Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

FTC = Fail?

So on December 1st of last year, a new law was instated by the Federal Trade Commission aimed mostly at online bloggers and members of the youtube community. This new law required that whenever someone mentioned or used a particular product in their blog/video, they included information about whether or not they received the product for free, if they were compensated for mentioning it, and if the opinions included were their own. Failure to include these things could result in an $11,000 fine.

Finally, we all thought, people who promote the shit out of crappy products because they're getting paid for it will have to come clean and stop lying to their subscribers. Except for whatever reason, some "gurus" still refuse to follow these FTC rules, such as;
And some of the bigger gurus find ways to halfass the rules so technically they're still following them, but they're still being dishonest. So who has the balls to report them? No one, really, because if a particular guru suddenly included FTC info in between the time they were reported and investigated, the fine for falsely accusing someone is even greater then the fine for not following the rules. So I guess that means shitty gurus can continue to shamelessly promote things like tongue scrapers and adult diapers just to make a quick buck. Oh well, I guess it was a nice try, FTC?

So what do you guys think? Do you even care whether or not gurus get things for free? I don't, I just think its sad that many gurus will promote things that they would never use had they never been sent them for free, just to make money off of their thousands of subscribers. Some gurus (like itsjudytime) will block you if you question why they haven't included FTC info. The FTC rules were created to protect consumers, but due to the fact that a large part of the beauty guru's audience is made up of naive 13 year olds, nothing has really changed.


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Anonymous said...

twitter is down

Needle said...

@8:12 Watching what they do wrong helps me understand what not to do, and by proxy how to do things right.

Yeah I'm kind of backwards.

It's also pretty funny all in all.

Anonymous said...

they care enough to delete any comment that is less than ass kissing.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at kai's new vlog

"I really want some big sunglasses... you know like the ones that Mary Kate Olsen wears? Except hers are by Chanel. They're like really round, big sunglasses... I wonder if I could find a cheaper version of it!"

further proof lil kaikaiz lives under a rock

Anonymous said...

Had to just say this:

KALEL (or whatever your name is): THERE IS NO 'X' IN ESPECIALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh....sorry that was bugging me, had to vent. Haha

on another note: I love how Ellen says things like 'I didn't get this because I couldn't afford to get both'...then she goes and buys a $600 jacket, then a haul vid...then....

I have NO ISSUES with people spending their money. Just don't bullshit us! You'll just be exposed for the idiot that you obviously are!

Oh and stop mimicking TiffanyD. Its obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

i think it'd be nice to have some companies on record saying that they were asked to pay for a review from them that way there's evidence that the QVC Sisters stupid little fans absolutely cannot deny once they see.
i mean, i know some are just beyond stubborn and won't see reason, but i believe there are many that could switch sides with undeniable evidence.
hell, when this whole clusterfuck started, what? 8 months ago, i was skeptical too but saw reason when i saw the evidence and let it sink in.
what also would be nice would be a better screencap of lizzy's "fees" for her reviews.

Anonymous said...

8:23 #2

Kai always does shit like that. She always asks in her videos or on twitter where to find the most basic shit. She must only stick to her usual stores (MAC, Forever 21, Wetseal, American Eagle, Target) and not go to other stores. Or she just doesn't pay attention when she's out.

Anonymous said...

Kalel what's up with that blue and white shirt?? It's fug. And dont sit so close to the camera. You skerrd me.

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad i never gave in and bought sigma or coastal scents products. it's a shame so many people wasted their money on things that ended up being shit.

Anonymous said...

question: is opi or china glaze better? i was watching youtube reviews and noticed both have sponsored gurus. i don't trust their opinions. :|

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Elizablair got paid to review
Stars Makeup Haven
Best Bath Store
Huge Lips Skinny Hips Lipgloss
Sigma brushes
Friday Night Fashions
Soft Lips
Certain Dri Anti-Perspirant
MyClyns Germ Protection Spray
BFTE Cosmetics
Jovan Perfume and Cologne
and most recently, Shoes of Prey

Anonymous said...

Blair has recieved over $1,200 for certain video reviews. I know that for a fact but I can't say anything else without getting into trouble myself.

