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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Kandee Update

As previously mentioned, Kandee Johnson has been facing charges including Child Endangerment when she supposedly left her young son at home alone while she was in LA for business. Well, now shes also being faced with truancy, as well. She "allowed" her 12 year old son to miss so much school that he failed to receive credit for a semester.


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Anonymous said...

I can't believe people are still trying to defend her. What is she going to say? The school district is mean and just lying? You're not five Kandee, stop making excuses and grow up.

For anyone that doesn't know... She just dropped $700 on a new HD camera. With your donation money. :)

Anonymous said...

She isn't a single mother of three, so don't even use that excuse. The father has full custody of her other two kids. She's just raising her 12 year old.

Anonymous said...

ha! raising isn't quite the word for what she's doing. GROW UP KANDEE, STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE 16!!!

Needle said...

The fact that the father has custody of the other two kids should tell you something RIGHT THERE, if that's true. Even if they just have a modified joint custody--if the father is the one taking care of the kids the most, it's usually for a reason.

Courts are pretty lenient towards mothers in divorces and child matters; it's pretty well known that there's a bias towards mothers. Usually the mother has to be pretty fucked up in order for the court to give custody to the father.

Anonymous said...

You have to miss a shit ton of school at that age to actually not get any credit. How old is he, like 12?

And I wonder how the dad of the other two kids got full custody. She'd have to do something to prove she was an unfit parent.

Anonymous said...

The father having full custody speaks volumes about what kind of mother Kandee is. Stop defending her, you blind fucks.

Anonymous said...

You know when this kind of information surfaces, it's probably not the first time she's done something like this. It just happens to be the first time anyone is publicly aware of it.

Anonymous said...

wow, i'm going to have to agree. if you still support kandee, don't ever, ever have children.

Unknown said...

her new blog shes talking about having some illness


and all these comments like "oh im praying for you"

I give 'prayers' to people that have bad shit happen that isnt a direct result of their actions. Kandee doesnt fall into this category.

Unknown said...

anyone up for a late night torokblogtv chat?

Anonymous said...

She's using it to take attention away from all of this because she knows she's screwed.

Anonymous said...

yes plz torok

Unknown said...

come on in <3

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and her having some kind of illness/sickness ALL OF THE SUDDEN is fucking disfusting.

I always wondered how she could raise 3 kids, be a makeup artist, and still find time to do youtube videos, and obviously now we know she doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I'm not defending Kandee, but actually there is an actual change going on nowadays with custodial rights and more and more fathers are being given custody, especially if the mother is the breadwinner, it's sad but true. It's a no win situation, you go to work and feel guilt, or you stay home and along with guilt over something or other, you feel a whole boatload of other stuff.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


not really. come talk shit.

Anonymous said...

it says that you're not broadcasting

Anonymous said...

not a live show, we just chat.

Anonymous said...

do a live show torok

Anonymous said...

how do you guys know that the father has custidy of the other 2 kids? where does it say that?

Needle said...

@11:47 yeah, I was thinking about that. But to me, that's still kind of acceptable for the male to get the custody then. And it kind of applies to this situation. If you're working a lot (more than 40 hours a week,obviously), working odd hours, or traveling for work like Kandee was, then yeah, you probably shouldn't have full custody of your kid.

Why wasn't Kandee watching her kid, again? Because she was doing "work", wasn't she?

Anonymous said...

kandee only takes care of 1 child..I forgot where it said that and don't care to look it up

Anonymous said...

did derek dump blair..someone give me a quick info

Anonymous said...

does anyone recall which video kandee said the dads were drug dealers? i cant remember which one it was

Anonymous said...

yes she opened wide and swallowed then he dumped her

Anonymous said...

@12:12 lmao..she does like to open her mouth alot

tlaxseea said...

Why is it so hard for kandee to keep a man ? I know ppl break up & blah blah blah but seriously does she have another persona ? perhaps " crazy "

Anonymous said...

As much as elizab is annoying, I would love to kiss her ! You gotta admit she's pretty hot compared to tucan sam(elisa)

Anonymous said...

@1216 both her exes were druggies why would she wanna stay with them?

Anonymous said...

