Earlier on the left, more recent on the right. You decide.
It also seems like Lorraine has some sort of weird fetish with younger boys. She claims to be 24 years old but it's not uncommon to see her with boys that are a little closer to 18 years. In one particular drunken blogTV, she featured a couple of half naked18 year old boys;
Cougar status.
On a personal note, in the first video of hers I had ever watched, her convenient camera angle made it very apparent right away that her boobs are likely fake. I don't care, I have nothing against boob jobs, but looking at the comments, I noticed several people were asking her questions like "how do you get your boobs to look so nice?" and since she would probably never answer, I answered one with "plastic surgery". After Lorraine saw this, she freaked the fuck out, deleted my comment, blocked me, and left me several rude comments on my channel. Uh, if you don't want people to ask you about your boob job, don't constantly put it on display for the world to see.
She's also been on the crazy fruit diet for months. While yes, fruit is essential and very healthy, eating exclusively fruit for months on end is NOT healthy, and I'm not sure if it really works as a weight loss, anyway..
I definietly would never call Lorraine fat, but..
Anyway, there are several other reasons that people tend to get annoyed with her, like her constant pushing of her family store's overpriced chain necklaces, her inability to differentiate between "your" and "you're" (as seen in a recent rude reply to a subscriber), and her overall arrogant attitude. So what do you guys think about her?
1 – 200 of 1843 Newer› Newest»omg she is so fuckin ugly!
first yay!!
Right on the money! You nailed it again!
definietly had a brow lift. look at how surprised she looks in the "after" shot
i like her. she may not be the most attractive person, but i find her amusing.
She's a superficial moron, enough said.
what about the boyfriend, constant trips to starbucks, buying bullshit to make up for her shitty life with no friends? oh lorrainypie
i hate this bitch and this post!
where is the post on smellen and her afartment??????
The thing I dislike about the Current Cunt is how she likes to put people down if they don't buy higher end name brand things. Like how she said Guess and Fossil had knock offs of her Chanel watch. Like they were some shit brand because theirs didn't cost thousands of dollars.
your just jealous if you dont like her dont watch dumbassssssssss yeah ok just do us all a favor and unsubscribe to lorraine cause there are people who love lorraine and they will find out about this post and i will send them here to start a fight and youre goin down! loser i cant believe you would right this about sweet little lorraine she is soo nice shes practicely my youtube big sister!
no one cares about ellen and her apartment haha. few people outside this blog dont even know who she is, shes hardly work an entire post.
Let's not forget this: http://glimmerglossglow.com/live/archives/333
Q: What is your dream career?
I want to be an Heiress, like Paris. Really be famous for nothing, but then make more money just on image alone.
I've never been subscribed to her hun :) and please, bring it on. There are many more Blair and Elle minions in the world than their are Lorraine supporters, I'm not really concerned.
FUCK SMELLEN! She doesn't deserve a post, the day she gets a whole post to herself would be the best day of her life. SO FUCK NO TO A SMELLEN POST, I'm not making her smelly dreams come true.
Q: What is the most money you have ever spent on one haul?
Cosmetics Haul I would say $450.
Q: Do you ever have buyers remorse for spending all of your hard earned money on products?
I do, but only when I go to the drugstore and buy makeup there. Because I know that I will never use it.
So you don't feel remorse about dropping $450 on makeup you probably never used more than once or twice... But god forbid, you spend $10 at a Drugstore and feel remorse over it. That makes sense, Lorraine.
hey i need to vent whats with that weird picture is that you wow honey big nose much instead of spending hours righting a post on elle and blairs nose job (which is probly not even true anyways hahahaha) maybe you should be getting one for yourself oooh burnn! well hun that pic is so unfortunit if your gonna be righting a blog making fun of lorraines looks plz make sure you look good first! thanks bye!
@11:43 STFU and GTFO. Why are you even here, it's called the unknowncritic for a reason dumb ass!
Your spelling is unfortunate.
1149 are you blind? obviously your opinion is horseshit if you seriously think elle and blair DIDN'T have a nose job. its so fucking obviously. isn't it past your bed time, little girl?
obvious *
how old are you sweetie? 10?
stay in school, kids!
