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Monday, June 28, 2010

IMATS etc.

So this past weekend, the International Makeup Artist Trade Show was held in Pasadena, Ca. As indicated by the name, IMATS is a place for real makeup artists to get discounted makeup, learn new tricks, and share ideas with others. However, I feel really badly for all of the legit makeup artists who attended, because it was more like an Elle and Blair minion shit show. Some of the other "gurus" who went included Allie, Leesha, Josh, Tiffany, and Lorraine just to name a few. Some of things these "gurus" were up to at IMATS included;

- Blair and Elle holding a meet up at one of the conference rooms at IMATS. What the fuck. Despite the fact that Blair was supposedly "the youngest makeup artist to ever work at NYC fashion week", neither of them are actual makeup artists. The only real skill they have is manipulating young girls, so why IMATS rented them an entire room for two hours is beyond me.
-Tiffany and Lorranie ended up going on this trip together. Which was weird, idk, I didn't even know they were friends. They intentionally showed up to IMATS "fashionably late" and left quickly after they arrived, trying to avoid being in any pictures with their subscribers. They also filmed all of the cute little escapades they had together.
- Megan, despite talking about it for months, let all of her subscribers down when she decided to stay in Vegas for the weekend and didn't say anything about it. She later blamed this blog, saying that people here were making mean comments so it made possibly going to IMATS "not so much fun." oooookay bb.

Honestly, if I were a real makeup artist, I'd be pissed. I can understand people like Josh and Leesha going, because they actually do shit with their makeup, while many of these other "gurus" just do 15 variations of a neutral eye. Although it would have been nice to go, given the incredible discounts on makeup, I'm not sad I missed out on the obnoxious 12 year olds running around and the ridiculous three hour lines.

Picture timeee;

Hey Lisa.. camera's over here..


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Anonymous said...

Lisa looks so plastic now! Seriously, she has dead eyes. She looks like one of those Barbie look alike plastic surgery freaks!

Anonymous said...

Kailyns braggingly large vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

omg kandee johnson is so high energy.. she looks like she's on drugs in her imats video.

Kristen said...

Well this blog turned interesting.

Anonymous said...

That megan shit made me laugh. We hardly ever talk about her stupid ass. Bitch must F3 her name or some shit.

Anonymous said...

yeah we don't even bash her that bad, besides her wonky eye she kind of looks ok. i feel bad for the minions who paid to just see her. idgi, she planned that thing for months, couldn't she go to LV or somewhere better whenever she wants.

Anonymous said...

Why do Megan's subscribers like watching her stupid photo videos? They're the most boring thing evar. Like who the fuck wants to look at this bitch's face 1000 different ways? And why the hell do her parents hire professional photographers to come take photos of her so she can put them on her facebook?

Anonymous said...

megan should've just said "i'm having too much fun shacking up in las vegas with justin, maybe next time peace" she needs a fucking reality check

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure this is just a "clever" excuse to get some of her minions mad at this blog while she gets out of the fact she just didn't want to go.

Anonymous said...

it's not like she needs to the discounted makeup anyway and she doesn't seem like she cares about other gurus as far as meeting them so why go?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

did any of you see the davey screencap? where he talks about the kaivey parody? Well the guy who said the girls in the video are losers wasting their saturday night commented on the video and said kai is special.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAH at the picture of Lorraine.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Lorraine.

Anonymous said...

7:20 Huh? Can you link plz?

Anonymous said...

No wonder she didn't want her picture taken.

Anonymous said...

he basically said the same thing david's friend said. its obviously the same person.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow Lorraine looks so fat next to tiffany J leno.. I guess that's why she never shows her face in her vlogs. Sorry honey but that fruit-a-terian diet didn't work

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lorraine looks so different then she does in videos..

Anonymous said...

Lorraine looks so different then she does in videos..

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

EasyAccessBeauty is the most honest guru, i love her!
you should subscribe to her!

Anonymous said...

that bitch has the most annoying voice i've heard in my life.

Anonymous said...

lolz pixi2woo has some interesting favourites... inlcude lorraine and smokeypinkleopard...

Anonymous said...

yes bitch has THE most annoying voice EVAR

Anonymous said...

