So this past weekend, the International Makeup Artist Trade Show was held in Pasadena, Ca. As indicated by the name, IMATS is a place for real makeup artists to get discounted makeup, learn new tricks, and share ideas with others. However, I feel really badly for all of the legit makeup artists who attended, because it was more like an Elle and Blair minion shit show. Some of the other "gurus" who went included Allie, Leesha, Josh, Tiffany, and Lorraine just to name a few. Some of things these "gurus" were up to at IMATS included;
- Blair and Elle holding a meet up at one of the conference rooms at IMATS. What the fuck. Despite the fact that Blair was supposedly "the youngest makeup artist to ever work at NYC fashion week", neither of them are actual makeup artists. The only real skill they have is manipulating young girls, so why IMATS rented them an entire room for two hours is beyond me.
-Tiffany and Lorranie ended up going on this trip together. Which was weird, idk, I didn't even know they were friends. They intentionally showed up to IMATS "fashionably late" and left quickly after they arrived, trying to avoid being in any pictures with their subscribers. They also filmed all of the cute little escapades they had together.
- Megan, despite talking about it for months, let all of her subscribers down when she decided to stay in Vegas for the weekend and didn't say anything about it. She later blamed this blog, saying that people here were making mean comments so it made possibly going to IMATS "not so much fun." oooookay bb.
Honestly, if I were a real makeup artist, I'd be pissed. I can understand people like Josh and Leesha going, because they actually do shit with their makeup, while many of these other "gurus" just do 15 variations of a neutral eye. Although it would have been nice to go, given the incredible discounts on makeup, I'm not sad I missed out on the obnoxious 12 year olds running around and the ridiculous three hour lines.
Picture timeee;
Hey Lisa.. camera's over here..
Monday, June 28, 2010
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«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 2067 Newer› Newest»lol ONE semester of college did nothing but stress you out? WELCOME TO REAL LIFE.
your first semester at college is a fucking cake walk. intro level classes, a 100 level english class or two ... wow so hard :(:(
so what DO you want to do with yourself? there are other avenues than university, like going to trade school - cosmetology, culinary school, you could even be an electrician.
we wouldn't hate on you for living at home if you at least did something ELSE. get a job, go to school. one or the other and i guarantee that we'd hate on you a lot less.
10:24- That picture came from her fridge tour. :) LOL
Thanks @10:26. Kai looked all serious and mad. Lol.
if your dad wasn't actually sick and you lied about that, then you're a monster. if god forbid anything actually happens, think about the lies you told and realize that youre probably to blame.
you can go ahead and wiki "self fulfilling prophecy" now =)
Youtube IS my job. I make plenty of money doing what I love. I don't need a job. Yes I couldn't afford IMATS and VIDCON because a plane ticket/hotel/food/taxi to LA for 3 days is like $1500 and I don't make enough to pay $3000 for two trips to LA within 3 weeks, sorry for being practical with my money.
And seriously don't get me started about my boyfriend. You guys truly know NOTHING about that. Yes, his profile said did mine. We weren't "officially" back bf/gf at that time. We had just started talking again. I referred to him as my boyfriend because I didn't want to have to explain the whole situation to everyone. Isn't that understandable?
And yes my name. My name is my business and my business only. I don't know why you think you're entitled to my personal information.
It really says something if she was stressed out And "couldn't handle it" just in her first week.come on dumb as rocks Lisa made it.
plz go eat a cheeseburger kristin
@10:24, she didn't have an abortion. but she's pro-life, even in the case of a rape. kristin thinks the victim should just throw away her life and future to raise an unwanted baby forced upon her.
10:27- Yeah, I tried to fit all the pictures with the lyrics :P hopefully it's sync'ed enough for people to understand my humor.
Damn, for me the first semester of college was the most fun. I partied a lot and still made the dean's list.
if you're being practical with your money, you would have had $3000 in the bank already. we all know you don't pay bills, so where is this money going?
also, your name may be your personal business, but maybe you forgot about the blog entry that you wrote condemning elle and blair for keeping their names a secret. you can use to search for the meaning of the word 'hypocrite'
i know everything about you...i'm in your drive way right now
I don't know why you think giving us all this damn information about your life boyfriend, family etc. Is what were more entitled to than your actual name.
