Its okay, not a big deal, everyone gets there eventually, no need to lie about it. Good thing you've got that sugar daddy keeping you comfortable, right?
Speaking of which, it was pretty cute that in one of Teresa's latest vids, she showed her viewers the new hat and sweater that her dear boyfriend(?) bought for her recently. She mentioned that she thought both were pretty ugly, UNTIL, however, she saw the price tag. Too bad money can't buy class, eh?
Additionally, how could we forget the drama she created with msfili? That's an entire post in itself, but basically, people claim that she ended up giving out msfili's information (address, phone number, etc) which is pretty shitty, but I suppose this can't really be proved one way or another; the entire situation is just stupid and immature (especially for a 37year old ;) ).
So anyway, I guess the final point to make in this lame post is that; Teresa, in between slurps of coffee, please consider putting a bra on in the morning? :)
1 – 200 of 4097 Newer› Newest»
finally a new post
her tribal tat is just too classy for words.
and lulz at her lopsided saggy boobies in the bottom pic ;)
"in between slurps of coffee, please consider putting a bra on in the morning?"
sweet baby jesus, a new post. THANK YOU.
Her titties are so gross. Gotdamn! They're too damn big for her body, she's all boobs, and saggy sloppy boobs at that.
Jeez finally a new post! I don't care about juicytuesday though :P But I can't stand msfililoca whatever, the ugly tranny. She/he is repulsive.
I love msfili.
Has Ms.fili admitted shes a man? The hands are effin huge! I cant stand it in her videos when she pulls her hair back with her pinky all the time.
Ms. fili is an "IT" i don t know what to call it.
Thats one big tranny lmao
You wouldn't say shit to her face so stfu. I like her and her videos and I don't care what she was born as boy or girl I could care less. She's funny as fuck and has a great personality.
Ms Fililocalola is thee shit for sure. She's cool in my book.
ThesPnation should get a post.
Petrilude would jizz his pants if he got a post on here lol He feeds off the attention.
Kalel needs to come back soon, i miss making fun of that lil hooters orange ant.
This post was lame!!! I'm sure there is better dirt on Teresa. I don't think that she is in her 20's and if she is she really needs to see a dr and get botox while she is there she needs to get her boobs re done shall I say. Shit she looks older then I do and I am in my 30's.lmfao ms.fili is a tranny who shops with her foster kids money, someone should turn her ass in.
Has petrilude commented about nikkie20six's video rant?
hahah glittereyes blocked me cuz I asked if you can shit in that go girl thing
10:39 I was wondering about that to, I havent heard anything.
If kai's arms and fingers are that hairy, I'm scared to even wonder what her ass hair and jrfupa look like.
I would love to see a post on Petrilude or the ever so fake makeupbytiffanyd. I can't stand that dumb bitch. She is dishonest in her reviews and had no looks that she came up with on her own. She thinks she's all that but really she is ugly as hell. She is/was a teacher and is playing a mua on youtube but yet she never works, she's always online. I call bullshit on her. She said in her sigma video that she never uses her mac bushes anymore but if you watch any of her videos she is using them in every video..what a fraud!! You all should bust out her ugly ass!
Maybe Bslap should send Pinkiecharm some makeup so she can swatch it on her fupa for us.
All these gurus are so messed up and corrupt LoL. They all find comfort in feeling "important" on the internet.
LULZ! oh dear! imagine reenie swatching on the fupa. She could swatch every fucking eyeshadow that exists on that thing. Well if she could reach that is. thehehehe
pinkiecharm needs to take some of her hubby's money and put it towards gastric bypass so she can lose the weight but her fupa will just be hanging to her knees what a shame.
I use to like Tiffany but her sigma shit is so transparent. And it just seems more and more like she's just a brand whore trying with her LV this and Louboutin that, and seems like she's trying to compensate for something..maybe her lack of lips.
LMAO @ 1053!
has anyone else seen the vid where irenes husband was feeding her doritos? I was like OMFG are you serious right now?
so how is FATneagle? I haven't heard anything about her lately.
@1059 that shit was repulsive.
Ok so I heard that kai has anal sex with davey. Is this true?
IKR I was like...WHY THE HELL would he feed that thing? Does he want it to get bigger? I could almost hear her fupa expanding. WTF??!!??
