The most recent bullshit that FatNat has pulled involved the BobbiBrown contest she entered; once followers of this blog found out about it, they obviously voted for people other than Nat. I don't know why the fuck Nat was so baffled about this, these people clearly don't like her, so why would they vote for her? She posted a video about this situation and then begged for her 13,000 subscribes to vote for her. How is begging people to vote for her just because they like her any different than people her NOT voting her because they DON'T like her?
She also announced yesterday that she would be doing a BlogTV that night and she formally invited all trolls there so that "we can all talk as adults" - and she promised that she wouldn't kick anyone out. A couple people came as guests, only to get bitched at by Nat, saying "why don't you sign in to your real account!"... YOU invited us here, bitch, why don't you allow guests to chat? She also demanded to know why people disliked her so much and oh, imagine that, when people told her, they got kicked out. Several people also got kicked out just because of their usernames. She also sat there complaining that none of her trolls were even in the room to talk to her, its a Friday night hun, some of us have lives and go out on the weekend. Well Nat, here you go, a list of things that you do that piss people off;
Nat CONSTANTLY fishes for compliments, mostly on twitter. We get it, you used to be bigger, you've lost some weight, GOOD FOR YOU, but constantly tweeting the "healthy food" you eat? give us a fucking break. And do you really expect us to believe that its HARD for you to consume more than 700 calories a day? bitch, PLEASE. We don't really care that you're obese, just stop making a big deal about it and drawing attention to it. You make these outrageous claims (like being 200lbs at 5'6'' and being able to fit into size 10 jeans) and expect people to NOT question you? And just FYI, your outfits are not cute, please stop posting them.
Nat, although very clearly NOT in high school anymore, refuses to grow up. Not only does she act like a child, but she ignores the ones she has. She has been seen in several videos and blogTVs blatantly ignoring her children.
She once tried to claim that she makes no money from her youtube account, and when someone tried to point out that shes a partner and ALL partners make money, she corrected herself saying that the money made from YT goes to her kids, and not her. Damn those children, such a burden on her life (and her stomach)!
It's also interesting that Nat has a MACpro card, when it is well known that you have to supply atleast 2 forms of identification (for being a professional in beauty industry). Several months after she got her pro card, she proudly posted pics to her blog showing the first time she had ever done someone's makeup... shouldn't a "freelance artist" have done MANY people's makeup by that point? Maybe she took the same 40 hour makeup class Kai did.
Finally, as previously mentioned, Nat supposedly has money issues. Now, you probably wouldn't know this by the amount of makeup and name brand crap she buys (like UGG boots, lulz) and you'd assume she's making mountains of money by the way she's constantly bragging about her two college degrees.. but then why do her children share a bedroom? Apparently HER needs come before her children's needs. A while ago she also pulled a Kandee on us - she provided a PayPal button on her blog for people to "donate" money to her to buy a house. Apparently her and her husband had no savings left after a couple of MAC spending sprees. She claimed they wanted to move out of their apartment and into a house because one of their neighbors was very loud. She said the only reason the paypal button was there was because one of her subs requested it to help her get out of her "bad" living situation.. but then said it was all a joke when she was called out on it.
Hannah Montana FTW
As far as I'm concerned, Nat ASKED for this. She sat in her BlogTV all night last night demanding people tell her why they don't like her - well here you go :D
1 – 200 of 3265 Newer› Newest»god, she's so fat
shes going to flip when she see's this
Nicely done, you win the internets Camille!
She's going to be PISSED, I'll tell you that much.
She asked for this
her blogtv last night was out of control
I hope she blows up her Twitter about this and makes another BlogTV. Or video!
was it flip or camille who wrote this? good post :D
VICTORY FOR J00, Camille! Gonna be one pissed of fatty in a few minutes!
haha she'll be SO pissed! great post
God, Michelle is on this fat girl's way
I can't wait for the video about this!!!:D :D :D
Nat looks for fashionable here!
Those pics needed a NSFL warning
FattyNatty is gonna be pissed! Can't wait for the video of her whining about it(;
haha thanks guys. I put it together, flip typically provides me with the best screen shots though hah. Hell yeah she'll be pissed, but like i said, she asked why people dont like her.. haha
that photo of her stomach is horrendous
why would she even put that on the interwebs?
