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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kalel = Kristin ?!

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We all know, based off of the very dramatic video that "Kalel" (QueenBeeuty) posted, that "Kalel Cullen" is not actually her real name. She felt like she needed to come clean though, because since Kalel is not a name she gave herself until after high school, someone she graduated with may have come forward and called her out, had she not admitted it herself. Not really a big deal, I suppose most of us were probably getting used to the fact that many bigger gurus were lying about their names. We all assumed "Kalels" birth name would be something really ugly and embarrassing (as she implied) and several people came on this blog saying they knew her and what her real name was, but no one could ever really supply any proof.

Fast forward to yesterday, when she posted a twitpic of her and her boyfriend, Nick;

Probably not the best idea on her part, because now knowing what he looks like, that his name is Nick, and that he lives in Missouri, someone was able to find his facebook;

Which lead to finding out Kalel's birthname;

Kristin Smith

She has commented on Nick's facebook several times, pretty much giving us all the proof we needed to believe that this is actually her real name;

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Interestingggg. Although I doubt you can see it anymore, but on both Nick's facebook and myspace he was listed as single, even though Kristin refers to him as her boyfriend. HAH.

Anyone wanna take bets on if/how long itll take her to delete her videos and disappear for a while again?

Honestly, I don't care that her name isn't really Kalel, but she wants so badly to become an actress and to make it big in Hollywood, well, this is what happens when you're "famous". Also, I had completely forgotten about this until now, but Kristin's blog was the first time I had ever heard about Blair and Elle's real names.

She wrote an entire blog entry (now deleted)about the Blair/Elizabeth Elle/Lisa watergate scandal (lulz) and chastising them for not coming clean, lying, deceiving, etc. Ironic, isn't it? ;)However, even though we all know that Kalel lovessss deleting everything she's ever done on the internet, an intelligent person realizes that anything you put on the internet, whether you end up deleting it or not, was public information and just because you delete it doesn't mean that it's gone forever. Case in point, the blog entry in which she basically criticized "elle" and "blair" for using fake names. As previously mentioned, it was deleted, but someone saved Kalel's aforementioned blog entry back during the winter when "kalel" was acting like "Blair's" BFF;

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Get it gurlll


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

third =]

Needle said...

Hahahahahahahaa 24%!?!?! Holy fuck, I feel sorry for your relationship already, "Kalel".

That and, well, he seems like an annoying douche who doesn't want to settle down and be in love just yet, anyway.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol i love the first pic. donald trump is kristin's muse.

Anonymous said...

YOU GUIZ, PEOPLE KNOWING HER BIRTH NAME IS GONNA MAKE HER GET JUMPED! Oh wait.. she never leaves her house unless it's to go over her boyfriend's house to clean it.

Anonymous said...

That first pic is snaggletooth EPIC LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what she will do when she sees this post.

Anonymous said...

God shes ugly

Anonymous said...

kristin reminds me of

Anonymous said...

Did she delete her twitter???

Needle said...

@6:08 LOL LIES!

She also shops! Grocery shopping is hard werk u guiz, you never know when you're gonna get mugged in the lunchables isle!!

Needle said...

aisle*, 'cause I feel like correcting myself today.

Anonymous said...

She eats lunchables? Good god those are horrible for you haha
what are we, 5?

Kristen said...


Have you seen her "kitchen" tour? It's really just her showing what she keeps in this mini fridge in her room, and it's all processed shit like Lunchables and Capri Sun. lolololol

I love this post. :D

Anonymous said...

i'm surprised you didn't add how she is a hypocrite for saying blair and elle were liars.

Anonymous said...

if kalel cries about her ocd in a video, she's going to be bawling her beady little eyes out when she sees this. i hope her bf will comfort her instead of trolling on myspace for ass.

Anonymous said...

No I didn't see that video, because I truly can't tollerate to watch more than 2 seconds of her. It is painful.

Anonymous said...

@6:14 doubtful. i wonder how many times he has cheated on her. i don't even know the kid and can tell he has no plans of wanting to settle down right now. how can she not see that?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what she's going to do now. Quit, keep going and address it (with more lies like the "I am a Liar" vid), or she's going to ignore it. Hmmm..can't wait to see lol

Anonymous said...

"how can she not see that?"
low self-esteem, low self-worth.

flipadelphia. said... it.

i've been holding on to that 1st picture for awhile now. i actually almost deleted all my fav. lulz worthy screencaps of the orange ant. now i'm glad i didn't!! ;)

Anonymous said...

i dont care that she wanted a "nickname" for youtube but why go out of your why and lie again saying you luegally changed your name to kalel cullen a long time ago when you didnt? lol pathetic. just covering lies with more lies.