Kaka should braid her arm hair into cornrows.
11:04 Prob..but only with rosebud slave for lube.
I used to like tiffanyd as well. But her constant pimping of sigma and brand name this and that. Is sickening. In her Feb favorites video she seemed like she didn't care much. I wonder what her hubby does. Cause that woman can spend like no ones business.
11:06 Irene should get cornrows haha.
no 11:06 davey is racist against blacks so he wouldnt like that very much
I used to watch TiffanyD back when I first watching videos but not since she started pimping out Sigma. That just totally puts me off..that and her face.
Daveeey stop ittt!!
@11:07 (number one)
FINALLY we get to the real meaning of rosebud slave.
can someone post the link where pinkiecharms husband feeds her doritios?
All spnation does is brag about how big his dick is. You know what they say about someone that brags about size, most likely they are over exaggerating.
Kai said she doesn't like doggy style because it makes her queef.
I'm being dead serious by the way.
I went to his page for the first time yesterday and his background scares the hell out of me. Him in his underwear grossed me out..its sick.
She must not have used enough rosebud slave!!
Tiffanyd is trying to compensate for her fugly face. I cant look at her cause im thinking all the brand names and high end makeup wont fix that face honey!
fupacharm are you fucking serious! When did she say that? Ew the thought of her doing anything sexual really makes me sick.
@11:24 you are proof ppl will believe anything
Last year in an aim chat with five other people. Don't ask why, she said it out of nowhere. I wish I had screen caps. Even I wasn't expecting her to say something like that.
@11:26 You are proof that people are assholes.
@11:29 someone is butt hurt
did nikkie20six do blogtv today?
Yes my butt hurts because I'm just like kaka and I also take it in the booty.
@11:32 PM
She said she was going to
Please do a Current Custom one. She is pimping everything on her blog. Free stuff she gets from her parents store. Plus her and Tiffany D are gonna go to LA together to shop. They both sold out . Plus Current Custom is obsessed with her boobs and wants to make a living off of youtube with her tits. NO lie. those fake ass tits she loves so much.
Lorraine use to be one of my favs but IA teh pimping of products is over the top.
I've never seen anyone so in love with her boobs...again the body has to compensate for the fugly face that all the name brands cant make pretty
"If kai's arms and fingers are that hairy, I'm scared to even wonder what her ass hair and jrfupa look like."
@11:49 only Davey has those pics!
Thank you Camille!!!!!
tihihihi @ How there is not ONE comment on the actual topic and I wont start. :)
TiffanyD is a sellout. She keeps advertising Sigma Brushes to her subs so she can buy herself MAC brushes and e/s off of the money.
Now this is what I call a Hypcrite.
The more Sigma you buy the MORE trips to Vegas TiffanyD can take!
Does anyone know why kandee has to move? was she really kicked out of her house?
lololol i'd never bothered going to this goblin's yt before so this is the first i'm seeing her. i totally thought you guys were exaggerating, holy crap. fix your tits and there is no WAY she is in her 20s.
thanks for the new post but....
are you fucking kidding me? this has got to be the most boring subject ever. get to the post on msfilli or michelle phan please
Yay a new post. I can't stand juicytuesday. The tat, the humongous fake boobs make her look trashy. And I can't believe she is a hair dresser, her hair looks like shit.
Count me in as those wanting a tiffanyd post, what a fake ass bitch. She loves to show off how much high end stuff she has but yet hawks those cheap ass sigma brushes. She flat out lied in her last review of the sigma brushes when she said she doesn't use her MAC brushes anymore.
Ha! I remember that video where Pinkie's husband fed her doritios...why would she want to put that on the internet?
blair is going to graduate in may so that her and elle can move to LA
i seriously wonder what they are doing in LA
i think she said the thing she is doing in LA is related to youtube
Why do you people watch her videos then bitch about her on here? If you hate her dont watch because your putting another chanel bag in her closet every time you watch a video.
LOL at FATneagle's "weight loss" update.
