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Friday, May 14, 2010


For awhile, a lot of people have speculated that "Blair" may have gotten a nose job at some point in her life. These rumors came about after seeing pictures of a much younger Blair;

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic <---new nose

Although the first picture shows some what of a larger nose than what she appears to have now, I wasn't really convinced. A lot of younger girls may "grow into" their noses as they get older and as their face thins out or whatever.

Earlier today, people were back at saying she had gotten a nose job again. At first, I didn't really pay attention to the rumors until I watched the new vlog she uploaded today. She looked different. She added an annotation into the beginning of her video saying she had done her eyebrows differently; probably to add some excuse to her different appearance. It's also apparent that she's hasn't done a video in awhile; the last one she did was about her Miranda Cosgrove meetup, which was filmed weeks ago. She also stated in her video that she had a good reason for being absent for so long, but "its probably not worth anything", so we never actually heard it.

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Her nose is looking rather Micheal Jackson-ish, no?
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Notice how in the "before" picture, the bridge appears wider and the tip not as refined and turned up as the "after" picture looks..
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I don't know wtf she did to her brows, either, but she kind of has that perma-surprised look on her face.

Now, it isn't definite that Blair had a nose job, I doubt we'll ever know one way or another, I'm sure when asked, she'll deny anything having to do with a nose job. But based on these pictures, you can decide for yourself :) Ahh Lizzy, keepin' it real!

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Anonymous said...

HOLY SHIT! She looks legit preggers at 0.37!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you can tell that there's a difference between the nose in this video and her most recent one.

anyone who says that it's makeup and a tan is deluded.

Anonymous said...

ontd video <3

Anonymous said...

1:20 my god... i really hope that was a food baby

Anonymous said...

those videos are from 2007 and early 2008. the beauty community was being trolled long before sticky even joined. so shove it you tranny face cunt. we were here before you were, bitch.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha was that mattchew in the video? jfc i love ontd.

Anonymous said...

lmao yes that was mattchew.i forgot about ontd's love for kai <3

Anonymous said...

the entire interwebs loves lilkaikaiz <3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She looks pregnant for sure. That was the same year she got into drugs and drinking and had the abortion. Now I'm really sickened at how long she waited to have the abortion!!

Anonymous said...

Molly lives ! she posted as symmetrical on this video recently!

Anonymous said...

the new glamsquad girls are qt. props to domi! sorry but kai, dustin and kimi are a joke.

Anonymous said...

I'm kinda surprised Domi joined the glamsquad. She seemed like the only normal one.

eunicelovetorok said...

oh hai jenna, chaotic moarrrrning @ yurr hOUse bb?

move out of the van, and into a double wide trailer maybe?

yelling at your baby on cam, classy wan!

Anonymous said...

OMG she looks 7 months pregnant there! You can't abort it that late..maybe she miscarried and her denying an abortion is the truth? Also maybe it is a different girl who looks like Kai. It's not a very clear pic around the face. Hmm :/

Anonymous said...

no, that's her.

Anonymous said...

Maybe adoption?

Anonymous said...

When "Lisa" was "not" posting here and pretending Kais dad is a "lawyer", she said that kai was raped and it wasn't fair for anyone to have to raise it. wtf?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

U guys can b so thick sometimes let me eat a big plate of spaghetti and I'll show you my 7 month old preg belly! Nimrods

Anonymous said...

i would seriously hope that your stomach doesn't buldge out like that just from eating. her stomach looks huge, it doesn't look like bloat.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think she could have had the baby and given it up for adoption to a family member to raise? She did say the happiest day of her life was when her baby cousin was born. I would have figured she would have said some stupid birthday.

k said...

That really does appear to be a prego belly, and it also looks long enough to term that she couldn't have aborted it. However, pregnant women all look different at different stages. And it's possible that she just has a large, round belly.

I do not know much about this Kai, so I have no idea where the abortion thing came from.

L said...

Wow, Blair's nosejob is really apparent in this video from prom:

I just can't grasp why she would do that. Way to ruin her good looks.

Anonymous said...


just look at this photo from that video:

her nose looks completely different..

could anyone else find photos of her from prom on facebook?

Anonymous said...

another before & after

L said...

Yes it does, it's really just sad. The whole thing is just off putting.

I couldn’t help but think, when watching her latest video blog, where she's talking about all the beauty community has done for her and made her life so different, that MAYBE she should focus on something other than beauty and looks. She's the perfect example, on where being so preoccupied with how you look will take you.

