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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

GlassSlipperBeauty's Contest Drama

People have been requesting a post dedicated to Allie (glassslipperbeauty on YT) for a while, mostly because she's annoying, clearly copies many bigger "gurus", and acts like a spoiled, entitled brat. I've kind of put off writing about her because meh, she's what, like 14? Most 14 year old girls are annoying. However a couple days ago after announcing her contest winner, she took "annoying spoiled girl" to an entirely new level. Allie held a comment contest in which the winner would receive a $100 gift card to MAC. After she announced the winner, several of the 17,000 subscribers she had at the time went to this winners youtube page to find that the account had just been made that day. Basically, the contest was fixed. People were pissed so Allie felt the need to address the situation and made this video;

So. Much. Bullshit.
--First of all, if her "friend" had made this fake account, wouldn't she think that Allie would notice the address when she sent her the prize?
--She also tweeted that when she went to pick the first winner, they weren't subscribed to her so she picked someone else - the person who had just created their account that day. In her video she said that her FRIEND found the winner for her, while in her tweet she said that SHE did it.
--In her video addressing it, MeganHeartsMakeup left a comment telling Allie to just tell the truth and her real subscribers will understand. It seemed like even Megan didn't believe Allie's acting. She also left a comment on Allies channel;
--Elle also tweeted Allie offering her support, which doesn't exactly help her case considering Elle is basically one of the biggest liars know to YT.
--Another reason people think she's lying is because she made a HUGE deal out of this. She tweeted about it for awhile and then put up her dramatic video with "crying" in it. If she legitimately had no idea what her "friend" had done, she would have apologized, picked a new winner, and been done with it; not had a break down over it.
--Speaking of fake crying, a website was found where she proclaims herself as an actress;
-- suspicious?
--She then removed the original explanation video and posted this one in its place, where she contradicts herself many times;
--pt. 1:
--pt. 2:

Earlier today, people woke up to see that Allie's channel had not been deleted, like some anticipated, but rather it had been hacked. Some people think it was just a publicity stunt, an attempt to make people feel bad for her, others think it was an act of phishing, where she clicked a link that promised more subscribers or something which then stole her password, and others think she was actually hacked. Either way, she's now contacted the police (LOL) and her bff from Google (more LOLing). Anyone want to guess what will happen next?


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Anonymous said...

I actually think Elle is smart. She just plays dumb because her agent tells her to for the views.

Anonymous said...

649 #1 where is az? maybe you live close to camille :)

Anonymous said...

i like how they're having a raffle and the prizes are all shitzy scam stuff. why doesn't imats just give them their own booth.

Rugget Warehouse said...

I would totally go to imats but I'll be in New York that weekend, which sucks. I'd love to see all the garoos without their angles and lighting.

Anonymous said...

isn't kristin smith going? i think she may have a mental breakdown if one of us showed up and called her kristin.

moar fail plz kthx said...

6:49 don't waste 6 hours of your life to troll those bitches.

I can't believe that they were in destin and I was on vacation in fucking shit hole Wisconsin fml. I would of video taped it to:(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I might say something to them in passing but I just don't want to be kicked out.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they have THAT kind of power to just have any one they want kicked out.

Anonymous said...

@moar I take offence to that I live in Wisconsin lol

moar fail plz kthx said...

Lol well I was in the boring part of Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

i bully online
i aint gunna lie

..and its because im fat and ugly and have no friends. so i take it out on people over the Internet. I post up pictures of hot scene girls and say theyre me.

Anonymous said...

imats is catering to their every need. i'd say they kick someone out for them.

Anonymous said...

I was only joking, all of Wisconsin is extremely boring. Why do you think I'm on this blog so much? lol

moar fail plz kthx said...

I've posted my facebook and YouTube on here bb I ain't lying

Anonymous said...

i didn't know billiejean and orangeface were the same person

Anonymous said...

It's really weird how all of Nuclear Reactionz comments are gone. Wtf?

Anonymous said...

Well at least they're not on that guru panel Enkore was talking about in his latest video. But there's this little thought in the back of my head wanting to say, "Give it time." Their agent will probably find some way to get them on that panel >_<

piggiecharm said...

It's obvious the gurus don't like them. Other wise Koren would have them on the panel.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Lol what advice would they be able to give anyway? They aren't makeup artists. They're spoiled girls that haul shit and only want money and fame.

word v: hooring

Anonymous said...


