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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Biggest Bitch?

Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA for the past two weeks. Both flip (my moderator) and I have been on vacations and have been busy, butttt we're back with THREE "gurus" to vent about this time ;)

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Crazy bitch. Like, legitimately crazy. I expect death threats to come about because of this post, but I guess that just shows how crazy she truly is. I've watched several of her videos and don't really mind her, but if you insult her, watch the fuck out. Although unfortunately she deleted her tweets and formspring before someone could screencrap these psycho moments, hundreds of people saw them. The most notable incident would have to be from her formspring. A question/comment was made, probably criticizing her weird gray hair or something, and she basically responded with a very vulgar, graphic, threatening rant to the extent of "I'll rip your throat out, spit on your grave, and rub it in your families faces". If someone has a screen shot of this, please send it to me, even though there's no way I could make this stuff up if I tried haha.

Oh, the gray hair I spoke of;

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Steph, your hair looks gray. Sure, could be the lighting, but yeah, people are still going to comment on it. No need to get all upset about it.
1 month ago

@barbiehannah just a little heads up. even when people say "not to be mean" i still block them for a rude comment. do it again and i will block you."

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A couple more things;
-She tweeted a little while ago asking people to click on her links because she "really needs the money". She considers youtube her job, so she probably shouldn't ask people to click on her links if she wants to keep that "job", considering google adsense can disable your account for that.
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-She tweets a LOT about drinking/being drunk. RIP steph's liver and dignity.
-DON'T add her on her personal facebook ;)



To be honest, I've never watched a single video of hers so I can't really comment on the quality of her vids, but after seeing some of her bitchy responses to subscribers, I'm glad I'm not one of them.

Sure, you CAN act like all your subscribers are dumb... or you could respond with something helpful and encouraging.. nahh.

..because no one in this history of YT has ever privated or deleted their first vids. Bitch.

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Here are some more screencap links (too big to post as a pic) that show how defensive and bitchy she constantly answers;

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Again, another one I've never really watched, but I don't think I could get through one of her videos even if I tried, as she bares wayyyy too much of a resemblance to Snookie from Jersey Shore. Unfortunately, that's NOT where the similarity stops. When she's not on the hunt for another nude, death-looking lipstick, she's practically begging her subs to "send her swag!". Damn gurl, you're just full of class.
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Also, I'm sure most of you remember the NYT article featuring Mel, Blair, and Elle, which basically made a complete mockery of all of them. Mel was extremely excited to see herself in this article and couldnt stop tweeting it. uhhh did you READ it, Mel? It had nothing good to say about you.
BTW, how's that petition to get you into Seventeen Magazine going? HAH
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So there you guys have it. What do you all think? Biggest bitch? Most annoying?
Oh, and a special thanks to my mod for helping me out with this one so much, considering I dont really watch either three <3


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Anonymous said...

Elle tries so hard to be like Blair, it's actually pathetic at this point. Look at my nose job and longer hair extensions! Plz accept me and love me as much as Blair :'( :'( At least my cat loves me.

Anonymous said...

makes her mouth look jumbo and her face strained.

Anonymous said...

for anyone who doesn't want to watch lisa's latest video -

it's blatantly clear that she's had work done too. something is different about her under eye area too.

Anonymous said...

all this toucan sam bullshit talk must have really messed with her head




Anonymous said...

And here we were thinking that Lisa finally looked better than Lizzy. NOT anymore! She fucked that up! Good going Lisa, you dumb cunt.

Anonymous said...

at least she and blair went to the same surgeon.

kind of like the jacksons...

Anonymous said...

Elle really looks like a skinny version of Jenna Olli in that video.....

Anonymous said...

did she get a chin reduction also???

she looks freaky and i was all set to see her finally have the one up on blair

Anonymous said...

WHO the fuck was their surgeon?!? Everyone should be warned!

Anonymous said...

i think that any surgeon would have done something similar THIS is what happens when u fuck with normal, cute faces of young girls, unless u are fixing something e.g. a large bump or something u just get stuff scraped off and pinched.

Anonymous said...

I thought that Lizzy had something done to her eyes and seeing what Lisa looks like now, they both got the same eye thing. That before and after picture is VERY telling.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lisa got a nose job too! 2 for 1 deal?

Anonymous said...