Needle said...

What's the first picture? I don't think it's working for me? O.o

Where's it linked from?

Anonymous said...

Damn! This is the best post yet!!!

Anonymous said...

kalel/kristin should get herself a social life. all of these girls on youtube could probably have some friends and a boyfriend if they just went out and put themselves out there.

having 12 year olds compliment you and tell you you're pretty must get old. how empty.

Anonymous said...

Yup. So much better than boring Phanny.

Anonymous said...

somewhere on my computer i copy and pasted some of the conversation we trolls had with her many months ago, i'll try and see if i can find any nuggets of lies luuulz

Anonymous said...

damn that snaggle tooth in the first pic almost makes you miss seeing that huge forehead hiding under that combover.
bad choice on getting braces kristin. now your conehead is gonna stand out more then ever.
i dont know of any actresss who only wear their hair in the same style over and over again.

flipadelphia. said...

i didn't even notice you posted my other pic at the bottom.. :D

thanks camille!

Needle said...

LOL you know what's odd? I just checked Kalel's new video out and it's "childhood makeup".

I remember a few days ago we were talking about kid "gurus", kids wearing makeup, and those Tinkerbell lines, and I mentioned the Tinkerbell makeup I had as a kid, too.

And all of a sudden Kalel's doing a video on kid makeup?

U sew ariginel, bb.

flipadelphia. said...

needle: here is the first pic-

i'm just waiting for the 20 other fail ripoff blogs to steal my pics and use camille's post as their own. =/

oh well. no one visits their blogs anyway =)

Anonymous said...

FLIP you've gotten screencapping down to an art. lolz.

Anonymous said...

we need to watermark the pics. lulz

word verification: slaco hahahahha

Anonymous said...

I agree, Camille you need to add how she was talking about 'blair and elle' using fake names!


Anonymous said...

i wonder if her "boyfriend" knows she does youtube vids and knows she tells everyone he's her boyfriend. he's listed as single everywhere and not one single picture of her on facebook or myspace. kinda odd. didnt kristin say they were in like a 4 year relationship? i guess hes the best she could get. not many guys like fake lying annoying girls.

Anonymous said...

From the Ustream:

12:10 KalelCullen: I would tell you guys my birthname
12:10 KalelCullen: But I really don't feel like hearing it
12:10 KalelCullen: I changed it because I hated it

Anonymous said...

camille you should add a screencap of that blog post where she says "i am a huge believer of never telling a lie" followed by a screencap of where she says she legally changed her name to kalel cullen years ago

Anonymous said...

12:10 missy2010: what made you come forward with the lies you told?
12:10 juicycharm: Did you even legally change your name though?
12:10 KalelCullen: Because as hard as it is for you guys to believe
12:11 KalelCullen: I am a VERY truthful person
12:11 juicycharm: I mean... Someone was going to the court house in MO to check.
12:11 KalelCullen: When I lie, it bothers me
12:11 KalelCullen: It eats away at me
12:11 juicycharm: but you keep lying. :| right.
12:11 KalelCullen: See...but that is CRAZY to me
12:11 KalelCullen: Why do you guys care to that extreme?
12:11 KalelCullen: No, I do not keep lying
12:11 KalelCullen: I haven't told a lie since that video was posted
12:11 juicycharm: gurrrllll.

Anonymous said...

he knows. she's said he watches her videos and blogtvs before.

Anonymous said...|aim|dl3|link3|


Anonymous said...

lol nick jones made his wall private. luckily i added him as a friend yesterday and he accepted. i can still see it lmao.

lesson number one quit trying to increase your number of "friends" on facebook by adding total strangers hahaha sometimes you gotta learn things the hard way!

Anonymous said...


Some asian site saved some of Kalel's old videos!

Anonymous said...

"why do you guys care to that extreme?"
hmmm how about you're getting money based off lies. i'd rather give my views to someone who is 100% truthful in their life and not fake.

Anonymous said...

12:10 KalelCullen: Because as hard as it is for you guys to believe
12:11 KalelCullen: I am a VERY truthful person

12:11 KalelCullen: No, I do not keep lying
12:11 KalelCullen: I haven't told a lie since that video was posted

what a liar!!!! as soon as that video was posted a few days later she wrote a long blog post saying she legally changed her name to kalel a long time ago.

someone needs to make a youtube vid and expose this liar

Anonymous said...

12:20 KalelCullen: You really think my reviews seem phony? I'm very honest about them...
12:20 KalelCullen: I say when I don't like things, I don't care if the company gets mad

LOL hay guiz, apparently then HMS *does* have "high-quality" clothes

Anonymous said...

