$4000?! REALLY, Elle? And for "editing costs", no less. Biggest bullshit I've ever heard. The Sunlove company has been known for posting ads on Craiglist offering anywhere from $100 - $1000 for a review, so we assumed Elle had received a payment closer to the thousand dollar range, but $4000.. fuck. How COULD you give anything other than a positive review after demanding so much money?
I couldn't be happier that some of the recent news articles featuring these fraud sisters have been starting to call them out. For so long, their naive subscribers has insisted on defending them so hopefully some of these articles will help them discover that Elle and Blair really don't give a shit about their subscribers; just like everyone has been saying on this blog for months.
Even though the fraud sisters have claimed time after time that they make videos purely for their subscribers and would do it even if they weren't getting paid, these articles tell a different side. In addition to making money from youtube, Elle has also recently signed up for sponsored tweets, in which she receives $400 every time she tweets about one of the sponsored topics.
Another one of their recent bullshit scams includes the video that Blair put up today, featuring Miranda Cosgrove;
"I was already going to be in the area visiting family" - uhh ACTUALLY, you tweeted that you were going to be in Atlanta specifically for business..
Blair also tweeted something to the extent that her and Miranda were friends, just hanging out, nothing business about it..
Yes, they were clearly just hanging out, shopping, like the best friends Blair made them out to be.. I know when I go shopping with my friends, I always wear a mic pack and have cameras follow me around.. oh and I ALWAYS interview my friends about their lives...
Did anyone notice the pass that little "Hannah" was wearing around her neck? This meeting was so obviously NOT just a couple of friends hanging out. Good work, Blair's agent.
Honestly, I felt awkward watching these two shop around. Their conversation was so clearly forced and Blair had no idea what to do with herself.
On an unrelated note, how many people have been blocked by Blair recently? I was blocked, although this is not shocking, but it seems like many other people who have never even tweeted Blair in their lives have been blocked, as well.
Keep the bullshit and lies coming, ladies, you're digging yourselves deeper and deeper..
1 – 200 of 3362 Newer› Newest»Bitches.
why are people getting blocked by blair?
You should add in that she signed up for sponsored tweets. $400 per tweet.
I would highly suggest screen-capping the tweet where she said it was "business" before she sees this!
this is so stupid. this youtube guru shit has gotten out of hand
theyre all worthless
FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS? holy shit there's is no way to justify that. That is insane.
Miranda has ignored all of Blairs tweets. But she tweeted Shane and Buck the minute they @replied her. What does that tell you? They aren't friends.
She really didn't look thrilled to be there with Blair.
And lol @ Elle getting left out once again. I'm sure she'll have a great future holding Blairs bags and opening doors for her!
After stealing material from this blog and passing it as his. Stickylipglossx is calling all of us fat. We need to take him down. He also made all this stupid followers believe Lizzy blocked the trolls and haters because of him.
oh and I looooove how blair just randomly happens to be ~friends~ with a famous person. Her trying to sell this as anything else less than cross promotion is laughable.
She signed up for sponsored tweets just like her idol ELLE FOWLER. And she's suddenly BFF with Petrilude because he acknowledged her.
You dumb bitch, ONTD was doing it long before you even made your accounts. xsparkage was trolling Kai since she ever started Youtube.
why would you take credit for starting it? do you know how pathetic that sounds? congrats, you sat on your ass for hours trolling kai on blogtv and made 50 accounts to do it. you shouldn't be talking about anyone needing a life. pot meet kettle.
xspakage has been doing youtube for sooooooo long! i wonder how she feels knowing blair asnd elle totally passed her in views and subscriber number haha
xsparkage and elle should really quit while they're ahead. blair is the only one out of the 3 of them that people want to watch.
xsparkage should really put down the makeup and her moms fattening foods and hit the gym.
Proof Blair lied once again about being friends with Miranda
Loving ur blog! Love your ruthlessness ;) ugh I hate them! Liars .. Scam artists essentially ! Oh and funny how they've stopped workin out since the modelling lol!