You guys are seriously fucked in the head. You said before that Lisa looked like Toucan Sam, an old lady and all kinds of other shit. Now that she's trying to fix what you've been critisizing her about, you hate that too. I hate the QVC sisters too but have never made fun of their looks, because i'm not one to even talk. I do talk shit though about them trying to pawn off their free crap to little girls. Seriously though, you guys are fucking impossible to please.

Anonymous said...

It's sad how badly they want to be famous and accepted in Hollywood... Fake bitches.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD WOULD YOU FUCK OFF ALREADY. You bitch about everything. You have a permanent case of butthurt because you ALWAYS come here to point fingers. "Well you guys said this and that" Stop stalking this blog if you have such an issue with it you fat bitch.

piggiecharm said...

You guise are amazing at taking screen caps. <3

Anonymous said...

yay Lisa's nose looks good unfortunately this new nose doesnt work for her face at all makes the rest of her face look rough and manly with a cute nose


Anonymous said...

Fuck you guys and fuck this blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, a lot of people on here were saying that Elle looked better than Blair after Blair's jacked up nose but now that we know that she's just done the same thing, she looks fucked up too.

Anonymous said...

am i the only 1 think that they both look way better now?...looool i hate them tho.

Anonymous said...

Elle looks like Heidi Montag on crack.

Anonymous said...

12:17 that's bullshit. if anonymous comments on the internet offend someone enough to spend thousands on surgery, then that's their problem.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. How is she supposed to make it in Hollywood if she can't even handle anonymous comments on the internet? Come on now.

Anonymous said...

you're not human if u dont have a part of yourself that you're not 110% confident about. so what her nose wasnt perfect, it certainly aint any closer to perfection now, if anything its the other way.

Anonymous said...

guys do you remember when Blair said in one of her videos that she and her sister were planing something together and how she wish that elle didn't change her mind??? i think it was the vid with the hair company interview??

Anonymous said...










Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

elle couldn't even whoop kai's ass in a beauty competition, fuck off.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
in this video

piggiecharm said...

someone is too far up lisa's ass. LULZ. calm the fuck down. Do you think they wouldn't have gotten surgery if they were in Hollywood...where it is 10 times worse than this? Be realistic here.

Anonymous said...

wtf @ saggytuesday's new video. does she have a black eye?

Anonymous said...

@12:04 Thank you =)

Anonymous said...

Lol you all are quick to call her Toucan Sam Fowler, she gets a nosejob and y'all are still bitching.

Nonetheless, Baliar and Toucans jobs look fucking horrible. Michael Jackson sisters

Anonymous said...

she should have gone to a better surgeon if she didn't want us to bitch about it.

you're in the wrong place to defend her. bye bitch.

Anonymous said...

OMFG lisa got a nose job aswell

she sounded so nasly in the video and something looked different (and it wasn't the crappy extenstions) so i came here and i KNEW it she got a nose job, there is no denying it.. OMG!

Anonymous said...

Oh please, Lisa and Lizzy both got work done because they are going to Hollywood and probably on the advice of their agent.

Kristen said...


Anonymous said...

Apparently your superficial ass isn't understanding the main issue, THERE WAS NOTHING WRONG WITH HER NOSE IN THE FIRST PLACE. She has super beady old lady eyes, but her nose didn't have any sort of deformity or huge Jessica Harlow hook. Saying she "should've just gotten a better surgeon" is stupid when there wasn't anything wrong with it in the first place. I know for a fact that Lisa read/reads this blog religiously, so i guess I shouldn't be surprised. Now she's going to look like MJ permanently

Anonymous said...

I do not approve of them, but I think they both look better.

sticky is already stealing shit on this and tweeting it..

Anonymous said...


unless your a micheal jackson fan how the fuck do they look better?

are you the idiot agent who put them up to this?

Anonymous said...

I don't think this blog ever commented on Blair's nose and she got a nose job regardless. They are doing it for the industry they are going into. This blog has nothing to do with that, Blair being the perfect example.

Anonymous said...

I just watched Elle's hair extension video. Hmmm...her nose looks different, or is it just the lighting? It looks less bulbous at the tip.

Anonymous said...

oh sticky stole my screencap for her twitter. at least that fucker is saying she jacked it from here though.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe their mom would let her 17 year old daughter get a nose job. Lisa is 22 so they dont have much say but they must be the worst parents in the world. seriously your never going to make it in hollywood stop runing your face

Anonymous said...

honestly i can't fucking wait for hollywood to spit these two idiots out.

a few hundred thousand seems like a lot for youtube, and it is, but a few hundred thousand viewers for a tv show? cancelled by the time the first airing is done.

