- Elizablair has an agent
- Elizablair recently spent a week in LA and was supposedly extremely busy the entire time
- Elizablair is moving to LA soon
- Elizablair has been recently working out with a trainer quite frequently
- Elizablair has since deleted all her tweets regarding LA
To me, that all seems to point to Elizablair getting ready to do some sort of acting job in LA. I find this quite hilarious, does anyone remember a video that Soundlyawake did.. I want to say for halloween? Anyway, it was a video featuring a bunch of different bigger youtubers, including Elizablair, and her acting was AWFUL. I was almost embarrassed to watch her. Recently, someone came on this blog saying they were one of Ellisa's roomates and said something about Elizablair being on the CBS television show Big Brother. Anyone can come here and say anything, so it's very possible that this is not true, but it IS possible. Agents are often used to recruit people to shows such as Big Brother, so its not a completely far fetched idea, and someone with such few acting skills would likely be advised by an agent to start out with something like this. But again, this is all speculation, I really have no idea, but Elizablair definitely has something going on. Thoughts?
Elizablair's "acting"...:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKN9eUNd8j8&feature=related
"haha what do you think ;)" Thats likely the closest we'll ever get to her actually answering that question. We all know its NOT her middle name.
More Elizablair shit;
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Lissa said in her recent video that "she wants to move out somewhere warm after graduation" why not just say they are moving to LA next June, it doesn't make any sense attention seeking whores, ughh they make me wanna puke...
btw pinkiecharm blocked me on twitter for no reason(?) bitch lol!!!
Why the hell is Lisa's smile so cringe-worthy?
Is this Elizabeth's mom?
WLL DUH 11 07 shes an old lady enxt to a young gurl ofocrse its her mum
I think that lisa's roomie who posted that about big brother only pretended to be just a troll who was lying because they realized they could have ruined lizzy's chances to get on the show.
Out of all of the houseguests (around 12-14) only about 3-4 are actually "real" people who apply. The rest are recruited. Jordan, who won BB last season was recruited. Jeff, Lydia, Kevin, etc were all recruited.
Elizabeth has an agent so it could very well be that her agent has been in touch with cbs about her being on the show. This chick tried to backtrack and be all HAHAHA i fooled you but honestly i think she thought about it and realized she could have ruined lizzy's chances because the #1 rule is that if you are chosen or even talking to them about being on big brother, you can't tell ANYONE. A guy from my hometown was a finalist and he let it slip in a radio interview and his chance was gone.
Anyway, the closer it gets to them casting, the more we will know and be able to do. At least with this post, it will have more exposure and the blog address can be passed around to the big brother FREAKING FANATIC message boards. All they have to do is watch one video of this twat and realize they don't want her on the television screens all summer.
k, bai.
OH YEAH once lizzy figured out that we are on to her and her "being a houseguest on big brother" she has deleted all her tweets/status updates on facebook talking about LA.
that right there tells us something shady is going on. why would she want to hide that if she wasn't contractually obligated to?
come to my blogtv since combover cullen blocked chat.
firefox quit on me during the chat. what happened?
why isnt your blogtv working
whats the link to torek
I am pretty positive you have to be 21 or older to be on big bother
Elle seems to be much more film-genic. On film with the right angles she is SO much more attractive, but photos seem to make the light hit her jaw/cheeks in a weird way and flatten her out...Blair is much more photogenic.
Do you guys think that Lisa is tagging alot with Lizzie to LA without concrete work? I can understand agents plucking Lizzie and attempting to make her a star, but I doubt they are doing the same for her sister....especially since Blair surpassed Elle in subscribers awhile back.
As for Big Brother, that would be hilarious/painful to watch. But her YT career would be over should that go through, you don't go back to YT videos after that do you? Everyone would see a new side to her...maybe? Unless she's an awesome actress...which she aint!
I always thought she'd turn down somewhere where she would be exposed in a way, I thought she'd prefer something more glamorous like modeling/hosting a tween show/being on a teen drama.
what is the way i get to toreks chat?
