Its okay, not a big deal, everyone gets there eventually, no need to lie about it. Good thing you've got that sugar daddy keeping you comfortable, right?
Speaking of which, it was pretty cute that in one of Teresa's latest vids, she showed her viewers the new hat and sweater that her dear boyfriend(?) bought for her recently. She mentioned that she thought both were pretty ugly, UNTIL, however, she saw the price tag. Too bad money can't buy class, eh?
Additionally, how could we forget the drama she created with msfili? That's an entire post in itself, but basically, people claim that she ended up giving out msfili's information (address, phone number, etc) which is pretty shitty, but I suppose this can't really be proved one way or another; the entire situation is just stupid and immature (especially for a 37year old ;) ).
So anyway, I guess the final point to make in this lame post is that; Teresa, in between slurps of coffee, please consider putting a bra on in the morning? :)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 4097 Newer› Newest»there's no way blair spends 4 hours a day on homework when she'd tweet that she was at panera and her sweat shop all day long.
i love how lisa is now finishing every blog post with "- Elle Fowler". she seems to be throwing her stage name in anywhere she can. lol.
there's something wrong with you. why do you care this much about fucking youtubers? get a life. jesus fucking christ.
do any of you watch PrinCessAnnie218? she seems quite nice, but her style is so fucking trasshyyy
guiz, kandee plead guilty to the truancy charge! looks like she needs to spend more time with her kid then on youtube
i feel like her eyes are burning into my soul
2:03 doesent it make you as bad as us because you take your time to bitch and complain about our bitching and complaining?
"“My client is a makeup artist who puts her ideas on YouTube to inspire other young women and single mothers. She spends literally hours and hours a week to put her videos together without compensation,”"
isnt kandee partner?
That's such a stupid thing for her lawyer to say...she spends "hours and hours" putting vids together eh? Well, why doesn't she instead spend hours and hours with her kid?? i wonder how kooky kandee is going to spin this on her blog.
lol at kandees mug shot on that new article. shes trying to look all "grown up". no neon or plastic jewelry in sight!
“She was overwhelmed raising three kids. Many times he did not go to school, but he took advantage of his mother,” Zumpft said.
But then it goes on to say that only the 13 year old lives with her? How is it overwhelming to raise three children if they don't even live with her?
Hopefully this whole situation will be a reality check for her.
Kandee is a pushover. Being a parent is sometimes having to be strict, and being the bad guy. If she lets her 13 year old run all over her now, just wait til he's 15-17. She's in a for a ride.
“This needs to become her No. 1 priority. Not her Los Angeles career, not her videos,” Dustman said.
LOL, I would have loved to see Kandee's reaction to that.
Elle has a blog too.
You do a negative blog hating gurus.
Instead of hating on you people and lowering herself down to your level, Elle is doing a blog, being constructive and helping others with reviews/style related discussion.
I really hope Kandee learns a lesson from this and gets her priorities straight.
2:35 oh yes, entire blog entries about her cat being a sloth is really helpful and interesting..
lisa fails at being funny.
tooo bad the bitch cant buy herself a personality, isnt it? then maybe she could get herself a boyfriend.
"Makeup artist Kandee Johnson faces 90 days in Douglas County Jail if she fails to make sure that her now 13-year-old son attends middle school."
Can you imagine the shit she'll conjure up if she was in jail? This is how you make blush from your blood! This is how you make eye liner from a pen.
elle is already far, far below any of us dear.. she is the biggest fake on youtube, and the biggest liar, and the biggest greedy cunt ever. she doesnt care who she lies to, even if its a 10 year old girl who looks up to her, as long as she gets her money.
Elle is funny and has lots of personality, thats why she's successful on Youtube.
Her latest video got over 300,000 views and rising. Loads of people love her personality and sense of humor.
"Many times he did not go to school, but he took advantage of his mother,”"
good job blaming your poor children kandee. be the fucking parent and stand your ground. glitter in the air isn't going to fix your problems.
"Her latest video got over 300,000 views and rising. Loads of people love her personality and sense of humor."
you keep telling yourself that.
246pm, I'm just going by the Youtube stats. They tell me that :)
She said Johnson did not have full custody of her two youngest children who were with their father."
