Although the first picture shows some what of a larger nose than what she appears to have now, I wasn't really convinced. A lot of younger girls may "grow into" their noses as they get older and as their face thins out or whatever.
Earlier today, people were back at saying she had gotten a nose job again. At first, I didn't really pay attention to the rumors until I watched the new vlog she uploaded today. She looked different. She added an annotation into the beginning of her video saying she had done her eyebrows differently; probably to add some excuse to her different appearance. It's also apparent that she's hasn't done a video in awhile; the last one she did was about her Miranda Cosgrove meetup, which was filmed weeks ago. She also stated in her video that she had a good reason for being absent for so long, but "its probably not worth anything", so we never actually heard it.
Her nose is looking rather Micheal Jackson-ish, no?
Notice how in the "before" picture, the bridge appears wider and the tip not as refined and turned up as the "after" picture looks..
I don't know wtf she did to her brows, either, but she kind of has that perma-surprised look on her face.
Now, it isn't definite that Blair had a nose job, I doubt we'll ever know one way or another, I'm sure when asked, she'll deny anything having to do with a nose job. But based on these pictures, you can decide for yourself :) Ahh Lizzy, keepin' it real!
1 – 200 of 7120 Newer› Newest»I have seen Balirs new video
she has the voice too
6:56 LMFAO!
Im taking about that Blair in the mirror!
Im talking why her nose dis way?!
Im taking about that Blair in the mirror!
IfyourgoingtomakethechangegottomakethechangegottobreakupyournoseblameyoureyebrowsandfoolyoursubbiesTHIS WAY!
Haha, maybe that guy she went to prom with had a parent who did nose jobs and she got it for cheap :P
She sure got pale.
For those people saying that it's just contouring...she's contoured for awhile now and her nose has never looked like it does now.
I see what she did there.
So she was "sick" for a while. Yes, OK.
7:04 I was just thinking that!
Thats probably why she couldnt skype for the interview. She had to do it over the phone.
i know for a fact she did
this is making me really despressed. no 17 year old should doing that to her face.
her parents are just proving to us they are horrible parents. why kind of parent let's their junior in highschool get a nose job? that's really sad.
Maybe she got a nose job so her voice wouldn't sound so nasally.
P.S. in picture number two, the after picture is actually the one on the left, since that is the video from today.
LOL. Warren's dvd titled "the X files" is definitely something nasty.
Gawd she didn't even need it! It does nothing for her.
You should put a side by side picture of her profile. That would show the most difference.
she looks so much better being lighter. with her tan skin, brown hair and brown eyes, it was too much brown imo.
1. so my friend anne marie is spending the night.. and she's NEVER SEEN TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!! or new moon. she read the books before the movies...
...came out, but she never saw the films. well, that will change. starting right now! wish her luck on her first twilight movie adventure!
blair. are you showing her these films to distract her from your nose job?
blair you look different have you lost weight?
Good pictures & comparisons!
haha it does have a kind of michael jackson style
lol i asked kai on her formspring when her birthday is...... she fell for it, of course. any chance to remind us! also she just put a video up of some of her birthday gifts, awesome
"i did something new to my brows" hahha she probably got a brow lift too. idiot.
thats probably why blair couldnt talk. my friend had a nose job and she got laryngitus too.
have you guys seen this? lizzy is denying it on her twitter but i thought i would share
this is anne marie. someone just message her and mention lizzy's nose job. you know that would fire lizzy up!!!/profile.php?id=1628251666
srsly guys. if you have minor tip work, you aren't out more than a week, like quad said. so when she had "larengytis" and couldn't skype for her diane sawyer interview...well..... duh.
go comment here about blair's nose job and the link to this blog
since blair tweeted the link, a lot of her subs will see it
oh boy... well she's being herself.... with a new face... yea right...
+ horrible example for 9 year olds.
next shes going to get blonde hair and boobs
Seriously, bad move Liz! It actually makes her look less pretty, I'm not sure why, but definitely less pretty. It looks kind of like a pig now. It's so narrow and then it just bubbles out at the bottom. Terrible, I can't believe her parents let her have one.
off topic but does anyone watch "undateable"? it's hilarious
sticky please use my blair jackson song. you have my permission.