"We'll only work with a company if the clothes are something we would go out and spend our own money on," says Blair.

You forgot they have to pay you hundreds of dollars.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a negative review from Kristin.

Anonymous said...

12:20 KalelCullen: How am I NOT honest?
12:20 ouchthatburns: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
12:21 ouchthatburns: OH LET ME COUNT THE WAYS
12:21 KalelCullen: Yes it is a serious question
12:21 KalelCullen: I'm SO honest that it gets me into trouble
12:21 KalelCullen: ex: blair, elle, aubrey
12:21 KalelCullen: ex: coming forward with my lies

Anonymous said...

Aww...poor Kristin. In her skincare vid, she said acne ruined her life.

Anonymous said...

"We'll only work with a company if the clothes are something we would go out and spend our own money on," says Blair."

Too bad she just did a video saying out of all the companies she has reviewed, this is the first company she would actually purchase stuff from with her own money.

Anonymous said...

@6:38 PM did you add him on your real account or a troll account???

Anonymous said...

im too lazy to make a troll fb, although thats probably a good idea

Anonymous said...

Nice post, Camille. Way better than the Michelle post :)

Anonymous said...

12:21 KalelCullen: I'm SO honest that it gets me into trouble
12:21 KalelCullen: ex: blair, elle, aubrey
12:21 KalelCullen: ex: coming forward with my lies

While she lists those people as examples, she now kisses Blair's ass and tried to do the same to Elle, but Elle won't give her the time of day. She's a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

hahahahah id be so embarrased knowing i had a video like that on the internet of myself. what was kristen doing in the hotmiamistyle video? posing? it looked like she was about to have a seizure and needed medical attention the way she was boppong around and moving her head and that awkward grin

Anonymous said...

I love how we can finally call Kristin by her real name, after months of wondering.

Anonymous said...

Loving this post Camille. That first screen cap is hilarious Flip!

Anonymous said...

lets all take a second to lol at the fail blogs that keep trying to copy us. i looked at that one fail blog that came here and said everyone hated this blog and how they were "bigger and better." ZERO COMMENTS ON ALL OF YOUR POSTS, BITCHHHH! Suck on that.

Anonymous said...

I think the Michelle post would have been more exciting right after the whole lancome thing took off (and of course when we found the xanga entries), because everyone had an opinion on the whole animal testing/emophan/bragging. *That* would've been a great time to have a post on her. After a month or two or however long it's been since it happened, it lost all its momentum. :/ Either way, it's done, moving on.

Anonymous said...

Kai posted a her april favorites.

notce how she thinks the colossal mascara smells like "beer" at 1:21.

It's called a floral scent lilkaikaiz

Anonymous said...


lisa looks so sickly in your pic

Anonymous said...

she would know what beer smells like.

Anonymous said...

I'm at the tudou site and don't see the hot miami styles vid. whats the link?

Anonymous said...

OMG kailyn!! Are you ACTUALLY trying to tell us what Favorite videos are like WE'RE retarded??

Anonymous said...

@6:53 Ya she does! But that's her natural bare face! Screen capped from her recent benefit video.

Anonymous said...

HOLY FUCK at Kai's hair in her April Favorites video. She cannot pull off the look of having all her hair back. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Best post everrrr

Anonymous said...

someone needs to find "kalels" ocd vid. that vid gave me the most laughs especially her fake tears at the end trying to get attention and sympathy

Anonymous said...

lol kristin made that hot miami styles vid and disguised it as a "find your perfect valentines day dress" vid. she didnt even mention she got that stuff sent to her for free.
i bet she spent 12 hours recording and editing that crappy video. too.
her videos are so heavily rehearsed and edited she needs to try being herself. if she even knows who she is.

Needle said...

@flip Oh, thanks... I wonder why that one isn't showing up in the post for me.

@6:28 SRSLY! Whenever I try to screencap, it takes me like 5 tries to get a clear picture that isn't blurry. You should have seen when I was trying to screen cap that photo of kimi's dirty underwear... I almost gave up! My screen looked so nasty with 6 blurry shoots open while I tried to figure out the clearest one.

Anonymous said...

Nick is wearing the same grey striped hoodie in Kristin's casino picture and in his FB picture. There's no denying it's her now.

Anonymous said...

Kai is unbelievably annoying in this video, like much more so than usual.

Kristen said...

That Colossal Lash mascara that Kai raves about made my eyelashes look horrible. I hate it. :(

Anonymous said...

I've been noticing through several Kaivids that when she gestures to something, she always pats it or taps it several times.

Anonymous said...