Anonymous said...

actually, i bought coastal scents stuff waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy before everyone started advertising it on their videos, and their stuff isnt bad. their angle liner is really really good for applying gel liner. also i have their gel liner in indigo blue and thats not bad either :D. i recently just purchased another angle liner from them..theyre like a dollar something!

as for @8:26, let's hope secret conquest will reply to my email with proof...

Anonymous said...

Well we all know she also got a free poppy coach bag outta the huge lips skinny hips people. They were really sucking up to her.

I need to vent.. said...

838 i think both formulas are good, i like OPI better because the brushes are bigger, but China Glaze is cheaper

Do you guys think the "Ellen Takes a Tumble" vid is worth its own blog post? I've been lurking tonight and have been unfortunately seeing so many people who STILL thing Ellen and Balir are honest and trustworthy. So sad.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure none of those companies would squeal either, probably had to sign a contract of confidentiality.

Anonymous said...

yes, that video def. deserves its own blog post, but i would just compile more scammy shit ellen and balir have done and put it in the same post, kinda as the icing on the cake

Anonymous said...

8:42 can you provide proof? not trying to be rude, but is there absolutely no way you can give hints?

Anonymous said...

8:44 yes, new post w/ lisa's superbowl vid and the congrats one, please!

Anonymous said...

Ellen takes a tumble/ Ellen's football fumble DEFINITELY deserves it's own post! It showcases what a fake try-hard bitch she is, and the beauty -SHE OUTTED HERSELF WITH HER OWN STUPIDITY!

Anonymous said...

maybe when the comments hit 2000, there can be a new blog about the fumble lol
it allows for more time to gather other juicy info about lisa and liz's fakeness

Anonymous said...

8:42 give us more info. I doubt your employer/source is going to find this blog and know your identity.

Anonymous said...


yes that video is worth its own post

Anonymous said...

8:42 probably got that $1,200 figure from twirler0218's Elle and Blair video.

Anonymous said...

I also remember one comment, dunno if it was on a twirler vid or not, from a girl who's sister was asked to pony up for a review of her clothing, i'll look around for it and maybe we could ask her some questions

I need to vent.. said...

Alright, I'll def start working on that blog post, if you guys think of other shady shit, let me know haha.

Anonymous said...

@8:42 it aint true til i see solid evidence. its not like we're gonna out you, we dont even know who you are! you're just like the rest of us, in anon names. perhaps you can upload an imagine/screencap somewhere and just casually post the link :P. and after you post the link maybe camille will kindly delete the post so theres no proof you ever posted evidence :)

Anonymous said...

^*image. not imagine. woops

Anonymous said...

8:56 I don't know who "twirler" is.

Anonymous said...

maybe those videos where lizzy says her dad gave her her tiffany bracelets for christmas when you can clearly see them in previous videos could make it into the new entry.

Anonymous said...

sorry, twirler is "twirler0218" on youtube, she's made videos confronting lisa and liz on their lies and threats

Anonymous said...

When will the ellen super bowl post be up?

Anonymous said...

RiceBunny I called room service for toothpaste..and they're like "WE'RE BIG FANS!" Crazy... 30 minutes ago via web

lol get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

@9:05 are you fucking kidding me? wow. that bitch needs to be slapped. all she does is brag brag brag brag brag brag brag

Needle said...

@8:43 Well glad to know you overpaid.

In the future just buy them off ebay for a little bit cheaper directly where they come from...china or something.

Anonymous said...

Ugh my yt comments are screwed up since it switched over so I can't search for that girl's comment about her sister's company

Anonymous said...

yeah it's not so much about if coastal scents are good quality or not, it's that they jack up their prices for the exact same products that you can get for really cheap

Anonymous said...

@9:13 thats like almost every single business out there

Anonymous said...

lol jpmetz video : maryland sucks.

kai is crying.

Anonymous said...

9:18 honestly. every single business is like that. an ipod costs $5 to make, but apple sells it for $200+. that's the business world darlings.

Needle said...

