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Monday, June 28, 2010

IMATS etc.

So this past weekend, the International Makeup Artist Trade Show was held in Pasadena, Ca. As indicated by the name, IMATS is a place for real makeup artists to get discounted makeup, learn new tricks, and share ideas with others. However, I feel really badly for all of the legit makeup artists who attended, because it was more like an Elle and Blair minion shit show. Some of the other "gurus" who went included Allie, Leesha, Josh, Tiffany, and Lorraine just to name a few. Some of things these "gurus" were up to at IMATS included;

- Blair and Elle holding a meet up at one of the conference rooms at IMATS. What the fuck. Despite the fact that Blair was supposedly "the youngest makeup artist to ever work at NYC fashion week", neither of them are actual makeup artists. The only real skill they have is manipulating young girls, so why IMATS rented them an entire room for two hours is beyond me.
-Tiffany and Lorranie ended up going on this trip together. Which was weird, idk, I didn't even know they were friends. They intentionally showed up to IMATS "fashionably late" and left quickly after they arrived, trying to avoid being in any pictures with their subscribers. They also filmed all of the cute little escapades they had together.
- Megan, despite talking about it for months, let all of her subscribers down when she decided to stay in Vegas for the weekend and didn't say anything about it. She later blamed this blog, saying that people here were making mean comments so it made possibly going to IMATS "not so much fun." oooookay bb.

Honestly, if I were a real makeup artist, I'd be pissed. I can understand people like Josh and Leesha going, because they actually do shit with their makeup, while many of these other "gurus" just do 15 variations of a neutral eye. Although it would have been nice to go, given the incredible discounts on makeup, I'm not sad I missed out on the obnoxious 12 year olds running around and the ridiculous three hour lines.

Picture timeee;

Hey Lisa.. camera's over here..


«Oldest   ‹Older   1801 – 2000 of 2067   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

LMAO @ that Steffa girl.

Gurrrrl, this blog is FUCKIN BIG. Gurs come here all the time, refreshing the pages like motherfuckers and shitting their pants. Kalel just stopped by yesterday. So stop whining!

Anonymous said...

i must get the 2000th comment!!

DazzledAndConfused said...

Oh My LORD. Blair, you are SUCH a liar. That end of her video explaining why she was switching rooms made me sick.

Yeah, uhuh, you're gonna show us your new room soon, sure, next week when you moved to LA right?

UGH. I can't believe how much lies come out of her mouth. But this one takes the cake, it's SO obvious.

Anonymous said...

Camille I usually don't give you shit about new posts BUT


This blog smells shit before it is pressed in form!

Anonymous said...

i hope she loses a lot of subs for this, but they'll probably just claim the twitter was photoshopped. ~precious lizzy would NEVER lie to her subs! she considers them friends!~

Anonymous said...

aww lizzy put comments back on approval but i listed all the companies that paid her and commented about her nose job...and she hasnt deleted it lol

Anonymous said...

Yes. Camille this LA new bedroom thing needs it's own post.

Anonymous said...

^yeah do a post before it happens

Anonymous said...

it is so annoying how blair dumbs herself down. paper machete? really blair? i knew what paper mashay was in kindergarten. dumb is not cute!

Anonymous said...

She wont lose any subs. Theyll defend her like always
"OMGGGGGG! Quit bein h8ters! Blair can move to LA if she wants! She goes there all the time anywayz so its probably better 4 her to live there. You should be happy for her!! Quit bein so jelous all the time!!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if you do a new post about this, make sure to include this screencap:

which shows them discussing their move to LA in JANUARY which means this is not a new thing and that they have kept quiet about it for six months.

Anonymous said...

i'm calling that she paints her room the same color that kim kardashian's was when she had all her mirror furniture. i think it was a light blue color.

Anonymous said...

You're probably right, she wants so badly to be a Kardashian.

Anonymous said...

Lulz at her being like "it wasn't sponsored or anything we just went out and got them". And calling her tinted moisturizer her bff during the summer, we all know that's probably the truth. And did that bitch really not know that a colored powder gives you more coverage?