Keep up the posts camille xx
Why do you cover your face in all of your pictures, Stickman? Because you KNOW that you're ugly and you can't take what you dish out.
haha thanks ;)
just screencapped that tweet, ill add it in a sec
Elle is moving all her stuff from college home. Isn't this her last year at college? So shouldn't she be graduating? Or did she fail/drop out of school for missing so many days. It's funny because graduating college is a huge deal. Everyone I know graduating this year can't stop talking about finals and graduation and how excited they are. However Elle has not mentioned or tweeted anything about graduation. So can we all asssume she's a college dropout?
yeah, she probably fell way behind during fashion week and other traveling she did with blair late last year.
no kristen smith is the only college drop out that i know of on youtube haha she couldnt even mae it through ONE semester hahaha total fail and now shes unemployed living with ma and pa not paying a dime in rent
Oh yeah I'd totally take beauty tips from Blair over Leesha. *eyeroll* Not even a comparison to be made there, are you joking?
even though leesha has gotten "boring", id watch her ANYDAY over ellen or balir
In Blair's video with Miranda, Miranda mentions she and her friends came across Blair's YouTube channel only 3 weeks ago. How can they be such "good" friends after 3 weeks. This was definitely a publicity set up.
leesha is boring and bland
at least blair has the personality to make up for her mediocre makeupskills. blair has charisma and keeps viewers wanting more. blair doesnt even like doing makeup she said so herself. i forget what vid it was but she said she really doesnt enjoy doing tutorials.
so shes suceeding in marketing/ fame so far which is what she wants. she really wants nothing to do with makeup anyways.
my oh my leesha sure has become a chunky monkey!! wow. i havnt watched any of her vids in months since she bores me to sleep now but i just looked at a pic on her twiiter and dammmmn girls been getting her eat on :O
Blair surpassed Leesha in subs only because she holds those stupid SPONSORED contests every week that requires people to be subbed to her in order to enter. That's how she got to 60K subs, and eventually 100K, and now 300K. Her subscriber count almost QUADRUPLED in 6 months!
@9:11, just because Elle didn't publicly express that she dropped out unlike Kalel ( Kristin smith) doesn't mean we can put the pieces together and say Elle dropped out too.
omg i cant believe blair is in the guiness book of world records now. youngest person of all time to do makeup atr nyc fashion week.
blair has one hot resume thats for sure. she will be able to get any high paying job she ever wants.
Blair slouches like crazy. She should get her posture fixed. I wanted to jump into the video and hammer up her shoulders and neck so she could have a better posture.
@9:19 no im pretty sure its because leesha is boring and washed up. she should put an end to youtube now. her 15 min of fame are over. nobody cares about her anymore. and she no longer is pretty anymore. her looks are fug. did you see that pic of her with jpmetz and soundly awake? lets just say jpmetz looked good standing next to leesha.
"Blair" and "Elle" surpassed everyone in subscribers because they have had agents for a year now. The end. Agents are professional 'pimp the shit out of you's. Agents=front page on youtube=magazine articles=subscribers. I give MAJOR kudos to the few gurus left who are bigger and DONT have agents yet. They got their views themselves, with talent.
Subscriber count doesn't = talent. She's only popular because she's a gimick. Which die out quickly. She may be on top now but just wait until the next best thing comes along.
are sticky and her coat tail riding friend aware that they're jokes?
i wonder why michellephan and blair and elle got rid of richard frias as an agent. i guess he didnt ask for enough money from companies wanting reviews. for their liking.
Probably because the bitch apparently sits in front of the computer all day slaving away over her videos.
It's sad to see these liars are making thousands each month and ripping off subscribers. They make me sick.
willowgrey aka snowwhite81 and sticky are having it out on Twitter. sticky said out of all the trolls, she was the only one who wasn't fat. ummm I've seen a few of the trolls pics and there are some thin/cute trolls!! I do have to agree that when willowgrey is defending herself from stickys claims that she is a fat middle aged uneducated housewife, willow should prob learn the difference between your/you're. oh, and she shouldn't say "I seen"
@9:26 who needs talent when your pulling in 200 grand a year at age 17?
would you rather be that homeless SUPER talented artist beggingb for food or the millionaire who just kinda lucked out and doesnt lift a finger at work?
yeah i thought so.
"I'm the one who started this whole trolling internet beauty gurus. Get over yourselves. I'm going to take a bubble bath and go to bed soon x"
she's proud of that? LMAO THAT IS BEYOND PATHETIC.
WTF. Fat doesn't have shit to do with anything if your face could stop a freight train like hers.
The trolls I've seen on here are MUCH better looking than she is. Doesn't fucking matter the body size. Hello BUTTERFACE?
9:29 - the thing that annoys me the most is many of their subs know about their fake names and paid reviews, but they think that's the ONLY thing they did. You'll see a lot of comments left here saying things like...
"so what if they get paid"
"so what if they changed their names!"
9:30 aw zacposen are you still sucking on sticky's cock? We all know you're trying to get a post on the blog. I can assure you all the zacposen and sticky are lovers.
