So Saturday rolled around, and as usual, Kai waited until as late as possible to upload her video to the glam squad channel. However, before she did that, she uploaded a vlog to her lilkaikaiz channel. She explained that she was sooo sorry for not uploading very many videos, she had just been soooo busy that week BECAUSE; she got a job, started going to the gym, and had been hanging out with friends! ... Interesting, because two of the things that people like to give her shit about is the fact that 1) She's constantly shopping, almost 20 years old, but doesn't have a job, and 2) she never talks about her friends or mentions hanging out with them.
A little while after uploading this vlog, she uploaded the much anticipated day-in-the-life video on to the glam squad channel. It was the EXACT SAME VLOG that she had already uploaded to her personal channel. Whaaat the fuck. People were pissed and rated the video down. Kai claimed she was "too busy" that day to film a video... uhhh EXACTLY, you were supposed to be filming that busy day. Some people were curious as to what exactly it was that Kai found a job doing, but Kai refused to tell anyone. I wouldn't expect her to tell people WHERE she works (even though she had no problem telling people that she goes to the Curves gym) but she wouldn't even tell people WHAT she was doing. Saying something like "saleswoman" or "dressing room attendant" or "shopping cart gatherer" is extremely general and shouldn't have been a big deal to tell people. People found it suspicious that Kai gets a life all of a sudden, on the week that shes supposed to film a video about it. Then instead of filming any part of her new life, she just talks about it in a vlog. She then disables ratings and puts comments on moderation. Finally, she deletes both videos. Hmmm... lyingggg, perhaps?
ALSO, someone was able to find Kai's profile on the dating website, Right after it was posted and people saw it, they started commenting on interesting stuff found on the profile, like her relationship status being listed as single, listing herself as bisexual, and having no mention of a job, in fact, she actually said that she WASN'T working at this time. However, pretty much immediately following these comments, everything on her profile started changing; her status to "in a relationship", her sexual preference to "straight", and then adding something about a job. Coincidence..? Probably not..
Before she changed it;
Oh, and one more thing; its old news but some people still may not know about it - Kailyn has a different YT channel now (as of about a month ago) because of "email issues". Biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Although it can't be determined for sure, it's likely that Kai created a new channel and new email address to try and apply for partnership again, making her whole "I love makeup, I love making videos, I do this for fun, I'd never want to get paid" video a complete lie.
1 – 200 of 4548 Newer› Newest»1st!!!!!!!!!!1
did someone tweet this post to kai? cuz shes gonna have a mental melt down when she sees this
she brought this on herself
and she keeps her sunglasses in a ziplock bag
that is all.
yay new post
I think Kai has another room in the house she keeps all her extra clothes in. She's constantly buying things and hoarding things and her closet was half empty in that video, and her dresser drawers are all full of makeup. She had her sunglasses in a plastic bag, I honestly think she has a whole nother room full of her crap. Kai's bedroom is pretty clean and empty considering she buys new stuff everyday and hoards. I just don't make sense!
I just don't make sense!
Great post! You should've mentioned the okcupid thing, though.
new p
new po
new pos
new post
new pos
new po
new p
IT just don't make sense*******
Camille should have added screen caps and a summary about the OKCupid profile that was found
Camille!! You should post that kaikaiz was ALSO on okcupid all night a few days ago
yeah totally add in the okcupid stuff. That shit is hilarious!
Yes! Add the Okcupid bit. It was EPIC. Minutes after we'd point things out on her profile, she'd immediately change it. She totally reads this blog.
P.S. I hate these captchas :(
Camille I agree with the posters above. The Okcupid thing was the whole reason we found out for sure that she was lying. It has to be included because that was the proof!
LOL at Kai's sunglasses video.
"some of these are a little dirty!"
Uhhh maybe because you store them in a heap in a ziploc bag? And maybe because, when you push them onto your nose, you put your grubby fingers over the lenses? Maybe?
And omg the fake C's on the one pair...obviously trying to knock off coach, not that Kailyn would know/care.
kai stated on her okcupid profile that she wasn't in school or working and she was also listed as unemployed in the job section. i can't believe none of that was mentioned since it proved she was bullshitting.
And as someone who wears REAL glasses half the time, why the fuck would you have/wear fake ones?