LAMOOOOO @ youtube is my job, u stupid loser what happens if one day youtube pulls the plug on this whole parntership thing .. hahah then what are u going to do. Oh yeah ur seriously a MONSTER AND A HORRIBLE person to lie about ur dad being sick, i hope he kicks you out of the house u freak.
LMFAO @ moar's comment
Ohhh I see thanks 10:28 #2 :)
Hey Kristin- Do you even know of anyone that has been raped? Dumb bitch. Yeah like anyone wants to carry around a rapist's baby for 9 months. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
kristin and kai similarities let me know if you have any more:
- in their twenties
- do not have a car
- do not have a drivers license
- still live with ma and/or pa
- do not pay a cent in rent
- do not have a job they go to
- lazy
- pet is best friend/only friend
- met their boyfriend on myspace
- abnormal
- thinks they are better then they really are
- no college degree
- no work exp (ok maybe kristin did work at hooters for a few months) same thing. no real work exp
- badddddd hairstyles
- had braces and fucked up teeth no fashion sense
- no life outside of youtube
@Kalel well, if you make so much money on youtube, and you don't seem to spend it on rent or any other real bills, then surely you have had money continuously building up in the bank, right? So surely $3000 over the course of, say, half a year, wouldn't be that much of a problem to build up. Unless you don't make that much from youtube in half a year... in which case that would be a pretty slow part time job, huh.
And the thing is, you could have just said that in the first place. "Yeah this is a nick name but i don't want to tell you my real name". That would have been just fine. Instead you lied and said it was legally changed--and the fact that no one really could believe someone changed their name to something quite gimmicky led others to sleuth and figure out "the truth".
Wow. Kristin, you really are a loser. :/
"And yes my name. My name is my business and my business only. I don't know why you think you're entitled to my personal information."
You do remember the blog post that you made about elle and blair lying about their names, right? Bitch.
Well that pretty much answered that Kalel Cullen is NOT your legal name, which you told us REPEATEDLY.
My dad was VERY sick. But seriously, I don't need to defend that issue, that is outside of the situation between us. School wasn't hard for me because of the difficulty of the courses, school was hard for me because I have some type of disorder. I won't say OCD because I know you will all jump down my throat since I haven't been professionally diagnosed...but I had several serious breakdowns. Go ahead and laugh, call me a liar...I don't care. I'm a hardcore perfectionist and you have no idea what I mean by that.
lmao i'm loving this dumbass trying to play in the big leagues. i need to be up in 5 hours but i can't stop watching us shoot this idiot down.
you should hardly call youtube your job. are they reimbursing you for your travel fees? most legitimate companies would for their employees...
Let me just say that Youtubers with 100k subscribers or less do NOT make a livable amount of money, less than you would at a minimum wage fulltime job. She can only live off that because she lives like a teenager with her parents lol
I love how she talks about everything, but "ZOMG, leave my name out of this!!1!" Really?
Zomg I have OCD you guise :'(
Zomg I'm a hardxcore perfectionist you guise :'(
I'm just misunderstood you guise :'( :'( :'(
I almost feel like we should be careful if this really is Kristin. The real Kristin is 1 step away from a mental institution (OCD, compulsive lying, fake identity, obsessed with a guy who doesn't want her, thinks she's an actress, unhealthy diet, unhealthy sleep schedule, deletes videos, deletes comments, goes MIA from the internet). All this confrontation flying at her could probably make her off herself. I do believe she's batshit insane, so just be careful, you'll feel bad.
Oh, I'm pretty sure we do. I saw your OCD "production". You like to have the proper cd artwork on your itunes, you organize your dvds, and you make lists. You made it clear what "being a hardcore perfections" means. kthx.
Oh and you're so smart, you flew through college because you're sooo intelligent. yet now your job is profiting from talking about your favorite soap...?
Kalel, I think you should see a psychiatrist. To me you seem bipolar.
I just don't get why this bitch is attempting to defend her name thing. Hello honey you'll tell us everything to do with your life yet you feel that your name is yours and only your business.
