Alright, so many of you have been asking for a post on Irene aka pinkiecharm. Certainly an interesting topic. So basically, all that Irene does is review shit online. A LOT of shit. What makes her qualified to review makeup? I'll never know, seeing as as far as I can tell, she doesn't wear enough. HOWEVER, *apparently* MAC and Stila send her free products to review. Whaaattt the fuckkkkk, MAC?! Although people say its been confirmed and blah blah, I STILL refuse to believe that MAC would send free products to someone who doesn't even do tutorials and who barely has 30,000 subscribers. Besides the MAC and Stila, she definietly doesn't receive everything she reviews for free. I don't believe she works.. although I do believe she has sued/is in the process of suing Applebees for falling and hurting herself. HAH.
But lets pretend for a sick second that Irene does in fact receive free products from MAC. She is frequently on Makeup Alley swapping all of this makeup that she's supposedly gotten for free:
Several things are listed as new, still in the box... how did she adequately review this stuff if she didn't even touch it? Classy.
And besides all of this, shes just a bitch in general. "I'm not google, look it up yourself." STFU, you obviously had the time to respond so rudely, it would have taken you just as much time to, oh i dont know, ANSWER their question. She also decided to block EVERYONE that follows her and sticky on twitter (sticky has over 1000 followers) and when asked why, she sent out some BS letter about how she couldn't have people that followed sticky also following her. ooookay, irene.
full size makeupalley pic: