Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Good Morning America

Yeah, basically everyone has already seen this, but it's definietly worthy of its own post since it's such a fail. For anyone who follows Lisa or Lizzy on twitter, you may have noticed that the GMA crew was with the QVC sisters for most of the day; I'm not really sure why, seeing as the segment was only was about 4 minutes long and only featured them for about half the time.
Anyway, my favorite lulz of the segment were;
-The segment was aired on Sunday morning - when everyone is sleeping in, at church, or nursing their hangover
-It was mentioned that they live in TN - They've made a huge deal about concealing this fact (even though everyone already knew, anyway)
-Lisa considered herself a "cute girl" and thinks girls want to live vicariously through her
-The reporter said that the reason Lizzy left school was because she's been so "successful"
-It was confirmed that they are paid and have an agent (for all the little girls out there who refused to believe it)
-The two hosts at the end of the segment basically laughed at Lizzy for "quitting school to shop"

The segment basically showed Lisa and Lizzy for what they really are - obnoxious, greedy, money hungry snobs.

So what did you guys think about the QVC sister's national television debut?

Other QVC sister bullshit;
Anyone remember Lisa's "Red Hot Rant" video that made her look like a patronizing, condesending bitch? Well, its baaack:

and for someone who asked, when Lizzy went to visit Lisa in NYC over the summer, she came home and mentioned in a haul that she received a Coach bag from "a very good friend of hers", otherwise known as the woman who created the HugeLipsSkinnyHips lipgloss and sent it to Lizzy to review. Of course Lizzy would never admit that someone she works with on a professional basis would buy her such an expensive gift, but here's what the women had to say about it in response to many viewers accusations;


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was embarrassed for them ahaah

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

download that shit!

go go go

Anonymous said...


Jamie said...

Omg. SO DAMN AKWARD! I just laugh at them.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh elle's red hot rant is back

Anonymous said...

to those who were telling me there are ugly youtube gurus, I KNOW. that was what i wanted to say: they are populer because them (ellen and blair) and michelle are the one's who ae pretty!or georgeous if you want

Anonymous said...

I'm watching the red hot rant now, LOL at Ellen talking about "the community" and "hate going on in the community" like she's talking about a race or religion or something. WHY SO SERIOUS ELLEN?!

Anonymous said...

"to those who were telling me there are ugly youtube gurus, I KNOW. that was what i wanted to say: they are populer because them (ellen and blair) and michelle are the one's who ae pretty!or georgeous if you want"

jesus fucking christ foreigner no-one gives a shit what you think!

Anonymous said...

and some die hard balir and ellen fans actually deny that the red hot rant video has ever existed


Anonymous said...

OMFG!!! You are a genius Shady!!! We all LOVE you!

Anonymous said...

no wonder ellen privated red hot rant, SHE'S A DAMN LIE!

Anonymous said...

She's gonna fucking kill me on how she pronounces guru.

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that elle's red hot rant is back

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone. I just really think this shady behavior should not be covered up. She made this video public for a reason. It does exist.

Anonymous said...

my opinion? they looked astonishing and alluring in the TV Show.

Anonymous said...

someone should compile all of the best clips of ellen making a twat out of herself from the red hot rant video

Anonymous said...

be sure to watch part 2 that's where she goes into the "nickname" babble.

Anonymous said...

GOO-ROO! oh ellen!

Anonymous said...

How long did she have this up before she privated it? I could have sworn I've seen it before. Was I just one of the lucky ones?

Anonymous said...

I'd never thought I'd see the day it'd be back!

Anonymous said...

alrighty i downloaded it for backups ;)

Anonymous said...

It was up for a short while not even a day. More like 8 hrs maybe.

Anonymous said...

whats the red hot rant? can someone link me

Anonymous said...

imma fuckin gooroo ya'll

Anonymous said...

>_> It's posted at the top of the comment page...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

link to red hot rant (its in 2 parts):

Anonymous said...

elle's rant

Anonymous said...

on GMA you can see lizzys car--black BMW 128i coupe--runs around 29k BASE price, meaning probably right around 40k. spoiled bitch.

