(this link is just more to show that "Blair" has always gone by the name Lizzy, not Blair.)
These girls have never gone by "Elle" and "Blair" until they started youtube. Blair got the name from Gossip Girls, Elle got the name from Legally Blond, and their little sister "Hannah" (Emily) got that name from Hannah Montana
I dont care, but for fucks sake, stop lying.
K, more interesting posts soon.
You werk that runway gurllll
1 – 200 of 2293 Newer› Newest»Why are they finally admitting it now? seems very strange after all these months. something must be going on.
They seriously cannot stop lying! but hmmm thats interesting that there not admitting that elizabeth is her real name maybe it really isnt her name. why lie about that and then admit that elles name is lisa?
"elle" and "blair" LOL they have totally runied those names for me
Elle is digging her own grave by trying to cover her lies up. It's quite sad to include the youngest though. She's disgusting, but people will defend bc they don't want to believe people are lying to them.
Juicy Tuesday? Old hag who thinks she's the ultimate authority on life. Send her money? For what, bigger breasts?
lulz i told her blogtv room i thought she was turning 36 and she got so defensive.
everyone was telling her she looked younger than 25. hahaha yeah right.
she's now pissy and like "this is why i stopped doing blogtv" b/c people keep asking about her old ass boyfriend never showing his face.
teresa acts like she is so holier than thou.
srsly. bitch needs to take her saggy titties and go get a life. she is such a bitch. and not a good bitch.
this is why i dont know why these youtubers take the positive comments so seriously
look at juicytuesday she DOES NOT look under 25 the same people who tell her this tell kalel she is pretty
they are blind obviously
blair didnt lie??
she said she hasnt gone by her first name in as long as she can remember
she said elizabeth is her middle name so its her first name that she said she hasnt gone by in forever which is obviously true since her friends called her by her middle name elizabeth
i just caused juicysaggytittysday to suddenly shut down her blogv.
what exactly did blair and elle lie about this time?
they were honest on twitter about the names...
ok for all of you who dont know much about breast implants you HAVE to get them replaced every 10 years
thats how it works and your surgeon makes you sign off on that
you pay for breast implants and they are NOT suppose to be permanent in about 10 years you need to get them replaced and you have to keep replacing them every 10 years for the rest of your life its not a one time surgery unless you want nast looking boobs like juicytuesday hers are probably harder then a rock also
11:11 AM - you are so clueless. plz exit
@11:14 how am i clueless? i was asking a question...
blair said she hasnt gone by her first name in as long as she can remember and said its her middle name thats elizabeth...she never said she didnt go by her middle name elizabeth in ages
so what is it she lied about???
i dont get these screenshots showing she went by lizzy...she never denied that she simply said she hasnt used her FIRST name in forever and that elizabeth is her middle name
so tell me where is the lie?
11:16 AM - check the old posts. maybe the 2-3 last pages of the post below us. it talks about it there.
if i was a parent, i would be insulted if my child didn't choose the name i picked for them, even if it was their "middle" name.
11:16 AM She's lying. Her real life friends call her by their REAL names, not Elle or Blair. It's all just an act, just like their reviews. It's all money talking, not their real opinions.
"blair said she hasnt gone by her first name in as long as she can remember and said its her middle name thats elizabeth...she never said she didnt go by her middle name elizabeth in ages "
are you blind? their middle names are not elle or even blair lol. you must be their 9 year old fans.
"if i was a parent, i would be insulted if my child didn't choose the name i picked for them, even if it was their "middle" name."
yeah, i thought exactly the same thing.
* if they were going to go by their middle names, it would be laura and sylvia.
where is your proof that her name is laura?
you have none that is a rumour!
proof or stfu!
elle lied because she said to someone she went by 'elle' before youtube.
doesnt someone have blairs private fb added? maybe you could go through her friends and find lisa's private FB and link it here ;)
first 11:36
baww go cry in the corner. i guess laura and sylvias nine year old fans cant take the truth.
someone PLEASE call the wambulance
i know of at least few of you that love mac--
they have the new "riveting" collection available now.
use code "lash210" for free shipping and a free mascara.
