- Blair and Elle holding a meet up at one of the conference rooms at IMATS. What the fuck. Despite the fact that Blair was supposedly "the youngest makeup artist to ever work at NYC fashion week", neither of them are actual makeup artists. The only real skill they have is manipulating young girls, so why IMATS rented them an entire room for two hours is beyond me.
-Tiffany and Lorranie ended up going on this trip together. Which was weird, idk, I didn't even know they were friends. They intentionally showed up to IMATS "fashionably late" and left quickly after they arrived, trying to avoid being in any pictures with their subscribers. They also filmed all of the cute little escapades they had together.
- Megan, despite talking about it for months, let all of her subscribers down when she decided to stay in Vegas for the weekend and didn't say anything about it. She later blamed this blog, saying that people here were making mean comments so it made possibly going to IMATS "not so much fun." oooookay bb.
Honestly, if I were a real makeup artist, I'd be pissed. I can understand people like Josh and Leesha going, because they actually do shit with their makeup, while many of these other "gurus" just do 15 variations of a neutral eye. Although it would have been nice to go, given the incredible discounts on makeup, I'm not sad I missed out on the obnoxious 12 year olds running around and the ridiculous three hour lines.
Picture timeee;
Hey Lisa.. camera's over here..
«Oldest ‹Older 2001 – 2067 of 2067i guarantee you it's not.
Alexa should e glad she's getting any attention at all. Suck it up bitch, you're irrelevent. That photo was put up because of Elles fucked up eyes, not because of you.
Well Lisa is a lazy-eyed tranny now. I wouldn't want to be in the same picture as her either. But just for lulz, keep the picture up!
Wait the girl in the last pic with Lisa and Julie is a 'guru'? I thought it was a minion. Whats her username?
Is the girl in the other pic with Lisa anyone?
"Alexa should e glad she's getting any attention at all. Suck it up bitch, you're irrelevent. That photo was put up because of Elles fucked up eyes, not because of you."
The rudest fucking people work in Las Vegas.
Aww, someone at PF Changs piss you off, bb?
The best Lizzy (we should just forget about Lisa getting anywhere in LA at this point) could do, exposure-wise, is a reality show since she can't act for shit. And we all know how reality TV personalities are regarded. A hosting/interviewing gig is probably what she should stick to.
i think what they're doing is linked in with other gooroos. allie has mentioned several youtube "projects" shes doing this summer. i think phanny also mentioned something like that too..
True Life: I'm a YouTube Sellout
I don't believe allies doing more than maybe a week of actual projects and at that maybe just a meetup with somebody that spoiled brat probably has a summer home some where.
"True Life: I'm a YouTube Sellout"
I wouldn't put it past MTV.
whats this alexa chicks youtube?
Who is Allie? And does she even have a significant amount of subscribers to be doing anything big?
" And we all know how reality TV personalities are regarded"
the kardashians are reality tv stars and most people love and admire them
lolo lizzy would love to be compared to the kardashians
leinababy loves to compared to the kardashians, she wets herself everytime
her youtube is smokeypinkleopard.
She's a wannabe and got snubbed by Lorraine and Tiffany D at IMATS lulz. Lorraine didn't know who she was and Tiffany D walked away from her and left. Elle follows her BFF's Allie and Ingrid but not her. She's irrelevant basically. Now she's crying over her picture being on this blog.
6:25 glassslipperbeauty, see previous post. And not really she only reached 20000 after all the drama with her.
Alexa must be crying over the fact her "friends" are now more "popular" than her on YouTube like "hook a girl up! Pweeeas!?"
These girls only have 20,000 subs?? Ugh, carry on.
she started copying missglamorazzis thumbnail poses lmao. alexa is DESPERATE for views. there was a video of her whining about her views going down.
Hey, I need to vent this is a random question but could you link me to a video you posted on this blog? I think you deleted the entry but I thought the video was really funny. It's a Youtube video where a girl is doing a bunch of hairstyles and she does a bun and says "A really obnoxious high bun because I'm original!".
Love your blog!
this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18no3UztCmw that's leeshas sister.
