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Monday, June 28, 2010

IMATS etc.

So this past weekend, the International Makeup Artist Trade Show was held in Pasadena, Ca. As indicated by the name, IMATS is a place for real makeup artists to get discounted makeup, learn new tricks, and share ideas with others. However, I feel really badly for all of the legit makeup artists who attended, because it was more like an Elle and Blair minion shit show. Some of the other "gurus" who went included Allie, Leesha, Josh, Tiffany, and Lorraine just to name a few. Some of things these "gurus" were up to at IMATS included;

- Blair and Elle holding a meet up at one of the conference rooms at IMATS. What the fuck. Despite the fact that Blair was supposedly "the youngest makeup artist to ever work at NYC fashion week", neither of them are actual makeup artists. The only real skill they have is manipulating young girls, so why IMATS rented them an entire room for two hours is beyond me.
-Tiffany and Lorranie ended up going on this trip together. Which was weird, idk, I didn't even know they were friends. They intentionally showed up to IMATS "fashionably late" and left quickly after they arrived, trying to avoid being in any pictures with their subscribers. They also filmed all of the cute little escapades they had together.
- Megan, despite talking about it for months, let all of her subscribers down when she decided to stay in Vegas for the weekend and didn't say anything about it. She later blamed this blog, saying that people here were making mean comments so it made possibly going to IMATS "not so much fun." oooookay bb.

Honestly, if I were a real makeup artist, I'd be pissed. I can understand people like Josh and Leesha going, because they actually do shit with their makeup, while many of these other "gurus" just do 15 variations of a neutral eye. Although it would have been nice to go, given the incredible discounts on makeup, I'm not sad I missed out on the obnoxious 12 year olds running around and the ridiculous three hour lines.

Picture timeee;

Hey Lisa.. camera's over here..


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Needle said...

Is it just me or does Elle look more like TiffanyD in that Seventeen pic?

Needle said...

Also they should have named that eye look "the Barney look for kindergarteners".

Anonymous said...

the green under her eye made her look sick, and yes she does look tiffany leno-esque but she really just looks like a hag

Anonymous said...

Those "tutorials" are a joke. "Put shadow on lid... Now put shadow under eye. And voila! You are now as amazing at makeup as I!"

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is @ 3:33 mark..

Sweet Jesus she is FUGLY.How the hell does this girl think shes hot shit and act so cocky looking like a monster face.Pause the vid and look at her face..... SCARRRYYYYYYYY
She looks 45ish

too bad $ cant buy pretty

Needle said...

@10:36 Yeah I hate how most magazines dumb down makeup looks, when it's so obvious what the makeup artists used was a lot more involved. You CAN make your makeup look fine with just two shadows (and some eyeliner), but one shadow on your lid and one on your bottom lashline isn't really spectacular in most situations.

@10:34 You know, you're right. I didn't really look that closely under her eye area. Yeahhhhh if you want to make your eyes look more alive and brighter, plz do not stick a more yellow based color under your eye. Stick to blues.

Anonymous said...

so did lisa come up with that look herself?

Anonymous said...

That would you rather tag is getting so annoying. I think gurus keep picking the MC Hammer pants to look like their thuper unique and don't care what people think. It's pretty obvious that biker shorts would be the lesser of two evils.

Anonymous said...

Lorainne was having a bad day, thats all!

Anonymous said...

Why the hell would you pick MC Hammer pants? At least you can put bikers under shorts or something. The Hammer pants are on full display for everyone to witness the ugly. These goohroos sure are thuper fashion savvy.

Anonymous said...

maybe if 1 or 2 people picked it would be okay, but now everyone is just molding their answers off of someone else.

Anonymous said...

Lorainne was having a bad day, thats all!

Yeaaa everyday must be a bad day with a face like that. I dont understand how she thinks shes hot shit.Debbie must have paid lots of $$ for self esteem therapy

Anonymous said...

The only person who can wear harem pants and get away with it is Aladdin. Even MC Hammer should have never put those things on.

Anonymous said...

I like lorainne more than Debbie. Debbie is a moron and gives bad advice, she compaired her handing snacks to her kids to concentration camp victims. The dad is a tool too. Poor Lorainne, seems the smart one was the brother who moved away!

Anonymous said...

Ingrid/mizzglamorazi is 21??? Alexa look older than her

Anonymous said...