Nat looks for fashionable here!"
if people hate you so much, you're obviously doing something wrong. no one's going to hate you for no reason. I hope the bobbi brown people realize that.
She deserves this! Her crappy attitude and the way she talks down to everyone like we're brainless twits is pathetic. Reality Check Time Chubby. You are nit only not liked. Your fat ass is hated! Now go stuff your fat face then tweet about it. Gag
If she's going to beg her subscribers and her students to vote for her, why can't we vote for other people. We obviously didn't like her entry, and there were so many other people's that were better. No one has to vote for her fugly ass anyway.
"SO DEAD! EPIC FIAL!" No, my dear, that was an epic fail considering you can't even spell FAIL.
Plus if she truly ignored the haters, why would she talk for hours on twitter to a troll. fame whoring bitch!
lulz at the one person saying this blog is dead - someone is butt hurt about their blog never taking off. this particular post has gotten about 1 comment per min since its been up for oh.. about a half hour. and its a saturday. lol.
Aww. She tweets that her heart aches. Wait til she reads this! Her huge asshole will ache!
There are three winners picked from the top five on the Bobbi Brown contest. I'm honestly disgusted if they choose her. Not only did she have an unfair advantage, using her subscribers. She goes against everything their contest is about. She's self absorbed and selfish.
When are they announcing the winners?
You forgot the part where she bragged about her 2 college degrees and how she graduated in the top 10 of her class.... yet she makes a living on YT. interesting.
I was voting for other entries before this blog even brought up the contest. I simply did not like her entry, therefor I didn't vote for her. I did however vote for other entries that I DID like. Which was the point of the contest. She needs to get over it.
Her ass hole aches because her giant head Is crammed so far up there it oozes out from between the giant gaps in her teeth
By the way, they donated a dollar for every vote cast. We were donating to charity by voting. :)
the blog is dead comments are annoying, there still are comments on it. if you think it's dead don't come here
for the bobbibrown contest, i think the singing vid and the girl in the wheelchair will win.. and i guess hopefully anyone else other than fatnat lmao
come on kai upload your day in the life video
lulz @ the dead comments. did your fail blog not work out? don't be jealous <3
Yeah complaining to Bobbi Brown makes her look plain stupid, it's not about sabotage or conspirarcy, it's open to the public so anyone can vote for whoever they want.
It's not like there was an option to VOTE DOWN entries, that would be different. I found the other videos to be better than hers. Cry me a river, Nat.
nice pics ;) heheh.
can't wait to see how soon she threatens a lawsuit.
btw, fatneagle, you gaptoothed obese white trash swine, how did the last lawsuit work out for ya? :D
Her whining was stupid. It isn't fair for her to beg her thousands of subscribers either. The other girls don't have that. We were just evening the odds. :)
Have any of you seen MacBarbie's sister's new channel? I like her.
camille is the one who wrote the blog- i simply provided the purty pictures ;}
lulz @ her blogpost. come sue me bitch, the only person making you look bad is yourself!
what's macbarbie's sister's channel? please
^macbarbies sister
should we post the pic of her flabtastic arms stuffed into a 5 sizes too small kings of leon t-shirt and her wal-mart special hannah montana pants?? she took it down from her dailybooth so obviously she didn't want it posted on here or realized how pathetic she looked. good thing i saved it. :D
FatNat here's the number for a good attorney to sue us for defamation of your shiity character 1-800-EAT-SHIT. Toll Free even so you don't have to spend your adsense pennies. You can thank me later
I emailed the people at Bobbi Brown about the contest. I explained that the entries we voted for DID deserve it. I also pointed out that her 13,000 subscriber advantage was also unfair. She can go on and on about them using their emails and Facebook but those combined is not the same was having 13k people vote for you.
I also let them know of certains details Nat failed to mention. If she wants to play it that way, they're now aware of the things she's said/done and our reasons for voting against her.
Lets see if they'll let someone like her represent their company.
Awwww I missed this last night, I was too busy being a gaming addict. FML. :(
Very Lulzy post though, A+++ :P
Is she still out of the top three on the Bobbi Brown site or did her fans vote her up some?
YES flip post it!! And I love that she is claiming she can sue for slander but that only works if the stuff being said is false. Everything that is posted is the truth. The whole donation button for paypal really happened. She claimed she refunded the money but I don't believe it.
flip, post them!
You should post the email! Or give to Camille to edit into the post!
