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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MeganHeartsMakeup ... and lying?

Alright, let me begin by saying that I actually really like Megan (YT: meganheartsmakeup)and I think she quite mature for her age (shes only.. 14?) and very sweet, so I'm not here to talk shit about her.. but she has been kind of pissing me off lately..

Several months ago she got a new boyfriend and stopped making videos as frequently. Whatever, I didn't really care, but she felt bad about it and would upload videos basically just saying that she was busy and sorry and would start making videos soon and blah blah blah, and she would always include a picture of her and her new boyfriend, half naked;

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Now, I know I said I thought she was mature, but damn, Megan, you ARE only 14... Yes, we're happy she's happy but no, no one really cares about her little boys hot abs. When she posted a video including this pic, she got a LOT of shit about it and quickly took it down.

, what really irritates me about this girl.. does anyone remember the contest she did back in like.. October? I believe it was a Halloween contest to recreate a Lady GaGa makeup look, and the prize was a $100 giftcard! OMG, so generous, right?! wrong.

She picked not one, but 4 winners. That's $400 (superb math skillz, I know) but where is this $400 coming from? She obviously doesn't work so her parents were clearly fronting the bill for her very expensive Halloween contest. Although what you'd be interested to learn is that all four winners STILL haven't received their giftcards (all 4 winners were recently emailed to confirm)but Megan keeps telling them that she'll send them soon! ... Four months later... still no giftcard. It's quite obvious that the girl comes from wealthy parents ($430 Stuart Weitzman boots for a 14 year old girl? really?) so its clear (and pretty shitty) that her contest winners take no priority, especially not over her shopping sprees.

Boy just cant keep his shirt on;
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HER caption for this pic: "so this is why you like the bunny..."


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Anonymous said...

Well they weren't Stuart Weitzman..they were Colin Stuart. She misspoke.

Anonymous said...

nobody gives a shit if you're first.

also, i don't really care about megan, how rich she is, or how her parents choose to let her spend their money, BUT shitting out on her contest winners is way lame.

Anonymous said...

blahblahblahblah. meganheartswhatever is boring.
lets talk about talkinmakeup's freak out the other day. what was up with that??!!

Anonymous said...

Shes not cute.
Her boyfriend is not cute.

Anonymous said...

spam kailyns guest book!!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who that person is...

Anonymous said...

oooh i'd like to know more about talkinmakeup's freak out more also. maybe she was hacked? idk.

Anonymous said...

why dont you talk about kalels IM ON LOST video...she annoys me to no end

Anonymous said...


She said later on she wasnt hacked

Anonymous said...

i have no idea who this chick is and why would anyone care? shes only 14

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Is it really that important for you people to bother Kailyn that you have to spam her new website. I mean, I don't like her either, but come on. Grow up already.

Anonymous said...

ugh, megan is so spoiled and she splurges way too much... A GOOD THING IS THAT SHES HECKA PRETTY!!

Anonymous said...

Aah, the good ol' days

Anonymous said...

She looks so different in that photo compared to her videos.

Anonymous said...

Who posted a comment on Kai's funstuff section asking if they let her keep the fetus in a jar?

Anonymous said...

who is that megan girl

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this blog :)

Anonymous said...

i thought her sister was 14...? and she was older.

Anonymous said...

@7:21 - that was funny as fuck!

Anonymous said...

If you LOVE this blog I suggest you get a hobby. It's full of nothing but dirtbags. I can't even stand to come here anymore because some of you just say things that no normal person would ever even think of.

Anonymous said...

What's going on with Blair and Katharine McPhee?

Anonymous said...

First 7:24, you need mental help.

Anonymous said...

When Elizablair was doing blogtv a few weeks ago someone asked her what her favorite bands/singers were. She listed a bunch of people then randomly was like "Oh yeah I love Katharine McPhee".

Funny how now she's doing a "secret project" with her.

Anonymous said...


Hey Kailyn, When are you coming to LA. We have a room waiting for you. We'll party!

You guys are mean. That is hilarious. You know Kai would believe that too!

Anonymous said...

Wow this is SO immature, talking rubbish about beauty gurus!
Do you get a kick out of it or something...or do you have nothing else better to do. Seriously. I suggest you get a job, and Grow up!!

Anonymous said...

@7:25 I remember that.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kai's getting some comments from HUGE gurus... wtf!

Anonymous said...

I think that Blair is in her music video.

Anonymous said...