" where is your proof that her name is laura?
you have none that is a rumour!
proof or stfu!
Wow, you really are fucking stupid, huh? Did you even read before writing?
THIS is a screen cap of "Elle's" college account
Where does it say her name is Elle or even her middle name? Oh, that's right, it's no where to be found. Didn't she say her name was LEGALLY changed to Elle? If it was really legally changed, it would not show up on the college site.
you get a free mascara???
wow. I have been eyeing a lipglass from that new collection. thanks for the code.
So just because that person wants proof that her name is laura she's a 9 yr old fan?
yeah, you get a deluxe size sample of the zoom lash. it's a pretty decent size for a sample! i just ordered 2 things separately so that i will get 2 free mascaras. =)
That person wants proof that Blair's name is Elizabeth Laura, or Laura Elizabeth. WE GET THAT LISA'S MIDDLE NAME ISN'T ELLE.
This is getting repetitive.
ty for the code babez
Why did juicytuesday shut down her blog tv so fast? Did something happen?
Oh yeahhhh, she never goes by Lisa ever! Uh huh.
11:51 AM - Pretty sure it's a sample size and not full size.
11:54 AM Her implants exploded
Yup Lisa is full of crap.
I wonder what their answer would be if someone asked them why they changed their names to Elle and Blair. Privacy = bullshit. You want privacy? Don't put your face on youtube and sell yourself.
11:58 AM Haha yeah and don't tell people about your childhood or other things like that either! If they wanted complete privacy, they did it the wrongggg way. They should have gotten that agent before they clicked the upload video button for the first time.
@ 11:54
because i went in there and linked the blog and told her she needed to get her saggy tittys redone. it was hilarious. she kind of got quiet for a minute, turned bright red, and all of a sudden "had to go"
great success.
ugh i wish they would just go away already. the only reason "elle" even brought up the name thing on twitter was because all of us were forgetting about her
12:01 LMAO
I refuse to "RESPECT" an adult that threatened to sue and use scare tactics on little girls. You think you're entitled to respect because you came out with PART of your lies? I don't fucking think so.
They are both a bunch of liars. And it doesn't matter who they have to step on, as long as they get ahead.
lisa will always be known as "blairs sister". as soon as blair goes onto do her own thing lisa will be out of the picture.
hahaha way to go flip!
i hate her.
she needs to get knocked off her high horse.
By the way, here is a screen cap from when Lisa threatened someone.
How hypocritical.
They are both little bitches.
huh??? i didnt even mention elle??
i said where is there proof blairs name is laura elizabeth???
does anyone have any proof her name is laura? if not its a rumour
"Wow, you really are fucking stupid, huh? Did you even read before writing?"
haha did you even read before wirting?? i never asked about elle obv there is proof she is lisa sylvia
i said where is your proof that blairs name is laura?????
haha you avoided my question because there is no proof!!
am i right? if not show proof
12:18 PM- You are blind. Stop commenting.
@12.10 "sent some chanels to an attorney for investigation" what fucking bullshit
Lol. Does it matter what name they use? Or what name they prefer? Like seriously it's just a name. Just because some gurus on youtube use their real names doesn't mean everyone has to penalize Elle and Blair for not using their real names. Everyone is different. No duh.
@12.21 noone has a problem that they use fake names, just dont fucking lie about it for months, threaten to sue people for calling you your real name and deny it then turn around and come clean
@12:20 if i am so blind then tell me where there is proof her name is laura
you cant do that can you?
because there is no proof her name is not laura haha did you seriously believe one anon comment saying her name is laura bahahahahahahahahahahahaha
when the truth first came out all they had to say was that elle and blair are not are birth names but we prefer to use them. thats it end of story and it wouldnt have turned out like this
I posted Elizablair's tweets below in case there's an imbecile who screams 'liar'! But I think that my theory from yesterday just might be correct - that Elizablair's real name is "Laura Elizabeth Fowler"....she even admits that 'Elizabeth' is her middle name. And remember, in Lisa's 'Red Hot Rant' the Southern tradition of going by your middle name is frequent. And we know that Elizablair went by 'Lizzy'.....