Anonymous said...! is it that hard to say?

Anonymous said...

Elle says guru like g'rooooo, she says each syllable so fast and IDEK

I never heard anyone pronounce it like that

Anonymous said...

i'd forgotten how patronizing ellen is

Anonymous said...

Considering Lisa's busy in LA I bet this will stay up a while.

Anonymous said...

Everyone must be busy grabbing this video and watching it. lol.

Anonymous said...

"in america, in english speaking countries, nicknames and shortened names and middle names are not only acceptable, but they are very very very common, its kind of a way of life. especially in the south of the united states, EVERYONE has a nickname"

could she be anymore condescending?

Anonymous said...

do you realy think ellen is jealous of blair? both seem really close! and they are talented and popular, why would she (ellen) care?

Anonymous said...

i like how she gives these examples:
"i know williams that go by bill, i know roberts that go by bob"

lolz and HOW does "lisa" relate to "elle"?

oh yeah, it doesnt.
because its just a name you took from legally blonde and used for youtube so you could pretend to be someone you arent..

Anonymous said...

"do you realy think ellen is jealous of blair? both seem really close! and they are talented and popular, why would she (ellen) care?"

stfu foreigner you freak

Anonymous said...

4:07 - but she looks a little like reese witherspoon!

Anonymous said...

UGH shawn dawson is hanging out with blair! why is he stooping so low!!!!

prob cuz whatadayderek dumped her ass

Anonymous said...

"you know her names not leesha right? it's ALESHA"

Anonymous said...

@4:05 Because Blair is far more popular that Elle. Elle didn't get popular until Blair started making videos after her. Also Elle's most popular video has over a million views and isn't even of her. All of her other ones have like 700k or something. Blair has SEVERAL that are over a million views. I know I'd be jealous. lol

Anonymous said...

be careful what you make public lisa.

Anonymous said...

4:09 - that makes sense. I'd be jealous too if my sister were SOO georgos!

Anonymous said...

georgos? you need to work on that english, foreigner!

Anonymous said...


oh my, lisa.

Anonymous said...

you too, because you don't know what a typo is. i'm from LA ^-^

Anonymous said...

I still don't get why the agreed to be on gma

Anonymous said...

somehow the foreigner loves to point out where they "live"

Anonymous said...

LMAO the person who keeps claiming theyre from LA is the foreigner. Bitch is so obsessed with Ellen and Balir she wishes she was from LA since E&B are moving there.

Can't we IP ban this bitch? She's so annoying.

Anonymous said...

downloading now :D

Anonymous said...

Everyone download it and upload it to youtube so it's easily accessible!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm from bolivia =) are you happy girsl?

Anonymous said...

You can use the "DownloadHelper" Addon for Mozilla Firefox to download it =]

Anonymous said...

aiiight i got it downloaded ;)

Anonymous said...

no, i'm not obsessed with ellen and blair, i just defend them because no one derserves to be hated =)

Anonymous said...

no, you defend them because you're a sad little minion and you cant think for yourself

Anonymous said...

"LMAO the person who keeps claiming theyre from LA is the foreigner. Bitch is so obsessed with Ellen and Balir she wishes she was from LA since E&B are moving there.

Can't we IP ban this bitch? She's so annoying."


Anonymous said...

4:18 the foreigner-
YOU ARE ON THE WRONG BLOG THEN! No one here cares about Ellen and Balir! Don't you have better things to do? You're literally on here all day everyday, and for the past 2 weeks "defending" Elle and Blair and saying how gorgeous you think they are and how talented and famous they are. Shut the fuck up already it's beyond old!

Anonymous said...

4:18 lol, no one deserves to be hated, yet you call americans fat and stupid. hypocrite.

Anonymous said...


seriously Ellen.



Anonymous said...

i would NEVER call americans stupids cinse my biggest idol is from there!

Anonymous said...


foreigner you're making yourself very obvious

Anonymous said...

u guise ellen and balir are ~not full americans!!!1~

Anonymous said...