How do any of you justify saying those things on her new website?

Anonymous said...

What's the link to the video where Kalel dances?

Anonymous said...

7:31 PM - Check through this whole thing, most the beginning. There is a lot more on Kandee than in the last pages. I didn't hear she was evicted. I do know that she rents that house.

Anonymous said...

Kandee was evicted?

Anonymous said...

Why did Kandee get evicted?

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry. That was for the other post!

Anonymous said...

why would kandee get kicked out of her house

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Kandee..

Ain't this something? Jesus.

"I walked into my local glammy MAC store...
And what should my wondering eyes find to adore...

a lovely blonde sale girl who took me to see....
the most lovely pink shade of lipstick you ever did see...

she said it was glam-glam
and I said order me up one..please and thank you ma'am!
and I said

ORDERING NEW MAKEUP WHEN YOU CAN AFFORD A LAWYER? Way to have your priorities in line, dumbass. That shows me how irresponsible she is. I don't care if she got enough money from the Paypal donations. It shows she is so full of herself.

Anonymous said...

can't afford a lawyer*

d said...

megan is so pretty, her bf not so much hahahahahahahahaa.

Anonymous said...

Kai's new website is lolarious.

Anonymous said...

7:37, ikr? that shit pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

why would Kandee buy makeup if she needs to pay for a lawyer?

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for all the stupid people who donated money to Kandee. If she can afford a new camera and trips to the mac store then she shouldnt have a problem finding a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

@7:43 agreed

Anonymous said...

7:41 PM - Never ask why when it comes to Kandee. Sanity and logic does not apply with her.

Catherine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I really liked Kandee for a long time, but how she is acting is unreal.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why exactly she's being evicted?

Anonymous said...

Ugh, what's up w/ Blair and McPhee...? Someone please tell me!!

Anonymous said...

@7:45 link?

Anonymous said...

7:45 PM - Hmm I wonder who she is going to blame this time. She can't blame the cops, internet or newspaper for this dilemma! Lol.. I can just imagine her blogs. It'll be like, "I am shivering here next to a dumpster. They took my kids away and replaced them with medication. Why is everyone against me? I just want to hand out candy to strangers and spread glitter all over me in my tutu!!"

Anonymous said...

lol @the "big gurus" that are commenting kai. y'all are hilarious hahahaha. and poor kandee getting evicted, maybe mommy and daddy can support her like megans parents do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

@7:47 Some people are saying that Blair was in her music video. I am sure Blair will post a vlog about it soon enough.

Anonymous said...

but it's all ~rainbows and magic and sparkles~. it's okay for her to buy mac because somehow, a lawyer will fall into her lap and things will work out, right?

honestly, she needs to stop with that mentality; for her own good.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for Kandee, but worse for her kids. It must suck having a loser for a Mother.

Anonymous said...

Megan is a teenager. Her parents are supposed to support her, dumbass.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It seems like Kandee is in denial. She doesn't get how serious this all is for her.

Anonymous said...

Dude, if she seriously is getting evicted and then buys MAC makeup.. wow. Just wow. She'd get more use out of buying a therapy session for her kids.

Anonymous said...

I dont think Kandee really got evicted.

Anonymous said...

I love kandee, she's amazing :) who cares about the charges, how lame, do something better with your time people! :)

Anonymous said...

She doesn't get how serious this all is for her."

Nothing is serious in Kandee Land~. All she does is spit fire at people who are against her sparkly starz of life or have any truth of maturity. Maturity is toxic to her.

Anonymous said...

damn her boyfriend is fine id hit that shit like a pedo not gonna lie

Anonymous said...

Fourteen?! Seriously? Wow, when I was fourteen I was still running around outside and acting like a kid. I think the last thing on my mind then was posing half naked for photos.

Anonymous said...

7:53 PM :) you just spend your precious time writing on this blog :)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, when I was fourteen I was playing outside. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Kandee needs to use some of the lawyer money on therapy. She's crazy

Anonymous said...

7:54 no i dont! just here defending kandee, i love her :) you all dont even know her, pick on someone your own size (as in.. as SMALL as you) xoxo

Anonymous said...

Why is Kandee being evicted? anyone know??

Anonymous said...

I doubt Kandee is being evicted.

Anonymous said...

and ya know, there's a difference between being strong and keeping your head held high through hard times and being completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. has she apologized for her actions? i don't even think she realizes that what she did was still a crime. i hope she comes back to reality soon.