I don't even know who this is. By far this twat isn't as interesting as some other GOOOROOO scandals we have seen. MY favorites include:
Kaka and the pot pies, Juicytuesday and her nearly 60 year-old Hell's Angel boyfriend and....well that's it.
Yes Flip POST IT!
i added a few pics.
i love that she hates that word. ;)
never heard of this fat nobody. let's direct our attention to how pinkiecharm's sloppy greasy lips look like they slide all over her face while she talks.. or the rings of fat around her neck.. or the way her "hair" looks as if someone placed a pile of shit on top of her scalp and let it air dry.
if nothing else, Bobbi Brown probably wont pick her because of the amount of drama she's created over this
Wait whatttt
I know she is pretty big. I'm pretty sure they don't make Hannah Montana pants for a child. Now she is squeezed in there, but I'm getting sick thinking about the size of a CHILD that would fit into those. D:
I meant make them for an adult whoops.
Has anyone read her new blog post?
what's the link to her blog? @4:20
I'm reading it now. So it may be the way she wrote it but...she didn't have a job and her husband didn't have a job so she was off buying makeup and getting tattoos and dying her hair pink? Shouldn't she not be wasting money? oh so fitting.
bitch shouldn't of messed with fire, she'll only get burned
what the christ is this??
"So call me fatneagle all you want. Call me fupaneagle"
lulz at her new blog post - she hates her subs!
I mean lets be real and call a spade a spade.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck - it's probably a duck.
Unless it's a rabbit in disguise.
she hates her subs but asks them to vote for her? if i was subbed to her, i would unsub now, ungrateful whore
LOL we're "slandering" her name?
I'm sorry, but Lorraine has got to be the biggest butterface EVER.
I didn't want them to talk about their hate (many even said they don't hate others, just a strong dislike for them) but again - lets be honest - when you spend your time online doing nothing but talking smack about others that have the courage to put themselves out there to the rest of the world - yea you DO hate them. You are wasting your life sitting behind a computer monitor when you could be out LIVING it. You claim to tell the truth - what you spread is vile filth. You use explicit language and type in slang that just shows the world your ignorance.
When someone is doing a blogtv, what do you gain from posting someone's personal information? Don't you care how dangerous that is? What would you do if you found out the information you posted on someone's blogtv led to their death?
LOL Natneagle....shouldn't you "figure out who you are" BEFORE you have children?
This is why I'm deathly afraid of having a child of my own at my age.
Simple fact is - I'm not going to be overweight forever. I have already lost over 75 lbs and more is coming off. I guess once I lose more weight you will find something else to call me.
@4:32 Man I love how people think we hate. I personally don't hate anyone.
How is calling someone fat ruining their career? I'm still trying to figure that one out.
It's "calling a spade as spade" as it were, not "hating".
And I don't sub to Nat, so I have no vested interest in her dramarama. But dayum, the chick is making a mountain out of the molehill that SEEMS to be simply leveling out the playingfield.
30k subs is a HUGE advantage. That how Ms Harlow won her QVC thing. She probably wasn't the best. But nobody cares about QVC and she got her subs to do it.
I love how they act all "zomg I had no idea I'd win this" when they knew. Because the BEGGED everyone to help them!
HATE THIS FAT PIG! TBH, before last night, I didn't care for her one way or the other. I only knew about her from this blog. So when she went on blogtv asking for haters to go, I started telling her why people hate her. The bitch is so full of herself she wasn't hearing any of it!!!! I was the one who said she was ignoring her child, and she got all defensive like DON'T DARE TALK ABOUT MAH CHILD!!! Bitch, I didn't say shit about your child, I was saying shit about YOU and how YOU are ignoring your child, you horrible mother you! Of course I was kicked out right after that.
BTW, I can't wait for Kai's DITL video!!!!
If Bobbi Brown took the best interest in their company she wouldn't win this, especially after bitching to them. It's disgusting on her part, no one has to vote for her...we weren't voting against her even, we didn't vote for her!! what the fuck is wrong with that
i found it pathetic how nat spent HOURS last night on blogtv waiting for haters to come and say why they hate her, and then when they did she acted like she was the mature level-headed mother and the haters were immature 2 year olds, and just dismissed what they said and ranted on and on about herself and then kicked them out. of course she kept saying they were leaving. i went on when she first went live, left after 5 mins cuz she was thuper annoying, and came back hours later and she was still on on the same shit! she's so invested in haters, it's truly pathetic.