I was never subscribed to those two so I don't really care. If she wanted a nose job so bad, then I guess its okay that she got one. Still should have waited a couple more years maybe, but whatever.
she did have a nose job! It's so obvious like you can totally tell.
Lizzy Jackson!!
Maybe it was just me but her lips looked different in this video.
It might just be because of the nose job, but they looked.. off? Idk how to discribe it, but they looked weird.
i love when kai plays dumb and forgetful... let's see do i have anything else? oh yeah my package from pinkiecharm. yeah because she would really forget about one of her birthday packages
yesss kai is going on blogtv!!
hahhah omg
Fuck I hate Vintageortacky. Greedy bitch.
this is all starting to make sense.
and that triple chin rivals the triple bacon on the baconaterz!
Im sorry Liz Jackson
your nose aint REEEEEEEEEEEEAL!
as a blogger never meant to make you cry
i'll buy glitzy glam a million times
Im sorry Liz Jackson
your nose aint REEEEEEEEEEEEAL!
as a blogger never meant to make you cry
i'll buy glitzy glam a million times
we and dis blogger.
got a nasal thing going on.
you say its your eyebrows.
your nose aint fully grown
kai's live!!!!!
live now
She really is just a hideous fat bitch:
Her arm is bigger then my thigh. Gross.
kai is SUCH A GREEDY PIG. her 'gifts from youtube friends' video makes me want to throw up. "and when i get more..." MORE MORE MORE GIVE HER MORE!!!!!!!
OMG GTFO beuatybully
7:50 yes please.
fuck guys I can't hear Kai :(
anyone else having that problem? I refreshed and it's still acting like it's muted, but it isn't.
Wow. Vintageortacky has a really pretty face.
rocklobsterFTW is a fucking legend and davey is a pizza delivery boy
try moving the bar on the volume up or down, worked for me @ 7:54
They're Catholic? Does that mean they don't use birth control?
oh god. well, that explains the abortion at least.
Thanks 7:56, that worked. :)
FUCK YEAH KAI BLOG TV see you guiz in tharrr <3
I'm kind of upset that Kai has bigger boobs than me.
no problem :)
what can't i hear anything? usually turning up and down the volume works...
i can bet you money she didn't get a nose job. it's the lighting. if u look at her old videos with good lighting, it's the same nose.
What the hell is she wearing?
Blair's nose don't mess around
Because she loves it sooo
And this I know for shooo..
Uh, but she really wanna
she can't seem to find
the mirrrrooorrrrrr
Don't try to fight the feelin'
Because the thought alone is killing me right nooww..
Uh, thank god plastic surgeons
for sticking two together
now ya got a new nose
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa..
You think you got it,
oh,you think you've got it
blair has got a new noseeeeeeeeeee
but you just don't get it
till there's no nose at
Oh you get together
oh you get together
But seperate's always better when there's feelings
when they say nothing is forever
does that include,does that include,does that include
does that include,does that inclue your nosssseeeeeeee
So why you, why you
Why you, why you, why you are we so in denial
When we know we seee itt allllll
We don't want you here, we just wanna dance
time to ask her about her makeup collection!
Blair's gifs showing her transition from before to the latest video using the pictures posted here:
I asked Kai what she's going to get her mom for her mom's birthday on her Formsrping and she hasn't answered. Typical.
Davey is romantic. He burps Kailyn's name in his ear like a sweet nothing.
BAN BB!!!!
is "thexdildxfecroxkill" davey?
8:11 I don't think there's any way too
That's interesting 8:08
In the before photo, her nose reminds me of Kalel's, like how it looks wide and broken.
oooh kai is getting snappy.
what's with the david being a pizza boy jokes? also lol at kai being like OMG HE DOESN'T HAVE A CAR OR LICENSE HOW WOULD HE DELIVER PIZZA
I'm trying to call her out on being greedy but very slyly and she's ignoring all the questions. Other people ask her if she's going to get Irene a present for her birthday.
lol @
we made that up. LOL and the pizza boy thing.
ask is davey wears a bra
i'm dying
omg lol kai was being sarcastic and it was WEIRD. She had this crazy look in her eye D:
Wow. That was probably the snottiest I've seen Kai when she mocked someone saying, "What a beautiful dog."