Someone on the forum was right. They said in the beginning that she didn't have custody of all of them. Interesting
"Elle is funny and has lots of personality, thats why she's successful on Youtube. "
no, shes only "successful" because of her little sister. she probably begs her sister to give her shoutouts and links to her channel. if you cant see that then you're really dumb.
"Loads of people love her personality and sense of humor."
LMAO...oh dear
"246pm, I'm just going by the Youtube stats. They tell me that :)"
no you aren't going by just the stats. where does it say everyone loves her? :). it doesn't. go away and buy her shitty overpriced dollar store items.
its probably lisa commenting
go and put some moisturizer on you dried up wrinkley old toucan sam.
The cartoon character Toucan Sam was created by Manuel R. Vega and originally voiced by Mel Blanc, using an ordinary American accent.
I know Elle, I go to miami university with her, and she is a lesbian. Not even joking.
lolz...lisa does give off a desperate lesbian vibe
In commercials featuring Toucan Sam, he exhibits the ability to smell out Froot Loops from great distances. He invariably locates a concealed bowl or box of the cereal while intoning, "Follow my nose! It always knows!" Sometimes followed by "The flavor of fruit! Wherever it grows!"
Omg sorry but I died laughing at the anon saying Lisa has personality and is funny. She only gets subs because of her sister. She's a loser who can't do anything herself, the sooner you realize that the better.
Blair has more of a fanbase because girls her age and younger have more free time on their hands and so are able to subscribe more often. They also probably associate with Blair more because she's young like them.
Girls like Elle are in college and getting on with careers so they may not have as much time to watch videos on youtube and subscribe. Elle is still a tremendous talent. You don't get thousands of subscribers on "shoutouts" alone, she has the talent to back it up. She's also got the personality and put in the hardwork to get where she has.
No one said you have to listen, believe, or even tolerate they bad things that people say!"
from kandee's blog entry.
"Elle is still a tremendous talent. You don't get thousands of subscribers on "shoutouts" alone, "
You must not know that there are Youtube bots. How do you think she shot up so fast without talent out of all the PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP ARTISTS. She has no talent.
Kalel's new video is up.
I was thinking to myself while watching: "her skin looks really oily" and then she said she had oily skin but the primer she was loving controlled the oil. Doesn't seem like it's working for her.
Ok this has to be Elle or Blair writing praise about Lisa. Or a friend. Lisa has no personality and is boring and stale as hell. Stfd.
@ 2:55- How do you know for sure Elle is a lesbo? Does she have a big butch gf?
"Elle is still a tremendous talent. You don't get thousands of subscribers on "shoutouts" alone, she has the talent to back it up. She's also got the personality and put in the hardwork to get where she has."
elle does not have talent. i dont know what crack you're me a single tutorial of hers that requires talent, go on, show me. i bet you cant.
lisa hasnt got a personality. and if by hardwork, you mean scamming little girls and lying and being a money-grabbing greedy bitch, then yeah, i guess shes done pretty well at that. seriously, you're fucking retarded. wake up.
Elle has talent and personality. I doubt its "youtube bots". She's been doing tutorials for over a year, she's worked hard to get where she is.
ahhhhhhhh! someone else on the forum said kandee would be kicked out by the end of feb because of her kid and she wrote about it! funny.
packing up my house
moving......staring at all my belongings...and not wanting, knowing, what to put where.....ha ha ha"
Yes I know one of Elles friends at miami university. Rumours have been circulating for a while about Elle being a lesbian. There is no smoke without fire, if you catch my drift.
Her name's Lisa, bb. ;)
"Elle has talent and personality. I doubt its "youtube bots". She's been doing tutorials for over a year, she's worked hard to get where she is."
i hope you're a troll. a lot of the top people on yt have been caught using bots in the beginning like sxephil and dawson(whatever his name is). check out ytwatchdog.
"Ok this has to be Elle or Blair writing praise about Lisa. Or a friend. Lisa has no personality and is boring and stale as hell. Stfd."
Elle is definitely straight.
Keep being jealous with your cheap jibes. She'll just keep on being successful and fly over you losers
when is kandee going to stop talking about ~haters~. if she was really over it, she'd get da fuck over it and talk about makeup or idk, her time spending with her kids?
