First of all, I dont care that you live in a little duplex and ride around Philly in a red mini van, but you can quit with the lies now because you're not fooling anyone.
For those of you who DON'T know about Jenna, let's sum it up:
-Thinks shes better than everyone because she's richer than everyone.. except thats a lie
-Is proud of her drug past and very willing to keep up her drug connections
-Threatens to cut bitches or make them disappear for "a 10 sack of crack"
-Is older than anyone else who posts on this blog yet still can't form a coherent sentence
-has a broken caps lock key
-is obsessive and harasses people
-claims to make thousands of dollars off her review videos even though the videos that she DOES include FTC info for, its shown that she's not compensated at all.
-is basically a pathological liar
1 – 200 of 1119 Newer› Newest»MINIVAN TOUR
yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
i love how no one cared about blair LOL
i'm enthralled by her windblown beauty.
daangggg look at those sexy neck rolls.
jenna please post your minivan tour. it will be original and no one has ever done one. "whats in my purse" videos are so 2009. lets show 2010 how its done, yo!
HEY GLITTERGREASE, how do you get your hair such a lovely pISS YELLOW COLOR? It looks great
How would I go about obtaining those lucious Dollar Tree tracks of yours? I can't seem to get them greasy enough.
I've seen her in person. She's right outside of Philly in Bensalem, and she is by the far the most hideous creature. Despite the rumors that people think she's form South Philly. Trust me....if she was from South Philly, you'd be able to tell. She's pretty much the definition of white trash.
She's come to my counter a few times, and has given me a hard time, and i've had to call security on her. She's a repeated buyer, returner, and exchanger.
She went to a ghetto-ass "beauty school", and i say that very loosely.....
Notice in her new video she says...'REV-E-LON, and not Revlon.
People like her make Philadelphians seem stupid.
lol @christina she seems like the type to do so. crazy lady imo
WHY ARENT MORE PPL POSTING COMMENTS COME ON!! theres a glittereyes blog post now ppl lets go start talking!
ughhh shes even got the meth sores on her face that you see on those eth before and after pic.
yup this s DEF an after pic of a drug user
damn that pic should be shown to little kids they wont go near drugs after seeing what they could look like afterwards
She always says "I don't have enough money for MAC i need to return this and this.....and can i get CASH back???!?!"
Okay then don't come here and waste my time, go to the Dollar Tree and buy your shit there.
*hits head*
Oi vey.
You all should be thankful you've never come in contact with her.
does she try to return used items too?
FYI, I contacted several companies that supposedly pay her for her reviews today and I've gotten 4 responses back so far; 2 told me they never paid Jenna, they only sent her free products, but will not be in contact with her again in the future, and the other 2 have no idea who she is, aka she bought the products with her own money.
tell us more.... =D
do you work at a clothing store? like does she buy clothes, wear them, and then bring them back in reaking of BO and full of pit stains and want her money back or what?
to those who missed glitter DRIVING HER MINIVAN TO PICK OUT A CHRISTMAS TREE video before she (thought) she deleted it:
Oh god yes.
It's really fucking disgusting actually.
Half used foundations bottles, eye shadows that she hit pan on(from 3 years ago), lipglasses that have exploded all over and are leaking, broken lipsticks....the whole 9 yards.
Oh and she once handed me cash.....
out of her bra.......
In august.......
She "left" her wallet in the car.....
True story.
Thank you for this blog post!
Rofl, is she nude?
I work at a MAC counter, in a local mall.
She's about 15 minutes away from where i work, and is always at the mall. ALL THE TIME!
She thinks the world should revolve around her, and expects to be waited on hand and foot.
She's rude, and uncouth.
i can believe this, she looks like a trailer trash bitch. lol at the video and her playboy purse. who is she kidding
the drugs have really messed up this ladys brain
megen didnt do an ftc disclaimer
hah that company is probably pissed because she didnt even mention the name of the company
11:08 pm
what happened to the video?
why did you reove it? wow did you seriously let that fat bitch scare you into removing it?
Youtube wouldnt have done anything about it ya know. Please put it up I want to see it
uh@12:26 they would have it is invading her privacy downloading her video and uploading it after she deleted it. Its not her video to do with as she/he pleases its glitters.