But hey, why stay in school when you can get a nose job and be thuper famous on Youtube! Just like her idol Blair.
oh ya, true! when i have kids, i think ill start forcing them to make YT vids when theyre like.. 3? you know, to appeal to all the pedos out there, and then they'll be making so much money, they wont even have to go to middle school! LULZ
Lorraine is a wannabe Lindsey Lohan/ Paris Hilton. She doesn't want to do shit with her life but spend mommy's and daddy's money.
my first impression of lorraine was seeing what a sad woman she is, i get that she has a "sarcastic" sense of humor but she can't use that as her defense to why she has such a nasty personality.
whatever happen to clay, that college kid she was hooking up with?
Lorraine said in the comments on one of her Vlogs that she dumped Clay.
did she say why?
Not that I saw. Someone just asked what happened with Clay and she said "I dumped him."
clay was just using her to get his music out there
I think Clay was using Lorraine, did you notice how he would pimp out his music on her page and his itunes. Plus he never came to see her, she would always go see him. I don't think she dumped him, I think he dumped her.
he probably dumped her because she's old.
@12:13 you beat me to the punch! Lol
2 hours ago
@PBpeanutbutter I have been loosing weight I go to curves 3 times a week and workout for 45 mins and i'm eating healthy! every moring I weigh myself and the numbers keep going down!
Angellllaaaaa... I see you :)
I seriously feel bad for Lorraine, I like Debbie but I blame her most of all for why Lorraine is so fucked up. Debbie should have raised her better, Lorraine really has nothing going for her. She's 24 living off her parents money, no friends, no bf, no life all she has is stuff. Now she's starting to hang out with Tiffany D, oh Lorraine your life just keeps getting sadder and sadder.
Yay! You took my advice! You look SO pretty!
Well look what the cat dragged in.
Never really watched Lorraine (maybe like a video or two) and not interested. She seems so bland from what I've seen/heard.
Sorry, but I still love Lorraine. I don't care if she's had anything done. I love her personality and it really irritates me that people keep using that camera scenario. She was joking! It's called being sarcastic.
I'm not gonna be posting much on this blog entry.
I love Lorraine.
You're not even supposed to weigh yourself every single day. That can become addictive and depressing.
You love her shallow personality? Awesome. That says a lot about what kind of person you are as well.
She's chubby.
Gosh she's back wannabe Lorraine aka Brittany, go away no one cares. We get it you love Lorraine more like your in love with Lorraine.
12:36 It's fairly productive to weigh yourself everyday actually. If you're constantly burning more calories than consuming the numbers should go down.
Kai should just wear jeans and t-shirts. That other shit she wears makes her look like a fucking hot air balloon.
Well if you can lose a pound everyday then go right ahead and weigh yourself every morning. Not me.
We should get Kai on What Not to Wear.
And I guarantee it would be the best episode ever.
holy weightloss, is she anorexic or something, because that does not look natural.
also - kai's new hair looks like peppermint patty.
Kristen, that is seriously the best fucking idea ever. Let's call in.
I think it's ridiculous to keep calling me a wannabe. I'm sure there is atleast one Youtuber you love.
Kai on that show would be absolutely epic. I'd love to see them go through her wardrobe and lol at it.
Haha, no matter what the post is about, it always come back to Kai.
On that show they make you throw shit out. Kai would flip the fuck out if they made her throw something away. She'd throw a temper tantrum.
However, I don't know if they actually get rid of other people's things. They probably give it back after taping the show.
I like a lot of Youtubers but I wouldn't sit there for hours to defend them, just saying. You kind of act like Lorraine is a saint that can do no wrong. If she ran over someones dog, you'd probably find a way to excuse her for it. Basically, you're a stan.
I don't act like she is a saint. She is just my favorite. I'm entitled to like someone. Geeze.
go suck lorraine's dick elsewhere.
no one cared the first time, seriously you just keep digging yourself a hole
and that would be amazing, aki on what not to wear. golden.
Why has everyone gotten so into fighting with each other lately?
@12:42 Yeah there are a couple of Youtubers I like such as Lollipop26, and Emilynoel83, but you seem completely obsessed with her. You "love" her you don't even know her, your a real creep.