"Elle is definitely straight. "
and how would you know?
it defo adds up, shes 22 and never had a boyfriend? bit suspicious
Must be frustrating having your little sister be more successful than you
Haha @ 3:04- If she really is a les that would be at least SOMETHING interesting about LisaElle
Like I said, there is no smoke without fire. That is all I'm saying.
lol ikr?
she probably goes to wild lez rave orgies at night...surely...she cant be THIS boring in reality
HD is not Lisa's friend.
wow is kandee blaming her children?
tats low
"it defo adds up, shes 22 and never had a boyfriend? bit suspicious"
what guy wants a girl with a kid? ;)
"wow is kandee blaming her children?" kandee probably doesn't even see herself as the parent. she probably sees herself as a child and therefore makes it easier to blame another child like herself...
^ lol
i can see lisa is one of those clingy desperate types. guys probably back away from her with a stick as soon as she starts talking.
What guy could stand her long enough to be her boyfriend? None! She's a turn off to men.
"i can see lisa is one of those clingy desperate types. guys probably back away from her with a stick as soon as she starts talking."
or she's the type that pokes holes in condoms.
"or she's the type that pokes holes in condoms."
We don't actually know if she's had a boyfriend or not. This is the internet after all.
Isn't that a bit personal?
Unlike some gurus, some people actually like to keep that part of their lives private.
why would a school called "miami university" be in ohio of all places?
tbh it sounds like one of those loser schools; like devry and university of pheonix. the schools that will take anyone will a pulse.
Sorry @3:18 Not these girls. They don't know when to shut up!
"We don't actually know if she's had a boyfriend or not. "
LOL in other words, she doesnt a have a boyfriend.
but lisa would like to PRETEND to everyone that she does, saying the same kind of things you're saying now.
its all a facade with lisa. strip it all away and you'll see nothing but a lonely desperate loser.
"Unlike some gurus, some people actually like to keep that part of their lives private."
didnt lisa say something like that on twitter recently?
we know you're a lez who likes diving for fish, come out of the closet plzkthx
speaking of gays in the closet, has juss come out yet?
The little girls may never seen through Lisa's lies but all of us with a brain do. And it makes us sick to see someone like that get away with being so deceitful. She's a fake who will eventually be exposed.
Come on now, how can she be a loser? She's really successful and practically a youtube beauty icon.
Strip away your venting and jealousy, turn that mirror on yourself. And you'll see you're the loser.
It is why you vent.
"Come on now, how can she be a loser? She's really successful and practically a youtube beauty icon."
@3:25 She got there on lies and greediness. That makes her a loser.
no babe, we vent because there is money scheming greedy whores out there lying to 10 year old girls. which is, you know, morally know. and its also exactly what lisa did.
Strip away your venting and jealousy, turn that mirror on yourself. And you'll see you're the loser.
It is why you vent."
you're on the sameeeeeeeeeeeee website and us hunny, so get off your high horse.
which is, you know, morally wrong**
LMFAO i cant type for shiteee!
*as us
Go back to approving comments Lisa!!
oh hey lisa, your personality is just like that massive great big shit i just took. just lying there, big and brown and lifeless. yes lisa, thats you. thats you lisa.
Well, first I gotta say...Miami U isn't a loser school, it's legit, but it IS a school where the rich and stuck up flock to. It's all about sororities and Tiffany's and Chanel bags and expensive cars there. It's notorious for being stuck up. I used to go to Ohio University, they're our rivals so maybe I'm a bit biased but my cousin went there and hated it because everyone was so fucking fake.
And to the winner who claims to be "Elle's friend from college" do realize that Elle isn't her real name, no? It's common knowledge that her real name is Lisa and I'm fairly certain she doesn't walk around calling herself Elle to her classmates/housemates.
jamiexdoll is so pathetic, it must be dark and stinky living SO far up blairs ass
Of course I know Elle's real name is Lisa, but she now tries to go by Elle.
where is kaka?
has she overdosed on pot pies?
