think what SHES doing is demeaning to women.

and like someone else mentioned, MANY people feel the same way i do about kai. however, no one has ever been able to talk about it without being ridiculed by someone because
"kai is such a sweet girl!" bullshit. shes a bitch. and thats how im always going to feel about her.

Trinity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trinity said...

I don't think calling Kai a slut is demeaning to women at all. I am close to her in age and also find myself in a committed relationship. The fact that she strips on webcam for random men and does other inappropriate sexual things is what's demeaning to women. I would personally never even consider sending racy pictures to anyone but my significant other, and there would have to be a lot of trust involved for me to do even that. It is true that what she does with her camera and her webcam does not directly affect me, but there are young girls that watched her videos. Even before all of these things came to light I did not think she should be considered a role model, but I'm sure there are so younger girls that did look up to her. What kind of message is she sending to a twelve-year-old girl who avidly watched her videos? Yes, clearly Kai has some mental issues, whether she has Asperger's or some other type of retardation, but I think her immaturity probably makes younger teens relate to her better. That's what really disgusts me about this girl. I know that she never branded herself as a role model, but when you publicly make videos for all to see, you have to know both adults AND children are going to come across your videos. Personally I stopped liking and respecting Kai when I saw how she actually behaved towards her subscribers, but I think that if you're going to put yourself in the public eye, you need to show some maturity. She clearly does not have the mental capacity to do that, and so I'm happy that she has left Youtube.

crabapples100 said...

I pretty much agree with everything Trinity said. Kai had young subscribers - that's not a good image to portray. Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus, all of those young girls who take provocative photos of themselves are bashed by the media for it because the media knows they have young girls who look up to them. Our society is bad enough as it is when it comes to how women are portrayed; why make it worse?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amelia said...

I'm surprised that after all that, kailyns mother hasnt just banned kailyn from the internet.. She probably realizes its kailyns only lifeline.

Unknown said...

i'm not suprised kai's mom hasn't banned her from teh internet, kai's 19 how do you ban an adult from using a computer?

one thing i never understood though was how she would sit on blog and demand people talk about stuff, but whenever a convresation started [ like about abortion or weddinds or sonmething ] she would be like NO, TALK ABOUT MAKEUP

Unknown said...

lol on her kailyns kreations channel she has a nunch of ' cyber bullying' vids favorited.

Anonymous said...

we can all agree kai has some type of retard.

Anonymous said...

i've tried to alert 4chan... specifically /b/ that kai exists and is evil/retarded. i've heard they are a destructive force. too bad they don't seem interested :(

Ashlee said...

theramenninja... According to Kailyn's mom this blog, its commenters, and Pat have already caused destruction.

emily said...

oh if 4chan wants to bring someone down, they will and HARD. bummer. I didn't know she was a subject of interest to them though...innnnnteresting.

fuzzyria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

her email is

crabapples100 said...

The YouTube account that had all her info has been taken down, so I don't know about putting it out there on /b/. Also, the majority of them are male and not really interested in make up, and can't even view her videos now if they wanted to. There's no material there any more, and that's what they need.

Anonymous said...

pity, because i would have loved to see what /b/ would do her... davey is still a target however, but i think an eternity with Kai is punishment enough.

Anonymous said...

Theramenninja, I think one of the rules of the intertubes is pretty much:


They'll only attack someone if they're that interested for some reason, and can be assed to do it. :P

Jennifer said...

what happened to the "kaikhoad... wtf?" video? It seems to be gone

Unknown said...

Please send to Thanks so much! :)

Anonymous said...

Why do I have a feeling she's just going to lay low for a little bit then randomly pop back up out of the blue with a new walmart haul video and act like none of this ever happened? Like if the situation is ever brought about on her page she'll just delete the comments as usual or if someone on blogtv mentions it they get "banned for life" ... Like she'll just ignore everything without ever addressing it. Does anyone feel like this is what's going to happen?

Jennifer said...

Unlike most of you, I found her nauseating from the very beginning, and watched her videos for the entertainment value. As for the whole slut thing, I never met a woman who was called a slut for NO REASON - they always do something to bring it on themselves. Is it a horrible label? Yes. But if you keep your nose clean, you have nothing to worry about. I am so tired of people making excuses for other people, we are all accountable for our actions. LIfe is full of hard lessons, unfortunately the less intuitive of us learn the hard way that some things we do are just really &%$#@ stupid. And, like in this case where there is photographic evidence, they can haunt us forever.