Kristen said...

Has anyone seen this? I know it was posted like a week ago but I don't really watch her videos so I haven't seen it. Soooo cheesy. D:

Anonymous said...

7:20 hi sticky

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Pinkiecharm won her lawsuit against Applebees? It happened over 3 years ago, so her fat ass has been out of work for that long.

Anonymous said...

"7:20 hi sticky"

That makes no sense, how am I Sticky?

Anonymous said...

7:31 yes you are.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to explain why? You sound stupid.

Anonymous said...

@Kristen I watched 15 seconds of that video before i turned it off. That girl is a ginormous retard. Modeling fug outfits in a field.

Anonymous said...

i wont explain bitch. so gtfo

Anonymous said...

"i wont explain bitch. so gtfo"

You're an idiot. Don't assume that I'm that tranny horseface cunt, thanks bitch.

Anonymous said...

7:37 loool u just called your self tranny horseface cunt.

Anonymous said...

Okay pedo pat.

Anonymous said...

okay stickman

Anonymous said...

Wow, Nuclear Reactionz really did baleet everything. So it was really Pat? If not, there's no reason why they shouldn't be around now. We know a threat from Lisa Wilcher means nothing (which was NR's excuse for deleting his/her blog).

Anonymous said...

Go shovel down more Baconators and diddle yourself on Cam4, fat ass Pedo Pat.

Anonymous said...

what if nuclear reaztions was a big guru? idk why else they would go out of their way to disappear and delete everything?

Anonymous said...

i want to have sex with girls am so horny.

Anonymous said...

nuclear reactionz was actally Lisa. Lisa Wilcher, not Lisa Fowler. lol. I have proof too, she scanned me all the proof and then e-mailed it to me.

Anonymous said...

... nuclear reactionz trolled kai, how is it lisa?

Anonymous said...

lol lest we forget that lisa actually prints web pages out to scan them again XD

Anonymous said...

Well then show us the proof.

Anonymous said...

@7:49 You fool.

Anonymous said...

It was Lisa, because she wanted Kai to get famous on YT. They planned the whole thing out? And those screen caps of kai and that guy, where kai eats the pot pie?!? Photoshpoeed. They were in on it the whole time.

Anonymous said...

That's such bullshit lmao. Post proof.

Anonymous said...

I can spell, but I sure as fuck can't type! And if you think I'm bullshitting, then why do you want proof? Carry on!

piggiecharm said...

So who is the troll that is Smellen,feminent(sp) and porok? Was the anon was bullshitting?

Anonymous said...

xbrookcorex IMATS in NYC next May means I'll be able to go to see MY friends only and to shop, not to watch people kiss asses and compare agent sizes


Anonymous said...

@7:57 yea exactly, you have no proof at all. Nice story though.

Anonymous said...

Of course Lisa was the mastermind behind all of it. Kai wouldn't think that up herself, she just went along with it all.

Anonymous said...

I do have proof, you just have to look for it in the right places, babe :)

Anonymous said...

i hope all the real muas at imats make ellen and balir into a laughing stock. i'd be so offended at them being catered too if i were a talented mua at imats.

Anonymous said...

Your proof is about as real as Lisa and Lizzy's noses.

Anonymous said...

If you had proof, you would have posted it by now instead of playing games.

Anonymous said...

Believe whatever the fuck you want to believe. The proof is right in front of all of your eyes.

Anonymous said...

Random, but did anyone else notice that Lorraine talked about how people always think that she has had plastic surgery in one of her day in the life videos (after there was a post on this blog about her), a couple days ago? Do you think she reads this blog?

Sorry for any misspelling. I'm on my iPhone.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wasn't it Mel in JuicyTuesday's video and they were both ragging on Lisa and Lizzy?

C'mon, these gahroos need to publicly out the QVC sisters, not just dance around the subject!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:29 Agreed. It's soooooo obvious that none of the gurus like/talk to/acknowledge those 2 idiots. One of them just needs to grow some balls and SAY it!

piggiecharm said...

Petrilude claims to not sugar coat anything yet he acts nice around them. None of the gurus have what it takes to put those two cunts in place.

Anonymous said...

oh come on. lot's of garoos like those two girls. egheartsssc, kai, glassslipperbeauty. those some big names. don't forget. they will always be on top, lisa and lizzy will!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if whatadayderek and blair are going to hook up again when she's at imats. what do you think?!?!??!