So her real name = Laura Elizabeth Fowler
when someone asks me what my name is.. i reply blair. because a name is what someone calls you and what you go by. :)
about 7 hours ago from web
elizabeth is my middle name. i haven't gone by my first name since before i can remember.
about 7 hours ago from web
yes, you guys already know that blair is not my first legal name.... but neither is elizabeth. however blair is what i go by. respect.
about 7 hours ago from web
her name is NOT laura get over it
where is your proof?? oh yeah thats right you have none because her name is NOT laura hahaha
I think her name really is Elizabeth, it was on her dads website and thats what all her friends call her. I have no idea where Laura come from, maybe bliar will admit her birth name on twitter like lisa did, but probably not.
12:25, I agree. I hate Lizzy for screaming "Blair is my MIDDLE name". And now she admits indirectly that its not! Such a liar!
"elizabeth is my middle name. i haven't gone by my first name since before i can remember"
see she DID NOT lie!!!
she simply said she hasnt went by her FIRST name in forever...the TRUTH
didnt they even go to the trouble of making their dad edit his website so it didnt say their names anymore?
elizabeth is blatently her first name btw, i bet lisa would be saying the same story if we didnt know her middle name was slyvia.
@ 12:27 - Tsk. Tsk. Such a blind bat you are. Elizablair said that BLAIR was her middle name.
Today she admitted (finally!) that ELIZABETH is her middle name.
How the fuck is that not lying?
@12:26 can you give me a link to proof where she said blair is her middle name or are you making this up?
where did she say blair is her middle name?
yes, elizabeth tried to make out blair was her middle name.
what a fucking retard. i hope everyone who thinks they werent lying feels stupid.
She DID lie..stupid blairbots couldn't see the light even if lightening struck their corneas.
@12.27 your assuming that now they are telling the truth that elizabeth is her middle name and not first after all these months of lying how do we know they are suddenly being honest?
She set her FB name to 'Elizabeth Blair Fowler'. Seems to me like she was trying to pass Blair off as her middle name.
i believe elizabeth is her middle name
i go by my middle name and i have all my life and on my dads website it says my middle name since thats what i have always gone by
and post proof she said blair was her middle name
i doubt they are being honest now.
She said on twitter that Blair is her middle name right>
@ 12:29 - I remember you from the other day. You're really obsessive about the "Blair - Laura" question of middle names, aren't ya. I'll let someone else deal with you today ;P
@ 12:30 - Lmao! Blairbots! I love that. Don't sue me if I use that term in the near future. The very near future ;D
see you are assuming things
blair DID NOT LIE she NEVER said blair is her middle name
i also have my facebook set to my real name followed by my nickname then lastname but nowhere have i ever claimed my nickname to be my real middle name and either did blair
blair NEVER said that was her middle name
she put 'Elizabeth Blair Fowler' on her facebook page months ago when the truth first came out..have you been sleeping under a rock or sumthing?
@12.33 lisa is that youu?
nope im not obsessed but aparently this blog owner is since they made a whole post about the names ;)
i dont mind calling people out but when you all are saying laura is her name...thats not even true
where is your proof her name is laura????? nobody has any proof because its not true
so stop spreading rumours
i'm retoasting a comment i made earlier on another post ;)
"Im seriously over the name thing. Respect is all I was wanting. Im Elle and Blair is Blair. If you cant deal w that then please unfollow me"
omg lisa is such a fucking moron. she wants respect? oh, maybe people would have respected you if you had come out with the truth 8 months ago, when people wanted answers. she wants respect? maybe she shouldnt have threatened her own subscribers with a lawsuit because they were telling the truth to everyone about her and her sister. she wants respect? maybe her and her sister shouldnt have done "reviews" and "hauls" that companies paid them to do and never told their subscribers about getting paid to do them. seriously, if lisa thinks what she has done is going to earn peoples' respect, she really is a stupid bitch.
i too have my facebook set to my real name, nickname, lastname
that doesnt mean i ever actually said my nickname is my real middle name
face it blair NEVERRRRRRRRRRR actually said blair is her real middle name
"i go by my middle name and i have all my life and on my dads website it says my middle name since thats what i have always gone by"
"i also have my facebook set to my real name followed by my nickname then lastname but nowhere have i ever claimed my nickname to be my real middle name and either did blair"
"that doesnt mean i ever actually said my nickname is my real middle name"
i find it hard to believe that there are STILL some people who stick-up for elle and blair. the name part isnt even that big of a deal, its all the lies they continuously told that make it a big deal.
