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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"So Sassy, So Hot" ...

So earlier this week, MeganHeartsMakeup announced that she opened an own online store;

At first glance, the store sells moderately cute, extremely overpriced girly things - similar things to that from the Shitzy-Scam store run by the QVC sisters. However, not only are the items themselves similar, but the two websites are nearly identical;

Her subscribers weren't exactly thrilled about the store, either;

So first of all.. wtf is with the name? "So Sassy Hot" ... what? Megan's 14 and has younger subscribers, but I guess now they can buy all that useless crap and be SASSY! and HOT! just like Megan. It's clear Megan knows shit about the actual company selling the products, she didn't even know where it was located. Basically, she's just promoting this store, picking what goes in it, and receiving some of the revenue from other people doing the dirty work. So really.. I cant understand WHY she felt so compelled to start this store. Ellen and Balir started their store to sell those initial keychains made in their mom's store. Megan obviously doesn't need the money, isn't selling anything unique, and so clearly copied this store idea. I doubt she even had anything to do with what was written on the website.

So in short, don' waste your time or money.


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quadrilaterals said...

holy crap lisa is HIDEOUS in her new video! i would normally just call her average looking but wow. she looks like a seventy year old woman there.

i even like benefit but those products didn't improve her face at all.

Anonymous said...

elizablair didn't go to her school's prom but she did do the makeup for a girl. it looked like utter crap. i saw a picture that lizzy commented on and said how good the makeup looked with a winky face.

Anonymous said...

does anyone else see the strong resemblance in stickylipgloss and lisa fowler?? they have almost identical shaped faces and noses. very long/horselike face. same cat shaped eyes.

ITS UNCANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:49, could you post it here?

Anonymous said...

WHOA I've never noticed before but if you pause lisa's video and then go look at a pic of sticky, it is like they were separated at birth!

they DO both have those freaky cat shaped eyes, long chins, and big noses.

how can sticky call camille ugly? i'll never get it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gosh! So many garoo-supporters that are telling us that we should go kill ourselves! So much hate in your lives *shakes head* :(

Anonymous said...

Elle looks really sickly thin in her new video.

Anonymous said...

stfu katie

Anonymous said...

Of course they look alike. Sticky is a skinnier, horseface version of her with stick legs. Why do you think Sticky signed up for paid tweets? She wants to be just like her idol Elle Fowler.

Anonymous said...

You would think that Benefit would have sent Lisa a foundation that at least matched her skin tone, and Lisa wouldn't be dumb enough to actually use if for a tutorial. Lisa, you are pink toned, not yellow. Your walls don't make you look orange, your makeup makes you look orange because it isn't your freaking color! Any makeup Gurruuurruu would know that! I honestly don't understand why they are famous for makeup when they know nothing about makeup!

Anonymous said...

10:47 AM Love you!

12.00 I bet they dont send her any products anymore

Anonymous said...

I bet Benefit is kicking themselves right now. Maybe next time they will give away some free products to people who actually know a thing or two about makeup. I don't see how anybody would buy Benefit after that horrendous tutorial.

Anonymous said...

You mean Orangit?

Anonymous said...

If Lisa wants to pimp products she needs to watch some of her sister's videos. After watching her "tutorial" and listening to her product descriptions, I wouldn't buy a single Benefit item.
Of course you're doing a simple single shadow look... that's your only look. Paint on a red lip and you're all set! Right Lisa?!

Anonymous said...

"FTC Disclaimer: Some products were sent for review purposes, the rest I purchased with my own money. I completely chose what to review here, so all opinions are my own. This video is sponsored by MyLikes ( This did not alter my opinion of the products at all (not sponsored by benefit)."

^ Look at who's all over the front page.

Anonymous said...

^ lol wtf? why is onision and shane dawson there too?

Anonymous said...

They do sponsored videos too.

Anonymous said...

And now i have proof that onision is a hypocrite thanks!

Anonymous said...


For all the psychos: I know how to apply false lashes. It was ONE time that you could see the glue, but I filmed multiple videos. RELAX

uh, YOU'RE the psycho that can't leave the house without applying your false lashes. should've looked in the damn mirror before filming a video you twat.

Anonymous said...

onision is an asshole..I emailed him..we chatted & I got that he was in youtube all for the fame/money

Anonymous said...

makeupbymel needs all that caked on foundation to look descent..she does not look good in photos

Anonymous said...