I think the only reason Lorraine pushes the stuff from the store as much as she does is because of Debbie too. I feel like Debbie is constantly trying to show us things and make us want to buy them, and shes the one who keeps telling Lorraine to put more things on the blog.

Anonymous said...

LOL the only thing blair and elle are known for in the media are being excessive shoppers. how nice. what about the constant pushing of shitty sponsored products?

Anonymous said...

My step grandfather used to have this trashcan. He'd throw me in it and then cast it off a hill. I still have the scars.

Anonymous said...

11:42 LOL

Anonymous said...

so i guess even the media sees that blair and elle have no talent.. the only time theyre featured (aside from the year long seventeen contract) its about how theyre "professional haulers". COOL. everyone shops. atleast there are no articles about their thuperior makeup skillz.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid my boyfriend might break up with me if I don't give it up. He says he'll wait but he won't wait forever.

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't believe Lorraine looks so fug in that picture! She must REALLY work those angles when she films her videos and didnt she go out and buy a professional lighting system a couple months back? She must need it! Thank god her day in the life videos don't show her face.

She is not fat but looks fat next to tiffanyd - her arms and her face look so chubby. i was not expecting that at all, I thought she had a great body but I guess not!

Anonymous said...

11:46 i'll have sex with you

Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop saying Lorraine has a "Job". She does not have a proper job she works for her mom. Whenever she is talking to debbie in the store they are standing around talking and the other employees are working on orders.

Lorraine NEVER answers her emails. i emailed her like 5 times a few months ago asking for prices etc but she never replied to even ONE of my emails. This is the girl who pimps out the shit in her store like no other on every single video. Then when I email wanting to buy she doesnt reply. Does that make sense to you??

Shes now giving out the store number so people can call and directly order from debbie because she cant be bothered to answer emails. She also tells customers that debbie will call them. Why the fuck cant she call? if its her job huh???

Lorraine gets chemical peels, and shops all day. She does not have a real job. Vent over.

Anonymous said...

I don't get how Lorraine can spend so much time/money on makeup/hair cuts/nails/skin treatments/gym/fruit diets/clothes/surgery and look like that.

I mean, she does have ALOT of leisure time. If i was her, knowing i was attending imats with another big name yt person, where i knew swarms of young girls with cameras would be constantly taking pictures and filming, i would make sure I looked decent.

Like, flattering clothes at least. and WHYYYYY did she go and leave so quick? was it really because she was jealous of tiffany?? i think it's more so that she hated having her picture taken. why she didn;t think it would happen before she went im not sure, but i mean when she films her daily vlogs the places she visits are mostly carparks/malls which are pretty deserted.

but she always shows her body and it looks way smaller, shes always wearing short shorts and her skin looks more glowy and tanned.

Anonymous said...

poll time: what's your bra size? be honest

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I likey me small tittays

Anonymous said...

36a holla. im saving up for a boob job. haha

Anonymous said...

32B...i'm 14. do you think i'll grow?

Anonymous said...

I like my boobs, but I love my pussy lol
It just looks pretty.

Kristen said...


yay small boobs

Anonymous said...

1213, yes

Anonymous said...

Y is lorainne drinking cheap bber in a parking lots with 2 loser dudes? This chick has no friends. :( sad! lol. they tried to put the camera on her and she stopped them

Anonymous said...

i know everyone's different, but who big do you think i'll grow if i'm a 32B? i'm worried :(

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

im 32D

Anonymous said...

@ the 2nd 12.22 i know. they look younger too....why was she worried about what she was wearing?????

i must have skipped thru the part where they were gonna film her.

kind of makes me feel bad for her. i actually dont think shed be that bad to hang around with, like at least she'd be good to shop with so why doesnt she have any girlfriends?

Anonymous said...

12 26

those dresses r fug

Anonymous said...

I'm not Lorainne, but what's everyone's issue with her? She seems like a nice enough person. Yeah she spends tons of money, but who cares. If I had money to just blow like that, I would too. Her feelings are probably hurt because people were calling her ugly at imats.

Anonymous said...

I'm having the worst summer ever. I spend my days sleeping late and doing nothing fun.

Anonymous said...

how big do you think kai's are?

Anonymous said...

How do you kow her feelings are hurt?

Anonymous said...

I've gone on other websites and completely changed myself. I was a character, and I grew pretty well known and loved for stuff I haven't even gone through. It was just an experiment to see how convincing I could really be, no matter how ridiculous the things I said.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAH does anyone follow blairxx? she said shes craving fried pickles. shes most def prego!