@ 12.38, druggies according to HER. but, considering her sencond husband has full custody of her 2 youngest children i wouldn't talk her word as law.

She's being proven to be a flaky, dishonest and immature woman.

tlaxseea said...

kandee's pussy is looser than blair's lips that's why she's now all in this drama..should of kept your legs closed if you can't take care of the one child you have in custody

Anonymous said...

i'm not defending kandee whatsoever, but the father of her other two kids might have custody just because he makes more money and/or could provide a more stable home.

when my mom and my stepdad divorced, my stepdad got custody of my three siblings because my mom had been staying home for 8+ years and never went to college while he was a successful realtor. she also wanted to move us all back to our home town and the courts often don't want to give custody to a parent who's going to move out of state.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to give a shoutout to sassysunshine01 one of my new faves

This chick is soooooooo fricken hair, laid back, pretty, honest,funny,unique, talented and creative NOT A FAKE FAMEWHORE

she needs to be recoginzed she only has like 2000 subs please check her out!!

and I linked this vid cuz i just watched it and its really funny its of her auditioning for a candles by victoria scent tester thing...
also check out her recent scent tester vid and look at her ftc disclaimer...hides nothing she says she got it free and how long shes been ffiliated with them etc

no BS no nonesense type of girl
love her so far

Anonymous said...

oh and sassysunsine01 is having a contest now for $150 mac card what a sweetie check her out

Anonymous said...

some of kandees subscribers just like lizzys subscribers would probably support her through a murder trial even if they were found guilty

for some strange reason they are die hard fans in total denial of reality when the facts are laid out right in front of them

but like that old saying goes

"theres a sucker born every minute"

Anonymous said...

Alot of Kandees followers are cleary living in kandeeland not on earth instead of a brain their head is filled with candy and they're chasing lollipop and gummibear dreams

i wonder what kinda drugs they're on i wouldnt mind trying some

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for her son. Kandee lets her 12 year old son miss so much school he fails, what kind of mother is that?

Anonymous said...

kandee feels like a 16 year old girl. with all the lollipops and sweets and happiness. bullshit. go and fucking grow up kandee.

we want more elizabeth and lisa entries! those two are witches. but definitely more like bitches.

Anonymous said...

some of their subs are so out to lunch its actually not even funny anymore i feel sorry for them

their perception of reality is so fls its laughable

*hold on while i get my candy necklace and ringpop*

ahhh guys life is wonderful and beautiful gnore the proof you see its fake.
fake police reports fake child services reports.
ignore it guys and lets all suck on our candy diamond ring together

koombyahh <3

Anonymous said...

The whole truancy thing makes me think Kandee just wants to be one of those "cool moms." Her son doesn't want to go to school, so she allows it to happen in order to gain his approval or something. Reminds me of Regina's mom in Mean Girls.

I honestly don't know how Kandee's lemmings can spin that charge into a good thing?

Anonymous said...

I really liked Kandee in the beginning. I thought she was sweet and fun. But I can't condone her irresponsible behavior towards her son. That coupled with the asking for money has really made me realize that Kandee is just a scam artist. Also the shirts that she is selling are such a joke. I mean seriously why would anyone in their right mind buy a t-shirt with the name Kandee on it.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Kandee is trying to be a cool mom, I think she just doesn't care about her son. She left him alone for days. She doesn't seem to care if he fails in school. She just doesn't give a shit about him and cares more about being famous. It's sad, I feel bad for the boy.

Anonymous said...

I just posted a comment about Blair and Elle and it never showed up. The owner of this blog is just as bad as he makes others to be. Only doing this for the money. S/he is using the fame of the gurus to get some money her/himself.

Anonymous said...

She is doing a contest, just like every other guru so drama is forgotten -.-

Anonymous said...

I think Kandee probably cares, she just pays no attention. Her son probably had to miss a LOT of school for that truancy charge to pop up, and she probably didn't even notice.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the school would've contacted her before about her son's skipping/missing class. I guess I just can't understand how she could not "even notice." Unless she really is *that* far into her candyland world lol

When I was that age, one of my parents would've had to have called the school if I was going to miss class or be late. If they didn't, there would've been a call from the school wondering where I was. I know every school isn't the same in this regard, but she probably did receive notice(s) at some point before this extra truancy charge popped up.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Kandee is a bad person, but she really needs to grow up and look at what's important in life: her kids. It's great that she has a positive outlook on life, but she is far too caught up in sprinkles and glitter fairies. She needs to get a grip on reality and own up to her mistakes. Her sudden "severe back pain" certainly comes at a convenient time doesn't it? She can't sugar coat these charges so she needs another way to gain sympathy from her Kandeeland fans.