"I do know that I had a hard time meeting the daily 1000 calories"
BITCH PLEASE. you know you meet 1000 calories at breakfast alone.
lmfao totes flip!
hey trolls....can one of you let saggytuesday know the new post is about her nasty ass?? tweet her @juicytuesday28
she will shit her canadian pants, EH,
thanks!!! {she isnt following me and my tweets are private}
Someone commented on blair's recent video..i DEF agree
I think you will regret getting homeschooled..high school is more about memories and social learning than the academics...I think you will regret graduating early to try to be a're so young but you try to act will regret not living your teenage years and having those experiences
Someone commented on blair's new video..I agree with what they said
I think you will regret getting homeschooled..high school is more about memories and social learning than the academics...I think you will regret graduating early to try to be a're so young but you try to act will regret not living your teenage years and having those experiences
A comment on blair's video I just saw.
blair, i think u need a personal assistant.... and need to b paid a lil for ur awesome vids! miss hearing bout u.
i was homeschooled during 7th grade and i really liked it. but my parents made me go to public high school because they also wanted me to have the memories, and blah blah.
i need some halp you guise.. i had a severe allergic reaction last night and my eyes are nearly swollen shut
i look like frankenstein and the swelling is not going down D: i've tried errrrathing!
holy vampire batman!!!!
you guysth weren't kidding when you said aubrey looked like a vamp in her new video.
yikes. those comments are pretty funny. :]
maybe elizabeth will end up like kai
imma vampire everywannnnnnnn
lmao flip
whats wrong with fafi's teeth
they look FUCKED UP !
& so does her eyes
those contacts look so unflattering
i wish lady kaka would upload a new video..i need some lulz...its been, what, 2 days? a new record for kai!
In one of her videos Lorraine is all about putting down Oklahoma well as someone who has lived in FL, FL has its shares of hicks and rednecks too so I don't know what the hell is Lorraine's problem with OK.
I think Fafi has braces. She doesn't bother me as much as the rest of the gurus.
I don't get why the Asian gurus have an obsession with colored contacts, so fucking weird and they all look terrible with them on.
lolz at everyone ripping aubrey in the comments of her newest video. everyone was doing that on her ed hardy video so she disabled the comments, poor baby couldnt handle it
if aubrey continues this crap she'll lose most of her viewers that even bother to watch her..especially the OLD ONES..fafinette was the first guru I saw
she has changed so much..its shocking
comments are moving slow today
comments aren't even showing up properly
CAMILLE take word verification off ?
All of the big Gurus on youtube are lame ass sellouts! Yes a post about tiffanyd's ugly mug would be great. She is such a liar. She said that she doesn't use mac brushes anymore buy she does oh and her ghd video she said that she uses it everyday but then in her new video about her hair she said that she never uses one.Or how about in her new sigma video she said that she doesn't accept free products anymore but will brag about all of the boxes of free shit she has. She has also jumped on the let me show off my tits wagon now. Bitch please we all know you had them done and we don't want to see them. Have fun in your new house thar youtube paid for with your dork husband. Elizablair admitted in her newest vlog that she was under a lot of stress cause she needed to finish up her high school education by this May. We all know what that's for, but honestly, cramming 2 years of school into 1 year isn't necessarily the smartest decision to make. Oh, well, if your hope and dream is to be famous, than school doesn't matter, right?
captcha slows down the spam.
i think elizablair is lying when she says she has comments on approval because of "bad words"
BITCH,PLEASE. We all know you have comments on approval because you are insecure about yourself and you are afraid of "the haters"
you watch her 30 minute long videos?!
good lord.
exactly. ^
her and lisa only started having comments on approval when all the drama about them started.
wait, i think she's in her 20's...i actually have already thought she looks a bit younger than 29, am i nuts?
Tyra, I do. Is that a problem for you?
I wanna see a picture her fiance, John. Sugardaddy indeed, their house is fucking nice...
omg the doritos!
is this bitch for real? she's fucking massive!
You need to rewatch the video. She didn't like the sweater "until she saw how pricy it was"-- Direct quote.
@ 8:34
if you think she looks YOUNGER than 29 you ARE nuts. yes.
Her friend Rachel posted a comment several posts ago that she was lying about her age. They graduated high school together and Teresa was dating her cousin. They had a falling out when they broke up. She said something about teresa stealing a bunch of jewelry of hers or something. Anyway, this girl said she graduated HS class of 1991 so i think that would make teresa at least 35-36.
Rachel if you're reading this come post please!!
HAHA juicy saggy tits tuesday must have seen this post. she posted a fake drivers license picture.
so obvious that's not her in the pic
LOL you guys beat me to the punch.
