Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Alright, so many of you have been asking for a post on Irene aka pinkiecharm. Certainly an interesting topic. So basically, all that Irene does is review shit online. A LOT of shit. What makes her qualified to review makeup? I'll never know, seeing as as far as I can tell, she doesn't wear enough. HOWEVER, *apparently* MAC and Stila send her free products to review. Whaaattt the fuckkkkk, MAC?! Although people say its been confirmed and blah blah, I STILL refuse to believe that MAC would send free products to someone who doesn't even do tutorials and who barely has 30,000 subscribers. Besides the MAC and Stila, she definietly doesn't receive everything she reviews for free. I don't believe she works.. although I do believe she has sued/is in the process of suing Applebees for falling and hurting herself. HAH.

But lets pretend for a sick second that Irene does in fact receive free products from MAC. She is frequently on Makeup Alley swapping all of this makeup that she's supposedly gotten for free:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Several things are listed as new, still in the box... how did she adequately review this stuff if she didn't even touch it? Classy.

And besides all of this, shes just a bitch in general. "I'm not google, look it up yourself." STFU, you obviously had the time to respond so rudely, it would have taken you just as much time to, oh i dont know, ANSWER their question. She also decided to block EVERYONE that follows her and sticky on twitter (sticky has over 1000 followers) and when asked why, she sent out some BS letter about how she couldn't have people that followed sticky also following her. ooookay, irene.

full size makeupalley pic:


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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ 7:37

yeah juicytuesday gets trolled a lot but flip is right. she hasn't done another blog tv since flip did that and her blogtv's were pretty much a daily coffee-slurping thang.

whatever flip said that day must have struck a nerve. what DID you say flip??

Anonymous said...

juicytuesday's boy toy was on blogtv last night drunk

Anonymous said...

lmao chill dude.

flipadelphia just said that the tribal tatted whore hasn't gone live since she trolled her. she wasn't like "ZOMG I TOOK JUICYTUESDAY DOWN FOR GOOD"

Anonymous said...

How much do you think Sigma pays Tiffany D to do videos for them?

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who hates those chains lorraine wears?

Anonymous said...

TiffanyD gets paid a lot by sigma

Anonymous said...

i love MY makeup gurus. i live in a different timezone and i sleep at the same time they sleep.

Anonymous said...

I like Lorraine's chains

Anonymous said...

i was on the fence about whether or not i liked lorraine's chains until lollipop showed hers and she made it look way hotter than nasally butterface knockknees could ever show it.

and is anyone else annoyed at that idiotic "song" lorraine keeps shoving down our throats that her jailbait boy wrote for her? i mean his lyrics are so DEEP.

"we got in the car. and drove it far far far far far"


Anonymous said...

i like lorraine but that song is annoying she always plays

Anonymous said...

what does Lorraine's bf look like?

Anonymous said...


lmao i know right??

she thinks that if she plays it enough it'll get -popular-

the song sucks. when she starts playing it on her day in the life vids i immediately close the video.

Anonymous said...

Lorraine is going to be embarrassed when she breaks up with that guy and his song is all over her vids.

I really like Lorraine, she seems very cool.

Anonymous said...

"morning everyone! Today is not that great so far. School nurse thinks I need an x-ray b/c foot could be fractured :("

fatneagle's foot retaliated against her body b/c it was tired of being pushed down into her fake uggs. :D

if her foot is fractured, you know that she will be talking about it every 10 seconds on tweeter.

GAAAHHHH i hate her. post on her or juicytuesday pls and thx!

Anonymous said...

ijustine looks like a tranny jay leno.

Anonymous said...

why does ray william j keep saying "forum"? i don't get it. he's cute though. if only he wasn't 5 feet tall.

flipadelphia. said...

haha i turned closed caption on lorraine's newest video and she holds up her prada handbag and says "but it looks like this"

and the cc read-

"and it looks like death"


flipadelphia. said...

oopsies i forgot the link.