Apparently Ron Pope messaged Megan on youtube and thanked her for mentioning him. I sincerely hope somebody mentioned to him that this girl was using his song rather than he watches her videos.

Anonymous said...

I really just want to punch smokeypinkleopard in the face.

Flossy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Fuck.. how many videos does Kai need to post? She uploads at least 5 a day.. and its all talking about shit which she bought from the fucking shops.. Surely if she has a job like she says she does, she wouldn't have time to make as many videos as she does...

Anonymous said...

WOW... Lorraine has a busted face! It's amazing what camera angles and lighting can do for a person. No wonder she freaked out and left! Tiffany looks the same to me. From that picture, she looks exactly the same as she does in all of her videos, twitpics ect... She looks NORMAL. Leesha, Josh, Suzy, Julie and Tiffany seem to be the only ones that look exactly the same in candid pics as they do in their vids. All the others (from what I've seen in people's pictures) all look totally different.

Anonymous said...

lol @ 8:20 maybe thats why she has the camera pointed toward her tetherball titties, to take the focus away from her ugly face.

Wtf is this shit she is trying to fob off on her website? Fucking gold chains that are over $300?

Anonymous said...

Lisa looks like a tranny in the 3rd pic. Scary!

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see what you're saying, Kyle Gerry=BigxXxBoy. "Go die in a car accident"? What an effed up troll.

Anonymous said...

It is fine to live anywhere in the United States, as long as you aren't living in the fucking middle of god damn no-where (Wisconsin, North Dakota, whatever else crappy states are there too) ahahahha

Anonymous said...

lorraine looks like she is 40 years old, thats howold i thought she was when i first saw a video of her last year

Anonymous said...

Has anyone watched this video on youtube when Elle and Blair did their current meet up in Manhattan? Very lulzy. They were standing while 300 girls tooks pictures of them while they posed... girls, you're not celebrities!...

moar fail plz kthx said...

"Of course sex hurts the first time. It's a dick in your vagina. Go buy a dildo and practice with yourself first"

oh my gawd i just fell out of my chair

Anonymous said...

moar will you have sex with me?

Anonymous said...

Jen is a VIRGIN

moar fail plz kthx said...

9:21 its going to cost you bb

Anonymous said...

don't worry bb i will pay you good money, sound good?

Anonymous said...

i can't pinpoint what it is but smokeyinkleopard is annoying as shit.

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to this blog because I did like reading the new posts and stuff monthly when they went up.

But wow. I didn't get a chance to read the last post as and I don't know who that is so I skipped to this post.

Then I came to read a few comments and all I see is unrelated talk about sex and the same old Kai stuff.

Do you guys not have any friends or a life that you can talk about sex and boyfriends and stuff with?

I like reading the posts that go up don't get me wrong but this is the very first time I actually clicked on the comments and was curious about what people said and it was just nothing related and from the 5 or so comments I read honestly sounded like it was all coming from the same person.

You really should get some help if this is really what you do with all of your time.

Its fun to read these posts a few times a month but if you are really on this blog daily and so forth...well I feel bad for you :( Good luck. I won't bother reading the commenst again now that I know that they are not even real and are just a bunch of bizarre chat from people who do this sort of thing regulary as their fun :(

Anonymous said...

9:56 Most of the people who leave stupid comments (like asking if sex hurt) are just trolls.

Anonymous said...

Oh & 9:56 there are some regulars, but there are thousands of people who visit and comment on this blog. It's not just a small bunch of 'bizarre people'.

Anonymous said...


lol omg

Anonymous said...

How old is Leesha? Is she ever going to get over this goth scene queen phase?

Anonymous said...

Tiffany actually looks better in real life when she is not trying to look perfect for camera. Her style is also much more age appropriate I think. I like it.

rawr said...


Anonymous said...

" ForeverKailyn

About to layout!"


Anonymous said...

ughhhhh I hate people like her. Stupid people shouldn't try and inform other stupid people.

Anonymous said...

about to layout what, kailyn?

Anonymous said...

Kai, take your nails off. They are about to fall off anyway. Wouldn't want one going into your potpie.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany dresses much better than Lorraine. Girl needs to learn how to dress with class, designer clothes =/= classy.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

LOL. ikr. I though it was photoshopped.