Bolivian girl, please just shut up and go away. Seriously, like a person said before, you are on the wrong blog.
I'm peruvian, and it's a shame you can't write properly.

Anonymous said...

so, now you officially call them ellen and balir because of me? i feel importan =)

sadly, their real (artistic) names are ellen and blair.

Anonymous said...

"artistic" names? LOLWUT?

Anonymous said...

Foreigner, I don't think anyone has asked yet, HOW OLD ARE YOU!?

Anonymous said...

but I was trying to please those girls. of course i'm not bolivian, i come from europe =)

Anonymous said...

foreigner i thought you said all americans were fat and stupid?
and now you're claiming you're from LA in america?'re making yourself look like an idiot lulz

Anonymous said...

Europe is a huge continent, what country in Europe are you from?

Anonymous said...

well, because that wasn't me. there were a lot of people trying to impersonate me.

Anonymous said...

you never ask a lady her age! i come from a place where there are a lot of blond people

Anonymous said...

the first 'real forgeiner' came in here saying all americans are fat and ignorant/stupid EXCEPT ellen and balir'

you need to get a life girl. you're in here 24/7 pretending to be from all these different places.

Anonymous said...

wtf? we all know that was you. you were going on about how shit america was and how beatiful your country was.

Anonymous said...

4:32 you are not a 'lady', you are a child, a little girl.

Anonymous said...

you're from sweden?

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming a Scandinavian country?

Anonymous said...

to be honest i'm 18+

Anonymous said...

You guys are all wrong, she is from Florida (;

Anonymous said...

LOL "you never ask a lady her age!" Sit down, it's obvious you're no older than 15.

Anonymous said...

jacksonville anyone?

Anonymous said...

girls, chill out. why do you think i'm annoying? i did not even insult you! i'm quite respectful

Anonymous said...

4:34 Exactly, it's Tyra Weldon. She's not foreign, and she's just here to irritate us since we outed her. Tyra was on here 24/7 so it's no surprise "the foreigner" is too.

Anonymous said...

norway or sweden i think

Anonymous said...

can any one tell me in which videos e&l lied about saving up for clarisonics and ghds?

im thinking abt making a vid compiled of all their little lies

feel free to add any other contradictions they made

Anonymous said...

^theres the bracelet lie that balir told

in a vlog video she says she got the bracelets for xmas from her dad but shes wearing them in a video 2 months earlier

flipadelphia. said...

how many of you downloaded this red hot rant vid? and lulz at "guh-rooo"

if youtube takes it down, there's always megavideo. do you think it should be posted on in one of the qvc sister posts? maybe on top of toucan sam's superbowl fail? i can't wait til lisa finds out the video she thought would never be seen again is back ;)

Anonymous said...

i downloaded it, i think. my downloader is a bit sketchy

Anonymous said...

"you know xsparkage's name isn't leesha, right? ITZ UH-LEESHA."

Anonymous said...

Did someone makeup this up or is it true? Elle said she saved up for something but then later said she was sent it for free?? Details?

Anonymous said...

How do I download it? I don't have time to watch it now - almost 3am here time for bed.

Unknown said...

How can i watch the rant on my iphone????

Anonymous said...

@4:38 Don't forget the Juicy earrings giveaway lie.

Shes's wearing them in the New York video.

Unknown said...

Or what is the video named?

Anonymous said...

Omg before I went to class there were talks of her red hot rant coming back but I didn't really believe it bit wow! Shady should be deemed our god for posting this !!!

Anonymous said...

arg, going to have to watch the vids when i get home. the internet at work is soooooo slow today

Anonymous said...

I had never seen the red hot rant video before today. I think I hate her even more now.
"It never occurred to me that there are people that might actually be offended by it."
What a stupid, condescending bitch. Like she actually thought people were offended by using a nickname. She needs to be smacked.

Anonymous said...