12:16 Yeah I think Lisa is just 'tagging along'. She is 5 years older than Elizabeth. Hollywood wants you as young as possible basically (if they even want them at all).
Both of them would be horrific actresses. and no if they do anything in LA to further their careers they'll quit youtube for sure. that's why they did youtube in the first place - to get famous.
Ok and you have to actually have credentials to host a show, or act in any kind of drama. Neither of them can act. No one gets to host a show if they've done absolutely nothing. And neither of them could model. Blair is short. Maybe she could get a print modeling job but it'd be short lived. They really do not have what it takes to make it in LA. They are even too boring for reality shows.
I think they would be great on a reaity tv show...lots of laughs and they would go nowhere past that and always be remembered for being that boring and annoying girl from a reality show
HAHAHAHA. Blair's acting is shit. And if they even have jobs as actresses, they would end up penniless. And yeah, I DO think that Lisa is just tagging along. And I think both sisters have acted (lying, in fact) - in all of their YT videos. Those two witches fool their poor subs.
i think blair if anyone has somwhat of a chance over elle and kalel
You should have put pictures up of Lizzy...the one of her at Chanel and Juicy on their subs dollar and the one where she said people said they reminded them of the Kardashians lmao
orr maybe elle is going to be on bb too? and they're doing a sister edition? i mean i know that big brother isn't doing so hot in the ratings so they use their youtube "stardom" to show how many people they could get to watch the show?
i personally think they would have been entertaining to watch on big brother... im a huge fan and while i dont like their lying and such on youtube it does make for a good big brother game :) and it would be funny because they would be the ones that thought they were hot shit and everyone in America loved them, and be in for a rude awakening out side of the house when they realized how disliked they were :)
i think that some of these youtubers who want to get famous might be in for a surprise when they leave the house and their fanbase of 12 year olds on youtube and get out to hollywood and see what America really thinks of them
their peers in hollwyood will definatley be laughing. most of them have extensive backgrounds in modelling/acting so to see these beauty "gurus" from youtube show up with a history of trying to apply makeup and selling toothbrushes and cheap hair straightners will automatically make them think they are a joke
What would you guys do if you found out Blair and Elle actually got on a good tv show that you actually watch? Or a good movie?
if lisa and lizzy actually got something which im sure they did i think it would be too much of a coincedence that they both got on seperte good shows.
for them to both get roles at the exact same time would mean it would have to be some sort of reality series with the 2 of them
lol you guise, they arent going to be on big brother.
Big Brother requires you to be 21 at the time of application
UGH. sorry.
they arent going on big brother but they probably are doing some type of reality series in which case i dont know how they will handle it...all reality shows have comment.discussion things on the website and if those 2 thought they were being bashed on youtube they are going to realy find out what bashing is when people out of youtube say their true opinions
then they will be left as one hit wonders after their 15 min of fame
elle looks a lot smaller than normal in her new vid, y/y?
2 hearts, one love. Back together again. (or never apart?)
STICKY--> http://twitter.com/stickylipglossx
PAT--> http://twitter.com/glitterskrink
respect for sticky = 0
the people spreading the elizablair/big brother rumors obviously have no idea of how the application process works. they wouldn't let a 16 year old on the show.
why was big brother even brought up?
hah!!! kalel was here chatting yesterday? what happened? shes so desperate to be liked its not even funny
I thought Kalel did ustream last night?
If I every saw them on a show I'd sell a story I think - hopefully then other people would too, about how rude they are to innocent girls just asking a question because they heard something and then getting threatened with a lawsuit. That does not go down well in anyones book.
Maybe she is up to something... Notice how she says "show" apartment in that comment on a wall post.