Socalashley deleted the video, whoever posted that link of her. All she does is whine.

Anonymous said...

makeupbymel is a snooki looking bitch. ugly as fuck.

Anonymous said...

I found out about Onision from an episode of Tosh.0 and started to watch a few videos and thought they were really quirky and funny (even if extremely weird). It wasn't until I watched his blog videos that I got completely turned off of him! I'm all for expressing your opinion, but he comes off as sooo degrading and patronizing if you don't have the same opinion as him >_> Somehow what 1:24 doesn't surprise me at all. Just another actor/crazy personality trying to be edgy for fame.

tlaxseea said...

comments from elle's new video LOL

alliecarlson2 why cant you make videos anymore for the love of makeup and not just because you both are being sponsored??? every single time there is an FTC disclaimer saying that you and Blair were paid or sent products for free. 7 1 hour ago

AllThatGlitters21 @alliecarlson2 not true, have you read my last two tutorials?

Anonymous said...

1:51 wow, i'm surprised she didn't delete that comment & responded to it. now some of her minions can see it and see the evidence themselves of them being sponsored every. single. time.

tlaxseea said...

Another comment on elles vid. lol

gatiquis Do you know Benefit does animal testing? I guess you are not going to publish this. Its kind of sad. You would use your fame to do something good for animals I thought you loved your cats. Using Benefit its not that important, you can choose other brands cruelty free.

Please don't block this message. Its important people to know brands better. 15 3 hours ago

tlaxseea said...

she didnt respond to the animal testing one lol but everyone is rating it thumbs up

elle dosent give a fuck..its all about the $$$$$

I wish all her fans would realize.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

moyse001 Honey, how can it be your new favourite after one use??? I want to know something it your 'favourite' when you use it all the time, not after one use. :( How do i know when other stuff you say is actually your favourite or its just ok?? 3 3 hours ago

AllThatGlitters21 @moyse001 well it is my new favorite, as in the best one that I have right now. I think you can have a new favorite after one use when you use it and have a "aHA!" moment 2

LOL said...

pollyyyb123 why did this company send you the products? there not benefit and they have nothing to gain from you doing this 2 3 hours ago

AllThatGlitters21 @pollyyyb123 I think its like a video website lol

Anonymous said...

It's scary how much Lisa looks like her father.

Anonymous said...

mylikes can pay anyone all you have to do is sign up

Anonymous said...

Kim made new video..i think alittle piece of my soul died :[

sorry if my english is bad..its mine 2nd language

snatick said...

kandee re-uploaded her leg video WTF

Anonymous said...

oh kimi :(

atleast shes got confidence.. i guess..

Anonymous said...

I actually like Kimi. She seems very sweet.

Anonymous said...

2:43 Why did she need to re-upload it? Was the first one flagged too many times?

Anonymous said...

Ah nm, I see, she removed the first one. Too bad I can still see the thumbnail of her leg in the howto&style section.

Anonymous said...

lol kimi blocked me

Anonymous said...

When Elle and Blair are doing tutorials that aren't sponsored, they only ever use MAC. You NEVER see the other brands they raved about and told everyone to go buy. Fake as hell.

tlaxseea said...


LondonisGnarley Kandee, I didn't even know you had kids!
You don't look over 26, seriously.

TheSpiritOfTheTimes @LondonisGnarley Bullshit, she looks about 40.

Anonymous said...

Kimi... Guuuuuuurl. SMH!

Anonymous said...

"""When Elle and Blair are doing tutorials that aren't sponsored, they only ever use MAC. You NEVER see the other brands they raved about and told everyone to go buy. Fake as hell.""

That is so true. In fact they ONLY love MAC.

Anonymous said...

why did she reupload it she removed the hotel scene out

Anonymous said...

Megan's only 14?
I thought she was a high school senior. Man. That's crazytown.

Yeah - her store is such a joke.

Anonymous said...

how do i know if I'm lookin at Kimi's original video or not?

Kristen said...

Oh jesus, how many ways is Elle getting money now? Twitter, blogspot, youtube, etc...she's so money hungry that she'll never stop. Greedy bitch.