I find it a little sad how GMA portrayed them. Some of the things they said is complete bull. ~Hannah's video wasn't a haul, first of all, and second of all, when did she make those two videos? Like a year ago?

I dunno. I find it funny how it's GMA trying to do stories like this. Newsflash, it's not hard hitting news.

Am I the only one feeling like this?

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Shady! I remember watching it awhile back but I only watched it once and couldn't remember most of the stuff she said. It's unbelievable how she will defend her blatant lies and essentially blame everyone else for it.

Anonymous said...

GMA portrayed them exactly how they should have been portrayed. Elle and Blair are shallow and spoiled. They don't "work hard", as some of their "fans" like to believe. They are handed whatever they want, whenever they want it.

Anonymous said...

The whole Bitchslap team is in there including Sp and Nikki.

Anonymous said...

I have a video coming about Elle.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

443-The item she said she saved up for was the GHD Hair straightener.
Then, in a later video she said she got it for free.
Correct me if I'm wrong- when her and Blair got the Clairisonics, didn't Elle say she saved up for hers, then Blair said she got hers free in a later vid? They got them at the same time, both with their names on them, so don't tell me they both weren't sent for free from the same company.

flipadelphia. said...

yeah, toucan sam said she saved up for the ghd and the clarisonic both. ugh.

Anonymous said...

Yup. Blair says she got hers for free and shows us her name on it in her latest skin care routine- 'Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin'

Anonymous said...

So I downloaded them using the firefox app but when I went to go watch them again, none of my players would play them (quicktime, real player). Then I tried to re-download them, pressing "download and convert" and it said I had to buy something? Is anyone else having this problem? I think it was a flv file.

Anonymous said...

You guys really have me trying to analyze who is the prettiest guru and I'm drawing a blank.

I'd probably say Kandee if she was a little younger.

I know it is certainly NOT Michelle Phan the fat faced Azn.

Anonymous said...

^i had that problem too. loads of youtube downloaders are now charging money.
i think it might just be better to use screen recording software like someone did for this video:

Anonymous said...

there are loads of other firefox addons for downloading videos:

but idk how well they work

Anonymous said...

Ah okay, I'll try the video capture thing then thanks!

Anonymous said...

this new youtube commenting thing is so shit
when you go to view all comments you cant see how many thumbs up or thumbs down a comment has?
wtf is the point in that?

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I agree. The new commenting system is crap.

Word: pants... on tha ground.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me what happened with Tyra? I need lulz

Anonymous said...

omg the glamsquads theme of the week is a DAY IN THE LIFE video, CAN'T WAIT FOR KAI'S!

Anonymous said...

can someone post the link for elles red hot rant?

Anonymous said...

Look forward to your new video @fupacharm. :)

flipadelphia. said...


mine was a .flv file and i was able to play it using "vlc player". it's free to download and can pretty much play any format.

i downloaded the rant video with the firefox add-on someone mentioned above and went to make sure it played and it played perfectly in vlc.

Anonymous said...

I seriously think Kimi Toxic was high during her day in the life video. The whole thing was a loud mess.

Anonymous said...

links to ellens rant;

Anonymous said...

Just watched Elle's Video "Toothbrush for your face"-
about the Clairisonic. She says.. "It's kind of expensive,and I wasn't sure if I wanted to put *my money* into this, but I was so glad I did."
She shows both the regular and the Mia model with her name printed on it. You didn't walk into Sephora and buy it off the shelf with your name printed on it-c'mon, she was sent this for free. Lie!
A little different from what her red hot rant video says, huh?

Anonymous said...

Something that I realized throughout the whole red hot rant video, at least in part one. What she was saying was/is the epitome of BLAIR. She lied about receiving products for free. She lied about getting paid until the Ftc law came about. And who knows she most likely lied about whether she even enjoyed the product Lied about her name on numerous occasions. And the list goes on

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Lizzy are in LA now. They're going to shop then hang out with Shane Dawson.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why Shane Dawson would want to hang out with Ellen and Balir. Of course Ellen and Balir want to hang with him for publicity and bragging rights, but what is Shane going to gain from this??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not to defend them, but about the Tiffany bracelet video,Blair said everyone in her family gets the bracelets, so before Christmas it could be possible she was wearing her Mom's bracelet?
Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

funny how he's only hanging out with balir...poor ellen always the last choice hahahaha

Needle said...