Anonymous said...

pregnant or not, that fat bitch doesnt need any fried pickles

WTF I've never even heard of one

Kristen said...

Yeah, I am leaning toward Blairxx being pregnant.

I remember a while back someone posted a status update from her FB about being like, 16 weeks or something? I wish I had that screenshot. Or I wish I could see her FB wall!

Kristen said...

and fried pickles are delicious.

Anonymous said...

lol. who is spamming Lorainne's comments?

Anonymous said...

Me :)

Anonymous said...

lol! someone said she looked like an orge, omg! How do you spam as one person? I tried and it doesnt work.

Anonymous said...

I only spammed once, but then when her minions came to her beckon call on the defenseline, I marked them all as spam. Hahahaha

Anonymous said...

That was me! I said she looked like an ogre :) lol

Anonymous said...

I am eating pickles now

nom nom

Anonymous said...

haha! one said she was hot in a non lesbian way and everyone was jealous. it was up to 14, then domw to nothing, then thumbs up and now nothing. LMAO. I sooo wish you could inset a pic in the comment section. anyone that has an orge pic of Lorainne should post a link to it.

Anonymous said...

Of course Lorraine works those angles. She has no other choice. She puts the camera up high so she looks up at it. That takes away the double chin (ask PinkieCharm), puts focus on her fake tits and makes her eyes look more open.
Lorraine makes Kai look attractive.

Anonymous said...

I'm on it, anon :)


Anonymous said...

@ 1:02 burn!

Anonymous said...

how big do u think megan parkens boobs r

Anonymous said...

damnit you cant put tinypic links in someones youtube comments :(

Anonymous said...

Did you guys see that bethainy is back. I wonder if BillieJean will be too! But I doubt it since she just got back from INTENSIVE Bible school training. She's probably gonna be a good girl and make amends with Kai.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:05 you can leave now ingram

Anonymous said...

We all have a right to be here @1:07

Anonymous said...

blair and elle dont want to be known for being good at makeup. they do not care about makeup or being makeup artists.

they just want fame. and they got it.

what i dont get is where these media outlets came up with terms like "the ultimate teen fashionista" for blair or "haul queens" "famous for shopping"

they do not do hauls or fashion videos. 90% of their videos are paid commercials. period. even their tutorials all mostly are using sponsered/paid to use stuff.

they should be titled what they really are "the ultimate youtube informercial queen"

which videos other then the good morning america forever21 vid have they ever done involving fashion or hauling where they have just purchased the items themselves and want to show it? are there any?

Anonymous said...

LOL at Lorainne drinking PBR beer. What a classless ogre she is.

Anonymous said...

LOL 1:11. I know! drinking trailer trash beer, where is the party? Lorainne please find a female friend who will show you the ways !

Anonymous said...

I wish she had female friends to guide her on the right path. Come on Lorainne, get a little Disoronno and coke like a lady.

Anonymous said...

Sad thing is, I highly doubt those two guys actually had good alcohol :( They could've easily gotten a fifth for the same price as that trash beer.

Anonymous said...

I don't want another pretty face
I don't want just anyone to hold
I don't want my love to go to waste
I want you and your beautiful soul

Anonymous said...

Lol uh oh, someone forgot to cover their information

Anonymous said...

^^ that's her POBOX you retard.

Anonymous said...

I don't know enough about lorainnes channel to know thats her PO box, retard.

Anonymous said...

what's the link to this lorraine pic and beer?

Anonymous said...

It still has her phone number, so quit your bitching

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stop spamming about Kailyn.

Anonymous said...

she put her adress online in the vid on purpose! she wants gifts. duh.

Anonymous said...

mai birthday is may 20
send me presents

Anonymous said...

oops I meant 18

Damn it, I was trying to mock our lilkaikaiz

Anonymous said...

@1:39 How dare you mock kaka??

Anonymous said...

link to Lorraine's beer drinking thingy. PWETTY PWEEEZE!!! =)

Anonymous said...

I dedicate this song to our one..our only, Lil Kai Kaiz (tears in eyes)

Anonymous said...

lorainne's video. beer drinking is at the end of this boring video

Anonymous said...

would you guys cry if kai died?

Anonymous said...

no lol

Anonymous said...

I love Queen Kai.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:50 i'm crying just thinking about your question :'(

Anonymous said...

no one brings the lulz like one.