I supported her after hearing about the first charges, because they were pretty stupid. There isn't a law against leaving a 12 year old alone (and he was only alone for 3 hours when the cops arrived), and charging her for having hairspray/dirty dishes is ridiculous.

However, these charges prove that Kandee is hardly around for her son. Schools usually give parents notification when things like this happen. My school required a note or phone call the next day or parents would be notified. Even if his school isn't as strict, 3 months is still a long time for her to not take action. Now her son is set back a semester in education, and it's her fault for not setting him on the right path. It's tax payer's money that pays for her son's education, and she's wasting it. I don't think she should be guilty for the first charges, but she deserves to be guilty for these charges.

Anonymous said...

What kind of mother lets her 12 year son miss so much school he fails? The way her son is going he will be a high school drop out by the time he turns 16. Kandee should be ashamed of herself.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I just received this regarding my domain-

", as an accredited registrar, is required by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) to remind you that it is necessary to keep your account information up-to-date, including your address, phone number, and email address. Under ICANN rules, providing false or incomplete contact information could result in the cancellation of your domain registration..."

No wonder is now inactive LOL

Anonymous said...

KAKA uploaded a walmart haul with no combover! shocker!

Anonymous said...

the other day i was at sams, and my dad asked me to pick him up some marie calendar's pot pies (8 pack). he didn't understand why i laughed at that request :D

pot pies in bulk--kai would be in heaven.

Anonymous said...

omg enough with lady kaka. this blog is so lame lately because thats all anyone talks about.

Anonymous said...

omg enough with you @8:40

we can talk about whatever we want. YOU'RE so lame lately. gtfo.

Anonymous said...

How could Kandee let her son miss so much school?

Anonymous said...

@8:43 Considering she left him alone while she went on a business trip I can't say that I am too shocked that she lets him miss so much school.

Anonymous said...

WWWWHAT is THAT?!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

what is with the frienship between kailyn and irene?? irene sent her a hard candy eyeshadow. w.t.f.

Anonymous said...

@8:53 they have been "friends" for years on youtube. OLD NEWS

Anonymous said...

shrek's chunkster fraudster sister wannabe sisters are LAME-O

Anonymous said...

It is kinda weird how people defend Kandee. They treat her like she is some kind of god.

Anonymous said...

what is everyone getting from the mac spring collection??


how did you get the stuff so early? what all would you suggest?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

look at this video i found of glittereyes82 daughter

Anonymous said...

who started the officialglamsquad ?

that shit is so lameeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

8:17 fuck off sticky

Anonymous said...

juicytuesday subbed to me ! yay !
She's one of my fav gurus
"Let me find my butt, I'm gonna get it this time."

Anonymous said...

why isnt sticky saying anything about pat..ok be friends with a perve

Anonymous said...


i knew they were friendLY but i didnt know it had reached the level of sending each other gifts. weird.

Anonymous said...

anyone else notice kai's face has been way darker than her neck lately? i think she's using a new bronza. no bueno.

also, that colored eyeliner looks like shit. her eyes look very "off" without dark eyeliner on her bottom lashes. i mean she looks off enough as it is.

one more thang,

ever since she said she only washes her hair every 3-4 days, i have started paying attention and her hair always starts looking glittereyes-ish greasy on the 2ndish day. she needs to wash that shit.

Anonymous said...

kai's hair looks like my shit..literally

Anonymous said...

juicytuesday has huge eye bags and a terrible boob job.

Anonymous said...

I just watched Enkore's IMATS video, he is so creepy.

Anonymous said...

I like enkore

Anonymous said...

Is juicytuesday doing blogtv?

Anonymous said...

1020, he is creepy! look at richie folding his arms when koren is huging him

Anonymous said...

I hate whatstyleistonickel

Anonymous said...