"Also, in regards to my keychain having an L on it...has it ever occurred to you that Elle sounds like L? Do you really think I couldn't get another keychain with an E if I wanted? I own a keychain shop lol!"
She is basically flat-out lying there.
No she never really said blair was her middle name but she did say it was her first name over and over again. and then she did imply on facebook that blair was her middle name.
basically she wanted people to think blair was her name when that failed, she decided to pretend blair was her middle name so she didnt look crazy
And just remember all of that stuff Lisa was talking about her cat bear having a stage name and being fake? Wasnt she basically taking the piss out of the whole idea that she used a fake name?
She makes herself look like such a moron.
~yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~ old new we all know they are liars can we see something more interesting please.
as much as i hate lisa i cant wait for her updated whats in her purse video with her new balenciaga. i wonder if she will say her parents bought it for her for christmas or will be say she saved up all her hard earned money from glitzy scam and bought it herself :)
"i go by my middle name and i have all my life and on my dads website it says my middle name since thats what i have always gone by"
"i also have my facebook set to my real name followed by my nickname then lastname but nowhere have i ever claimed my nickname to be my real middle name and either did blair"
She said she changed her name legally on Twitter. What it says on a website her father can EDIT and what Facebook says isn't enough and isn't legal. She is so dumb. Her name on her college information isn't "Elle".
Here is the screen cap of her saying she changed her name to Elle legally.
"i go by my middle name and i have all my life and on my dads website it says my middle name since thats what i have always gone by"
"i also have my facebook set to my real name followed by my nickname then lastname but nowhere have i ever claimed my nickname to be my real middle name and either did blair"
where did these come from?? twitter? ic ant see them on there
no they didnt claim the "Nicknames" to be there real middle names they claimed them to be their real first names. they are dirty liars
Yeah, guess her birth name isn't Elizabeth and everyone else in the world is reading from the wrong birth certificate. Silly us!
"blair's birth name is not elizabeth. people just make stuff up"
*that is what she said on her twitter
1:06 no thats what someone defending elle and blair said on here. but they are just lying.
I think her real name is elizabeth also because elle admitted that lisa was her name, but blair is not saying what her first name is. she is saying that elizabeth isnt her first name but she left out what it actually is which if they were both going to come clean wouldnt she say it like elle did?
for some reason i think they are still lying.
1:10 PM of course she is lying about blair's real name. 1:08 showed proof.
Lisa/Elle....she looks effin old for her age! isn't she 21 the ugly thing looks like she is in her mid 30's!!! I feel bad for her...honey with all the money your parents have go get you some BOTOX please!!!!!!!!
she does look distinctly different from her videos in those pictures
who do you think looks older lisa fowler or juicytuesday?
i dont know i think its a tie they both look late thirties
but without makeup in their forties
hahahaha @131 you didnt prove anything after all that hard work of screen capping!!!
again PROOF blair said "blair" is her real middle name and no proof her name is laura
thanks for proving they arent lying this time
1:31pm!! Good Job, you should be making the blog posts from now on!
@1.34 I agree there is no proof her name is laura. but she did imply that blair was her middle name when she knew that people found out her real name is elizabeth.
out of curiosity what do you think her name is then?
"thanks for proving they arent lying this time"
jesus christ are you retarded? elle said she changed her name legally which she hasnt done because her college records state she is lisa fowler. so she was lying.
1:34 are you stupid?? screen capping isnt hard at all, you're the idiot who keeps coming back to this blog.
She made Blair up, just like lisa made up elle & emily with hannah.
she definitely did imply it was her middle name.
uhhh the college records of elle were from over a year ago she probably did legally change her name to elle since then it takes about 10 min to do so no i dont think she was lying
1:41 PM- It does not take 10 minutes to legally change your name, little girl.