Anonymous said...

OMFG Blair and Elle are getting their own reality show!

Anonymous said...

kandee is a genuinely nice person. i'm not saying that she's not in denial, but she is obviously going through a hard time right now. instead of hating on her, why don't you pray for her? if you're not going to do anything positive why even bother?! you can't change her yourself. its her business.

i understand why you all make fun of people like kai, she's not even trying to do something with her life. and kalel, too. but kandee has good intentions and is actually doing with something with her life. everyone makes mistakes. why not give her the benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous said...

8:01 how do you know that?? WHAT?

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Kandee has "good intentions". She neglected her kids. That is a big deal.

Anonymous said...

will someone PLEASE screencap lady kaka sniffing her lipsticks in her new "products i regret buying" tag?! PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

@8:01 um, whered u get that info?

Anonymous said...

8:07, loser

Anonymous said...

OMFG Blair and Elle are getting their own reality show!

Anonymous said...

8:06 Overall she is a NICE person. that matters more than anything else. She has made mistakes, she can change. her son missed a lot of school, so what? it's 7th grade, he can make up for it. I missed an entire semester in 10th due to illness and i still could make up for it. You all are too dramatic, you don't even CARE about her, so why spend all this time talking crap about her?

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Kandee seems nice in her videos?

She needs to pay for what she did.

Anonymous said...

8:12 She isnt selling drugs. she didnt kill someone. She hasnt done anything that is that bad. my god get over it. there are way more serious things that people do.

Anonymous said...

So what if he could have set a house on fire? Who cares if he could have gotten kidnapped. Who cares if she leaves her son at home for days by himself and her Mom "checks" up on them when Kandee's Mom lives hours away? It's all good if you have a good attitude! It's okay if you kill someone too. If you have good thoughts when doing it and have a smile on, it's okay!

I'd rather pray for people in Haiti than Kandee being a bad Mom. She said we (the internet haterz) should be using our time to old Haiti orphans. Where is Kandee during all this? Oh, that's right. Spending the money she doesn't have on MAC makeup. Silly me!

Anonymous said...

@8:13 haha you think child neglect isnt as bad as doing drugs?

Anonymous said...

kalel has a new video up

Anonymous said...

Charles Manson always has a smile on. I will pray for him!

Anonymous said...

*to hold orphans

Anonymous said...

8:14 it was a few days not a few months or weeks. get over yourself. haha. wow. arent you aware of mothers who abandon their children everyday? give me a fucking break

Anonymous said...

Kandee smokes and snorts glitter.

Anonymous said...

kalel has been looking soooo much uglier than i ever used to think she was and I cannot figure it out.

Anonymous said...

"arent you aware of mothers who abandon their children everyday?"
ARE YOU SERIOUSLY SAYING THAT IS OKAY? I hope you never become a Mom and think that is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

@8:16 who cares how long it was? You dont leave kids alone for any reason at all. And who cares if a lot of mom's do this? Just because a lot of people do it doesnt make it right.

Anonymous said...

abandoning children is hip and cool.

Anonymous said...

@8:18 #2 I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

8:18 PM - exactly. moms beat their kids too everyday. that doesn't mean it should be seen as, "who cares? at least she didn't kill them! you guys r jellius"

Anonymous said...

Kandee being a shitty mom is not something to be overlooked. That boy is going to grow up to be a big nothing if Kandee doesn't step up to her responsibilities and parent the child. She chose to bring him into this world and he deserved to have a good mother. SHE LEFT HIM ALONE FOR TWO DAYS, what kind of human being does that to a child?

Kandee's actions towards her son make me sick. I have no respect for her.

Anonymous said...

Okay wow, can you read? I'm just saying that there are people who do way worse things. I never said it was acceptable or right... what the fuck? How do you even get THAT out of what I said? I said that she has made mistakes, just as you and everyone who has ever lived has, and she can change.

And I'm young, I won't become a mother for probably 10 years so get over it. It's none of your business anyway. My god you people are stuck on yourself and on things that have nothing to do with you. Get a life of your own please.

Anonymous said...

I VOTE FOR A MICHELLE POST. This hypocrite needs to be exposed.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for the person who thinks leaving your kids alone is okay. You obviously had a shit childhood.

Anonymous said...

8:20 PM - but wait! she has a couple photos of them on her blog and even stuck them in a youtube video! that means she is the perfect and "bestest" parent! she is even better than my own mom! you are blind if you can't tell that from 10 seconds in a video!