4:41 I SAW THAT. Hilarious!
hope you're reading the comments bitch.
Complaining to Bobbi Brown and being all "wahhh this isn't fair people are mean" just reeks of desperation to me. No thanks.
I like this blog very much but I don't like how you make fun about her body. Its too mean for me and totally unnecessary.
I like gossip about gurus but I don't like the insults about people's appearance.
And we shouldnt talk about her kids.
Awful post.
P.s. Sorry for my english, and I'm not "the foreigner".
is it weird that i kind of actually like domi from the official GLAM squad?
This whole fiasco started because Natty is butt hurt over losing the BB contest. She thought she "had a chance" to win, but we ~ruined~ it.
Sorry hun, I doubt you would have won, unless you rigged it. So blaming the trolls/haters for it is useless. And now she's so invested in the haters it's hilarious! I've never seen ANYONE who PUTS THEMSELVES ON THE INTERNET FOR ALL TO SEE be so shocked and offended when people start disliking them.
She seriously needs to get off the internet because she can't handle it. She's probably going to ignore her children even more now since she's spending hours trying to deal with haters.
This insecure woman brought "haters" to a whole nother level last night! Not even Lisa would stoop this low! The haters bother Lisa and she's insecure too but at least she only spends a few hours monitoring comments to keep her lies unexposed and not sitting on webcam for hours to talk down to haters like they're her students.
looking at her makes me want to go to the gym ASAP.
The fat thing is only an issue because she sausages herself into children's clothing in an attempt to not act her age. If she dressed appropriately it wouldn't be an issue. But when you put yourself out there looking like strawberry shortcake and you have had 2 children, there's a problem.
And all that's been said about her children is that she doesn't pay enough attention to them. How is that bad?
did nat win the bb contest?
it was already said that we dont care about her body.. its the fact that shes constantly fishing for compliments on it.. and shes a bad mother, end of story.
Like it said in the post, I don't really care if she's fat, but it's the whole drawing attention to it thing. No one care's how you look but don't idolize the fact that you're losing weight it's so desperate
strawberry shortcake LOL
She admits in her newest blog entry that she started ~discovering who she was~ AFTER having 2 kids! She got bored being a stay-at-home mom and started doing stupid childish shit like getting tattoos and piercing and dying her hair pink.
It's obvious she never had a childhood, probably too busy hiding from the ridicule of other children, so now she has confidence and it putting herself online for attention and acting like a teenager. (Where she got this confidence, IDK, but she's beyond confident now, she's just straight up cocky and arrogant. Maybe it's because she got 2 degrees so she thinks she's better then everyone?)
She's so inappropriate on so many levels.
4:53 If you're fat, then it's not the blog's owner fault. It's not the first time she makes reference to a guru's appearance, so if you didn't like it, you should have left way before this post.
5:01 #1 Don't even get me started on her two degrees! Last night when she started talking about herself and her two degrees I said "That's another reason people hate you, you brag too much" and this fat diluted bitch was like "I'm not bragging! I'm just stating FACTS!" Ugh, I can't even stand her! I was giving her what she asked for but she's so full of her fat self and thinks she's perfect she can't even take the criticism she asked for.
Hell, I'm not a twig, but I dress for my size and I look helluh good, too!
I had had MAJOR health issues that caused me to gain weight. And guess what. I'm losing the weight now that I can work it off! But also guess what? I'm not presenting myself in a way that in inappropriate for my size.
Point: If you're chunky dressing like you're a 2 and you post picks for 30k people to're GONNA get called on it!
She dyed her hair purple and got tattoos and piercings..... Why would she even put that in there to prove her point? It only further proves what we've said about her.
has anyone noticed how much blairxxl is whoring out her new boyfriend? wearing shirts like "i love my boyfriend" and posting things like "i have never been this happy" over and over.. if its genuine, well, good for her...but it all seems like a cover for teh fact she got dumped by the guy she thought was ~the one~
FatNeagle dresses like shes 12. her twitter is full of pics of her in childrens clothing. i think fattyneagle is crazier then molly now!
Why do people keep saying she has 30,000 subs? She has 13,362.
4:59 Maybe its hard for her having overweight.
I don't even know her but I used to have fun reading this blog and now its kinda mean, super negative and comments are getting crazier.