@12:38 actually, it's really really not "productive" to weigh yourself everyday at all.
Your weight goes up and down daily depending on what you eat and what you do, and if you're a female, how your hormones are werkin at that time of the month. You may weigh yourself one day and find you've gained or lost 3 lbs since the day before, but most of the time that's just the addition of or loss of water weight.
You shouldn't lose more than a few lbs a week, anyway--say, 3 lbs at the most--since it takes like uhhh 5000 calories or something? To lose a pound of fat.
Weighing yourself everyday and obsessing over the number on the scale every day is actually a sign of some eating disorders.
That's not to say you can't weigh yourself everyday--I do it, too, after all--but you really can't take the number to heart. Weighing yourself once a week is what people recommend most, and that's a more accurate way to gauge weight loss. Weighing yourself everyday CAN help you with determining what foods you should eat more (IE less salty shit) and if perhaps you should drink more water.
GTFO PEDO PAT. It's obvious its you causing all of the trouble here lately.
@Brittany- you're purdy =)
Wow, when I say "love," it doesn't go beyond YouTube. Accusing it of anything else is just retarded.
thank you. :)
you defend lorraine like no other, but if you think about it? what good has lorraine done, as stated again and again she's just a disgusting person with nothing going for her. she is not a saint and you can't make anyone have an ephihany and like her, when the real evidence on her has shown her true colors. you are too caught up on the fake image she puts up. when in reality if she met someone like you, she wouldn't give a shit.
@12:45 I'm pretty sure what not to wear donates it to shelters for women... either that or, you can send/donate old clothing to recycling factories that turn it into insulation and stuff like that.
So the clothing isn't totally wasted. :)
I am not trying to give anyone an epiphany. I'm just commenting on the current blog post. Also,
yes I do like what I see on camera. That's the whole point, right? I'm not thinking about meeting her and am sure I never will. So I don't really see why it matters if I defend her or not.
Go masturbate to Lorraine somewhere else. We get it your in love with her, she's your God that could do no wrong, and you want to be just like her one day. That's great now FUCK OFF!
Never said that, 12:53, I don't know why you're getting so angry. Haha.
"GTFO PEDO PAT. It's obvious its you causing all of the trouble here lately.
@Brittany- you're purdy =)"
Why don't you STFU? It's getting annoying when people assume they're Pat/Jenna/Torok/Fatnat/Mama Wilcher/etc just because they disagree with their comments. If the best you can do is call people Pat, GTFO. You're as annoying as he is and probably just as fat.
RoyalBarbie? you are superficial just like lorraine. no one wonder you're so in love.
it's and just so you know it's not the fact that you're defending her, you're entitled to like her or not like her, you can have that. but it's annoying when you come her and take every comment and turn it around into how awesome lorraine is
so, what happened to not commenting much on this entry? we got that you love lorraine from the huge novels you left on the other post.
Haha, I don't know why everyone is jumping down my throat. This is ridiculous.
Brittany your really pathetic, your like that loser in high school who tries to defend the bitch cheerleader because she wants to be just like her. Grow a pair and take off those rose colored glasses. Lorraine is a failed Paris Hilton/ Lindsey Lohan with no future and no friends.
Captcha- SNEST. Smellen lives in a shits nest.
Because no one likes a stan. It would be different if you could at least partly admit some of Lorraines faults or be reasonable.
Whatever you say, Anon.
stop acting like the victim and you're just giving an honest opinion, you know that's not the case. I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but defending lorraine because you wish you could be her isn't getting you anywhere. it's so desperate.
I really just don't see any faults, or else I would.
Yes, she does look very different than her original picture (in the first ones on this post.)
Yes, she buys A LOT.
Yes, I see what you mean about how she says things or come across -- but I ALWAYS watch knowing she is going to talk with sarcasm.
I would say YOU'RE the loser when you don't even know which form of your/you're to use.
Yeah lulz, you're not being attacked for no reason. You were being really creepy/obsessive over Lorraine on the other post.
I don't see how pointing things out and debating was creepy, and anyone who has watched her 128 day in the life videos, could be called a little obsessed. But okay.
yeah, please just stop. seriously, it's getting ridiculous.
Fair enough.