Anonymous said...

i will cry

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is awesome and honest. You guys are really reaching attacking her looks.
What has she ever done besides be honest, not sellout and do a million sponsored product reviews as well as being entertaining?

Go attack people who lie and scam and are dishonest if you want but Lorraine has never done anything but keep it real with everyone.
So she uses good lighting and angles WHO DOESN"T on their youtube videos?

Also is it not the July Fourth national holiday weekend in the USA?
Go enjoy it. Turn off your computer and go do something. Do you people sit on here on New Years and Christmas too?

You must be very lonely and have very low self esteem to feel the need to attack people who have done nothing wrong. Especially on your national holiday celebration weekend.

Get a life and seek some help.

Lorraine is awesome.

Anonymous said...

idk jusss brings me better lulz than kai. he is just such a major fail it becomes funny that he actually publishes that stuff online.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@1:49 Thankies!

Lorraine's mom's helmet of hair is thuper pretty!

Kristen said...

Kai's gravestone will say "Rosebud Slave"

and i will dry my tears with baconators :'(

Anonymous said...

derek is live

Anonymous said...

@ 2 . 02 oh hai lorraine

Anonymous said...

twirler0218 deleted all her videos i is with people doing that. she's so dull

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a) we're not all american
b) it's the 3rd of july today, dipshit.

Anonymous said...

"blair and elle had their makeup done by the celeb makeupartist Gabriel Almodover for their photoshoot they did in la. he has done makup on tons of celebs."

wtf, where did you get that from? the makeup they are wearing in that twitpic is exactly the same makeup they were wearing at IMATS. i think it was probably taken the same day as imats too, they are both wearing the same clothes. he says nothing on his twitter about being their makeup artist. stop making up bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine looks extremely different in these photos -- but I recall she did say in one of her videos she lifted her eyebrows on camera ON PURPOSE.

So yeah, makes sense she'd look so different. Which I think also makes sense why she looks so different in the other photos in the previous post.

She hasn't have an eyelift, she just tries to look like she's had on in videos!

Anonymous said...

wow the people defending lorraine need to gtfo, she just looks fug end of story? agreed?

Anonymous said...

looks like two completely different people

Anonymous said...

wtf is 4th of july and why should i care..? a lot of people on here arent even american, retard

Anonymous said...

Why did Lorraine private her 146 video? I still have it up, I was just watching it. IDK how to save videos, but I have a camera? lol I still can't figure out WHY she privated it though..hmm?

Anonymous said...

this is the prettiest I've ever seen Lorainne

Its sad to see that thats not actually how she looks. :/ Pretty does not equal screwing with lighting/angles.. I want the real deal, damnit.

Anonymous said...




do not close, youre pretty much holding gold right now lol

shes def hiding something

Anonymous said...

probably because she was flirting with those guys and drinking cheap beer, plus her info showed....i knew she was going to delete it, good thing i watched...

as for saving it record it with your camera if you can before you do anything, and then look for a screen recorder, idk i've never saved a video that's just on my screen

Anonymous said...

what's up with lorraine's tits in that video?? the barbie one...

Anonymous said...

I dont see anything wrong with them?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lorraine def got ALL of her subscribers on thecurrentcustom from her hauls, seems like every haul was YSL, chanel, Nars etc;

and she probably used her boobs as a niche for subscribers on the currentboobies

talentless fug bitch

Anonymous said...

I thought it might have been that you see one of the store's addresses... but she always gives it out so idk why it'd be a problem. What confuses me though, is that she said they have two stores, but that address isn't one of the two. I'm confused >.<

I still haven't exited out. I'm literally leaving in an hour to go on a mini road trip for 3 days. I might not be able to post it until I get back. But if she hasn't reuploaded it, I'll film it forsure. I'll look for a screen recorder too.

Anonymous said...

you can see lisa spots the camera at 0:20 and then tries to hide for the rest of the video, LULZ
if that was me id be singing along..

Anonymous said...

noooo! anon!

Anonymous said...

I might have wifi where I'm going though, I hope I do. So I will upload asap :)

Anonymous said...

i have the lorraine video open on a tab too

i think she took it down because she showed her address in the video..

Anonymous said...

no but ellen and bliar don't want their thubscribers ~exposesd~ to that kind of stuff

wow those famewhores, they look so stupid in the back of that car

Anonymous said...