I'm not saying that she's a bad person; she actually seems like a really sweet girl, but what a message to send, to some of her youngest subscribers. I saw that some people here have called her [and other beauty gurus] for “role models” and they probably are to some young girls (or boys) out there, but that’s exactly what just seems so unhealthy.
I actually first became [somewhat] interested in make up when I started following these beauty gurus on Youtube. And I just realized, that although I like watching those videos, I would much rather spent my time on something more valuable than vanity.

And then I'm tired of all the bullshit :)

Anonymous said...

I really don't think it's healthy for any teen to get plastic surgery. Their bodies aren't done growing yet. Blair must be an extremely insecure girl to think that she needed a nose job at just barley 17 years old. I think the new nose is definitely not doing her any favors either. Her old nose looked a lot better.

I also wonder how she talked her dad into this. I'm sure her mom was on board right away, but her dad seems like he'd be really against a 17 year old girl having a nose job. Who knows though, maybe this was a present from her parents for her birthday.

Anonymous said...

it really does look like kai was pregnant. if it was just fat, her belly would be squishy but it looks hardened against her friend's stomach.

are we sure it wasn't shopped?

Anonymous said...

can someone screencap 1:04 of that video of blair? her nose looks really small and she looks creepy.

Anonymous said...

I think it's worse at around 2.10 though.

Anonymous said...

Her HEAD is sooooo bigggggggg

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahah her nose looks so fucking ugly now

Anonymous said...

did blair have plastic surgery because of her agent?

Anonymous said...

this blog is the national enquirer of beauty goo rooos

tlaxseea said...

It would be so cool if there was a newspaper to read up on your favorite garoo lol

produced by the members/contributors of this blog of course

Anonymous said...

I sent CaliCo a message on youtube. We'll see how she responds to the accusations in question.


Anonymous said...

new kalel video

Anonymous said...

wtf @ kalel's new video. where does she get off thinking she has the right to be spewing out life advice and judging other people's situations?

Anonymous said...

wow i had no idea that californiacosmetics was that batshit. she always seemed so normal to me :/

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha @ a video Kai added to her favorites.

Anonymous said...

kalels video is like a lecture lmao

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And she thinks having a baby is a privilege and you should be financially stable enough to raise a child, but then she's against abortions? Newsflash Kalel, NOBODY actually wants an abortion. I'm pretty sure it's not something most women take lightly and I highly doubt it's an easy decision to make.

I've never had a real reason to dislike Kalel because I don't give a shit that she lied about her name, but now she needs to stfu.

Anonymous said...

it's pretty easy to look down and judge people's decisions when it's never affected you personally. i love how she thinks you should just have the kid and suck it up even if you know you can't afford it. i guess if i ever get knocked up, i can count on her to send me some money to raise it.

Anonymous said...

Kristin (I refuse to call her "Kalel" anymore) is talking about her pace of life when she's completely stopped doing anything school and job-wise...LMFAO! Better get on those plans soon, Kristin!

Anonymous said...

WTF is with Kalel talking about teen pregnancy? The video is titled Pace of Life, but it should have been titled Teen Pregnancy is the Devil.

She is such a hypocrite in the video too. She says she's extremely against abortion, but she also says that if you can't afford the baby then you don't deserve it. When did she become God?

Anonymous said...

@10:27 ikr! must be why her life plan doesn't even start until she's 30. i would never want to wait until i was 30 to become an adult and do adult things, like getting a job and buying a home, etc.

Anonymous said...

I know girls that use abortions like birth control. It's really sad.

Anonymous said...

like kai?

Anonymous said...

she has also said many times that she thinks her nose is big!! so maybe she really did get a nose job!

Anonymous said...

That video pisses me off. No one has the right to tell anyone what to do if they are pregnant. Especially when Kalel has never been in that position. It is their choice! Kalel needs to realize that she is a role model (unfortunately) and shouldn't be saying things like "abortion is not an option." What a dumbasss!

Anonymous said...

I believe that Blair has had a nose job. I noticed that something was odd about her face as soon as I started watching her new video. It's a shame because I believed that she was the one of the prettiest gurus on YT but now...She just looks odd and ugly.

Anonymous said...

I need to watch kristin's video to see what you're all talking about, but idk if I'll be able to sit through it by the sound of things. Stick to makeup and reviewing shitty products "Kalel Cullen" and don't preach about abortion. Jfc.

Anonymous said...

Kristin Smith is a stupid cunt.

Anonymous said...