Kai is stupid as fuck. It's not a yorkie. THIS IS A YORKIE
OMG Kai just got attitude with Buddinz!
omg kai is being such a cunt
This is an old month old Yorkie.
Looks nothing like Kai's dog. She just got jipped lol. Stupid.
8 month old* whoops
remember that one creppy website that had all your information? you guy were talking about it like a week or two ago.
whats the name?
Wow, seeing way too much Kaiboob.
8 month old Yorkie
8 month Yorkie.
its going way too slow for me for some reason
No one else is calling Kai out on the greedy stuff and she's not answering when I ask anything about it.
"I'm sure she's not a cat."
"why does your dog look like a cat?
"are you sure it's not a cat?"
where is blairs nyc video?
"Wow. Vintageortacky has a really pretty face."
... are you blind?
Poor Kai. She'll be 30, living in her pink room, doing makeup on those enlarged Barbie heads and on her dog.
OMG kai punching. oh lol forever. This is great.
yes! this is amazing @ her punching!
hahahah dying right now @ kai punching
she was always saying how much she hated her nose... and that it was big and everything.. In her last video she says she did something different with her brows but it's only to distract you from her nose.. i mean it's ok.. i had a nose job too.. but she's being treated like a celebrity.. who cares if she has done something to her face?!
As much as I like Cora... DAMN SHE'S HUGEEEEE NOW D:
omg i bet she punched the webcam
Someone needs to be recording thia Blogtv. I just about died when she went crazy with punching in the air.
i really want to make a "i hate blair" video, but theres so many already
"only 2 of her friends came, all of mine came"
what does that tell you? davey just outted her.
lol she's trying to say more of her friends came and david's like no those are my friends
Whoever is Jailnails, you're killing me
nice job on the lizzy nose job gif's.
"people think i'm 13"
yeah and it's not because you look 13. you have the brain and mannerisms of a 13 year old.
Yeah Kai, keep touching your nipples XD
i wish i had thought to record her when i got her to sing pants on da ground. :D
omg who keeps asking when her birthday is? lmao, what a dipshit she is
she goes crazy when you spray that neutra air because she's eating the chemicals probably dummy
Spraying that shit by bella pissed me off!!!! Fucking tard! Shes showing a lot of skin.. must be for the haters and davey.
Bella is such a lesbian. She keeps ripping Kai's shirt off.
OMG SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN RECORDING THIS. The sound bites would be amazing.
"irene_wolfson: I heard Teddy is getting work done too"
fuck. lol.
i kept asking when her birthday was. hehe
oh and to whomever came p with the rumormill thing, good work.
WTF! Did you photoshop that a bit @9:03?
kai's blogtv is hilarious. haha
9:07 lol. I wanted to see if anyone would notice
she doesn't need a nosejob. poor thing. maybe her publicist told her to do it.
Ok, Davey has to be in on the joke. He seems somewhat sane.. but that's just compared to Kailyn.
rumor mill FTW. you guys are genious
she flipped the fuck out whenever anyone mentioned ~rumormill lmao
davidson is so hilarious because he doesn't just ignore/get mad at people who fuck with him he actually plays along.
wtf is rumormill? link?
I recorded the last like, half-ish of her blogtv, guys. Unfortunately, I started right after the hilarious punching occurred. But yeah, where can I upload it to? Youtube, photobucket..etc? That is, if you guys want it.
Does anyone have a full body shot of this Cora? I can't get past the "HEY GUYS AND DOLLS" part of her videos to even really look at her.
I'll probably regret asking, no?
cora probably left that comment herself to flatter herself. sorry girl, you look like an ogre.
youtube! thanks btw :D
HEY GUYS AND DOLLS reminds me of HEY YOU GUYS!!!!! from The Goonies.
A lot of similarities between Cora and Sloth
Kristen -You should give it to someone who wants to edit it. I guess on youtube. I think it was xfupage who makes those funny videos of her youtube videos?
Please upload I'm not able to watch the hilarity what was she punching?
ok can we PLEASE talk about this?
blair is my most hated youtuber but in the before and after pictures i really dont see a difference except she got tanner.
although i wouldnt be surprised if she did get plastic surgery in the future to fit the "hollywood" image.......
If she didn't do it, she would have no need to defend herself.
These stupid idiotic "gurus" should have their camera priviledges revolked.