"Youtube IS my job. I make plenty of money doing what I love. I don't need a job. Yes I couldn't afford IMATS and VIDCON because a plane ticket/hotel/food/taxi to LA for 3 days is like $1500 and I don't make enough"
LMAOOOOOOO "i dont make enough" hmmmm maybe think about getting another job then bb lol or are you too lazy.
look at dulcecandy in college f/t, models p/t, on youtube as a job with way more subs then you, in the army, pregnant etc
why cant you do more then "omggg youtube is my job yall and thats all i can handle!!!"
I'm not trying to kiss Kristin's ass or anything because her vids annoy me. But I gotta say that I have OCD too, and it's very hard to concentrate on things like work and school because you think about doing rituals nonstop ALL FUCKING DAY. Just Sayin'
yeah, you're right about that one. you do have some sort of disorder. go see a psychologist because you're one psychotic lying bitch. nick should run away as fast as he can.
you're a hardcore perfectionist? honey, trust me, if you were, you'd have been amazing at school. there are a ton of overachievers who use that to their advantage.
if the school work wasn't causing the breakdowns, what was? there's nothing else to worry about. besides, if you were truly making so much money doing your ~job~ on youtube, you wouldn't have even had to worry about tuition!
getting harder to keep your stories straight, yet?
@needle...Yes maybe I could have said that, but the past is the past and mistakes have been made. Nothing I can do about it now. Reopening that can of worms will only bring in more drama, which I am trying to avoid. And about my money, what makes you think I don't have bills? I have to pay for student loans, orthodontist work, cell phone, car insurance, gas, credit cards...I have PLENTY of bills.
And to who said I don't have a license or car...uh no. I didn't have a car in college because I chose not to bring it. I have a license and car and drive daily. Also, I have worked from 15-20 every single week. My parents don't make much money and they don't give me anything but a room.
ummm sweetie why did u tell every1 about ur dad in the first place then ?? im no troll but seriously something is wrong with u. U bring up stuff or should i say lies then deny it and blame everybody. U brought up nick, u brought up ur dad being sick, then when ppl ask u think ur better then every1 and wont answer. I mean seriously somethings not right with you and im not even trying to be mean. And plase don't give me a lecture
@Kalel Uhhh, I actually do know what you mean. I'm a perfectionist, too, bb. ;) I once had a breakdown on Halloween because I was finishing some stupid Spanish report, and I just wanted to go outside around the neighborhood.
I still wouldn't go around saying I had a disorder when I haven't had anything proven to me, though. The perfectionist in me thinks, "no, I need a doctor to make sure of that first!"
If you really think you have some sort of problem, honestly I do wish you luck going to visit some doctors and figuring your shit out. But please don't say you have something that isn't diagnosed, that is soooooooooooo extremely hurtful to people who really have long term disorders and illnesses.
Not only that, if you SERIOUSLY have a problem and SERIOUSLY figure it out, you can find alternatives to help you go to school. Most campuses offer special accomodations for people with disabilities.
Oops, didn't mean to call it Kalel. I meant kristin lulz
if that is really kristin smith
why do you monitor your comments?
Wasn't Kristin a psych major in her month at college?That probably counts as her diagnosis durrrr
Lol, I've gotta know... how stupid did you feel after Theresa (Juicy Tuesday) exposed how shitty Hot Miami Styles was?
I love Kai's picture at :24. She's like the jolly fat girl. So happy!
kristin would you ever consider hair transplants? you may not have to sport that combover all the time anymore :)
lol she doesn't monitor her comments anymore because she ~doesn't care!
which is obviously why she's still here arguing with us :)
I'm going to say this in the nicest way possible, despite what others are saying. You say you're not diagnosed, so what's stopping you? If going to a doctor to diagnose and treat your OCD or alleged mental disorder means not suffering from breakdowns or anxiety anymore, you should really consider it. I'm not patronizing or ridiculing you, although your ocd video annoyed me, it's something personal that you should really consider. The internet is not the best place for you if you really are having those feelings, so i suggest taking initiative and getting the help you need. Speaking from experience, it will genuinely help you, especially since it is inhibiting your life.
Damn Hun if you didn't want all this drama maybe you shouldn't have lied in this first place. Were not reopening this can, it's never been shut.
I guess I can feel for Kalel because I have a mental illness.
However, it has been diagnosed by several doctors and it is being taken care of.
Kalel, get yourself some help hon. Not trying to be mean. It can help you a lot.
kalel: why are you lying about something as STUPID as the definition of SCHMOZE on That wasn't on as the definition. you are SO sick. are you drunk right now?