So, is this chick mentally disabled or is she just stupid? I do think she has some developmental problems, was definitely oversheltered, or possibly dropped on her head in the delivery room, but I doubt if she can be absolved from all responsibility. If she were truly mentally disabled she wouldn't have been able to accomplish what she has. If she were so out of control or not responsible for what she does, she would be exposing her tits in ALL of her videos. She is just an idiot - the reason why is unimportant. And let this be a lesson to all the other idiots out there: never EVER put anything in writing or online that you wouldn't want anyone else to know or see.

Amelia said...

Not gonna lie, I only watched her videos and subscribed because they made me laugh. Rosebud slave anyone?

I need to vent.. said...

rosebud slave, such a classic kai moment lol

jennifer; i agree 100% with what you said. very well put.

bartontwrl06; hahah yeah, youre probably right, she'll just appear again soon when she wants to try and make partner again and im sure itll be with some hugeass haul because god knows her moms probably been spoiling the shit out of her recently. i doubt she'll ever explain why she deleted all her stuff etc. there are actually a lot of her "loyal" subscribers who have know idea whats going on, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

i wonder... does anybody know how the other gurus feel about kai? leesha (xsparkage)? pursebuzz? michelle phan? (tho i think michelle prolly loves everything/everybody...) petrilude? panacea?

just wondering...

crabapples100 said...

I get the feeling Leesha and her sister don't like her, but won't admit to it. As far as the other girls go, they're all full-fledged YouTube gurus with millions of hits on some of their videos. I doubt they even know or care who Kai is.

Ashlee said...

Kai once said her and Leesha were "Internet BFFs" -- her words, not mine. Cue the laughs.

I need to vent.. said...

actually, one of the ways i ever found out about kai to begin with is when leesha was doing some makeup series look.. super heros maybe? or something like that.. but anyway, she asked her subscribers for help picking a theme and ironically, kai did the exact same thing soon after leesha did. so i went to kais channel and found out that yeahhh, she copied a lot of what leesha did. she even made and attempted to sell hair bows like leesha used to! soo yeah, im guessing leesha isnt too big of a fan of kai hah.

i also remember a few months back, kai commented on both juicystar07s and allthatglitters21s twitters, and asked them to promote her so that she could reach 10k subs LOL. obviously, they never did.

laurenxx said...

I bet she is following what elle and blair did with there who fake names/paid to promo product drama, block anyone who asks questions, call them haters, lie, ignore, push it under the rug, threaten legal action, delete anything thst could make you look bad.

I need to vent.. said...

hahahahah laurenxx..

Anonymous said...

laurenxx - I AGREE! I can def. see her doing that.

crabapples100 said...

Lol, no wonder Leesha and her sister snicker behind Kai's back and then claim the video is "not about her". And people in the comments section believe it. The impression really is dead-on.

Anonymous said...

i made this for you all <3 ROSEBUD SLAVE LIVES ON

Anonymous said...

I felt bad for Kai when I first met her. At the time, she seemed sweet and harmless. I started IMing her and within two hours, she had given me her cellphone number and made me a permanent OP. After about a month, Kai started turning. She started becoming extremely greedy.

On BlogTV a month or two ago, she kept asking us to send her links to companies on Youtube. Eventually, everyone caught on that she was emailing them one by one, begging for free products. She quickly became defensive and insisted that she was emailing her "friend". The following weeks after that, she did reviews for Sunlove and a few other shady companies. Kai will do ANYTHING for a quick dollar. Especially after losing her Youtube partnership.

I was also shocked at how self centered and vain she is. She would IM me and constantly turn all conversation to herself or what she bought. She'd complain about wanting to lose weight, yet she'd be shoveling down ice cream and nachos on BlogTV. Kai sent me photos of herself DAILY to my phone. She finally stopped after I told her to fuck off and stop being a creeper. She's not as innocent as she seems. We invited her into a chat a few months ago and she went into detail about things she does sexually with David. What's this I hear about him doing sexual acts for money with other guys? Not surprised at all. Those screencaps are also no surprise. That is not the first and only time she's done it.