Please don't tell me that Kalel really believes we base when the winter season ends off of Groundhog Day...
ask me questions bitches :)
"Whats the name of your little sister?
its emily lol
oh shit sorry I forgot about that one! damnit! my bad!!!
wish you could edit these answers
LOL so let me get this straight...according to this "friend" of hers from school everyone knows that Elle's real name is Lisa but now she's trying to go by Elle? Like telling people that's her name and asking people to call her that? If that's true that is just about the lamest thing I've ever heard.
And kind of funny.
you're right. It's actually Elizabeth."
lmao why do people think her name 'blaire'?
Why are people calling those ugly sluts the QVC sisters? Did I miss something?
OMG does Mac send fupacharm EVERY FUCKING THING in every new collection they release??? i just saw her new viva glam gaga and cyndi review and of course she said they were sent to her for free.
i just don't get it. out of all the legit gurus on youtube, they pick her??? i have such a hard time believing it.
if you guys have good Elizabeth pics I can twitpic onto this formspring, let me know!! <3
already did the beer one.. need others.
kandee update:
3:50-Omg LMFAO!!
i'd love to know what drugs kandee takes before she writes these blog entries
So is Lisa trying to get Professors and friends to call her Elle? Does she hand in assignments with Elle written on it?
Flip, I've always felt like fupa says she gets shit sent to her because she's embarrassed about how much money she spends on make up (that, by the way, doesn't improve her face whatsoever) I doubt I'm the only person with that suspicion but I HIGHLY doubt MAC sends her all of that shit. Stilla I believe because her tongue is stuck in their butthole, but MAC? Not so much.
She's spent thousands of dollars on MAC products, I bet she's just ashamed of how much it is and is trying to make excuses. I think MAC would choose to send their products to guru's who are a bit more talented with make up and don't wear glasses that cover up their eyeshadow.
Why would MAC send fupacharm Viva Glam for free when people can't even get it using B2M because ALL profits need to go to the MAC AIDS foundation?
so shady.
4:18 PM - glitter laces with coke
I agree with 4:26. That would all make sense.
The truth behind Fafinettex3 aka Aubrey:
she wish she was that tall LOL
4:27, good point. Daaamn, that is mad shady, and she started that video out with all of these facts about HIV/AIDS and how important it is to buy these lipsticks because each purchase counts. Errr...
Lizzy Tweet:
juicystar007 was i mentioned in seventeen magazine again?! someone said i was?!
Desperate for attention much.
Did anyone hear me,Glittershit Got that condo in NYC she is prancing her fat ass around in from this YT free shit show she does WTF...That bullshit
@5:22 are you so mad that you can't write a complete sentence?
that is so fucked up,that bitch is dumb as hell
I remember on one Blog TV that white trash SaggyTuesday saying she was going to set up a PayPal on her account so people could donate money towards a Chanel bag she wanted, and those insipid morons in the chat were like, yeah set up Paypal, we'll give you money!! Not sure what is more irksome, the fact that the Canadian trash trailer whore
is hitting people up for cash when she's got designer purses coming out of her shit-endrusted ass, or those loser guru-groupies who actually want to give this highly medicated, course, vile whore money!
5 35
are you kidding me? did she really set up a paypal account for her chanel bag?!?!?!?!
What the fuck is up with JuicyStar07's fashion sense? Everything she wears (accessories and clothes) is seriously UGLY! I guess its true what they say.. money can't buy taste.
"She said Johnson did not have full custody of her two youngest children who were with their father."
Told you so, whoever decided to throw a tantrum a couple of posts back about us making that up.
She made it seem like a joke, but when people in the chat were all like, "yeah do it, we'll give you money so you can get a Chanel purse!", she was like, maybe I really will set up an account! I didnt stick around to find out if she really did it, but she put her mailing address up so people could sent her shit, and unbelievably people send her shit all the time! She should be the one sending them shit! She is truly vile
what "green light" is blair speaking of in her new video? it's definitely something taking place in LA, I know that.
WTF sooo pinkie eats like a freeking horse and all mechanical like, as if from years of most efficient eating possible, buffet closes at 6 kids.