TOTALLY agree with 6:07. they bitch and moan about all the people talking smack about them on youtube. if they do end up on a reality tv show, imagine what the people in the house are going to say and do to them. it will make for really great television.
also....people are going to have to put up with her voice 24/7 - god help those people
also I would really appreciate more photos of blair from facebook !! they are highly entertaining :) i tried friending her friend lauren but she sadly did not accept -shocker.
"also....people are going to have to put up with her voice 24/7 - god help those people"
totally agree
not only that but her self absorbed attitude. Im sure shes a pretty girl in smalltown Kingsport but wait until she sees some of her competition.
Hopefully it will shrink her big head a bit.
toucan sam lisa ain't the only one with a pale face and a big ol belly:
lizzy has a bit of the dunlap syndrome n that pic :)
her belly done lap over her jeans
you should edit that first screenshot on your blog or put a link to the screenshot because the one you hve up really shows nothing the part about LA is cut out
Confused. Didn't Blair say there was a fake Blair Fowler on Facebook as of recent?
there is a fake one and the picture is of her with braces. these screencaps are from her real fb. trust me. but wait, i bet all her minions will just use this as an excuse. "BLAIR SAID THERE WAS SOMEONE PRETENDING TO BE HER! ZOMG THIS ISN'T REALLY BLAIRS FACEBOOK!"
yeah. and all those 500 something friends from kingsport are all fake accounts too.
its obv her rel facebook because the fake facebook wouldnt have those pics of her or comments from people that know her in real life
Does anyone else think it's slightly strange that their parents would let a 17 year old go to LA to live alone? These are the same parents that "supposedly" made elizablair lie about her age and name for security but there happy to send her off to LA before she's even finished high school??
I thought maybe her mom would move with them but that seems abit unlikely considering her husband has his own business in kingsport and emily goes to school there. So i'm confused to why there letting her move out there.
If its for the fame then she is definetly a fame whore mother because i wouldnt let my 17 yr old daughter go to LA without finishing high school.
Also i love how lisaelle keeps dropping hints on twitter about wanting to move somewhere warm after graduation haha we all know shes moving to LA. i think it will be her excuse to all her younger subbs that she moved there because its warm and not because she wants to be "famous"
10:00 well she's moving there with elle. their mom probably thinks they'll make it big and that's why. this kind of thing happens all the time, and it rarely ever works out.
and yes, it IS her real facebook. it's the one she accidently linked people to on twitter- that's how people found it. her name on there was "elizabeth blair fowler" and then she changed it to just blair since people saw it. so really it was her fault that anyone found it in the first place.
If anyone on youtube deserves their own show it's Shane Dawson. Just saying!
someone go spam tersas chat with this blog link.
theres no ops and i got kicked out before and still kicked but now there is no ops and shes gone but alot of people still in there chattin
alot of them were talking about blair so tell them to come here and see the dirt on her lol
Dont you have to be 18 years or older to be on big brother? unless she lied about her age.
10:37 you have to be 21.. i dont think its true though.
Who started this rumour about her going on big brother? Its not even somewhat believable.
I dont know why the blog owner even put that in the post this is why her subs dont believe anything because people start farfetched rumours like this one about big brother.
11:05 the person that started it was a person who came here claiming to be elle's roommate's friend. i have no idea why anyone is taking it seriously.
blair was horrible in that video! i hope the gig in LA has nothing to do with acting!
blair is a horrible actress. obviously. but all anyone has to do is listen to her voice for a millisecond to realize that.
she just put up a new vlog...in which i'm sure she doesn't say anything about LA or her moving to LA, of course.
it is unlikely but possible.
anyone who follows the show, big brother, knows that 75% of the houseguests are actually recruited, meaning the producers go through agencies to find certain "types" of people. who knows, maybe lisa AND lizzy may go on. maybe it's a family edition.
i wouldn't completely dismiss it b/c it's clear she is going out there to be in SOME kind of show. she's made that clear. big brother was mentioned by lisa's "friend" so even if it is a lie, there's still a small chance it is true b/c out of ALL the shows she could have talked about, she picked one that DOES actually recruit "talent" using talent agencies.
just sayin.