Uhhhh no ones stoping you say whatever the fuck it is you want
If Blair really wanted to change her look she should have just chopped that fucking hair off I don't know why but her one length hair bothers me get some layers streaks or bob for pete sake
Fuck, I don't know what happened, but it doesn't look like it saved right. D: It was my first time recording something with a program I had JUST downloaded, so I'm still trying to figure it out. Maybe it's still somewhere. Idk, if not, I'll get her next time, promise. <3
Why does she always say that she's going to make one video for her main account and every other day make on for her vlog account and then disappears for like a month, comes back and she was sick.
Nose job, jaw realignment, ears pinned, boob job, butt implants... Heidi Montag #2 is coming our way..............
warren sending kai gifts is really fucking creepy.
Warren sending gifts IS creepy.
But what about Kimi sending her makeup that she tried selling on her blog like a month ago? Kimi looks so dirty and disgusting. I remember the underwear video, double disgusting. She is so greasy looking, I wouldn't accept anything form her even if it was brand new.
Thank god after Tuesday we won't have to hear about her birthday anymore.
WTF kind of DVD did Warren send to Kai?
That's what you think Anon @ 9:46
why do those glosses from kimi look really used? i've never seen glosses come 1/4 empty like that. wtfff, gross.
lmfao, please god no.
Not once did Kai ever say THANK YOU in her haul video. I'm sorry but she's a selfish cow. That's fucking ridiculous and inconsiderate.
I know Ingram's real name. i was looking at the megan devine drama that happened a while back and coincidentally he was cyber obsessed with her too. If you don't know what happened with her, you can look it up - it's actually pretty interesting. but anyway, the picture speaks for itself...
that is CLEARLY ingram091
idk if this is new news or not though
yeah it looks like she's had something done. her tip is thinner and it makes it look like her nostrils are flared out, gross.
i didn't do anything to my tip when i had my nose job. i think it always looks fake. i was thinking maybe i should have had it thinned or upturned slightly but in the end i think it's best that i still look like myself, it's just the bump in profile that ever bothered me anyway and now i have a really pretty profile. elizabeth looked better before.
and yeah, my doctor told me to stay out of the sun as much as possible for like a month and to wear heavy sunscreen on my nose for a year after. no idea what that has to do with anything, but that's true.
Damn! I missed kai's blogtv today =(
omg that's crazy! she looks soo different wow. i think it's VERY likely that she could have had a nose job.. and perhaps some other things done? her cheek bones and stuff look different too. she looks so fake and weird. it's creepy. well i think she looked a lot prettier before.
ugh, warren.. creepy.
i can't believe i missed a blogtv tonight :(
to whoever was asking about what dvd wheels sent kai, it looks like it's the latest x-files movie.
what drama happened with megan divine?
and fuck. i cant even LOOK at blair anymore. i hate to say it, but i think elle is the prettier one now.
lmfao @ "Ingy"
so creepy.
@ 10:03 but it's not in a legit case, it looks burned which makes it creepy
9:56 - Yeah, 4 chan got to him lol
i noticed someone was talking about "ingram".. what's with this guy? a few times when i was at one of meganheartsmakeup's video chat things he was there everytime, and he started talking to me because i was asking why an old man like him is "friends" with megan.. is he even actually friends with her? but he told me his like life story, and how he became "friends" with megan and whatever. he also gave me his facebook. he looked like a gross old man and his name was on there but i don't remember it.
Ok-when Kai is showing her makeup collection, at the part when she's showing her pencils and brushes, is that an ULTRASOUND pic on her mirror??? Am I just seeing things or does that not look like an ultrasound pic??!!!
10:07, oh great i bet jellybean put a picture of him to flash on the screen ever 5 minutes so it will trick kai into loving him.
There was already some drama reguarding 4chan and Ingram (William Wheeler) a while back. 4chan was totally hating on ingram for telling Megan Devine all about them so they were posting his info all over the place.