I only started coming here for the Kai lulz.
it's not debating, you're just professing your love for lorraine.
this is what you're doing (hypothetical situation)
anon: lorraine is such a superfical bitch, those fake tits will never make up for her face
brittany: actually lorraine's face is not ugly, it's quite beautiful. you guys don't know she has soooooo much going for her, lorraine is cute, funny, and her body is so sexxy. i would totally fuck her! she's perfect, not faults whatsoever. I love lorraine, you're WRONG WRONG WRONGGGG, who cares if she buys shit, lorraine is the best I'm just like her
Royal Barbie TM LMAO are you serious. Now you've trade marking that name wow, I see why you love Lorraine so much you're just as vein and pathetic. Neither of you will ever be Barbie so get over that dream and get an education.
Uhmm..I didn't say anything about how beautiful she was or anything to that effect. You're blowing this way out of proportion and I'm done now.
Actually, 1:09, I'm in college. Thanks though. :)
Bye Brittany you will not be missed and hopefully we never see you again. Good riddance!
Finally a post on this butterface. I only watched one video and that is all it took for me to dislike her. How the fuck do people like her? They must be just as materialistic and arrogant as her. The video I saw was the one where she shoved her foot against her car door into someone's car. It just shows how much of a piece of shit she is.
no, I think you are Brittany.
"Sorry, but I still love Lorraine. I don't care if she's had anything done. I love her personality and it really irritates me that people keep using that camera scenario. She was joking! It's called being sarcastic."
"I'm sorry, but I see no comparison between Kai and Lorraine...
none whatsoever."
so stupid.
"Fashion wise I mean. I like her style and how comfortable she is with her body and how if she doesn't like it, she tries to change it. I loved the "glitter nail," even though I know she got inspired by someone else in the beauty community.
It's little things like that. The things that the beauty community on Youtube are supposed to be about."
lorraine has changed the world!
"I love Lorraine and I cringe when she is made fun of or when people pick at her...She works for her money, yes, it's at her parents store, but it's money she earns. I know if my parents owned a store I would definitely have my fair share of free items from it and I would want to be paid if I was doing the orders and such. Lorraine actually has a brain and she shows that quite often. She drives, has a great sense of fashion and is just a really interesting person. I have been influenced by her in many ways and plan to buy her popular chain necklace very soon. Kai's fashion sense is horrible, she DOES live off her parents money, she can't drive and she is the dumbest person I think I've ever seen on Youtube.
So please, don't bash Lorraine because she actually has stuff going for her. Kai doesn't and probably never will."
I thought I would show you what you actually say so you can see how ridiculous you sound
Piggie, what video was that?
I have no idea 1:14 someone linked it a while back. It was one of her vlogs apparently.
@1:12 The school of stalking/ obsession is not a college. Now go write in your diary about how your life is incomplete with out Lorraine.
"your just jealous if you dont like her dont watch dumbassssssssss yeah ok just do us all a favor and unsubscribe to lorraine cause there are people who love lorraine and they will find out about this post and i will send them here to start a fight and youre goin down! loser i cant believe you would right this about sweet little lorraine she is soo nice shes practicely my youtube big sister!"
yeah I can tell you'RE related, seriously how can ppl still fuck up your and YOU'RE!!!???!??! UGH
@1:13 Wow did she really say all those things? Someone seems a little to obsessed.
holy shit on another note, Irene's latest video is as annoying as ever lol
"The video I saw was the one where she shoved her foot against her car door into someone's car."
I saw that video too. She was getting out of the car and it looked like she intentionally kicked her door into the other car. She didn't even care. If I saw her butterface do that to my car, she'd get her fucking block knocked off and she'd pay for my paint job.
directly copied and pasted from the other post where she wrote novels trying to show what hot shit lorraine is. it is obsessive and she's trying to make us look like the bad guys ganging up on her when really she is a complete stan and wants to be like lorraine in every aspect, straight down to her ugly personality
11:18 Yeah, she did lol. She was stanning Lorraine for hours and leaving comments that took up half the page. If you scroll back on the old comment, she was being creepy.