I was just about to come tell you saggy tuesday posted a fake DL pic on twitter.
does she really think we are that dumb to fall for that shit?
She's fucking 29, losers. Oh, but I'm sure that's a fake ID riiiight?
Pretty sure she didn't graduate high school at 10 years old. Sounds like her "friend" who commented is yet another hater who wanted to start shit. It's pretty hard to lie about your birth year on your license.
This was such a dumb post, haha
You guys are quick.
^^that doesn't even look like her picture. just sayin'
@ 9:46
oh hai teresa.
try to not make it so obvious you're posting about yourself.
" It's pretty hard to lie about your birth year on your license."
umm not so much teresaBB. ever heard of fake ID's? in your case you're trying to pretend you're younger instead of older ;)
TOTES flip. I guess they don't have fake id's in canada, eh???
HAHAHHHHHAHHAHAHHA i knew she'd post that fake ID picture that she showed in blogtv once. i was waiting on it.
go get a breast lift, gold digging speed addict!!
LOL saggy tuesday took a break from slurping her coffee to come post on our blog. we're special.
i hope she does a blogtv soon. and continues to not wear a bra so that we can all see her boobies touch her chunky munky belly.
I've always suspected teresa did a lot of cocaine. I mean she's def. not thin so she doesn't do it on the regular but a lot of times when she does her vids she's cracked out.
Teresa if you are reading this, please know i like you for the most part but a lot of this could have been avoided if you just would have never started doing blogtv's in t-shirts with no bra.
Lorraine can get away with not wearing a bra b/c her breast job was recent and her boobs are perky. but if you have saggy watermelons, you should support them. <3333
You hit the nail on the head @ 10:02.
lots of chicks with fake boobs don't HAVE to wear a bra. but their fake boobs aren't 10+ years old. it's common knowledge once you get fake titties you have to keep up with them or they will look like saggy cantelopes a DECADE LATER.
john is only 48. that's only 11 years older than teresa. NO BIG DEAL..
@stickyIipglossx listen dipshit..all you need to see is the 81 and the British Columbia...fake i.d....fuck...really..ya I just made it....
teresa is sure getting defensive about her fake id. we know she didn't just make it. she's showed it before about a month ago. she ordered it once msfili leaked her true age.
Teresa was talking to awoz about this site that creates fake IDs in canada. i guarantee she ordered it when she heard msfili was telling people her real age.
too bad we can tell it's a fake.
how old is john? is he really 48? o.0
^omg, hilar
i thought sticky and teresa where buddies?
oh, its the fake sticky. my bad, hahaha
Her friend aaron that she met at nars did a blogtv once and people were asking about john since he just met him and he said John was in his "upper 40's" So probably. She's never said though.
yah i was in awoz's blogtv and people were guessing ages and when they said 48 he just smiled and said okay lets change the subject.
guess that gave it away. but i agree, if she's 37, that's not that much of an age difference.
well, i dont flirt with men that are 12+ years older than me. im just sayin.
ha ha the only reason she didn't want John on camera was because she didn't want us to see how old he is. And what about her medical condition that caused her to leave her job. Anyone else think that is a load of crap?
Teresa says she suffers from chronic migrane headaches. I get migrane headaches and they are debilitating but I can still hold down a job and work.
I'm not trying to defend Teresa here (can't fucking stand her) but I honestly think it's possible she could be 29. I'm nearly 28, and I know people my age that i went to highschool with who look 40+.
It seems Teresa tans WAY too much. No wonder she looks like hell. Don't you know the sun/tanning booths ruin your skin like a bitch?
I agree, 10:52. I have always thought she was telling the truth about her age unfortunately for her she looks 38/39 at 29 years of age. I rather be a young looking 38 than an old looking 28.
WTF Lizzy wants credit for doing homework!! Ohh Boo freaking Hoo, you have to read a book and not youtube comments for a couple hours. She has no idea what school is really like.
Also I think juicytuesday looks younger than Lorraine, Lorraine looks like she's pushing 50.
I agree, 10:52. Excessive tanning will make you look 10-20 years older. Whether she's lying about her age or not, she still looks old as hell.
Is TheBombshellSuite a tranny?
Ikr? She's bitching abut 4 hour classes and she's only in HS. Try working a 9-5 job or going to college full time. Maybe then I'll sympathize.