I'm not going to troll her but I'm done defending her and listening to her excuses. It's all a bunch of bullshit.

I find it pathetic that she's reading this blog, frantically deleting everything that gets posted. Too bad there are screencaps of everything.

crabapples100 said...

"So I sent him a picture of my shit, because that's how an adult handles conflict!". I almost died laughing.

Unknown said...

who else thinks billieJeanIsNotMyLuvr is alicia / chelsea?

emily said...

Pumpkinnice- She gave you her phone number after IMing for 2 hours??? What the hell, she has even less self awareness than I thought. It's the same thing with Leesha/Chelsea. She talked to them a couple of times or whatever and then assumed that they were bffs and would NEVER DREAM of making fun of her. What kind of annoys me about that though is that it was clear that they thought she was retarded and made fun of her but refused to own up to it. Undercover bitches are worse than a bitch who knows and aknowleges that she's a bitch. But whatever, that's neither here nor there.

I don't think they're behind billiejeanisnotmylvr because they've mocked all ~gurus~ in general and I think Leesha takes herself too seriously for that, but I think they had a part in the channel that still has a couple of her videos up.

I need to vent.. said...

awww boo, Getridofhaters deleted their youtube account hahaha

Anonymous said...

Kailynskreations - her new AIM. She randomly added me on her list when I haven't even talked to her, ever. I guess that's her default name for everything now.

Anonymous said... lol @ her acting like none of this is going on. also, she has patrick added on her friends on her new blog tv channel.

Anonymous said...


!@#$ said...

So I was talking to my best friend on MSN about those screen shots, and now I’m not really convinced that things happened the way it did. If you look at the screen shots close enough they seem pretty sketch.

1. It looks like the screen shots could have been switched around to fit his story. This could be why he blurred out some of the text -- he had to do it to make his story seem more legit.
2. In the first screen shot he tells her to dance again, and the order of the screen shots allege that she didn't start dancing until later.
3. If he was asking her to dance, there's a good possibility he asked her to show him her boobs. Now we all know how dumb Kai can be...
4. The guy claims he didn't want to get banned so he only showed a screen shot of her getting dressed. Is it just me or does that thing the guy blurred out look just like the pot pie?! It looks like Kailyn probably just got her food from the kitchen and was sitting back down at her computer to eat.
5. Then he says she gave him a fake bj. Um it looks like she was probably leaning down and forward to eat her pot pie. He also says she was asking him lots of sexual questions, but it's funny how he only screen capped her talking about drinking and smoking.
6. And I don't know, all the text on the screen shot of her eating is blurred. Why? And the following screen shot reminds me of her on Blog TV when she would look down and type with one hand. *shrug*

Believe me, I am not a supporter or defender of Kailyn. I have always thought she was weird and a bit off, and for a year and a half I have silently enjoyed making fun of her videos. I was loving this drama and sadly I was glued to this blog checking for more updates. =P I think we all have a lot of other stuff on her, but I honestly think this part is fake and a complete lie.

What do you guys think? In my opinion the only thing that is concrete is that Kailyn showed her boobs. Everything else is too questionable.

I need to vent.. said...

!@#$; i see your point, however, i still think its legit. i just dont see what that guy has to gain by lying about it, you know? although yeah, the whole "dance again" thing made me question it too. but as far as we know, kai has never tried to defend herself on it, which she probably would have if thats not the way it went down, you know?

Anonymous said...

I thought he probably lied about some of it too. On people grade he was trying to act like he was completely uninterested and Kai was throwing herself at him. He was probably making suggestions for things he wanted to see her do and I think he was requesting her to do those things we saw and he blocked that part out because he was trying to humiliate Kai not himself. He didn't want to appear like he was enjoying it just as much.

!@#$ said...

Thank you for the nice reply, I need to vent. :) I thought people might try to jump down my throat because I don't believe it so much anymore lol. I agree that Kai not denying it or defending herself really says a lot. She's probably done things like the guy claims but like I said, I am not entirely convinced that she was actually caught that time. A lot of people have been going around on youtube and twitter saying she was caught doing all this bad shit on camera, and the more I look at the screen shots I think "not really..." The "proof" isn't solid enough for me.