10:24 Ritchie looked so uncomfortable next to Enkore.

I like whatstyleistonickel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i bet irene treats kai like she was her child


Anonymous said...

kaka took down her q&a vids!!! i was totes going to make a "la la la la la" from the last video and "HONK" remix.



Anonymous said...

wow okay i really think kai is on something in this new videos. the la la la la la and "SO COOL" shrug and "puhhh-rimer potion" tells me this.

Anonymous said...

even da most gangsta nigga n da world, eat his
bitch pussy when he get home. Gangbanger, bank robber,drug dealer, street nigga all EAT PUSSY

Anonymous said...

Ugh, Kai's video on KillerBayBoutique stuff is so horrible, so many mistakes. Why on earth would someone send her stuff to review? I hate that I have some of the same makeup Kai uses, especially lip gloss. It's like as soon as she gets the stuff she makes a video and doesn't even know what she's gonna say, except look what I got guys, I loooove it , it's sooo pretty. She can't even pronounce what they are called, or as Kai would say "code". Nobody should send Kai stuff to try she makes them look bad. Her audience of fans who leave nice comments are: the many accounts Kai and her mother have, 12 year old girls and grandmothers (those are the ones who call her adorable). Btw what the fuck is with the GlamSquad channel? You either have to have a fucked up face or have your gender questionable to qualify?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

apparently elizablair has finals today.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@952 i got the new spring bronzah because i want to look like a snooki wannabe like makeupbymel.

Anonymous said...

im sure the school tried to reach kandee several times to talk to her about her sons absences

she must have been unreachable by phone then too just like when the police tried to call her

Anonymous said...

i get big lulz when i imagine kai walking around....flabby flab flab

Anonymous said...

@ 11:19


Anonymous said...

i sat in class thinking about this blog today. i think i'm addicted.

Anonymous said...

Kandee is really just digging herself a deeper grave.

Now that she has a lawyer she suddenly stops mentioning her trips to the mall and resterunts and details on her blog.

Its really sad that she couldnt figure out on her own to keep quiet before and had to get a lawyer to tell her that.
I think even that alone shows her maturity level.

Anonymous said...

kandee needs to disappear from yt for awhile and deal with her life issues

Anonymous said...

did anyone else look at lorraine's vlog from oklahoma? i was google creeping and found her facebook, and it says she is in a relationship with "clay blakemore" who is a FRESHMAN at OSU. she's a pretty girl... why is she dating someone six years younger than her?

lorraines fb:

link to her digg with age on it:

clays fb where it says OSU '13:

clays myspace with age on it:

Anonymous said...

I agree 11:43. She needs to get her priorities straight, mother her child, and take responsibility for her actions.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is weird, that doesn't surprise. But at least he is of legal age.

Anonymous said...

I think Kandee is just trying to make it seem like everything isnt a big deal by acting the way she is. She needs to get her shit together.

Anonymous said...

I found it funny that Kandee put a blog about having a possible tumor. Is she for real? She's not right in the head.

Anonymous said...

@11:50 age means nothing
as long as they are both adults who cares. im happy lorraine finally has a bf again.

Anonymous said...

6 years younger? o_0

Anonymous said...

What kind of tumor?

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Lorraine look waaay older than she is? When I first saw her on BlogTv I thought she was close to 40. As for Juicytuesday, I've only seen her BlogTvs a few times I had to turn it off after like 5 mins, I guess I'm not really into watching someone slurp herbal tea. I think she has a Pamela Anderson complex, fake boobs and same kinda tattoo in same place, so tacky.

Anonymous said...

" She's using it to take attention away from all of this because she knows she's screwed."

EXACTLY. She's just trying to stir up more sympathy. I can just see it now. She makes a video of her wheeling into the room with her wheelchair and she does a video on how to decorate your wheelchair with rhinestones and ribbons!

Anonymous said...

um yeah. lorraine = florida

little boy clay = oklahoma

let's see how long THAT lasts. :I

she admits she likes way younger guys. she hooks up with 18 year olds. she's kind of a sicko.

Anonymous said...


is one of kai's favorite gurus.

it's pretty lame she ASKS people to post her video responses or comments wishing her a happy birthday.

who DOES that??

i'd go all day without letting anyone know my birthday before i'd beg people to wish me one.