Anonymous said...

hahaha OMG

i'm not a fan of waterproof mascara turned out as "i'm not at the end of water christmas tree"

Anonymous said...

QVC sister and Chris Crocker lookalike LisaElle is only making lots of videos to stay in the top 100 most subscribed. She has to support Hannah.

Anonymous said...

oh man this may be old news because I'm not caught up on this blog but can we talk about BLAIRXXXXXXXL getting DUMPED by her future husband KYLE?? Oh mann saw that shit coming.

Hey Blair- Maybe you can pawn that promise ring?

Anonymous said...

juicy tribal tat saggyboob tuesday just disagreed with sticky saying pink eyeshadow makes you look like you have pink eye.

"not true........"

she WOULD disagree. she's the definition of trash and ugly.

nasally butta face said...

why does lorraine breathe so freaking loudly? it seems like every breath she takes is a struggle. is it because her nostrils are smashed flat on her face or what?

don't say it's allergies b/c she ALWAYS does this. 365.

Anonymous said...

@9:27 it is her allergies. she has said in her videos many times that she is allergic to everything and has to get weekly shots for it

Anonymous said...

@ 9:27

i think it is a result of her botched nosejob.

the allergy excuse is a lie.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely late with this, but Kai's day in the life video is the best thing I've seen in a long time. Ahahaha! When she's singing in the car, it kills me!

flipadelphia. said...


best thing ever. she even sings the wrong words. i totally wish yt offered closed caption for her vids.

Anonymous said...

in kailyns newest video where she i showing her dogs clothes. i horrible bella is locked up and crying wtf?

Anonymous said...

@9:49 - I know! That poor dog! Kai is an idiot.

Unknown said...

ijustine is fuckin beautiful
and rwl is hot in a crepy way.

Anonymous said...

dont be hatin on ijustine

Unknown said...

9:49 AM

i know you could hear bella crying the back :(

Anonymous said...

blair is claiming shes sick again. i'm sure we will see a vlog about it with her wearing a swine flu mask.

shes the biggest attention whore on youtube

Anonymous said...

I love Ray. He seems like a decent guy.

Anonymous said...

maritza are you on crack?

ijustine isn't even cute. her chin is 10 feet long.

Anonymous said...

When Kaitard takes that poor dog out its pen, it can't wait to get away from her. She's all "I'll love her and squeeze her and call her George"...that poor puppy is biting and just wants to run away.

Anonymous said...

How could you think ijustine is ugly? She's almost perfect looking.

Anonymous said...

@10:12 I agree. Shes one of the best looking girls on youtube.

Anonymous said...

I hate when Lisa pulls the top of her hair back like in her new makes her look like a banana.

Anonymous said...

ijustine is ugly. she has a weird jawline/chin.

Unknown said...

10:04 AM

How do you look like?
ps is this sticky?

Anonymous said...

kai's newest video is so uncomfortable to watch

Anonymous said...

i agree with whoever ^^
ijustine is fugly, and i'm not sticky

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

^i was just about to post that link LMAO

Anonymous said...

i justine has to wear a pound of makeup to look perfect though, you don't notice all that makeup she has on?

Anonymous said...

Irene's reviews are full of crap like her!! Who in their right mind would take advice from this fat hoe!! She is rude and ugly!! She needs I love sticky!! She is the shit!! Irene do us a favor and delete ur account!!

Anonymous said...

i have my cat laying next to me and he was watching the mouse move on the screen. i opened one of kais videos and he started slapping the screen.

kai is not animal friendly.

Anonymous said...

it's really sad that kai is so absorbed with making her videos. bella is in the background crying. :( put the fucking makeup and camera away and pay attention to your puppy, fat bitch.

Anonymous said...

"she's a PUREBRED YORKIE... we have papers on her. and she may not look like it now..."

Kai is definitely reading this blog. More often than I thought.

Anonymous said...

that is definently not a purebred yorkie. there is nothing wrong with a mixed dog, i don't know why she just won't come out and say so.

