Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Alright, so many of you have been asking for a post on Irene aka pinkiecharm. Certainly an interesting topic. So basically, all that Irene does is review shit online. A LOT of shit. What makes her qualified to review makeup? I'll never know, seeing as as far as I can tell, she doesn't wear enough. HOWEVER, *apparently* MAC and Stila send her free products to review. Whaaattt the fuckkkkk, MAC?! Although people say its been confirmed and blah blah, I STILL refuse to believe that MAC would send free products to someone who doesn't even do tutorials and who barely has 30,000 subscribers. Besides the MAC and Stila, she definietly doesn't receive everything she reviews for free. I don't believe she works.. although I do believe she has sued/is in the process of suing Applebees for falling and hurting herself. HAH.

But lets pretend for a sick second that Irene does in fact receive free products from MAC. She is frequently on Makeup Alley swapping all of this makeup that she's supposedly gotten for free:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Several things are listed as new, still in the box... how did she adequately review this stuff if she didn't even touch it? Classy.

And besides all of this, shes just a bitch in general. "I'm not google, look it up yourself." STFU, you obviously had the time to respond so rudely, it would have taken you just as much time to, oh i dont know, ANSWER their question. She also decided to block EVERYONE that follows her and sticky on twitter (sticky has over 1000 followers) and when asked why, she sent out some BS letter about how she couldn't have people that followed sticky also following her. ooookay, irene.

full size makeupalley pic:


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Anonymous said...

ew, who is that? i went in there for a second before clicking out.

Anonymous said...

again, kai doesn't even put her hand behind the brush.

kai has a lot of weird habits.

Kristen said...

LOL "Kaylin is a beauty guru on Youtube too, and she's really popular."


Anonymous said...

haahha this bitch just said kai's really popular. shes like "she got hacked"

Nicole said...

hahahhaha that girl said kai was very popular.

Anonymous said...

The girl in the blogtv looked like a fucking bitch and her bf looked like a redneck, but at least he looked like a nice guy. How does Kai know this chick I wonder?

I need to vent.. said...

damnit now guests cant chat. OBVIOUSLY.

Anonymous said...

one of kais fan girls is IMing me saying "say something! its so quiet!"

wtf hunny your girl is boring

flipadelphia. said...

natfuggle and fatneagle ftw ;)

Anonymous said...

guest can chat again.. go go go!

Anonymous said...

Why the fuck does Kailyn always get her way in BlogTv?! What a stupid bitch.

I need to vent.. said...


I need to vent.. said...

ikr 647?! its just because shes friends with some lameass who has like, 16 subs, so they let kai do whatever since shes SOOO popular

flipadelphia. said...

okay i'll stop :D

I need to vent.. said...

fuck now guests cant chat again, typical

Anonymous said...

never stop flip!

flipadelphia. said...

but i wasn't all those diff. guest names, btw. i was natfuggle and fatneagle.

Anonymous said...

a kid I babysit for is obsessed with the movie Enchanted and every time we watch it all I can think about is how much kai looks like this dude:

Anonymous said...

damnit kai's leaving

now everyone can leave this boring bitch

Anonymous said...

she will turn guest chat back on i'm sure. i mean without it no one is talking. it was worth it whoever was posting her addy ;)

yellowbox said...

link plzzz

Anonymous said...

whoa @ 1st 6:51 that could be her dad

yellowbox said...

ahhh nvm. I wish lady kaka hadnt deleted her formspring it really brung the lulz

Anonymous said...

Kai left.. theres nobody in there..

good work team!

Anonymous said...

Dang Camille youre 21 on a friday night trolling people LULZ. Dang when I was in college on friday nite i was out drinking with friends not harassing some chick online I dont know.

Before you bitches start Im home on a friday night bc i just got off work and im tired but I bet you my ass is not going to spend sat night at home trolling blogtv lame lame lame you lot fail.

PS im not one of you bc I DONT TROLL. Not my style babes ;)

Anonymous said...

7:04 you know not they are going to come at you with gtfo and youre no better and all other types of bs this blog spews when someone speaks the truth.

Anonymous said...

what do you guys think about meekakitty and raywj dating?

Anonymous said...

7:04 you're just adding to camilles paycheque everytime you come here ;)

Anonymous said...

I hate meekakitty

Anonymous said...

Raywj is getting buff.

Anonymous said...

meekakitty is kind of blah

her videos are blah

no idea why she has 200,000+ subs

Anonymous said...