Anonymous said...

Haha, 8:21, but you're perfectly willing to come talk about it all until you become the target.

Anonymous said...

not to mention that her son is a pyro. but yeah, let's leave him home alone...

Anonymous said...

Kandee deserves all the criticism she's getting and her son has all my sympathy.

Anonymous said...

@8:20 LOL

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of kids who grow up to be "big nothings". Are you helping them? Doing anything about it? probably not, so why are you acting like you give a fuck about kandee or her kids, or other kids who are left alone/"abandoned"? IF YOU DONT CARE ABOUT HER THEN STOP TALKING ABOUT HER, END OF THE FUCKING STORY

Anonymous said...

8:21 PM #1. DO YOU know where you are? Lol. Click the x if you don't like it. You're not any better being on this site.

Anonymous said...

8:22 willing to talk about WHAT? i'm defending her and myself. go get psychological help please, you have major issues.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for her kids. I would hate it if when I was that age having my mom just assume I am going to be ok while she's gone.

Anonymous said...

8:23 PM, it's not our place to parent other people's children. that's kandee's job, and apparently she's slacking off.

Anonymous said...

8:23 PM - We can spend our time however we want. If I had children, would I spend my time on the computer as much? No. And how the hell can I help a bad mother? You act as if I can open the front door and help lol.

Anonymous said...

"go get psychological help please, you have major issues." How ironic for Kandee lover to say..

Anonymous said...

As a society we should care that Kandee is letting her son flunk out of school. We should care that Kandee is leaving him unattended to cause problems. If Jordan keeps going down the road he is going he will end up a criminal and that will affect an innocent person down the road. Kandee needs to get her shit together and take care of her child.

Anonymous said...

8:23 yeah i am, at least i have morals. and no i've contributed a lot to this, i'm welcome here, you dont even know who i am. i can defend someone who doesnt deserve all this hatred if i want to. i've kept my mouth shut long enough. go away, youre the same person posting the same shit. candy kisses and rainbow unicorns, xoxoxo.

Anonymous said...


Got it? GOOD.

Anonymous said...

8:26 Kandee doesn't need therapy, but you all clearly do. Look at your own actions first.

Anonymous said...

It's one thing to leave your kid alone for a few hours (not saying thats okay because it's not) but its another thing to have them light things on fire when ur not around and miss so much school they fail.

Anonymous said...

8:27 PM - ~you don't even know who i am ~

Anonymous said...

8:26 I'm not a "kandee lover". fuck off bitch.

SARAH said...

8:29 fuck you whore

Anonymous said...

8:28 PM - Do you not realize that you are on the same website that you say people who are have "problems"? Whenever someone brings it up, it shows how hypocritical you are. If you want to defend Kandee, go kiss her butt on her blogspot, not this one.

Anonymous said...

8:28 lol shes not a shitty mother. you dont know the details, no one does so just stay out of it k thx.

Anonymous said...

Kandee's fans are as crazy as she is.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who can't stand Kandee's baby voice?

Anonymous said...

The whole defending Kandee thing was a joke, I did it to get some drama started. I know she's fucked things up for herself. But I still do believe people can change despite that. Thanks for the cheap lulz though guys. :) Mayjuh fail I know.

Anonymous said...

Kandee is a shitty mother, a pathological liar and a scammer.

Anonymous said...

8:32 PM - Thank God. I hope you were kidding :(

Anonymous said...

I think Kandee needs to lay off the drugs

Anonymous said...

" Am I the only person who can't stand Kandee's baby voice?"
lol yeah.. that voice is so fake. it's so weird how her mood can change from acting like she will never be taken down from this happiness high, and then that deep low she was in that recent sob and sad video. i knew she wasn't always happy. i knew she was a HUMAN. you can't lie to yourself forever that things are perfect and happy.
the only baby voice i think is real is pursebuzz's voice. she has had that forever. her personality is bubbly, but not overkill like kandee. kandee's voice reminds me of tommy pickles from the rugrats cartoon lol!

Anonymous said...

Kandee is so fake, I think her sob story is fake too. I don't buy that bullshit about having to sell her favorite jewelry to get something to eat or some shit like that.

Anonymous said...

This girl is too young to be talked about on this blog, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Kandee is a liar about everything. I hope she goes to jail.

Anonymous said...