11:05 agreed
before anyone says it was just a troll, maybe it was. but maybe it really was someone who really heard that and then when they figured out it could hurt lizzy's chances of being on the show, she changed her story and pretended like they were just a troll and lying to us.
i still believe she was going to "audition" and by camille posting about it (thank you camille!)
at least she won't be on the show now.
there's a major rule saying houseguests can't reveal to the public they will be on the show. so this will take care of elizablair's chances.
blair favorited a video called "girl talk 12 signs saying hes over you"
aww i guess she knows derek is over her and that probably happened after he met her in person and saw what a spoiled annoying brat she is
^^ agree.
maybe we are fools for believing she was going on the show but i'd much rather look like a fool than have to see that dumb fraudster twat on my television screen.
did you guys notice in her vlog today that she wants to lower her voice? haha
it wont make it any less annoying
lower her voice? she wants to whisper like michellephan now or something?
her agent probably told her to work on lowering her voice
her accent and high voice automatically cancel her out of most acting jobs she wont be able to play the part
i really wanna know what they are doing in LA. all this speculation and i bet they arent even doing anything that exciting lolz
anyone find out kalels real name yet?
what happened with kalel yesterday? you guys were on ustream with her? i dont get what happened
yes, she got on here. if you go to the previous post you'll find a few comments she made on the blog. she said if we had questions for her then we had to go on her ustream chat.
to sum up:
she doesn't want to give out her birth name, therefore she isn't going to. people kept asking and she was getting mad. she thinks that if she gives out her real name then everyone will start calling her that, even though her parents still call her by her birth name.
she was paid to do the hot miami styles video and some other video. i don't remember. she didn't want to admit to that either, but she finally did.
she wants to move to l.a. to fulfill her dream of being an actress, but she doesn't want to be "famous".
she said that she knows that blair wants to move to l.a., but doesn't know why. she doesn't talk to elle.
and derek is apparently a jerk, but she wouldn't say anything else about that.
ok i think that sums it up haha
That basically sums it up. Thanks Mr. Anon number five hundred lol :).
whether or not they are going in big brother, the fact is they ARE moving to LA for "business" reasons...or at least planning to.
they can't keep quiet too long...they will both be in a different setting for their videos. but i guess u guys are right they'll just say it was for "warmer weather".
but how long can they afford to live in LA auditioning before they return home?
There dad is a OBGYN.. they're some of the highest paid DRs not to mention that Real Estate in TN is dirt cheap.
They're not going to get acting parts. You have to have an acting background to do that. Also there are TONS of actual Youtube personalities that script their own stuff AND deliver it, who have 10x as many subs as these 2 idiots, and those people aren't on TV. At best they're going for another teen magazine interview and then just living there because their parents have money. They don't DO anything on Youtube to have been recognized for, they're marketing mediums.
they will be able to afford to live in a luxury condo in beverly hills or west hollywood or santa monica for as long as they want.
they make probably around $10,000 a month each on youtube as a partner/sponsored payments and the percentage they get for marketing glitzy glam.
Not to mention the best part...im sure they wont even be paying a cent towards their luxury set up their parents probably have that covered too and probably handed them credit cards to decorate and furnish it.
just read that article about youtubers...most of the partners with alot of subs make well over 10k a month and way beyond 6 figures a year.
The interview Shane did with another youtuber who only had around 180,000 subs said he makes $8000 a month as a partner.
Why the fuck is Pat back? And why the hell is Sticky tweeting him? And why the moron did she delete her blog?
Another hideous mid-thirty-house-wife guru with kids yelling in the background.
sticky seems to have no problem being friends with a pedo who tries to get nude photos from underage boys
i think that says alot about sticky
i think the fact that sticky deleted her blog says alot about her too
Please, you need to post something about Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty!!!