Anonymous said...

good god does someone have an idea on why elle has so much fuckin time to put all that makeup on?

im in college and i barely have time to put foundation on.

Anonymous said...

i dont think lorraine looks way older then she is but juicytuesday does. in that video where her friend applys makeup on her she definatley looks mid forties without makeup. and her boobs look sick they are huge and so low and saggy. i didnt know boobjobs got so saggy i think she needs a replacement. i think you are suppose to get them changed every ten years and she probably didnt do that.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:28 people like kai do that.

Anonymous said...

Teresa said she got her boobs done 10 yrs ago. That explains why they are so saggy.

Anonymous said...

" I just watched Enkore's IMATS video, he is so creepy."

LOL YES! I swear, the first time I watched his video, I thought he was struck by lightning before he turned on the video camera. I know it's not nice to laugh at someone, but he is just plain CREEPY. Oh and him being a cross dresser does NOT help his case.
His shaky winks and smiles make me laugh and feel sick at the same time. It's nice to see that his acne scars have gone down. However, his skin is still disgusting to look at when he zooms in on his eyes for eyeshadow. He is just gross to me.

Anonymous said...


greasyeyes is back.

and LULZ at all the weight she's gained in just a few days. srsly. she now has 8 rolls on her neck instead of the usual 6.

she got evicted and has been MIA because she's been living in her red minivan.

speaking of....



Anonymous said...

@12:30 elle has an excuse for being late to class, because she is so ugly that she has to put all that on to make herself look halfway decent

Anonymous said...

where was it that kandee accused michellephan of copying her? i never saw kandee do it i just saw awhile ago michelle tweet about it

Anonymous said...


thats golden.

Anonymous said...


i totes think jenna olli is on meth or something.

look at how she scratches at herself throughout the vid.

i WISH i was joking but this time i'm fo' real.

anyone else notice the weight gain? i mean, it's WATER WAIT OBV but still. ;)

Anonymous said...


idk but in my opinion, michelle doesent have anything to complain about so she can shut her mouth.

Anonymous said...

that being said am i the only one that thinks michelle complains quite a bit for her lifestyle?

Anonymous said...

^^ i noticed her scratching herself too. she probz is on meth.

and her video title is an abbreviation for her HG hair product combo.



jizz and cock-sweat


Anonymous said...

"Kalel" is probably happy to not see herself being mentioned on this blog. So I just had to give a little message to her.
Don't worry "Kalel"...we havn't forgotton about you ;)

Anonymous said... why does THIS GIRL TALK LIKE SHE'S HAD A SEIZURE?!?!?

Anonymous said...

LMAO at the way glitter eyes pronounces "house"


selly hensin.


HOLY SHIT she does keep scratching herself. she's either on drugs or has body lice. prob both. ewwww. i need to take a shower nao.

Anonymous said...

god kai makes me want to stab myself about 50 times, slide down a slide of razorblades, land in a pool of lemon juice infested with sharks and i want the sharks to rip apart my limbs one by one.

Anonymous said...

ick. I never knew who glittereyes was until i came to this blog. she looks like something you'd see on Cops.

Anonymous said...

skin tone -

skin TOON.

we totes need a greasy eyes to english dict.

Anonymous said...

hey i noticed now that she does keep scratching herself.

fucking idiot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LMAO she is so white trash.

Anonymous said...

jenna olli reminds me of that rapist in the legend of zelda that sat in front of the tree in kakariko village...

Anonymous said...

Greasyeyes: "Acne scores" aka acne scars.

Anonymous said...

im sick of seeing these shit gurus in my elle magazine

Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for jennas kids because if any of the kids at her school finf jennas youtube videos they are going to be humiliated

Anonymous said...

this is how i feel when you say my boobs sag

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i feel sorry for her kids because they have to see and hear her everyday. yikes

Anonymous said...

A few things I do respect Kandee for is that she doesnt monitor her comments at all and she does have talent with makeup.

Anonymous said...

juicy looks like white trash too. i wonder if she knows who glittereyes is.

Anonymous said...

Last night...
fever & then chills...
lots of pain...
right now, when I try to stand feels like my head is going to i type this lying down...with my head propped up and my laptop on my stomach!

kandees new blog is up

Anonymous said...