"why would you take credit for starting it? do you know how pathetic that sounds? congrats, you sat on your ass for hours trolling kai on blogtv and made 50 accounts to do it. you shouldn't be talking about anyone needing a life. pot meet kettle."
willowgrey tried to hide the fact she was snowwhite81 after the fake sticky exposed her and she deleted her Twitter. does anyone know why they even started fighting? they just to be like bffs
and yeah willow also doesn't know the difference between there/their/they're
Her claim to "e-fame" is sitting on her boney ass for HOURS trolling people on the internet. People don't follow her because they like her, they just want to see what shit she stirs up. The MINUTE anyone tells Stickman the truth, she goes batshit crazy. She's hideous and she knows it, that's why she started covering her face in her photos. No one takes you seriously muffin, you're a joke.
@9:33 no talking about some imaginary weirdo who steals ugly pics named sticklipgloss is beyond pathetic
Did Elle leave college? You guys keep saying it but nobody says HOW they know? What am I missing, fill me in?
lol @ patricks irrelevant ass trying to get attention too.
people don't know for certain, they're just assuming she dropped out because she's been silent about graduation. To most people, college graduation is monumental, no?
lol @ sticky thinking he/she/it is something important. He's never DONE anything. He's never uncovered any scandalous guru secret, never contributed anything, NOTHING, so why does anyone follow him on Twitter? If we drop it and go back to talking about people who do entertaining things, sticky will just leave and find a hobby/life.
elle really has no need for college.
her and blair have great resumes that marketing majors in the best ivy league colleges dream of having. they have no need for school their futures are so bright they need to get new sunglasses. chanel sunglasses since they can afford that in a few hours of having a vid up.
i dont like either of them but the truth is they are and will continue to be very succesful. elle wont suceed in hollywood but she prob will suceed behind the scenes in some high paying marketing job. shes got enough experience.
Stickylipglossx (oldmanpido) please get off and stop with your moron commenting its lame and pointless. You're are liar and alot of the trolls on twitter are calling you out and im with them LOL. BTW willow is right you're always online and if you had a life and or friends your ass would not be on twitter and the net 24/7 LOSER! hahaha you are a fail at life lily!
i feel bad for her. stickys life revolves around the internet. i don't think she has friends offline if she's creaming her pants over getting a lot of followers on twitter. who would be proud of being the first troll? a loser. i heard she was trolling other forums before this. she has no life.
holy shit how did xsparkage gain so much weight that fast
the only reason ppl following this tranny is the juicytuesday vid share the love she mentioned him at the end, thats it he was so unpopular.
Got an email about this blog & I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt that its real, check it out!
really? that blog looks SO fake. there's only one post and it was made today! i'd definitely ask for more information about that before i started asking my subs to donate money. way to go britknee.
i wonder how blair and elles dad feel knowing his 17 year old daughter makes more money then him and didnt even need to finish highschool
the only reason ppl following this tranny is the juicytuesday vid share the love she mentioned him at the end, thats it he was so unpopular.
Even without other proof - it's obvious that she was never "friends" with Miranda. Blair would have told everyone already if they were old pals, how could she resist flaunting it?
As for Elle not completing college, what a waste of time and money, so close to finishing anyway. I always read actors/singers who are pretty famous saying how they regretted not finishing, but elle isn't even dropping out for a career opportunity that looks solid.
The longer she leaves it uncomplete, the less chance there is that she'll return to do the finals etc.
wow blair has more twitter followers then alot of actual celebs
sticky has this whole "persona" worked out for herself that she seems to think makes her fabulous or bad ass or something. the whole 'queen troll supreme' thing or whatever. what is she going to do when all of this beauty guru shit dies out?
guru is fucking ugly & blocked me cause I unfollowed her
lol what kind of fucking loser takes pride in being the first to troll?
i cant decide who the biggest laugh on youtube is. kai or perfectlygorgeousx. tough choice.
the only people who suck stickman's dick is patrick, mr fili and teresa. Trannys, fags, and gold diggers always stick together.
stickman is lisa in disguise
blair looked really pretty in that vid
10:04 what guru blocked you?
I agree with you stickman is lisa HAHA...He worships her so much he is going back to blonde to be sistas again.
stickys ONLY comeback is "well you're some 30 year old, 500lb heffer who lives in their moms basement"
atleast we're not a chick trapped in a mans body :(
you can always lose the weight, sticky will look like a tranny for everrrr
JUSSSSSSSSSS's videos always make me lol because its like everyone collectively hates him. it's something everyone seems to agree on.
35.00 for Michelles Kabuki brush!
the eye liner brush is 15 bucks
sticky needs to stay in school if she thinks 18 is one third of 30
@ 9:50 good to know snowwhite81s fat ass is still on here!
oops I meant sticky blocked me cause I unfollowed her
She found me on twitter followed me & blocked me cause I unfollowed her I was annoyed with her tweets it just seemed like all she did was tweet about gurus / steal from this blog
"IQQU handcrafted brushes epitomize the perfect combination of technology and art.