I use downloadhelper to download files, and never had a problem. It's a free firefox addon.

But yes, Youtube displays videos in FLV format, which you need the right players for. Or a converter, which I haven't cared to try out yet...does anyone know of any good flv converters?

Anonymous said...

Doubtful @5;33

Anonymous said...

according to twitter shane is only meeting up with blair lol, ellen is left out - as usual!

Anonymous said...

Was it opposite day when Lisa made that video?

"It's not like I show you things I got for free and say I'M SO GLAD I BOUGHT THIS AT SEPHORA"

UHHHH hair straightener?

Anonymous said...

wasnt lisa left out when lizzy went out with derek too?


Anonymous said...

LOL...Elle's Rant vid is full of lies.

"I don't try to hide (that I get products for free)."
"I tell you guys when I get things for free."
"Am I lying about products? Never!"
"I don't know a single guru who'd get paid to lie about a product."

She's so awkward in this video as well. And here eye makeup is horrible.

Anonymous said...

Kai has to do A Day In The Life vid for the Glamsquad?! OMG that will be golden!!! She's been avoiding it on her vlog channel because she said she's not always doing something interesting...we know why that is.
I bet money that her and her mom plan the whole thing out so her day is filled with lots of outings and activities.

Anonymous said...

thats prob why ellen privated the red hot rant vid, because she knew people would out her on her lies eventually. she even mention "girls making hate blogs" so she knew people would be on her ass.

Anonymous said...


she made that video right after thetruthabouteandb blog came out

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

5:39 IKR! I can't wait till Saturday to see what Kai comes up with for her Day In The Life video. It's either going to be really boring or pathetic with Kai filming herself in her room or it's going to be really random with Kai going to random places.

Anonymous said...

Lisa's eyes look so freaky in the video

Anonymous said...

5:39#1-i can't fucking wait! it's totally not going to be true to her actual everyday life because that's just sitting in a pink room all day and watching tv.

Anonymous said...

you guys should just go to to get a link to download the elle rant videos. no reason to use add-ons that don't work.

Anonymous said...

I'm using a mac and I just download youtube vids using Safari no add ons needed. Before downloading, I add &fmt=18 to the end of the link to the video so it downloads as an mp4 file. There are tons of vids on youtube about how to use Safari to do this.

Anonymous said...

"I bet money that her and her mom plan the whole thing out so her day is filled with lots of outings and activities."

lol, i bet you that is what she will do

Anonymous said...

can someone post the screen cap of skinnyhips people admitting that they got blair a coach bag

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't be surprised if sat comes around and there's no officalglamsquad vid from kai. she'll prob come up with some bull shit excuse to not post this week.

Anonymous said...

5:51 Shit I never thought of that! She would be the type to try and squirm out of it because she knows she has no fucking life.

Anonymous said...

or it will be a whole video consisting of darling davey. maybe the fat pig will get his giant man boobs out on display again..

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Juicy Tuesday stuffing herself into this outfit. Girl, you need to buy some jeans that fit you. You're obviously not 16 anymore.

She waddles at 4:12, lmao.

Anonymous said...


last night I had a dream that JuicyTuesday and I were listening to Edward Cullen play the piano, then we took turns making out with him! LULZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Anonymous said...

teh fuck?

Anonymous said...

right after her clarisonic video the twitter for clarisonic tweeted her. can't remember what she said, but if anyone wants to go back that far it could be good evidence towards lisa getting it for free.

Anonymous said...

someone fill me in, who the heck is shane dawson?

Anonymous said...

uhh, which video does ELLE say she saved up for the ghd? unless you can link to it, stop making lies about her. you are just jealous that she is flawless!

Anonymous said...