I think we can talk about gurus or garooz (hehe) attitude without saying anything about their bodies or weight or anything like that because Im sure you are not models.
Hmn...weird. Typo? Or maybe it's a generalization for the whole youtube community? Anyone could stumble onto her crappy videos the way she whores them out.
But that's true for all the gurus. Between the twitters and the facebooks and the contests that require you be fans on EVERY fricken thing that they have so they get partner or ratings on those sites too.
"Im sure you are not models."
Duh, that's why we don't post BEAUTY videos all over the internet.
It'd be different if she were focusing on a weight-loss blog, but she's giving beauty tips to people. Good Lord, I hope people don't actually take her advice.
I agree 5:07 but I think we can keep this blog not too mean. We need to stop somewhere.
I see what you're saying, but overweight people can be beautiful and talented.
It's her personality and the "look how great my body is i rock this fashion" attitude that makes her look bad. And the muffin tops. Don't forget the muffin tops.
I guess that's why I like Michelle Phan. The only thing I could complain about her is she brags too much about her possessions. Beyond that, she is a good role model and quite polite with her viewers and subscribers.
Now, the weightloss thing is GREAT. But if she dressed in a great wideleg jean and a cute blazer in with a tee on she'd look great.
It's squeezing into stuff she shouldn't be and the claiming to be an expert on beauty that's getting her flamed.
But yes, it's still mean.
Kai isn't going to put up her day in the life video. She'll make up some excuse about how she's too busy. Since we all know she has SOOOO MANYYYYY friends and whatnot.
michelle just seems like the fake kind of nice, plus how can she be such a great role model when she's spending money like it's going out of style and only focuses on material posessions...
kai always uploads glamsquad videos late. it'll probably be around 10pm when she uploads it, IF she even uploads it
Kai's probably forgotten about it, what with all the shopping and the potpies that must be eaten today! For if she doesn't eat her allotted amount of daily potpie-age the entire universe will implode!
shes obviously not getting more votes because the top contestants apparently produced a well-made video production than her. good stories that translate "pretty powerful".
hers was like... "duh?!"
funny, i was ready to vote for her that day.... but i gave myself a chance to watch other videos. haha!
and i voted for them.
her two winged eyeliner with a touch of white shade on the outer corner reminded of michelle phans previous eyeliner tutorial.
I kinda admire Michelle Phan. She's a savvy business woman making $, how can you hate on that? Having said that, she needs to stop bragging on twitter. Pics of her expensive meals or designer purchases aren't necessary, and it's just tacky. I don't care what she spends her money on, just don't announce it to the world.
somebody tell me about kai and the potpies? i've never heard of it?
Michelle's two-faced. I mean, when Misschieviouz landed her gig with Lancome she did the huge giveaway.
Michelle lands her huge gig and she pimps out the fact that she gets free teeth cleaning, travels all the time, eats everything in sight, shops like it's nobody's business. And THEN preaches Chrisitianity. And has she ever really thanked her subs? I don't think she has...
"somebody tell me about kai and the potpies? i've never heard of it?"
you must be new here ;)
lol that i am
Beth had THE best video in that whole competition, which is why I voted for her. A lot of us did. Nats video sucked. I wouldn't have voted for her, even if I didn't know who she was.
basically kai got naked to some guy on webcam and then ate a pot pie
5:01 Baby, I'm not fat al all. I'm thin, healthy and good looking (I'm lucky, I know).
I'm not a model, of course,just average, but the point is that I dont like people talking about others fatness. That's all. I think I can say it if I want. Sounds horrible how some of you talk about others appearance.
" michelle just seems like the fake kind of nice, "
lol yeah. i don't think you can ever go back after saying you want to slice/stab someone's heart out of their chest and do crazy things to it. that blog of hers was fucking nuts.
Everyone elses video had a deeper message than some half assed tutorial like Nats video. I don't think she got the point of the contest anyway.
classy shirt natneagle in her newest video
was it fatneagle who was wearing that fugtasia shirt?
5:16 PM I know, I know...I hope she is reading, maybe she would like dress properly from now on.
"basically kai got naked to some guy on webcam and then ate a pot pie"
oh my. was there proof of this?
Because Michelle doesn't expose her body for attention, she is independent, kind, respectful, hardworking and doesn't act cool getting drunk or high, but the contrary. She really cares about viewers, constantly repeating the same: take care of your skin, before it's too late and doesn't "force" us to buy her products.