'kalel' looks better as a kristin than this weird ass superman name she dubbed herself. bitch is crazy.

Needle said...

@7:04 I've never tried it, once you find your favorite mascara, it's like you're so afraid to spend any money trying out anything different, lol.

@7:04 Yeah, I notice whenever she tries to hold something up and talk about it, she moves it away-and-toward the screen multiple times, like that's going to emphasize her point. Like, geez Kai, you don't need to shake it up.

Personally I can't watch her videos when they first go up. I have to wait a few hours until they become clearer for the full effect of the lulz.

Anonymous said...

12:27 missy2010: why dont you call elizabeth & lisa by their real names?
12:27 ouchthatburns: honey, not any of ours sry2say.
12:27 KalelCullen: I'm not positive they're moving there
12:27 KalelCullen: But she's mentioned to me that she wants to
12:28 juicycharm: she didn't tell you what the meetings were for?
12:28 jpj791: It was from blair's personal facebook
12:28 KalelCullen: No not really
12:28 KalelCullen: I don't do facebook

She doesn't do facebook ;)

Anonymous said...

all the people telling kai to wear her hair back in a ponytail...big mistake.

Needle said...

I will have to say, though, IDK if it was just coincidence or she really thought about it, but the ONE possibly smart think Kristin did was change her first name to something beginning with the same letter. I remember all that big to-do over Elle's keychain saying "L" instead of "E", and when I saw Kalel's room tour a long time ago, I thought, "maybe she really DID change her name legally/goes by that name all the time--her vanity DOES have a K intitial on it".

Anonymous said...

kristen smith's "boyfriend" looks like such a douche. posing with his shirt held up to show off his abs in his profile pic lmao

Anonymous said...

"OMG kailyn!! Are you ACTUALLY trying to tell us what Favorite videos are like WE'RE retarded??"

Kai was totally copying Lizzy with that and they both look like dumbassess for explaning what a fave video is.

April 29, 2010 7:00 PM


Needle said...

Lol, hey Kalel, I think I found a box of those old Bonne Bell lipsticks you were talking about in your video a little while ago.

Would you like them? I'll send them to you!

(They smell pretty fucking asstastic now, tho.)

Anonymous said...

Getting ready to post a new QB video! :)

38 minutes ago via web

EXCITING KRISTIN! Too bad it wont be up for days.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

12:33 juicycharm: is it rachel? you look like a rachel.
12:35 KalelCullen: Sure
12:35 maclove314: Is that what your parents call you?
12:35 juicycharm: Alrighty.
12:35 liins: that's why they want to know your real name. because no one thinks you actually legally changed your name to Kalel Cullen.
12:35 sexybiatchhh: people would have more respect for you if you jsu come out with all the lies
12:35 KalelCullen: No, my parents call me by my birthname
12:35 sexybiatchhh: just* sorry
12:35 KalelCullen: I DID come out with the lies
12:35 maclove314: What do your friends call you?
12:35 juicycharm: That's partially true. If you'd just say it yourself, it'd be better.
12:36 sexybiatchhh: my damn comp keys keep sticking
12:36 KalelCullen: My friends call me Kal

Really, Kristin? They call you "Kal"? Jeez, you are a lying machine!

Needle said...

@7:27 ooooh this is lulzy.

This image... what?

And omg, this quote:

"I was just messing around with different looks today and came up with this! I've really been wanting to do a more punk rock, crazy kind of eye for a while now! I wish I would've filmed it, because I ..."

Bitch, how the fuck is your makeup "punk rock"? That's a type of music, not a fucking makeup style.

Also lulz:

"So I've officially been awake for over 24 hours. My OCD is getting worse and worse! I'm in this phase now where I cannot go to bed until I accomplish every task on that day's to-do list; even if it m..."

Oh Kristin, I feel soooooo sorry for you! Let's cry moar!

Anonymous said...

OCD for a day
A production video letting you guys into my world for a day. I hope after watching this video people will not only understand me better, but others who suffer from this as well. ENJOY!! :)

nooo i haven't
I can't find it

Anonymous said...