They are your indispensable tools to bring make-up to life, turning your beauty dreams into reality."
ORLY does it also wipe my ass for me? jesus, its a makeup brush not a rare da vinci sculpture
Her Kabuki looks identical to:
it looks so cheaply made, no thanks.
why every1 is hating on stickyman what did he do?
LOL I know willow and she is not snowwhite81 haha that is so funny that sticky is trying so hard to pin that on willow everyone knows its not true! sticky really grasping at straws now on that one LOL willow didnt even know who she was talking about haha lulz
@10:23 all the trolls turned their back on Stickman LULZ she gots whats coming to her called all the trolls whales and said that she is the first troll to run shit on twitter...btw its Bullshit she is a theif steels from this blog and from everyother legit guru! DOWN WITH STICKMAN!!!!!!!
sticky just resposts and steals things from here. if this blog didn't exist, neither would she.
@ 10:32 hey snowwhite aka willow!! You should really get the fuck off this blog and go back to middle school, your English and Grammer is about the same as my 7 year old brothers.
don't take patrick seriously. i have quite a story about him from a mutual friend.
why they are turning their back on stickman plzzzzz some1 tell me
lady kaka karma is abitch ,stickman is goin down ,are u happy baby koko
@10:35 lol OK stickylipgloss shouldnt you be sleeping? you got school tomorrow old man. luv your adams apple and you tiny dick LOL if I were you i'd want to be a woman to! sticky wants us to believe willow is snow HAHAHA wow old man has issues lulz
blair is so stupid, why would she lie about being best fwez~ with i-fucking-Carly? its so obvious that they BARELY just met and they werent just "HANGING OUT". does she really think we're that stupid?!?!?!?!
everyone should tweet this new post to miranda cosgrove's twitter!!!!!!!!!!!!
because they are all tired of his fake act. People don't like that he takes credit for everything that is posted here. And he is desperate for attention from the gurus. A good example is when Petrifag tweeted about him she got all defensive when someone called her out on kissing his ass. He is a two faced bitch and at ANY moment he will turn his back on his "friends" and screw them over. I can't wait for him to turn on her gay friend. How the fuck did sticky get that willow is snow white? He is just pulling random shit out of his asshole. Soon he'll say willow is also twinsie or jenna or some shit.
holy shiz so many typos in my comment!! Well you all know what I mean.
what did he mean by the first troll ,stickman what trollin ur talking abt,what u did is copy paste kaiz picture and comment a silly comment on ur twitpic u twat fuck u and fuck english and fuck ur face i hate him so much, stupid guy with his ugly blog, am goin to write the worest english ever ,get lost stickman ,all he is tryin to be thecurrentcustom or lollipop26 .
$35+ for a fucking kabuki brush?!?! No thanks!
lulz i love how everyone is calling sticky a "he"
even if he were a she or a she were a he ,a he will still be ugly female or male, anything sticky and bonny is ugly, i luv meat i fuck meat i breath meat
i will do a giveaway ,rules must unfollow stick man and destroy his ugly ass, and the winner will receive his Adam's apple thehehethehethehe giggty looooooool fuck u stickman
he covers his face in every picture. that's how fug he KNOWS he is.
Notre Dame High School
STFU. sticky WANTS a post on him.
stickman is home skooled bitch because all of his frnd were makin fun of him being tranny...thats why he is 24/7 online, the only time he would get offline is when he masturbate and talk with mrfilpino
sticky/patrick gtfo NO ONE likes you two. Why would Camille do a post on you? These little fags WANT a post done on them. So all the gurus will suck on their cornhole.
Camille my queen u should do a giveaway on this blog (unfollow stickman) and the winner will receive amazing gifts on mothers day, maybe some sigma brushes.loool
sticky went apeshit when she got her own post last time.