Salty said...

New post plz.

piggiecharm said...

Those are all no bodies not "Big names" A lot of us had no idea who glassslipperposer before her scam contest. And who the fuck is egheartsssc?

Anonymous said...

Word on the street is Whataday and Kristen Smith are secretly dating.

Anonymous said...

derek said he was in a long distance relationship but it didnt work out

Anonymous said...

Yes they are big names. Glassslipper is like the coolest thing since sliced bread. and don't pretend you don't know who egheartssc is. The one with the hot BF she vlogs with, DUH

Anonymous said...

@6:53 i live in scottsdale.

@moar fail if i go it would be mostly to actually go to imats but i would find time to troll them.

Salty said...

Glass slipper is a no-name 5th rate guru. never heard of her before the contest. and her channel is a piece of crap, no one cares about what 14 year old children have to say. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Random, but did anyone else notice that Lorraine talked about how people always think that she has had plastic surgery in one of her day in the life videos (after there was a post on this blog about her), a couple days ago? Do you think she reads this blog?

I also noticed she mentioned her hairy arms and getting them waxed and her hairy body was discussed here before too, so I think she does.Plus we are talking about the girl who is in love with herself!

Anonymous said...

She's not a no-name. She's fucking HUGE in the youtube world. You're basically just jealous, is what it boils down to :)

piggiecharm said...

OMGZ lyke your totes jellyous of her. glassslipperposercunt is totes the bestest guru ever. totes!

Anonymous said...

im not jealous of a fat girl with a wonky eye sahrry

Anonymous said...

glassslipper isn't fat with a wonky eye.

Rugget Warehouse said...

Those topless photos where Kai was on msn with that guy weren't photoshopped.
How do I know? I used to talk to the guy and he showed those screen shots to me long before I ever knew who Kai was.

Anonymous said...

Bring him here Rugget

Anonymous said...

We wanna see kais saggy tits!!!

Salty said...

Yes we are so jealous of some prepubescent acne ridden 14 year old skank that we can barely contain ourselves. It really bothers me that i cant have a shitty youtube video with thousands of 11 year olds to watch me scam them every day. shucks.. i am really missing out. ... really what the hell are you thinking. i doubt anyone would want to have that fucking huge nose/ forehead duo. No one cares about allie, she is clearly a shitty guru and an even shitter youtuber for screwing her subscribers like that. So allie, go back to making shitty videos of you crying or doing makeup or hauling.. what ever the fuck you do. You fucked up and got called out, sorry little girl this is what the world is like, deal. And on the off chance you aren't allie, maybe you should reconsider defending someone who clearly does not appreciate you. but you are probably 13 too so, well just piss off. No one is jealous of that retard baby.

Anonymous said...

Y wouldn't u be jealous? she's rich, and ummmmmmmmm, she didn't fuck over her subs, her friend did, DUHHHHHHHHHH

Salty said...

lol she didn't fuck over her subs?

... okay i refuse to fight with the mentally retarded. no need for another molly

Rugget Warehouse said...

I literally have not talked to that kid in years haha

Anonymous said...

ban the cbox spammer

Anonymous said...

who is Molly, your psycho fucking mother. get over yourself,u know allie will ALWAYS be better then u. ALWAYS. Remember when she SAID her FRIEND was the 1 who fucked over her subs. YA. get your story strait, u fucking sycho.

Anonymous said...

don't feed the trolls, they're obviously trying to get a rise out of you, Salty!

Salty said...

Like I said, I will not argue with someone with neither the age nor mental capacity to argue back.

@9:25 where did your friend meet kai? or how did they start to talk?

Salty said...

I know 9:36 I know. I just wish some people did some fucking parenting (natneagle ...ZING) and gave their kids some freekin common sense or enough to know when they are being scammed. poor kid is probably fucked for life.

piggiecharm said...

Allie can go kiss Irene's FUPA. I hope she gets punched in the face at IMATS.

Salty said...

Rofl allie is going to the imats?... i can see the "what the fuck is this ugly chud of a child doing here" looks now

Anonymous said...

I can see it now. The IMATS door swings open..Allie comes bouncing in on all 4's ...RIBBIT! RIBBIT!

oh sure. I'm jealous of a 14 year old lil froggy.