Kailyn, you are not geeky enough to rock the geek glasses.
lol ELLE LOVES ME!! SHE TOLD ME IT IN HER B-DAY VLOG!!! i bet ingram is going to think that was directed straight towards him! <333
idk thats what scares me about the internet, there ARE weirdos out there who might not be mentally stable and will take something really personally and freak out and get all obsessive and shit.
all i want to say is, my captcha is pothat. that's hardly a coincidence on a kai post. YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?
all i want to say is, my captcha is pothat. that's hardly a coincidence on a kai post. YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?
all i want to say is, my captcha is pothat. that's hardly a coincidence on a kai post. YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?
wtf blogger. it's doing it with all of my comments.
1251 lolololol
Here's an idea Kai, instead of lying your ass off about getting a job, why don't you get OFF your ass and ACTUALLY get a job?! Crazy thinking I know.
Whoa, I thought TiffanyD was wearing a wig in her new vid.
i hope kai doesnt take this shit too seriously and hurt herself..cuz we all know how much she cares about what she says..
what WE say*
aww my little chicken pot pie got a post haha
eww kaka
eww kaka
Does it bother anyone else when gurus use makeup that is limited edition or no longer available? I feel like if you're going to do a tutorial, you should just use things that you know people will have access to. I hate when I really like a look and then they're like "Oh, you can't get this anymore lol." Like, why bother?
@1:45 actually I don't really care. I just prefer it when the "tutorials" are from actual fucking ARTISTS who can describe the color accurately, so they make it easy enough to recreate. And "it's a shimmery blue!" isn't really any good.
Also I decided to watch RJ's fashion video....first of all the pictures he chose were not "high fashion", they were just designer mass produced stuff. And it annoys me that he says "hip hugger...down to the waist" like your WAIST is BELOW your HIPS? Sorry, but proportions don't work that way.
@1:45 True facts! I was going to say that if they give a good knock-off colour then it isn't as bad, but then... WHY NOT JUST USE THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!
I get more annoyed by people that complain about gurus that won't use drugstore products. "OMGGG WHY ARE YOU USING ALL MAC? I CAN'T AFFORD THAT"
How is that their problem? Go to a drugstore and find dupes, it's really not that hard.
Well the good news is with TiffanyD styling her hair that way, she didn't really touch it multiple times like in EVERY OTHER VIDEO. LOL!
off topic but.... say someone was to take someone elses pictures and use them as yours thats ''illegal'' or whatever.. but what about screen shots if your the one that makes the screen shot?
check out 2:56
oh my lolz! Is that the shit english accent kai used over the phone once that you guys were talking about?
3:41, PAT, get out!
@1:45 Yeah, It annoys me too when they say half the products they use are discontinued/were limited edition/sold out. I mean most don't suggest an alternative.
YES! I finally got to hear the infamous british accent - I can now understand why it was fear inducing.
Does anyone else check out the screen in the background??? One day she'll slip up... Luv you Kai keep churning out those videos
YES! I finally got to hear the infamous british accent - I can now understand why it was fear inducing.
Does anyone else check out the screen in the background??? One day she'll slip up... Luv you Kai keep churning out those videos
Awww sorry guys got a little impatient with the publish comment button
^proof lilkaikaiz said she had no job and listed herself as single
why the fuck is meganfartsmakeup advertising nipple concealer?
jesus christ that is even tackier than advertising mouth scrapers.
and she doesnt have any ftc info?
Lol that is one flat chested bitch. I thought Kai was bad. ^
Holy eyebrows, batman! Tame them before they take over your face!
^ sticky get the fuck out you ugly man
too bad i'm not camille or a lard ass :)
and you're just the upset one bb because everyone on this blog hates you. ;)
We've established that I am not stickypanties. Why would you get worked up over something I said if you're neither Camille or fat? HMM interesting! Chubster on the loose.
lulz and how exactly was i getting worked up?
its clear you're someone who has been talking about on this blog in a bad way so now you're coming here talking shit about camille. awwwwww, cry some moar </3
who has been talked about**
Bawww You fail at trolling. Take some pointers from the veterans, dearest.
LULZ more retarded than I thought. Second time now; I am not freckleface Lily. Are you too a sufferer from FAS? You make Kai look like she won a fucking Nobel Prize.
lulz, you're the whole fails my dear ;)
the only people who give that much of a shit about camille are the people who dont like this blog.
someones butthurt.
i only said you were stickman once, can you read? obviously not..