My advise to Lisa and Elizabeth would be to keep your fucking mouths shut, there lies got them in to this mess and they continue to make it worse for themselves lol they are a train wreck.
hahaha she never said it was her middle name morons
NEVER ONCE did she say that
putting a nickname on facebook does not imply anything
its facebook lol
she NEVER NEVER said "blair is my middle name"
she also never one said it was her real first name
"thanks for proving they arent lying this time"
oh, so i guess it was ok they were lying all those times before?
grow up.
oh and she said she legally changed her name when she was MUCH younger. it's not like she legally changed her name last month or even last year. so, no, that never happened.
i legally changed my first name and it took 10 min!
you go to court talk to the judge for 2 min and presto chango you have a new legal name
1:34Pm I agree with the Laura name as well, but blair did say "blair was her middle name" and now she is coming out saying Eizabeth is her middle name!
Ding dong!!!
I hope the QVC sisters fall on their ass at the show ha ha
0 1:43 PM - ARE YOU STUPID? READ THE TWITTER SCREEN CAP. SHE SAID BLAIR WAS ELIZABETH'S BIRTH NAME, WHICH IS NOT TRUE. There is way more proof than what was shown in the collage.
a lot of blairs fans sure thought her middle name was blair. i remember telling someone her real name was elizabeth and they were like "she goes by her middle name which is blair!!!"
1:44 PM - Uh huh. There is a lot of paper work to change your name legally. It is not a quick thing to do. You do not know what you're talking about.
hahaha yes its TRUE elizabeth IS her birth name...her real middle name given to her at birth aka a birth name
1:45 PM, yeahm just check the truth videos on youtube where her little naive fans try to defend her. they use the middle name excuse when her middle name isn't even elizabeth.
1:47 PM what? you are making no sense. i hope you are trolling.
sorry but changing your name is superrrrrr easy.
you fill out a few forms talk to a judge for a min and your name is legally changed
its that easy
so maybe in feb 2009 her name was lisa but its a year later she could have legally changed it to elle and im sure she did that would not surprise me
"1:45 PM, yeahm just check the truth videos on youtube where her little naive fans try to defend her. they use the middle name excuse when her middle name isn't even elizabeth."
1:48 PM okay, you keep living in la la land. i bet you're a kandee fan too.
@147 where is your proof?
elizabeth IS her birth name...her birth middle name
thats all there is to it
on the miami university website you can do a people search on their database.
i looked up elle fowler and nothing was found. but there is a record for lisa fowler. she hasnt changed her name legally.
@1.50 so what is her birth first name according to you
just face it. she never legally changed her name, sweetie.
1:44 PM Did you legally change your name to what people call you everyday like Lisa says? If so, I'm guessing your legal name is Dumbass.
her birth name is elizabeth (middle birth name)
and i have no idea what her first name is but if it was laura someone would have proof and nobody does
1:56 PM - Her first birth name is Elizabeth. That's it. If Elizabeth came out and said it was her birth name, you'd still be convinced it was her middle name. You are hopeless. Bye.
yep the QVC sisters are still lying...lmao Lisa should have never said anything on twitter she just dug a bigger hole. She probably is secretly trying to ruin Elizablair.
After all....Lisa started the whole youtube crap before Elizablair and now elizablair has more subbies than lisa plus way more twitter followers!
Plus Lisa looks like Elizablairs mom ha ha
Why do you guys keep going on and on about it?
@1:56 pm
you made me laugh soooo hard right now ha ha! good one lol
@158 show some proof shes lying
cant can ya?? ;)
didnt think so
1:44 PM Did you legally change your name to what people call you everyday like Lisa says? If so, I'm guessing your legal name is Dumbass.
February 16, 2010 1:56 PM
This is too funny!!!!
i bet elizabeth doesnt even HAVE a middle name lolz. my dad doesnt have a middle name. her name is just elizabeth fowler. so she made up some story about changing her name to her middle name.
lol these FOWLERstans are killing me.