LOL IRL I AM DYING. The HAI EVERYWANNN video has captions on it. It says shit like:
"candy why haven a lawyer you can't ignore it"
"the word we were a kid you know wearing everywhere and the why everwhere can be what can rely"
all of that = hai everywan.
wouldn't it be so hilar if kandee went to jail
LMAO the bottom picture of Teresa is so unflattering its not even funny...
does juicytuesday know about this post
lol ppl keep asking andrea if shes bisexual i wish shed answer but oh well she has a right to privacy
I thought she was
i thought she was too but i missed the blogtv where she said she was ...again ppl on this blog love to lie
I don't understand how Kalel's newest video can have 552 ratings and only 333 views?
For some reason, Youtube caps the views at 300 something for the first few hours.
kalel has a new video up?
@6:43 she has a video that was put up a few days ago, but thats the newest one
Please Kai!
A pillowtalk video discussing my current issues with my relationships and my plans for Valentine's Day. This video was recorded over a week ago, but I was too busy to post it. Sorry!!! ENJOY!! :)
how the FUCK was she "TOO BUSY" to put UP A video? all she does is sleep all day and watch dvds all night....
I cant listen to kalel talk since shes had braces.
I commented on Lorraine's video that it was weird that she was dating a 19 year old when she is almost 25. She deleted the comment and blocked me LOL.
Wow so Kandee pleaded guilty? But...but...but according to Kandee the police were out to get her her, the school was lying. Kandee said not to believe everything you read in the newspaper but yet she pleads guilty? Ha ha! Suck on it Kandee. You are a shitty ass mother and your poor son deserves so much better. And for you to then blame him for your lack of parenting shows how much you suck as a human being. Thank God your two youngest are with their dad instead of you. Which by the way the ex having custody leads me to question your story about your ex being a drug addict. Lies, Lies, Lies Kandee.
@6:57 lol
Kandee plead guilty to child neglect?
7:01 she pleaded guilty to the truancy charge. Not sure what is going on with the child neglect charge.
@7:05 is there proof she plead guilty?
she struck a plea bargain, and by pleading guilty to the truancy charges she was let off the child endangerment charges. go to and read the article for the court transcript from today.
she bought her "uncontrollable" 13 year old son a quad bike for his birthday... there ya go everyone who donated! shes having a great time with your money
the article was already posted multiple times. scroll up a few comments for your proof.
Geez tanorexia much? She looks like a leather purse.
Yes there is proof, here is the link.
"she bought her "uncontrollable" 13 year old son a quad bike for his birthday... there ya go everyone who donated! shes having a great time with your money"
Incredible. She really has no scruples.
@7:14 kandee is a horrible mother
Kalel has a newer video up--it's her Winter Favorites video. It says it was uploaded 2 days ago but I'm pretty sure it's been uploaded for that long but..private, maybe? And she just made it public today. Would that make sense?
She was asking for donations to fight the charges and in the end she plead guilty?? smh.. kandee is a con artist.
why the hell does lady kaka keep saying "butt naked" in her latest review so weirdly?
"bukt Neykeed"
"User Image
SDchargersfan wrote:
I was Personally in the court room today, & the prosecuting attorney was not happy with Kandee and her shenanigans. She did not look like a person who was resmorsfull or even had any idea what the seriousness of this situation was. I have also heard she just bought her son a new Quad, & all new gear. Another contradiction from MS Johnson, I was under the impression that she was so broke she could not afford a attorney, thus the reason for the notorious "DONATE" button on her blog, This girl is a bold faced liar, & a master manipulator. She did not learn anything from this tragic story & event. I think the best thing that could have happend to her was to server some time in jail. The worst thing out of all of this, is her son has not been taught any values about the situation, Thank goodness her 2 youngest are with the father most of the time.. THis will be my last comment on this blog.. Kandee you have some growing up to do..."
That's kinda scary she was in the court room with her.
@6:06: yes, she does. She tweeted a picture of her license with her birth date in response, but of course people say it's fake.
Nikkie20six in on blogtv right now
I just watched a video and the girl is like "UMMM UMM UMMMM UUUMM" every other word out her mouth is UMMMMMM. Its like STFUOMG!! It drives me insane.
is nikkie talking about the petrilude drama?