6:07 - Kailyn will win that when a pig (David) starts to fly.
ZING!! :)
6:08 Can you spell and type correctly? "Obviously not".. Now run along oh challenged one!
^ awww. its ok, you're butthurt i understand :)
tiffanyd looks....different
its not illegal to take someone elses pics and use them.
anything put onto the internet is public property unless its copyrighted.
go to yahoo answers and ask that question in the law category. i did that a few months ago and everyone said its totally legal and nobody can do anything about it. if someone tried to sue you the case wouldnt even go to court it would get thrown out there is nothing they can sue you for.
LMAO at Kai's British accent!!! & who stores their sunglasses in a ziplock bag?
kai speaking in a british accent? where?!
oh nvm just watched her new video hahaha
I really think I need to marry John Cusack. THAT'S WHAT
every time i watch a video it goes about a minute into it and stops and goes to the beginning. and won't restart. what do i do?? computer nerds halp meeeeeee
can fatneagle step away from the tweeting for one freaking second?? she's "spending the day with her kids in dc" yet she feels the need to tweet every other minute. why is it so difficult for her to just enjoy time with her children????
ive never heard of this kai girl so i just watched one of her vids
shes really pretty! overweight but a pretty face. she just needs to lose some weight
yeah kai has a pretty face for someone with FAS
what happened to kais website?
@ 8:20 She is probably changing some stuff around and to say foreverkailyn instead of kailynskreations.
warren thinks kai has a job
she even lied to him :S
Kai needs to lose some weight, get a tan, grow out her hair some, and stop wearing maternity tops. I wish I could give her a makeover lol because I do see some potential in her. Kai please get a job and learn how to drive! Make something out of yourself!
What!? Kai doesn't know how to drive? How old is she?
kai should learn to read first and have commom knowledge before she attempts to drive ..
her mom really messed her up .. we should have a new post on kai's mom one day lulz.
what is nipple concealer?
sounds like kai's mom needs to let her grow up. this girl needs to have some responsibility and independence.
I know how it feels to be like Kai. I don't work and am not in college yet. I get disability. I plan on going to college later when I have a set major. It's not like I'm in a wheelchair or anything though to get disability checks. Maybe Kai has it for some disorder, idk. It doesn't help when you have parents who never instilled motivation and goals for you when growing up. A real parent would tell their children that they aren't that good at something and might want to go into something else, right? Her Mom might be an enabler, especially if she let Kai have the internet as her babysitter when growing up. I mean, she had her own website about herself when she was 14 or even younger when posing on a bed.
Not having the ability to drive at age 20 isn't THAT uncommon guys, come on. Granted, I learned when I was 15. But that's definitely up to the parent not so much the kid. Blame her mom, not Kai.
blame kais mom for her FAS too
9:38 AM - I agree! I wanted to take another class instead of driver's ed and ended up getting my license when I was 19. It sucked because I had to do it on my own, like finding another driving school that was outside of the school. I am glad I was able to use/save my money for something else during those years instead of paying for car payments and gas. I am thankful I had friends who were willing to drive at least.
Where are all you hearing Kai's british accent?!
^ her sunglasses video @ 2:55
idk, i thought i was really late on learning to drive and i was only eighteen. i don't think kai cares to drive, though, and that's kind of an issue unless her town has a decent public transportation system. she has no motivation.
does david drive? i thought i remembered kai saying in her blogtv once that he doesn't drive either but idk how he has a job then.
omg kai just says "cool" awthumme! (awesome) and I really love them... i hate how she gives no detail at all. I had no idea she was 20 she acts like she is 13!
Does anyone like dollymixmakeup? she is way better than kai..
@10:01 My thoughts exactly. Kai can't be dependent on others forever. She'll have to grow up sometime. What will she do if her mom can't take her to a job interview one day, or if she and Davey break up and he can't take her everywhere anymore? It's just sad that she is 20 with no license, still living at home, no job, and no plans to further her education.
I don't know if any of you watch Shaycarl, but his sister has her own channel now. She is going to be tutorials and fashion stuff. Lets hope she doesn't become a sellout like the rest of em.