Anonymous said...

elles new nose makes her look more like kimi than the old elle

hannah save yourself. dont listen to your sisters and dont get a nosejob

Needle said...

Wowwwwww that's a pretty obvious change in her nose. And you know if she had it, it basically confirms that Blair had it done, too, because it's just too much of a coincidence that we'd THINK blair got rhinoplasty when she didn't, at the same exact time that her sister actually did.

Umm if that makes any sense.

I actually do think Elle looks slightly prettier now, it could also be the help of the extensions. I think Blair looked prettier before, though.

I think both of them should have just owned up to their inperfections, though. Who cares if someone else thinks your nose isn't perfect? Barely anyone's is.

The main attraction to watching people on youtube is that they're NORMAL PEOPLE, usually not skilled actresses with a team of stylists, directors, etc. behind them. So like, when you view a review or tutorial video on youtube, part of what makes everything seem more believable and honest is that the person on the screen isn't perfect, just like you. Right?

They basically threw that out the window! Not that they weren't liars already, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying this out of any sort of bitterness, but I seriously can not stand to watch Elizabeths videos anymore. She is just so ugly now, I don't even know what else to say. It kind of makes me sick that she was super pretty and unique looking, but now her nose looks stupid as hell and her face and beady eyes just irritate me. Her nose has that super fake, refined generic plastic look to it now, it's crazy how uglier one little change made her. She's got that super plastic bitch face now

Anonymous said...

11 minutes ago
You look alot like blair in this vid for some reason must be the much longer hair?

their fans are too dumb to live.

Anonymous said...

elles nose is fucking wonky now

Anonymous said...

They both looked WAY better before - they both looked natural and there was NOTHING wrong with their noses. They weren't Julieg713 or jessicaharlow there noses were FINE.

So it makes me wonder what kind of mother they have...

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm sorry but their parents are fuuuucked to be okay with nose jobs that weren't even needed and possible eye work when Lizzy and Lisa are both still so young.

Anonymous said...

I can see why Elle wanted a nose job because of all of the comments about how big it is. And no, this blog wasn't the only talking about it TYVM. But I'll never understand why Blair had hers done. I can't even recall any comments making fun of her nose. They're just insecure I guess.

Anonymous said...

elles nose wasnt big at all

Anonymous said...

I had rhinoplasty done and let me tell you. It's not rainbows and butterflies.

First off, it takes 2 weeks for the swelling around the face to go down. You get horrible bruising.

If you look at the upper part of the lips, that area will be very stiff. Watch how they speak and how stiff that area is.

Smiling is very hard within the first 2-3 weeks after rhinoplasty. Because the nose is so swollen, the smile will look very strange. Almost like the grinch.

The nose will swell up and look bigger for the first 5 months. So look at their noses, remember it. It will look smaller after a year.

Look for the scars and incision marks. It's usually around the nostrils. Most likely, open rhinoplasty was done, so they'll have 3 incision marks on their noses.

The reason why their nose looks resembles a pig is because when the nose is swollen, it pushes the position up. The nose will drop within the first few months.

Anonymous said...

type in the gurus that you think needs a nose job.

i say michellephan

Anonymous said...

i am no expert on the united states but from what i know from my friend there yesterday was a big holiday sunday where everyone goes out to bbq and party

were a few of you regular losers seriously on this blog all night yapping away about kaiylin???

:/ i hope you get the help you require sooner rather than later

i just took a brief skim of the comments and its painfully obvious that only a few of you are addicted to this kailyn individual. you need intense help. good luck and get a life.

its one thing to check out a new post on a blog about people you cant stand and perhaps leave a comment but for the few losers who frequent this blog regularly and daily i feel very bad for you and that is so not normal you need major help

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i dont think any of those gurus should get a nose job. it ruins the ethnic look. if michelle phan had a nose job, she would look like any typical korean wanna be actress. i think it's refreshing to see someone sporting their own nose. it adds character. elle and blair ruined their noses because it erased the character in their face. They may think it's an improvement, but hollywood is moving away from the cookie cutter pretty girls. they want someone who has a face that they will remember.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if Lady Gaga had a nose job. That would destroy her look. Call me crazy but I like noses like Tiffanyd, Julieg, Jessica, Dulce, etc. They all look different. It's not the typical ski slope noses. Yeah we make fun of them, but at least we know their faces. Blair and Elle are like strangers now.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

1:47 #1-Uhh...not everyone that comments here is from the States nor is anyone on 24/7 save for Sticky and Kai. I'm from Canada and our long weekend was last weekend.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind a tiny refinement. Like removing a bump or minor tweaks. But to change the nose completely is not the best way to go. Especially when you're in the lime light. look at Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing. She had a bigger nose, but it added so much character to her face. She had the girl next door look. When she had her noes job, she never got a job. She said her biggest regret was getting the nose job because she said "now I look like every girl in hollywood"

Anonymous said...

you need to blog about elle's nose job. I assume elle and blair got them done at the same time. how cute!