Meekakitty tries to hard to be cool.

Anonymous said...

didnt meekakitty win 100k?

Anonymous said...

@7:11 pm

Yes she did. I wanted olgakay to win.

Anonymous said...

I wanted Olga to win too. Meekakitty is annoying.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone like ijustine?

Anonymous said...

@7:15 I love ijustine. Her music video parodies are full of lolz

Anonymous said...

@7:15 I hate her.

yellowbox said...

im not even a 'college' student or whatever the fuck you call it, I dont sit in every night check this blog.
Ive been meaning for months to make one to troll but literally just did it tonight cause I was bored lmfaooo

I honestly dont see why people think people here have no life. Honestly i have the fuckin life of... I dunno ? Fuckin Trainspottin lawl?

Anonymous said...

I like iJustines music videos and her skits but the ones when she is just dancing around like an idiot are annoying.

Anonymous said...

I used to love meekakitty but shes let the 100k go to her head.

Anonymous said...

@7:22 agree

Does anyone like smosh?

Anonymous said...

Meekakitty is so fucking boring. I have no idea why so many people watch her videos.

. said...

meow. ♥hey everywaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.

. said...

i love smosh.

Anonymous said...

"Before you bitches start Im home on a friday night bc i just got off work and im tired but I bet you my ass is not going to spend sat night at home trolling blogtv lame lame lame you lot fail."

You're still on this site idiot. You're not any better. You still spent your precious time on this blog.

Anonymous said...

@7:25 me too

yellowbox said...

meekakitty really fuckin pissed me of for the minute i seen her uggh. I cant believe shes so youtube *~famous~~~~~*~*~*~ and ive never heard of her, or seen anyone make fun of her. She looks like a pretty low scumbeg youd get here tbh

Anonymous said...

meekakitty looks odd

HereComesTrollble said...

Check out what I made

Anonymous said...


Exactly, how is it any worse for them to come on here and bash us on a ~Friday Night~ than it is for us to bash the people on here? Idiots.

Anonymous said...


oh my god............ LMAO

yellowbox said...

7:29 laaav you

Anonymous said...

who is meekakitty?

HereComesTrollble said...

Love you too ;) 7:30

Anonymous said...

olgakay's a whore

Anonymous said...

I love smosh.

Anonymous said...

Smosh and ijustine are the best on youtube

Needle said...

...that kai orgasm thing makes me want to puke.

I think that means you did a good job.

Anonymous said...

ijustine's chin is longer than jay leno's.

Anonymous said...

I hate ijustine

. said...

that kaigasm is amazing. whoever made that gets tyra points.

Anonymous said...

where has kalel been?

Anonymous said...

@7:49 omg I never noticed that until you mentioned it but ijustine does have a huge chin.

Anonymous said...

ijustine is beautiful. dont be jealous

Anonymous said...

HereComesTrollble said...

Yay for earning Tyra-points.

Anonymous said...

I agree that ijustine is really pretty.

What do you guys think of LisaNova?

Anonymous said...

I love when lisanova makes fun of elle.

Anonymous said...

have any of you seen elle's new skincare routine? theres no way she bought that stuff herself.

Anonymous said...

WTF!?! Didn't Lisa JUST see Elizabeth and her mom in New York AND in LA a couple weeks before that!? How on earth does she get any school done? I can barely visit my family with the school load I have.

I need to vent.. said...

lol 704, it was like 6 where i am when i was trolling kai. youre here and at home on a fri night because you just got off work and are tired, what makes you think no one else here is in a similar situation?

but no worries, the night is still young, college parties dont even start until 9 anyway, right? lulz.

Anonymous said...

Elle doesnt know what bedroom eyes are and she doesnt know what a road trip is.

I hate the qvc sisters

Anonymous said...

@8:09 #1 yeah I don't see how she can take so many trips and still be a student who actually gets stuff done.

Anonymous said...

it would be funny if elle fails because of all the trips she takes. Who would move to LA with lizzyblair then?

Anonymous said...

Camille Yes i am tired from work but I most certainly am not spending my spare time trolling blogtvs bc of some yrs old grudge against some girl on the interwebs....efoes thats whats hot in the streets right now lol.....

To the others Im not bashing anyone on here. Im just speaking my opinion it is in my opinion that it is lame as hell that a group of ppl who claim to be grown ass women trolling people. Arent trolls usually like 13 yr olds lol.