Anonymous said...

well i hope she reads this - you can hear poor bella crying in her video. she does not deserve to own a dog!

Anonymous said...

i thought it was funny she pointed it out in the first place. she must've gotten butthurt over your comment (if you're the one that left it, lol)

Anonymous said...

no WAY that is a purebred yorkshire. it look so much different than Blair's yorkie!

Anonymous said...

so wearing pink e/s makes you trashy lol...damn all this while i thought it was blue lmaoooooooooo

Anonymous said...

Kai's newest video makes me want to spit nails. I HATE when people dress up their dogs like children. I understand needing to keep little dogs warm, but booties and scarves? Jesus Christ, it's a DOG. Ugh, I hate when people do this to their animals.

Anonymous said...

this makes me sad

Anonymous said...

Omg Kai should have just gone to Build A Bear. She doesn't realize that her dog (which is definitely NOT a purebred) is a living thing and not a stuffed animal.

Anonymous said...

lisa has no FTC disclaimer...and knowing her shes probably getting paid for it..
someone should report her

flipadelphia. said...

have any of you seen the older movie teen witch?

Anonymous said...

WTF IS THIS??????????


Blogpost on this!!!

Anonymous said...

OK im back and to the person who posted that wack ass study I have this to say: I am well aware of both sides. I understand there are those who disagree with homosexuality. The issue isnt to make everyone "ok" with it the issue is with people denying homosexuals equal rights.

If I want to marry kristen steward(hey there are rumours mmmm) I should have every right to. No one is going to make churches marry homosexuals. They still will have the right to deny performing marriage ceremonies. Some churches deny performing heterosexual ceremonies.

I fully get that there are those who may not understand or like my lifestyle but please dont come on here with childish insults and out of date studies. That study you showed was older than me LOL. I asked for a link to the full study so I can look at it for myself funny you failed to provide that. Oh well that is neither here nor there so I am done with this issue.

I come to this blog for lulz not to get into an argument as to why I and all other lgbts are all "mentally ill". BTW interesting tid bit if you goog famous bisexuals what you come up with will surprise :) katherine hephburn was bisexual.

Anonymous said...

Any ways back to guru hate lorraines necklace that she always tries to sell look cheap. I mean 80 dollars for that?! Ive seen the same shit at wet seal for 8 dollars 4 if its buy one get one please lo gtfo with that mess!

Anonymous said...

STFU about your sexual orientation.

No one gives A FUCK if a girl or a guy diddles you at night. As long as it is not Kai. Period.

Anonymous said...

12:27 I said i was done after my statement so you can kiss my ass!

Anonymous said...

lisaelle must be reported to the money grabber is pushing a website that sells bags. she must be getting something out of it. she dosent do anything good for no reason.

Anonymous said...

we dont care about sexual orientation. we just want to bitch about fakeass money grabbing make up gurus

Anonymous said...

Can we talk abou Kai treating her do like a toy?

Anonymous said...

lolz at her dog biting her

Anonymous said...

the way she treats bella is disgusting

Anonymous said...

I hate lisaelle.

How do we report someone to the FTC?

Anonymous said...

Im lesbian and i adore the Fowler sisters

Anonymous said...

Kai's dog is not teething, it just wants to get the fuck away from her.

Also definitely not a purebred,her coloring and tail are totally different from purebreds.

Anonymous said...

lol kai put up a note or whatever at the beginning of her video now.

LisaHater said...

I hate Lisa more then Lizzy, much more. I don't get how some of you hate Lizzy more then Lisa. Lisa is a boring plain bitch who has no talent and looks 45. At least Lizzy is more entertaining and can at least keep you interested for a bit. Lisa is such a bore and if it weren't for Lizzy being her sister she would be a no body. Kai would have more subscribers and viewers then that boring old hag.

And LOL at Kai and David's 3 year photo. Kai was SO FAT! WTF?! Is that when she was pregnant? (BTW how do we know for a fact Kai had an abortion? Where did this information come from?)