@9:13 Except most businesses buy wholesale and sell at MSRP. You usually can't get, say, an eyeshadow from the drugstore at its "really cheap" wholesale cost, because those companies don't sell straight to the consumer. The most you could ever get is a discount on a sale/clearance.

With coastal scents, many of their items are sold elsewhere straight to consumers at prices cheaper than what is on their site. You're paying for them to slap a name on a palette.

If you really think that's worth it, then fine.

Needle said...

Oops, I was addressing 9:18, not 9:13, sorry!

Anonymous said...

@9:23 yes, my sister owns a wholesale women's jeans company and it takes literally $7 to make a high quality pair of jeans(from china, of course), and she sells them for around $55/pair to boutique stores and nordstrom rack, and they actually do sell or else she would be out of business by now lol.

Anonymous said...

I know Kailyn was 13 when her mom and dad separated. A year after that Kailyn's grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and he came to live with them. Her mom took care of him for 2 years until he died. I know if was hard on them so maybe they didn't get to do much traveling. Sometimes other things are more important. Stop blaming her mom for everything.

Anonymous said...

Why does Kai keep filming in her FRONT yard?? People are going to wonder what the fuck she's doing. She probably looks ridiculous sitting and talking to a camera in plain view of everyone.

Anonymous said...

You obviously know Kailyn personally. Who are you?

Anonymous said...

i c u patty

Anonymous said...

a good friend on line

Anonymous said...

@9:29#1 that's what i was thinking when i was watching. ppl are probably like wtf?!?

Anonymous said...

What does everyone think about the raywilliamjohnson and sxephil drama?

As usual Phil's acting like a 12 year old girl.

Anonymous said...

9:29 I was wondering the same thing lol. Why didn't she go film in her backyard beside the underground 8ft deep pool she loves so much? People passing by would just see some girl sitting on the lawn talking to herself and filming it lol

Anonymous said...

what IS the RWJ sxephil drama? lol. i dont follow guy youtuber dramas

Anonymous said...

YOU MISSED US FATTYPATTY! Gotten any nudes lately?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Elizablair got paid to review
Stars Makeup Haven
Best Bath Store
Huge Lips Skinny Hips Lipgloss
Sigma brushes
Friday Night Fashions
Soft Lips
Certain Dri Anti-Perspirant
MyClyns Germ Protection Spray
BFTE Cosmetics
Jovan Perfume and Cologne
and most recently, Shoes of Prey

March 17, 2010 8:40 PM

I heard balir gets paid $300-500 per video.

It could be anywhere from $3900-6500 that shes been paid total for scamming everyone.

Anonymous said...


That doesn't include money she gets from youtube either.

Anonymous said...

what's the drama between raywilliamjohnson and sxephil?

Anonymous said...

there are nudes of pat floating around the internet. anyone curious enough to see?

Anonymous said...

Ray passed Phil in subscription count and Phil made a video bashing him.

he cant stand anyone being more sucessful than him

Anonymous said...

i'm curious for sure.

Anonymous said...

9:35 #1-I know right! She always brags about her pool so why the hell doesn't she film back there?! I crack up everytime and can't stop laughing when I picture people passing by her and she's just sitting by herself and talking to a camera.

Anonymous said...

Blair probably charges more then $500 for videos now that she has more followers, has a list of companies she "worked" for that she can use as "portfolio" material, and plus her agent is really pushing the QVC sisters to be big Hollywood starlets. I wouldn't be surprised if she charges $500 for small companies/mentions and $1,000+ for bigger companies where she just mentions the 1 product in the video.

Ellen is the one who probably gets $200-300 a video. I'm being honest, no one gives a fuck about her. She's too old for the teenybopper demographic and she's really plain and boring and has no charisma.

Anonymous said...

sxephil is such a little bitch. i used to like him before i found out about the begging thing. and that bashing video just shows more of his true colors. he does as much shady shit as any guru. RWJ is supposedly scripted though, and he really does just put a bunch of random shit from other vids into a video. But sxephil does the same thing but with news. he's one to talk

Anonymous said...

i'm sure blair and ellen make more money than we'll ever know about. especially due to the underhanded shit they do to get it

Needle said...