10:40 lol don't even joke about that. my friend is a psych major and he never shuts up about diagnosing all of us with some type of disorder. i don't doubt that's what a hypochondriac like kristin did with her psych 101 textbook.
Watch for the perfectionist to delete her nail video soon then. Globby as fuck and messy cuticles it was so awkward watching her attempt to do nails
LMAO Kristin, you're a hardxcore perfectionist, but you can't even do your nails right.
I wish I could spit in your face :D
i remember when kristin lied and said in that 3 page blog and 3 series video
"i legally changed my name to kalel cullen years ago" "i do not go by my birth name and havnt for a long time"
hahahaha yet somehow on facebook she is to this day listed as kristin smith still
ummm okkkk liar!!!!
why did you fake cry in your ocd video? you're not a very good actress......
"And about my money, what makes you think I don't have bills? I have to pay for student loans, orthodontist work, cell phone, car insurance, gas, credit cards...I have PLENTY of bills. "
Oooh, you actually gave a good answer. I actually would consider dentistry a much better option than LA, too. I don't really consider all those serious "bills" though, since not all of them are necessary to survival as rent, etc. would be--especially the credit card bill.
Seriously guys I don't you think this is a joke but at some point it's too far. it's the internet. trolling doesn't come before your moral responsibility. telling people to hurt themselves is too fucking far.
hey guys, what's up i can't wait til she deletes all her videos again! she's a perfectionist lol and super ocd she can't have her videos be less than perfect
10:43 Wasn't that a 'skit'? Or was that supposed to be real?
kristin wanna play truth or dare :)
i dare you tosimply pullback your bangs and pin them back in a poof.
you have nothing to hide right?
Funfact: YT partners make bank. 100,000 views = $500. Why would I get a job, when I am perfectly happy with where I'm at?
Another thing. Sponsorships. You guys dish a lot of hate for gurus accepting sponsorships...but I can 100% say that everything I have accepted I use to this day and truly love. I get 20-40 offers EVERY SINGLE DAY that I turn down. Do you know how hard that is? How much I would love to accept them and pay off all my bills and be able to move out of my house NOW? But I don't. Because I love my viewers too much.
I can see that you guys are super closeminded and unforgiving, so I will leave now. I just wanted to make you understand a little better, but I guess I will never be good enough.
Hey bb, your twitter's still privated.
That's another thing, aside from not having that many subscribers to make a significant amount of money HER VIDEOS ARE DELETED HALF THE TIME. No videos=no money coming in. "Youtube is her job" and she can't even do that, no wonder shes unemployed.
I hope you're leaving so you can go buy a rope now :)
.41 right. If you claim you were having trouble because of your "problem" why didn't you go to the doctor? "this izz teww hard! My perfectchuist wayss are makin mi first simester weally hard! I've nevar akchewly had tew dew skewl werk evar in mi life! Soz I'm just gunna drap out insted of seein if I have sum kind of disorder!"
you love your viewers so much that you delete every video on your channel whenever you see fit!
why would you get a job? oh, to be a productive member of society? to have something to put on a resume? to have MORE money to pay your bills?
look at pixiwoo, they do makeup videos AND have real jobs - same with dulcecandy, misschievous, etc etc etc
You're "perfectly happy", but are you aspiring to improve your life more, too?
Oh, ok.
Bye now!
(But--LOL--I wonder how many youtube partners actually get that many views anyway?)
ok so if 100,000 equals 500 dollars, blair has made approximately 343240.675. Shit.
Whatever. She went a month without making a vid. Hard worker.
the turtles of the gulf coast won't miss you. BUH BAI NOW
fuck kristin leave!!!!!!!!! no one cares how much you make or dont make...YOU CANT MAKE FRIENDS WITH TROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love how we've all bonded together to school kalel tonight, what a fun experience :)
someone should screencap bc crazy's gonna delete all these comments.
@10:49 haha she was on a leave of absence from "work" that month
that was extremely entertaining. i'm kind of upset she left. except we all know she is still lurking here to see what else we say about her.