AND CAN WE PLEASE STICK TO GURU TALK!? that page and a half debate on homosexuality was really unnecessary on this blog. I has to skim through all that to get to the juicy guru gossip.

Anonymous said...

Oh shut the fuck up Lisa! The only reason you that many subscribers now is because your sister sent them to you because you can't get them on your own. Yeah and where the fuck is her FTC disclaimer?! What a sneaky bitch.

Anonymous said...

If that dog is purebread the shit i just took is a purebreed of chocolate cake.

We shouldn't tell her though. I fear she would tie the poor crature to a tree at a rest stop.

Anonymous said...

Kai's dog has more clothes than my 8 month old boy.

I don't know who I'm the most sorry for.

flipadelphia. said...

@ 12:45

took the words right out of my mouth.

i loathe toucan sam fowler.

Anonymous said...

12:46 lmfao

Anonymous said...

Both of the QVC sisters are looking ROUGH when they came back from fashion week.
They had no business being "makeup artists" at fashion week. Imagine being an actual talented artist and seeing those two jokes smearing NYX lipgloss all over the models.

And in Blair's last tutorial she's trying so hard to do the Michelle Phan voiceover it is so annoying.

Anonymous said...

Re: Kai's newest video

Re:LilKaiKaiz dog clothes video
I guess that's all Kai does all day, is watch Bella to make sure she doesn't chew wires and piss all over the place. She can't even leave the dog alone for 5 minutes to make a video?

Anonymous said...

12:24, you were born AFTER 1989?

Darling, lemme clarify something for you; studies from the late 80's are perfectly valid and are used in courts of law. If they're good enough for the judge, they're good enough for your sorry ass ;P

And finally, all your "points" are so flawed, I'm not even going to address them.

Let's move on, shall we ;P

Anonymous said...

The dog is gonna piss all over the place when it is 5 years old. If it even makes it to that age.

Do you honestly think Kai has the skills or clue to teach that dog anything?

I wanna throw up when i see shit like that.

Anonymous said...

pretty sad that you want to fuck k-stew..dyke can't even keep your eyes open right.
why is it that you dykes always choose the wackiest fucks, lulz!

LisaHater said...


EXACTLY! Lisa is such a stupid pathetic loser bitch! If it weren't for Blair inciting all the little teenage girls to watch her vids and telling them to subscribe to Toucan Sam she would have no subs. And their ~SISTER VLOGS~ just appeal more to teenage girls.

If Lisa were to do this on her own she would be worse off than Kai. People actually sub to Kai for lulz. There would be NO POINT in subscribing to Lisa because her videos offer no real advice and she's so fucking boring.

I hate Lisa so much. She's literally so useless and such a loser, but yet she gets to live it up thanks to her sister's fame and her dad's money. Plus I think "Hannah" is her daughter. The QVC's sisters' mom looks old, how did she manage to have a kid? Lisa is like 22 and the mom has a 5 year old? I know it's possible, but it just seems so unlikely in their situation.

Anonymous said...

12:53-THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one who noticed her trying to do the Michelle Phan style voiceover and with her voice it just doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

^ exactly! even some lesbian above "adores" the fowler sisters. prob lisa if the stereotype sticks

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else find it creepy when Blair kept on googly-eyes at the camera? And the voice-over - what a copycat! LULZ!

And 12:2something

The issue isnt to make everyone "ok" with it the issue is with people denying homosexuals equal rights.

*Lulz, to get them 'equal rights' we'd have to be ok with the issue. Whats next? Legal incest? Legal mature marriage? Legal Bestiality? <--oh, wait! that's already legal thanks to you nasty fucks!

Anonymous said...

OMFG!! Kai is saying that she's a "professional makeup artist" in her new video and that's why she can go to the show in NYC!!? WTF?!?!?! Is she serious?!

Anonymous said...

^ lol lol!!! haha, its legal to do your dogs ass before faggots can get married! haha!

Anonymous said...

Seems like Kai is trying very hard to copy the QVC sisters every move...