@ 6:41 Yes!
Thank you! Wow, didn't know that was Leesha's sister. Interesting.
Other YouTube posters have created videos trying to discredit the sisters, calling them spoiled and liars.
"We have a larger hate following than we thought," Elle said. "Maybe it's because we made something out of nothing. We get down on it and get upset, because we have to deal with it day to day."
"It's the perfect use of social media, but there is the opportunity for people to take advantage of this age group," McCormick said. "As long as they keep it genuine and say I got this for this, it's great."
The Federal Trade Commission ruled in December 2008 that "haulers" must disclose which products they received for free.
"We are the most honest," said Elle, who needs one more class to finish her communications/law degree. "We disclose everything, if we are being sponsored, if we bought something ourselves."
The sisters let viewers know when a company sends them something for free and offer honest product reviews, they said.
Oh sahrry, I was under the impression the Kardashians were regarded as talentless famewhores who got lucky when the girl's sex tape was released (oh hey, fame from drama, wonder who got that idea- I'm wondering now if Lizzy's career doesn't take off as planned, she'll go the sex tape route like her hero).
someone should make a video about how lizzy lied again.
soooo stupid to lie and pretend to be switching to the guest room when your really moving to la. why is she hiding it so badly that she wants to be famous as a reality show person or actor? why cant she be honest im sure her subs would be very happy for her if she was.
try to get in touch with that mccormick person and let them know they do not keep it genuine and do take advantage of their young age group followers.
maybe they can do a follow up article exposing them.
people in the real world understand that what have done is very very very wrong. media places would expose them if they only knew how they used to lie so much and no they did not disclose anything.
it is not like their little fans running around saying "mind your own business" the media exposes people every day and would love to do the same about them its just they have no idea.
The Fowler girls talked with us from Tennessee and say they are small town girls who got their start after falling in love with beauty videos back in 2008. They said their videos don't cross the line as an ads for a product because they always disclose if they got it for free.
"We normally don't get paid for haul videos, the point of a haul is that you go out and purchase it yourself," Elle said.
Still they admit they make a profit off the YouTube Partner Program.
"We don't look at them as ads at all," said Elle. "The majority of our ads we don't get paid for, well we do through YouTube but they're not sponsored videos so we really do them just for fun."
They can't be serious?
Captcha: bumached. Lulz
"Maybe it's because we made something out of nothing."
or maybe it's because you are compulsive liars?
They KNOW that saying compensating is not the same as saying as I was paid for this because they know there younger subscribers don't know what it means yeah way to be honest. And only telling us when you paid for it is not the same as us always having to check the FTC disclaimer to see what you are being given.
"the media exposes people every day and would love to do the same about them its just they have no idea."
Kinda my thoughts as well. No one likes to see mean people succeed. I think that's why most of us are even here in the first place, doing whatever we can to expose them.
They only mention that they got a product for free when they do the FTC guidelines in the info box. They don't mention in their videos that they are being sponsored or that all of the items were sent to them.
And the only reason they even tell us that they were given a product is because FTC is the law. They never told us before.
Such compulsive liars.
Ohh no! Leesha's sister deleted the video where she made fun of kai. :(
Now that they're having all these interviews I just feel like they can say whatever to them and get away with it. It's ridiculous.
new post, i havent read the last 200 or so comments because i was trying to get this post up ASAP, so if im missing anything, let me know in the new post!
the kardashians did a charity auction that let people bid on a boxing match with them. they got the stuffing knocked out of them. elle and blair should do one ~for charity~
IKR, the way they make themselves sound in these interviews is that they voluntarily give this information (free product, paid, etc). Oh if only these people knew the truth.
Sure, they're making money and getting attention outside of Youtube. But the way they did it is embarassing. Do they not realize that most of the beauty community hates them and blames them for ruining it? When the FTC disclaimer was first brought up, everyone looked at them because they're exactly the reason why it was needed.
I hope they sleep at night in their LA loft on their pile of money. No one takes them seriously and I seriously hope when they get to LA, they get a slap in the face.