A lot of parents names their kids with the same letters and I could see dear ole melisa wanting to have a Lisa and a Laura. Emily's name could be explained by 1- they realized matching names weren't cute or 2- emily really is elle's daughter, lol. not saying any of that is correct, just my thoughts
oh and I get that lisa is ugly.. like, girl can't help that she got those ugly genes from her wonky looking mother, but what bothers me the most is her HAIR. it never looks healthy regardless of any of the shit she uses. christ it bugs.
LOL did anyone notice lisa must have contacted the writer of this article to have their names changed? funny stuff. she was really intent on keeping her real name on the DL.
that article was how everyone found out their real names before lisa contacted them to change it.
lisa's hair looks like dried up straw
poor lisa she is going to look 50 when shes 25
"lmao Lisa should have never said anything on twitter she just dug a bigger hole. She probably is secretly trying to ruin Elizablair."
I think that too. She must be at least a little jealous of all the fame her younger sister is getting.
awwww cute mom and daughter!
ooops thats elle and blair
holy shit elle get your under eye bags and lines fixed arent you 21?? my grandma doesn even have bags under her eyes and has less lines and shes in her 60s!!
theres another one incase you guise havent seen it
lisa looks horrific lmao
this is completely off topic but i agree with whoever said lizzy's bff lauren has fake boobs.
16 is pretty young to have implants, though. maybe it's just an extremely good pushup bra.
she has a weeeird face
look at lisas eye squint
She's creepy lookin. :x
2:31, omg she's 16?!
On Kandee's blog
When you visualize something..the style clothes you want to wear, the career you want to have, the home you want to live in...the person you want to be....
it gives you a target or goal...then you just need to build the road to get there!
You build the road by your choices..."
I wonder if Kandee visualized being a better mom. If she did, she sure as hell didn't think hard enough. "You build the road by your choice." How ironic for her.
"Today be the you that dances in your heart...
the you that says funny things in your head, but doesn't say them because you think someone will think it's dumb.....they won't...those are the things that make people fall in love with you!"
Says a two timed divorced mother of 3 who is still single..
She is delusional. She needs to stop reading The Secret. I wonder if she'll try and sell her ~Kandee Sparkly Life Seminars~ in the future.
Blair working the tollbooth at 3:05
This is what Lisa would look like if she had a symmetrical face. Much more pleasing.
Too bad she still looks like she's 50 and resembles a hairless cat.
So let met get this straight, most of you guys are flipping your shit, because they use other names instead of their real names? Wtf is this, you guys should concentrate on other gurus instead of these two.
2:43 PM - No, it's not just their names. It is the fact they attacked little girls on YT for telling people that their real names were Lisa and Elizabeth, which the other day, Lisa admitted Lisa was her birth name and that makes her a heartless hypocrite. Lisa and Elizabeth get paid for their reviews. They got big money, therefore, their reviews are not truthful and the only thing that was talking was money.
They also lied before the FTC laws like if they got an item for free or if they were paid. Once the FTC laws came through, it showed their true colors.
there is much more on elle/blair on other websites or even this one. ineedtovent did a post on them earlier.
lisa blocked me on youtube because i called her "lisa" in a comment on someone else's video. i'd love to see just how many people she's blocked for simply saying her real name. my comment wasn't even mean, either.
But you guys are concentrating on them as if they are the only ones, and they're not. As for the name thing, I think the reason they were so insistant about it is because of their parents, it seems like their parents don't want them to say anything about their personal lives regarding where they live. I think when they first started their parents wanted to protect them; even though it is youtube they could private information so it would be harder to find their real information.
@ 3:03
you're very wrong.
elizabeth was the one who posted a link to an article about her which listed her hometown and school.
she was trying to brag and didn't stop and think about the entire content when she tweeted it.
UGH! will someone PLEASE just go to Kingsport, TN, and STEAL THEIR WALLETS AND LOOK AT THEIR IDs!!!!!!!! then we'll know their real names and this whole thing will blow over -_-
@ 3:07
EXACTLY. lizzy was the one responsible for people finding out her hometown. then lisa and lizzy went on a blocking/threatening spree for anyone that mentioned it including little girls who simply ASKED a question.
okay i'll go along with you. tell me what other gurus have lied about their names? and continue to lie? and block anyone and everyone that asks?
i mean, people use aliases all the time. but they don't swear up and down that the alias is their real name. so since they "are not the only ones" who have done this, go ahead and tell me just one guru that has done something similar.
guarantee you can't. kalel doesn't even count b/c she made up a story and drama herself that she lied about her name. so just tell me what other gurus have done the same thing.
i'm waiting....