Abortion shouldn't be talked about so lightly and no one has the right to tell anyone it's wrong. I have to agree with someone above, abortion isn't easy and very hard on any women. You don't know the reason to have it in the first place. I personally, at the point in life I am in, would have an abortion. But I wouldn't have unprotected sex either. I would do my best to prevent it but if it did happen I would make a decision that would be best for my baby, my self and my bf.

Anonymous said...

She is a stupid bitch for saying anything like that. Doesn't work doesn't go to school she needs to shutthefuckup.

Anonymous said...

i agree with her point about teen pregnancy being glamorized in the media, but the rest is bullshit. i can't believe she posted this. she's gonna piss a lot of people off. watch it be deleted by tonight.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the poster above! Someone has to save that vid before Kristin takes it down which you know she will!

Anonymous said...

Yes!! Someone please save this video.

Anonymous said...

Why is Kristin talking about something like that? Go talk about lunchables and slap some makeup on your eyes. On top of that, she shouldn't be talking because she's the EXACT type of girl how would poke holes in condoms to make her bf stay.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

47 minutes ago
@juliebadgerxx Conception through rape is quite rare, and that would be a special circumstance. However, it's still taking a life.

wtf? conception through rape isn't rare. unprotected sex is unprotected sex, whether it's due to rape or not. what a fucking idiot.

L0la said...

"Kalel ,
goshh !!! you are soo freakin prettty ! (: Your videos help me a lot ! I mean i can't buy all of the makeup that you can , but you still help me a lot ! and you are also a veryy good role modellll & my idle for makeupp (: Please don't stop making videos ! I wish i could get to know you , but your famous , i understand anyway(: <3-Kaylin<3 "

lololol ok which one of you posted this? hahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

god, kalel is fucking stupid and completely insensitive.

telling someone that abortion after getting pregnant through rape is 'still taking a life' is just ... jesus christ. i could punch her right now.

what a cunt.

Anonymous said...

oh kristin you in danger gurl

Anonymous said...

lmfao 11:42, i could spot an ONTDer a mile away.

Anonymous said...

lol I haven't been to ontd in so long my memes are old.

but srsly kristin needs to shut her damn mouth. you can't know how you would deal in a situation where abortion might be necessary until it happens to you. And like someone else already said no one WANTS an abortion. No one is pro-abortion, they're pro choice.

idk it just reeks of ignorance coming from her of all people while she sits on her ass and does nothing in life, and sources a seventeen magazine article for her thoughts on teen pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Saving the video. Hell it pissed me off.

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later that video will be taken down, and that's a fact. Someone should download it lulz.

But I suppose I personally can't fault Kristin on having a controversial viewpoint on abortion on her blog channel.

Anonymous said...

ONTD people, what do you think of the ~new~ ONTD now that the trolls were banned?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many years until Emily Fowler is on Youtube? It's only a matter of time. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

@12:12 it took the mods way too long to do something about the troll situation and now the stan mentality has taken over. i miss the old school days of rich cronin, pariscarriage, peengate, and team katina. there aren't epic posts anymore, that blueberry shit was just embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Blair's mom seems like such a stage mom. I bet she takes Emily to Disney channel auditions hoping she'll be the next Miley Cyrus.

p0tpies said...

I wonder how many years until Emily Fowler is on Youtube? It's only a matter of time. Ugh.

May 16, 2010 12:29 PM

shes gonna start this summer and say shes 16

Anonymous said...

As a rape victim, Kristin's newest video disgusts me. Her ignorance is absolutely astounding. I can't believe she would go so far as to say something along the lines of "it's still taking a life" in regard to aborting a product of rape. Trying to guilt rape victims that were FORCIBLY IMPREGNATED for attempting to seize their lives (and bodies) back? Shame on you, Kristin. I'm not religious nor have I ever wished this upon anyone, but you fully deserve to burn in hell.

Kristen said...


Because Kristin has any right to talk about those things.

She's probably just bitter because her "boyfriend" won't even acknowledge their relationship, let alone commit to her enough to get married and have a baby.

and lol @ "get a a little dog or train us for having a kid"


"from 30 to 40...raise the kid..." lol you're only going to raise it till its ten?

Anonymous said...

ontd completely sucks now. you can't say anything negative without being bashed by 20 people or bombarded with overused gifs. plus, the mods (especially brenden) are huge assholes that go around and act like their shit don't stink.

Anonymous said...

As a rape victim and a person who had to care for a friend after her abortion, i feel like hitting Kristen on the head with something.