"First and foremost, I would like to thank the person whom wrote this blog and it’s “anonymous followers” who constantly come here everyday and minute of their lives to check on it’s updates. I really appreciate you making an entire post about me, the attention has gotten me a lot of followers ;) I am especially proud I have people post blogs about me considering I don’t even make videos. I have been friends with pat since his first blogtv MONTHS ago around March. He has NEVER PRETENDED to be ME on youtube accounts like some of you seem to think, he made a youtube account called “thequeentrollsupremes” using my nickname after I told him it was alright, then after leaving a comment on a video, molly thought it was me. Soon after “kai” went under the molly post and said “pat just admited on blogtv that he pretended to me Lily”....Just 1 of the many examples of how stupid you people are. I love how almost every person who leaves comments on these blogs posts are “anonymous” and you have no picture of yourselves, and I know you NEVER will...yet you are so quick to judge others and call me a horsefaced cunt. All of you clearly have no lives and hate yourself quite a bit, considering you come on an anonymous blog everyday to “bash” others and plead to have the blog write new posts everyday. I may be the biggest cunt in the world, but I don’t make fun of somebody unless they deserve it, such as Kailyn. The even funnier part is that multiple people have gone to the molly post and pretended to be me, This is the first and last time I will ever grace this blog with a comment by myself, and if I do leave a comment, It will be under my real name seeing as I don’t hide behind my keyboard like all of you. You all love to pick certain things I say on twitter and only post parts of them, for example, “Anonymous said... She tweeted to molly that she’s 5’11” without heels. Maybe she *was* a man”... No No No honey, I said “ I’m 5’8” without heels and my boyfriend was 5’11”. So please get your facts straight...”Anonymous at 2:52pm”. I guess I was also born and man and some of you seem to think I’m so skinny I should “eat a box of twinkies” yet others call me a “FAT CUNT”...? Last time I checked 5’8”, 112 pounds, and a 22 inch waist was not exactly “FAT”... Oh well, This is really all just a big hair FLIP. If you really all hated me and all the people you blog about, you would not take the time to write entire blog entry’s about us. I really just want to slit my wrists after reading all of these horrible comments.. every-morning when I wake up, go into my walk in closet full of fabulous designer things most of you will never be in the same room as and see my loving friends and family all day, I really just hate my stupid life :(
OH and to “I need to vent...” The second picture you put up of me without your permission was A JOKE you fucking idiot, try getting your fucking facts straight or I will send molly over to your house to force feed you some “critical thinking skills”
XOXO StickyLipGloss, The original QueenTrollSupreme XOXO"
1113 #1, HAHA
Sticky's feet are way to fucking big for "her" body. Looks like man feet to me.
I'm sure if lizzy was friends with Miranda she would of been bragging about it long ago. And not a couple weeks ago when her agent set up the meeting. That's when she started tweeting about Miranda's album. Let's watch Lizzy's tweets and see whose album she loves next week!
just wanted to point out that since this post went up, about 3 hours ago, this site has gotten almost 600 views
im behind on all this drama.
anyone up for a late night Blogtv?
kais collection videos are dumb
wow, blog has died down alot. bleh!
yeah, anyone up for blogtv?!
yes everyone get in here
Why the fuck would lizzy tweet that she brought her camera along and you can tell it's not lizzy's home movie but a set up event. LIAR LIZZY!!!
You can tell my miranda's body language and the conversation that they are not long time friends. Besides their age difference is not what bestie's are made of!
12:11 There is no age difference between Blair and Miranda. Unless you consider 1 month an age difference.
Cosgrove was born in Los Angeles, California to Tom, who owns a dry cleaning business, and Chris, a stay-at-home mother.
Where would Lizzy and Miranda meet to become long time friends? That's such bullshit. They've never crossed paths until now.
They look like different ages based on looks. Miranda looks like a kid and lizzy looks like a washed up hunched over igor.
really? damn i thought miranda was like, 14
In Blairs new vid she reminds me of Heidi from the Hills. Her posture and her sickly look is just like Heidi.
how old is miranda
Miranda looks like a child. Which is why Disney loves her. They can pimp her out longer.
I think she's 17 or almost.
Miranda is turning 17 this month. Blair turned 17 last month. They are 1 month apart.
WTF.. lizzy say's "She was so kind and took pictures with me and my family." If she was your fucking best friend you wouldn't say that. BUT since you don't know her at all.. she is just a celebrity to you NOT a friend. Miranda probably thought lizzy was weird.
I don't understand why I am hated. Also that "Crab walk" is not me, LOL.
#FF My Boyfriend my ♥ @CarlChoi ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
well, i guess that makes it official.
artful informant
i suppose it's because you're friends with sticky, and sticky is not very popular around here- which makes you disliked by association?
just an observation. personally, i think you're fab =)
Im sorry, she is cool. I rarely say "mean" things on twitter, (kai is basically all of it). I guess I don't understand the difference between this Camille or Sticky. Essentially they both do the same thing. Im really out of the loop. Im extremely uncomfortable that there are people who watch what I do and actually hate me. I am not in this trolling community. I rarely participate. I don't even watch youtube videos daily. Sorry if I ever offended any of you!
don't apologize for your choices. this is a hater blog and these people are always going to have something and someone to hate. you're just the flavor of the week honey.
ps. riverside is a shitty place to live. i should know.