Stupidlyfresh, yeah I have no idea why the guy would lie. What could he possibly have to gain? Did he have friends on that website and he wanted to seem cool? IF he did in fact lie and/or exaggerate the things that happened during their chat... who knows what his motive was but if he wanted to humiliate her, it finally worked almost two years later.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

!@#$, I see your points as well, and I also thought it was very odd he blacked out so much dialogue, BUT:

Davey, an all-out embarrassment to the Maryland education system, has tried to express with his limited vocabulary that he and Kai have forgiven each other and moved on etc... If she had really not done those things that time, she would have explained the whole thing to him, and he would be defending her more instead of saying it's no one's business and that they have forgiven each other etc...

Then again, it's probably difficult for them to keep their stories straight at this point.

!@#$ said...

I was just looking at the screen shots again and in the one where she is supposedly giving him a fake bj, he blurred out some text and it looks like she said something like, "im eating right now." Does anyone else see this? lol I only noticed it because I am not wearing my contacts and was leaning in really close to the screen. I wonder if anyone is good at photoshop enough to sharpen all the blurred text and see if we can make out everything they talked about that he felt the need to conceal...

I can't believe I am giving her the benefit of the doubt lol. Like many of you, I don't like the girl either. When I was talking to my best friend she was surprised no one had even mentioned the possibility that the guy was a liar, so I thought it was important for me to bring it up in this conversation. It's only fair.

But like Dingo said, there's A LOT of things goin on that suggests that I am completely wrong. I really wish we knew exactly what Kailyn was saying. There have been many examples posted here of how dumb she is, so... I wouldn't be surprised if the girl just can't remember. We all know that her thought process is just all sorts of fucked up. With David acting the way he is and the assumption that Kailyn is not denying anything, I am sure she HAS done stuff like this but yeah I don't believe she was like that with this guy. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

In the one shot of her leaning down, I can make out that she says "I'm eating right now" followed by one more word that I can't make out. And he proceeded to say "lol ok"
There is also a whole screen of blocked out shit. Going to try hard to figure out how to undue the blur

!@#$ said...

I'm glad you see it too, Blaaahhh. To me it looks like the last word might say hun? I don't know, did anyone ever notice Kailyn call people hun? lol

And yeah in the one where she shows her boobs, she said bye, so that must have happened last. Yet more proof that the guy switched around the screen shots to create a story. Maybe he asked her or maybe she did it to try to entice him to keep talking to her in the future?

I need to vent.. said...

hmm while you all make good points, the most shocking thing to me (and i believe most others) was that she showed her boobs online and then admitted she had a boyfriend lol. and i think we can all definietly agree about that actually happening. idk the whole thing is kinda sketch i guess, but again, i dont know why this guy would lie. although he may have his reasons. i dont think we'll ever really know unless kailyn comes forward about it, which i kind of doubt she will!

Anonymous said...

Yea, there is no denying that she showed her boobs which is just shocking all in itself. But I do believe that she never gave a "fake bj" and I also have my misgivings about her dancing around for him.
We will honestly never know the whole story.

!@#$ said...

Yeah, honestly I feel bad that a lot of people are going around saying she was dancing around in her underwear, giving a fake bj and fingering herself when it looks like that might not be the case. The damage has already been done. There's been comments everywhere and people are going to keep saying it. As weird as I think she is, I don't think she deserves that. Then again, she put herself in this situation in the first place... =P

crabapples100 said...

Did someone flag this blog as inappropriate? Because now when I try to access it, I get a warning.

I need to vent.. said...

crabapples, i was just playing around with my settings haha no worries =P

crabapples100 said...

Oooh okay haha.

Jennifer said...

Ok, men DO lie about sex. They do it all the time. Unfortunately, they have the power to destroy our reputation with one word. I don't think that it is right or it is fair, but it is what it is. All the more reason not to give them any reason, no matter how small, to do so....unless you don't care, in that case, show your tits to the whole western world if you want. The reason why everyone is making such a big deal out of this is because of other reasons, the main one being how unlikable she is.