Anonymous said...

A tranny man and pig girl.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I do agree Lorainne looks totally different in real life pics than she does on her vids, so what? I would want to look my best in my videos. Tiffany looks pretty and classy. I do not think Lorainne is fat at all!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Leesha needs to give up the junk food and teen wardrobe. Grown up Leesha. You look like a fool.

Anonymous said...

Leesha's not that big. She could stand to use 5-10 pounds, but most of it is that she doesn't know how to dress herself so she looks bigger than she is.

Anonymous said...

lisa looks like a man lmfao

Anonymous said...

I agree, Leesha is just a bit chubby in the tummy. And those skinny punk jeans are making it VERY obvious. I just don't know how she put those on and didn't see they highlight her tummy.

Anonymous said...

If I was a makeup artist at IMATS I would be pissed off at all the goohroos for whoring it to all their minions to show up. That place was over-run by 13 year old girls who have no business being there.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is def not fat, but damn.. her face looks messed up!

Anonymous said...

The amount of children at imats was disturbing and annoying.

Anonymous said...

messed up how? like what exactly? I always see ppl say she is fug, what is messed up about it?

Anonymous said...

So people asked Loraine to take pictures with her and she said NO???

How do we know?

Damn, we should have a troll meet up at the next IMATS show. We would easily fill up a conference room. Kai could be our guest star ;-)

Anonymous said...

Lisa still has big knackers, dispite the rapid weight loss. She'll hook herself some rich older man while in LA. My guess is a lawyer or a doctor or a d list hockey player.

Anonymous said...

@12:13 I agree. they are not there for the creativity, but to meet YT fools. That does piss me off. looks like You tube was a sponser for the event. I mean they had a lot of guru events, summit etc. LOL I cant wait for the NYC one.

Anonymous said...

I like this blog as it is now.No spam and fools. People sharing opinions. The kids must be in camp.

Anonymous said...

I'd love see Kai out in the wild. Probably wouldn't say anything to her but just watch her interact with people.
Kids and imats DO NOT mix. There needs to be an age limit.

Anonymous said...

@12:14 We say Lorraine is fug because she looks like a 40 yr old woman

Anonymous said...

I know. It's like this is a makeup trade show for actual people who are in the trade. This is not where people who happen to make lame videos where they put makeup on themselves for 13 year olds meet-up with said 13 year olds to get their fill of wanting to be a celebrity.

Anonymous said...

I do not see a 40 yr old woman. Maybe a bigger nose and smaller squinty eyes, could be the pic though. IDK. Funny people will complain if she had PS saying eww "she is fake", but then bust on her looks. Cant win.

Anonymous said...

lulz leesha dedicated her frosty blue eyeshadows to brooke.

Anonymous said...

^Hi Lorraine.

Captcha: lismSTFU


Anonymous said...

If you're not yet convinced that Lorraine is fugly, go to 16:57 in this vid

Anonymous said...

" CityAndMakeup

i'm sorry but people take youtube way too seriously. and that's the truth."

says the attention whore who put up a 3 minute video of herself baaaaaaaawing her eyes out because of some 30 day challenge

Anonymous said...

That's funny since she was crying hysterically over "mean" comments. She's seriously delusional.

Alicia said...

I like Lorraine, too, 12:40, but I do think she is pretty unfortunate looking... But everyone has different opinions, maybe you just don't see it somehow.

Alicia said...

Oops, didn't mean 12:40. My bad. To the person who can't see Lorraine isn't that attractive.

Anonymous said...

holy fug

Anonymous said...

kandee Johnson posted her imats video and I just have one question... where were her kids?!

Taj-Jay Ma-Hai everywaaan said...

That laser shit looks like it made no difference in Lorraine's skin. She's still not cute.
And in that video that someone posted, did they really get there that late? What was the point of going if you're not even going to take advantage of being there?
They basically flew to LA to take a star tour and lay out by the pool in their hotel.

Anonymous said...

it really bothers me that nat tries to act 18. her katy perry video is a fine example.

Anonymous said...

lmfao watch enkore at 6:10 + 6:50

second hand embarrassment

Anonymous said...