*Old post I mean. I'm tired lulz, that's my cue to go to bed. Goodnight everywan, love you bitches <3
@1:22 and 1:23 Thanks for letting me know. Wow and I only thought it was Lisa and Elizabeth's cult followers that were naive and brainwashed. Now we know Lorraine has some too, I'm waiting for the rest to come out of the woodworks.
oh brittany will be back, it's clear she can't get enough of lorraine. even the other night she was like "i'm done, i'm just giving my opinion" but then ridiculed every comment that didn't give the utmost praise to lorraine.
one day brittany and the other minions will know though. especially when the garoos stop making videos to get famous. they really just don't give a shit
I like Lorraine and I do think her life is interesting, but based on her hundreds of videos we can pretty much deduce that most of her existence is organized around acquiring totally unnecessary consumer goods and trying to keep herself thin on very dangerous "cleanses" that last months at a time. If she couldn't shop anymore I think that she would have some serious emotional problems. I do like her wit and sarcasm and I would like to hear what she has to say on topics other than shopping, clothes, makeup, beauty, exercise and diets.
oh please, they were so obviously joking about the expensive camera thing. i don't even watch her videos very often and i could tell. come on, there are SO many things to rag on her for.
wazz up bitches?
word verification: cheatin
Lorraine probably dumped clay cause he was cheatin
it's so annoying to hear kai try to pronounce different. differnt.
I th'o't Lorraine iz uh lovely biotch. ya asshats gots nahh class an' cannot see da beauty in dis here child . shudt up youz. -Mazie
kai iz uh numbskul. She drewels on her leggos. Her teef resemble muh ma fuckin mommas summer sweet corn. wheeeoh yellow as piss. I calls har corntoof kai. you know das right! LMAO
dis here iz Mazie. I love ya all dis here blog iz lovely
ya'll is mad stupid.
where did ya ladies jet? ya all afraid o' uh fine black biotch?
Jesus, there's been a lot of troll vs. troll action going on lately. Calm down bitchesss, were supposed to be hating on the goohroos not each udderr!
Megan's new "disclaimer" is so retarded. She's basically admitting she's not creative and a terrible makeup guru.
"All of my looks will be natural & simple, I do not like wearing crazy, outrageous makeup. I will never do a look that I wouldn't wear myself"
Because I'm sure all the other makeup gurus are walking outside with bright rainbow makeup on, that's why they did the look, not to just have fun and be creative.
The funny thing is Lorraine said on so many different ocassions that she was 28 and now for some odd reason is claiming to be 24??? Why? She clearly looks 28 or i would say in her mid 30's nothing wrong w/ that but lying about ones age. Is just pointless it ages you 10 years LOL.
Another thing is that her BooBs (job) well i'm sorry but we know they're fake and sag.
butterface's mother also has said and so has Lorraine that she never finished anything she ever started...Hence beauty school drop out and from what Lorraine says she went to school for retail/buisness and dropped out of that as well. Her mother said on a vlog that she spent all this money and Lorraine did nothing? WOW Lorraine you set your goals so high!
And everyone look at her mother OMG this woman should never be on camera she's hideous. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.
They're $14.75 per 1.5ft and you'll have to find a clasp on your own...but it's the exact same thing as the Lisa Taubes chain for a lot less!! :)
just in case anyone wants the lisa taubes necklace
a person left a msg on some youtube vid telling tht they found the Exact necklace n left a msg on lorraines page, she deleted tht comment
The only good thing i have to say about lorraine is that she doesnt do sponsored videos and she actually buys the contest prices for her chanel. shes given away hundreds if not a thousand dollars worth of prizes. look at blair she makes wayy more than loraine and all shes given away is a freakin tshirt lol.
that aside, i do think lorraine is superficial and self obesssed. and i wish she would just admit she has fake boobs, i dont find her funny as her sarcastic personality is tiring and all her videos are the basically the same!
i personally think lorraine is very insecure and lonely even if shes says otherwise. i feel sorry for her. material things cant make up for people, in time lorraine will realise that.
thats bonanzale link doest work!
I love Lorraine this is such a dumb reason for a post. She likes expensive things? oooh how scandalous.
Lorraine is at least is herself and doesn't put on a fake attitude for youtube or sell out by promoting every company that contacts her.
She looks gorgeous in the last picture like a barbie <3 love you Lorraine.