LIZZY IS SUCH A DUMB BITCH! Complaining about how she has to approve comments, and it takes so much time, how making youtube videos takes so much of her time. JUST TURN OFF COMMENT APPROVAL! It's your own fault you feel the need to spend hours approving comments because you and your loser sister don't want ~the haters~ to talk about your names and shit.
And wtf, she needs to be graduated this summer because of a project with her and Lisa?!?! Does that mean Lisa has to graduate college this summer??
And lol at her changing her posed wave and asking which is better.
So teresa gets a post bc she doesnt wear a bra in her OWN HOUSE while doing a blogtv LOL...ok im not wearing a branow either can i have my own post camille?
The bombshellsuite is so skinny. I just started watching her so I have nothing really bad to say about her.
Wtf at Lizzy's "bloopers", no wonder her videos take so long to film, she says the same lines over and over until she gets it perfect. I'm sure Lisa does the same thing. What fake bitches.
I bet Lizzy leaves her precious little Yorkie Teddy behind when she moves to LA. Something Lady KaKa would do.
Lizzy's not in reality and thinks she's way bigger than she is. I'm sure her fourth grade subs are feeling oh so bad for her and all her homework. Come on Lizzy you know it's worth it. Your getting boat loads of cash. And you can't be that busy you just went to a fashion show and crap.
Seems like online classes would be similar to "alternative high school". For those that can't handle high school.
lol blair can puts comments on approval because she doesn't want her younger viewers to be exposed to that, but she can have pictures of her with beer? :x
i think her tweeting her liscene just shows how fake it really is. if she really was 29 she wouldnt of tweeted the liscence for proof.
why do fourth graders watch makeup videos to begin with? fourth graders dont wear makeup right?
I knew the kidney stone excuse was a lie! She was probably off making deals for another project. Which is why Lisa went home. Cause who the hell comes home from college that freaking much!
Oh and I like how lizzy say's friends. We all know you have one. And its Lauren. Everyone else knows how fake you and Lisa are!
Lizzy working doesn't include fetching lunch!
Blair needs to suck it up. 4 hours a day for school? Yeah, okay.
And of course, she's going to put her LA shit over her schooling so she's going to rush through everything and not learn a damn thing. Then when her ~celebrity status~ goes away, she's going to be fucked.
I knew the kidney stone excuse was a lie! She was probably off making deals for another project. Which is why Lisa went home. Cause who the hell comes home from college that freaking much!
Oh and I like how lizzy say's friends. We all know you have one. And its Lauren. Everyone else knows how fake you and Lisa are!
Oh and Lizzy... fetching lunch for glitzy glam isn't considered a job.
Why the hell do we care how she waves at the end?
HAHAHA it's a fake because the idiot misspelled license when he made it.
at the top.
i love it
@11:30am HILARIOUS!!
Not to defend her or anything but:
"The noun license (licence in British, Canadian and Indian spelling)"
Awwww damn
lol i know :(
aw, darn it!
just watched elizablair's new video. i'm really wondering what this "project" of hers is that she has to rush graduation. i know it involves moving to LA...and most people like her move to LA to try to pursue some kind of acting career or try to get famous...................wondering if she really is getting a reality show...
she claims that she is so busy blah blah blah yet she still has time to read a fricken hannah montana book?!?? whatever. and i remember when she claimed she has two jobs..ok i accept glitzy-glam as about the 2nd one? youtube????????????? if you love making videos as much as you claim to but it shouldnt even be considered a "job"....................oh right, i forgot. she loves making videos because she gets money for them. she doesnt care about the viewers!
then she goes and claims she never cusses??? ok then, ms. holier than thou!
damn i was getting excited too :( thanks for raining on our parade
i remember in one video blairizzy was talking about a pair of $10 forever21 jeans that she got, she was saying how it made her butt look smaller so she loved it, and i thought "wtf, you probably dont even have a butt you skinny ass"
but after seeing her new york "modeling" pictures for pete wentz i totally understood what she was talking about. gurl hazzzzzzz muffin topzzzz
I hope I never become a Youtube Beauty Guru, you Bitches are BRUTAL!
Lizzy claiming to never curse, is funny as hell. I can imagine during one of her or Lisa's tantrums they really let 'em fly!