"Funfact: YT partners make bank. 100,000 views = $500. Why would I get a job, when I am perfectly happy with where I'm at"
hmmm idk kristin but i think you would be happy going to both imats and vidcon? bud you said you can not afford it.
you can not be making that much bank hun seeing as how you dont even have the decancy to pay rent even though you are 21 so all your money goes to savings and still you can not affor two trips to lay in a month??
youtube is super stressful :( i bet she had panic attacks just thinking of what pillowchat to upload :'(
Stop lurking, you ugly five head.
lol she had to go play maid to her boyfriend who won't even acknowledge her.
Jesus what a fucking moron "I'm gonna go talk to the trolls and try to justify my lies and why I'm lazy, orange and have no Visible forehead." brilliant plan to bad you are incompetent in giving us any proper answer.
To sum it all up, don't believe a word she says. The End.
She has 2 tabs open on her browser, one to watch here and one to lurk her 'boyfriend's' facebook
so a youtube artner gets $500 on 100,00 views? are you serious so that means blair gets like $5000 per video off partnership alone not to mention the $5000 from the comany???
holy shity no wonder fox news said she makes hundreds and hundreds of thousands a year. they were not exageratting i guess.
Oh, btw...cut your toe nails Kristin. They are disgustingly long.
Didn't she announce that she was going to VidCon MONTHS ago?? If she 'banks' so much she could have saved up easily.
Kristin, you're 21?
My sister just turned 22.
She has a car of her own, a fiance, a two story HOUSE on a lake, she has a REAL job working for CPS..
Now tell me, does your life compare to others your age? Fucking hell it doesn't. Go become a productive member of society, lazy cunt. Does she really not even have a license? Just..facepalm.
lorraine is honestly my fave person on youtube. she has never sold out and changed and decided to cash in on all these random companies emailing her to get free products.
she does just fine based on her personaility alone.
i heart you lorraine now more than ever. 100000% respect
christ the lorraine stan is back? bring back kalel
lmao speaking of lorraine i love her honesty!
she always used to say on blog tv how much she could not stand "kalel cullen" for various reasons
I love kristins super emo closing line "I guess I will never be good enough" oh cut the shit bb we are unforgiving because you won't admitt to anything. Yeah let's all just forgive the person who won't even own up to it and tell the truth.
Yup. Moral of this whole story: Disregard EVERYTHING she says. She's updating next to Molly at the loony bin.
who would you rather look like - lorraine or kalel
i'd have loved for a comic geek to school her on some superman trivia. i bet that idiot has never read a comic book in her life.
kristin to be honest i think you suffer from histrionc and narcissistic personality disorders
you have all the symptoms
Kalel I would respect & like you again if you would just come clean about your name. It ruined the fowler sisters rep and it's going to ruin yours.
I'd rather look like lorraine than kalel
i would rather look like lorraine by far
she has a hot body
enhanced or not she still has curves in all the right places. hips etc she doesnt look like my 10 year old brother
and she can sport different hairstyles not just that same old tired combover
I'd rather look like Kalel than Lorraine, how can that even be a serious question. Lorraine is one of THE ugliest people on Youtube, honestly she looks about as deformed as Kai these days.
if you want peole to stop talking about you then answer a few simple questions
1. why do you monitor your comments?
2. why do you never wear your hair showing your forehead?
3. if you make a decent living off of youtube then why do you not even pay anything towards your rent? you have been an adult for like 3 years.
4. Why did Blair stop talking to you?
I'm watching kai's new tutorial and lullzzzz...icy summer days?? Oh kaka.
Happy 4th of July! :D
id rather look lorraine on one of her worst days
i couldnt imagine day after day having to grab hair from the side of my head and dragging it across my forehead before leaving the house
lorranie is a classic butterface. i would choose her, but would wear a paper bag over my head before i went out in public
meh i like the fact that kristin smith came here but wtf why??? what was the point of that? more attention obv!!!
it is so easy to clear up any issues people have with you.....address peoples concerns then there are no longer rumours etc.
the girl couldnt even admit she lied when she said everyone in her life has called her kalel for years.
What if there was a convention where all us friends could meet in PERSON and become besties in RL!
Honestly, sometimes you guys take it too far.
11:53 what do you mean
Ugh, those first few pictures showing the crowd there make me think the room probably reeks of Teen Spirit deodorant, sweaty Twilight t-shirts and Kim Kardashian or whatever fragrance the non-celeb of the moment is hawking.