Hey. Do you guys remember when Kandee pulled that sob story about having a kidney tumor or something? Whatever happened to that? Was it just gas? Was this story before or after she strutted around shopping in that tutu where she took photos and posted on her blog. She hasn't mentioned her "pain" for awhile now. Hmmm

Anonymous said...

8:34 lmao yes I was kidding. hence the candy kisses and rainbow unicorns. y'all are pretty gullible haha :)

Anonymous said...

Meghanheartsmakeup if she really didn't send out the contest prizes that is shady as fuck. And also, ever since she met this guy she hardly makes videos anymore... guys don't like clingy.

Kat McPhee's Makeup Artist=Elizablair?! said...

I've always known that Megan was immature. That 'I'm-so-mature-when-it-comes-to-mean-girls' front was taken from the Disney channel's endless plot lines. I mean, the girl obsessively brags. Some of her bragging is intentional and some is indirect. I mean, c'mon, shopping spree in NYC, summerhouse parties in good ol' Texas, diamond jewelry, and now a "hot" (cringe, not my style..he has 'gay-face'), football-playing boyfriend in the football capital of Texas= the perfect life for a Texan cheerleader.

She's 14 right...if you think that's young, watch the video of her putting makeup on her sister (for a party). Her sister literally looks like she's NINE FREAKING YEARS OLD! And I thought Miley Cyrus with her sister Noah (singing 'Spank that, hit that') was bad, lulz!

By the way, that 'hint picture' that Blair posted on her twitter >>> ISN'T THAT Katherine McPhee?!

Anonymous said...

kandee is promoting these vanity mirrors on her blog that are almost $300...i have seen higher quality, cheaper mirrors at target. ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

at 8:49
Yea, Megan is the joke of YT.
She's partner and for what? Giving us soft-core porn of she and her boyfriend..
Blair better not make it in New York OR California. If she does, I think I'll have to vomit and smash my computer ;p

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

@ 8:52 - Yeah, have you also noticed that Kandee has stopped putting the FTC disclaimers on her videos! I mean, for someone who's hurting in this recession (and who only made $20,000 last year), she sure has a lot of makeup. I know she's a makeup artist and all, but she uses a new product in EVERY ONE of her videos!!!. She has to be getting freebies, but where's the disclaimer?!

@ 8:52 (other one) - You and me both girl :D

Anonymous said...

he has "gay face"? wow, homopobia much? :/

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

@ 8:56 - "Homopobia much", no. Spell check, much, lmao. But seriously, I think Perez Hilton is rubbing off on me ;D ...Ew, wrong choice of words, hehe.

But, c'mon, is anyone deathly afraid that there's a good chance that Elizablair can actually make it in the 'entertainment' business? I mean, she has her agent, frequent flier miles, AND now a picture with a huggy-giggly Katherine McPhee!

For shame, Katherine! And to think I voted for you on AI! Lulz!

Anonymous said...

I really like Katharine McPhee. I would personally love meeting her. I cant believe though that she actually likes Elizabeth. ugh disgusting. and lizzy looks AWFUL in that pic compared to Katharine.

Anonymous said...

hahaha..youre so hilarious. blow it out your ass..and yes, saying someone has "gay face" is homophobic and insulting.

Anonymous said...

I think Kay shut her fun stuff page down!

Anonymous said...

NO! Fun stuff! Why?

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

I know this is totally off-topic, but it has to do with Elizablair...

She mentioned in one of her videos how much she loves Glee and how she collects all the stickers and so on. She then said that her favorite character is Kurt!! Now, I've only seen several of the episodes, but Kurt seemed to be the most annoying character. His portrayal is just stereotypical and...cringe-worthy. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that he's Elizablair's favorite character.

Oh, and @ 9:08 - Give it a rest, troll. I've had it with politically correct imbeciles like you. Go attack the abortion clinics, the gay killers, or even the abortion doctor murderers as well. You got way bigger fish to fry. Good luck and don't get yourself killed in the process ;)

Anonymous said...

who the hell is kay?
kurt is the reason why i have no respect for flamers and flaming homos; that scene where he's lusting after his crush was enough to give me acid reflux!

Anonymous said...

i love kurt! i wish i could find a guy like him. you're just jealous that your boyfriend dresses like he is colorblind. on the other hand, i can't stand blair. she's seriously pathetic if she thinks that derek is interested in her..isn't he gay? thats what they were saying..idk

Anonymous said...

Blair probably sucked McPhee's dick all day today

Anonymous said...