Anonymous said...

Camille. New post or GTFO.

Anonymous said...

people should start retweeting his tweets about them moving. if they get enough, they'll stay at the top of the twitter search page when anyone searches for their names lmao.

Anonymous said...

i agree, new post is needed about jackie chan and the 'guest room'

Anonymous said...

She looks hideous in her new video. Lisa really is manipulating her making her change her part so she can have her good side.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Yea I know. She was talking about all of these tips that these makeup artists gave her. I was like, really? Ive known about those "tricks" for a long time. If youre so good with makeup then you should have already known those things.

Anonymous said...

So is Lisa staying home since she is not moving into another bedroom at "her parents house"?

Anonymous said...

well, lisa mentioned moving out in june in a blog post a few weeks ago so i guess she has an excuse. but idk.

Anonymous said...

Lisa alreay has an excuse.
Like @244 said, she already mentined moving out in one of her blog posts, and in a video too, I think.

I think thats why she just happened to mention her blog in one of her tweets today.

Anonymous said...

Bobbi Brown told her she was wearing her blush too high and Blair didn't know how to use one eyeshadow in the lid and crease. What the fuck kind of MAKEUP guru doesn't know that?

Anonymous said...

Ive been wearing only one color in the lid and crease since I started wearing makeup.
I figured everyone knew how to do that.

What makes me lol is all of her minions theyre like "Whoaaaaa. Can you pleaseeeeee do a tutorial on how to use only one eyeshadow??? Pleaseeee!! I dont know how to do that!"

Yea, they really are extremely stupid.

Even scarier, in a few years, theyll be reproducing.

Anonymous said...

What you guys dont understand:

Instead of experimenting with a cover girl mono e/s and a sponge tipp applicator like we did, Lisa and Lizzy probably got a full MAC collection including 20 brushes handed to them at the age of 15.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


What? You must be mistaken Princess Blair had to go work in a restaurant washing dishes when she was younger so she could afford her MAC.
Silly you.

Anonymous said...

lolwut? i've never used covergirl and there are 11 year olds on youtube with mac brushes that use one color on the lid and in the crease. it's because blair and elle aren't on youtube for makeup, they want money and fame.

Anonymous said...

this is the makeupartist blair was talking about...he tweets her about her move to LA...

Anonymous said...

Do you think they'll make him delete those tweets? Neither of them replied back.

Anonymous said...

someone screencap those tweets from gabriel

Anonymous said...

My facebook is in 1337 speak. It made me LOL

Anonymous said...

They're already screencapped.

Anonymous said...

We need a new post ASAP.
This is a new low for Blair. I know shes a compulsive liar, but come on. Why do you need to lie about moving??

And I loled at her giving a shout out to lollipop26. Laura doesnt like you because your a liar, quit butt kissing.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Oh noesssss. I wore a shirt more than onceeee.

Shut up balir.

Anonymous said...

She lies about the stupidest things though. Why is it so important that LA stays a secret?

Anonymous said...

2.53 #2 Get a clue or GTFO

Anonymous said...


"my dad is brittney spears' manager."

blair is really really dumb if she believes that.

Anonymous said...

WHAAAAATT? She had a problem with wearing a shirt twice but she had no problem handing MacBarbie her worn clothes of the day to wear the next day?

Anonymous said...

Blair, my dad runs the FTC and my mom is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Anonymous said...

That was disgusting. MacBarbie was like, omg it was so sweet that she gave me the clothes right off her back.
Um no, it was gross. She wore those clothes all day and sweat in them. Dont even act like she didnt have extra clothes in her suitcase to give you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blair, my dad runs the FTC and my mom is Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Anonymous said...

wow. elle looks really old. i though make up was supposed to make you look younger. turns out too much of it makes you look like a 30 year old Hollywood wife. oh, and their smiles (elle and blair) are really fake

Anonymous said...

vote "daniyay"s comment up

Anonymous said...