Why would anyone be impressed and want to take a picture with an average schmuck that puts out mediocre videos and calls themselves a "ga-roo"? Pfft.
yeah I kinda have to agree...I'm all for the harmless trolling session when its much deserved (ellen&balirfowler), but idk...attacking kristin like that was just kinda uncalled for. she hasn't really done anything wrong, nobody is perfect. just imo.
dont tell someone to kill themself!
kill yourself.
seriously guys, chill out with the "kill yourself" comments. you might not like someone, but if they really DID kill themselves, you'd feel awful about it.
I agree. You're taking it too far when you tell people to kill themselves. You're also putting this blog at risk when you make physical threats. It's definitely not that serious and if you hate someone THAT much, seek help. Please & thank you.
camille <33333333333333333333333
some of you take trolling way too seriously :|
lol @ icy summer days. only kai would think of something like that.
im on my brothers computer, and i went to history and hes a gross little boy. :(
i just watched lorraine's most recent vlog and she said her face was swollen from allergies and i completely believe her. nobody's face changes that drastically from one day to another. she was clearly bloated from something. her face is obviously more slim than that.
lol was that really kristen smith who left a few comments earlier?
what i personally do not like about her is how she is a liar (she used to say all the time that she will always be honest with us and will tell us whenever she gets something for free and she will never be like those gurus who are not upfront) that was a lie. she did not do that except i think for one time. for proof watch her hotmiamai"its such highquality" review
second how she monitors her comments. geez its like some of these gurus think this is china and not america with all their censorship going on
@1:00 me too. it's pretty obvious that she uses flattering lighting/angles in her videos, so i don't think she looks exactly like she does in her videos but i believe that was probably a bad day for her to have her picture taken. maybe this is naive of me but whatever, i don't have a big problem with lorraine, but when she was talking about her face being swollen she didn't sound like she was lying or making excuses
The Mcqueen collection came out in 2007 and Kai just used on of the lip glosses.... It's most likely rancid, what the actual fuck.
Lol @1:16!! Omg Kai!!! Throw some shit out!
wait, that person isnt really kalel is it? they never gave proof?
That is her real blogger account. It was made a long time ago. She came here a few months ago and told us to go on Ustream to "talk" to her. She was on so it's definitely her. Go away Kalel.
"i can not get over how amazing blair and elle fowler look in that picture!!!!
it just amazes me what a makeupartist can do. it is like night and day to see their makeup done by him versus the imats pics it looks sooo different!
and i think that elle fowler is wearing the same ugly dress from imats but blair fowler is wearing something different. i wonder how much that makeup artist charges? he did amazing work on them."
no, they are both wearing EXACTLY the same thing and their makeup is EXACTLY the same makeup they wore at IMATS. that twitpic was just taken in different lighting. you're such a dumbass, no offence.
does anyone else the whole onision thing is annoying as shit? onision just pisses me off
lorraine is fugs. no excuse. that's all
how can we call kalel out for coming here? since she obviously keeps her comments and shit locked down more than china
did you guys really believe that was kalel on here earlier? hahaha wow you guys are so easy to fool hahahah and you thought blair and elles minions were dumb :P
it was kalel.
idk if it was her or not, mostly i don't believe shit that comes out of her mouth, but we should bring it to attention that "Kalel Cullen" was posting on unkn0wn
who cares if it really was her or not it is not a big deal that she posted here. xsparkage and petrilude posted here before too just like i'm sure many other gurus have posted here anon before. its not that big of a deal at all.
SHE DID IT UNDER HER FREAKING ACCOUNT! and we're not even sure who it is
it's a little different than butthurt gurus commenting anon
plus, why now? we weren't even talking about her orange ass that much. attention ploy possibly?
my vagina needs waxing anyone willing to bite the hairs off my front privatae place?
I'm desperate for s£x. Now i'm really desperate.
Anyone willing to go dirty with me. Real dirty. I'd explain but i don't want to type anymore. I want s£x. I want to bite fanny's and other s£xy places. I'm b/i s£xual. Meaning,i like to have s£x with boys and girls.
Hopefully what i'm wearing makes you want bite my bits!