THIS is where derek inserted his wang.
where the hell are people getting those old school photos from?
her make up looks so gross!
aww come on! she was in about 8th grade!
maybe blair just wants to move to l.a to be with derek. awww..
http://i45.tinypic.com/1zovhub.jpg for the bigger picture
1:17 you are right on
1:50 LMAO
i have to admit that although i'm not envious of blair & elle for any reason, they are really lucky to be able to move wherever they want and have their parents pay for mostly everything...even if they make their own money with youtube & glitzy glam.
i wonder what they'll do w/ glitzy glam though? will they just continue to let their mom and their "workers" do all the work? i guess they're just the spokesmodels for it though so they dont have to ever do much of anything now.
^ it sounds like she's looking for a man
Maybe Blair will try to become the next Lauren Luke with her own make up line?, who knows...
or the next lauren conrad.. ahh!
sorry to be OT, but divadarlingchic has a new video!
i have so much secondhand embarrassment for him/her. i really do, i feel so bad for them :X
You guyth make sure you vote for lady kaka next week so she can be part of six style girls!
here's her audition video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iuKMR_GiTs
those are some fugly shoes
notice that justin auditioned too LOL
Someone please find dirt on JuicyTuesday, let's level the playing field between her and MsFili. I have a feeling Teresa must be a massive bitch/control freak in real life. She likes to play Barbie do-gooder. Poor PinkObsession, she just adds to her inflated ego. Oh and what a horrible boob job, oversized and saggy, they look like boulders weighing her down. I'm sure she's on gurugossiper trasing MsFili anonymously, Funbags needs a taste of her own medicine.
she approved my comment calling her lady shit stain.
OH GEEEZ I LOVE divadarlingchic! He's my second love! First is Kailyn of course!
what other collab channel is kai part of?
theofficalglamsquad, her day is saturday
here's the link http://www.youtube.com/theOfficialGlamSquad
i love the way kai says collaboration
oh ya, i totes forgot about theofficialglamsquad ;)
kai is the shit!!!!!!!! i wish we could watch her 24/7 LOL
You have to be 21 years old to even "audition" for Big Brother so Blair is for sure not on it.
The person who made up the big brother rumor even came back and said they made it all up. there's no way they would have a 17 year old on that show, its not even worth speculating.
I think its more likely they're opening up a glitzy glam shop in CA or something.
haha divadarlingchic is a boy named Ben
Kai says she can multi-task like crazy. Really? She can't even string a correct sentence together.
she sits at home all day. i'm sure she would be part of 20 collabs if she had the chance.
I love how "Kalel" glued a "K" to her brush holder. Way to be subtle about her name.
And why does she have a fridge sittig in her room?
Also notice how the small perfum bottles are all mixed up on her desk and not in color order as shown in the OCD vid?
Dang, Jessica. Please keep your storys straight.
the jessica calvin thing was a joke
by the time elle graduates wont it be warm in Tennesse? she makes it sounds like her home is in some other northern state... but they both have told us how warm their home town is and how they live in the south... i cant see LA being any dif tbh
can someone please post the links of the 2 knock off blogs?
@ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww1D9LZ08zs
i love his hand gestures when he says he got new shoes (30 seconds in). oh and I really think its a he, not a her.
yeah it really is a guy named Ben. in one of the comments on another channel someone called him gay and he responded by saying he was offended, and he actually is a guy
@ 3:37, i know right? just come out and say you already know you are moving to south cali already.
those are some ugly shoes btw
i really feel bag for that kid and i dunno why :(
why would blair have her own makeup line? she's not even that good at makeup and has no real experience. didn't even make sense that lauren luke had her own line either.
wow, she's really pulling out the big guns - the makeup certificate is one of her credentials
i'm imagining her talking like this for a legit job interview lol
I think one of the few gurus who have makeup credentials is michelle. she was hired by michael kors and she's going to fashion week again to do makeup. no other guru is doing it, not even panacea.
what about kandee? she does makeup for celebs?
what else...what else...