I have no issue with this blog calling gurus out who lie cheat and threaten subscribers but this whole trolling blog tv is kinda lame come on you KNOW they are going to kick you out whats the point. Maybe im too old to get it lol.

Anonymous said...

I dont see how elle can still pass with all the school shes missing.

Anonymous said...

well camille when shit gets sent to them again at least they have you name and address and where you go to school and work. It will easy for them to contact you.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is taking a fucking trip every other why the hell is she even in school??

Anonymous said...

they get their rocks off on trolling blogtv

Anonymous said...

@8:31 I dont get it either. How is Elle not failing everything?

Anonymous said...

Camille you act so professional. It would be a shame if someone at your University found this blog and how you are a part of it.

Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT! Go to Kai's February Favorites video and behold her mustache!! It's VERY noticeable!

Anonymous said...

I do believe I heard that the police has all the emails and notes that were sent to Kailyn's house. They do know this blog is connected. When the hazmat team comes out to your house they don't take things lightly. They will get to the bottom of things no matter how long it takes.

Anonymous said...

@8:35 already talked about move on.

Anonymous said...

8:35 I know right camille isnt thinking about that. Before people sart harping on me Im not trying to be mean. Im all about this blog calling out people who lie but some stuff on here is just mean and attacking a person personally rather than their actions.

This type of thing is looked down upon in the professional world. Im not trying to be mean but Im just saying camille you want to protect your future so maybe take your pic down from the blog :)....

AGain not being mean being concerned

Anonymous said...

What college does Elle go to? Maybe her school is okay with students missing classes.

I need to vent.. said...

830, when "shit" gets to "them"? wtf are you talking about? fyi, nothing illegal is being done here. you think someone can press charges because another person posts their address online? where do you think people found that address? ONLINE, fail.

but anyway, yeah, in regards to ellisa missing so much school, idk what kind of classes shes taking, but they must be easy. I cant even miss one day of lectures without coming back behind, let alone an entire week.

Kristen said...

What does the Hazmat team have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...

@8:40 PM Very few schools allow students to miss as much as Elle does.

Anonymous said...

Elle probably takes online classes.

Anonymous said...

@8:43 maybe

Kristen said...

Elle takes in-class classes. She might take online ones too, but she's always twittering about her night class on..Tuesdays? And getting up early for class or whatever.

She should be a bit more responsible and actually go to her classes instead of flying all the way to NY to put some lipstick on someone.

Anonymous said...

it is so funny how you make fun of everyone and the way they look. Have you seen yourself sweetie

. said...

if youre going to apply for a job, how would they know that you come on this blog and troll?

Anonymous said...


I dont think so. If elle was taking them she would move back home.

Anonymous said...

hazmat team came out to Kailyn's house because of letters that were sent to her with powder in them. You can get in a lot of shit doing stuff like that

Anonymous said...

8:43, I take online classes but I'm in a full-time program so I barely have any free time.

Anonymous said...

"if youre going to apply for a job, how would they know that you come on this blog and troll?"

IKR? This blog isn't the most known blog in the entire world.

Anonymous said...

"hazmat team came out to Kailyn's house because of letters that were sent to her with powder in them. You can get in a lot of shit doing stuff like that"


Anonymous said...

I know some prof's dont care if you show up or not. Maybe Elle's dont care.

Anonymous said...

Why is Elle home?

Anonymous said...

@8:56 she went home to visit her family

. said...

point proven. a company isnt going to look down on you if you come on this blog.

Anonymous said...

855 yeah its true, in lectures of hundreds of kids, profs dont care if you come or not, but its hard to catch up with that missed days teachings sometimes

Anonymous said...

i think fatty patty mccan has been trollin this blog. dont you have some little boys to be jerkin off to?

Anonymous said...

It just has to fall in the right hands........

Anonymous said...

@8:58 maybe she has someone sending her notes

Anonymous said...

So I need some advice from you guys on lighting for my videos. As of now my lighting sucks I have a lamp that i place behind my camera but i need i dont know .....more light so you can better see what im doing.

My camera is shitty so better lighting would make uo for that until i can get a new one

Anonymous said...

no joke

Anonymous said...

ijustine is not pretty

Anonymous said...

k 901 no one gives a fuck. if you dont care and think were all retarded for commenting here, why are you trying to warn us? gtfo thx

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA!! Kai is STILL reading Eclipse!? Oh wow...