Anonymous said...

"more hollyannaree defensive bitchiness."


Anonymous said...

LOL as if elle didnt have enough problems now ingram091 is talking to her again

@ellefowler A lot of sleepless nights preying for something to clear. In the end 3am was the best time to be out, & everyone else was asleep

You do realize "preying" means to hunt. at 3 am huh?

Run Elle! LOL

Anonymous said...

damnnn i think elle did have her huge honker operated on and the results look like an obv nosejob.

fake nails fake hair fake nose fake personality fake "friends"
if i was lisa fowler i would commit suicide asap and put myself out of misery. poor girl has nobody in the world to call a friend even thats really sad

Anonymous said...

I'm in school for plastic surgery.

I can tell you exactly what Elle had done. She had her tip shorten and rotated. Basically, fatty tissue is removed from the tip. Which is why now you can see her nostrils. The tip will eventually drop, but her nostrils will still be visible. It also looks like she had a septoplasty where the nasal septum is straighten and shaved down. She doesn't look like she had an alar reduction. What Elle had done is major and would have most likely had been an open rhinoplasty unless her surgeon preformed a closed rhinoplasty one her. Closed rhinoplasty has a faster recovery time and the scarrings are inside the nose.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

@1:49 huhhhh?
a ski slope nose is exactly what julieg has its a curved over nose like a ski slope.
julieg is one person that really should get a nosejob but hopefully it doesnt turn out horendous like blair/elles.
have you seen her sunluv snookie video?

quadrilaterals said...

what the hell did they do to their faces? what stupid bitches, omg.

their doctor sucked, too. why would you shave off the tip and leave it all flat and pushed in looking like that? that doesn't look natural. i'd think they'd go to a really good doctor considering all the money they have but it looks like they went to some cheap deal surgeon. idk if it was the underlying shape of her nose but lisa's septum thing looks like it's all crooked and wavy now.

i hope they regret this and don't think they look awesome or anything.

Anonymous said...

the only people on youtube that i can think of that need a nosejob are makeupbymel and kristinsmith
they bvoth have bumps on the bridge of their noses that could use a good sanding down to take away that bumpy side profile

Anonymous said...

^ Their noses will be pushed up for a few months, but it will drop. The nose is still swelling and it takes a year for the nose to heal.

The first 2 weeks - a month, 80% of facial swelling will subside.

First 5 months, the nose should change and take it's true form.

a year, after the scarring tissue, the nose will be in it's complete form.

it always look worse before it looks better

quadrilaterals said...

@2:12 the first month, alright. swelling, bruising, ect. but the nose shouldn't look all fucked up like that. it's only going to get smaller when the swelling subsides fully and their noses look all creepy and pushed in as it is, it's not gonna get any better.

if you look at lisa's new video, when she turns her head up and slightly to the side you can see that the tip of her nose is literally flat, just like elizabeth's. it's like the doctor shaved off the tip but didn't feel like shaping it at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't see why everyone on here thinks this sticky girl is so ugly, She's quite attractive. Her body is awkwardly skinny but when she gets older and gains some weight it will be really nice. Elle on the other hand looks like a piggy just like her sister.

Anonymous said...

this is a good nosejob.

Anonymous said...

@2:24 hi sticky

ohhh right blair and elle look like such a piggy at a size 00

have you not seen blairs face? she looks like aqn anorexic fucked up skeleton recently and she used to be very pretty. not anymore.

Anonymous said...

@2:21 AM correct. The nose will not regain tissue, it will only shrink and drop.

quadrilaterals said...

i think sticky is pretty too, but she takes really unflattering pictures of herself and black hair makes her look really dull. i think she'd be prettiest as like a strawberry blonde or a full on redhead. her old blonde hair wasn't working for me either.

Anonymous said...

whats the name of those sisters you guys call shrek and say one looks like kai?