12:33 KalelCullen: I don't understand why you want to know so badly?
12:33 KalelCullen: It's just a name.
12:34 maclove314: Then why is it such a big deal to you??
12:34 jpj791: Personally I just want to know elle and blair's secrets lol...
12:34 juicycharm: because it's hard to take your "stage name" seriously.
12:34 sexybiatchhh: what did you want to about kalel?
12:34 juicycharm: kalel.... cullen.... really?
12:34 KalelCullen: Yes really
12:34 KalelCullen: I like it
12:34 ouchthatburns: yeah.......cullen? in 10 years?
12:34 KalelCullen: I'm sorry if you don't
12:34 juicycharm: Petunia Picklebottom.
12:34 KalelCullen: When I changed it, Twilight was NOT big
12:34 KalelCullen: I didn't expect it to be
12:35 juicycharm: Did you even legally change it?
12:35 KalelCullen: Yes
12:35 juicycharm: So it'd be in the court records.
12:35 KalelCullen: Sure

Anonymous said...

does anyone have a cahced link to kristins blog the one where she wrote that long sob story about how shes never gonna lie again and then in the next sentance lied and said her legal naem was kalel cullen. didnt she say she had it changed since she was 15?

Anonymous said...

12:35 juicycharm: So it'd be in the court records.
12:35 KalelCullen: Sure

I'm pretty sure responding to a question with "sure" means your lying.

Anonymous said...

"12:20 KalelCullen: How am I NOT honest?
12:20 ouchthatburns: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
12:21 ouchthatburns: OH LET ME COUNT THE WAYS
12:21 KalelCullen: Yes it is a serious question"

LOL I remember that! I had a stand off with her on Ustream.

Anonymous said...

12:41 butterflybb: have you legally changed your name and if yes at what age
12:41 liins: i think people would be fine with you saying whatever you want if you didn't go back on it. if you wanna have a bitchy moment, have a bitchy moment. but own up to it.
12:41 KalelCullen: Yes, 18

Anonymous said...

when did twilight start getting big?
first she says she changed it way before twilight was ever big and then she said at 18 which was just 3 years ago.

Anonymous said...

smiths hot miami styles vid is being uploaded on yt as we speak
why shud i title it?

Anonymous said...

kristin is full of it she just started youtube like a year ago and she was 20 when she started and she knows damn well she never ever went by the name "kalel cullen" before that let alone legally changed it 3 years ago

Anonymous said...

i made it a response to juicytuesdays hms vid

Anonymous said...

@7:47 make sure you put in the sidebar how she never even mentioned she got that stuff sent for free. and copy what she wrote in her sidebar about it being "high quality" "worn by some of the hottest girls in hollywood" and then put in how juicytuesday came out and said that company asks you to only give a positive review on ther items

Anonymous said...

ok you guise i posted it as a response to juicytuesdays hotmiami styles vid but i think juicy has to approve it first
i hope she does ;)
do you guys rememeber, juicy likes queenbeeuty?
so she might not approve it

Anonymous said...

my verification word = phanscrw

as in phanny screwing her viewers

Needle said...

Lol ohhey Kimitoxxic, I saw your ulta haul! Don't lie, none of your friends are "gothic and punk", those scenes died out years ago.

You're just mallgoths, the relics from the 90's and early 00's, it's ok.

Anonymous said...

god lorraine, WEAR A BRA. i can't believe she talks smack on juicytuesday when her tits sag just as much.

Anonymous said...

why do i only see part of the hms video? is there a part two?

Anonymous said...

sorry guysss
i could capture on the half of vid
im going to try get the other half

Anonymous said...

1:04 butterflybb: so kalel sorry but did you or didnt you legally change your name? you never answered
1:04 juicycharm: someone checked and there is no kalel cullen in their records.
1:04 KalelCullen: You're full of
1:04 sexybiatchhh: can your turn on guest chat dear
1:04 jpj791: lmao
1:04 hollzzy: that would be hiding it though
1:05 KalelCullen: That information belongs to the county
1:05 KalelCullen: They can't release it
1:05 hollzzy: omg craizes
1:05 butterflybb: its pulic info hun my dads an attorney
1:05 juicycharm: Public records.
1:05 hollzzy: crazies
1:05 KalelCullen: Not to mention, you would have to know what county I live in

Anonymous said...

1:07 butterflybb: ok kalel so i take it your not going to answer my question? if you were lying saying you legally changed your name?
1:07 KalelCullen: I had about 20 people message me about it
1:07 maclove314: Trust. If she went to Mizzou, she's from St. Louis lmao
1:08 liins: maybe she didn't go to mizzou
1:08 KalelCullen: No...I DID change my name.

Anonymous said...

The QVC sisters are receiving hate right now in the comments for the article about them in Stylist Magazine. Go check it out once you get bored with Kristen. The link is in the chat box and on Blair's twitter.

Anonymous said...

Whoever buys those 'swarovski crystal' shit from that website that Kai bought hers from is an IDIOT.

Needle said...

@8:17 Agreed, just go to and get that generic crap for $1 or something, lol!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The giggling, the gyrating! LOFL

Needle said...


I remember when that song was on the radio...I'm so glad it's not anymore, eugh.