How the hell could you see Lorainne's skin in the pic. haha. seriously, now you all are just reaching. She is not ugly at all!! I did see the other video, she looks mormal. Not all glammed up. Good for a nice day in LA!

Anonymous said...

What is the fuckin 30 day challenge?

ingram091 said...

Who would want to go anywhere that you the Unknowncritic lady would be? You Miss TN Jealous witch. Personally as a supporter of all these people that you continually make fun of and ridicule behind fake anonymity. Having got early warning of your attendance in hopes of getting embarrassing pictures who wouldn't decide to opt for something different. Elle and Blair are older and can deal with the BS better then a young girl. You may have rights to publish garbage and have people read it. but so too do other opt not to deal with your garbage. I notice you didnt expose yourself to Elle who I know for a fact would have taken you down in a heart beat had she known she was looking at the likes of you.

Anonymous said...

Oh okay, Pedogram. Please go back to fapping to Silly Bandz hauls by little 10 year olds.

Anonymous said...
^^that photo of lorraine makes me laugh, THUPER FUGLICIOUS

in the future you could do a post about certain gurus that use camera angles + lighting to look better (lorraine, lisa, michelle phan etc)

Anonymous said...

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

ingram091 is a pedo

Anonymous said...

Lorraine looks like 18.

Nat looks like 20.

Blair and Elle do their videos out of joy.

And the river flows uphill.

Anonymous said...

ingram reminds me of those guys on to catch a predator.. they always claim that they are simply trying to be "friends" with young girls, they are lonely, insecure, sometimes suicidal, just like our dear ingram

Anonymous said...

Who wouldnt want to do videos with the best lighting and angles. wtf. Loser!

Anonymous said...

Whoa is Koren drunk in that Kandee video?

Anonymous said...

LOL. most gurus use good lighting to create a clear video. theres a difference between that and using lighting and angles to look like a completely different person, like lorraine

go back to fapping over 11 year old girls you sick perverted pedophile

Anonymous said...

Was Irene at IMATS?

Anonymous said...

hey ingram, you know you were moaning about that woman who stopped talking to you after you met up at disney? perhaps she realized what a pathetic creepy PEDOPHILE you were. disgusting. pedophiles deserve to rot in hell.

no woman would want to be within 5 feet of you. not even that mantranny lisa with the lazy eye would give you a second glance. give it up ingram.

Anonymous said...

omg is that really ingram gtfo you sick freak! please get help!

Taj-Jay Ma-Hai everywaaan said...

@1:06, Even in a somewhat blurry picture you can tell when someone's skin texture just seems a bit rough. There are shadows around her cheeks which means those areas are sunken in a bit. Maybe it did help her, but her joker smile is just making her entire facial area look worse.
Don't get me wrong, I like Lorraine's vids (she's funny to me), but the girl is not cute.

Stay far, far away from tanning beds ladies.

Anonymous said...

Do you really all think Lorainne is ugly? Maybe not gorgeous, but ugly? Come on! I have seen her on blog tv and she looked great. hmm. Maybe she doesnt take good pics.

Anonymous said...

there was a guy on to catcha predator that showed up naked and was chasing a cat. WAS THAT YOU INGRAM?

Anonymous said...

I love Lorraines videos but she really isn't attractive. She looks a lot older than she claims. Anyone can point the camera down at their chest and pose the way she does.

Anonymous said...

jussssssssss's old lulzy video! this dude needs to come out already!

Anonymous said...

oooooooookaaaaaaaaaaay we get it, you find Lorraine GORTHUS! No STFU or GTFO. No one cares.

Mabey people point her flaws out because on cam and on blogtv she acts like the hottest shit alive which she clearly is NOT. Average, not more PERIOD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lorraine looks like she's pushing 35.
shame that spending all the money she does on herself can't make her she's so ugly...surprising how cocky and conceited she acts in her videos

Anonymous said...

I DO find lorraine ugly. It's not just bad pictures, she looked horrible in that video someone posted too. But hey, whatever floats your boat bb.

Anonymous said...

lisa looks like one of the 'girls' out of white chicks hahaha

Anonymous said...

oLEESHAo I fucking love you.

"Hey, instead of lecturing us these bullshit facts, you should consider getting a speech therapist. Just sayin."