She is not ashamed of her religion nor of trying to be a good christian and is always smiling, just for education.
Michelle allows all kind of messages on her videos, she even answered the meanest comments with respect.
Even if it is an act, she is conscious little girls watch her videos, so she tries her best to be a good influence.
she's wearing an "i <3 sex" shirt
hahahaha klassy!
"Because Michelle doesn't expose her body for attention"
lolwut? michelle did a video about how to break into new heels and i swear half of the video was like shots of michelles legs and crotch
That's why I think she's kind of a hypocrite...though I do believe she's unintentionally doing it.
She IS bragging with her new found money pot, even if she doesn't see it that way. And she IS making people not like her. Never once has she thanks her subscribers other than in that Lancome video that was sooooo overly rehearsed sounding to me that it sounded fake.
"and doesn't act cool getting drunk or high,"
I guess you haven't seen her constant partying photos LMAO. Oh please. Stop sucking Michelle's titties.
yeah, you just have to look at that lancome announcement video to see what a fake phanny really is
Michelle laughs along with the haters instead of being like the QVC sisters and spending energy trying to block and threaten them, or like FatBagel trying to reason with them for hours on blogtv.
I remember AndrewFuckingRichie made a Kitty Doo Doo mask parody of Michelle's kitty litter mask and she 1) watched it, 2) commented on it and 3) said she loved it and laughed at it!
If Lisa/Blair/FattyNatty saw a parody video they would report it and threaten the creator.
If she cared THAT much about people, she would have done a Haiti drive instead of a teeth whitening video that showed people that "cool medical shopping site".
Michelle isn't as bad as the other gurus, but she's so superficial. There's nothing genuine about her kindness. I get that she has money, but her bragging is just tacky. I like the fact that she words hard,but I fail to see how she truly cares about the viewers. Plus she got sponsored for that Christianity movie thing, and I may be wrong but I never heard her trying to speak on her holiness before that video. So as far as I'm considered that was a little fake too. Again, she's not as bad as other people but I don't think she personifies a hardworking, kind person. She's really not all that humble, she uses underhanded ways to show you what she has, it's kind of disgusting.
^ thats because phanny is desperate to be liked
you should read some of her old blogs we digged up. she said stuff like "im so happy all the time and its so fucking fake"(or something along the lines of that) and she ranted about how greedy everyone in the world was today. lulz!
I guess you haven't seen her constant partying photos.
I follow her on Xanga since 2007 so yeah. Is it bad to have fun sometime?
^^look at her droopy boobs.
yes, there are pics of the pot pie indicent, email
^ Exactly.
Even if she is kind of doing it unintentionally. And then is flabbergasted when people call her out on it. But has she realized she's doing it and tried to change? No. She's eating more food and traveling more and bragging about two phones.
She's so humble and genuine!~~
ew honestly where are fatneagle's boobs in that photo!? she looks flat as a board!how low are they ffs?!
where are nattys boobs?!
michelle is nuts
Well, as I said, I follow her since a long time ago, and can tell you she always did take random pictures of her diary life, for example a tree with a weird shape or some artistic creations from the guys at her University.
So now that her life is all about travelling and food, she takes pictures of it. Yes, she brags, but unconsciously.
There's nothing wrong with being dark. But don't pretend to be something you're not. That's my issue with Michelle. I feel like Michelle is putting on a show. And THAT'S what bothers me.
You'd have thought when people started calling her a sellout she would have asked herself WHY people were saying that and examined herself. People have a hard time seeing what's in front of them sometimes.
But no, I do not think she's doing it on purpose. The Dark Side just has her brand of cookies apparently.
I hate when people brag about how hard they work. A ton of people work harder than she does, and have it worse than she does. When you say you're working so hard, sometimes you don't even know the beginning of what hard work is.
i'm sure people have told her about the bragging, therefore it's conscious to some extent. she hasn't changed it though, so it's not fair to say that she doesn't know she's bragging. it has been brought to attention so many times!
When it was, she was absolutely shocked by it though! I think she's in major denial! You could tell on her teeth video.