Seriously. She's sooo busy with school and Youtube but has time to watch trashy reality TV?
It's actually spelt "licence" in Canada.
Anyone that wants to watch even a minute of heidi and spencer is brain dead.
Has she ever shown her fiance on YouTube?
I'm curious now! lol
Sorry to break it to you guys but I'm from BC and that's a real drivers licence.
Yes we know the spelling is correct.
PLease, PLease make a blog about Josh!! He thinks he is the shit! He is a none talent arrogant jerk!!
How DARE you guys say that Lizzy is lying about not cursing! She has never said a bad word in her life! She just goes around drinking with her slutty friends and posing with them while they hold orange dildos. The nerve of you people!
^ lmao
@ 11:55
no one is saying it's not A real license. we just know it's not HERS. she got a fake id when she figured out msfili leaked her true age.
@ 12:01
josh wants a post about him. he thrives on any attention he can get.
josh would actually love if a post was about him.
nope. she's never shown him. the ONLY time she's come close in when she was doing a house tour and he was dressed in a santa costume. she's obviously trying to hide his age. not sure why-- 40 something isn't that much older than 37.
that is NOT her picture on that license. it almost looks like a pic of britney spears in her prime. that's SO not a pic of saggy tits.
"oh how I love it when co-workers whisper about me behind my back..."
surprise surprise, fatneagle!! PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU.
she's so delusional. =/
WHat happened to mah gurl lil kai kaiz?! She hasn't uploaded a video in a while! What happened to 2-3 vids a day? She's pulling a Kalel.
juicytuesday said in a video that her brother dies in 1997 and in a different video she said she was 16 when her brother died. I dont think this is something you tell lies about.
You would never forget the date your brother died. Unless you were lying about it ever happening.
post the youtube links or you're lying. btw..i love how saggytits sends her few "fans" over here to defend her. prob. told them what to say.
of course she wouldn't forget but she would OBVIOUSLY tell US a different age/year to go along with her age story.
right when she first started doing blogtv's she admitted she lied about her age "just joking around" but when people believed she was in her 20's, she decided to just go with it.
now that she's lied so much, she's not going to go back and admit the truth now. See: the qvc sisters.
perfect example.
if aubrey doesn't want people leaving comments about how she looks tired, maybe she shouldn't film when she looks like shit.
11:06 PM - You'd be surprised at how many guys have fat fetishes. Yuck.
lmao @ blair whining about how hard and stressful it is to sit in front of a computer and approve her comments. christ, your life is so hard.
does Lisa put something over her camera to make the lighting softer? She always looks like shes in a fog.
what a bunch of bull. I cant believe Lizzy is complaining about having to read a book. Cry me a fuckin river. Does she do school work on all those trips she takes? Doesnt seem like it, she always talkss about how busy and on the go she is
" LOL at FATneagle's "weight loss" update.
"I do know that I had a hard time meeting the daily 1000 calories"
BITCH PLEASE. you know you meet 1000 calories at breakfast alone."
That's funny. How the fuck did she end up obese then? Haha. She is a bad liar.
natneagle is full of shit. Has anyone actually watched her recipe videos? Its all processed food, which she tops with layers and layers of cheddar cheese!!
1:20 PM - I'm not going to watch her videos and give her views, but she probably took a tip from soap operas and how they use soft lighting to hide all the old people's wrinkles :)
#1 1:23 PM- I bet she loves Hungry Girl recipes and that shit is all processed junk.
elle prob. googled how to have softer lighting or maybe she uses a setting on is possible
she is fucking ugly
i dont care what anyone says
her fucking beak is just unattractive and her personality is as dull as kais'
photo of lilkaikaiz at the movies with davey.
^holy fuck i lol'd
LMAOO @makeupbysnooki
vote for natneagle
i stopped watching the qvc sisters' videos ever since i found out how shady they were but i had to watch blairs new video cuz i wanted to see what she would say about her homeschooling and omfg she claims shes not trying to complain but ALLLLL i hear are petty lil excuses/complaints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just because you put a "disclaimer" saying youre not complaining doesnt mean that you really arent complaining!
so contradictory that she complains about how busy she is but she has time to catch up on all her reality shows and read a miley cyrus book. REALLY, BLAIRIZZY?!!??!
@1:47 wtf why is she on the Bobbi Brown website
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