^3.08 I wonder if she kept them though to sniff on them every once in a while.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2.53 #2 Get a clue or GTFO

Get a clue about what? Shut up dumbass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go diddle yourself you retarded fuck.

Anonymous said...

I replied to daniyays comment on youtube.
Im pretending to be a juicystar luverrr.
I want to see if any of her minions will respond and say something.

Anonymous said...

Bethany and lizzy are bffs y'all. I want to punch Bethany in the face it's like lizzy hasn't mentioned you once and wouldn't even give you clean clothes to wear. She really thinks she did it out of kindness and it wasn't like because she had already worn them so therefore those were useless to her? Come on Bethany "well I'm not gonna wear them again, here"

Anonymous said...

go write comment about the apartment/room move in the imats video where you can still post freely

Anonymous said...

why are they lying about moving to L.A anyway?

Anonymous said...

3:24 must be a fuckin genious. Who will go watch that video now since there is a new one up and the imats one is text only?


Anonymous said...

3:18 go shove some more pizza down your throat, Fatty McFack!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"must be a fuckin genious."


Anonymous said...

Nah, I'm good gurrrrl. Thanks though <3

Anonymous said...

Stop hating on Blair or i will tweet your shitty blog to every Blair fan in the world and they will come and rip your bloody blog apart.


Anonymous said...

^ lmao, go ahead fatass

Anonymous said...

Oh noez, a mob of 12 year olds.

Anonymous said...

maybe they're lying about it because lizzy didn't graduate from high school in time like she was trying to, yet she's still moving?

Anonymous said...

No one can guess the color of Lizzy's new bedroom because its not a color in the rainbow. Its a neutral color BECAUSE it's an apartment. You can't go all crazy painting the walls fucking bright pink. And it's a smaller bedroom because its an apartment. No family decides you have had a room for a couple years so now it's your little sisters turn to have it. Stupid minions. She's moving to LA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:36 DO IT!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha really you don't think trolls can handle a bunch of 12 year olds? Moron we attack gurus on their channels too I think we can deal bb. ;)

Anonymous said...

3:38 # 2 nailed it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thats exactly what I thought. I new it was going to be a neutral color, like a tan color. Or white.

DazzledAndConfused said...

I also find it weird how she mentioned Bobbi Brown and that MUA in passing, like it's no big deal.

Uhh? You are a GURU right? If they gave you so many tips, why not share them?

I really don't get that girl anymore.

Anonymous said...

She's gonna make up some excuse for it being neutral like "well I'm getting older so I wanted a color that wasn't so childish" or "my parents didn't want it a really bright color because I'm not going to have this room much longer"

DazzledAndConfused said...

Anonymous said...
maybe they're lying about it because lizzy didn't graduate from high school in time like she was trying to, yet she's still moving?

July 5, 2010 3:38 PM

This. She's a drop-out. Again, we already knew that :)

DazzledAndConfused said...

And why would she need brand new furniture, if she's moving two doors down the hall? Oh right, she doesn't. She needs furniture for her appartment though.

Anonymous said...

Keeping a move to LA secret and concealing your new room by faking a move to another room in your parents house?

If this is the truth than this young lady is taking things way too far. And don't even start talking rubbish about "privacy reasons". It's plain lying.

Anonymous said...

new posttttttt!!?

this is more exciting than the nosejob.. we could see the nose job, gonna be harder to call her out on this (that guys tweets will be deleted within hours)
you can imagine her agent screaming down the phone to him right now!

Anonymous said...

You can tell when Blair's lying when she says "blah, blah, blah"-she did it today when trying to explain her new bedroom and she did it in the "old blair is back" video about why she had been gone, after the nose job.

if she actually got to be on some kind of tv show, would you guys watch it? i hate her and elle but i still watch their videos...i dont know why. for me, its like watching the bachelorette: its really stupid and i dont really care what happens, but i still want to know how it ends.

and what station do you think it would be on? i doubt mtv or e but where else would have a show about 2 young youtube girlS?

Anonymous said...