Anonymous said...

Okay who the hell are these gurus using copyright music without getting caught?! Allie used a Miley Cyrus song and Megan always has copyright music in her videos. The thing that detects the song never pops up on their videos. Wtf.

Taj-Jay Ma-Hai everywaaan said...

"Mabey people point her flaws out because on cam and on blogtv she acts like the hottest shit alive which she clearly is NOT. Average, not more PERIOD."


Anonymous said...

LOL. i love Lorainne and am going to get all of her fans in here!!!
Lorainne FTW!!! this blog should be a LOVE LORAINNE BLOG!!
Current Custom 4 evarrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up Ingram Camille has said before she likes Megan. I'm sure at the last moment Megan was so caught up in this website instead of being with her boyfriend in Las Vegas that she decided not to go.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

its not that lorraine looks fugs, it's the FACT that she looks old!

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's the dyke Californiacosmetics@ around 224

Anonymous said...

ingram has a neopets account. enough said.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

has anyone found jusssssss's new account he keeps talking about

Anonymous said...

she has no banner and no ads.

Anonymous said...

wow. what a differnce in those pics. How the hell does she make her arms look really skinny in her videos? Also her face looks thin in the videos and wide in the pic.

Anonymous said...

Jus will start a new account when he finds a job aka when hell freezes over.

Anonymous said...

she lost her partnership like a year ago.

Anonymous said...

she lost her partnership a year ago

Anonymous said...

what happend to Sticky? Why did she stop trolling?

Anonymous said...

sgijsrigjsg comments are messing up lol

Anonymous said...

1:43 PM hahaha that i know! but i was just wondering if anyone has FOUND it

Anonymous said...

ForeverKailyn About to layout!
about 3 hours ago via mobile web

Oh the sweet life of a only child!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what does ingram look like?

Anonymous said...


I got second hand embarrassment too. I'm pretty sure he was drunk. Who walks around with a wine glass outside? Where were they?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

kai is on permanent vacation... she can sleep in everyday, lay by the pool and swim, shop whenever she wants to, etc. it's ridic.

Anonymous said...

lets troll omegle you guise!

Anonymous said...

what is a good powerful vibrator?

Anonymous said...

Omeagle Lorainne!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
has anyone found jusssssss's new account he keeps talking about

JULY 2, 2010 1:40 PM

Yeah, I did.

Anonymous said...

1:57 PM YES!!!!!!! lets do it!!! 'ello ello' is me!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine looks like she's disabled or is 60 and just had a stroke in that picture hahahha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow if thats really him, its been almost a year and hes still talking about it :-O LOOOOOOOZAAAAAAAAA

Sour Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

jussssssssss's old lulzy video! this dude needs to come out already!
OMG where did you find this? I've never seen it!

I kinda feel bad for him. He should just admit he's transgendered and transition into living as a girl. He looks like one anyway so it won't be hard, it's not like he's manly looking.

Anonymous said...

oh look ingram she made a video about you

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the second 2:01 haha.

Anonymous said...

2:07 PM LOL! i was just watching his old videos, all of his older videos are hilar! he just talks and talks and talks and never does anything!

Anonymous said...

I'm being an obvious troll on omegle and this dude thinks I'm from Bangladesh.

Anonymous said...