Riverside is mostly shit. Agreed Anon.
I try really hard to like Elle and Blair. Despite their lies, I still watch their videos.
But seriously... this is too much. Life is more than just about money!
See.. THIS is the kind of post I like seeing. I agree with @caroldolly. They seem to REVOLVE their lives around money and it's sickening. I can definitely understand them using an alias on youtube, but that should be it. Their whole family makes me sick.
Yes, I would have loved to have all that money at 17, but not at the expense of my good name. No way. She'll never have a normal life now.
oh look! not only does sticky claim to be the first gurooo troll..he also claims to be the Perez Hilton of Twitter. So talented. Amazing.
anyone see lisa's new blog post yet? lol she's talking about all her weird quirks (none of which are quirks at all.. but she's always been a moron so whatever) and then at the end she mentions that 90% of what is said about her isn't true, clearly referring to the nytimes article and she talks specifically about gma saying lizzy dropped out of school to shop.
she's a dumb ass, but i have to admit that was a pretty clever way to cover up without actually letting any of her subs know there was a new article out there.
Her real name is not lily and she is 24..not 19!
Stickylipglossx can be found on many message boards trying to be someone else. She has a long history of just trolling and bunking inside her house for days. It really is a sickness.
Just to name a few of her forums she trolls.
Oxygen, ABC, NBC, TLC all under the user name stickylipglossx
I would not feed the troll basically. Her parents tried to get her help to get her out of the house but she is addicted to her computer.
I hope you find this helpful.
From oxygen Forum: Stickylipglossx thinks highly of himself LULZ. scroll down
I couldn't watch balir's video with Miranda. It's sooo beyond awkward I can't help but cringe for her.
Blair and Elle will be done by the end of this year. That is my prediction. The sad thing is that they could be very successful, if they would just stop lying about stupid things.
I even think they will have a hard time finding employment in the future since their lies are so out in the open. They better be saving and investing their money, because I doubt they will find work. Nobody wants to hire a liar. Nobody TRUSTS a liar. Good luck with finding a job now, you lying pieces of crap!
To blatently lie to people to get sales is not only wrong, but immoral. You don't lie to your subscribers, Blair, claming that you are "friends" with Miranda and that you are "just hanging out." Especially when your subsribers are 12 year old girls who don't know any better. I doubt QVC will hire you now-- they NEVER use those sales tactics. False advertising should be illegal (if it isn't already illegal!)
I have an idea-- we ALL should report Blair to the FTC for this video & see what they say.
I think Elle's newest blog post is kind of over the top. It really wasn't a quirk as much as another complaint. I wonder what part of what's out there is the 10% that's true. Their real names have been established, and they do get paid for reviews. What else is there??
Honestly if someone told me they got paid 4000 bucks to promote a product, I would hesitate to trust that person's review. They're not supposed to be "celebrities"; that's their entire draw. Also, it's clear that the sunlove guy and Elle had a falling out.
I believe the New York Times.
I agree, that Miranda video was extremely weird. It was like watching some home made, low-level E news style segment. I don't like Miranda's sense of style either. All those little Disney people try too hard to be punk and alternative.
Wow, Elle's last blog is clearly about the NY times article. And again, full of lies.
you actually have the nerve to come ask us why we hate you? ohh i dunno...maybe one good reason is as soon as stickman called all the trolls BUT her, obese swine, your response was:
@stickylipglossx Its so true, #beautifultrolls2010 LOL
Also, you lick juicycut07's asshole like there's no tomorrow. even your best man friend sticky hates her. why do you kiss her and her toucan sam nosed sister? is it because lisa is stickie's twin????
you actually have the nerve to come ask us why we hate you? ohh i dunno...maybe one good reason is as soon as stickman called all the trolls BUT her, obese swine, your response was:
@stickylipglossx Its so true, #beautifultrolls2010 LOL
Also, you lick juicycut07's asshole like there's no tomorrow. even your best man friend sticky hates her. why do you kiss her and her toucan sam nosed sister? is it because lisa is stickie's twin????
^juicycunt07 is what i meant
Elle's blog post just proves that they lie and try to cover it up. I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure you DO get paid for reviews. Why is it so hard for her to say that?
Blair also tweeted Whatthebuck that she was so starstruck the whole time she was with Miranda. Why would you be starstruck if you've been friends forever?
I would love to know what Miranda thought of Blair! She obviously didn't like her too much seeing as she has not responded to any of her tweets. The whole thing was just a publicity stunt.
whats a good topic to make a video on
I'm pretty sure at 7:48 in the video, that is Blair's dad. Elle and Hannah look like him.