Im also not fat you cunt unless 102 is fat in your eyes LOL
the most youtube would have done is remove it and it would have taken them a very long time to do so.
TOns of people would have needed to flag the video before youtube would even look at it and even then there is no guarantee they would remove it.
I have seen many videos on youtube that people downloaded and put up after the origional poster deleted the video and they never got removed
What was the video about?
the video just showed glittereyes shopping for a christmas tree with her family, and she zooms in on her car, to show its not a minivan, and she zoomed in on her license plate for some reason, shes brandishing a playboy bunny purse around, and she repeatedly mentioned that the largest tree they were looking at would not fit in their "cardboard box" referring back to this blog, since people say that her home is this and that and she is on welfare so she even gets her kids in on it, and they keep laughing and saying cardboard box, and we live in a box, and mimicking balloon boy saying "we did it for the show" etc etc. all-in-all it was a waste of 8 minutes really.
I sure hope she washes her sweaty hands before touching her kids
lulz playboy bunny purse hehe well I guess its ok to dream even if it will never come true
oohhhh hairy balls.
it's back betches.
she pops the gas tank when her husband tellers her to pop the trunk. ONE TWO THREE. ONE TWO THREE. LULZ.
oh and classy teaching your kids to sing "oh hairy balls" instead of "oh christmas tree"
one. class. act.
playboy bunny purse.
There's no way in a million years she is 27. She looks 37.
Can I correct that to 47? She is a middle-aged frump.
Is that a pimple above her lip? I can't stop loooking at it.
windblown beauty? LMFAO!!!! omg.. made my day!
in glittereye's what's in my purse video she showed her unemployment card.
i know this isn't a molly post, but she once said her full name on twitter when she was having one of her many manic episodes - molly malone. some ppl were asking her last name in the other post. may or may not really be her name, but there you go.
she was kidding. molly malone's is a famous venue in california.
Camille fucks her horse
Camille fucks her horse
Camille fucks her horse
9:26 keep your dirty fantasies to yourself
Camille is a pornstar she fucks animals and loves it.
Do it for the horses camille!
Sticky is the lovechild of camille and her horse there for creating sticky horsefaced tranny.
Hey camille is your vadge torn my love?
Torn vadge is sexy hot
Hey sticky how do you hide that buldge between your legs so well?
Sticky and pat should trade their privates lol
^that doesn't make sense
pats dick is small but sticky has a horse dick
Davey is so fucking hot i want to lick his salty sweaty hairy balls! I bet it tastes like kai's pussy yumm yumm
I like glittereyes.
Kai and david having sex = GAG TIME!
Camille you are my kind of woman. We should go on a date sometime. I have a horse of my own you know;)
Camille loves her horses so much that sh fucks them ok?! Leave her alone it's called unconditional love we can all learn something from her. Why masturbate with toys when you can just fuck your family pet?
fa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra
Beef stick bitches!!!
juicystar is a complete skank my homeboys rode the train on her at this one 4th of july party
Hey sticky did you have a sex chage yet?
designer dick bitches
Kai needs to make a sex tape i love her she is so beautiful.
I wonder if glitter will come and comment here again? lol
Glitter is to busy pleasing your man to comment on here you stupid bitch.
Glittereyes doesn't deserve this shit. The only reason she threatened anyone is because she don't put up with peoples shit. Talking about her kids is where the line was crossed it was all fun and games until some idiots felt the need to comment on her kids.
Penelope fucks camilles horse
someones PMSing
Oh God, that picture just made me throw up in my mouth!
Penelope and camille are lesbians.
Hey penelope how does camille's pussy taste? I suppose like horse dick right?
Whe the hell is penelope?
kai is penelope
Penelope is camille's secret lesbian lover.
Penelope is your mothers name
the red minivan is penelope
Camille wants stick's dick/ vadge. Yes sticky has both she is a very freaky kinda girl.
no she just has a dick. i have seen it.
Sticky and pat have skype sex every friday night.
Sticky how big is your dick darlin?
skype sex + movie theatre butter popcorn = one hell of a friday night!