Whether or not this guy lied is not the point. For example, if it came out that he DID make some of it up, will she be restored to her former self with things just going back to the way they were? Nope. Her life ain't over, and she has learned a hard lesson, but things have changed for her for sure. I imagine the worst of it will be that she no longer has a reason to buy all that crap now that she has no one to show it off to. Kind of lonely to put on makeup just to stare at yourself in the mirror all the time , more fun to videotape it and take a million photos of yourself to broadcast to the world. The youtube addiction sort of justifies her warped and creepy sense of vanity. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe she will realize that there is more to life and go back to school or get a real job. Gotta grow up sometime!

Anonymous said...

I love how chicks are starting to blame the guy now. Girls like Kai are the reason males will always be considered the smarter gender. She desperately bared all for some random dude. How can you possibly make this anyone elses fault? All he did was enjoy a free cam show while she single-handedly (heh) destroyed her reputation and dignity.

crabapples100 said...

Anonymous: You bring up a good point. Yeah, he might've egged her on, but no one was pointing a gun to her head when she showed him her tits. At the end of the day, Kai made her own decisions. And she did them online for everyone to see.

Anonymous said...

"Males will always be considered the smarter gender?"

HA - don't make me laugh.

One incident does not prove that men are smarter. Please. If anything it just proves their lack of both decency and self-control.

Anonymous said...

tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Okay it's like this. SO i've watched kai for ever and always thought she ws slow but i liked her cause she seemed to be doing what she loved.

Well, When all of this went down I noticed her number was being published So I texted and CALLED her to tell her that its getting out and she needs to change her # all she wrote was I see or i already knew that. She never said thanks for your concern or anything. WHATEVER HO!

ANYWAYSSS SO I also noticed how yall were all saying she was being greedy and shit and I've noticed it because she had enough subs to do contest and she never did them. WHY???

i'l tell you, the bitch is greedy as fuck.
ALSO you don't show your boobs online.. PERIOD even if a guy tells you too, YEAH its wrong for the guy to talk you into it then publish it to the public,But KAILYN YOU ARE ALSO IN THE WRONG BECAUSE YOU SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER. AND YOUR TOO FUCKING CHICKEN SHIT TO MAKE VIDEO AND SAY HEY PEOPLE, I FUCKED UP AND I KNOW I DID AND I CAN'T CHANGE WHAT I DID.

hOW fucking hard is it to do that??i mean really? You say you watched degrassi when MAnny showed her boobs? you see how she turned out, JUST FINE!!! I CANT STAND IMMATURE DUMB BITCHES LIKE YOU! GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey will anybody send me those pics and video? give me your email and ill send you e-mail.

Anonymous said...

What happened to NuclearReactionz?

I need to vent.. said...

anonymous ^^ email me at
good shit, btw haha. nice to see youve come to the same revelations that we all seem to share here - basically that kai is a greedy, ungrateful, bitch

and blahhh idk!? i was wondering the same thing!

Anonymous said...

do you have yahoo messenger unkn0wn? i just added you but im about to email you RIGHT NOW

Anonymous said...

Kai and her bitch ass family probly got him kicked off!!!

Bitch said...

I could tell Kailyn was a cunt when I entered her blogtv chatroom. She was on her phone texting and ignoring everyone for 2 fucking hours. What was the point of that? Either talk to your friends on your phone or talk to your subscribers live on blogtv. The only time she would speak up was to bark orders to have someone kicked out and for people to 'TALK ABOUT MAKE UP'!

Anonymous said...

well guess what :)thanks unkn0wn critic cause im the new owner of KAILYNS NEW LITTLE TITTIE FAKE DICK SUCKING AND FINGERING HERSELF PICTURE OWNER :) thanks!!!

I need to vent.. said...

hey, anytime, just sharin' the knowledge ;]

"bitch", i know! the only good part about her blogTVs was when random people called to harass her. but yeah, otherwise she just sits there bitching at people to talk. she constantly kicks people out left and right, and most of the time its just because they disagree with her, not because theyre being rude or whatever. oh, and lets not forget, she eats a pleathera of messy food on a pretty regular basis in blogTV. nachos, strawberry short cake, chicken pot pie (lol), potato soup, you name it, its been in her mouth!

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