The most recent bullshit that FatNat has pulled involved the BobbiBrown contest she entered; once followers of this blog found out about it, they obviously voted for people other than Nat. I don't know why the fuck Nat was so baffled about this, these people clearly don't like her, so why would they vote for her? She posted a video about this situation and then begged for her 13,000 subscribes to vote for her. How is begging people to vote for her just because they like her any different than people her NOT voting her because they DON'T like her?
She also announced yesterday that she would be doing a BlogTV that night and she formally invited all trolls there so that "we can all talk as adults" - and she promised that she wouldn't kick anyone out. A couple people came as guests, only to get bitched at by Nat, saying "why don't you sign in to your real account!"... YOU invited us here, bitch, why don't you allow guests to chat? She also demanded to know why people disliked her so much and oh, imagine that, when people told her, they got kicked out. Several people also got kicked out just because of their usernames. She also sat there complaining that none of her trolls were even in the room to talk to her, its a Friday night hun, some of us have lives and go out on the weekend. Well Nat, here you go, a list of things that you do that piss people off;
Nat CONSTANTLY fishes for compliments, mostly on twitter. We get it, you used to be bigger, you've lost some weight, GOOD FOR YOU, but constantly tweeting the "healthy food" you eat? give us a fucking break. And do you really expect us to believe that its HARD for you to consume more than 700 calories a day? bitch, PLEASE. We don't really care that you're obese, just stop making a big deal about it and drawing attention to it. You make these outrageous claims (like being 200lbs at 5'6'' and being able to fit into size 10 jeans) and expect people to NOT question you? And just FYI, your outfits are not cute, please stop posting them.
Nat, although very clearly NOT in high school anymore, refuses to grow up. Not only does she act like a child, but she ignores the ones she has. She has been seen in several videos and blogTVs blatantly ignoring her children.
She once tried to claim that she makes no money from her youtube account, and when someone tried to point out that shes a partner and ALL partners make money, she corrected herself saying that the money made from YT goes to her kids, and not her. Damn those children, such a burden on her life (and her stomach)!
It's also interesting that Nat has a MACpro card, when it is well known that you have to supply atleast 2 forms of identification (for being a professional in beauty industry). Several months after she got her pro card, she proudly posted pics to her blog showing the first time she had ever done someone's makeup... shouldn't a "freelance artist" have done MANY people's makeup by that point? Maybe she took the same 40 hour makeup class Kai did.
Finally, as previously mentioned, Nat supposedly has money issues. Now, you probably wouldn't know this by the amount of makeup and name brand crap she buys (like UGG boots, lulz) and you'd assume she's making mountains of money by the way she's constantly bragging about her two college degrees.. but then why do her children share a bedroom? Apparently HER needs come before her children's needs. A while ago she also pulled a Kandee on us - she provided a PayPal button on her blog for people to "donate" money to her to buy a house. Apparently her and her husband had no savings left after a couple of MAC spending sprees. She claimed they wanted to move out of their apartment and into a house because one of their neighbors was very loud. She said the only reason the paypal button was there was because one of her subs requested it to help her get out of her "bad" living situation.. but then said it was all a joke when she was called out on it.
Hannah Montana FTW
As far as I'm concerned, Nat ASKED for this. She sat in her BlogTV all night last night demanding people tell her why they don't like her - well here you go :D
«Oldest ‹Older 3201 – 3265 of 3265I have one of the KVD palettes, and it is great quality. Lizzy simply has way too much free makeup that she'd rather use. I'm fine with that, as long as she hadn't promised to use them in a tutorial!
^^yeah, she has to use the makeup she got sent first so that she can keep making money.
wtf which makeup is meganfartsmakeup talking about nipples? her lastest vid that i can see is the "rumors" one
megans video
thanks :)
Wow, Lisa is super full of herself. At the end of the vlog she say's go wish her happy birthday on her page from me! WTF from you??
You know Lisa will eat that cookie cake when she gets home from the movie. Cuz I'm sure it was for her and not Lizzy. Cause that family would have a way better cake than that. And how could a family celebrate a b-day for a child named blair that doesn't exist.
nice megan, way to forget your FTC info..
i thought blair sold her kat von d palettes on her blog aaaaggges ago? or did she have double ups?
i almost felt bad for megan in that vid, she was sooo awkward talking about nipples. i dont understand her reasoning for them though "if youre wearing a shirt thats too tight to wear a bra"... what? its a nice invention, yes, but im just wondering what a guy would think if he saw his girlfriend wearing those lulz.