New post <3

Anonymous said...

smokeypinkcunt is homeschooled now, she's been homeschooled for few months

i bet she begged her parents to let her do it like blair

on blogtv she talked about how her whole life was virtual so school might as well be

but her reason for being homeschooled was because her classes were boring and being at hom was better

are these girls just really that lazy that they don't want to get a good education or have a social life

Anonymous said...

i dont think they have any sort of short at all. like shane dawson said, hollywood shits on internet people.

i really dont think what they're doing is that big.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she's going to take it as far as lying about moving to a new bedroom in the same house when she's moving across the country! Seriously?! They're ridiculous with their lies!

Anonymous said...

i dont think they have any sort of SHOW at all*

Anonymous said...

ugh just watched her talk about it in the video..
stupid stupid liar..

nobody here can honestly say they would move into a box room with no bathroom just because everybody needs a turn in the big room.

she infuriates me

Anonymous said...

LMAO alexa keeps saying unkn0wncritic is a horrible website, thanks for the shoutout bbs ;)

Anonymous said...

Elle is probably going to LA to be on the bachelorette, speaking of.
Shes never going to find a man and we all know how much she loves the show.

I would lol forevarrr.

Anonymous said...

hahaha the more i think about it the funnier it gets.. how hilarious would it be if someone like shane, davedays, even derek.. called her out on it???

Anonymous said...

I wonder how far their sub count would go if we had an unsub from the qvc sisters day. I'm just curious how many "haters" are still subbed to them. There are still ppl like Kristen who said she hasn't had time to go through her sub list and deleted them.

Anonymous said...

yeah, why would her 8 year old sister need a room that big with her own bathroom? stupid lies

and i would stab my eyes out if elle was on the bachelorette. i would hate watching her pretend to be stupid so people would think she was cute

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Im still subbed to her. I know I shouldnt be and Im just helping her get more "famous" but I cant help it.
Its like watching a car wreck. You want to look away but you just cant

Word verification: lonas
All of the beauty gurus are lonas and dont have any real friends.

Anonymous said...

uh, lets be realistic guys there sub count wouldnt go down at all, they get like 600 subs every day

Anonymous said...


uh, maybe camille is doing something called working, or out doing something. she's not going to be glued on her computer 24/7 just so she can update the blog when someone asks her to.

Anonymous said...

For real. There arent enought trolls to make a difference in how much money they were making or how many sponsorships their getting.
Balir just passed 400k subs.

Anonymous said...

ForeverKailyn I just saw eclipse for the second time I loveee it

Too much time on your hands, bb?

Anonymous said...

Its so she can destress from a hard days work.



Anonymous said...

I know this is a beauty blog but since its about youtube I thought i would mention this girl.
She does like vlog type videos and I first saw her when I was watching her video "how to apply makeup like a typical highschool girl"
Her names alexistequiere. Shes funny and she actually seems like a real youtube person, unlike all the fake people on youtube.

End completely random rant.

Anonymous said...

lol alexa said camille is a fat old man

Anonymous said...

Can you guise imagine all of the tension in L&Ls new house?
Lizzy and Lisa cant stand each other. They live in the same house now and I never see them tweet to/about each other.
Its going to be superrr awkward to be by themselves in an apartment.

Anonymous said...

^Stop advertising yourself

Anonymous said...

Whose alexa?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im not alexis. I just saw her video in my subscription box next to balirs video and I thought Id tell you guys about her.
Chill out. Not everyone is here to advertise themselves.
And if I was her, why would I be advertising myself on a beauty guru blog?

DazzledAndConfused said...

Actually, i do believe Hannah/ Emily is moving to the pink room. Nice and childish, appropriate for her age. Why not. Blair ain't gonna use it anymore.

Anonymous said...

the same reason you advertised her... on a beauty guru blog.

Anonymous said...


is she calling her out on twitter? Idk im not subscribed to her and I dont follow her on twitter either.

Anonymous said...

I think the only truth about lizzys video is that emily is moving into that room. Why would she stay in a small room when balir is moving out?

Anonymous said...