I need help shaving my vag guys, i've only shaved like the front part ya know but how do i shave the lips, like the under part...I can't see it that well..I NEED HELP! i don't wanna cut myself
i'm bi too girl hit me up!
mee too ive never shaved down there except the front part cause idk how!
nooooooooo not another sex night! gross this is not the place, ewwwwwwww!
someone please tell me how to shave my vag lips, i'm dead serious. i won't be creepy
The soccer player Asamoah Gyan, who missed the penalty for Ghana. He can't go back to his country, whole Ghana hates him, they even burned his house!
i think kalel lives in springfield missouri. i just have a strong feeling and plus she looks like a simpsons charcter anyways but with squinty beady little eyes
@2:33 very carefully
@2:39 how? what do you mean? i really think i'm going to cut myself on accident :(
i hate how this blog has so much jibber jabber. i came back here to look at that pic of lorraine again and now i cant find the link. i think the person who owns this blog should add any interesting links related to the post on the actual post itself. it woud be easy to find the links again and plus im sure most people who look at this blog do not even read the comments on here since its mostly random chat. they prob only read the blog post so this way everyone can see the related links.
i feel sick :' (
I'm rude and I won't be shutting up anytime soon so..
hahaha omg was kalel really on here leaving comments. what is her problem?
i mean if she wants to clear things up thats pretty cool of her but it makes her look like a complete douche to say that and then not even actually answer any questions or clear anything up at all and frm the comments i read f hers it looks like she really said nothing. i do not get it hahaha
nothing she said cleared shit up, and even more was probably lies.
i never wanted to believe but once a liar always a liar.
idk if it's here, but i don't believe a word.
she only came here for attention, and we can't even call her out she THINKS she's impossible to touch with her locked down shit.
kristin just letting you know, you can't moderate comments irl. watch out bitch.
wow grammar fails guys i'm drunk
"i hate how this blog has so much jibber jabber. i came back here to look at that pic of lorraine again and now i cant find the link. i think the person who owns this blog should add any interesting links related to the post on the actual post itself. it woud be easy to find the links again and plus im sure most people who look at this blog do not even read the comments on here since its mostly random chat. they prob only read the blog post so this way everyone can see the related links."
yeah, camille should really make some sort of link dump thing or a gallery where people can just dump lulzy photos so they're never lost
is anyone a really organized troll who saves all their shit? i'm not but it would be cool if we could have some old lulz and put them in a gallery...the only problem i see with that is that if its public it'll probably b abused
Old School lulz
if garoos srsly make 500 per 100,000 views no wonder these bitches don't think they have to upload videos that often. fucking scam artist get to take it easy
sticky totes is a man.
obviously she has no boobs, but if she was slighty a woman she would have at least a little bump
even the flatest of flat people that i've seen have a little more bump 'definition' sticky has nothing
flat chested teenage boy fake bitch!
lol i just watched this video on blair and look at the most recent comments from one of their naive followers
"she has 3 jobs! glitzyglam, youtube and her job at the local resteraunt!"
they're stupid as fuck, do they think blair handstiches everything in her own living's from a factory.
blair doesn't even deal with shipping
well what do you expect? most of blairs fans are 8 - 12 years old... kids are gullible, thats why she's rich
really elle and blair found the perfect market for them on youtube - clueless little girls who can watch them for free without adult supervision and will believe everything they tell them.
I left this comment on blairs imats video:
maybe if you and your sister weren't such vapid fame mongers whos entire lives revolve around money, attention and looks, you would actually have some self esteem and wouldn't feel the need to risk your lives with elective cosmetic surgery.
it is scary that little girls watch you and look up to you, you're a horrible role model for young females.
someone should call the ventian hotel in las vegas and ask to be transferred to danny marino's room
then when him or mel answers be like omg omg i cant believe i found your room i was in the hall and i saw you walk in i am a hugggge fan can i please have your autograph....snookie
lmao she would be so excited at first thinking shes famous and then she would be so pissed that someone thought she was snookie
danny marino!/profile.php?id=1375514333
melissa ponce de leon!/profile.php?id=1226245284
I'm moving into Lizzy's neighborhood next week, we visited a month or two ago to look at the house.
onision is fucking annoying
LOL @ Lorraine saying in her lastest vlog that her face was swollen from her allergies medicine. Yeah right, keep telling yourself that Lorraine.
I can't believe how fucking fugly lorraine looked at imats.