@9:31 I was thinking the exact same thing, too!

Part of the reason I don't take too many photos outside is because I'm afraid of people looking like.... "who the fuck is that girl; she's not right in the head." Or thinking I'm some lame tourist or something, lol.

There were even cars passing by in the background of her one vlog, lmao.

Anonymous said...

wongfuproductions for the win :).

i was looking through the partners list on youtube and i didnt see wongfuproductions on there! i was relieved. but i saw marie digby (the singer) on the list though, and was disappointed. ever since she got famous she stopped putting up youtube covers/originals. before she got famous she would do it like every 2 weeks! shame, shame

Anonymous said...

i think mr shelton would love to see this link

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I would pay to be passing by while Kai was filming. It's just too fucking funny to pass up.

Anonymous said...

I hate to generalize this, since there probably are a few honest people out there, but once you make youtube partnership you're in it for the money. They can convince you as much as they want that they care about subscribers but that's bullshit. After becoming partner all people care about is the number.

Anonymous said...

i'd drive by and throw a shake at her.

Anonymous said...

omg gossip girl comes ba--- *shake in face* THIS ISN'T VANILLA U BITCH

Anonymous said...

balir and ellen are so greedy

Anonymous said...

9:50 LMFAO!!!

Anonymous said...

People are tearing Kalel apart on Twitter for deleting her videos! Haha! She deserves it.

Am I the only one who noticed in her new video she says 'pernament' instead of 'permanent'?? Its not the first time she's said it, either. She is truly a moron.

Anonymous said...

brian is doing blogtv tonight

Anonymous said...

Why does kalel keep deleting her videos?

Anonymous said...

9:54#2 She totally deserves it. I still think she deleted them so people couldn't compare how orange she is now to her other videos.

Anonymous said...

i really wish she would stop playing the victim with mental issues role.
"i can't stop deleting them, people are being so mean"
who the fuck deletes a video for no reason, OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

DebbieDowner said...

I hate to be a Debbie Downer and bring this ~depressing~ view to the blog, but is anyone else saddened and disgusted how EVERYTHING is about money these days? Not even YouTube's beauty community is sacred! A few years ago it was about the love and passion of makeup and wanting to share your talent and passion with others. Now all these fake bitches make videos to try and make partner and get free products, and they half-ass videos. Kalel is the best example. She's so lazy, has no background in makeup (at least Kai has her 40-hour certificate), and she made partner but she can't even be bothered to keep up with her video schedule! She obviously doesn't care about her viewers and just throws a half-asses video together when she feels like getting a check. And that's just YouTube, I won't even get into everything else in life that's driven by money. It's so sad :(

Anonymous said...

I'd drive by and throw a baconator and wendy's shake

Anonymous said...

isnt kalel loosing revenue by deleting all her videos? dont partners still get paid for views their older videos get? idk, maybe they don't after a certain time and thats why she deletes them. why leave them up if she isnt getting paid for them anymore?

Anonymous said...

Kalel doesnt get that when she deletes her videos that makes people only hate her more.

If she cant take it then she needs to get off the internet.

Anonymous said...

9:57 exactly! it's just disgusting now.

Anonymous said...

i ordered a baconator just because of kai.

Anonymous said...

does anyone have the video link where Phil makes fun of RayWJ?

I cant find it

Anonymous said...

Everyone gets hate for their vids and you don't see anyone else doing what Kalel does. She's really fucking pathetic.

Anonymous said...

9:57 exactly! blair and elle arent qualified to be makeup artists. where did blair and elle come from anyway? their just spoiled rich white girls whos parents buy them all the makeup they want, they have no talent! and just because they trick teenagers into watching their videos they get to do makeup at fashion week when theres REAL talent out there who went the proper route to get certified and licensed and they cant even get jobs at mac counters. DISGUSTING!

Anonymous said...

@9:56 She is SO orange!!! Ahahaha!! Not a good look for her.