"lol alexa said camille is a fat old man"

did she really say that? funny how shes ranting about "kindness" and "respect" and karma. practice what you preach, bitch ;)

quadrilaterals said...

if she seriously tries to pass off her move to LA by saying she's moving into another room at her parents house, that's gonna blow up in her face bigtime. most of her subs are dumb, but the ones who aren't are gonna realize.

i mean, why would she even lie about something so stupid? she could easily say that "elle" wanted to move there and their parents let her go too, she wouldn't even have to say it's because she's trying to get famous. LA weather is great and there are a shit ton more things to do there than their town in TN, i'm sure her subs would understand that.

ngl though her videos will be a lot easier to watch without the obnoxious pink in the background.

Anonymous said...

She could be like, I travel to LA a lot anyways and Elle was planning on moving here, so I thought it would be easier if I just moved with her.

Anonymous said...

i didnt mean to say i dont believe that their little sis IS moving into the pink room, i just meant why would they randomly trade as her story age 8 youre all of the sudden entitled to the biggest room? it doesnt even sound believable anyway, making it yet another stupid lie by blair

DazzledAndConfused said...

I think as someone mentioned earlier, she's lying because she doesn't want people to know she dropped out for fame.

DazzledAndConfused said...

Sigh. There are so many other, BETTER excuses (or just telling the truth) I guess she ain't that smart as she thinks...

Anonymous said...

New exposing video? ;) A quick little text slideshow stating the facts maybe?

Anonymous said...

Life would be soo much easier for her if she just cleared her conscience and told the truth. Must be hard telling lie after lie and have to keep them all straight.

Anonymous said...

no someone needs to make a expose video using their own face.

Anonymous said...

lorraine at imats

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I sort of agree. The text slideshows are getting really old. If someone actually went on camera, it would get WAY more attention.

I mean, you wouldn't be trolled here. I'm pretty sure most of the blog would be behind whoever goes through with it.

Anonymous said...

Blairs trading room excuse isnt even a good one.
I could understand if she was going to college or something. Why would you need the big room when your not even going to be living in your parents house anymore. That would make sense.
But to just randomly give up your bedroom because it "hannahs turn" doesnt make any sense.

Blair, if youre going to lie, atleast make up some good lies.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think Blair/Elle will admit to the move soon enough...and it will be:

"so, i couldn't tell you guys sooner, because i wasn't allowed....but we moved to LA yay meettuuppp!!"

just like with all the other "secret" projects that they only tell about once it's all in place. no-one will care the subs will all be "oh yeah blair of course u couldnt tell us no problem yaaay la do u live near me???"

and people will start seeing them around LA also, and im sure they wont be able to resist tweeting everytime they go to pinkberry or meet another LA based celebrity.

Anonymous said...

i really like alliecosmetics but she tweets everyday about something she said/did/ate/wore that was similar to the kardashians. come on now, we get it already.

Anonymous said...

LorraineStannick @LVMAKEUP I especially hate pictures when my face swells up! I really enjoyed meeting you as well!
15 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to LVMAKEUP


Anonymous said...

it would kill lorraine to admit that she is naturally fug

Anonymous said...

blair will totally get a boob job i bet to compete with elle. i think its funny how blair is already saying how 'teeny tiny" her new room is, u can hear the bitterness in her voice. obviously she wanted her parents to fork out for a massive la apartment but that wasnt gonna happen.

where will she put all her mac?

Anonymous said...

I agree. I remember a while ago balir said in a video that she was trying to finish up school fast because her and elle have something really big planned but she couldnt tell any of her subscribers about it.

She was hinting at LA, so I think shes going to tell us.
But Im still confused as to why she would mention moving into a guest bedroom.

Anonymous said...

@the 2nd 4.30 yeah allie seems ok but honestly she is 14, maybe younger than megan, and she is always on about tiffany jewelry and the kardashians and how classy louis vuitton speedys are. kind of dont want to see her evolve into tiffany d

Anonymous said...

whoever owns the ytexposed channel should make a vid about this

Anonymous said...