Anonymous said...

hahah elle and blair got the 2 for 1 special and both turned out bad
like i mean really really bad
should be a new post on 2 for one deals gone wrong

Anonymous said...

"i think sticky is pretty"

LMAOOOOOO are you blind? or just really really drunk? anyways thanks for the laugh

Anonymous said...

this video shows a good before of her nose! She looks completely different.

What bothers I know they are never going to admit to the nose job!!

Anonymous said...

She isn't ugly enough to laugh about it, at least. She isn't gorgeous but she's pretty enough. Not hideous.

Anonymous said...

Damn I always knew holly was insecure and rude at times, but to not even let your bfs see you without makeup..? Can you say ISSUES??

Anonymous said...

Look forward to reading this blog tomorrow! Lisa's nose job is hilarious. I guess she isn't the better looking Fowler sister anymore. LOL!

Anonymous said...


"more hollyannaree defensive bitchiness."

good post, this needs to be added for sure

Anonymous said...

Where's molly???

Anonymous said...

any chances the fowler girls had of making it in hollywood are gone.

they ruined their looks and ruined their chances

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


i literally shart myself

imma go catch up on comments now

Anonymous said...

you should add this to balirs nosejob post.. or do another post in a couple of days about it...

Anonymous said...


flipadelphia. said...

"more hollyannaree defensive bitchiness."

good post, this needs to be added for sure"

I added it. It's posted as a link b/c it was too big to post as an image. [It cut over half of it off]

Anonymous said...

perhaps the qvc sisters got a 2 for 1 deal on nosejobs

Anonymous said...

her nosejob looks identical to the one sardun1 just had and is denying. anyone else see a resemblence?

Anonymous said...

make a blog bout smokeypinkleaopard! hate that spoiled bitch. her face is fat

Anonymous said...

she looks like MJ here.

just like a skeleton in the nose area. wow, lisa. just when i thought you couldn't get any uglier. camille pls do a new post on toucan sam's transformation to anorexic miss piggy!

Anonymous said...

before and after:

more comin'

Anonymous said...

smokeypinkleopard needs to be called out on her ftc "some of the stuff was sent to me, some of it i bought" shit.

Anonymous said...

@7:08, damn there's no denying that. what idiots, seriously lol.

flipadelphia. said...


wow. thanks for that. i'm going to save it for the next post.

Anonymous said...

it looks like she had her chin shaved down a la heidi montag.

flipadelphia. said...

kimi blocked me from i've never even talked to her or tweeted about her. pinkiecharm 2.0 i guess.

..unless it was from my "pants on the ground!" comment on her video with her friends buttcrack. whatever. she's annoying as fuck but still.

Anonymous said...

if Ellen did have nose job, I bet she was recovering when everyone went to ATL for Miranda Cosgrove and she was the only one in her entire family that stayed home. I remember her saying that she had so much to do that week. Her "so much to do" was probably recovering from her nose job.

Anonymous said...

flip, she blocked me too. idgaf though. i think she blocked everyone piggiecharm follows.

Anonymous said...

before & afters:

Anonymous said...

she sounds thuper nasally like lorraine lulz

Anonymous said...

I personally think she looks pretty in her new video. I dont think the nose job looks bad at all.

Anonymous said...

NGL, Lisa looks 10 times better after the nose jobs. Lizzy however looks 10 times worse. honestly Lisa must've scream with joy when she saw how ugly Blair's new nose turned out and how much better she looks now. she's the prettier sister now like she's always dreamed of!

Anonymous said...

Elle's a mouth breather now

I don't care how much cuter she looks post nosejob she sounds and breaths like a disgusting pig

Anonymous said...

I dont see any difference in Elles nose. And she actually looks way better lately. Her la mer skin care is working wonders her skin looks so much better and she looks younger then she did 2 years ago.
She does not look anorexic at all she looks much better after losing all that weight. She looks really good actually.

Anonymous said...

Elle looks way better after her surgery, not that I condone it.

What sort of message are they giving their youngest sister?
Go under the knife and you'll get to meet iCarly?
Must've been weird for the kid with the 2 of them walking around with bandaged noses..

Anonymous said...

It wont let me comment on her video!

Anonymous said...

"I dont see any difference in Elles nose"

you've been smoking too much of that crack rock, then.

Anonymous said...

i cant believe their parents let both of them get nose jobs.. they must be proud

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with Elle getting a nose job. She's 21, so it's not as much of a big deal to me. I do think that Blair should have never gotten a nose job. She's too young and it turned out horrible.