I was in PA 2 days ago..I finally went into the dollar tree for the first time and it so happened I saw miss glitterskank in her red minivan.
Makeup done during fashion week NY is different than makeup done in LA. Fashion week requires talented artists because of they're pressed on time and the makeup is elaborate.
hollywood makeup is shit compared to high fashion makeup.
lauren luke does have a ds game but she's not like doing anything too big
wait so patty pig is back and sticky is back friends with him...hmmm not shocked they are both two faced slime balls that deserve each other.
pixiwoo is def a makeup artist
makeupenvy. i'm pretty sure she did obama's makeup once.
wait blair is getting a makeup line?
WHY in da HAYULL would natnuglyle order a kings of leon shirt 200 sizes too small? i mean...this picture really needs no caption.
why the hell does kai have four stars on most of her videos? seriously?
"I'm not trying to be rude, but if you review something you should say something more than you love it or it smells nice/looks pretty. Say why you like it, if it's moisturizing or something. You don't review things at all, you just say you love it but you don't tell why."
Kais response: "This wasn't a review on my lush products it was a collection If I was doing a review on it It would be way different."
No I doubt Blair is getting a makeup line.
Wow that shirt looks great with her Hannah Montana pants and flipped hair.
I was the one who said LizzyBlair was going on BB! It was a total lie, but I guess some of you believed me. If it is true, then I must be a fucking psychic, and maybe I should start up my own Youtube Chanel giving psychic advice! Believe what you want, but I was just trollin, and I had a fuck of a good time doing it!
and rex anderson was a random name i found. it's not hard to find a name of a guy who goes to Miami University.
A commercial at the most.
sometimes i'm scrolling down on my news feed on facebook and see a random update and i'm like, who is that?
and then i remember i'm "friends" with 7 of elizablair's friends. heheheh.
Oh geez... I just watched Divadarlingchic's "haul". He says "I always wanted real converse"...like they were expensive designer shoes or something. They're like $40 new, which *I* wouldn't pay for shoes that have gone down in quality over the years, but you can get them on sale for $5-$20 pretty easily.
And he's kind of awkward, yeah, but I totally give him credit--it's pretty hard to be that young and do your own thing like he's doing.
maybe elle and blair are going to get their own show?
gee i cant wait to see michellephan come around bragging about her so totally awesome designer friends, and how she got to do models makeup.
does she really think shes that important?
man, the pair of converse i had only started ripping after about 4 years of use. worth the money.
The Price is Right,
cast member aka Model
This will be my one and only post.
I will not return to answer questions.
thanks for posting more pics :)
hahahahahhaha^^ funny.
that for real made me lol.
no, seriously. i'm not kidding this time.
price is right, this summer. "celebrity" edition.
that's all i'll say. don't ask any more questions. bye.
Yeah, I have two pair I got on clearance years ago... they've lasted pretty good so far, but they've also lasted just as long as comparable shoes from other companies, too.
I've heard conflicting stories regarding their making/quality nowadays so idk if I'd buy them full price, though.
@6:46 that's really old news
kalel is going to be on celebrity rehab with dr. drew
that's all i'm going to say. don't ask anymore questions. bye.
she's been back for a long time now. no one cares.
Molly is almost to normal now and no longer funny. Good for her.
OMG AWESOME, so Dr. Drew is doing a season focusing on pathological liars? :O
and tanning addicts. you got it.
i'm saying too much bye now.
HAHA did someone here leave this comment on blair's video?
"wow your moving to LA! to do what? persure your "acting" career?"
and people actually replied to it saying "no she isnt!" lol. i cant believe how many comments shes letting go through now though - about her real name etc. i left a comment about it just to see the reaction and i got 5 thumbs down. her followers are so gullible. :/
so kai approves the comment where i refer to her as a shit stain but she won't approve the comment where i said she has about as much fashion sense as a blind opossum. IC!
new kalel video coming up soon about her hair
kalels supposed to put her website up soon
FACT- 6:37pm
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