6:15 upload? :)))

Anonymous said...

LOL that video is hilarious. Lisa is so embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

theres also this weird part where her friend is trying to take the camera so he can record lorraine and lorraines like NO, NO! i dont go on the video on my youtube channel!

Anonymous said...

that video just shows how far lisa and lizzy will go and who's dick they will suck to get famous. shane dawson is obviously not their scene but they would sit in the back of his car like idiots and pretend to be in love with him for views

Anonymous said...

idk how to upload it, i'd have to record it with my camera which isnt great quality

just wait and see if she puts it up again and see which part she cuts out, i bet its taken down because she shows her address

Anonymous said...

they both look so uncomfortable back there. what's wrong girls? isn't shane your ~bff~?

Anonymous said...

I already capped her address lol her phone numbers on there too, so tooooooooo late lorainney pie :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, in shane dawsons car:

One of these things is NOT LIKE THE OTHER, one of these things just DOESNT BELONG..

hmmm wonder what that could be!

Anonymous said...

941 730 7209
Lorainney pie wants a ring a ling

Anonymous said...

lorraines video also showed her friends license plate number so they could have asked her to remove it. i know you are never suppose to show your license plate number online but why? like what exactly can someone do with it?

Anonymous said...

figure out who owns the car.

from there you could find out the address

Anonymous said...

LOL Lisa the cat lady singing a song about smelly dicks she must have been mortified...I can imagine her trying to sing along awkwardly and sit there with an annoying laugh and cross eyes

Anonymous said...

how do you figure out who owns the car the by the license plate number? like is there a website for it that you can just punch in any license plate number?

Anonymous said...

i think there are some sites but it's illegal and you have to pay for them. the only way you can really do it is if you know a cop who will run the plates for you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

doesnt have to be a cop, my sister works for CPS and she can do that in the blink of an eye

Anonymous said...

Lol @ lorraine hanging with young 20's BROS. Seriously?

Go rock out to Insane Clown Posse, Lorraine.

Anonymous said...

i have to admit that after licsa got her lasik i felt more confident about getting them done. but now i want to wear contacts for the rest of my life so i dont have a fucking wonky eye like her

Anonymous said...

in my state it's strictly for law enforcement use only.

Anonymous said...

"LOL Lisa the cat lady singing a song about smelly dicks she must have been mortified...I can imagine her trying to sing along awkwardly and sit there with an annoying laugh and cross eyes"


Anonymous said...

Don't get lasik! I dont trust it. You could get a wonky eye D:

Anonymous said...

what the hell do lisa and lizzy even talk about with shane? all of his inappropriate humor must make them cringe, or maybe it doesn't we all know they're not thuper good girlz...

Anonymous said...

yeah i don't trust it anymore either, lisa needs to stop fucking up her face asap

Kristen said...

Comments from Shane's video. Someone is replying to someone else who asked about who was in the back seat? :

@noisino1 That's his cousin Alcia (srry if i spelled her name wrong shane), shes been in a few vids and the other one is Brittany Louise Taylor, she's been in almost all of his collaboration vids. Dude and its called having a sense of humor, plus its a song. Go get a life and stop envying him....

LOL SEE? No one outside of the ~beauty community~ knows who they are. Fucking hilarious.

Anonymous said...

theres actually alot of comments on there from people saying its blair and elle fowler.

anyways they are not real friends. you can tell how awkward they were and were not enjoying that at all.
they have the same agent as him so im sure she set it up because she felt bad for them that they have no friends in la and nobody can tolerate them enough to ask them to do anything unless it is business related and they wanted to go to that movie. or else she arranged it as a publicity thing.

Anonymous said...

shane is a joke, his videos are shit they just keep 12 and 13 year olds amused, he barely has any friends either. he dropped out of the station, probably because he thought he was too good for it..he hung out with chris crocker who is a complete and utter attention whore. the only person it seems like he hangs out with is that brittany girl. but he's just a in the closet gay guy looking for fame living in his moms house

Anonymous said...

lol looks like they got prostetic teeth.

Anonymous said...


Vidcon is sold out! I leave in a few days! Getting exciiiiitteddd! :)

Anonymous said...

their teeth do look a little off

Anonymous said...

to whoever said gabe almodovar is not a makeup artist you are retarded:

Doing makeup on a rapper named Chris for a music video for kids. Great concept! about 16 hours ago via Twitter for Android

why the fuck would lisa and lizzy have anything to do with him unless they could get something out of him, they wouldn't talk to a makeup artist to get legit tips

Anonymous said...

why were they talking to bobbi brown then?