Anonymous said...

even though balir's nose job was botched, fug, and a major downgrade, she still looks a million percent better than that 40 yr old hag ellen.

ellen's nose is a 1% improvement but who wants to go through major surgery and still look like shit? ngl, i want a nose job. well, i did. unti i saw how it can get botched and miss piggy like and now i realize that it might be better to just stay like i am than risk a unreversible procedure.

i know you can get a nose job to fix a nose job, but who wants to do that? besides heidi and crazy cat lady WHO ELLEN LOOKS JUST LIKE NAO.

Anonymous said...

I think Elle looks way better now haha. The sad part is what she had to go through and how much plastic it took to get her that way.

Anonymous said...

"even though balir's nose job was botched, fug, and a major downgrade, she still looks a million percent better than that 40 yr old hag ellen."

lmao i agree

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I don't think anyone would give a shit about their nose jobs if they just owned up to it.

Anonymous said...

i think the qvc sisters had it done at the same time. lisas was probably smart enough to pre-record a few videos before the surgery which is why we're only seeing the different nose now.

flipadelphia. said...

^omg i totally see the "crazy cat lady" comparison.

flipadelphia. said...

saggytuesday looks like she had botox. something else is very -off- about her but i can't figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Fer sure, Flip. She looks like a clown with the bright red cheeks and super white face. I think she's lost weight since John dumped her gold digging ass.

Anonymous said...

she looks like shes been punched in the face..or something

Anonymous said...

Yeah I guess our question was answered about Grandpa John dumping her saggy ass. Guess she will have to actually work now.

Anonymous said...

wait why did she breakup with her bf?

Anonymous said...

or was john her husband? idk

Anonymous said...

if you have to keep telling people "i'm really happy" you're not really happy, teresa. we see right through you. and yeah, she def. had forehead botox. you still look 40, bitch.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a bobble-headed casper the ghost who got into a fight with a tube of red lipstick.

Anonymous said...

There's no doubt who broke up with who. Her 56 year old hell's angel sugar daddy probably found a much newer and less saggier version of her. She was mooching off of him. He paid for everything and it allowed her to not have to work anymore. Guess that will all change now!

Teresa, I know you read the comments. I'm sure since John paid for your spray tanning machine, you didn't get to take it with you. Please at least invest in some jergens self tanner. You look hideous. Or, change your hair color to a few shades darker. Something!!

Anonymous said...

908 I remember her always bragging that she owned a salon quality spray tanning system. She obviously hasn't used it in awhile since it belonged to granpa john.

There's nothing wrong with pale skin but if she is going to stay that way, she needs to tone her hair down. White on white is not a good look for ANYWAN.

Anonymous said...

It's so funny how the QVC sisters are now filming in different areas and lighting, they can blame the lighting for their noses looking different. Also, they are using new eyebrows and hair extentions as an excuse too. Like someone said earlier, if they owned up to it, I don't think anyone would care! I guess the toucan sam comments got to her!!!

Anonymous said...

juicytuesday looks like she is lanaindiana's age

Anonymous said...

she lost her partnership too. i wonder why?

Anonymous said...

"she looks like a bobble-headed casper the ghost who got into a fight with a tube of red lipstick."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have you seen new Ellen nose????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I just watched Saggy's new vid, yeah, another lighting situation. Uhh there's like brighter lighting behind you or go by the window. She def looks like she had some face surgery, her mouth looks different like botox stiff. She looks like Joan Rivers and MJ.

Word verif: pines

Saggy you look old, go hang out with Sophia at Shady Pines.

Anonymous said...

Tara275 @juicystar007 PLEASE reply vannsa hudgens is saying hi to her fans and doing a autograph then posting it can you please do one for me tara

so sad the qvc sisters have such retarded "fans"

Anonymous said...

Well blair and elle always said they had the same nose. I guess if they both got the same nose job they thought people wouldn't notice? I'm sorry but lighting and contouring can't do that to you nose.

Anonymous said...

ikr? im surprised more people havent noticed and tweeted elle about it.... tbh the majority of her fans are probably so young and naive they dont even know what a nose job is :/

Anonymous said...

" NGL, Lisa looks 10 times better after the nose jobs. Lizzy however looks 10 times worse. honestly Lisa must've scream with joy when she saw how ugly Blair's new nose turned out and how much better she looks now. she's the prettier sister now like she's always dreamed of! "

I agree. However, I hope Lisa's nose doesn't turn out like Johnnyboyxo's pig snout. Elizabeth shouldn't have touched her nose. It gave her face personality.