@4.33 probably because she knows she will have to make a video or two there before she can announce the move, and needs a cover. she'll say, "actually you guys - this isn't a guest room it's a room in LA!!!!"

Anonymous said...

ytexposed is a fag, they made their own blog which is a ripoff of this one

Anonymous said...

this blog is horrible i just found it today when people woudnt shutup about it in alexa blogtv why did you put alexas face on a pic she doesnt wanna be associated with this mean thing! shes all about the KINDNESS AND RESPECT GUYS GOOD KARMA!

Anonymous said...

I love her! She's hilarious. ^^ 4:06

Anonymous said...

are you retarded? what do you mean we "put alexas face on a pic"?

Anonymous said...

^ WUT?

Anonymous said...

i mean you put alexa in one of the pic making fun of elle fowler why couldnt you crop her out that is horrible she doesnt wanna be featured on here!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus. Apart from being so fugly, she looked better as a redhead.Dark hair does nothing for her.But no matter what hair color, she still looks in her 40's

Anonymous said...

4:43 cry moar

Anonymous said...

4:43 cry moar

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

^then dont show ur face in public with big gangaroos.

Btw: Who the fuck is this Alexa girl? Oh wait. I DONT CARE


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sick of people coming here and saying "do you guys like ---enter unknown random yt guru here---- i love her" if she isnt known by us all its just the person promoting themselves on here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

go away all you self advertising wannabe famewhores! I am fed up with all of you.


moar fail plz kthx said...

i'm still thinking about making a ~expose blair video~ but i ramble alot

Anonymous said...

omg, no-one is going to take that photo down, stop moaning and go eat a baconator

Anonymous said...

i miss kai :'(

moar fail plz kthx said...

4:50 lulz

Anonymous said...


I was thinking the same exact thing as you. I'm pretty sure she will make an announcement after they have moved and settled in. I mean, how could she possibly get away with living a completely different life halfway across the country without expecting people to find out. I assume there will be tons of job opportunities and such that they will be getting when they move over there, so there won't really be a way of hiding it.

Anonymous said...

isnt phanny now living in LA? wonder what she would think if she bumped into the qvc sisters lulz

Anonymous said...

Most of the people we talk about on here dont want to be exposed. (unless they think it will get them moar subscribers)
Quit crying. No one is going to take it down.

Anonymous said...

I think Lorraine looked best with blonde hair :/.

Anonymous said...

So, if the qvc sisters are trying to be actresses. What name are they going to use on the credits?
(assuming that they actually do get acting jobs)

And what would their minions say if they used their real names?

Anonymous said...


please take that exploaded tomato head pic of me down.


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

"ytexposed is a fag, they made their own blog which is a ripoff of this one"

YTexposed is fucking annoying, I didn't know they made their own blog too.

Anonymous said...

Serious question:

Would any of you ever consider doing makeup tutorials on youtube?

Anonymous said...

we should try and make kai famous somehow...;)

Anonymous said...


only if i lost all self worth, respect and dignity

and decided to become a famewhore

Anonymous said...

NO. Reason: I am no make up artist. PERIOD

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Kai would be very entertaining on TV. Unlike these fake barbie airheads

Anonymous said...

Kai needs to become more famous than phanny and the qvc plastic sisters

bitch can run her own show

kai get a fucking agent you freak

we need a fucking reality show on you

Anonymous said...


Ive thought about it before. I know a lot about makeup and I think I would be pretty good at it. I just dont want my life to be consumed with youtube and the internet. Also, I think it would be really embarrassing to be like "yea I make youtube videos"

Anonymous said...

kai being famous would be horrible. she'd probably buy an entire mac store and purposely flash her vagina when getting out of her moms car

Anonymous said...

QVC sisters watch kai for tips on dumbing down.

bitch is queen dumbness supreme

Anonymous said...


No, because I am honest with myself and know that I do nothing special with my makeup. Everyone on youtube does the same exact thing with their makeup and I don't need to join in.