Anonymous said...

for publicity....

Anonymous said...

lorraine reuploaded

Anonymous said...

someone was acting like he had done their makeup in that twitpic, which is not true. they were wearing exactly the same makeup at IMATS.

Anonymous said...

you think they did their makeup themselves for imats?

Anonymous said...

yes, why is why it looked so shit. i doubt a legit makeup artist would do that kind of makeup on them, especially lisa.

Anonymous said...

which is why it looked so shit*

Anonymous said...

idk maybe, but lisa looks like shit anyway, nothing can help that.

gabe does sell cosmetics, i bet they'll be promoting them soon

Anonymous said...

lorraine edited out her address

too bad, we're already seen it bb

Anonymous said...

this is a legitimate question, no hate intended:

what's wrong with enkore?

Anonymous said...

Ok Kandee trying to send out a subliminal message about sunscreen and cancer? Because I can't fucking read what most of it says except "...ingredients...causing cancer..."

Can anyone read what's in the red box?

Anonymous said...

he's creepy

Anonymous said...

do you mean his scars? he explains it in this video:

really scary tbh :\

Anonymous said...

it says "and new studies are saying major ingredients in sun screen are causing cancer", you can turn annotations off

Anonymous said...

yeah i know he's creepy but is he "special"? or just gay

Anonymous said...

idk for some reason I just dont like him and I dont trust him. His FTC isnt always clear which is annoying too. Its vague.

and Ive always hated the music he uses for his intros they are way too fucking annoying.

and generally he always looks shabby and I wish he would get some laser scar removal for his face so he would look better and could acutally wear makeup. Not only that he just looks shabby. I cant believe he is a legit, money making makeupartist because he looks like crap. He doesnt look like a professional and he's looks have never screamed OMG TALENT!

Anonymous said...

"Special" like Kai? lol no...

Anonymous said...

enkore just creeps me out, he's so awkward..idk what it is

Anonymous said...

I don't care for him either, but he does have some good tips. I like his videos on cheaper makeup brushes and he seems to know more about what he's doing than the other stupid gurus do.

Anonymous said...

his makeup looks that is. Like his tutorials dont look good - they look so crap. If someone did makeup on me like that I'd be pissed off. I think he is a crap makeup artist with no talent.

idk if he is gay or special. I dont really care though but i dont think he is special he is smart because he thinks up of some creative makeup tricks.

Anonymous said...

he always acts so nervous in his videos

Anonymous said...

is he actually good at makeup? i really can't stand to watch his videos. he talks really weird and it drives me crazy.

Anonymous said...

"he always acts so nervous in his videos"

exactly! it makes me feel embarassed for him

Anonymous said...

I think his makeup is tacky as hell

Anonymous said...

here's some of his work
he doesn't look like a good makeup artist at all, but not terrible
idk why he gets all this free shit

Anonymous said...

omg the girl with the lipliner looks like a horse lmao.

Anonymous said...

lol @ the girl with blue eyeshadow and bright red lipstick, i wish people would pay me to fuck up their makeup

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

seriously wtf is this

Anonymous said...

Oh lawd. I wish these gurus would stay out of politics. They have no idea what they're even talking about:

Oh & what I said about BP...I'm not blaming them for the oil spill, it was an accident. I'm blaming them for killing endangered turtles.

Lol, if you knew anything, you'd realize that they are to blame. BP ignored the safety regulations to save money.

Anonymous said...

lol and she's mad that turtles are dying, but not at the fact that 11 people lost their lives.

Anonymous said...

8:01 it says that new studies are showing ingrediants in sunscreen causing cancer

Anonymous said...

comment on the enkore's twit pic:

Bonnie158 159 days ago
oh geez, Kalel Cullen is still sporting that darned comb-over

at least other people raelize how fug she looks

Anonymous said...

enkore dresses up like a woman in his spare time

Anonymous said...

wtf? Im blaming them for killing endangered turtles...
are they to blame or not you fucking idiot pick a side.
god I hate moronic beauty gurus like here.

Anonymous said...

what's with the dry crusty lips and dark ass lip liner, he does look kind of pretty there though....

Anonymous said...