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the allthatglitters had a nosejob videos ;) make sure to attach it to the lisa's superbowl fumble videos

Anonymous said...

i wonder how lisas nose is going to look when she actually films in HQ with decent lighting

Anonymous said...

i think it's great that people aren't tweeting lisa like crazy about her nosejob like they did to lizzy. shows exactly how little people care about her.

Anonymous said... lollllll

my captcha was unsubb. i think i'm gonna go stalk mgg now.

Anonymous said...

can you guys find more dirt on thesmalltowngirl19?

Anonymous said...

I think it's creepy how they've been altering their appearance and persona's sense they started planing the move to LA with their agent.
getting nose jobs, losing so much weight, hair extensions, blair trying to lower her voice when she speaks. they're so insecure and fake...what kind of person would be willing to change everything about themselves just to get famous? they're sick in the head and they're stage parents are creepy too. it's scary to think little girls look up to these freaks.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha. lisa is the prettier one now with her nosejob.

i don't get why they don't just admit to their nose work. i'd like them better if they did

Anonymous said...

i think lisa just looks creepy now and she sounds really nasally like a pig..i like her hair though lulz

Anonymous said...

true life: i'm getting a nose job with my sister

Anonymous said...

this might be old news, but did juicytuesday and john break up/is that why she moved?

Anonymous said...

agreed, she's definitely a lot prettier than blair now. balir needed her big nose to even out her itty bitty eyes and lips. lisa has pretty shaped, and big eyes so her new nose accentuates better

plus she's 22, not 17 its a lot easier to accept

Anonymous said...

Remember when the Will of DC mentioned Kandee's run in with the law AND plugged this blog? He needs to call out the Fowlers now lol

Anonymous said...

everyone keeps going on and on about how scott fowler is a dr so he should know better. they forget he's a doctor but he's a hick doctor. their perceptions are a lot different than a not hick doctor who would probably not allow his own 17 yo to get a nose job. not trying to be prejudiced, its just a fact of life

Anonymous said...

can someone find more dirt on thesmalltowngirl19?

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "hick" doctor?

Anonymous said...

no one's interested in that creepy girl. she just needs psychotherapy not to be called out on a hater blog. that might drive her to suicide and we are not interested in that.

Anonymous said...

if you look up the schools he went to and compare them to the medical school rankings and demographics, you'll know what i mean by hick. i'm finishing my first year at ucsf and i know none of my classmates even applied to that school or ones like it. there is just a stigma attached to those schools and i'm sorry if people take offense to that, but sometimes, however unfair prejudices are they will still be in place

Anonymous said...

the fact is, any doctor who allows his 17 yo to undergo elective surgery either does not have a firm grasp on his responsibilities as a doctor, and the risks associated with putting your body through so much trauma for no reason, or does not have much input in his daughter's life

Anonymous said...

Ah gotcha, I've never looked as his education before.

not all that glitters is gold said...


Lisa got a piggy nose job. Can you believe it???

Lisa's nose deserves an extra post! And LOL @ how they are denying the obvios!!!!


WTF? Did juicytuesday and john split up? She keeps referring to "her" place etc.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Lisa's video is in low quality. Sorry honey but it doesn't hide fact that you got a nose job! And you sound super nasally!

not all that glitters is gold said...

^ She didn't get a nose job. It's the extensions that make her look different. Okaaaaaaaaaay?


Anonymous said...

I agree that ellen's nose job needs its own post.

Anonymous said...

if you do a new post about lisas nose job be sure to include her newest video..its hard to get good screencaps of it because its in such low quality but you can see it clearly in the video

Anonymous said...

Let's all start coming up with the title for the next post lulz

Anonymous said...


Lisa got a piggy nose job. Can you believe it???"

LMAO that was my exact reaction too...i cant believe they both got nose jobs...what the actual fuckkkkkkk

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the beach trip was to celebrate the qvc sister's being able to go in the sun after their nose jobs. Then it poured like hell on them. LOL!

Anonymous said...

r.i.p toucan sam

her nose just looks so ridic now...

Anonymous said...

anyone met blair at the meet up today?

meetup today at 12 in front of coldstone near the rave motion pictures at the destin commons!

Anonymous said...

@11:38 I was wondering the same thing. I know there was a person on here who was thinking about going.