That was so awkwardddd.

Anonymous said...

That fucking

britchfit said...

i think its interesting because in the video she just put up today she says what state she lives in.. i think she has some issues

Anonymous said...

her username is sexygirl..... dying.

Anonymous said...

to the person that is posting all these convos from when kristin came to this blog to "chat" can you look for the part where she says if a company sends you free productts or pays you OBVIOUSLY you're opinion will be biased

i remember her saying that and right there she is basically admitting she is not 100% honest in her reviews
and also the part where she said hot miami styles paid her for that video

Needle said...

@fupacharm Did you look at the only other video on her channel? I was hoping for lulz but.... omg ewwwww. It's even worse than that one. :(

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

All the big name gurus are fucking lame lorraine is a old washed up whore...Juicytuesday is a biker bitch with the skin to prove it! Tiffanyld is a walking face with a huge cock and jayleno chin. Michele1218 wants to have a cock on her face but looks just like a old pidgeon. pinkiecharms wants us to think she is sweet and nice now but the cow is still a stuck up heffer! Natneagle Is a uneducated whitetrash pig that wants us to think she is a good mom when we all see her treat her daughter like shit on blog. and Kalel (kristen) cullen a crazy insane should be locked up person that nedds mental help for everything! So what do all these morons have in common you ask? they are Liars and FAKE ASS bitches that use the internet to lie and cheat there way to the top..the top of what you ask 5 mins of fame on YT LULZ how pathetic!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i really dont know who needs more mental help kristin smith or molly
im no doctor but i really think kristin has many more disorders and psychological problems then molly

Anonymous said...

to 8:34

12:17 juicycharm: keeping it a secret only makes it seem more shady.
12:17 KalelCullen: So then why is it your business to know how much?
12:17 KalelCullen: I don't keep it a secret
12:17 KalelCullen: I always say when something is sent to me
12:17 missy2010: money can influence your opinion
12:17 ouchthatburns: no ones asking you to state exact dollar amounts...i dont think that was ever the issue
12:17 ouchthatburns: exactly missy
12:17 juicycharm: Word.
12:18 KalelCullen: I think getting free products in general would be thought to influence opnions
12:18 ouchthatburns: so then....are your opinions obviously influenced?
12:18 missy2010: yep
12:18 KalelCullen: I don't agree to review something unless I like it
12:19 KalelCullen: I only get the free products in exchange

Needle said...


But she totally got it BEFORE she found out what happened with her "baby"...riiight. I don't think she could wait long enough before sharing a "hull".

And why MAC again? I thought she loooooved the dolla tree stuff better!

Anonymous said...

hey why did you take down kristin's hms video?? are you making another one?

Anonymous said...

12:17 KalelCullen: I always say when something is sent to me

another lie

i rewatched the full version of the hot miami styles video and she never ever said she got that junk sent for free

Anonymous said...

I thought this was pretty lulzy:

1:21 jpj791: kalel what was your major?
1:21 KalelCullen: My major was pysch
1:22 KalelCullen: *psych

Anonymous said...

someone else on youtube put up part of kalels hms video back in january.

Anonymous said...

You know that bitch is either going to disappear or lie up and down and say that her name really is legally changed. I just want this orange ant to leave Youtube.

Anonymous said...

The tags for her kitchen tour video. You are what you Kristin! Tags: kitchen fridge tour fruit snacks pop tarts ramen noodles juice pepsi queenbeeuty kalelcullentv

Anonymous said...

*thats supposed to say, you are what you EAT kristin!

Anonymous said...

new kristin video

Anonymous said...

forgot the linky

Anonymous said...

Her hair part isn't even on the top of her head lol...

Anonymous said...

Make sure you show that your a 00 ohhk kristin!

Needle said...

LULZ Kristin I know you lurk here just like half the other garooos, why won't you address the fact that we know you're real name, too?!

Oh man, the chick who wears lame old mom boots from Kohl's with tights and printed shirts is doing another fashion video. This should be fun.

At least she released it when there are no ads up on it yet! :D

Needle said...

Quick translation of Kristen's new video:

"Hay guiz I bought these jeans for $30 and I don't know if they're in style or not? I think they look cool even though they're soooo early 2000's. But they're still cool, rite? Tell me they're cool so I don't have buyer's remorse!"

Personally I agree with those "parents". Buy some cheap jeans/jeans you know will fit you, take a razor blade and some cardboard, and save yourself some money and/or discomfort. Or like, maybe actually do shit in your jeans besides "looking cool", so they get tears the natural way? IDK IDK

Anonymous said...