Does Benefit really test on kitties? D:

And about adopting: for some reason people are under the impression that pure breed pet = status symbol. If you have a pure bred, you're "better". Pfft. They also aren't aware that a fairly decent percentage of pets in animal shelters are pure bred because people buy them as status symbols, then realize they can't take care of them and give them up.

Kai and her mom were talking about it on BlogTV the other night and were really pissing me off. People kept telling them they should have gone to a shelter, and they just kept saying, "well, we wanted a Yorkie..blah blah blah"

Shut the fuck up and get a dog (or other pet) that you have a connection with instead of one that you're using just for show.

omg rant. sorry guiz

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 14 in middle school according to her video. The girls from the high school said she's annoying and tries too hard to act mature.

Anonymous said...

3:17 What do you mean hotel scene out? You mean when she said she got an upgraded room for slicing her leg open? I don't want to give her views.

Anonymous said...

I still don't get how Kandee broke the glass by just her knee or shoulder bumping into it. The bitch must've been high on her glitter pills and ran into it.

Anonymous said...

Kristen, exactly. And now Kai/her Mom look like total idiots with egg on their face because their "pure bread" if FAR from it. lol. They are so dumb.

Anonymous said...

I agree that people should adopt. All my animals have been rescued.

At the same time, the animals born in mills can't help it. They didn't choose to be born there. And just because they were born there, it doesn't make them any less alive or worthy of a home. I understand that it supports the mills but those animals have just as much right to a home as any other pet, shelter or not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:19 IKR? My very first dog happened to be a pb golden retriever that I found at the local animal shelter! My next two dogs were mixes though and I love them just the same :) Idk why people would pay ridiculous amounts of money for a pb puppy.

quadrilaterals said...

while i do think kai got her yorkie as a status symbol type thing, there are multiple reasons people buy dogs from breeders rather than adopting them that have nothing to do with that.

if you want a specific breed (which there is NOTHING wrong with that), you're going to need to go to a breeder to find a puppy. she might have found a yorkie at a shelter, but it wasn't going to be a puppy.

Anonymous said...

@Kristen - It was pissing me off too. Her mom kept saying, well we wanted a puppy. WTF there are puppies at the shelter!! You just wanted a purebred and figured there were none there. So what did you get instead, a Schnauzer with forged papers!

Anonymous said...

why If the message about Benefit's animal testing has 20 thumbs up it isn't in the first place as best rated?

gatiquis Do you know Benefit does animal testing? I guess you are not going to publish this. Its kind of sad. You would use your fame to do something good for animals I thought you loved your cats. Using Benefit its not that important, you can choose other brands cruelty free.

Please don't block this message. Its important people to know brands better. 15 3 hours ago

April 26, 2010 1:57 PM

And why are both QVC sisters allowing certain comments? They do exactly the same at the same time. It's so annoying.

Anonymous said...

3:29 I noticed that too with some other videos I've watched- the *actual* highest rated comments are not in that section. Youtube glitch maybe?

Anonymous said...

The shelter here ALWAYS has yorkies. And they happen to actually be full Yorkies, unlike Bella. They look exactly like Blairs dog Teddy.

For me, it's never been about breed. When I go to the shelter to adopt, there is always that "connects" with me. Idk how to explain it, it just takes to me right away and stands out.

quadrilaterals said...


obviously there's no guarantee, but if you know the history of the line the dog came from, you can at least better predict temperament and reputable breeders won't breed a dog with known health issues that could be passed down to the puppies, so you don't have to worry as much about certain genetic informalities.

i have a yorkie (who i bought from a reputable breeder in my area who i also know personally) because i needed a small dog so i can bring him to an apartment when i move out of my parents house, i've already had a yorkie so i know about health issues they're susceptible to and how to best care for them, and plus yorkies are cute and i wanted one.

i also have a shelter dog and i love them both the same, but i wanted a yorkie. i don't doubt i could have found another dog i would have wanted to take home from a shelter, but i didn't want to go that route this time. there's nothing wrong with that. you know my dog was alive too when i bought him - he also needed a home.

as long as you're going through a reputable breeder and not a backyard breeder/puppy mill/pet store, i don't see any moral issues with buying a dog rather than adopting one.

quadrilaterals said...


you live in a strange area if you're always seeing yorkies at your shelter. i've never seen one where i am locally, let alone a puppy. i have a hard time believing that anyone could find a yorkie puppy in a shelter tbh because everyone knows you can sell them.