I love my pink dior dildo.
has sticky got a boyfriend? maybe shes a virgin
Snow makes my puss cooter ooze juicy decadence.
Sticky is far from a virgin. She fucks anyone that will pay attention to her. She fucks her dad's friends too.
puss cooter?
Come on glitterpuss where are you come play :)
Hey glitter i will buy your red van from you? How much you want hun? I will then do a minivan tour and post it:)
sticky fucks her cats
David has a black dick. Sticky would love it.
Sicky fucks stray cats with diseases.
^ Sicky Sticky:)
fat people always have small dicks. even if their dicks are actually big, they look small when surrounded by all their flab.
Rip molly you will be missed we are sorry for the pain you went through hopefully you are in a better place now.
How do you know molly is gone for sure? You don't so drop it. She is gone for now hopefully she gets the help she needs.
glitter i'll give you 150.00 CASH for your red minivan.
you won't get that much anywhere else. that will buy 150 foundations at the dollar barn. 150 bottles is almost enough product to cover that big ol' face of yours. almost. actually, make it 160.00
cash. i'll give you 160.00 for your minivan. that'll take care of a few extra bottles of foundation and cover tax at the dolla den.
for those who haven't seen the video of glittereyes driving her grandma's blue hyundai to the bargain-christmas tree lot.
one two three.
one two three.
hahah even her husband gets annoyed with her.
Hey glitclit i'll give you 180 for the van.
195 for your red van. It should be way more then that because i will have to clean all that nasty cum stained interior inside but i love ya so 195 good for ya dear?
I mean way less lol
Aww cum stains. Can't live with em can't live without em.
Glitter probably won't even go to this new post. She will proabably still got to the balirxx post lol
Dildos are fun times.
This blog blows now bye
Bitch your momma blows
Glittereyes looks like a goddess. She is so beautiful you are all so painfully jealous.
Glitter is so sweet and pretty.
I agree, she is the most beautiful man I have ever seen.
Glitter you should run for the miss america pageant. I really think you have a chance at winning. You have such charm and class.
Glitter you should run for the miss america pageant. I really think you have a chance at winning. You have such charm and class.
You took the words right out of my mouth.
Glitter your mom must be so proud of you and your manners.
Oh hairy balls Oh hairy balls how lovely is your stubble
Oh hairy balls Oh hairy balls how lovely is your stubble
Box tour please!
Ugh hairy balls are the worst! Don't you just hate it when your sucking on a guys balls and you get hair in your mouth AND STUCK IN YOUR TEETH! it really is the absolute worst.
Floss them dirty teeth with that thick strand ball hair bitches!
Floss them dirty teeth with that thick strand ball hair bitches!
where are you my love?
Definite box tour! If your not going to give us a van tour at least show us your lovely box please that you probably got for free at big lots.
Come on we have been so very patient. and look camille evn posted your best picture on this new post. It's the least you can do.
957, why dont you check your fucking facts before you open your mouth, yes? NO ONE said shit about her kids initially, someone mentioned several blog posts ago that some crazy bitch named Glittereyes82 was going to ignore the FTC guidelines and then someone ELSE said that no one wants to see dolla tree hulls. Someone informed Jenna that we were "talking shit" about her in here and she then proceeded to threaten people and harass everyone. It was after the threats that I told her I feel bad for her kids. no ones talking shit about those poor unfortunate kids. Atleast everyone else in here is civil enough to leave those children out of it, since theyre merely victims in this situation, it is JENNA whos threatening peoples animals and saying horrific things about deceased dogs. Classy.
and anon at 1000, i dont really care if shes had rough times in the past, havent we all? doesn't give her the right to make threats and harass people.
Oh did someone hit a nerve camille? Wouldn't it be so horrible if you have kids in the future and they come out slow, retarded ya know like kai? You would feel so horrible now wouldn't you. Well karma is a bitch but revenge is oh so sweet.
camille, i love you.^^
for reals.
glittereyes, we miss you. when are you gonna come pooooost again? you said you'd do a video showing you driving your minivan to go get "dosed" this morning so where is it, lovely?
Aahahahahahaah camille can't have kids. She will never find a man that will be willng to fuck her fugly fatass!
Camille is a fugly man!