"Conception through rape is quite rare, and that would be a special circumstance. However, it's still taking a life."

She probably still believes in the "unresponsive womb" myth. What a bitch. Who the hell would want to carry the child of the monster that raped them and give birth to it?

Anonymous said...

elle is the one who needs a nose job..not blair..

Anonymous said...

Someone screenshot Kristin's response about abortion when raped!! She'll take the vid down so that comment will be lost.

Anonymous said...

Kristin Smith get a fucking clue! Are you so out of video ideas that you would post one on this controversial topic?? Or are you trying to put your beliefs and morals on to us. You have no clue about the subject your talking about. You are showing us the idiot that you are! Would you really want to carry the baby of the person that violently raped you??? Maybe you should work on your "relationship" with your so called boyfriend. Instead of trying to give life advice. Because having a life is something you know NOTHING about!!!

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone think she could have had the baby and given it up for adoption to a family member to raise? She did say the happiest day of her life was when her baby cousin was born. I would have figured she would have said some stupid birthday."

Yeah, I thought that answer was off too. She had a video on her Kaikhaod channel where she was showing the pictures in her room. She showed a picture of her cousin and said "this is my baby!... well not... my baby but.. my baby cousin! *giggle exhale*" It was strange.

Anonymous said...

You know, when people are against abortion because you're killing something out of "convenience", I wonder how they feel when they kill a "scary" spider on their wall. You're still killing something God created. I just think it is silly to be bashing women who get abortions. It's their body, their choice. Keep your noses out their vagina. I have never gotten one, but it's still their life. Kristin is so wrong to be judging.

Anonymous said...

Interesting point. I wonder what Kristin would do if she were raped, God forbid, and conceived. It's one thing to say that you would never have an abortion and you have a specific "Life Plan" or whatever it was that she said. But she IS having sex with her "bf" (and least that's how I took her facebook wall posts to mean), and the possibility of getting pregnant IS there (condoms/bc aren't 100% foolproof). I wonder if she'd feel the same way if that happened.

Anonymous said...

@1:31 I remember that video!!! That's exactly what she said! Total freudian slip! I bet that is her baby and she told others that she had an abortion to cover up the possibility that she ever had given birth. Is the baby with her mom's brother?? The toddler would be the right age to fit with the timeline of the "abortion".

Anonymous said...

Kristin Smith needs to be hit with a dose of reality! Better watch out Kristin.. karma is a bitch!

Anonymous said...

ontd completely sucks now. you can't say anything negative without being bashed by 20 people or bombarded with overused gifs. plus, the mods (especially brenden) are huge assholes that go around and act like their shit don't stink.

May 16, 2010 1:06 PM

THIS THIS THIS! I don't even comment anymore. Everyone is super sensitive and on troll patrol.

Don't even get me started on the mods. They're all wanna be e-celebs.

Anonymous said...

Well, Mama Wilcher *did* say lil Kaikaiz had a pregnancy scare.

Anonymous said...

Did Kai actually admit to having an abortion? I don't know the whole story with her pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Something you should know about Kimitoxic, or KimiKorpse or whatever she wants to be called.

Back when she began her beauty channel, she had a myspace shop. Many people bought items off her, and never received the products.

What did she sell? Cheap dyed hair extensions, used makeup, used clothing.

Anonymous said...

No but she also never denied it either. They danced around the question and her mom said she had a pregnancy scare. It got really awkward.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@1:31 Did she show the picture of her baby cousin? Did it look anything like her or Davey??

Anonymous said...

lol kristin is such a boner. 'especially with the abortion pill,' yes, of course, the first thing i'm thinking of after being raped is taking the morning after pill.

this dumbass, i can't even.

Anonymous said...

I'll find a picture of him

Anonymous said...

"No but she also never denied it either. They danced around the question and her mom said she had a pregnancy scare. It got really awkward."

So it's never been confirmed that she was at one point, pregnant? It's just speculation?

Anonymous said...

its so stupid kai had a pregnancy scare (and possibly an abortion if thats true) yet she doesnt want to go on birth control because "it isnt natural".. :|

Anonymous said...

She showed the picture. It was a brown haired little girl. Hard to remember the little girls face. It is a bit odd that she would keep the ultrasound picture up for so long. I can see having it out when you find out your expecting a new cousin or niece or something. But years later... no. Only if it's your baby would you keep it up that long.