Anonymous said...

I live in a huge city. Poodles also frequent the shelters here.

Anonymous said...

Kimi were you high when you decided to make that video? So much second hand embarrassment.

quadrilaterals said...

yeah like, i've been to the animal shelters around here many times because every dog i've had other than my yorkie was a shelter dog, and i've very rarely seen puppies or purebreds.

i agree that it's really about your connection with your pet rather than how much your pet cost or what he or she looks like, i just don't think it makes someone a bad person because they wanted to buy a purebred as long as they're responsible about it.

kai obviously didn't do her research though. i've never seen a yorkie that looks like that, it's clearly some kind of mix. she's still cute and i'm sure kai loves her and i doubt she's like, not being cared for (except for the brushing, we all saw how that turned out), but she probably got her from a pet store or from a backyard breeder who really didn't know what they were doing. i hope the dog doesn't have health issues later on.

and i think we can all agree that kai got a yorkie because of blair/tiffanyd, or just because they're cute. all she said about it when she first got it is that they're hypoallergenic - which they are, but no one even has allergies in their house so why would that be a reason for her getting one?

Kristen said...

Ugh, did anyone go to that website that is sponsoring "Elle"? It says 'Set your own price per video'.

We know why she chose that, then.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it seems like Bella is loved. Nothing wrong with wanting a purebred. I want a papillon myself.

It just annoys me that Kai obviously wanted a yorkie because of the other gurus she saw on Youtube with them.

Anonymous said...

doesn't your video get less views if it's been flagged? could that be why kandee re-uploaded it? idk, i just don't understand why she did that.

Anonymous said...

Does kai have any other dogs or pets besides bella?

Anonymous said...

If your video is flagged, Youtube removes it.

Anonymous said...

she just has bella

Anonymous said...

She doesn't have any other dogs that we've seen in recent videos, but she used to have a Beagle named Jessica

Anonymous said...

i have 2 rescue dogs and 2 purebred. the purebreds i have are a very rare breed and there's no way i could have found one in a shelter, or i would have gone that route. i would never buy from a petstore, though. mine came from a breeder (the only one in the state that has this particular breed)

anyway. i do agree if you can find what you are looking for at a shelter, def. go that route but sometimes you have no choice but to go through a breeder if you are wanting a particular breed.

i don't think mama wilcher was lying when she said her local shelter didn't have any yorkie puppies. those are a popular breed.

Anonymous said...

When I went to adopt my cat, there was a yorkie, another one of those with blue tongue, I don't remember the name, and other purebreds. The same with cats.

I always chose mixed because they are stronger actually. And its way better adopt them when they are adult because you know for sure how their behaviour will be in the future. Even then they improve A LOT.

My cat used to live in the streets, I barely could touch her because no one touched her before. Now she loves me very much and she is VERY obedient. I have another one I picked from the street directly and she is even more obedient. And she was adult too. I have a third one (yes, I know, that someone gave me when she was 6 months old and she is not obedient at all.

I think its just OUR behaviour with them what changes everything.

I dont even know If I explained it properly, sorry for my english.

Last night Kai's mother pissed me off so much, she is an air headed. I was the one who told her about shelters. I don't respect that woman. She doesn't hear anything. I don't like people that don't want to learn a shit.

Anonymous said...

Lol worth 20k! Wooo

Anonymous said...

Nevermind.. maybe that is for alone

Anonymous said...

Why Elle only talks about one of her two cats? I dont remember their names but she only talks about one of them.

Anonymous said...

And Dulcecandy just got a pitbull. I hope they don't dump it when she gets pregnant (she talks a lot about being pregnant).

When people have the first kid they do such stupid things...

Anonymous said...

She buys clothes almost every week and she brings THAT to Vegas? OMG

The "TOMS" are killing me...

Anonymous said...

I am not asking this to be mean because I really do enjoy her BUT is dulcecandy a dwarf? She is like 4'9 which is legally a dwarf but she even has the proportions that are "off".

Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Leesha's new video? She's going to start doing first impression videos so we can see her "initial reaction" but she's already biased against drugstore makeup. Before she even opens the damn thing, she makes it sound like it's going to be a horrible product.