I doubt kalel will addressthis cuz she knows she won't be able to redeem herself soo it's better to just ignore it lol

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

kai during what she calls her "goth phase" she even has the armwarmers she mentioned in her goatman vid

Conservative Kailyn! Not even as much of an ankle showing!

kai is a sexy guitar chick,so theductive

Anonymous said...

lol @the pic where kai is wearing her 50s glasses, remember when she put those on and talked in the infamous british accent? "hello! how are you?!"

Anonymous said...

davey loves kais british accent.

Anonymous said...

LOL Everyone skip to 1:19 in Kailyns video, she says her mascara smells like beer. WTF?

Anonymous said...

oh kai, didn't you say you didn't touch alcohol because you're not 21 yet ;)

Anonymous said...

"I bought all these products myself & was not paid by this company to endorse anything at this time : )"

Not EVER, Jenna.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO I just sent that nasty fat girl whos shaking her "booty meat" a message on youtube telling her about us. And I quote;

"Hey, I just thought I'd let you know, you're quickly becoming a complete mockery on a blog that talks trash on people. Here's the link.

You've been gotten. Fail! Have a nice day lard ass.


Anonymous said...

More kai goodness

Put ur mouse over the pic and see what she named them

t-pain xo

Needle said...

@9:43 In case you didn't realize, those videos are from 2008. Good luck getting noticed.

And chances are she was ridiculed for those videos a long time ago, and has removed them from her REAL account. Those are probably uploaded by someone like us, who downloads stupid videos just to reupload them and get more lulz at the REAL video maker's expense.

Needle said...


They don't work in firefox. :(

Anonymous said...


FUCK epic fail on my part.

Anonymous said...

Wow Kai actually used to be a decent size in the one wearing a black tank top and black shorts. Minus the tad bit of muffin top, she actually had a fairly decent body.

Anonymous said...

There are mad fuckers on YT and the internet in general. If safeguarding your privacy/safety means you use an alias on YT then so fuckin be it!

The last thing you need is some idiot trying to fuckin stalk your ass!!

I write a beauty blog and TRY and keep my private life PRIVATE! Some people try and act like they're your fuckin best friend when all you have in common with the vast majority is damn make up!

Who's the STALKER who went out of their way to track down her boy's FB page?!!


Anonymous said...

Oh lawd, gtfo.

Anonymous said...

Kailyn calls herself skinny in her bio lololol

Anonymous said...

9:50 but look at her face in that pic D:

t-pain xo

Anonymous said...

kai and "kalel" should become friends. they seriously have so much in common:

- no friends in real life
- loser douche boyfriends
- never leave their home except to meet their douche boyfriends or go to the store
- they are adults but still live with their parents and dont pitch in even one cent towards rent
- not in school and unemployed
- sit around the house all day petting their animal or watching tv
- no real future plans just fairytale fantasies that will never come true of hollywood or becoming a big time mua

they really are two peas in a pod

Anonymous said...

9:53- I said nothing about Kais face. She has a horrifying face.

Needle said...

@9:45 OH you meant the filenames! I thought she was somehow semi-intelligent enough to add mouseover comments on her images, lulz.

@9:48 (the other one... not me) lol it's cool. I'm always careful with those types of videos, because sometimes I see something lulzy, and I want to snoop around the rest of their youtube and... I see nothing related at all, just like a few videos from a year ago or something, lol.

@9:51 I actually like this comment: "Some people try and act like they're your fuckin best friend when all you have in common with the vast majority is damn make up!" LOL so true, most of the beauty gurus act like they can fucking bond over their latest HULL.

Just 'cause you're careful enough doesn't mean others are, or want to be, and that's not our fault.

Needle said...

Kai had pretty hair when it wasn't so mullet-y and/or short, lol.

I mean, that's not a really great style but it's very thick and full.

Anonymous said...

"Who's the STALKER who went out of their way to track down her boy's FB page?!!"

It kinda just sounded like the person merely recognized him, not zomg had to go through every nick that lives in MO. js

Anonymous said...

"If safeguarding your privacy/safety means you use an alias on YT then so fuckin be it!"

i agree! what i dont agree with is lying. if someone wants a nickname for youtube how hard is it for them to simply say "i use a nickname"
obviously pretty hard since it took lisa and lizzy almost a year to admit they use a nickname and kristin still cant admit it. she had to lie and pretend she legally changed her name a few years ago and that her imaginary friends call her "kal".
she lied. thats what bothers people. people dont like liars especially liars who pretend they are "coming clean" only to lie all over again.

Anonymous said...

the file names are awesome: cutiebootykai, toohot hahahha

Anonymous said...