Stranger: hi
You: ello ello
Stranger: wts ur name?
You: kailyn
Stranger: my nickname is max
You: cool
You: MAX
Stranger: haha
You: you can call me kai
Stranger: nice
Stranger: cool too lol
Stranger: where u from then?
You: maryland
Stranger: us?
Stranger: wow
You: yeah
You: why?
Stranger: so far away from me lol
You: where do you live?
Stranger: hk
You: hong kong?
Stranger: ya
Stranger: how old r u then?
You: 20
You: you?
Stranger: wow, u r gonna be surprised
You: how old?
Stranger: 17 lol
Stranger: almost 18
You: nice
You: that's super cool
Stranger: y?
You: idk
You: it's just soooo cool
Stranger: tht u noe a guy whos 17? lol
You: ya
You: i loooooove them
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so u studying now or working?
You: neither
Stranger: relaxing lol?
You: lol ya
You: like always
You: i dont work
You: or go to school
You: im a makeup artist soon
Stranger: wow
Stranger: thts my sisters dream too lol
You: lol
You: its my dream im gonna be a makeup artist lol
Stranger: lol
Stranger: but she does too
Stranger: and shes only 15, by the time shes old, she'll forget bout it too
You: im gonna be a great makeup artist
You: lol i c
Stranger: im sure u r
You: do u like makeup
Stranger: umm
Stranger: sometimes my sis puts nailpolish on me
You: lol i do that to davit
You: my boyfrand
Stranger: she sometimes makes me put foundation for formal occasions
You: i looooove foundation
Stranger: haha
You: its so amazin
Stranger: ya
You: what shade r u
You: i have all colors
Stranger: my dark eye circles disappear
Stranger: im actually very dark-skinned
You: lol me too
You: i have tans
Stranger: cause im actually pakistani lol
Stranger: mine r not tans
Stranger: lol
You: i tan at my pool
You: in a bandoo bikini
Stranger: can i see lol?
Stranger: jkjk
You: you can
Stranger: reli?
Stranger: hell ya then
You: lol
Stranger: wow
Stranger: i think im gonna go crazy lol
You: lol why
Stranger: ur so beautiful
Stranger: lol i wont say sexy lol

Anonymous said...

@ 2:16 lol moreee

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

trying out omegle for the first time. It's Weird. I will be Kai.

Anonymous said...

still cant get over that kai has fucking Sony Vegas. what the fuck does she even edit? sony vegas is a $600 program that does a lot of cool shit. she probably has no idea how to use it. the way she "edits" her videos is something I can do in widows movie maker or some shit. bah. yes, i know you can get it for free, but you KNOW momma wilcher bought that for her.

Anonymous said...

kai only paid $40 for it, who cares. download it for free if you want it that badly.

Anonymous said...

Kai doesn't even "edit" her videos. The most she does is cut something out or put two clips together. That's it.

Anonymous said...

@2:47 No, you're wrong. She also puts together thuuuper pretty slideshows with thuper awethum music ;)

Anonymous said...

only da best for ~*~*pRinCeSs kAi~*~*~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I forgot- Why couldn't Kai use Windows Movie Maker that's already installed on her computer?

Anonymous said...

Whoever told elle and blair they needed new noses needs to be shot, then elle and blair need to be shot for listening to them, then the doctor needs to be shot for giving them those hideous MJ noses.

Anonymous said...

and their parents need to be shot

why would they let their 17 year old daughter get a nose job when it looked fine before..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm going to Jasper tomorrow for 3 days, staying in a posh cabin. Then roughing it in Banff in a tent. I'm very excited! These two places are easily two of the most beautiful places on earth. That is all.

Anonymous said...

a lot of jews give nose jobs to thier kids as a sweet 16. wake the fuck up about reality!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

there not jewish loser

Anonymous said...

Lorraine does NOT look 24.

Anonymous said...

I never said they were. I am saying PS is not a big deal anymore. Nose jobs are normal and even considered PS. You all must live in the 1800's or something. It is not like they had face fucking lifts. asshole

Anonymous said...

you can so tell those fake ass sister got a nose job

Anonymous said...

Yeah, because everyone in my neighborhood is getting nose jobs at seventeen. Because it's totally appropriate for a parent to consent to their child's every little want.

Anonymous said...

what a sad world we live in if society considers a child getting cosmetic surgery completely normal

Anonymous said...

she looks pretty?

Anonymous said...

"I am saying PS is not a big deal anymore."

if its not such a big deal then why dont they just own up to it? why dont they stop blocking anyone who asks about it? THEY obviously feel embarassed and ashamed to admit it, THEY are the ones who think its a big deal.

Anonymous said...

People don't like Kai ;_;

Stranger: send naked pics
You: ;)
Stranger: ew.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Anonymous said...

2 days ago
I loved meeting you! I look very odd in this video, haha! I'd love to be able to actually hang out one day, not in a big crowd.

@TheCurrentBoobies I thought you looked great Lorraine! You have no idea how great it was meeting you. It's funny you say that, because I really really REALLY want to go to Florida. So yay, let's do it :)
EGheartsSSC 1 day ago

Ingram091 said...