Anonymous said...

wow did Kai really say that? Freudian slip is right. That's practically confirmation right there.

and to my ontd bbs: I agree sadly. I haven't been on or commented in nearly a month, and it doesn't really bother me. it's not as fun anymore. Brenden has always had something up his ass but still i miss the old memebers.

Anonymous said...

a fetus has the mental capacity of an animal. kristin eats meat, amirite? does that tie in with her viewz?

Anonymous said...

Her "cousin" -

Needle said...

@1:40 OMG I REMEMBER THAT SHOP...well kind of, I think it was always private. But I remember seeing the myspace and some of the pics. Do you have more details on the people getting ripped off? :O

I wonder what happened with her last blog sale, too, lulz.

Also lol, I remember that pool pic of Kai. That picture is the main reason why I've always criticized her for her clothing choices. You can see even today she still has some of that bump that looks like a pregnant belly--that's just how her body stores the extra fat--but TBH her belly does look bigger and rounder there than it does now.

I'm about to go watch Kalel's video, I'm getting ready to punch my walls or something. This sounds fucking awful

Anonymous said...


Someone on Makeupalley said they unsubbed Pinkiecharm because she believes she doesn't use the products and then Pinkiecharm replies to her! Haha.

This is what the girl said, "I like the tutorials where they review products at the same time - but I hate reviews where they rop

don't even try on the products in the video - What's the point? I unsubbed pinkiecharm for this reason."

This is Pinkiecharm's response,

"I actually DO use the products IN the video but R/O

There are some products that just can't be worn and shown in the video, like skincare, bath care, perfume, etc. Maybe you just haven't been paying attention but when I'm reviewing lip products, blushes, eye shadows, I am wearing them IN my videos. There a handful are videos when I'm not wearing the eye shadow but that's usually because I'd been using it the day before or the day before that and didn't the chance to record a review that day. I do have a life you know. ;)"

Anonymous said...

Kai told a handful of people that she had an abortion. She told two people that I'm friends with several months ago. So when Pat told everyone else about it, I wondered how he knew about it too. I guess she told other people.

Anonymous said...

"But years later... no. Only if it's your baby would you keep it up that long."

You're forgetting that Kai is a hoarder. She probably forgot about it.

Anonymous said...

@1:54 good point -__- she would never throw anything away

Anonymous said...

Saying she had an abortion could of been the cover up to having the kid and letting her uncle and aunt raise it. It would explain a lot and it's pretty common to do that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, who has the screencap of the ultrasound she has attached to her mirror? Something is definitely off.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Mama Wilcher actually admitted that Kai had a "pregnancy scare" on Blogtv lol.

Anonymous said...

idk if shes preggers in that photo - like needle says, she might just store all of her fat in her belly

i know someone with a body shape like that, shes kinda skinny but she always looks pregnant lulz

Anonymous said...

Someone should find when they bathing suit photo was taken and match it up to the age when her cousin was born.

Anonymous said...

- The bump picture
- Her slip up in the video "my baby"
- The ultrasound on her mirror
- Mama Wilcher saying she had a pregnancy scare
- Telling people she had an abortion


Anonymous said...

the photo was taken august 3, 2007.

Anonymous said...

kai is so much more interesting than any other guru

Anonymous said...

1:59 - When does she say, "my baby"?

Anonymous said...

Her "cousin" -


can't see much of the face but that's daveys hair lol

Anonymous said...

yeah, having an ultrasound of your cousin hanging up is a little weird, but like someone said, she holds onto stuff (hoarding!), so she may not have put it away into a photo box or something. I WISH someone saved that video though of her baby slip-up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kai told people she had an abortion. I don't know how we can get "proof".

I doubt she had the baby though.

Anonymous said...

2:01 She had a video on her Kaikhaod channel where she was showing the pictures in her room. She showed a picture of her cousin and said "this is my baby!... well not... my baby but.. my baby cousin! *giggle exhale*" It was strange.

Troll1880 said...

the baby cousin is a boy i think

Anonymous said...

I wish there was a dead on picture of the baby. I would ask Kai to show us one in her next video or do a family vlog or something, but I know she reads everything we say and would never do it.

Troll1880 said...

Also: An ultrasound is nothing you make copies of and hand out to our family.

Anonymous said...

it's a boy and his name is eli.

Anonymous said...

"this is my baby!... well not... my baby but.. my baby cousin! *giggle exhale*"

That is a weird thing to say about your cousin (someone *else's* baby)!