Anonymous said...

"I do believe I heard that the police has all the emails and notes that were sent to Kailyn's house. They do know this blog is connected. When the hazmat team comes out to your house they don't take things lightly. They will get to the bottom of things no matter how long it takes."

LOL NO. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

They came and did nothing. David let it slip that they're doing nothing and Kai told him not to tell everyone that. They aren't doing shit.

The person that sent her white powder is the person who owns the Watt accounts on Blogtv.

Anonymous said...

"@8:58 maybe she has someone sending her notes"

Okay, I don't want to blame Kai, but she was asking for it. The girl signs up for "snail mail" communities and plasters her address to random strangers! She takes risque photos of herself and was on multiple social sites since she was 14, maybe even younger. She goes on Blog TV and posts Youtube videos. When will she realize that the internet isn't a safe place? Her mother should have informed her when she was younger or at least watched her. She surely wasn't when she was a minor, cybering and showing herself naked on a webcam. If Kai really wanted the drama to stop, she would shut down her sites. You don't need Youtube to be successful with makeup. She should go back to makeup school and try to make herself a name in real life, not online.

Anonymous said...

@9:08 they were talking about Elle dumbass

Anonymous said...

Kai gave her address to everyone. I started talking to her and she gave it to me within 10 minutes. I didn't even have to ask her for it. She would CONSTANTLY egg them on to contact her during her BlogTV chats. Kai absolutely loves the attention, bottom line. It's her own fault.

Anonymous said...

" "I do believe I heard that the police has all the emails and notes that were sent to Kailyn's house. They do know this blog is connected. When the hazmat team comes out to your house they don't take things lightly. They will get to the bottom of things no matter how long it takes.""

I'm talking about Kailyn, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

@9:10 the reply they put in was about elle.

Anonymous said...

9:11 PM- Okay, I'm confused then. Was Kai the one who was getting white powder sent to her house or Elle? If it was Elle, then I'm sorry for calling you a dumbass.

Anonymous said...

elle's roadtrip video was funny bc she really thinks ppl care that she drove to her house.

Anonymous said...

Kai was the one that was sent white powder.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:12 it was kai but the "maybe they were sending her notes" was about elle.

Taj-Jay Ma-Hai everywaaan said...

In Kai's february favorites you can clearly see the girl has a cuticle chewing problem... she put her and near the camera to show a product and I saw her nasty-ass, bloody finger.
and here I thought she couldn't get more disgusting.

Anonymous said...

fact is is that a LOT of people dont like lil kai kaiz and a LOT of people give her shit. its nothing new. even if someone sent kailyn a threatening letter, they couldnt pin point it on this blog.

Needle said...

1. My friend skipped out on classes a lot, but was there for the tests and shit, so he still passed (and not JUST passing, most of the time). It depends on what school you go to, what the classes are, and what you yourself learn from and how you retain information. I've been told most schools don't give a shit about your attendence, although you can be kicked for not attending at all.

2. Potential employers can look up emails, names, etc. So if your real name or an identifiable email is connected to this blog, and has been posted here, they can probably find it. But me? Who the fuck knows "needleinavein" in real life. I mean, who the fuck would even use that seriously, especially when applying to a job, haha.

Anonymous said...

Okay, speaking of "cybering".
If two 17 year old people are naked on webcam, "DIDDLING", (lulz) is that illegal? Since they're both minors..??

Anonymous said...

could just be me, but if someone asked me to describe a perfume, i dont think i would use the term "its so good". time for some new adjectives, kai

Anonymous said...

@9:17 No

Needle said...

@9:17 yes, it is. Minors have been convicted for sending other minors nudes of themselves, IIRC.

Anonymous said...

@9:16 Elle misses weeks at a time of college. She cant possibly pass.

Anonymous said...

pinkiecharm reviewed another MAC collection. I bet most of its on makeupalley

Anonymous said...

9:19 Well it's not nudes I'm sending. I'm just on webcam and so is my boyfriend. We're both minors and I'm not going to lie, we've "diddled" hahaha. I may be wrong but there could be no evidence of it anyway to be convicted upon. You know?
I'm unaware of what "IIRC" means, forgive me.

Anonymous said...

I hope elle fails her classes and cant move to LA

Anonymous said...

@9:21 #2 no one cares GTFO

Anonymous said...

i dont think elle needs to worry about passing.

what is she in school for anyway?