YEA YEA Whatever. I have and will never meet anyone I have befriended on YT. you call me a white knight for defending these kids, then turn around and call me a pedo freak because they became friends after a time. As to miss Krystal Orth I knew her family and I gave her the graduation gift she wanted in protest as I wanted to send her and her boyfriend instead. When it turned out bad due to bad weather she flaked. And suddenly I was the weirdo because I comforted my mother who was hurting in physical and emotional ways instead of her and her mother who were just superficial about the entire thing. Not even a thanks for trying, just a Brush off and next day after we never want to see you again. Not my fault Florida had bad weather.

And calling me a pedo is laughable. I'm no fag, I'm not sexually attracted to your little twits. I am HUMAN. I treat other people that are deserving of respect WITH mutual respect and kindness. THAT does not make me a pedophile. Fucking assholes... I know I have problems. I'm practically agoraphobic in that I HATE this world that exists now. Filled with the lowest most disgusting degenerate things that has ever existed in all time. All of you get off on your little hacking and mockeries because you have NOTHING worth anything in your lives. so enjoy your lulz derp BS Stick your thumb up your ass and suck on it for all I care.

Anonymous said...

^ someones butthurt

Anonymous said...

3:44 what the hell is that? is she high?

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT. When I saw Lorraine in Erin's video, I was really shocked. She definitely looks 35+. I think Tiffany actually looks a lot better in the IMATS pics than what I've seen from her videos. But daaaaamn, Lorraine's got angles and lighting mastered. She has fat arms, really old looking hooded eyes, and her nose looks even more awful. Someone add this picture to the post!

Anonymous said...

if you're not a pedophile, i'd love to know what you're doing watching very young girls putting on makeup..


Anonymous said...

"All of you get off on your little hacking and mockeries because you have NOTHING worth anything in your lives."

says the middle aged guy who is suicidal and has nothing going for him except trying to befriend underage girls online..

Anonymous said...

# 3:56 lorainne pic isnt working for me. Funny she says she looks weird in that video to save herself, but she looks the same in everyones videos. LIke shit!!!

Anonymous said...

elle and blair do not block anyone who asks about their nosejobs. i asked and im not blocked. they just didnt approve the comment.
which means they are trying to hide the fact that they did have work done and that is what bothers me.
other people admit they have had plastic surgery when asked juicy tuesday , sardun etc will all admit to boobjobs etc.
and even tho lorraine wont admit to it at least she doesnt try to stop other people from questioning it/noticing by not approving comments about it.

Anonymous said...

lisa blocked me when i asked her about it on twitter lolo

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 4.03 that's what i thought!!! "very odd" is her saying, "wow, i look wacky and what a strange angle that photo was taken at,i never look like that when i look in the mirror"

it's not quite saying, "i look bad" because she's too vain to ever admit that an unflattering photo might have been taken.

Anonymous said...

lisa blocks everyone on twitter and she blocked me on youtube for commenting on a hater video. lisa is pathetic

Anonymous said...

I dont get why lisa + blair spend so much time on perfectly curled hair when they should spend more time making their makeup photoready.

it annoys me because they got nose jobs etc and they just look tired and old.

Anonymous said...

is missglamorazzi good? so far I've heard good stuff about her besides being friends with Allie & Alexa

Anonymous said...

lol hannah disabled comments from the elle and blair video

Anonymous said...

she's a new beauty smartie for 17 doin' what elle is doing in there.

her video on the seventeen yt channel was a bit pointless, it was "violet lips" and basically she applied lipstick from the tube and blotted it, video over.

but she seems honestly a nice girl

Anonymous said...

blair and elle have that celeb makeup artist now so they will never need to worry about doing their own makeup for their photoshoots and movies/tv shows they are on now
he must be pretty good he has worked on tons of huge celebs.
i cant wait to see the transformation he was able to give them whenever those professional photos come out

Anonymous said...

what celebrity makeup artist??

Anonymous said...

lolwut? how do you know they have their own makeup artist? maybe they were just hanging out with him, like they did with bobbi brown..

Anonymous said...

"doing their own makeup for their photoshoots and movies/tv shows they are on now"

LOL, bitch, please. they're two beauty gurus from youtube, not rockstars.

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