Anonymous said...

my bf and i have love relations with our animals
it is not unusual where we live
even i think incest should be allowed
i think multiple love partners should be allowed
i think the young should love the older
thats how nature meant for her children to be so

Anonymous said...

Kai is a professional makeup artist and O.J. Simpsons never killed anyone.

Anonymous said...

Oh good. Your innocent mind hasn't been tarnished by the discovery of what a gay bathhouse is...well here goes: a gay bathhouse is a "legal" orgy destination for horny, sex-crazed gay men (women are banned, not surprised given how innately sexist gay men are). Men walk around the steamed "sauna" naked while looking for a sex partner. When they spy one they like, they invite them to a room (with no lock on the door). There, they engage in barebacked anal sex. Other men can also join or watch in the room. It's absolutely disgusting, yet if you think so, you'll be called "narrow-minded" by perverted fucks.

Anonymous said...

Having a makeup certificates doesn't automatically make you a makeup artist.

Kai is so delusional.

Anonymous said...

kai is a wannable. end of story.

spnation on the other hand..i'm thinking he and msfilacola should team up, if ya knowwatimean, hehe

why hide your vids tranny? scared of child protection services?

why ignore questions sp? scared of backlash?

posers...hate 'em

Anonymous said...

christine of temptalia has gone over to the dark side like we thought she would.

she now is promoting sugarpill cosmetics.
what the fuck, chris! we though you were clean! nm, you're like the rest :/

Anonymous said...

the sugarpill stuff looks so cheap

Anonymous said...

YAWN @12:57

Anonymous said...

Kai also mentioned that hairstylists can go so maybe her mom is the "professional" she's going with?

Anonymous said...

Christine has been getting tons of free stuff. Have you noticed every entry or review was given to her free? She doesn't even give any bad reviews anymore! Pisses me off so much! I really doubt she loves every fucking thing!

^And gay people tend to be troubled emotionally. Don't fuck with the facts. But that's for another forum.

Anonymous said...

1:26, 1:14, 1:09....and on

You're the same fucking bitch. Get over Kai. Jack yourself off to her titty pics and gtfh! Gawd, I hate fucking stalkers of the retarded!

Anonymous said...

^ gtfo

Anonymous said...

who told big nose cityandmakeup she was cute? lulz at this pose:

Anonymous said...

~waits for the spammer to start~

Anonymous said...

i think kai needs to face reality and realise thats she is never going to make it as a make-up artist

why would anyone hire her? her make-up skills are amateur and she has no personality. she'd be drooling and spitting all over her clients or would make them feel really uncomfortable and awkward.

Anonymous said...

Straight people are troubled emotionally as well??

Anonymous said...

1:30 Uhh, I'm 1:26 and no I'm not the rest sweetie, sorry. There are lots of ppl on this blog who talk about Kailyn. It's not all one person.

Anonymous said...

I just found this blog after I googled Lisa and Laura when I saw they did a fashion show for Pete Wentz. Lisa and I graduated HS together at D.B High. Shortly after graduation Lisa got pregnant by a guy a grade younger than us. He was popular in the junior class and hung out with the "cool" kids of the senior class. Anyway, everyone in town knew she got pregnant but they moved for a year to conceal the pregnancy and all of a sudden when they returned, they had a new "sister".

So the rumors are true. Not that it wasn't obvious, they look JUST a like.

Anonymous said...

cityandmakeup is fugly

Anonymous said...

omg i knew it!!!! @ 1:40

Anonymous said...

1:40 get the fuck out of here, no-one believes you.

Anonymous said...

for the dyke who wanted 'updated' stats. jsyk, stats aren't deemed invalid bc they're older, but we.

ATLANTA, Georgia, August 24, 2009 ( - An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population. Dr. Amy Lansky revealed this statistic during a plenary session at the 2009 HIV Prevention Conference in Atlanta.

The CDC had already revealed last year that approximately 53% of the estimated 56,300 new HIV cases in 2006 were in homosexual men, with the African American population being particularly affected.