Camille is a fugly man!
Camille is a fugly man!
11:03 kai's retardedness is a result of her mommy drinking when she was pregnant
Fugly is such a sexy hot term.
Hey camille quit drinking them wine coolers lol
Camille had an abortion not kai. I know for a fact. Camille didn't want her mom to find out and her boyfriend at the time wanted no part of it.
Camille had an abortion at her third month i believe.
na kai got an abortion fo reelz
pat confirmed it
It's true i'm not lying. We used to be friends but not anymore. I have always checked her youtube and facebook and from there when the scandal broke i found out about this blog. She is a very fucked up person. Camille you should know who this is.
you sound like a stalker
Well then i guess kai and camille have something in common. They both killed their babies, how horrible.
Camille is the stalker! She keeps calling me blocked and hanging up. Go ahead and delete me as a friend off facebook i don't care.
I won't be suprised if you run to go tell my dad but it wont matter my mom already knows about eveything you did so there is no use.
I could never get an abortion but that's just me.
Quit messaging me! You got something to say to me then write it on THIS so everyone here can see what a horrible fake bitch you are! And by the way camille an abortion and miscarriage are two totally different things!
Quit airing your dirty laundry.
LOOK I need to vent aka unknowncritic aka CAMILLE ...jenna had a right to come defend herself. YOu think you are mad brave talking shit behind a computer screen but the moment you got outted you shut this shit down and tried to remove your tarjay haul.
You are nothing more than a coward and a bully.Jenna made a video responding to your foolishness...then you bitches kept it up going to the next level. You wouldnt leave her alone...every blog post talked about her. Then YOU and others talked shit about her children. Calling her baby UGLY.Really? a fucking baby...that low camille even for you.
It seems if its anyone that needs a lesson is class its you camille not jenna. This blog is proof of that!!!
So let me get this talk shit about her jenna then when she defends her self you talk more shit. Jenna snaps on your crazy obsessed ass and then you play victim.Please camille no one feels sorry for you. Im shocked this shit didnt happen sooner. Its so sad that this blog is all you have to show for yourself. Im sure your parents are proud.
Camille doesnt leave all these comments and it wasnt camille who called her kids ugly. God you people are retarded, learn how this blog works.
I am going to work now. I still work at the same place so show up and show me what you supposedly "got for me" then camille. I will air out all your dirty laundry i don't give a shit. Wow i mean i am still in shock about what i am reading here. You have no right to say the shit you have said on here. So go ahead show up or you can just come to my house if you want. It's pretty sad that you are acting childish talking about you got something for me oh really? i wonder what that is well im waiting for you.
Oh and by the way your little best friend or sidekick whatever you want to call him doesn't even like you he told me himself lastnight on the phone so quit getting your hopes up it will never go anywhere.
@11:27 i KNOW HOW THIS SHIT WORKS Im not just blaming camille Im blaming all the people who said shit about jenna's kids INCLUDING camille.
I blame her the most because she made this blog.
Wow more juicy information coming out!!! Ahaha camille what did you do to piss your friend off so much? lol
that's supposed to be logical. blaming someone for something they didn't say. It's not camille's fault there are trolls here who throw random insults at people's children.
tandcmitchells twitter:
"hmm, I wonder why all of a sudden I'm getting people saying "Take your Molly vid down" or "She deleted her acct, are you happy now?" ...."
" @TeapotTV I wish she would at least TRY to cover up the fact that it is her."
she is so in denial, i'd love to see what she says if molly really has killed herself.
Hey camille what is this about your friend? You had an abortion? That's a personal choice but still calling kai on it when you did the same thing? Very hypocritish lol
Tandcmitchell acts like a highschool dropout whose biggest dream is to be married and have children.
Hey camille's friend you still on here? I want to get in contact with you somehow.
anon 11:46 she said she had to go to work.
yeah, and anyone who disagrees with tandcmitchell is immediately disregarded as "molly under another name".
god i fucking hate tandcmitchell.
I hope she comes back later today. I want to discuss some things with her.
Round 2 bitches!!!!
@ anon 11.4): How stupid are you? All these Anons are different people, not Camille.