I agree 5.49
What time is where you live people?
here 2 am
Come on. Even I will admit that things I write on FB is to brag. However, I realized that one day and stopped. I don't really update it anymore because of that. There has to be some realization. She's not a dummy, especially if she came from such a "poor" past with her $70 vitamins a month.
lol phanny knows what she is doing and she knows she is bragging. the only reason she used to have such a strong "hate" for greedy people is because she was jealous of them.
damn 556, where do you live? its only 6pm here
Well, don't you know Balir works harder than the rest of us! Between youtube and glitzy glam and her whopping 4 (or was it 2)hours of school a day!
And I did online highschool. Folks, it was EASY! Not stressful AT ALL! Balir is bullshitting on that front!
it's 9pm where i live (east coast USA)
As a matter of fact, I started at 16, and I got soooooo bored with it that I went ahead and got my GED just so I could go to college and get out of my parents house! So, "hard" my butt.
6.00 Spain and you?
@5:51 Yes, she posted something (I'm pretty shure it was on Facebook) like 'I don't know why people are calling me a sellout, because if a acepted this is because I've been using Lancome for years and I trust them'.
All the answers were like 'don't worry, those are jealous people being negative just because you are successful' and other.
How are you supposed to recognise your mistakes if everybody's telling you you're doing fine?
What do you think about "Trhough out the years" Bali's videos. Arent they super boring???? I cant watch them. She only explains silly things.
I remember. And it irritated me even more because these people were just confirming her delusions that she's not a hypocrite.
But yeah, I recognise this was too much:
I started out in my humble room filming makeup tutorials, and now landing in Vogue, signing a deal with Lancome when I was turned down from their counter for a job 2 years ago. I'm CEO for my own skin care line iQQU. Now I am taking care of my entire family. I am living proof that dreams can come true.Just comes to show you how anything is possible. Keep chasing your dreams....don't ever stop running...
She sounds like one of those motivational videos. It's not supposed you talk like that about yourself, but other people inspired by you should do it.
Michelle is a TRUE GURU QUEEN! Compared to everyone else, she's the most talented and actually works unlike some of these lazy spoiled bitches who just spend mommy and daddy's money buying MAC makeup.
IDGAF, Michelle is my fav guru.
hahaha greasyeyes says "wool-greens" in her cetaphil video.
Brilliant blog post Camille and flip!!! Flip... go check your Twitter DMs!
west coast ;)
i dont watch balirs Throughout the Years Vids simply because i do not believe them. shes lied about 90% of her life that we know about, why not her childhood? it takes me about 5 attempts to watch an entire vid of hers anyway, shes so fucking annoying and dumb
6:10 LOLOLOLOL. God. Anyone else remember in one of her videos she was so fricken fake with her fairy tale voice and putting up 3 fingers for "3 years". Leave the fairy tales to Taylor Swift.
Michelle's GOOD, but she's no where near the best! Most of her looks look the same, for crying out loud! Same eyeliner in all of them. Only difference is how long the wing is on her eyeliner and the lip color.
flip what's ur twitter?
This whole fatneagle thing is old news now.. there's nothing more to say about her. Its too bad we dont know anything new about Ellen and Balir yet.. when is that show being casted again? sometime in april?
I know, right. LOL. Next topic!
IKR, fuck this fat bitch, she LOVES the attention we're giving her.
She has to eat potpies to prevent the implosion of the universe!
And perform the sacred ritual of the nude webdance in honor of his great crustiness!
did natneagle place in the bobbi brown contest?
It will be announced on April 6.
Michelle's GOOD, but she's no where near the best! Most of her looks look the same, for crying out loud! Same eyeliner in all of them. Only difference is how long the wing is on her eyeliner and the lip color.
To be honest, I think she is the best. Not just for her tips, but the way she edits the videos. She speaks in a clear voice and puts subtitles on them, so foreign people like me can easily understand. I know there must be way more talented people, but even if I could understand them, Michelle explains everything very clear, step by step. Besides, she make her tutorials enjoyable, so it's a plus.
So basically you think she's the best because she talks like she's talking to a retard? Ok.
phanny is amazing at editing
does anyone know what program shes uses?
I bet it costs a ton.
What the hell is THAT! LOL
@6:37 No. I already stated my other reasons before.
does good editing really get a person subscribers?
Yea, it does, unfortunately. Talent has nothing to do with it. You think Balir and Ellen would be where they are if they used a crappy webcam and people actually SAW their lies without the editing? Doubt it.
Michelle is probably the best, or one of the best at least, but I don't really care much for her videos.
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