"uhh, which video does ELLE say she saved up for the ghd? unless you can link to it, stop making lies about her. you are just jealous that she is flawless!"

stfu foreigner you weird lesbian

no-one likes you


Anonymous said...

^^and what about the fact elle said she saved up for the clarisonic when it was actually given to her for free?

Anonymous said...

1. who the hell is "foreigner"
2. i'm completely straight.
3. you didn't link to it, probs lying about it.
4. suck it.

Anonymous said...

shane dawson is a comedy dude on yt

Anonymous said...

does anybody think (or hope) that shane dawson will be like derek 2.0? using her only for subs?

Anonymous said...

for the person asking for huge lips skinny hips on giving blair the coach bag screenshots -
it was on purple labs youtube page - they had posted a video of balir on the news talking about huge lips skinny hips

i cba to find the video

Anonymous said...

lol who is Shane Dawson? He looks like such a dork! :D

Anonymous said...

why is no one able to link to the video? oh, because you're lying. that's right.

Anonymous said...

"3. you didn't link to it, probs lying about it."

oh yeah, just like all you ellen and balir fans think we're ALL LYING and that the qvc sisters are the only ones telling the truth.

you probably believe elle and blair are their real names..hahaha

Anonymous said...

uhh, which video does ELLE say she saved up for the ghd? unless you can link to it, stop making lies about her. you are just jealous that she is flawless!

1. who the hell is "foreigner"
2. i'm completely straight.
3. you didn't link to it, probs lying about it.
4. suck it.


Anonymous said...

last night I had a dream that JuicyTuesday and I were listening to Edward Cullen play the piano. Then we took turns making out with him!!!!



Anonymous said...

"1. who the hell is "foreigner"
2. i'm completely straight."

yeah i bet you live in LA too, huh?

flipadelphia. said...

needle- download vlc player. i posted the link a few posts back. it will play flv. i used the same add-on you did and the vlc player played it with no probz =)

i'm still laughing at lisa's "guh-roooo"

Anonymous said...

ooops i posted the juicytuesday/edward cullen dream scene twice. sorry guisee!!!!!!!! oxxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

my, you lot are so clever! i'm aware that their names are lisa and elizabeth. thanks, cunts.

but i keep seeing people bringing up this video, yet NO ONE wants to link to it.

point proven, you insulted me instead of just posting the link. morons.

Anonymous said...

p.s. if you couldn't tell the flawless comment was a joke, lol @ you.

Anonymous said...

Here is something about the Clarisonic from twitter:

On it's way to Elle? So it was sent to her I'm guessing?

Bleer Fellon said...

DId they ever upload their FIRST sister vlog? Did anyone see it? I've heard they said something they weren't supposed to so they took it down.

A bit like Elle's 50 Questions tag!! LOL

Anonymous said...

making HUGE progress on blair lies vid

can someone link me the vid where B goes on abt getting tiffany bracelets from dad
and where she had them wayy before xmas

Anonymous said...

they deleted a lot of videos that proved they were liars. didnt ellen delete that video where she held up the painting which had "emily fowler" at the top?


Anonymous said...

tiffany bracelets from dad is a vlog video

and a video where she is wearing them before xmas is her foundation routine video (i think)

.xoxo said...

If you guys download any video converter (There is free version and it asks you to donate after you download them, but you can decline.) you can download the videos off of youtube and it will convert it into any form of video you want to.

Anonymous said...

Elle said she got the GHD from She did not say she got it for free, contrary to what her rant video says. "I tell you guys when I get products for free."

Anonymous said...

Then why is everyone saying that SHE said she got the GHD for free a few comments up?

Anonymous said...

Elle's GHD vs CHI video implies that she paid for it. She can't remember the price and says something like 'I should know the it' the she goes on to say 'I got this from Beauty Choice.'She never once says that it was sent to her for free. However, in her Rant video she claims she ALWAYS tells subscribers when she gets a product sent to her. Either way- she lied.

Anonymous said...