Anonymous said...

kais store room is filled to the brim with unused make up products.

walls and stacks of makeup piled high to the ceiling and reaching from end to end.

at the back of the room are the forgotten fetuses. half man, half baboon with vampire teeth. they survive by smelling the potpies in the air and eating the hardly touched makeup delivered freshly everyday.

their name is wan


Troll1880 said...

What is up with Juicytuesday? She's been MIA for quite a while. Is she getting married?

Anonymous said...

she ran away with ingram091

Anonymous said...

ingram and saggytuesday are besty budsies

look he comments on all her videos

Anonymous said...

well... people did think it was weird how she started to gain weight pretty fast. people said it could be from medication.

Needle said...

@2:08 LMAO

Also Kai looks so out of place in that picture with her mom and "cousin" on the beach. She's pale as fuck, wearing a black dress with pearls, and she looks like she still has makeup on even, lol. Not to mention her hair looks like a helmet.

Anonymous said...

What's with youtube and the broken HTML in description bars and people's profiles?

Anonymous said...

OMG @2:08 that made me laugh! It's name is Wan!!!
If the baby is her's... she is reading this and shitting a brick right now!

Anonymous said...


If ingram was harassing me i would be in hiding or mia

Anonymous said...

I think Kai's cousin is her baby now that you guys are mentioning it. Her aunt is probably close to Mama Wilcher's age, and she's 50. And if that's her in the beach pic she looks old. How would she have a baby? I know it happens... but come on.

Anonymous said...

Well... if anyone lives in Maryland can't they look up births and see if Kailyn Wilcher delivered a baby boy during 2007?

Anonymous said...

ingram is a good match for kai.

think of the babies kai and ingram wud have

Anonymous said...

ingram is a good match for kai.

think of the babies kai and ingram wud have

May 16, 2010 2:18 PM

@2:18 are you trying to make me VOMIT?

Anonymous said...

it could also be why kai is so adamant about staying together with davey. they probably feel ~connected~ or w/e.

Needle said...

Also Jesus fucking Christ this Kristin video is annoying the shit out of me.

"I WANT to do this and I WANT to do that and I WANT to do this in my life before I have a baby... but I DON'T support abortion!" You know how fucking BACKWARDS that sounds? You get what you get.

Also seriously, when ever IS the perfect time to have a kid? Life changes all the time and you're never guaranteed anything, unless you've got a bank account in the billions or something... and even then, you're not necessarily guaranteed anything. I was a fully planned baby...but when I was conceived it's not like my parents planned on divorcing 4 years later. There are so many things that could go wrong with life, whether you have a baby or not.

I personally really do not like it when kids have kids, too, but Kristin just needs to fucking back off. Kristin, these girls/women with babies have more responsibilities and worries than you've ever had, whether they're the epitome of a great mother or not. You really have no place to judge their life decisions, just because their paths are different than yours.

Anonymous said...

So Kai call's herself Kailee? I bet she has a bunch of profiles with that name.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Kristin Smith thinks the world will always be perfect, and everything will fall into place. When she has a baby it will be the perfect time when life is just fine and dandy and comfortable.

I bet you anything she'll get pregnant by 25 and stay in a negative relationship with the father just to stay a family. She seems like the type to do that.

Anonymous said...

"Also seriously, when ever IS the perfect time to have a kid?"

i agree..

Anonymous said...

Kristin's biggest worry is, what to microwave for lunch! She has no idea what real worries and life decisions are. She lives at home with a fucking microwave and pantry in her bedroom. Dont you think if you worry that making food is going to wake your parents... YOU SHOULD MOVE THE FUCK OUT!

Troll1880 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm in total agreement that there is something up with Kai and the pregnancy/baby thing (on a side what kind of fucking idiot tells hundreds of strangers, half of them trolls, over the internet that their daughter had a pregnancy scare? Mama Wilcher and reality have yet to meet), but if she had the baby and then let her aunt and uncle raise it, she would have obviously gone through labor and everything else, not to mention getting to be huge. Knowing Kai I think she would have a hard time hiding all of that, unless this all went down at point when she was MIA from youtube and the internet at large. idk but there is something definitely weird about it all.

Anonymous said...

@ needle - My thoughts exactly. Life never goes according to plan. Shit happens! I was a planned baby as well, but did my father plan to get laid off right before I was born? Hell no. Kristin's head is so far up her ass, it's not even funny. She has no right to judge anyone's situations and especially no right to judge anyone's reasons for ABORTION.

I vote for that Kristin video to be a new post. She really pissed me off and I don't think she should get off so easy with it.