I don't think she should be allowed to be a partner anymore. She doesn't even have any videos! And the OCD thing really needs to stop. I seriously think Kalel is crazy. Like needs to see a therapist, certified crazy. Not even kidding.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

From what I noticed, most youtubers who become popular are well off financially to begin with. They can afford the expensive editing software, HD cameras, have the fancy well decorated bedrooms/houses to film in, and since they're born with a silver spoon in their mouth they get the confidence and sense of "I'm better then everyone else" to get in front of a camera and talk about themselves and their lives and make it interesting.

You'll hardly see someone filming in a grungy rundown apartment with low quality videos because they can't afford a decent camera become big. And those gurus that claimed they were poor before are most likely lying to gain sympathy and gain respect from their viewers and make everyone go "D'Awww I'm so glad you're successful now!" (I'm looking at you Michelle Phan)

Anonymous said...

All phanny does is brag on twitter.

Needle said...

"You'll hardly see someone filming in a grungy rundown apartment with low quality videos because they can't afford a decent camera become big."

Aaaactually, minus the "run down" part, that sounds like the few girls on youtube I actually find myself liking; mostly for their personality and looks....some combination that just keeps me going back. They're not "gurus" either, really, but they're a little more entertaining to watch than Kai.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I'm not saying there isn't people who aren't well off making videos, they just don't get a ton of views and become "youtube celebrities".

Anonymous said...

When are Ellen and Balir going to be on GMA?

Needle said...

@10:21 Sorry, I agree with you. :)

I was just saying... I find it sad that the girls I DO *like* watching most of the time tend to have pretty shitty camera quality. They tend to be people who are more independent than those like Kai or Blair or Kalel. Even if they live with a parent, they talk about real life experiences more.

Anonymous said...


I think they said Thursday or Friday.

Anonymous said...

god this is fucking annoying. i'm trying to watch a video on msn but you have to be from canada. and none of these proxies are working. help?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone thrown nachos or a pot pie at Kai yet?

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see how fake the qvc sisters will be when they are on tv.

Anonymous said...

interview w/ blair

Needle said...

OMG hay u guiz, I was just browsing some other sites online and look what I came across:

Who was looking for that picture of Kai with the striped top and bad "dreads"? Well, there you go, if you haven't gotten it yet!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If someone finds me a working Canadian proxy, I'll send you $5 through Paypal. I really do need it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I spent MY money on this..."


Anonymous said...

10:46 that video of blair is so ridiculous "if you're wearing a low cut top like me!" skank

Anonymous said...

"haha i spent my own money on this"
oh lizzy when will you learn.

Anonymous said...

i love this comment about balir:

I brought this in to my psycholology class to show my friend. psychology instructor caught me looking at my PC and said, "A classic example of a calculated display presumputous behavior leading to the end result of idol worship characteristics." I didn't get in trouble. Instead...he went on to say that " her behavior exalts her to a higher ground and continously feeds an ever growing ego". OMG.. Hey--it was him...Not me!

Anonymous said...

"For sometime, I thought I had a shopping problem just for the simple fact that I LOVE to shop. But in all reality, I don't have a shopping problem. Some people think that just because you are blessed with the ability to indulge in secondary needs (like I do all the time) means that you have a problem. I thank God for everything I have (and I'm not talking about materialistic things) I deserve everything in my life because nothing was handed to me. Nothing ever comes to the inactive, sluggish person. Just remember that."


Anonymous said...

10:47/10:57 That'd be a nice clip to splice into a video with a bunch of screenshots of all the companies she's admitted to giving her free products and "compensating" her ;)

Anonymous said...

classy jenni.


Anonymous said...

I could've downloaded Elles rant video if I had a Canadian proxy. Thanks for not helping, you can find it yourselves.

Anonymous said...

white trash.
the day jenna olli gets partner is the day hell freezes over.

Anonymous said...

11:18 wait ill find one!

Anonymous said...

I have no clue what you're talking about but good luck with getting that video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:18 WHAT IS ELLES RANT VIDEO??????????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i would find a proxy but I have no idea how, sorry!

Anonymous said...

11:26 Lisa's "A Red Hot Rant" where she talks about but doesn't really admit to "Elle" being a nickname. She's comes off as a condescending bitch in the vid. It's privated.