Anonymous said...

oh lawd! i JUST realized the horrible 'shop job dulce did on her arms in her banner! no wonder she put in the lens-flare- to distract from her arms.

Anonymous said...

4:54 PM No, she is not. She said she would be a midget If she would have X inches shorter. I don't remember how many inches she said.

By the way she can't help it and she is very very pretty.

Anonymous said...

i dont think dulce is a legit dwarf haha

Anonymous said...

lol is she for real? girl, run far far away from that dress.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:49
I have a Papillon they are amazing dogs. I originally wanted a mixed breed because I already have one and I love her and I like mixed breeds. But there was non at the shelter :( and I was browsing the pet section of the newspaper and they had his picture and I fell in love with him and they were selling him cheaper because he was 4 months old already and no one who was qualified wanted him so I fetched him up.

Anonymous said...

10:01 - Why? Well because they are completely superficial to the core. There is a difference between wearing makeup and being superficial. They do it in every single way.

Anonymous said...

omg kimis vid was soo embarassing, i couldn't bear to finish watching it.. it might've been watchable if the sound wasn't so off!

Needle said...

@4:05 I agree, I've had similar experiences with my cats.

I think a lot of it is how they're treated in their formative months/years, too. We can help correct their behavior by treating them right, but my first cat--who was a stray kitten for about half a year, at least--will always be a lot more reserved and independent than the kitten I got from some friends who don't know how to fix their fucking animals.

In any case, there'll always be a connection to your pet either way. It's not like you couldn't love a pet shelter pet just as much as a purebred. It'd be nice if these people just went to a shelter first, to see what's there and what the animals are like, because chances are they'd connect with something there, too.

Anonymous said...

when is there going to be a michelle phan post.....a lot of people (including me) have been asking for one...

Needle said...


JFC, that video with Kimi was embarrassing. None of them could dress flatteringly to save their lives.

groce said...

I hope this last video isn't an attempt for Elle to start hawking Benefit products. There goes my interest in the company :(

Anonymous said...

Ohh Kimi why did you show off your boobs like that. No flattering and you need more support!

Anonymous said...

The cat I rescued a few months ago is a purebred Norwegian Forest Cat. They're $600+ from a breeder. His owners had to leave him behind when they moved. He's honestly the greatest cat I've ever had.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Has anyone seen Leesha's new video? She's going to start doing first impression videos so we can see her "initial reaction" but she's already biased against drugstore makeup. Before she even opens the damn thing, she makes it sound like it's going to be a horrible product."


Anonymous said...

Kimi looks like a big blob. At the end with the dancing you can see her fupa through her pants. She needs to find clothes that suit her body type better. Those pants were NOT working and that shirt was too loose in the wrong places. Also it wouldn't hurt to loose a few pounds, I'm sure she must have some health issues due to her weight.

Anonymous said...

kimi is easily pushing 300+

Anonymous said...

Leesha just shouldnt be reviewing drug store she's a snob to it. Leesha your foundation isn't doing you any favors.

Needle said...

@6:14 EXACTLY! ANd her pants, too, they just fit so awkwardly.

I don't think I've seen her cover up her arms more than once, either, and when you have bigger arms, tank tops aren't the most flattering things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't stand Leesha anymore. She's such a stuck-up bitch now, like she's too good to be doing videos/ review products/ doing tutorials but does it for the money. Maybe try and make it as a makeup artist in the real world and get off youtube if you hate it so much.

Anonymous said...

leesha always acted like she was the best mua on youtube, or even like she should be the ONLY guru on youtube and everyone else was stealing her shine. thats why her and her sister made videos making fun of kai. kai isnt even good at makeup but leesha obviously was threatened by kai in someway.

Anonymous said...

So I check Efagz and there is a post about Amor Hilton doing porn. She first came to LA to purse a career and become ~famous~ even though everyone told her not to. She gave up and now he's doing full on porn.

Tell me, which guru does this sound like?

Anonymous said...

If Leesha had come out and said she made those vidos, I would like her a tiny bit more tbh.

Anonymous said...

it's pretty obvious leesha does it for money. i remember quite awhile ago she tweeted about wanting an imac, so she said something along the lines of "i need to make more videos so i can the new imac!"

recently on twitter, she thanked jpmetz for figuring out how adsense revenue is determiend. and she was using it to figure out how much she was going to make.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I couldn't watch the entire video..the bouncing around 300lb fupa's near the end was moooore than enough for me. Gross!!!