Anonymous said...

9:21 PM - I don't know if that is illegal, but I do know that there was a case where a middle school girl and guy were charged with child porn and if they are found guilty, they will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life. This was news in January or this month I think. They got caught because it was distributed all over the school.

Anonymous said...

9:23 Obviously Camille is caring enough to ANSWER MY QUESTION IN THE FIRST PLACE, FUCKTARD. Go suck Kais cock.

Anonymous said...

*They took photos on their cell phone. The girl confessed of sending nudes to the boy and he sent a picture of his penis. Her phone was taken by a teacher.

Anonymous said...

@9:25 Camille didnt ask

Anonymous said...

9:25- what does the "her phone was taken by a teacher" have to do with anything? Unless the teacher violated privacy laws and looked through the phone..

Anonymous said...

9:26 Are you that retarded? I never said CAMILLE asked, I'M THE ONE who asked.
Bai sugaplum.

Anonymous said...

926 must have FAS just like poor Kailyn :(

Anonymous said...

9:27 PM - That's how the adults found out at first. The boy had already sent them around. That's what I think. Maybe I can find an article.

Needle said...

@9:19 Yeah, I know, I'm just bringing up the point that, shockingly enough to those of us who are very into our studies and whom think attendance is mandatory to an extent, it's not for some people--and they can still get by, too. My friend used to read the syllabus provided at the beginnings of semesters and go "ok, I need to figure this shit out this week, since I'm not going to class". Or something like that.

@9:21 Right, but he could still screen cap things or use a program to save the video file. I'm not the police or your mommy, but I'll just say, be really careful and make sure you really do trust someone.

Anonymous said...

if ur worried about it then dont do it

Anonymous said...

9:30- You don't have to go out of your way, curiosity just got the beter of me :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...,0,202244.story
Here it is. I guess I was thinking of another cell phone charge that was mentioned at the bottom.

Needle said...

@9:21 Oh, sorry, IIRC means if I remember correctly. There have been a few similar cases--again, if I remember correctly. :)

lol captcha: uncheati

Anonymous said...

Yeah Camille, I agree with you on that. I should be more careful lulz. We don't want another Kailyn mishap.

Anonymous said...

y is lorraine in oklahoma?

Needle said...

LOL I'm not Camille, sorry. :(

Anonymous said...


Lorraine's in nyc with her Mom.

Anonymous said...

OMG I totally had a brain fart thinking your username was "Ineedtovent" HAHA. Sorry, I now realize you're not Camille.
Big lulz @ me.

Word verifcation: untest (as in: Kai is UNTESTED for STDS)

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is visiting her boyfriend

Anonymous said...

Needle, omg. So true on this:
"@9:21 Right, but he could still screen cap things or use a program to save the video file. I'm not the police or your mommy, but I'll just say, be really careful and make sure you really do trust someone."

The boyfriend could be saving the screen caps on his computer. I could see some jealous boyfriend using it as blackmail when he breaks up. Just saying. Also, if you're like on Yahoo, never allow anyone else to view your camera. This was before Skype. My friend once had this annoying bot that kept on asking to view her cam, so she said whatever and let them view it. It was from some "anonymous" user, which was weird she said. She just wanted the pop ups to stop. She end up getting an IM the next day from some random person saying they had photos of her. Internet is a risky place if you let your guard down.

Anonymous said...

is lorraine dating clay blakemore or are they just friends?

Anonymous said...

9:39- Scary shit. I've just done that on MSN though. But the fact still remains that he could be screencapping/video capturing me. Not gonna argue on that, thats for sure.

Anonymous said...


I think they are dating since he wrote a song about her. Lorraine is very full of herself so she could be making there relationship into more than it is.

does anyone else think that song she always plays by him is annoying?

Anonymous said...

9:42 PM - Haha, that's why I'd only give up the goods in person and any camera batteries are thrown out the window..

Anonymous said...

I hate that stupid song she puts in her videos now.

Anonymous said...

isnt he like.. 19?

Needle said...

@9:37 Lol, it's ok. :) I get confused sometimes, too... I should have thought better when picking out a random old trolling name. It's the "need" in both our names. :(

Captcha: eversor, as in: Irene's fupa is ever-sore from its constant chaffing.

Anonymous said...

I love Lorraine. Dont hate on her bc your life sucks.

Anonymous said...