I am wondering why Ellen didn't go with the entire family on this trip. I also wonder why she said she couldn't be getting sick because she had so much to do this week. Seems like all she's been doing is laying around, reading, and writing blog posts.
i am NOT supporting elle, but she tweeted that she was going to finish her remaining credits online, so she'd still technically be graduating with her class.
makes you really think how pathetic she is. she's what, 21-22, and she'd rather sit in front of a camera talking to herself about hideous paisley glitzy-glam crap instead of spending her last semester at college with her friends...
elle is already a granny in the making
look how bitter she is
@7:58 elle doesnt have any friends so shes not missing anything by being at home. shes probably doing the rest of her class a favour shes not there to annoy them
Elle just retwitted her blog post AGAIN from last night. Anybody with a brain can see she's obviously getting really desperate now. She also couldn't sleep last night. SHOCKING, isn't it!? I know I personlly would not be able to sleep if I was exposed as being a lying, fake, money-hungry bitch.
How does it feel to be exposed for the liar that you are, Lisa? Do you feel guilty? Embarassed? Or do you simply not care. I'm sure you will have MANY sleepless nights in your future to think about it:)
Lisa, the New York Times didn't lie or misinterpret your actions-- there is proof EVERYWHERE that you and your sister get paid lots of money for fake reviews. It is ALL OVER THE INTERNET, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! If you continue to lie, I'm sure the owner of Sunlove would LOVE to show proof of the cancelled check, which you signed and cashed. Who knows, maybe more of the companies you have dealt with in the past will come forward with their cancelled checks. This lesson is simple: don't bite the hand that feeds you, Lisa and Elizabeth. The more you keep lying to people the more enemies you will have to deal with in the future. Liars ALWAYS GET CAUGHT.
kristin smith tweeted
I am no longer going to IMATS. I just don't have the money for two trips in one month...but you can still catch me at Vidcon July 7-9!
kristin did you ever think that maybe if you got off your lazy unemployed ass and got a job you might be able to afford imats?
hmm why is it that some of the popular trolls on here have been stalked and had their information posted, but stickys information has never been posted?
isnt it about time someone posted her personal facebook and outed her?
of course balir isnt "friends" with miranda, i pity ANYONE who really believes that. the video of them together was SO awkward i couldnt even finish watching it.
lisa is so fucking stupid - we all KNOW she was paid by sunlove to do that video - darian braun, the owner of sunlove, said it himself! i hate how she tries to act like everyone else around her is in the wrong and she is totally innocent, truthful and just a ~victim~. and the sad thing is, her subscribers probably believe her.
lisa, seek therapy for your pathological lying asap
i wish someone could find and reupload lisas sunlove review. she would be fuming mad!
I wonder if she was paid for her Skinny Jeans review. She probably was paid for it. I wish we could find out the truth about that as well. Who knows, maybe Skinny Jeans will come out and tell the truth. The more you lie, Lisa, the more you piss people off. Just remember that.
I am just a middle of the road no big deal garrooo and just got a note from Sunlove Darian Bruan asking me to do a review. HELL No!
@9:35 lol I know SayAnythingBrooke said she was contacted by Sunlove/Sunlabs and didn't accept and I'm pretty sure Petrilude was too. I wonder if Elle and Blair have EVER turned something down, for reasons other than not being offered enough money? Doubtful, since they review tongue scrapers lol
Elle can't deny it, she made the video. If only we could find it.
The next thing coming out will be a sex tape. They can sell out their integrity for big bucks, why not sell out their body? I can actually see them doing this, because they will do ANYTHING for money.
Unless they quit this lying bullshit, they will be GONE from the youtube community (and laughted out of LA) within a year. That is,of course,somebody "leaks" a sex tape. Just waiting for that to happen next.
So this pretty much is their target audience. "Like omgosh!"
"The next thing coming out will be a sex tape."
"That is,of course,somebody "leaks" a sex tape. Just waiting for that to happen next."
lilkaikaiz already beat them to it ;)
and we all know no guys go near lisa fowler, so theres no chance that would happen
stickman: "@msfili smmmhh anything but fab more like feeling lonely thinking how nice it would be to have a BF!"
stickman cant get a boyfriend and neither can lisa fowler.. and stickman looks EXACTLY like lisa fowler
....long lost twinzies?
Ok, well maybe then a "solo" sex tape.
Come, Lisa and Lizzy, better start planning for your next paycheck.
nice hunchback elizabeth
is it possible that stickman is a real man?? and why the fuck mrfili deny that he is a man??? everybody know he is, but we still didn't hear stickman voice to judge i wonder if its manly like mrfilipino?????
u can always caught a transgender by his voice, soon we will see mrfili and stick man featured on tyra banks show she always bring trannys and gays
& miranda looked all awkward next to lizzy. lmao
" i am NOT supporting elle, but she tweeted that she was going to finish her remaining credits online, so she'd still technically be graduating with her class. "
Well, even that wasn't the truth. It wasn't possible to take those classes online at such late notice. Plus, I think someone looked up some classes and they weren't available online.