Hey! I'm 22 and don't have my full license yet. I have my permit and know how to drive, but just didn't get my full license yet, even though I've had my permit for like 3 years lol. I use public transportation to get around, in my city it gets you everywhere you need to go.
This is the only video she has so far.
On Carlie's channel it says she's 22...I always thought she was older O_O
shes pretty but...very orange
That's his sister..? I thought she would be some obese ogre. Was she adopted?
I like some of these girl looks they barely have any subscribers but thought i'd share!
Lulz @10:28. Shay actually used to be really skinny and fit a couple years ago. There are pictures of him back in his skinny days on his twitter and in one of his videos.
I'm really excited about shays sister. but agreed with the orange skin!
Also am i the only one who hates Kandee and Marlenas eyebrows so being popular gurus can't they do better? oh and risa's eyebrows too!!!!
where are those skinny photos of him? i'm just seeing his fat child molester looking face all over his twit pics.
Ummm.. is this seriously his wife or no? It looks like his daughter.
Why do you keep harping on the fact that she says she's bi? Loads of people are bi. What's the big deal about that?
skinny shaycarl;
The one is his video shows him a lot thinner.
This isn't the one I'm talking about, but here's one of his first videos. This was 2 years ago.
"Why do you keep harping on the fact that she says she's bi? Loads of people are bi. What's the big deal about that?"
theres nothing wrong with it, but kai seems to think its a big deal. as soon as we found her profile she changed her sexual orientation to straight. she is obviously ashamed of being bisexual.
I didn't learn how to drive until two years ago, I was 22. My boyfriend taught me. I grew up in NYC, there was no need for a car. My mom didn't drive and my dad was always working and never got around to teaching me despite me begging him to teach me. So I don't think it is that uncommon for a 19 year old to not know how to drive.
10:56 Thanks. Wow. He even had arm definition. I bet it sucks being with someone when they balloon up in weight later! You'd think the chick would get obese since she's having the kids and all. Jeez. He seemed fine and now he looks and act like a child molester by his photos. He seems way too try hard, desperate and obnoxious. I don't watch his videos.
funny how kai goes on about how she loves gay people and supports gay rights etc but shes ASHAMED and tries to HIDE being bisexual..
Kais dog doesnt look like a full breed yorkshire terrier to me. In England they're the number one choice of dog for the over 65's so i see loads of them around my local area poking out of shopping trolleys and they look waaay different to Bella.
"theres nothing wrong with it, but kai seems to think its a big deal. as soon as we found her profile she changed her sexual orientation to straight. she is obviously ashamed of being bisexual."
Sexuality is a private thing. It's no one's business, why even feel the need to "point it out"? Ugh some of you people are even dumber than the gurus.
"funny how kai goes on about how she loves gay people and supports gay rights etc but shes ASHAMED and tries to HIDE being bisexual.."
Well she comes from a conservative Christian family, she was most likely taught it's wrong to be gay.
sexuality a private thing?
so no matter who you're dating, yo should always hide it?
if i'm straight i should not tell anyone?
"Sexuality is a private thing."
well then why did kai have it on her dating profile page?
You should never deny who you are to yourself, but the fact of the matter is it's hard to be comfortable with it when you were taught it was wrong. If she doesn't feel comfortable with everyone knowing she's bisexual, why should she have to be harassed for it? It's a personal thing, she'll come out when/if she's ready and for other people to "point it out" to her and get a laugh out of it is fucking horrible, no matter how much you like making fun of her awkwardness.
refresh the page, guysth! i added a kaigasm pic at the end ;]
"11:10 are you gay too? (this goes with respect)"
Sure, if that's what you want to call me. I've never been with another girl but I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it if I happened to fall for someone of the same sex. Love is love.
"I can only assume because it's a dating website and she was trying to be more open there and meet new people. "
what like....someone to cheat on davey with?
Thanks Flip!! I can't stop laughing!
"because we're pointing out the fact kai LIES. get it? its evidence that kai lies all the fucking time."
lol @ evidence. I get it. I'm just saying I think it's wrong to 'out' someone or whateverthefuck because you want them to be open about their sexuality. Maybe she doesn't even know if she's bi or not, and she's just curious, or maybe she's lesbian and feels ashamed for some reason. Who knows? You don't know. I just think you guys are crossing a line when it comes to her sexuality. Leave it alone. There's plenty to make fun of without bringing that into this. Or simply admit you're homophobic.