^^barbie is plastic.
so yes. i agree with you right thurr. ;)
(botox, much?)
she looks just like the joker from batman. especially when she smiles. now it makes sense why she says she never likes to smile.
Well whatever Lorraine had done to her face it has worked great!
She looks much better now then she did years ago in that first picture.
And in the last blonde picture she really looks gorgeous.
Lorraine has a unique personality and isn't afraid to be herself she has nothing to hide.
i need a good quality blow dryer, any recommendations?
I can't watch Lorraine's beauty videos, but I really like her vlog channel for some reason. It entertains me somehow, but I think I unsubscribed because I can only take so much of her talking.
I wouldn't say that I particularly dislike her, though. There are many more gahroos that annoy me much more.
Girl get off her jock. It's a tad creepy.
And lorraine not a sellout? really? have you watched any of her day in the life videos? In which she pushes all this expensive crap onto her viewers? Her mother's store is cheap.
So i dont get what the hell you're on sweetie but it's not making you come off as sane doll!
Why do people defend these idiot gurus with their lives? As if Lorraine or anyother guru would give a shit? Lorraine would call you fucking weird and act like she's above you!
Stop frontin!
I don't really have a problem with her. She actually HAS said that she's had a boob job before, I just think she doesn't want to keep repeating it. She's always been friendly to me when I've asked her questions so I have no issues with her. Yeah, it's annoying how her vlogs are just pimping out her store, but I can't really blame her for that. If that was my primary source of income I'd do the same thing.
plastic titties are no no!!
if your gunna have a chanel called the current BOOBIES you should atleast admit your fake beach ball tits are fake rather than say its a good bra and get angry at anyone who says otherwise.
and whoever said she looked like the joker when she smiles is SO RIGHT OMG
I only watched one of her videos, and she kept repeating the colors and pointing to them like we're all idiotic, when she's the one who is the idiot.
when she does her outfit of the day she spends time explaining what jewlery she is wearing when it's the exact same as the previous 129 days...she is retarded
and sure she says she is sarcastic...we all can be sarcastic. but why is she sarcastic 100% of the time in every vlog. that must get tiring.
she calls her self lorrainey pie. that is enough reason to hate her.
i wouldnt care so much if she was gorgeous but shes so fug you feel sorry for her when she tries to act like shes hot shit
i used to like her on her currentcustom chanel but her currentboobies chanel is so dull. it's painful to watch. who has actually watched the whole 100 + vids because i couldnt make it past like 30 before i realised that i hated this girl and she was the most spoilt and unappreciative girl i'd ever watched.
when she was blonde she looked around 40. the red hair suited her best made her look much younger.
i wonder what will happen if lorraine sees this article loooool
who cares really? lorraine isnt god
I watched one video of Lorraine's and I couldn't stand her. She just seemed so superficial and materialistic and arrogant. That was my first impression so I never subscribed to her and I never watched her again.
And I always feel so sorry for the gahroos who do not have any friends or any life outside of going out and buying things, and by the looks of Lorraine that's all she does. That's a sad, lonely way to live your life. I even feel sorry for the QVC sisters because they have NO friends. Even the other youtube gahroos dislike them. Why would anybody want to live this life without any companionship? It's like they are buying expensive things and showing it off in order to compensate for being and feeling totally alone. How sad:(
Maybe MAYBE people can say she has a good body because she has a (botched) boob job and isn't fat, but holy god her FACE. She looks like a 50 year old trying to return to their younger year and failing miserably. Her face is seriously DISGUSTING, idk if she paid for it to look that bad, or if she just hit every branch of the ugly tree on the way down at birth. BUSTED.
does it work now?
do be honest i feel sorry for lorraine she is a sweet person
has anyone noticed the drama going on with the glassslipperbeauty, smokeypinkleopard, missglamorazzi, outfitters08, 00neill etc; clique shit? i just kind of found out about it. I always thought they were spoiled, fake, bitchy little lizzy and lisa prodigies but I didn't know they were fake to this big of an extent. apparently they're excluding this girl cici from their little clique. it's kid drama but it's true. future extensions to elle and blair. smokeypinkleopard is already fake and tries to pimp sigma and review random shitty stuff. glassslipperbeauty and everyone else is just as bad.
here's the video:
Even thou I know she has probably had plastic done, shes always been one of my favs and this is the one person youve posted about who i actually like. 90% of the time her materialistic attitude is pure sarcasm, and i admit she isnt very smart. Her family has money, and anyone who doesnt know that must be retarded. And I see nothing wrong with her promoting her moms store, were in a recession for gods sake, so you cant blame her. Anyway I love Lorraine as she is the ONE big guru who hasnt sold out to companies and done reviews on their shitty products
Do we really need another room tour from Blair? Has her room changed at all since the last one, except maybe she moved some furniture around.