I need to vent about Makeupbyrenren. I used to love her. She used to post lots of tutorials and legitimate hauls. But now all she does is post hauls and fake ass reviews of the stuff she gets from free. So sick of it and her, I have to unsubscribe.

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

I wouldn't let Elizablair near my face..I even think Elizablair knows that she's not cut out for the makeup art industry...that's why she updates her vlog channel more than her beauty channel. She's become like a celeblair.

That's the fricking problem with our feminine-society. We've become obsessed with personalities rather than actions/talent.

I thought the US could avoid the type of WAG-worship that the Brits have (where the wives/whores of football players are idolized by girls), but it seems to be building strong (Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett, Posh Spice, and Kim Kardashian, anyone?).

Anonymous said...

i would have picked rachel to be blair's favorite.

Anonymous said...

@9:26 agreed

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

@ 9:23 - Lol, welcome to the club ;D I unsubbed a while back when I realized that her 'love for her subscribers' was just fakish and lame. She didn't communicate her craft like TiffanyD can...

@ 9:18 - 8-O >> You wanna find a guy like Kurt!!! Omg, girl you have issues, lol! BTW, my cousin lives in Cali and she went to high school with the actor, Chris, who plays Kurt (at CEHS). She's says that he acts like a totally different person when he's interviewed. Like he'll claim that people chastised him for his gay orientation, but that he was actually really popular in high school.

Anonymous said...

anyone think blair and derek had sex?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you go ask them yourself you fucking pervert.

Anonymous said...

I think this post is going to end up like Blairxxxl's post in that no one really talks about her because she's a boring subject. I think it's shitty that she's yet another beauty person that neglects to send out prizes, but I think the arising controversy with Michelle is more interesting. That debate in the previous post about her was so heated and a good read.

Anonymous said...

is it wrong that i want to do megans bf.... if he wasnt totally underage?

Anonymous said...

blair watches a lot of crap tv. a lot of the gurus do, like elise from bubblegum princess loves jersey shore..

you really learn about a person from what kind of entertainment they like.

bitch time: i hope, truly, that since blair's 16, her lack of a proper education will catch up with her and that she'll be a laughingstock in 'higher' society.


Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

Whoa, people are finally starting to hate Michelle, @9:32. Do tell, do tell. I must have been absent that day :D

@9:32 (other one) - yes, there is something wrong. You obviously, like Blair, like pretty boys like Z. Efron, Kurt, and that guy who won Project Runway (C. S.)..I kid, I kid ;D

@9:30 - No, because Blair knows her value goes way down if she lets someone hit it ;)

Anonymous said...

The only interesting thing to talk about is talkinmakeup freaking out, or Blair and McPhee.

Anonymous said...

i've heard derek say on a couple blogv's that he's a virgin. sooo, i doubt it. i mean, typically boys wouldn't want to admit they're virgins, so i'm inclined to believe he's telling the truth about that.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Megan's bf does have gayface! Uh, an attractive couple they are not.
Anyway, Michelle was asked to be a makeup artist at fashion week in NYC last year. I think that is the same deal with Blair unfortunatly.

Anonymous said...

remember is the closeted gays' code word for 'i dont like girls' ..either that or he is a christian EWWWW!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blair and elle are getting a reality show on mtv. it's on the website.

I will not be watching that crap.

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure derek's a virgin, he said so on blogtv. if he wasnt one, you know he'd be cocky as hell about it. he did say that he had done "everything else but" though. tbh i dont think most girls would with him. blair might be a famewhore and a ditz but she's not stupid. and she's obviously savvy enough to have made it on youtube - lets be honest, shes done pretty well for herself. so no i dont think they had sex. or maybe they did and it was really bad so they dont talk anymore LOL

Anonymous said...

9:35 PM - Check Kandee's post, like the 1-3 last pages. Michelle is ripped open hard and is shown to be a hypocrite in A LOT of things

Anonymous said...

9:39 oh my god its on the MTV website? whats the link?

Anonymous said...

he was spouting some religious shit in his chat, and actually pissed a lot of people off so i think that's the reason.

Anonymous said...

the fuck is talkinmakeup? and whatd she bitch and moan about?

Anonymous said...