Lol, I love how all you guys are like "Won't someone please think about the children!" It's obvious that Blair fucked up, it was a mistake and no one was supposed to know about that. But you guys are like rabid dogs that won't let it go; I liked it at first, but it's the same story over and over that I'm so over it. I wish I need to vent, could post some dirt about someone else? Why not leesha, all she does is post reviews all the time, dulcecandy or michellephan. Seems all they have going is this Elle and Blair crap.
At 3:13 dude, I wasn't talking specifically about names; I mean, is it the name thing that important? Most gurus are there for attention, but that's just my opinion. And I already stated why I think they were swearing up and down about their names being Elle and Blair, they just were trying to be as private as possible.
This is a random question: do americans find the name BLAIR pretty? Because to me, it's awful. It reminds me of a witch.
@ 3:21
you sound like a dumbass.
they tweeted an article that had their personal fucking information in it and THEN continued the charade and continued to lie. i understand being private and staying private. but once they made they mistake of putting an article like that out there, they should have fessed up to their real names or just said elle and blair are not our legal names, we just use them for safety.
but they didn't. they kept lying. and the name issue is the least of anyone's issues with them. there is so much more. there are plenty of posts on the ugly bitches on this site. go look around if you want to see ALL the issues ppl have with them. you keep bringing the name issue up like it's the only thing. the reason this post is about their names is b/c lisa suddenly decided she wanted to "admit" her name wasn't elle. and even in her admission, she still continues to lie.
get a clue.
and camille has said many times, she doesn't have an issue with leesha so give it the fuck up.
@ 3:22
I think it's a basic name, but I think that Blair probably got it from gossip girl.
also, besides having a shopping for cheap clothes addiction, there's nothing vent-worthy about candy.
if you have such an issue with candy and leesha, go start your own blog and post til the cows come home.
plenty of other people have created knock off blogs. what's one more?
we have no tolerance for supporters of the qvc sisters, satellite. so, gtfo.
wow, there are actually people still trying to defend elle&blair? some of you are dumber than rocks.
@ 3:27
Okay, sorry for just stating my opinion, no need to be hostile. So I'm dropping the name thing; let's all count to 10 and hold hands. I thought this blog was for dirt on all gurus; but eh, I agree I like leesha, I was just saying all she does is post mostly reviews.
Please, can someone explain to me what does QVC mean? (I missed a lot of posts).
Thank you =)
It has nothing to do with their names anymore. It's the way the handled it. Ask Shane Dawson or Lisa Nova about their real names. You won't be blocked, they never tried to hide it.
However, Elle and Blair went out of their way to not only block their loyal subscribers but also THREATEN to sue them and use scare tactics on little girls. And for what? Innocently asking if the rumors were true?
Now she's come clean about PART of her lies and she automatically expects us to praise her and give her respect? Fuck that. They're a bunch of fake bitches.
I love how before the FTC took control, Elle claimed she saved up her hard earned money for that GHD straightener. Look at her recent video, she flat out says they sent it to her for free.
Keep making excuses for them. They don't give a fuck about you. You're just a number to them to get to where they want to go. You can bet as soon as they get enough exposure, they'll ditch Youtube and all of you will be tossed asside.
Lisa and Laura Elizabeth (or whatever the f their names are) are so plain and kinda ugly looking in pics, especially that fashion week one. Lisa looks absolutely disgusting! She looks like Cindy McCain for god's sake, and Cindy's like 60+! They must use tons of makeup and lighting to cover their hideousness in their YouTube videos. Lisa seriously needs to give up on this fame thing. Lizzy might have a chance, but what is Lisa going to do? Follow her little sister around and be an unwanted part of a package deal?