Anonymous said...

11:30 OH OK.... ND SHES NOT A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

any luck with the video?

Anonymous said...

did anyone else notice in jlovesmac1's coastal scents "haul" at around 7:28 she starts talking about how the colors are really pigmented before shes even swatched them? fake bitch!

Anonymous said...

ugh, i really don't like jlovesmac1. she tries so hard to be cute and bubbly but she's fucking annoying.

Anonymous said...

Not yet. All of the proxies I've tried aren't switching my IP to Canada for some reason. :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




Kristen said...

Omg, LOL @ that picture of Kai with the "dreads"

Anonymous said...

let's all go spam lizzy's business email account.

Anonymous said...

Lisa's Super Bowl Fumble has over 1500 views!!!

Anonymous said...

here is the video!!!! I'm glad its getting a lot of views!

Anonymous said...

maybe it will make Lisa think twice about posting silly videos lmao

Anonymous said...

one reason i like brittkneegirl1 vids so much is because she is real and never even edits her videos
she doesnt reherse things over and over and do scripted videos

just look at lisa, lizzy and kalels vids...they try soooooooooo hard and its painfully obvious they sit there and edit them to death and probably practice the video 10 times before recording
thats why they dont have a life they sit there all day rehearsing, editing and monitoring comments

i love britts raw real style she hits record does the vid and uploads it
no editing or monitering or scripting with her...oh yeah and shes gorg :)

Anonymous said...

she's boring an an airhead. no one cares about "brittknee" or her huge nose.

Anonymous said...

lmao 12:47

Anonymous said...

i like some of brittany's videos but they can get boring easily. i do like that she is real though. lollipop26 is my favorite though, she's pretty, interesting, down to earth, etc. and doesn't take youtube that seriously. she just does it all for fun/a hobby

Anonymous said...

brittney is awsome
and has a life outside youtube...maybe thats why she seems so real because she is she doesnt just sit in her bedroom all day

Anonymous said...

What's the connection with KaiKaiz and baconators??

Anonymous said...

and brittknees friend suzy is a succesful model in la and guess what...stayed in college too

i guess kalel cant multitask

Anonymous said...

kalel is use to doing nothing all day except for lying in bed on the computer or watching a dvd
of course she wouldnt be able to handle both college and hollywood
shes lazy heck she cant even help pay rent at home and she said many times her parents put 70% of their income towards the rent you think she would help them out a bit

Anonymous said...

So Kalel's reason for deleting her vids AGAIN was because she couldn't handle the hate?! Is that right??

Anonymous said...

Kalel's reason was that she's ocd and had to delete them. Then she got lots messages hatin on her for deleting.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice in Kai's vlog about Gossip girl & 90210 she has lots of slobber strings and spit on her lip. It gets really bad around 2:16. Then her whole mouth starts to fill with slobber and she swallows really grossly. But the slobber strings on her lip stay there till the end.

Anonymous said...

She actually blamed it on her "OCD"...omg. That girl has mental issues and needs to get off of YouTube.

Anonymous said...

@1:17 Someone mentioned it last night I didn't even notice the first time so I had to watch it again and I dont't know how I could have missed it. It's fucking nasty!

Anonymous said...

ellefowler filmed a sister haul (forever21) that will go up tomorrow! Part 1 on blairs channel and part 2/bloopers on mine :)

WTF. Didn't GMA follow them to forever 21 today for part of their 3 min segment?

Anonymous said...

@1:24 I missed it the first time too. I just randomly watched it again and was like WTF!?
People are right when they say if Kai did someone's makeup she would spit in their face and on their lips.

Kristen said...


Yay, more scripted bloopers! :|

Anonymous said...

Oh great...more fucking FAKE BLOOPERS from the QVC sisters. Soo incredibly lame.

Anonymous said...

I bet Lisa/Lizzy will watch and re-watch that video to make sure she didn't fuck up again!

Anonymous said...

Probably. They fuck up more than they realize though. That's why they've been caught in SO many lies, yet they continue to do it.

But it's honestly really amusing to see them blatantly lie in their videos.. they both do it all the time that it comes naturally

Anonymous said...