The only room tour I want to see from her is when she announces her move to LA and she shows her appartment there.
smokeypinkleopard/glassslipperbeauty/etc are all so stupid. just because you dabble in your mom's makeup, does NOT mean you are a "guru".
Not everyone on here is creepy obsessive. Almost all of us think its wrong to post personal stuff such as addresses and phone numbers online.
lorraine's brother is so fucking hot unf unf
yeah, we are in a recession, so people can't afford to spend $150 or however much her lisa taubez chains are on something that you can get a knockoff of at wal mart. flaunting money in a recession isn't smart, it alienates you from everyone else.
i watch lorraine's videos out of habit, in case something different or interesting will happen. and it's 10 minutes of my day, i can spare it.
glassslipperbeauty is one of the most stuck up gahroos i've watched. she and smokeypinkleopard just try to kiss ass to the top. they'll only talk to people who can get them more subs. complete elle and blair wannabes. it's nasty
Oh yeah because shoving your car door into someone's car is complete sarcasm. And, don't assume that all of us are fucked up stalkers when we aren't. I completely agree that some people take it too far but that doesn't mean we all do.
meghanheartsmakeup blocked me because i commented about her wonky eye :)
stickman isnt gonna be happy when she reads this hahahaha
i can't wait to hear about this post in lorraine's day in the lifee tonight!
Lorraine is okay, but her mom is a bitch.
Did anyone else notice that in glassslipperbeauty's winner video the winner's account was made the same day as the video was put. Kinda fishy to me...
stickman is always on the blog. i'm surprised he didn't rage about this seeing as tranny's stick together.
I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty sure the Glassslipperbeauty's contest is complete bullshit the "winner" not only account was made that same day. They only commented once and their comment is still on the first page. Random.org would NOT choose a number that close. Bitch made it all up.
Oh yeah because shoving your car door into someone's car is complete sarcasm.
plz link the vid i want to see this@_@
that's totally shady.
only friend is glassslipperbeauty too. sounds like something she would do, it's only about looking good for her, not subscribers.
And not to mention they winner didn't even follow her rules. They just put "enter me" not what they wanted to win from mac. bullshit? yeah.
total bullshit, how do people even fall for that? we need to bust her ass
we need people to call her out on it. let's do this. anyone with me?
did lorraine ever announce the winners for that contest she did? i remember back when i first started watching, she mentioned buying stuff for a contest but i've never seen an announcement in like a year that i've been watching her
I'll do it. I mention something a couple hours ago before I fully looked into it and she quickly jumped and commented back trying to save her ass. Let me get on my sock accounts. You should see some spam in a few minutes. ;)
i'm doing it too
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCurrentBoobies?feature=chclk#p/u/88/T0wdjlIL8i0 to the anon who asked..there you go.
Glassslipperbeauty is a typical spoiled brat. I had to unsubscribe after watching her Easter haul vide. She was so ungrateful about everything she got. I really hope her parents never watched that video, she was completely rude. She got A LOT of hate on that video, even her loyal subscribers called her out. She made another video in response, saying that she "can't help if she looks rich" WOW WHAT?
LOL i HATE smokeypinkleopard..urgh, everything about her irritates me
i'm procrastinating by watching old guru videos and holy shit dulcecandy's closet tour? who needs that much shit?! she has more clothes in there than h&m, and it was so disorganised i just wanted to push her out and clean it up for her.
their whole little clique is spoiled brats who aspire to get famous on youtube. glassslipperbeauty and smokeypinkleopard are so pretentious.
I hope more people catch on join in. Bitch deserves this.