Blair's only 'job' at glitzy glam is promoting the shit. She doesn't do jack. It's basically her mother's store and they have staff that package everything.
What we also may forget. She and Elle have 2 YT accounts, so she cashes in on 2 partnerships.
but thats what blair does - she markets products which is basically the most important part of a company.
without blair glitzy glam would not be raking in the dough like it is
both elle and blair make close to half a million dollars a year because on fox that clip said they make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year just from youtube
since they triple at least the prices of what the glitzy glam stuff is worth wholesale and people are willing to waste their money and actually pay those prices im sure they cash in huge there too
Wow, Kalel really came on here?
Talk about going into the lion's den.
i doubt that was really kalel in those posts above. idk if it was that was a pretty dumb thing of her to do to come here and just piss people off by not even clearing the air on anything.
i would have liked to ask her why she is so hesitant to give out her real name when she wants to be an actress. then not only would all of her youtube followers know her real name but so would the rest of the world.
but more importantly why did she lie. she could have easily just said kalel cullen is her nickname. the end. but no she had to lie and pretend it is her legal name that she only goes by.
oh i forgot to mention she contined to tell lies after that one blog post where in it she clearly said "i am a strong believer in never telling a lie"
dayummmm lisa has a lazy eye xD uglyasssss hoeee
sticky looks pretty
ew you have got to be kidding me.
and i hope he didn't plan those curls to look that way i hope he meant he just woke up and they were like that
i'm really curious about what youtube projects allie has coming up that involves so much travelling?
7:22 hi stickman
722 was me. not stickman.
i had doubts before but after seeing that picture i don't think sticky is a dude. there's no adams apple. look closely. she's actually pretty from this front on view.
god I want to delete ALL these old videos...I looked so fat and ugly :("
you still look fat and ugly bb
lulz, stickman has no boobs. pretty sure its still a man.
What's up with Blair new tweet. She's moving to a new bedroom?
I think it's because Hanna wants the bigger bedroom now that Blair is moving to la.
What do you guys think?
^ yep, i think its because shes moving to LA soon
the only people dumb enough to not see what is happening are blairs minions.
please wake up folks. blair is starring in a major major production.
you do not travel to la, memphis, nyc and then pick up and move to la otherwise.
watch for blair fowler on your big screens soon. i guarantee you will see her in the near future.
^ lmao
since when has elle had weird chocolate brown short hair under her extensions??
(last pic)
let me smell your dick!!!
lmaooooo holy fuck elle and blair looked incredibly awkward in the back of shane's friends car :S
totally arranged by their manager.
they have nothing at all in common with shane and were too prissy to even let loose and maybe join in on that song while shane was having fun with it.
i can hear their thoughts "oh my god i am so embarrased. i hope he doesn't get a shot of me in his camera. wtf is he listening too? ewww how disturbing. i'm too good to listen to this dick song."
prissy stuck up country bumpkins can't even hang for a minute. they are so in trouble once they hit hollywood and see what it's like.
What picture?
They were worried their little minions would see them singing that type of music. They work so hard to look like sweet innocent girls.
It's sad that these little girls defend Lisa and Lizzy thinking they give a shit about them. The only thing they care about are your views and sponsored purchases.
lol ikr? that song is fucking funny. i would have been laughing my ass off and singing along. they made themselves look like little prissy bitches by acting so stiff and serious.
juicystar007 moving bedrooms in my parents house! I feel a new room tour coming your way! my little sister is moving into my room-& I get the guest room
juicystar007 I've never had a bedroom that doesn't have any pink in it before.. this should be interesting ;)
Why would she have to switch rooms so suddenly? That makes no sense when she leaves in a week anyway. I think they're finally moving to LA and Blair is going to lie and say the new background is actually a guest room.
lmao i know. if blair or elles minions saw them singing smell my dick they would be shocked!
i have not been able to stand lisa or lizzy for awhile. i have seen proof on lisa's college website that her name is lisa sylvia fowler. but i'm just curious does anyone of actual proof like that of "blair's" real name?
i know her friends and so on call her lizzy or elizabeth in real life. but all the comments on youtube i see say her real name is blair?? is that true? or where is proof about her name?
that what i thought she could be doing too. pretending her bedroom in LA is the "guest room" at her parents house
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