Why is Kai reviewing so many soaps?
enkore is in nikkie's blogtv
that nikki girl looks HIIIIIGHHHHH in da clouds
WTF green eyebrows
lmao @7:22
Why is it creepy that they were there at court house? It's probably someone that lives in the area. There are always people at the court house.
does anyone else find find it irritating when people refer to EVERYTHING as chic or classy?
hayleyistcb does it all of the fucking time. "this sandwich i ate for lunch was so chic"
you're trying too hard, shut up. I the only who noticed just how BAD Kai's skin looks in her new video?! YIKES!
what is a Davey?
let me think for a second
oh, he gets butt-naked
And then he walks through the streets
Winking at the freaks
With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks
What petrilude drama?
@7:58 it's time for her to lay off the Wendy's!!
"i'm bad at reviewing scents, but i'm going to review them anyways..."
ok kai.
"User Image
SDchargersfan wrote:
I was Personally in the court room today, & the prosecuting attorney was not happy with Kandee and her shenanigans. She did not look like a person who was resmorsfull or even had any idea what the seriousness of this situation was. I have also heard she just bought her son a new Quad, & all new gear. Another contradiction from MS Johnson, I was under the impression that she was so broke she could not afford a attorney, thus the reason for the notorious "DONATE" button on her blog, This girl is a bold faced liar, & a master manipulator. She did not learn anything from this tragic story & event. I think the best thing that could have happend to her was to server some time in jail. The worst thing out of all of this, is her son has not been taught any values about the situation, Thank goodness her 2 youngest are with the father most of the time.. THis will be my last comment on this blog.. Kandee you have some growing up to do..."
watch it at 1:05-1:11 oh my god. EXHALE LAUGH
whats the drama with nikkie and petrilude?
If Kailyn was smart, she would look up the perfumes she was reviewing because I'm sure they list the notes on their website..
Anyone else notice that the glimmer in Kai's eye is gone. She seemed to be beaten down in her latest vid. Maybe the blog is getting to her or she seen HaterfulAids vid one to many times.
Petrilude talked crap about bslap cosmetics and nikkie works for them.
8:11 PM - I can see that. I hope she takes what people say about her videos though and changes it to make her videos better...
exhale laugh serious
why are nikkie's brows green?
@8:13 I hope so too. Kai just needs to stop being so stubborn and start taking the constructive criticism seriously. She will always bring the lulz though.
How in the world does Lisa have time to go home again this weekend? She was just there!
shes going home again?
watch kai's vid with youtube's "audio caption" option on.
How can elle miss so much school?
I don't understand why MakeupByTiffanyD gets so much lipstick and lipgloss when she doesn't hardly have any lips. She really annoys me how she waxes on about using Sigma and then sits in front of a row of probably $1000 shoes.
It is most colleges spring break the 8-12...
i understand that ppl can get homesick but elle spends more time away from school than away from home
I seriously wonder if she already has left school for the year. And is now pretending to be at school while all along she has been at her parents. I wouldn't put it past her to continue to twitter about school and homework even though she is at home. Hell I can see her driving down the road and vlog as if she was on her "road trip" home.
I dont believe tiffanyd likes sigma as much as she claims
Oh lord, Lil Kai Kaiz reviewing more Etsy crap.
I kinda feel bad for her. She obviously reads the blog and ~hater comments~ because she always addresses it. "I know some people don't like my review videos", poor Lil Kai Kaiz :(
I agree LisaHater!
@8:34 ive been thinking the same thing. i wouldnt be shocked if she takes online school like blair
sorry for the double post
I'm totally becoming a KaiKai cheerleader. I love underdogs. She's so clueless sometimes it brings out my maternal instinct. It's ok baby KaiKai. We lubs you.
Maybe I'm a freak but I want to go rescue her from fat fucktard Davey and enroll her in community college so she can make something of herself.
why is lisaelle going home again?
@8:53 PM- probably because its a lot of colleges spring break during that time.
kai kai > all those other fupa queens
one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesnt belong
kai kai > all those other fupa queens
We may be hard on you KaiKaiz but we love ya! You'll always be more entertaining to watch that lizzy and lisa!
how did nat become a finalist for that?
A new haiii everywan video of kaka impersonation
does anyone the picture where juicytuesday shows her ID?
@ Kirsten (LOL this was a long time ago).
Kai's only reviewing tons of Etsy soaps because that's all she can leech for free from random sellers.
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