Anonymous said...

lmao oh god that kimi video. D: those arm movements she did was probably the most she's ever exercised.

Anonymous said...

Wtf.. is Kimi's Telephone video just a loop of those couple of keys?

Anonymous said...

This is if Kai was a black man. Anyone see it?

Anonymous said...

Kimi's video was torturous with the same 4 second snippet playing OVER AND OVER for like 2 minutes.

Poor thing, at least she tried.

Needle said...

@7:57 no, watch it longer.

@8:06 "404 Not Found

BUT that reminds me. My friend told me today "OMG I SAW A BLACK WOMAN TODAY THAT LOOKED JUST LIKE TROLL GIRL (IE, Kailyn, he calls her "troll girl") WITH TOO MUCH MAKEUP ON"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

My nightmares are of Kai kaiz applying lipstick. Good God, woman! That is the most hideous thing I've ever seen!!

And, why are your eye lids sooo wrinkly? That's not normal for someone your age! Hell, that's not normal for someone your mom's age!!!

Anonymous said...

why does kimi do outfits of the day :(

Kristen said...


Anonymous said...

has michelle ever said anything about cosmetic companies that test on animals?

Anonymous said...

ooooh kimmi!

Anonymous said...

What about Michelle bringing up if Mr. Bun Bun is dead. Does she ever talk about him?..

I need to vent.. said...

has michelle ever confirmed or denied mr bun buns death?

Anonymous said...

well, she stopped talking about it right after the ITZ AN EASTER MIRACLE GUISE. then people started asking her about it in her BlogTV and she said "Mr bun bun is in florida right now" and changed the subject....and that was the last we ever heard about poor little bun bun..

Anonymous said...

yeah, that's when she kept on saying, "i don't want to talk about my personal life!" funny.

Anonymous said...

didnt someone take screenshots of when phannys sister said bunbun was dead on facebook? ..or something like that?

whoever took screenshots of any phanny evidence..please post it now...

Anonymous said...

mr bun bun obvs died, but michelle was being an idiot talking about jesus and miracles because she's a fake christian all of a sudden and wanted it to seem like god loves her and blesses her and doesnt kill her bunnies

Anonymous said...

Here is the bunny pic

Anonymous said...

Here is the "miss you buddy" from her ex

I need to vent.. said...

didn't she say he was in florida or something?

Anonymous said...

remember to include the fact that she screencaps her fricken shopping cart!!!!!

and her stupid charity channel that she set up that has no real legit videos

Anonymous said...

Yes, she said he was in Florida. She also plugged in her story of how poor she was growing up and how poor her mother was. Oh and she told a story where she was in a plane and it went down. She started to pray and everything went fine.

Anonymous said...

in her BlogTV people kept asking her about Mr. bunbun and all she said was "MR bunbun is in florida" and that was it..changed subject afterwards

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I wish I could nonchalantly spend $325 when taking a break from something.... lol

Anonymous said...

yea wasnt there another time she screencapped her shopping cart?

and the time she twitpic-ed a jacket that she got and it was literally like $12,000.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was some leather jacket.

I need to vent.. said...

she has a charity channel? what is it? so she said the proceeds from that channel will be donated?

see, i dont really follow her, hence no post about her yet, i dont know anything about her! haha

Anonymous said...

Plus, her sarcastic "50$ pair of socks" comment. Can someone repost it?

Anonymous said...
thanks bookmarks!

man, i haven't heard about her charity in awhile. last time i heard it was when she tried raising money for some asian girl who got attacked walking home from the library, but this was years ago.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

her charity channel:

its been up for 9 months and there are only 6 videos....not even real legit videos.... i think in the first video on that channel she says all proceeds will go to charity

Anonymous said...

Aww I also have a Papillon <3, he is so smart. To add to the Phan post, you should say how basic her makeup skills are and a lot of people think she has so many views because of the editing. Seriosly, imagine her latest video without all that editing and music, what a joke. It would be a Kai vid ffs!!!

Word verif: nards

"Revenge of the Nards" was on today in Canada and part 2 lmao

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain this to me?
Is she getting her wisdom teeth pulled out or is this starting her process of "jaw surgery"?