So stupid. "i'm worried about turtles"
I'm an animal lover too. But come on. It is BPs fault for all of this. They should be blamed.
And maybe she should care about the people who lost their lives or the families that have lost everything because they no longer have jobs because of the oil spill.

And she's dumb. She says she's not blaming them, it was an accident and then she says she's blaming them. Make your mind up.

Anonymous said...

OMG! WHY IS HE SO AWKWARD...he like shakes its creepy

that video of him as a woman is creeppyyyyyyyyy

Anonymous said...

Worried about the turtles? How about the fucking oceans? Idc what anyone says, the oceans will not be able to just "stabilize" this oil spill. Louisiana is dealing with oil rain right now from the spill.

Be mad about the turtles, the oceans, the inland getting oil rain, all the other animals dying from the spill, the fact that we're ruining our only fucking planet.

Fucking moron.

Anonymous said...

enkore looks better as a woman....

Anonymous said...

@missglamorazzi I love your videos girl you are sooo pretty!
10:37 AM Jul 2nd via mobile web in reply to missglamorazzi

@missglamorazzi I make beauty videos as well
11:00 AM Jul 2nd via web in reply to missglamorazzi

oh kai...

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see Sayanythingbr00ke bitching on twitter about Kristin Smith stealing her tacky rainbow leopard konad idea? Jennac0re called her the orange girl with the combover and imaginary name, and MyEyeshadowIsOdd mentioned how she never shows her forehead, even in hair tutorials.

Anonymous said...

lol im glad brooke called her ass out on it. that was fucked up.

Anonymous said...

all i can say is that i love lorraine.

it takes an amazinnnnng personality to actually get a ton of subscribers without even ever showing your face on camera (thecurrentboobies)

maybe lorraine isn't the prettiest girl on the block but who cares?

she has raked in thousands and thousands of viewers based on her personality and only that. she does not show her face so the only reason anyone is subbed to her is for her personality.

as far as i know lorraine is the ONLY person on youtube that would be able to get a shitload of subs based on personality alone and not even showing her face.

major props to her...that is rare and to be quite honest i think she is the only person in the history of youtube to have done that.
in 2010 people only care about looks so if you have unique personality that drives people to you based on that alone you really do deserve an award.

Anonymous said...

lorraine stan you are really creepy. she gets views for her boob and crotch shots. that is all. gtfo

Anonymous said...

oh and her spending habits, lorraine has a dried up personality. stfu now

Anonymous said...

she JUST said myeyeshadowisodd

Anonymous said...

omg Lisa legitimately looks at least 35 in those pics. and leesha looks a gross-ass mess :/

Anonymous said...

From Brooke's twitter (@xbrookecorex)

Woke up to messages that someone copied my video and she has comments on approval so ppl have been trying to call her out but cant HAHAHA

Then I realized its that Hooters girl! Yeah this isn't just a hybrid of my last 2 videos lol 1:54 AM Jul 1st via web

@imcute519 I've never seen her videos, I just knew her as the pretty but orange guru and then one day I saw a featured video 2:02 AM Jul 1st via web in reply to imcute519

@imcute519 'life as a hooters girl' and I almost lost it. YOUR SUBSCRIBERS ARE 12, GET SOME TACT 2:03 AM Jul 1st via web in reply to imcute519

Thank you to everyone that messaged me about it but no Im not going to 'confront' her it's just Youtube and it just gave me a good laugh ;) 2:04 AM Jul 1st via web

@MarkeeCoco I hear ya.ppl are like IM FLAGGING THE VID FOR YOU, TELL HER TO TAKE IT DOWN.Not that big a deal,all beauty vids resemble others 2:28 AM Jul 1st via web in reply to MarkeeCoco

Then back and forth between Jenna(@jennac0re)and Brooke

@xbrookecorex ohh the orange girl with the comb over and imaginary name! 2:57 AM Jul 1st via Echofon

xbrookecorex: @jennac0re hahaha yes thats her, although I didnt know about the combover? 3:24 AM Jul 1st via web in reply to jennac0re

jennac0re: @xbrookecorex haha not like the donald, but her part is on the side of her head!

xbrookecorex: @jennac0re Ohhh hha I thought you were saying shes secretly bald or something!

And then Natasha (@myeyeshadowisod) aka Myeyeshadowisodd on YT

@xbrookecorex We've never seen her forehead. Even in a hair tutorial she managed to hide her forehead. It's odd.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that comment was so long lol

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