And if you notice, Lisa is the one who's more defensive and conniving about the name thing. She's the one who threatened to sue people and she's the one who decided to finally confess their real names. Lizzy probably wants her name out there for when she becomes famous, Lisa just has nothing better to do then to be butthurt over her real name being released so she spend her days trying to stop it while "Blair" did more important things, like get paid to advertise toothbrushes.
In conclusion, Lisa is a loser who needs to grow up and stop riding her little sister's coat-tails! Go get a real job! Isn't she graduating soon? Take your degree and make use of it, because you aren't going to get anywhere with YouTube and fame. Blair has a chance because she's better looking, has a personality, is younger, and just has "it". Sad, but true. Lisa = Fail. No one is going to hire that old, misshapen looking hag for anything.
@ 3:34
I think QVC, means that they're like that tv channel where all they do is sell things. Which is basically what juicy and allthatglitters do, advertise stuff on their channels.
And as a note, I wasn't trying to defend them; I was just stating what the reason was that they were doing. I didn't think you guys would get all hostile. I liked reading all of these posts, I like gossip.
Elle wasted all of that money on college and she's not even going to use her degree. She's going to to Hollywood. Sweetheart, you are far too old. That ship has sailed already. The only reason you're in NY is because of Blair. You're riding her coattails. She has a chance, she's young. Stop wasting your time.
Also, I don't know how many of you will remember this. Elle was on Blogtv a long time ago, before she got "big" and she was Googling to see how much partners made. They've been in it for the money from the start.
"Blair has a chance because she's better looking, has a personality, is younger, and just has "it". Sad, but true. Lisa = Fail. No one is going to hire that old, misshapen looking hag for anything."
Michelle filming her visit to the dentist
holy combover
yes that is a wig but she thinks it looks good. she's not wearing it to be funny. she thinks it's legit cute. =/
and she's bitching about the guru haters. i wonder if she reads this blog.
Michelle has been advertising pricedoc and teeth whitening non-stop on twitter for days now. She was paid to make a video of the teeth whitening.
yeah, michelles going to video her teeth thing as a part of a pricedoc video which she is getting paid for.
The thespnation guy is really funny. I bet he is going to be successful
no brian, you will not be successful. go away.
@ 3:55
yeah okay. hey thespnation. joining us again this evening?
3:55 is clearly brian. he hated that the attention wasn't on him like it was last night.
Why do you guys care about "elle" and "blair" so much? Honestly, there are a lot more important things happening in the world right now :o
Who cares about what they did and what they lied about? I sure as hell don't and I hope one day you guys wake up and realize that c:
^ in case you didnt realize, this is a blog about youtube gurus.
yea what does qvc mean?
i realized (:
3:35, you should check out lisa's clarisonic video in which she has a regular clarisonic and a mia, which she "saved up for"
oh fuck i have to go out in half an hour - can someone PLEASE record it?
This is my first post on this site. I've read many comments/posts here as well as on "the truth about Elle and Blair" "Kalels" blog when she had it, and I've seen many youtube videos on the matter. Personally, I could care less that Lisa and Elizabeth don't go by their birth names (and no I do not believe that it was for privacy- you don't show your face on the Internet and tell about your life if you want privacy). My best friend goes by her middle name (it wasn't really her choice- her family always called her by her middle name since birth) and I have an aunt that goes by "Lisa" when her birth name is Ann ("Lisa" is a nickname for her middle name). I don't see the problem there!?!
My problem is how rude they were to their subscribers who simply asked them what their real names were when this first started. Instead of clearing the air or even ignoring it, they chose to lie and threaten little girls who looked up to and admired them. They both owe their subs an apology for that IMO.
I personally can not trust people who lie and lie again to cover their lies.
Off-topic, I know, but...
How do you guys feel about Fafinette?
they are showing back stage views now
live footage of elle+blair
they're walking at 7:30 right?
someone best be recording this lmao
i see them!
they're gonna have to do a whole lot of primping to lisa to make her look decent
yeah it was!
I can't believe these ugly bitches are going to walk in a fashion show. Even if it's just Pete Wentz lol. How did Pete even find out about Elle and Blair?
When Liselle walks everyone is going to think Pete has pieces for grannys.
lmao pete wentz is such a fail
haha this is so cool! we can actually watch them fall flat on their faces!
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