@ 955 I just watched the Easter haul video from glassslipperbeauty and I didn't see what was so bad about it?
lolz @ that person who came here and threatened to sue because people were posting that candid photo of lorraine. well, now the photo is on the front page of this blog, suck on that ;)
I just left a comment on GlassShitterFugly's video - I'm unkn0wnreader. :)
what does everyone think of strawbezzi..?
Can we flag GlassShitterFugly's video and get YT to pull it? She's a piece of shit.
Flag her video for Spam > Scams/Fraud. Dumb bitch deserves it.
It's a quarter after one, Allie's a cunt and her contest sucks.
I was in Lorraine's parents store back in the spring, on a Saturday. The island was packed, yet their store was completely empty haha I see why she has to push those shitty necklaces on subscribers. They're the only ones stupid enough to buy them.
"i wasn't super excited to get this...."
"i got this brush.. eh, another brush i guess that's nice.."
"i would've been over the moon about this like a few years ago if i had gotten this... but you know, now i kinda know like this probably isn't the best quality"
Yeah, she sounds excited about the gifts she got.
Where is Lorraine's parents store??
the store looks so trashy, like some thrift store you have to rummage around to find something good off the floor. and she brings her dog to work and he pees on the floor. gross.
the store is also a huge mess in every single video we see. i wouldnt want to shop there
i posted comments on cici's video, rubenesquex3, and some girl named tiahope94 because they made videos about it.
@1028 Yeah now that you point those out I am starting to notice...I've just never even heard of her before so I've never seen any of her videos!
i agree! the store is such a mess and it's always empty. If I was ever in there and saw people on the floor doing orders and stuff I wouldnt want to be there
Does anyone know a video where I can see the store? I don't follow Lorraine, just seen a few of her videos, so I don't think I've ever seen it.
I'm actually not sure how I feel about Lorraine, I watch her videos and I enjoy them but I don't feel anything that strongly for or against her.
But I do feel bad for her, she has like no friends. Not even people that pity her and hang out with her.
She doesn't show it much in the videos. It wasn't messy, but everything is outrageously priced. And they sold some pretty weird shit. It's in Sarasota, Fl on St. Armands Circle.
Hello, everywwaaaaaaaaaan. What's happening? I am off work today, whoohoo!
Looks like more of Allie's subscribers are catching on. ;)
What the name of Lorraine's parents store?
glassslipperbeauty totally made up that account that "won" her contest..
the about section on that channel:
"i love makeup this is my new channel i had one for a long time but i didn't like the user name so this is my new one i hope you like it"
notice how its typed in exactly the same retarded way that allie types;
"i hope you all like the next giveaway i am so excited for it and i know you will all love it"
glassslipperbeauty YOU SUCK.
exit art is the name of the stores. there is 3 of them.
I think Kalel might have inspiried Kai to get side-swept bangs!
Right after Kalel's video went up Kai ran off to get bangs. I remember watching Kai's ~new~ video the same time as Kalel's, then later on I saw Kai's new video about her bangs. I thought it was the same video at first but it was Kai talking about her bangs. Mama Wilcher prob gave Kai bangs after she saw Kalel's video.
And let's be honest, Kai wouldn't know to call them "side swept bangs" on her own.
GlassShitterTurdy is a cunt.
this will get good once allie gets home and sees everything that's gone on while she was at school. i'm sure she'll be a complete bitch, just like she was in the video she made addressing the hate she got for the easter haul.
Noone loves herself more than kai!!
Ewww what is wrong with glassslipperbeauty's hand!?! Its like deformed. In this vid pause at 3:20!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41HyOjaL8Iw&playnext_from=TL&videos=20VDn6ZQNVs
Baha. I know. I'm preparing for a bunch of these comments being deleted and a video saying "I didn't fake it! BLAH BLAH BLAH! It's a true contest!" at least a lot of her subscribers are seeing this now. Hopefully youtube will respond and take down the video.
How old is glassslipperbeauty?
Ewww glassslipperbeauty's pinky makes me want to puke http://i46.tinypic.com/197fa8.jpg
hola cunts
If someone blocks you on Facebook, and then you log off your account and sign into a different one, can you see their profile? It's urgent guys
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