2007 CDC report says homosexuals account for 65% of all syphilis cases.

Gays fuck like rabbits, geez!

Anonymous said...

Some people on this blog are so gullible

Anonymous said...

@1:40 so "hannah" is elle's daughter? did "blair" get pregnant too??

someone needs to tweet that to lisa!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

@1:40 if youre going to start shit please make it believable.

stephanie rogers has a huge schnoz said...

cityandmakeup thinks she's hot shit. she always says how she is way hotter than ashley tisdale.

at least ashley got HER nose fixed.

Anonymous said...

hey guys blair and elle secretly are paid actresses and arent even sisters. I went to hs with them so i know

Anonymous said...

guys i went to hs with lisa and she had a sex change when she graduated

Anonymous said...

What do we think of thestylediet's new red hair?

I personally like it. Conceals the fact that she's balding a lot better.

Anonymous said...

blair was in my class and she stabbed someone and told us that if we ever told anyone we'd get stabbed too

Anonymous said...

thestylediet is a fucking loser

flipadelphia. said...

LULZ at fatneagle tweeting kim kardashian.

Anonymous said...

I went to hs with elle and blair and they are mob daughters and hide cocaine in their makeup

stickylipgloss said...

this needs no words.

Anonymous said...

blair once locked a girl in the toilets and shit on her, i should know, i went to high school with her

Unknown said...

I love how people have this idea that gay people are sluts/whores/etc.

So I guess that means that straight people can't be, right? God forbid, it's impossible for just SOME people to be sluts and others to not be. But apparently this "doesnt" apply to homosexuals.


Anonymous said...

1:41 we all know about down low brothas and NO ONE thats sane agrees with having a wife and cheatng on her with another man. Why? bc its dishonest.

Ive looked up those cdc stats you gave and came up with nothing hmmm me thinks you are pulling numbers out of your ass. All I am asking for are links. I mean if you are going to "copy and paste" stats why not copy and paste the whole link. I quite enjoy reading and would love to read where you find this information.

BTW studies show minorities have higher rates of emotional issues and stress...why? bc of how society treats them. Same goes for homosexuals. Society treats homosexuals like second class citizens so of course there are going to be higher rates of suicide and depression. How would you feel if people hated you based on who you were attracted to?

Anonymous said...

Torok I know almost beginning to agree with the spammer about this blog being full of homophobes.

NO wonder theres so much hatread on here LOL.

Anonymous said...

lisa is such a weirdo.

strip away the facade and you'll see that she is nothing more than a boring lonely freak that cant get a boyfriend

Unknown said...


omg natfupa's MU collection video.

omg with all that make-up she couldve put a NICE down payment on a house. But. she wouldnt do that. if it doesnt benefit nat, it wont happen. shes such a selfish twat.

flipadelphia. said...


Anonymous said...

"blair was in my class and she stabbed someone and told us that if we ever told anyone we'd get stabbed too"


Anonymous said...

no offence but all this gay talk is really boring

WHO I IS? said...

I know this isn't beauty guru related, but is anyone keeping up with that weird IAMAMIWHOAMI youtube viral marketing thing? Everyone thinks it's Christina Aguleira lol.

Anonymous said...

thestylediet is soooooooooo in love with herself. posting pictures of herself and dying her hair is all she does all day because why? oh yeah, she has NO JOB. she's a liar and a little whore.

oh and haha my word verification is bulamic how appropriate since thestylediet used to be a bulimic.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just got my viva glam lipsticks. if you haven't gotten them already, i really suggest you go get them. the formula is excellent, they're moisturizing, and the color is fantastic.

i'm nc15. cyndi isn't red, it's a very wearable coral. and gaga is a light milky pink, but not opaque and gross.

i kind of want backups.

Anonymous said...

Further more let me say some of the same bs people are saying about homosexuals is the same shit that was said about minorities at some point. In the 60s the target group was black people now its homosexuals. Our society always has to pick on someone.