"his is the first and last time I will ever grace this blog with a comment by myself, and if I do leave a comment, It will be under my real name seeing as I don’t hide behind my keyboard like all of you."
HAHAHA. Sticky posts here more than once in the past. Funny. Her response is one, long, block of hypocritical text.
Troy High School
Athens High School
is stickman in one of those high school?
Sticky never went to high school. He dropped out of middle school because he was bullied.
no he is in skool am sure 100%
sticky must have a personal facebook, someone find it already!
stickman thinks he is famous because we are talking about him but the truth we all hate him, and he want him to leave the internet world because he cant handle it, he is so lame
stickman has no social life, what the use to have social profile, he is on the net 24/7 ,and even if he has facebook he will never put his ugly pics, he might put a sexy hot bitch and social with ppl..hahahahahhaa
lol ~srs~ question, guys. i've been lurking this blog for a long time, and i pm agree with being fed up with all these fake "gurus" on YT. i've wanted to make videos on youtube for a while now, mostly beauty related with vlogs and stuff. would you be willing to watch them, if i were to do them? the main reason i want to start is because i actually enjoy makeup and would be doing it for fun, not to get sponsored or to review shittastic companies. i'm also just sick of every other 15 year old girl calling herself a "guru" because she shops at sephora. tl;dr lol sorry
I feel really sorry for Miranda, because she seems lieka aless fame hungry, not screwed up member of "young hollywood", so I cam't blame her for this insult to acting on Blairs part, but omfg, what a bitch she is.
i say go for it
Ew. I really don't like makeupbymel. She disgusts me.
makeupbymel has a horseface, no?
OH MAN i forgot about that skinny jeans review! that was shady as fuck! "i ran into the lady who owns skinny jeans at a cafe!" yeah, NYC is such a small town, i can see how they just ran into eachother! *rollseyes*
she was definietly given that pair of $200 jeans for free, i have no doubt she was paid for the review as well. that was around the same time she did the sunlove review
Sticky is so sad inside that he has to buy material items to cover it up. All those hauls are probably bought by himself, no friends tagging along to shop. Sticky hugs his LV bags while laughing and crying and has conversations with his cat.
I think if Camille posted guru blasts like stckman does she could totally put a saddle on him and ride him right out of twitter.
makeupbymel reminds me of quagmire from family guy from the face.
shes luky shes got a suga daddy cause ive heard she came from nothing.
Unfortunately, Elle and Blair's success won't die down. As long as their tween and teen fans still watch them, they'll continue to cash in. Not to mention the next generation of tweens will begin watching their videos. I have no doubt in my mind Blair will eventually reach 1 million subs one day.
Unfortunately, Elle and Blair's success won't die down. As long as their tween and teen fans still watch them, they'll continue to cash in. Not to mention the next generation of tweens will begin watching their videos. I have no doubt in my mind Blair will eventually reach 1 million subs one day.
didn't Balir write in her blog about how her skin was all red and skin was cracking because of her new skin care treatment? which was the day before she went to Atlanta?
in the video her skin seems normal for what it is usually is?
another lie?
where are u stickman why ur not tweeting anymore. he is so hurt,hahahaha ,he is lonely no bf,no troll buddies,i think its karma.
"hmm why is it that some of the popular trolls on here have been stalked and had their information posted, but stickys information has never been posted?
isnt it about time someone posted her personal facebook and outed her?"
Wonder why that is.
she covers it up with foundation. Plus, in the video, there is no close up shot of her face, so you cant tell.
I find it pathetic that Elle is telling people to believe her and trust her word. That ship sailed a long time ago, Elle. You and your sister ruined the beauty community, the other gurus are getting backlach because of YOUR lies. Aside from your minion fans, no one believes a thing you say.
New York Times thinks you're a joke, how does that feel? You and your sister lied to make a quick but and now you're dealing with the consequences.
You're nothing but a pair of liars and and famewhores.
I find it pathetic that Elle is telling people to believe her and trust her word. That ship sailed a long time ago, Elle. You and your sister ruined the beauty community, the other gurus are getting backlach because of YOUR lies. Aside from your minion fans, no one believes a thing you say.
New York Times thinks you're a joke, how does that feel? You and your sister lied to make a quick but and now you're dealing with the consequences.
You're nothing but a pair of liars and and famewhores.
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