Camilles friend please air her dirty laundry please! This bitch deserves it! What other shit you got on her let us know.
What is going on here now? i missed a lot.
Molly's dead?
Camille had an abortion?
Glittereyes is even more white trash than we thought before?
What else am I missing?
i hope this blog doesnt get deleted. it has been a source of much hilarity.
^send her stuff about molly ;)
This is too fucking hilarious. Camille are you going to go see your friend?
Anon @ 12:11 That is probably where camille is now.
Camille did you hear the baby screaming like this
Does anyone else notice that whenever little miss baby killer defends herself she starts talking in the 3rd party she s a nut case and seriously i would not be surprised if this whole blog is baby killer and all 37 of her alter egos ...sheman is nuts yall ex sample @ 11:27
You people are gullible.
MMMMMMMMMINI van tour please jennifer olli.
minivan or box tour. your choice.
Ahh see the beauty of this blog is that anyone can post anything and pretend to be anyone. If his anon person is supposedly friends with me (which they clearly have no idea who I am) lets start with some names, eh? Who are the other people I hang out with? Oh yeahhh, you don't know, you're just in here to start drama. Guys, make up your minds, seriously, first you say no one would fuck me and then you say I've had an abortion? Too bad I've never been pregnant. I'd gladly give you the name of my doctors and they can confirm it for you :D if this person who claims they know me, come on, lets have some names? Where did we go to high school? Until you can provide me with that, you have nothing.
Sticky and Camille are about the nastiest people around
Hell is just waiting for them!!!!
Please Please air her dirty laundry out. She so deserves it.
You know who I am ,I just gave GlitterJugs your information.
: ( And she blocked me
Guys even if this friend of hers is telling the truth camille will flat out deny it. All camille does is talk shit and be two faced and accuse others but when the finger is pointed at her she tries to act all superior and so much better than anybody and denies anything and everything. Camille dear you are the one with the problems and you are the one that needs the most help.
Camille, noone has any dirt on you. they are trying to scare you. anyone can claim they know Camille in real life and that they have juicy dirt, but there's nothing to back it up bc it's a lie.
I agree with the comment above 100 percent.
I was refering to 2:24
Kinda like the people who come here and claim kai had an abortion but have no proof right?
Camille stop talking to yourself again.
You stupid idiots her friend said she had to work. I'm sure she will be back with answers so wait.
Yeah I'm a stupid idiot because I don't believe an ANONYMOUS PERSON who came on a HATE BLOG to CLAIM to know shit about someone.
YOU are the idiot, my friend.
alright dipshit, if you know me so fucking well, why havent answered my questions? What are some of my friends names? Where did I go to high school? you know shit. sorry hun.
Yes, clearly I sit here all day talking about myself in the 3rd person because no one else would stand up for me. Just like every single negative comment here is from jenna. See how fucking stupid that sounds?
i followed tandcmitchell for a week on twitter and had to unfollow. she acts like she is better than everyone else. her and her friends are a bunch of nobodies that gang up on people
Who's Jenna? I love your name!!
I'm not as stupid as Getto Girl82, I not going to be at my home when I threaten anyone. Just know we will be acquainted soon just remember that giddy up cowboy yeeeeeehaaaaaa
OH NO looks like someone struck a nerve huh camille? ahaha karmas a BITCH. If your rusty old vagina can still have children we know they will all be future kailyns.
Camille did you go see your friend at work or what?
yeah anon 257, stupidity pisses me off. I dont really consider all this shit happening Karma, everything in my REAL life is perfect :D but thanksss for your concern. but of course no one would know that because no one here knows me in REAL life.
Seriously camille it is so obvious that you pretend to be different people on this blog it really is a pathetic thing and an actual problem. Do you have multiple personalities? If so you really should see a doctor for that.
Camille if your real life was so perfect then you wouldn't feel the need to make a hate blog and be so dedicated to it. Just the fact that you said your life is perfect means you are hiding so much more then that.
Yea no ones life is perfect you are so full of shit.
Oh you funny little stupid pathetic camille I almost feel sorry for your ugly ass.
Camille why are you so fucking ugly? The guys you get with must be so desperate. No wonder your baby daddy didn't want anything to do with you.
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