Anonymous said...

We need to make a timeline to try and see if Kai having a baby is possible. When did she vanish off the internet? When did she start gaining weight? When did she loose it? etc

Anonymous said...

I think its very plausible for the baby to be Kai's. And the poster above is right on about why she possibly stays with David. They went through something like that and they feel bonded. Giving it to a family member was the right thing. Perhaps they couldnt have children and wanted one. Kai can still see her baby and no be bothered with responsibilities she cant handle.

Needle said...

@2:27 (the first one...but actually, the first two) YES exactly!

@ The third 2:27 Yeah, IMO having a baby is partially about waiting until a good time, but mostly about, as Tim Gunn on Project Runway would say, MAKING IT WORK. Life isn't perfect, but you make it as best as you can.

But then again I don't have a kid either, so what do I know, lol.

Some of my friends in school had kids young, too--one when she was 15-16. I was scared FOR her at first, but she seems like an awesome mommy.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Kristin even got the idea for a ~pace of life~ video. Did Oprah have an episode on this last week or something? Or is she reading hater comments about her being at home doing nothing at 21?

I know she said she read in a magazine about glorifying pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Kristin try reading something other than seventeen magazine! And next time you get an idea to do a video about a serious topic... STFU!

Needle said...

@2:28 Lol, if Kai's mom is anything like mine, she probably doesn't understand the internet much. Kai's mom loved Fupacharm at first--an obvious troll--so I don't think she even realizes Kailyn has that many trolls following her, if she even realizes it at all.

Also I believe those photos are from years ago, before or just when Kailyn started doing youtube videos of tutorials--no fashions of the day to show her whole body or something. So the idea is plausible.

@2:34 INORITE, Kristin's videos always know how to piss me off.

Anonymous said...

kai's hoarding started around the time she started to have the baby.

this is completely speculation, and it might be wild, but maybe kai's aunt paid for eli? she always talks about being spoiled in delaware by her grandma, and kai has only amassed her massive makeup collection has in the past three years (notice, dating back to 2007.) i think maybe kailyn discovered youtube as a hobby while she was pregnant (when did she drop out of high school, again?) and she got either a cash settlement or a lifetime of entitlement for giving the child to her aunt as opposed to getting an abortion.

again, there are snippets of information that support this theory but nothing solid. it just seems semi-plausible to me.

Anonymous said...

Here's the picture Kai keeps on her dresser of her baby "cousin". I think it was taken around Christmas. Cuz Bella is a puppy.

Anonymous said...

"when did she drop out of high school, again?"

She never went to public high school. Does anyone know how long she was in public school?...

Anonymous said...

And theres another chirstmas card on her dresser with the cousin's picture on it.

Anonymous said...

whoops, ignore the mistakes in my comment, i was distracted!

i could have sworn i heard a "hey everywannn" in the distance and felt fear deep within my breast

Anonymous said...

She would've had it in her Kaikhaod days. That photo was taken August 3rd, 2007. I thought I remember Kai saying her cousins birthday was in September?

Anonymous said...

that baby looks too adorable to be kai's.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know kristin's login for kalencallel tv? her user name or email that she uses for it? Forgot password can be a bitch. i'm giving this my all. but i don't know her at all so i have no idea what her email is.

Anonymous said...

omg, regardless of whether or not that baby is in fact kaka's, that kid has the worst genes in the world. her family all resemble deformed horses.

Anonymous said...

"does anyone know kristin's login for kalencallel tv? her user name or email that she uses for it? Forgot password can be a bitch. i'm giving this my all. but i don't know her at all so i have no idea what her email is."
You should message Nick on FB. If you use a picture of a hot girl, I'm sure he'd more than happy to give you her e-mail.

Anonymous said...

If meganheartsmakeup is so stinking rich, why did she enter lanaindianas designer sunglass contest?
Go ask mommy and daddy to buy you a pair and let the rest of us win!

Anonymous said...

turn-ons: Braininess, Sarcasm, Impulsiveness, Body hair, Piercings, Tattoos, Muscles, Gross-out humor, Power, Living on the edge, Public displays of affection, Rowdy parties

turn-offs: Shyness, Family get-togethers, Pants


Anonymous said...

i don't think that is her 3:01
"favorite oxymoron: Microsoft Works"

kai doesn't even know what that word means, so i think it's someone else.

Anonymous said...

i love how megan said she buys all of her stuff with her youtube money. i highly doubt that's true. mommy and daddy had been buying her all of her designer stuff before when she first started youtube, are we suppose to believe they just stopped? she's turning in to a little lizzy!