Anonymous said...

nevermind. she did get them pulled out

Anonymous said...

I would not post a pic like that. Phanny, quit pulling Kandees!

Anonymous said...

Screen cap of shopping cart again...

Anonymous said...

This time she cut out the price, half of it anyways lol
219 for a shirt

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, and didnt she address her food bragging on her blogTV? she said she only takes pictures of her food everyday because she wants to "share" with us.


ok, a smuckers peanut butter and jelly sandwich is really worth sharing, phanny.

Anonymous said...

that picture is fucking GROSS!!!!! wtf??????????

Anonymous said...

what da fuck? i didn't know she has an actual office for her crappy skincare line

Anonymous said...

whoops, Seriously*

Anonymous said...

"oh yeah, and didnt she address her food bragging on her blogTV? she said she only takes pictures of her food everyday because she wants to "share" with us."

YES LOL! She said it with such passion too, "I just want to shareee with everyone." Yeah, whatever bitch. Say that to the starving people you once scolded others for buying a second "gold eyeshadow" instead of donating money.

Anonymous said...
Lisa is so manly

Anonymous said...

her $12,000 jacket

Anonymous said...

proof that its $12,000.

well, now its on sale for $8,000. but still, $8000 for a jacket?

Anonymous said...

this will be phanny in a couple years once her metabolism dies down. she's clearly getting a tad pudgy for being short.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"# I'm thinking about hiring someone to edit my videos, this is getting way to much work now. I only fear they cannot edit in my style... -_- 4:48 PM Apr 23rd via web "


Anonymous said...

where's the $70 vitamin screenshot? and wearing anti wrinkle cream since 12?

Anonymous said...

if she was as poor as she claimed to be then she would not be able to afford 70 bucks vitamins and anti wrinkle creams.

she said she was on food stamps, ffs!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

She said it on Twitter. It's been awhile since she said that :/

Anonymous said...

you know you're narcissistic when you make GIFS OF YOURSELF

I need to vent.. said...

alright guys im about to post about michelle, i have a lot of stuff, so if i didn't include something, just post it in the comments for other people to see :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Camille, what's your opinion on Michelle anyway? I know you don't watch her, but from the screencaps we've given you...what do you think of her?

we wont bash you if you like her hahah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hai Jesus! It's me- Michelle!

I need to vent.. said...

i mention it in the post (thats just about ready.. hah) that shes never really bothered me, probably mostly because I dont follow her on twitter. i like some of her tutorials and like her wayyy more than ellen or balir lol. im glad to see someone like michelle succeed more than girls like the QVC sisters

Needle said...

Oh god, if you need someone else to edit your videos because it's "too much work"...maybe... I don't know... UR DOIN IT RONG?

Anonymous said...

ngl, editing videos takes a long time. her videos probably take several hours to do.

Anonymous said...

make sure you add in about how michelle was soooooo upset about her poor bunny almost dying yet every single day michelle is a part of thousands of other bunnies dying
all it took was a big fat cheque from lancome for her not care if she was a part of promoting cruelty to animals to millions of people

Anonymous said...

new post <3

Anonymous said...

Do you guys not realize both Glitzy Glam and So Sassy Hot are under the same management. They get young pretty girls that can appeal to other girls to sell their stuff. Blair and Elle and their "glitzy glam" staff do nothing but pick and choose what products they want to tell through a catalog. Then they package it themselves. But they do not manufacture the products. Blair and Elle's mom does not make these things herself. They order it! The two stores are exactly similar. DUH!

Anonymous said...

I never liked her :S

Anonymous said...

she has a wonky eye and she's ugly who cares

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i LOVE how jackie chans vids are related to hers.

Emily said...

Haha, I was the (ex)subscriber, liplock000 who left that comment about her store being ridiculous and retarded. Just happened to come across your blog and saw that! Megan is honestly one of the dumbest, most vapid girls on youtube. I can't even believe I was ever subscribed to her. Her videos are worse than any other self-proclaimed guru's vids on YT have ever been. UGH. Love your blog btw, this is keeping me so entertained lol

Kaley S. Arnold said...

SHut the hell up, bitch. You have no right to say fuck about my best friend. GO AWAY! shut down your slutty blog, motherfucka.

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