Anonymous said...

i suppose kai gets all the money for everything from her mom. didnt she say she has never been out of the country? i bet if her mom saved all that money she just gives to kai they could go travelling. that would be far more worth-while than buying retarded dress-up clothes for her dog or paying $30 a month for a crappy website.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people have never been out of the country. Not everyone can travel abroad its expensive as hell :(

Unknown said...

1:58 PM
i kindfind the gaga liptick anywhere its even sold out gonna have to travel far for it. it looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

how come when someone does a voiceover they are automatically copying Phanny? does it really matter?

Anonymous said...

Six main secondary disabilities were identified in a University of Washington research study of 473 subjects diagnosed with FAS, PFAS (partial fetal alcohol syndrome), and ARND (alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder):[5][9]

* Mental health problems — Diagnosed with ADHD, Clinical Depression, or other mental illness, experienced by over 90% of the subjects
* Disrupted school experience — Suspended or expelled from school or dropped out of school, experienced by 60% of the subjects (age 12 and older)
* Trouble with the law — Charged or convicted with a crime, experienced by 60% of the subjects (age 12 and older)
* Confinement — For inpatient psychiatric care, inpatient chemical dependency care, or incarcerated for a crime, experienced by about 50% of the subjects (age 12 and older)
* Inappropriate sexual behavior — Sexual advances, sexual touching, or promiscuity, experienced by about 50% of the subjects (age 12 and older)
* Alcohol and drug problems — Abuse or dependency, experienced by 35% of the subjects (age 12 and older)

Two additional secondary disabilities exist for adult patients:[5][9]

* Dependent living — Group home, living with family or friends, or some sort of assisted living, experienced by 80% of the subjects (age 21 and older)
* Problems with employment — Required ongoing job training or coaching, could not keep a job, unemployed, experienced by 80% of the subjects (age 21 and older)
* a slight retardation

Anonymous said...

the gaga lipstick is very pretty

Anonymous said...

I like the cyndi one a lot more than the gaga one

Anonymous said...


Sounds exactly like Kai. I'm assuming Kai's mom was an alcoholic or something and couldn't give up drinking during her pregnancy. So now she spoils Kai out of guilt.

Anonymous said...

WOOT for 300lb lesbians who follow youtube make up gurus!

Anonymous said...

2:21 PM - most of that sounds like anyone.

flipadelphia. said...

i got both gaga and cyndi and i never thought i'd wear cyndi much. i've actually worn cyndi twice and haven't worn gaga once yet. i suggest getting cyndi if you *think* you might want it b/c it will probably sell out pretty soon.

Anonymous said...

lisaelle's makeup bags shes giving away are horrible

Anonymous said...

2:31 not really

Unknown said...

yea i orderd the cyndi lipstick <33

Anonymous said...

lisaelle wants cheap views and followers so gives away bags. FTC this bitch

Anonymous said...

1:59. Please stop with the faggot b.s. No one cares who you go down on. Keep on topic. K thanx!

Anonymous said...

2:39 agreeed

Unknown said...

Kai's mom isnt ugly idk where kai got her fuglyness from. Even my mom said she looks like a hippo.

Anonymous said...

omg... go check out glittergreases' new video and her nasty ass fingernails! Eww, just eww

Anonymous said...

haha oh god, anyone else notice Kai say she wanted to go somewhere with a warm "climat" in her new video about the makeup show?

Anonymous said...

why does liselle's sister/daughter have a british accent? and she really is a mini-me version of liselle. sorry, but she has that old haggard wrinkly look liselle has. if they really are sisters then elizablair is adopted or something.

Anonymous said...

lol @ kai talking to her dog
"kiss for momma?" and bella just bites her


Anonymous said...

244 i noticed that, haha

Anonymous said...

"give MOMMA a kiss. Oh you just wanna bite"


Anonymous said...

the father of lisaelle's daughter should step forward and make youtube videos

Anonymous said...

Kai reads this blog. Yesterday people were mentioning how she and Davey broke up.