@ 12: 57 i know right?! what in the hell are they thinking featuring kandee johnson!

Anonymous said...

stickylipglossx is such a phoney

i went and read kandees blob about half an hour or so ago and i came back now and saw a comment from stickylipglossx

i went back on now i was going to leave a comment until i noticed you have to have an account and i also noticed stickylipgloss has now deleted their comment
such a phoney just like sticky deleted their blog

Anonymous said...

delete delete delete
sticky and kalel should become bffs

Anonymous said...

I cant believe someone actually thinks Lorraine is cute. I think she is so weird looking..its what caught my attention to watch her actually. Her face is totally busted.She better keep showing her body to make up for the face which cant be fixed.
And yea, I would have guessed she was close to 40 too...though looks older with blonde hair.

Anonymous said...

elizablair says shes doing work and "taking exams" all day today lol. yeah right. everyone knows she's not actually homeschooled. she probably heard that there was speculation that she wasn't though so she had to make something up like that. if LA doesnt work out she'll have no diploma and won't be able to get into college. nice job elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

12:22 comment removed by author

ohhhh sticky you are so fake
the blog entry entitled "update"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

in that video she posted on her blog, she says "i'm a single mom with three kids"... so is she a liar now too?

Anonymous said...

@1:11 Yeah but she doesn't need an education. She has alot of money and she has said many times that she wants to be a stay at home mom when she gets older. I cant't remember which videos she said it in they are from along time ago.

Anonymous said...

lol i knew sticky was a fake the min she deleted her blog and befriended an overweight pedo again

Anonymous said...

i have lost most of the respect i had for sticky since shes friends back with pedo pat nao.

and since shes deleted her blog, and her comments.

fucking coward.

Anonymous said...

"kids to take care of myself because i'm a single mom".... - kandee

Anonymous said...

sticky didnt delete her blog? whatchu onabout foo'

Anonymous said...

respect for sticky = 0

Anonymous said...

@1:14 no she didnt lie she is a single mom with 3 kids thats the truth

she just failed to leave out the part about only having custody of one

Anonymous said...

@1 :17 i made a mistake she deleted her pedo pat post.

Anonymous said...

no, her pedo pat post is still up...

Anonymous said...

lmao sticky is a fucking joke and he's proved it over n over

anytime i see a post from him i skip over it even tho im sure alot of the anon comments come from him especially the ones with links to pics since we all know sticky has an obsession with screen capturing ppl in youtube vids and putting them on tinypic

Anonymous said...

she should have just said "i'm a mom of 3 kids" then.

Anonymous said...

hehe i just looked at kandees blog and yes sticky did delete a comment

and im shocked at all her "fans" who completely ignore the court and criminal charges part and just ramble on about tips to deal with kidney stones and back pain

Anonymous said...

you guys better hope that eyerev doesent lurk this place.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kandee is single, has 3 kids and is a mom i dont see that as lying

Anonymous said...

omg you guys i just saw a pic of kalels long lost twin :O same forehead
wow no wonder she wears a combover

Anonymous said...

So does that mean that Kandee actually got a lawyer by now? After the new camera and eating out? Well hallelujah!

Get your shit together woman.

Anonymous said...

why do some people not care that kandee neglected her kids? It blow my mind.

Anonymous said...

kalel got braces with red and pink rubberbands

Anonymous said...

"kandee is single, has 3 kids and is a mom i dont see that as lying"

what i meant was when you say that you are a single mom of 3 kids, it is assumed that you have custody of them. earlier someone said that she does not have custody of her 2 youngest kids. i wasn't even aware of that until I read it on this blog, but i'm not saying that is enough to convince me.

Anonymous said...

poor kalel thinks having straight teeth is going to hide her conehead and bumpy nose and lack of humour and personality :(

maybe when she gets to l.a and is told in person the truth she will wake up

Anonymous said...

how come kalel hasn't made a video about her hair or braces yet? that girl was on a role with making new videos like every other day.

Lali Amora Beauty Blog said...

I just stumbled across your blog and i love it :) I'm going to do my best to spread the word about your blog, it is the ish :)!!!!!