WTF?!? I thought after all this she'd drop the job thing but she's STILL going on about it?! WE KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB KAI. ENOUGH ALREADY!
omg sorry for the comment spam! i was getting errors every time.
WTF Isn't today a holiday? It's Good Friday, don't you get that off in the USA?? Why would Kai have gone to work?
^ thats what i thought
I don't think Good Friday a national holiday in US
It's not a national holiday in the US. No one gets a day off here.
actually I got off work early most jobs give HALF days. Also i agree with above poster about making a big deal out of her sexuality. Who gives a shit that shes bisexual???
She was on a dating website so yea I assume she would be more open to tll people her sexual preference. Most people do try out their curiosities on dating site guys not that uncommon. Maybe she isnt ashamed of her sexuality but she just doesnt want the whole interwebs to know. None of your business really.
Well i suppose it should surprise me that her sexuality is a big deal with you lot especially since this is the same group who claimed homosexuality is wrong and all homosexuals sleep around and carry all sorts of stds.Camille herself has practically stated shes a homophobe.
As for her cheating on davey again WHO GIVES A SHIT who are you the morals police? Shes single(yes shes single she isnt married) so she can do what the hell she wants. Let her a davey handle their shit.
I swear camille and the rest of you are OBSESSED with kailyn. I know people are going to say i hate this blog but i dont. I like laughing at people who have nothing better than to bitch about gurus...but please chill with the kailyn post its getting old I get you hate kailyn now let it go!
^wtf is up with her eyebrows?
what eyebrows? she doesnt have any! LOL
@12:45 and you we care what you think because...?
12:45 I love it whats the problem?
and you THINK we care what you think because...?***
lmaoo sorry i cant type today ;)
12:51 I dont give a shit if you dont care I said what I had to fucking say. Dont worry about me and what I type dont like it then plz pass my comment over BITCH kthanxs ;)
"I dont give a shit if you dont care I said what I had to fucking say. Dont worry about me and what I type dont like it then plz pass my comment over BITCH kthanxs ;)"
ok, step away from the keyboard, thats it, there we go, deep breath, breathe to 10, and, breeeeatttthheeeeee
"Dont worry about me and what I type dont like it then plz pass my comment over "
LOL Pot meet kettle?
Don't like people on here talking about Kailyn? Then dont read their comments. Wow you're retarded.
12:54 you first :) im fine there are no tears on my keystrokes.just because someone coments in a not so nice manner doesnt mean im all riled up i said this site is entertaining lol
@12:56 ikr?
12:56 Far from retarded bitch. I read the post bc i thought maybe it was something outside of the usual bs but surprise surprise it wasnt. So i came here and voiced my opinion. I have ever right to do so just like you get to post your dumbass comments. SO again kiss my ass bitch! kthanks
^ ok, but you think we care? because we dont
"like i said this site is entertaining lol"
Yes, thats right, you love it. :)
1:01 what makes you think I give a shit about your little comments.I comment bc i fucking want to not bc i think you care DUH.
1:02 yes i love to laugh at how petty ppl can be LOL.
this cracks me up HAHAHAHAHA
oh kai
"what makes you think I give a shit about your little comments."
well, you clearly do, because you read them and you have responded to them. you wrote a whole novel long paragraph about what we talk about on here and what we comment about. so yes, i'd say you care A LOT about what we comment.
Did anyone see Justin's April Fool's Day video?
My sister comes in my room and was like, "Pretend this is a Justin video."
*Hey guys it's Juss. I think I might be gay.. April Fool's! I'm definitely gay.*
The way she said it and imitated it was the funniest thing ever.
Does Jus even do tutorials? I hate his gotdamn guts for some reason.
Most places don't let you off on Good Friday. Especially if she is working at Target like somebody said. If a retail place is open on Easter don't you think they would be open Good Friday?
^ Not "yet." I think he's saving them for his new channel - when he gets a job.
He manages to buy useless MAC products every week though.
i know this has been posted before, but it makes me laugh everytime
its jus dancin to chris brown y'all!!!11
It makes me a little sad that Michelle is feelig bad for her bunny, when she doesn't really care about the bunnies used to test make-up products ingredients
"Especially if she is working at Target like somebody said."
she doesnt have a job, she lied
I'm sure she doesn't have a job but somebody was commenting about "oh shouldn't she be off? It's good friday" I thought she lied from when she wouldn't even say what she did.