Anonymous said...

blair tweeted

shopping with these fine ladies :)

Anonymous said...

I started watching Lisa and Lizzy because they seemed like such nice, sweet girls- confident, know where they're going in life (law for lisa, possible pilot for lizzy, dunno that could've just been a hobby), and sat down to talk about makeup and skincare. And you just trusted them!

But no.

They lied (and a lot at that), threatened subscribers, sold out for more and more money, dropped everything (including a worthwhile education) and plan to move to LA, got nose jobs. They are the complete opposite of who I thought they were last year.

I truly hope their little minions get this through their heads soon.
Also, I think someone needs to really look into the possibility that this whooole thing was planned from the beginning. God I want them exposed so bad LOL And by a big guhroo or someone with "power" on yt.

Anonymous said...

Shopping with a bunch of naive 14-15 year olds. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Elle isn't in the picture? Maybe Lizzy demanded she take the picture.

Anonymous said...

cannot stand cityandnose as well as makeupbymel, mel needs to lay of the "PF Chang" also these youtubers need a post about them -

thecurrentcustom/sayanythingbr00ke (coat tail ride much?)/lexxielove (CONSTANTLY saying she is going to make videos to only tweet the next day that she wont also she wants to be thecurrentcustom with every breath in her body. lose about 50 pounds first sister.

not all that glitters is gold said...

Oh wait. Maybe us Haters should STFU because they possibly got their nose jobs because of privacy reasons?

Anonymous said...

Is it just me...or does Lisa look like she had her chin done too?

Anonymous said...

"Oh wait. Maybe us Haters should STFU because they possibly got their nose jobs because of privacy reasons?"


Anonymous said...

nah, i just think they both had nosejobs

Anonymous said...

@11:51 HAHA! that doesn't even make sense.

not all that glitters is gold said...

^well giving your self a nickname for "privacy reasons" and then publishing your surname for the world to see doesn't make any sense either. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Everyone has their own opinions regarding whether lisa looks better/worse, but regardless, I think we can all agree on one thing... she looks so fucking different! Like, almost unrecognizable. I saw the video initially and was fucking confused. Then I went back and watcher her old videos, and the difference was so blatant. It's sad in a way though, the "old" Lisa, who looked decent, and the girl who attracted a fan base of almost 300,000 is gone. She ruined whatever she had going.

And btw, does anyone else think her and blair have the exact same nose now? The nose is the same shape and everything, and there is a stronger resemblance between them now, than there was before. (especially with the hair)

I think she looks really weird now... and extremely PLASTIC.

not all that glitters is gold said...

To the person who said this thing was all planned out: I have the same feeling. Someone on her even found out they made their YT accounts the exact same day. So yeah.

Anonymous said...

"but regardless, I think we can all agree on one thing... she looks so fucking different! Like, almost unrecognizable."

I agree! It's like watching a stranger. I can't believe her subscribers havent noticed it.

"And btw, does anyone else think her and blair have the exact same nose now? The nose is the same shape and everything,"

I believe this is because they had the same surgeon therefore they ended up with the same "style" of nose.

Anonymous said...

i'm getting more highlights done tomorrow =]
about 1 hour ago via web

I hope she just means she's getting her roots touched up...

Anonymous said...

the hair!
the nose!

Anonymous said...

I agree, not all that glitters. Completely planned out.

Anonymous said...

so i just read the comments from some of lizzys minions on videos about balirs nosejob.. their response seems to be: "those photos are fake" OR "she had a nosejob, so what!!!1"


Anonymous said...

yeah juicytuesday keeps calling it "her" place and it's so small compared to what she had before - plus all the "i'm so happy, everything is exactly how it should be" she keeps saying just seems like they broke up. who knows? it's smart if he really is hells angels and etc, if some dumb girls on a blog can trace all that shit out so can the vancouver police

Anonymous said...

LOL that is hilarious, my friend is in that picture Blair tweeted. She loves the QVC sisters but she sent me a text and told mer that Blairs nose looks WAY different in real life, you can definitely tell. That's saying something, since she always gives me shit for making comments about them lol.

Anonymous said... DESC

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED? KAIS IN THIRD PLACE NOW. Whoever said to not vote for her until the last day is stupid, sorry. And that girl in first was OVER 700 votes behind Kai last night.

Anonymous said...

there is no way kai can catch up, she's over 700 behind now. the fuckkkk.

Anonymous said...

omfg you guise we can do it!

^ just change that part of the email and you can vote over and over

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