@9:46 im not sure how old he is, but lorraine is 24.

Anonymous said...

I dont know if they are together, but they both say they love each other on twitter.

Anonymous said...

lorraine is uglyyy

Anonymous said...

I love lorraine

Anonymous said...

9:46 LMFAO "Captcha: eversor, as in: Irene's fupa is ever-sore from its constant chaffing."

Anonymous said...

Guys I need help with a random question
Whats that song where everyones bouncing their head to one side? lol

Anonymous said...

@9:57 that song lorraine always puts in her vlogs

Anonymous said...

9:59 No thats the song where everyone puts plugs in their ears. Duh.

Needle said...


Anonymous said...

oewijfowijegoijwero I LOVE THAT VID

Anonymous said...

10:02 YES, thats it. Thank you!

I need to vent.. said...

hahaha i love that vid too. although this is one of my favorite versions:

Anonymous said...

..I just fell in love with that guy.

LisaHater said...

OMG DYING! This is too much lol

Lisa/Elle is a dumb bitch. She goes to school just so she can be like I'M A LAW STUDENT! and pull random "laws" out of her ass. Like when she threatens her subscribers. There's NO WAY she can be a law student and be missing so much class. She's most likely failing or has some arrangement with her professors that let her skip so much class.

Anonymous said...

10:08, glad you liked it lol. It took me all of 10 minutes but it's worth it for my troll lovers.

I need to vent.. said...

did you make that, lisahater? it is fucking hilarious. hahah.

and yeah, i agree. i used to really like elle, but then lost a lot of respect for her when she suddenly decided she didnt want to go to law school anymore so that she could pursue her "makeup" passion. lulz. no one will care about these girls in a year or two, and then what will they do? atleast elle will have a college degree to fall back on, i doubt blair will even graduate from homeschooling.

Anonymous said...

I miss the old Elle and Blair.

Anonymous said...

Lisahater didn't make the Kaigasm picture, I did. :) I'm "HereComesTrollble" on blogtv.

Anonymous said...

I miss their old voices. Elle and Blair used to sound normal and now they talk with those annoying southern accents.

I need to vent.. said...

i legitimately used to like elle and blair, until the fame got to their heads and they sold out

1017, excellent work. :D

Anonymous said...

I wonder if lisa has to sleep with her professors to be able to miss so much class

Anonymous said...

@10:21 same here camille.

Needle said...

Ohhayyy watching Kai's february favorites (SRSLY Kai, you bought that shit like two days ago, and it's your favorite for the month?) reminded me:

Can I ask a beauty question?!?!

What's everyone's favorite liner for the waterline? I've tried UD 24/7 and it's pretty shit. Sephora's similar liners are also shit. I've tried numerous kohls and they were pretty shit... nothing stays on my waterline. :(

Also has anyone tried Guerlain's liquid liner? I heard Dita Von Teese uses it, but idk.

Captcha: Rimin. What SP nation likes to do. ;D

Anonymous said...

I now watch blairs videos to see what scheme shes up to next..lisa is too boring to watch

Anonymous said...


spnation thinks he knows it

LisaHater said...

No I didn't make it Camille. And I agree about the QVC sisters. Elle is NOT going to make it doing anything with makeup when she looks like a dried out wrinkly 35 year old. Just look at my profile pic. Bitch is not beautiful and has no talent. Blair is going to end up a washed up loser by 30. Even if she makes it doing something, it won't last forever. She doesn't even have a high school diploma. I hope to hear about these 2 in 10 years. Blair has SOME chance of making it, Elle has NONE, unless she's planning on riding her sister's coat tails.

. said...


mac fucking technakohl that shit stays forever on the waterline.

Anonymous said...

ugh, i have the same problem. NOTHING stays on my waterline.

question: recs for silver mac or nars shadows? i found platinum pigment to be too messy.

Anonymous said...

@10:38 try electra

. said...

i like nars eyeshadows better because they are easier to blend and it comes with a fucking mirror

Kristen said...

Seconding the MAC Technakohl for waterline!

Anonymous said...

this is why i love this blog. people actually know what they're talking about. thank you <3

. said...

SHIT i forgot the name of my favorite nars eyeshadow.

nightbreed because its black. i like to use it for my eyeliner with fix+

Anonymous said...

i've heard people say nars shadows are chalky but i LOVE every single one that i own. they're soft and they blend so well.

. said...

she is fucking hilarious.

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