^ ohhhh okay :p
I just can't believe she's still going along with the job bit. Like give it up already. Everyone knows it's all bullshit.
Lancome tests on animals, don't they? That's f'ed up...
why are kai and davey even together if kai keeps trying to cheat on him? she gives a totally different impression in her videos of how much she cares about him but she obviously doesn't give a shit.
Yep...according to the Peta website, Lancome does test on animals. So she only cared about HER bunny.
I know Target doesn't get today off or even work a half day.
whoever has a twitter should tweet michelle and say bitch isnt fit to have pets.
first she kills her hamster/guinea pig/whatever the fuck it was now its mr. bun bun.
stupid ho
stfu, sticky.
new pageeeeeeeeeeee
did anyone see gregorygorgeous' drive through video? where he is acting like an obnoxious moron?
it got a lot of hate..
and now he's made a video claiming it was an april fools joke video..
anyone buyin it?
lolz at this person spamming the blog claiming its dead, you're only making it the blog more active dear ;)
1:48 that's a little dissppointing
Shaycarl sister looks way older then 22! I have a feeling she is lying about her age!
Only time will tell!
Did Shaycarl's sister really just say at @ 3:53 to get her channel out bc she wants some so she can help us out...WTF??? I guess shes being honest!
@2:19 lol i didnt even notice that the first time around! "please get my channel out because i want some money"
i dislike her already. what happened to becoming a guru because you want to share knowledge and help people?
GregoryGeorgeous is an idiot. He planned the video in Jan and Feb? Who the fuck puts that much thought into an April fools video? He was drunk or just hyper in that video and acted a fool and I believe he did actually bump that woman's car. I can't stand Gregory and hate him even now. He's such a fake obnoxious queen.
222 i know right
She's an idiot like her brother. If anyone thinks she started for the fun of it they are wrong. She knows how much her brother makes and she can ride his coat tails to the bank!!
"GregoryGeorgeous is an idiot. He planned the video in Jan and Feb? Who the fuck puts that much thought into an April fools video? He was drunk or just hyper in that video and acted a fool and I believe he did actually bump that woman's car. I can't stand Gregory and hate him even now. He's such a fake obnoxious queen."
I KNOW RIGHT? bullshit did he plan that as an april fools day video. he just got so much hate when he uploaded it that he pretended it was an april fools day video.
yeah! I was like WTF is she serious!
Here is another channel of Shay Carls sister, I guess she made it last summer.
The age on that profile says 22. I'm trying to find her on facebook.
even though michelle is such a fakeass hypocrite i really hope her rabbit will make it.
she really isnt fit to have pets..poor rabbit.
Damn ShayCarl has 4 youtube channels! I thought he just had 2!
i know everyone seems to love shaycarl but to me he just seems like a money-hungry person.
i just think its stupid how people can trust someone they have never met, you only know him from what HE shows you.
^according to your logic then, you can't trust anyone on youtube or anyone famous. Ok then.
^ well you cant
@2:39 That's like asking why anyone likes a movie star, or celebrity. It's not like we know them in real life. We only know what they show or tell us.
hey guyz...
does ANYBODY know KNOW WHERE lil KAI KAIZ's HOT MIAMI STYLES VIDEO WENT!!!?!?!?!!? anybody record it!?
ummm.... looks like you just spent all that time -spamming- for nothing ;D
s.p.a.m f.a.i.l !
i love flip
I love her hot miami styles video! I just wish I would of downloaded her valentines day fashion vid.
wasn't the hot miami styles vid from the old channel that she didn't transfer over? you should request she put it up again lol
Flip that kaigasm pic is freaking funny. Closed caption makes her videos so much better.
a comment kai left on warrens video
"Your'e amazing! Never change for anyone! <3 5 hours ago"
its YOU'RE...not your'e lulz
lisa wilcher is to blame
did mr bunbun die?
"They're asking me to put him to sleep. I'm taking him to church with me. Please pray!!!!" 18 minutes ago
excuse me for my ignorance but what does "put to sleep" mean??
maybe she'll think twice about promoting animal-tested products now that mr bunbun is gonna die. doubt it though.
"excuse me for my ignorance but what does "put to sleep" mean??"
they kill it
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