Anonymous said...

it would be so funny if kalel tried to share an apartment with blair and elle. could you imagine the three of them in a video? would be kind of funny to see them try and out show one another.

Anonymous said...

i remember kalel on ustream getting very defensive about the money part and not answering questions about it

this is exctly why i love brittkneegirl1 no lies nothing to hide
britt told us exactly how much she makes as a partner on blogtv and she showed us the computer screen of her ad sense account and broke down how partners get paid and showed screenshots

im not saying i expect people to do that but i dont see the point in dodging questions about it either

Anonymous said...


that is all :)

Anonymous said...

@138 bahahahahahah you've got to be kidding
kalel would never be able to afford to live in the lap of luxery like them unless she got a sugar daddy

kalel will be picking the roaches out of her waffles once she moves into her apt in east hollywood

Anonymous said...

partners cant tell people how much they make because its breaking the adsense rules. someone should report brittney for disclosing how much she makes.

Anonymous said...

@1:39 I am a youtube partner and part of the agreement we make is to not talk about how much we make, and how we are paid.

Anonymous said...

molly is funny on that physcatic bitch

Anonymous said...

You can talk about how much you make but NOT on youtube..I know.
If you talk about it make SURE to delete the live video or w.e. and that's it.

Anonymous said...

Britkneegirl1 is kind of a ditzy twat.

Anyone remember when she thought there was bugs in her nail polish but they really were those metal balls that help mix up the polish?

Anonymous said...

stickys blog is still up with comments...i just checked....?

Anonymous said...

Kalel is seriously a dumb broad if she thinks she can drop outta college, not work, move to LA and thinks shes gonna be able to afford it off her youtube paycheque.

Anonymous said...

i think i just shit bricks

Anonymous said...

well what i meant was that kalel was dodging questions about whethor or not she got paid for reviews....thats super shady

and about britt....well she probably shouldnt have done that but she did and i love her because she has nothing to hide and she really is just a genuine sweet girl and she has proven that many times.

Anonymous said...

You won't make much $ until you get over 100,000 subbies and stuff like that..that's when the REAL cash will start to come in but you have to make sure to start a website and sell crap(ex:glitzyglam) or do ebay or sell shirts, go to events(get paid)

and best of all find an agent

even michelle phan has one

Anonymous said...

i can at least agree with them on the money part. no matter how nosey some of us are, it really isn't any of our business how much they make. i'm just imagining how i would react about it if i were in their shoes..

the only thing that should matter is if they are being paid for making the video and completely upfront about that. none of that "i am affiliated with this company" bullshit. that's one thing that irked me about blair and elle even before the FTC law was brought up.

Anonymous said...

linky to kalel ustream please

Anonymous said...

you can't live off of youtube money until you have subbies like fred, shane or ryan(n.higa)

Anonymous said...

if partners cant talk abou how much they make then why are there so many news articles featuring fred talking about how he made close to $50 thousand dollars for his 3 min swim video and other partners saying how much they make a month?

Anonymous said...


that was my entire point...kandee didnt lie but she did leave out details.
she is single a mom and has 3 kids...not a lie but she failed to mention the part about not having custody

Anonymous said...

you can talk about it

just NOT on youtube

Anonymous said...

No idea. But it is against the rules, you can check yourself.

Anonymous said...

well look at the shaytards. he can support his whole family off of youtube AND afford to rent a house in la.

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys think Kandee does not have custody of 2 of her kids?

Anonymous said...

bubzbeauty is so childish and cute-does she have a bf ?

Anonymous said...

I love the shaytards!

Anonymous said...

yeah, shaycarl moved his family AND 3 KIDS to la, his wife does not work. im sure gets about 80+. and he has shit load of channels

Anonymous said...

yeah bubz has a bf. shes been dating him for like 6 years apparently

Anonymous said...

@148 you can totally live off youtube money it adds up to be the same you make at an average paying f/t job

once you hit the status of fred, shane etc then you are living the good life making well over 10k a month

Anonymous said...

i hate bubzbeauty, she needs to go away

Anonymous said...

@1:50 shay use to work as a radio dj and his wife use to work at a chicken place..I'm SURE they saved money and once he made enough from yt / the station they decided to quit there jobs and move to la permanetly.

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