Has hell frozen over? Irene looks like she's losing weight. Her face is thinner in her new video.

Anonymous said...

Shit in this video Lizzy said, bold lip and soft makeup 3 times! She's awful on camera too.

Anonymous said...

I so happy we make friendship! Eel and Bleer come visit me here in Russia! We bring whole family to meet, even goat Borris! They bring gifts for me and mama! Mama so beauty, Papa say she worth trade for Yak.

Anonymous said...

jlovesmac1 is soooo fucking obnoxious. She overdoes the funny voices and mannerisms to seem cute but they are painful to watch. She looks like a drag queen too. Fucking fafinette wannabe.

Anonymous said...

o great another phanny wannabe

choochootrain said...

lol sunlove fail by sarah victor.

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! Macbarbie07 doesn't want to be like Lizzy anymore and now wants to be Phanny. Get creative girl!!

This vid is hilarious especially if you've seen Phanny's Barbie vid.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that's a straight up Phanny rip-off. I mean EVERYTHING was a total copy. Sad.

taylor said...

I just left a comment about this but I'm not sure if it went through, so sorry if I double post.

This is from the video of Elizablair's 17 mag beauty smarties comments.

From ladyslick121:

ladyslick121 I dont usually comment on youtube videsos but i have to find videos about elle & blair to let people know the rumours about the ARE ABSOLUTE SOLID TRUTH. My sister owns a fashion website and emailed elle n blair on the emails they have on their channels. Blair forwarded her mail to an agent who contacted my sister asking what her budget is and explaining there is a cost. She insisted on knowing what my sister can pay without disclosing a price. 3 months ago

ladyslick121 When my sister asked why on earth they charge for giving reviews the agent gave a bullshit answer saying it takes time & effort to make the videos..WTF? She said it will cost my sister $1000 and that is a discounted price because her website is only for bags and shoes, she said usual makeup vids start from $2000 upwards. She also said blair can come up with a "weekend fashion look" to make it appear natural to the viewers 3 months ago

ladyslick121 The agent also bound my sister via confidentiality agreement before disclosing a price. I am lucky enough to have links with someone who has come into contact with what they do, so i can CONFIRM IT IS REAL. They GET PAID and give FAKE reviews. We are all being used as part of their paycheck..that includes clicking their google ads. DONT SUPPORT THEM
Ive unsubscribed to both of those girls. They are greedy, snake, money grabbing HORRID girls. THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU TRUST THOSE SISTERS. 3 months ago

I hate those cunts. I can't wait until they are exposed. Then their 15 minutes of fame will be over.

Anonymous said...

from teen vogue's beauty director Eva Chen's twitter

thank you @ricebunny for giving an AMAAAAZING presentation at the @teen_vogue awards!!! you are so articulate/fab!

flipadelphia. said...

just a reminder!!

vote for anyone BUT fatneagle. if you don't know who she is, she's the one who looks like a drag delta burke.

thanks! she's currently in 5th so let's keep it up.

flipadelphia. said...

[oh-bees] lulz...

Anonymous said...

LOL anyone remember when Elle released lipglosses 2 summer ago?

Anonymous said...

More reminders:

Vote for Lisa's Fail:

Give views/comment/rate:

Anonymous said...

yikes, i had to turn off that macbarbie/phanny video after 30 seconds. we need less people trying to be like phan/lisa/lizzy and develop their own personalities.

Anonymous said...

For the person who found a way to get the red hot rant.
I'm in Canada, maybe I can help?

Anonymous said...


WTF? That is not Barbie. That is trailer park chic. That is nasty. I wouldn't leave the house looking that a hooker mess.

Anonymous said...

lmao @ macbarbies barbie tutorial

shes even using kaskade

Anonymous said...

Oh please tell me this is SXEPhil's car!

For someone who begged for money from YT in the past, that looks like one nice car. He is personality makes me squirm. He is just disgusting to me and smug.