Who'd want to get in the ring with that lazy-eyed, amazon tranny? They should fight each other! I'm sure they have a lot of pent up sibling rivalry they want to get out!
She really thinks we hate her because were jealous she "made something out of nothing"? Girll stop lying to those interviewers and tell them the truth. We hate you because you're a liar.
You're right lulz, they would probably end up fighting eachother anyway. It's pretty obvious there is a lot of jealousy and tension in that house.
I think mel is the one who thinks she's kim kardashian the most. I unsubbed from her a long time ago when she starting thinking that. its soo obvious too.
who the fuck keeps coming here talking about how gorgeous bethany and her sister are? bethany is constantly greasy and gross and her sister looks like a coke head
new post!
mel looks like a bloated whale and needs to lay off of the pf changs. that girl is not cute.
New postttt.
FUCK FINALLY! New post babes! All about the fraud sisters moving to LA!
theres no new post :((
7:16 LMAO
yes there is a new post!!!!!!!!!
"Do they not realize that most of the beauty community hates them and blames them for ruining it"
hich members of the beauty community have said this?? Or is this something you arejust assuming?
bethany i dont think is that pretty but her sister is
the links you added do not open for me. what are thy?
where do you find all the meganheartsmakeup stuff? formspring? can anyone tell meeee.
Wow, you people are pretty fucking sick. And not in a good way. I come on this blog once in a while because I find the posts interesting sometimes... but the comments? You people take YouTube way too damn seriously. You make fun of people like Kailyn and Kalel for not having a life outside of the internet.. yet you all spend your time on here obsessing over them. Not only that.. but you're shallow as hell. Going on and on about Lorraine being "fugly" as if you are all perfection in real life. God forbid she was flawless and you actually had something intelligent to say. And Kai.. she's all you fucking talk about. I've seen her videos, she doesn't seem like a bad person but just because she's not the epitome of beauty, and she has a different way of speaking you bash her to no end? Oh and making such a HUGE deal over Kalel's name. Why do you even care? Why does it affect your life so much that you go as far as telling her to kill herself? You have problems, I'm sorry. And quite frankly, you're the ones who need to get lives other than feeding off of other people's. Good day, losers.
Megan also promised her subscribers a Dallas meetup on July 6th at Northpark.... that never happened. She "promises" to be back in the next few weeks.
elle is so ugly and crossed eyed
watch LISAS last video about back to school rooms or something! BLATENTLY in a studio filming it! and ELIZABETHS latest video was totally green screened! They have already gone to LA by the sound of it! Lisa is a bit of a troll isnt she!!!!!
I think everyone on this site should go to IMATs and then go to a Elizablair and Liselle meetup and ask them about their nosejobs, bulimia, and how they are not living there, but in their magic fantasy world of makeup and awesomeness.
Lol Lisa looks like a plastic ugly man. I fucking hate them now. I used to watch Blair when she had 10,000 subbies but now she's just a plastic fake bitch.
I can't believe she quit school to "make videos". They're sick I hope everyone finds out the ridiculous truth about them.
Lol Lisa looks like a plastic ugly man. I fucking hate them now. I used to watch Blair when she had 10,000 subbies but now she's just a plastic fake bitch.
I can't believe she quit school to "make videos". They're sick I hope everyone finds out the ridiculous truth about them.
Megan is just a 14 year old stuck up rich spoiled brat. Have you seen her house tour? It's fricken huge. She doesn't even have a job so she uses all her parents money.
Like Dior this, Chanel that. Buy this $60 foundation. She's a fake blond with bleach highlights. Bitch.
She's going to get eaten up in real highschool so suck it bitch.
Ha you loser. You're making fun of everyone here saying true statements everyone needs to hear but you're on this site too commenting. Hypocrite.
They have only comment approved on their videos so if anyone says anything about their lies they can delete it. They don't pay for anything anymore they just make money from being fake bitches on the internet. Hate them so much!
Someone should e-mail them these comments on their business address so they can realized how much everyone hates them. Fake bitches.
Oh my, I used to love Elle and Blair but after finding the truth about them I HATE THEM!! I really do think Lisa's a tranny...
sad.... i feel bad for you.
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