Also, I have self respect and enjoy having respect from others. I think I would lose that if my 'job' was making videos on youtube.

Anonymous said...

wait a second...what if blair IS moving into a smaller room in her regular house? i mean she's obviously moving to LA soon but that's just more reason for her parents to give her room to the younger one, right? they prob figure blair will only be there on certain occasions...

Anonymous said...

"and purposely flash her vagina when getting out of her moms car"


Anonymous said...


but you wud still fucking watch it

Anonymous said...

I like how Allie wants to get a tea cup yorkie just like Blair. What is it with these little girls and their obsession with Blair?

Anonymous said...

Megan is going to the Justin Bieber concert tonight. It's like your dream come true, being surrounded by little children.

Anonymous said...


Still watch what? I am actually only subscribed to six gurus. DulceCandy, TheCurrentCustom (and her vlog channel), lollipop 26, Pixiwoo and Petrilude. I'm not ashamed of it either. So I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about.

I actually have self control and don't watch people that I dislike, ie. Blair, Elle, and others...

Anonymous said...


i think they were talking about kai having her own show

id watch it for the lulz

Anonymous said...


if he went to imats or a meet up the parents would go apeshit on him and call the police on his dumbass

Anonymous said...

blair is such a liar.
i can not even believe she is now taking things so far as to lie about switching to a "guest bedroom in her parents house" when really she's moving to la
what a joke.

i know that when you are filming a movie or new tv show you cant say much about it for confidential reasons but you can say that you are moving to la to try and get into that sort of thing.

Anonymous said...

She'll probably fess up eventually, but it'll probably be in an off-handed way like how she and Lisa admitted "Elle" and "Blair" are fake names in passing; long after everyone made such a huge deal about them.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else think it was weird how she claimed moving into the guest bedroom was a "favorite"? Like uh? Wut? Why would you moving into a smaller room be a favorite and why wouldn't she just mention like hey this is the last video in this room I'm switching bedrooms. Oh baliar you are such a fail at making lies up.

Anonymous said...

omg almost 2000!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Oh, my bad. Lol.

Anonymous said...

okay to be fair... I lived in a smaller bedroom while we were building the addition to our new house, then moved in to the old "master suite" when my parents moved to the addition. I would happily move back to the small room... it had just enough room and was cozy, even though it's 1/2 the size of my room now (this is a house from the 70's though, so the master suite is nothing to write home about.)

though I still doubt lizzy is moving "within her parents' house"... isn't 17 a little young to be calling it "my parents' house"?

Anonymous said...

can someone pre-write a post about the whole lizzy/new room/la topic, so we don't have to wait a long time for camille to be able to do it? and then send it to her email?

Anonymous said...

you can paint walls of a rental apartment any color you want. i live in an apt in la and we are allowed to paint the walls any color we want. but im sure blairs assistant has already had her room painted and decorated so its ready for her to move into.

Anonymous said...

"blairs assistant"

i hope you're joking

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no-ones going to take that photo down, gtfo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What picture are we talking about? The last one?

Anonymous said...

A photo of Alexa is NOT going to hurt her in any way possible.

Anonymous said...

alexa is butthurt

you should definitely keep it up, just to piss her off :)

Anonymous said...

blair just painted her bedroom and rearranged it a little while ago. and bought that new mirrored furniture. you don'tdo that if you are planning on switching rooms soon.
the show or movie they are in probably wasn't confirmed until their last trip to la.
it must be something big i doubt blairs parents would let their 17 year old move to la alone unless it was something huge.

Anonymous said...

they're not going to be in a movie lmfao

bitch, please

Anonymous said...

I don't understand? Does Alexa not like Lisa? Why take a picture with her then? Who's Alexa again? Another 12 year-old guhroo? Oh lulz.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the last one where she's with Lisa like wtf exactly is the problem with having her photo here. 1. It's not a post about her. And 2. The photos only up because of Lisa.

Anonymous said...

The same 17 year olds parent also let her get a nose job...

Anonymous said...

@5:50 just wait and see. i guarantee you it's something big.

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