Needle said...

I agree, pants are a total turn off.

LOL Can this really be her though:

Music: Emo, Goth/Industrial, Hard rock/Metal, Hip-Hop/Rap, Modern Rock, Pop/Top 40, Punk Rock, Reggae/World, R&B/Soul

I Can't Go Anywhere Without: Cell Phone, iPod/MP3 Player, Digital Camera, Sidekick

She said she's never owned an MP3 player... and Punk? Reggae? EMO? GOTH? KAILYN? R U SHURE?!!

maybe she just clicked all the options she could.

Anonymous said...

2:50 ugh got a chill from looking at that picture thinking it was kai and davey's child DX

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

This is her other profile on there.

Turn-offs: Pervs, Drugs, Drinking, Smokers, Liers, Jerks, Mean,

So basically, she's repulsed by Douchey Davey?

Anonymous said...

JFC did Kai join every single site on the internet? She has a profile on everything. I've never even heard of half the sites!

Anonymous said...

shane dawson is so gay. he will never come out of the closet though but this chick is his fag hag (HOLY TEETH & GUMS, BATMAN)

Anonymous said...

Kindxeyes currently has no friends :-(

Still true.

Anonymous said...

If Kai did have a kid, she made the right choice of giving him to her aunt. Could that be the reason she gets everything she wants? Her mom feels bad she was raped and possible a FAS, so she gives her anything?? Her mom did say she was rape.. could that child be the product of the rape? What if she was raped by her uncle and the aunt couldn't have a kid so they told her to give it to them and they will give her anything she wants?

I remember she said she doesn't have any brother or sister and only 1 couin they she loves a lot.

Anonymous said...

How many emails does she need?

Needle said...

I'm really interested in what "Punk Rock" Kai's ever listened to. OWAIT I ALREADY KNOW, it's shitty mis-titled crap like Good Charlotte and ICP.

So basically I think I have 12 things Kai's looking for in a ~*partner*~. I think I'm going to go completely change my personality now, brb.

p0tpies said...

turn-ons: Braininess, Sarcasm, Impulsiveness, Body hair, Piercings, Tattoos, Muscles, Gross-out humor, Power, Living on the edge, Public displays of affection, Rowdy parties

turn-offs: Shyness, Family get-togethers, Pants


May 16, 2010 3:01 PM

lmao pants is a turn off? hahaha. & body hair is a turn on? ewwwwwwwwww

Needle said...

Also are we really sure that person with the rape story was really Kailyn's mother? If it was anon it could have been anyone pretending to be her.

Anonymous said...

idk, it was around the time she came here and said kais father is a lawyer. and she told camille to stop emailing her. on blogtv, she said the exact same things.

Anonymous said...

you clearly have too much time on your hands stalking people on the internet! SAD SAD SAD!!

Anonymous said...

3:22- Go suck on a pistol, darling.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
My daughter has a life ahead of her .You don't even know the circumstances we were faced with smarty pants. That was a Child of Rape,it just was not fair to anyone to birth that child.
April 16, 2010 4:52 PM"

p0tpies said...

ijustine & andreaschoice are imo the prettiest girls on yt.

Anonymous said...

thats true @ needle.. it could have been someone just pretending..

The internet WAS kai's baby sitter. Shes on soo many different websites. She started going on the net when she was 12. She said shes been penpalling since that age too.

Anonymous said...

High school: Bel Air High School


Anonymous said...

kai's so emo guiz

Anonymous said...

this is the same momma wilcher that came here pretending to be married to a lawyer you guise

Anonymous said...

ijustine is FUGLY

Needle said...

@3:21 So she made the child of rape comment on blogtv, too?

It's not uncommon when someone pops up and says they are so-and-so, or uses a title instead of Anon, for other anons to pick up the title and pretend to be them, too. Tyra/Joanna/etc., anyone?

@3:28 LOL yeah, even if her mother did say it... well, she lied about the lawyer thing....

Anonymous said...

Isnt Kailyn having a blogtv tonight? :) I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

where did you find those pictures of kai lmao?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if that specific comment was from Lisa but she really was commenting here. She was saying things word for word on Blogtv that she said here in the comments.

flipadelphia. said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hope she gets 100,000 subs and never gets accepted in the partnership program.

Anonymous said...

oooooooh good catch flip.


mom and elle? maybe? e has got to mean elle.

Anonymous said...

so.. are sigma brushes a fail?

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