9:35 oh yeahh, hayuge tiff in the last couple pages of kandee's post. michelle got offered and accepted a job as lancome's yt makeup artist. thing is, she's made a point of saying that her skincare line is not tested on animals, so that must clearly mean something to her. lancome just happens to test their products on animals (not sure though, people kept posting differing evidence). so the debate was about how michelle "had a price" and compromised her values for more money and fame.
just a recap ;) i hope that was an okay sum-up

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

@ 9:39 - Grow up. At least he won't give his soul mate a laundry list of STDs to deal with. "When you sleep with some one, you're also sleeping with everyone he/she slept with" (funny line from an old sex education film we had to watch)!

9:38 - well, if Elizablair is going to do that, she'll be coming home with loads of FREE high-end makeup. That's what happened with Michelle (she got all this Shiseido, Shu Uemura, and Lancome stuff).

I wonder how that will go down with her fan club. $30 for a cream eyeshadow, wtf!

Anonymous said...

I think their show is on vh1, not mtv

Anonymous said...

wait what Elizablair and Ellelisa are getting a tv show?

Anonymous said...

what is the link to the site that talks about elle and blair's "show"? if they are moving to LA for it then clearly whatever studio they're filming at has to be in LA...

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

OMG! It is the apocalypse and the end times!!! Elle-lisa and Elizablair got a reality tv show deal?!

What are they going to do, how will they entertain viewers...oh. my. goodness.....

I think I'm speechless, lol.

Anonymous said...

Blair and Elle are gonna be on RuPaul's Drag Race, y'all!

Anonymous said...

what is the show about? They arent interesting.

Anonymous said...

if they got a show, we should spam vh1 or mtv!



Anonymous said...

I think the person who said they were getting a show was joking.. just wait til they come out about it, theres no use speculating until we know whats really going on.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have blog posts about non beauty people. This blog is getting so boring.

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

@ 9:46 - lol! I actually thought you weren't kidding for a moment!


You were kidding, right?





Anonymous said...

@9:49 #2 It would definitely get more people coming to the site, but it probably wont happen.

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

@ 9:49 - Wanna debate politics with me?


What's your angle?

Democrat - Liberal - Republican - Conservative


Anonymous said...

are you sure it's not yet another troll making up something to freak everyone out? first big brother, then (i can't even remember what else they've been tied to lol), now this?

Anonymous said...

Random but which new viva glam color do you girls think its prettier?

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

Well, Katherine McPhee's career has faltered, so maybe it's not such a biggie if she and Elizablair swap smiles..

Right? ;D

Anonymous said...

@9:52 Both are gorgeous but I only bought the gaga lipstick.

Elizablair today, Celeblair tomorrow said...

Neither. Hate the MAC lippies. They dry out my lips..I much prefer YSL (tho I hate the smell) or Dior.

Have you guys tried Korres lip products? AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:54


Anonymous said...

link me to the michelle phan rant on kandee's site?

Anonymous said...

if you guys want something to help your boredom, check out the kandee post. there is 3000+ comments.

Anonymous said...

This might make some of ya'll mad at me but...
have you noticed that whenever the beauty gurus get together, EnKore and Josh from Petrilude stay far away from each other? It's like they don't want to be seen together as two gay guys.....idk, I just think it is weird.

Anonymous said...

it's not on her site it's in the kandee post on this site

Anonymous said...

Josh is an ass, whoops I shouldn't have said that because knowing his ego he probably will get a boner from reading about how people hate him.

Anonymous said...

Hey 9:57

Ya, I thought the same thing. Even in the pics posted from Elle and sparkage, there's no love bt the 2 of them. I think its because they can't help themselves. They might jump each other! ROFL! Petrilude IS a top and enkore IS a bottom, or is it reversed?

Needle said...

I think by "gay-face" you mean metrosexual, maybe?

Anonymous said...

9:57, what do you mean by that? i think petrilude is pretty open with being gay. he joked in a blogtv video that he learned how to give blowjobs in boy scouts and he dresses in drag all the time.

Anonymous said...

Enkores gross
- fix yyour skin -

Josh just screams 'disease'!

I think he's rubbed off on Leesha too much. Have you seen her ears lately? Holes! Holes and Holes..holy moly!

I like uniqueness as much as the next person but there are risks to piercings like that!

Needle said...

@9:52 I think I like the red better, idk. I caved in and bought them both when flipidelphia posted the discount, 'cause 1) I like reds 2) I want to find a nice blue-pink color, but I'm not sure it'll look good on my pale skin, so 3) if it doesn't look good, at least I didn't waste money (donations).

Anyway, petrilude and enkore seem like two totally different people, with totally different personalities. So no wonder they stay away from each other.

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