*that she got the GHD with her own money. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Its funny that they are going to go hang out with Shane Dawson and telling their subscribers about it. I mean Blair deleted her Juicy earrings video because the comments people were leaving were so "vulgar and inappropriate" All Shane Dawson tells are really sexual jokes. Is she going to expose her young fans to that?

Anonymous said...
Blair's vid where she says she got the bracelets for Christmas. Around 1:25 and 3:00. Except I think she slipped, cause she says "I've been wearing them every day," then corrects herself, "well, not every day, since I got them for Christmas."

Here's a collage of previous vids where she's worn the bracelets (before Christmas):

Anonymous said...

Ironically, whenever Lisa received something for free and reviewed it, she got the price wrong. Both the Clarisonic and the GHD, she didn't know what the price was. Big red flag there!

Anonymous said...

Why lie about when you got stupid bracelets? Makes no sense!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:32 Isn't that the reason why she says that she babysits her comments too? So her 9 year old fans don't see anything bad? I can't think of anyone more vulgar and inappropriate than Shane Dawson. So much for that! Lies lies lies. She just doesn't want anyone posting anything exposing her. She doesn't care about her fans seeing inappropriate comments at all.

Anonymous said...

@6:38 IKR!! & Kalel is the same way. She turned comment approval on once the whole drama with her videos being deleted the first time.

Anonymous said...

i remember one video she left comment approval off when she uploaded it. i think it was a makeup tutorial replicating a seventeen magazine cover?

anyway, people were immediately leaving comments like - "blairs real name is elizabeth" "she gets paid to do product reviews". she quickly put comment approval on again and removed all of the comments about it. i dont think she puts comments on approval because of "naughty comments".

Anonymous said...

putting up tht red hot rant video is an evasion of elles privacy! if she put it private it was for a reason and please respect her wishes!! i am flagging the videos and hope they can be taken down.

Anonymous said...

^ more like you're upset because people can see the truth about what a lying, fake condescending bitch lisa really is.

i have it downloaded, and so do many other people on here.
i will upload it on every video sharing website if i have to.

Anonymous said...

Man, I must have missed this xsparkage video the first time around. It sounds a lot like Ellen's rant.

Lol @ her saying she'd tell the truth. She won't even put in a proper FTC warning. And before that was a rule, she was pimping out Beauty from the Earth, Costal Scents, LimeCrime (Lol, that was a mistake), and a million other smaller companies without any type of warning of affiliation. I highly doubt that she wasn't compensated for them.

Someone asked awhile ago why a few of us have a problem with Leesha - and this is why. She is just the same as the QVC sisters.

Anonymous said...

@6:42 How is it an invasion of privacy? Sorry, anything put on the internet is not private anymore. She should have never made the video in the first place if she didn't want anyone to see it.

Needle said...

@flip Yeah, I think I have/had vlc floating around on my computer somewhere, iirc it's a good player.

But if I, say, wanted to upload the video to youtube again on a different account, you'd have to convert the file, right? Youtube doesn't accept flv uploads, do they?

Anonymous said...

I actually don't have a problem with Elle or Blair, I prefer Blair because I think she seems a little nicer but whatever, but I have to say that this made them look like little shitheads.

Anonymous said...

Somebody tweet the Red Hot Video to Lisa!!! HAHAHAHAHA SHE'LL EXPLODE!!!!!

Somebody tweet the Red Hot Video to Lisa!!! HAHAHA SHE'LL EXPLODE!!!!!

Somebody tweet the Red Hot Video to Lisa!!! HAHAHA SHE'LL EXPLODE!!!!!

Somebody tweet the Red Hot Video to Lisa!!! HAHAHA SHE'LL EXPLODE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lulz. I downloaded the vids too. They will be back up in no time, if they are taken down.

Anonymous said...

exactly. its not an invasion of privacy. its not like we hacked into her account to get it - someone had downloaded it when it was public. if lisa didnt want anyone to see it she wouldnt have made it public.

Anonymous said...

yeah my downloader has given me the file in .flv format - what would i have to convert it to to be able to upload it to youtube?

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