Today she posted that pic of them on their anniversary.

That thing gave me about 600kcal back to spend.

Anonymous said...

lilkaikaiz better be careful or she'll end up looking like kimitoxxic when bella bites her nose off

. said...

i dont like that gaga lipstick as much as i thought i would.

. said...


is she like 10?

shes an elizablair rip off, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Who is on blogtv? i feel like trollin the shit out of stupid ass beauty gurus

Anonymous said...

bonnie/sushirockstar is live

LisaHater said...

It would be fun to troll Liselle on her twitter or youtube if the bitch didn't block everyone who said one wrong thing to her. That's like all she does all day is lurk her profiles and blocks everyone saying things about her she doesn't like.

Anonymous said...

Maritza, if Kai has FAS that would alter her looks and give her a strange appearance.

Anonymous said...

Really LisaHater? I tweet rude shit to her all the freaking time. She never blocked me. LULZ

She blocked me on yt right away though.

Anonymous said...

lisa blocked me on twitter because i called her fat </3

piggiecharm said...

is sushi whatever worth trolling?

Unknown said...

3:04 PM
lmao :'D
she go buthurt

Unknown said...

3:02 PM
i know she hasnt blocked me either. not even on yt tho.

Unknown said...

2:59 PM

:( thats sad.

LisaHater said...


I called her useless ONE TIME and she blocked me on twitter right away! Ugly old hag can't take criticism.

Anonymous said...

ahahah candace19 ftw!

Anonymous said...


. said...

im gonna be in sushirockshit's blogtv.

flipadelphia. said...

this is how insecure lisa is-

i posted a comment ABOUT her on someone else's pet-peeve video comments. all i said was that i agreed with her saying people that said "EXPECIALLY" annoyed her and i wrote that i wished allthatglitters would take note or something along those lines.

and before the day was over i was blocked. that's the ONLY time i've ever mentioned her name on youtube. i never comment, never message her, etc. and all of a sudden after my comment on sarahhrush's video, i was blocked by toucan sam. =/

gahhhh i hate her.

Anonymous said...

WTF I can't escape the homosexual debate today! I come on here and people are arguing about homosexuality, and I go on ONTD and there's people butthurt over the word "tranny".

Anonymous said...

Lisa is so insecure that she feels the need to block everyone who makes slightly negative comments about her.

Anonymous said...

sushirockstar just mentioned this blog on her blogtv.

Anonymous said...

lol sushirockstar:
"i read unkn0wncritic or whatever...please dont troll me, makes me nervous"

and she thinks this blog is funny lawlz

. said...

LMAO who is FATneagle?

Anonymous said...

TiffanyD is now 100% sigma whore. Totally done with her. Her tutorials are fine but all her reviews on anything are now untrustworthy. Buhbye respect.

Anonymous said...

tyra and flip you guise are famous, sushirockstar recognizes you ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys are some pathetic fucking LOSERS! You sit here and insult all of these youtubers that YOU WATCH DAILY! LOL so fucking stupid. The more BS you talk the more attention they get. Haters make them GREATER. FUCKING RETARDS. You hide behind a computer w/ faceless profiles b/c you don't have the BALLS to do a fucking video yourself! LOSERS. Seriously all of you, get a fucking LIFE and stop being so damn jealous! This is for all of the youtubers I watch and respect.

. said...

i like bonnie but her laugh is...


Anonymous said...

Sushifreakstar is just as retarded and twofaced as the rest of them. she just wishes for a blogpost entry on here. Not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

3:23 go suck a dick

Anonymous said...

the other 3:23 not you tyra ;)

flipadelphia. said...

i like bonnie! she's not a sellout. she even bought her sigma brushes unlike 99.9% of the rest of the gurus.

Anonymous said...

oh hai anon 323.. care to give us your YT, then? :)

flipadelphia. said...

@ 3:24

how is sushirockstar 2 faced?? srsly. i'm pretty sure she doesn't care for the qvc sisters, btw. so that earns her points in my book.

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