He still posts like crazy though, like he tries to be the white knight with every guhroo situation. Yesterday meganfartsmakeup posted on facebook about her formspring or something getting hacked and of course Ingram(William) posted some comment about how rude and hurtful hackers were lulz I wish he made videos
idk i'm not really convinced she actually had anything done, it might just be because she's so pale or something.
like, when was the thing with miranda cosgrove actually FILMED vs when it was uploaded? did she look different in the pictures with that kid from CT? i looked at them but didn't really notice anything peculiar.
like i said, she'd need a week minimum. most people have the splint on for 7 days, i had mine on for 6 because i went and saw my doctor and he said one day wouldn't make a difference. but i've read a shit ton of rhinoplasty experience blogs and pretty much everyone has the splint on for 7-8 days.
i had an exceptionally easy recovery, too. i got really swollen the day after my nose job, but it went down almost all the way by the next day and the only bruising i had was my right eyelid. most people i see get like really intense black eyes. although, it doesn't look like she had much done if anything so it's possible that she wouldn't get all that regardless.
either way though, she looks really old in her new video. way older than 17, she looks in her thirties to me. she said she was sick recently, maybe that could explain how pale and sickly her skin looks and maybe she just lost weight or something. idk, i just don't see how the timing could have worked out.
who fucking cares about her nose, she looks busted either way
"what drama happened with megan divine? "
Basically, she entered some ELF model contest, and was in first place for a really long time. 4Chan discovered the contest and voted her off of #1 and voted this one woman named Portia Allen to #1 and she won. She was black, fat, and apparently also a psycho. Megan Devine lost the contest, she was mad, she made some video hating on Portia, she said some racist stuff (supposedly, but i can't really remember) and then later made an apology video, in which she was tricked by 4chan to say/do some stupid stuff. Basically nothing youtube related, but since she's friends with meganfartsmakeup, ingram knows her.
ia quad.
^ megan devine crying about losing lol
With Balir, it could also be the camera angle. It's basically below her, facing upwards, so that could be why her nostrils look so pig-like. I personally think she did get something minor with the tip done though, it was a lot more bubble-like previously, now it's thinned out a lot. She hasn't made a real video in a long time, so I could see how she fit in recovery time if it was only a week or two.
this is the video of her bashing portia
why are you writing novel length comments about your nose job?
what does derp mean? haha
lol, it totally looks like an ultrasound picture. If it is, surely she isn't the one pregnant, right? I don't know. She mentioned on her formspring (I think that was where I read it) that she loves her baby cousin or something, so maybe it was the ultrasound for him/her?
but lolll yeah, it definitely looks like one.
i took a screencap of the supposed ultrasound picture on kai's mirror. idk, what do you guys think? i can't see anything in any ultrasound picture ever so i won't comment on whether i think that looks like a fetus or not, but it looks like the same kind of flimsy stuff ultrasound pictures are printed on. but isn't there usually patient information on them? i don't see it there.
quad why did you get a nose job
@10:19 because it's relevant to the post, duh.
That's an ultrasound picture
I was going to post exactly what Kristen said about the ultrasound looking picture
I'm blind, I don't see an ultrasound?
Kai's dog is so not a Yorkie. I have a Yorkie and there is no way in hell that dog is a pure bred Yorkie. She got ripped off!!!
@10:21 my old nose didn't fit my face very well. i have very delicate features aside from it and i feel like it overshadowed everything. i didn't have all that much done, i just had the bridge thinned so my eyes are more of a focus and i had my bump shaven down so my profile is nicer. i still look basically the same from the front, just more delicate.
"Not once did Kai ever say THANK YOU in her haul video. I'm sorry but she's a selfish cow. That's fucking ridiculous and inconsiderate."
i agree, it's sad. i thought people were just talking but she really is greedy. :|
random: you're really pretty, oleeshao!
so did pinkiecharm ever reply to kai when kai said "when should it be here?"
I love how Kai gets such a fucking attitude when people tell her that her dog is not really a yorkie, then once everyone is like "why do you care so much if she is?" she totally backtracks and goes "OMG I LAHHVV HER I DON'T EVEN CARE"
wow can we not put the possibility of kai being pregnant out into the universe? god forbid that child actually gets pregnant, i can't even imagine what her kids with davey would look like or how they'd act.
Ha, thanks 1029!
remember back when some of you guys thought that kai was a "changed" woman cuz she took some advice from us on this blog? lol
WRRRRRRRRRRRONG! kai is always going to be stuck up and greedy.
10:29 i agree. you's pretteh gurl.
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