Kailyn looked pretty with long hair. Its a shame it's short. Why doesnt she realize that?

Anonymous said...

haha i didnt even see this page!

kais old bf

Needle said...

@10:11 LOL yeah, I was just thinking, gee, I wonder what he looks like now.

I mean, they both look awkward, but they're in their early-mid teens, and most people in that age do. Kai just...hasn't really grown out of it yet, lulz. I wonder how far this kid's moved on!

Anonymous said...

Is Kai a legit makeup artist??? Because she scares the shit out of me and I wouldn't let her near my face. I have nightmares about her creeper smile...

Anonymous said...

Is that Andrew? I remember he called her and threatened to kill himself so Kai started laughing at him and Davey was egging him on to do it.

Needle said...

@10:17 lol if by "professional" you mean "completed a 40 hour totez PR0 makeup course", then yes, she's a professional.

@fupa WHAT EXPLAIN MOAR PLZ. I kind of remember this, but mostly I don't. Apparently that redhead kid's name is Sean though.

Anonymous said...

ben is back

Anonymous said...

didnt kalel get a whole ton of subscribers when she uploaded that im a liar vid and the other vids she made to clear her consious?
i wonder how those subscribers would feel if they knew she was lying thru her snaggly teeth the whole time looking for attention and trying to come off as such a good honest person whos learned from her mistakes

Anonymous said...

4 Glam Squatters gone!!!

Five new squatters!

t-pain xo

Anonymous said...

ahaha i think i just found kalels random:im a liar vid! one sec

Anonymous said...

Lulz. When Kai was on BlogTV a few months ago, her exboyfriend Andrew called her. He's autistic, apparently. Andrew was hinting about getting back together and she kept talking about Davey. All of a sudden, he started talking about killing himself. We told her to call his parents or tell her mom and she just laughed. She started mocking him and then Davey came in. He was making fun of Andrews autistim and telling him to just do it already. He's a piece of shit tbh.

Kai had the whole thing recorded before she deleted her old BlogTV account.

Anonymous said...

KAI how did you smell beer?? From your mommy's red cup?

captcha: nuting = what kai is doing.

Anonymous said...

i called out kristin on twitter she deleted me as a follower :)

Anonymous said...

I remember that blogtv. People were really begging kai and she just kept laughing! She was showing some true colors.

Needle said...

@10:35 LULZ Me too! It's k, I never noticed her tweets anyway, they were always boring and she never listened to anyone except her best intertubes frendz, like chris crocker, lulz.

It's cool, we can still @ to her.

@fupacharm WTF that's messed up. And she acts so nice to that weirdo jellybean guy, too, who has another mental/physical illness. And then to RECORD it and keep it on your channel? Like you're proud of it?

Anonymous said...

i think that sean guy was kai's cyber boyfriend

Anonymous said...

So Kai you want more pink nail polish in the same color?? WTF!!!

Anonymous said...

someone put up the pic of kalel blog talking about blair/elle

does anyone have it ?

Needle said...

@10:48 Well duh! Just like she always has/needs so many lipglosses and lipsticks in the same type of pink colors, lol.

Anonymous said...|main|dl3|link3|

blair & elle were featured on AOL's front page (as well as thecurrentcustom Lorraine was mentioned in the article). Yeah, great shit to open your browser too...

tlaxseea said...


I have the blog post of what kristin wrote about elle/balir.

I'm too lazy to post it up though.

I use to follow kristin's blog so her post about the qvc sisters are in my blog following list.

Anonymous said...

post it please tlaxseea!! :)

Anonymous said...

sooo, did only 7 people audition for the glamsquad?

Anonymous said...

the glam squad fell apart after kai f'd up her day in the life lol

I need to vent.. said...

1116, sooo true. after all the negative shit from kais sad excuse for a day in the life vid, shit just snowballed downhill

yes, 7 people auditioned lulz. we all should have.

i cant believe dustin quit, i thought it was his collab channel to begin with?

man, must be a slow news day if ellen and balir are being features

Anonymous said...

look how good kimi looks without all the crazy make up

Anonymous said...

9 people auditioned

6(new people)+1(original member)+2(alternates)=9


im a dork

Anonymous said...

*look how good kimi looks with angles

Anonymous said...

the make up is helping too

I need to vent.. said...

oh haha i just saw 7 entries. jk then :P

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Kimi will end up deleting that video.

Anonymous said...

damn kimis a sexy cutie

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

awww looks whos on blogTV again.. hollyannaeree, surprise surprise shes not being bitchy today. whoever led her to this blog to read comments about her did a good job. now she sounds fake

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

which video fupa?

Anonymous said...


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