Anonymous said...

his personality*

Anonymous said...

ellefowler filmed a sister haul (forever21) that will go up tomorrow! Part 1 on blairs channel and part 2/bloopers on mine :)

LMAO, of course part 1 is going to be on Blair's channel and part 2 on Ellen's. That's gong to make all of Blair's subs go on Ellen's channel and hopefully subscribe.

Also, to the person needing a Canadian proxy, I'm in Canada, so if you post a link to the video I can download the red hot rant and post it for everyone.

Anonymous said...

that macbarbie chick is such a loser! first she rips off lizzy's video and now she blatantly rips off phanny's video almost EXACTLY. what a sad little girl.

Anonymous said...

WHY IS MICHELLE PHAN AT GOOGLE HQ MEETING UP WITH THE GOOGLE YOUTUBE TEAM?! She just twitipic'd the food from the Google cafeteria lol

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to Elle's Red Hot Rant.

Anonymous said...

11:01 It's still privated even in Canada lol

Anonymous said...

I know, I'm from Canada, and have no idea how to see it.

Anonymous said...

i was reading some articles and apparently partners get 55% of the advertising money and google/youtube get the other 45%

i thought it'd be like partners get 95% and youtube get the other 5% o__0

Anonymous said...

My lilkaikaiz! Please upload a new video! I know your not doing anything probably just laying out by your pool and eating a pot pie drinking a large chocolate milkshake from wendy's. Might as well record it for your day in the life videos! Your subbies would love to see you in that sexy little swimsuit number from amiclubwear or hotmiamistyles whatver that shitty brand is called. You have such a great bod and all might as well show off what your momma gave ya!

Anonymous said...

eww @ macbarbie in HD. you can see her eyebrows growing all over the place and her foundation caked on her forehead.

Anonymous said...

Kai can be my secret wicked pleasures anyday ;)

Anonymous said...

i remember someone came here AGES ago and commented saying that we were all jealous of kai because she had a swimming pool in her back yard....

i bet that was kai LOL

Anonymous said...

ewwwww...macbarbie's skin looks terrible! look at her forehead...ewwww.

Anonymous said...

macbarbie needs to stop copying other gurus.

she didnt get big copying lizzy so now shes moving on to copying phanny.

shes a loser

Anonymous said...

11:33 i agree! i've only watched a few of macbarbie's videos but i can't stand her simply because she copies blair and now michelle. she's such a loser who cant come up with her own style so she copies big gurus.

she's on the spring barbie look video defending herself saying the song was the only one she had permission to use (lol wtf yeah right) and she didn't copy anyone. she's so fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

this blog is so dead

Anonymous said...

^ not really

Anonymous said...

Man, that makeup caked in between her eyebrows is gross. I don't get why she even makes videos, she can't do makeup and she's so boring and unoriginal.

Anonymous said...

her makeup looks like it belongs on a tranny. lmao at all those awkward poses she does with the sunglasses and then the blowfish peace sign thing. wow, girl needs to get her own identity and stop being so boring. how old is she anyways? she looks about 13 or 14.

Anonymous said...

It'll come alive again when the GMA segment airs.

By the way, has anyone looked into Secret Conquest, that company that someone mentioned was asked to pay $500 for a review from Blair.

Anonymous said...

Alright, I'll say it. I defended Michelle for awhile. After reading her recent tweets, I do agree with all of you. She does nothing but brag and post pictures of her food. It's ridiculous. At first, she only did it once in awhile. Now it's several times a day. Get the fuck over yourself, Michelle.

Anonymous said...

Phanny is on a twitpic spree right now posting a bunch of pic from Google head office. She does it solely to show off to her followers and be like LOOK WHERE I AM! I'M SO IMPORTANT! And I never got the point of tweeting pics of food in general. Michelle always tweets pics of her food, but only when its EXPENSIVE FOOD!

Anonymous said...

Macbarbie said she didn't copy anyone? Does she think we're all idiots? She is seriously a non-creative liar. Hey! She really HAS become Lizzy! :D

Anonymous said...

"i was reading some articles and apparently partners get 55% of the advertising money and google/youtube get the other 45%

i thought it'd be like partners get 95% and youtube get the other 5% o__0"

I'd always assumed that google got 95% and then the partners got about 5%. Interesting...

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