I love makeupgeek so much. She's so real and genuinely happy. I think she deserves more fame than she has.
whats that creep twitterer? ingram, or whoever? hes probably all excited watching megans video, with her gesturing to her boobs and all.
woops never mind she didnt sell them, just advertised the prices
how old is megan? she looks YOUNG and ingram is talking to and watching her
She's 13/14
that is horrible im almost crying because of that it is sickening and sad
8:00 wtf????????
because of 7:46 and 7:51pm
ew, why is he referencing pubes to dulcecandy?
What's this creep's twitter?
his personal details were on a website that had disgusting adult content
Okay, the thought of a man who is most likely in his 30's and is probably a mental phedophile watching videos of a girl that's 14 is disturbing. He needs major help.
i saw on his youtube once that he is 38 he is almost 40
didn't dulcecandy just buy a house?
On his Youtube page, didn't Teresa say he forgot to add a few of those girls? She TOLD him too, wtf? How does she know him?
teresa is old and likes old men, how old is her boyfriend? 50?
Kai modelling clothes?! The horror!!!
yeah but an old man watching 13 year olds is wrong
there was this middle age man on youtube who gave megan and other young girl 'advice' on how to get kissed...
can someone recommend a curling iron tht will curl hard to curl straight hair?
also a good non crunchy hair spray to go with it
i trust no-face anons on a blog more than the people on youtube
9:32pm report him to the authorities.
did kai seriously do a "summer sunglasses" video? summer sunglasses as opposed to.. winter sunglasses? no one cares, kai.
934 i find my revlon works just fine, i have 1/4inch and 1inch and the 1/4inch creates curls that last much longer IMO
From Kai's new sunglasses video.
i have 3 pairs of sunglasses and i feel thats too many.. but kais sunglass video is full of screencap wins
@ 9:44
which one the gold barrel one or the ceramic one?
i've been meaning to try the revlon ones, they are like 17-19 dollars, but then i think i should spend a little bit more and get the hot tool gold ones tht i hear about on folica:/
but ever since juicy got sponsorship from folica i dont trust tht site any more
Wtf Kai... she handles her sunglasses just like her cd's. Touching them all over & fingerprinting them up!
wtf is up with her spiderteeth? lol
Allllll that cheap plastic clanking together!
i think kai is making these videos on purpose just for us to get some lulz out of them. I mean 4reals who needs a whole ziplock bag full of sunglasses.
Lulz at 2:58 into the video!
Helllo how are yoouuuu. Is that the British accent Kai uses when she pranks??
950 just the normal gold barreled one haha
i don't know about you guys but i always organize my sunglasses by season.
@258 in her new vid
i shit my pants laughing
LMAO i guess glasses bring out kais inner sexy british librarian...or something
Did she SERIOUSLY just make a video on SUNGLASSES? What happened to being ~thuper busy~ hmmm? What an idiot.
What is the point of having that many pairs of sunglasses? She just buys things for the sake of hoarding.
I have one pair of Marc Jacobs sunglasses and that's all I've needed.
Kai needs to lose the big sunglasses. She looks WAY too "special" in them.
@10:09: I agree! And her helmet hair doesn't exactly help w/ that look!
Everyone give it a thumbs down!(;
helmet hair lulz
mind if i use that particularly special-looking screen shot? bahaha
thanks :D
Wtfff does no one else still have the old layout?! Mine won't change.
@10:34 I got the new one sooo long ago on firefox. Like Chrome JUST switched over yesterday. I miss the old layout so much
I think Kai has another room in the house she keeps all her extra clothes in. She's constantly buying things and hoarding things and her closet was half empty in that video, and her dresser drawers are all full of makeup. She had her sunglasses in a plastic bag, I honestly think she has a whole nother room full of her crap. Kai's bedroom is pretty clean and empty considering she buys new stuff everyday and hoards. I just don't make sense!
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This type of behavior and posting can be considered slander and it is unlawful
Please remove this, or I will have to contact authorities
fatneagle is a fat worthless whore
I know sometimes when coming across gurus they say the same thing about certain products
but does anyone find it weird that in Kailyn's new vid she talks about the mac fluidline staying on your waterline for a long time and the day before Blair posted in her march faves about it staying on the waterline
Don't you people have anything to do with your lives? Yeah, she's fat as fuck, but why do you people care? More importantly, why is there a blog devoted to beauty "gurus" on YouTube?
Nat's not too bad. Atleast she addresses her haters and doesnt pretend that they dont exist like others. Compared to kaiktard Nat's a knockout
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