Anonymous said...

Are you and I dead, merely existing in the memory of when we were living?

Anonymous said...

lol you guys, of course michelle is saying she's not wearing foundation in her DIY sushi video.. CUZ SHE'S WEARING CONCEALER. she has yet to deny that fact.

piggiecharm said...

...and eyeliner on top and bottom plus false lashes. How dumb does she think people are. LULZ then again you have all those kiddies who clearly have no brain.

Salty said...

I no longer have any faith in the yt beauty community.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else find it funny/odd when you go to the youtube search bar and type in "michelle pha..." the number one search is michelle PHAM? lol

piggie, in her vid she stated she took off her foundation but left her eye makeup on. but shes totes wearing concealer.

Anonymous said...

well not in her vid but she wrote it in the description box.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who can't wait to see what ugly shit Kailyn will be showing us she got while away at the beach?

piggiecharm said...

LULZ I saw that in the search bar as well. And, oh ok. I didn't watch all of the video. What I did watch was so pathetic.

Sexy said...

ok so who was the original troll?

piggiecharm said...

Sexy, they were probably bullshitting because they never came back to confirm who it was. I wanted to know too :(

holy crap I'm commenting way too much.

Rugget Warehouse said...

@Salty (sorry this is a bit late btw)
From what I remember, she had just started messaging him on msn randomly and he went along with it. Then she got on cam, took her top off and ended up eating the infamous pot pie.

That could be wrong though, I think that happened in like 2007.

Anonymous said...

Rugget everyone knows that story. stop pretending to know the guy or whatever to look cool. gtfo

Anonymous said...

bla bla bla.......

Anonymous said...

i liked this blog better without the spamming, ellen show, and rugget warehouse. they just bring so much bullshit here.

piggiecharm said...

I understand some of you don't like Ellen. However,Rugget hasn't done anything. WTF?

Anonymous said...

Ellen has motives.
You people are being conned.
Don't be fooled.
If she knew who was posting this warning she would shit in her kitchen sink (as usual)

Anonymous said...

I like Rugget. It was very unfair how she was treated.

Anonymous said...

my word verification is: "horni"

That is all.

Anonymous said...

rugget just acts like she's the shit, and she tries really hard to be funny and fit in. I know this is old, but when most of the anon vs. troll stuff was going on, she got really defensive and tried to put anons down, when she's just as anon as anyone else. she's just annoying and she comes off as acting better than others/being "popular" here. much like ellen. but besides that I don't care. i'm just saying, she causes some bs (not as much as others). as long as she's okay though, i don't have a problem with her

needleinavein said...

new post bbz <3
camille let me write one and its my first time doing it so don't be too harsh :)

Anonymous said...

I have a lesbian crush on Ellen......


Anonymous said...

I see no new post, tard

Anonymous said...

yeah needle-dumbass-dick theres no fucking new post.

Anonymous said...

i don't think we should have to hate on ellen.
but i know we can't trust her and she has motives. and that's aside from the attention whoring and ass-kissing she does.

maybe that person who claims to know her could be bullshitting, but we should listen. ellen just seems like trouble. enough said.

Anonymous said...

lorraine, i know you read this blog. wear a bra or get your tits lifted.

piggiecharm said...

it isn't needle...and its the same fucktard who comments on every goddamn post saying "new post" IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

i just bought my first chanel product, yay! :)

Anonymous said...

11:41, would you like a fucking celebration? it's Chanel makeup, big deal. You must be poor to think that's an exciting milestone.

Anonymous said...

Why would ellen do a complete 360 with us, and try to be nice after all the shit we did to her? sounds like she wants some type of revenge. Getting in the our inner circle would make it easier for her. I don't think she wants to expose anyone necessarily, but I do think she wants to stir up trouble

Anonymous said...

"11:41, would you like a fucking celebration? it's Chanel makeup, big deal. You must be poor to think that's an exciting milestone."

i didn't say it was a milestone. don't be such an ass.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, anteater fools no one.

Lawl at her attempt to get in our good graces. I lawled.

Rugget Warehouse said...

Oh well, I knew I was going to get hate on that, but it is true.

And why the hell would I try hard to be funny on a blog. I mean really. In no way does this affect my everyday life if some randoms think I'm super cool online.

Anonymous said...

"don't be such an ass."

It's a bitch blog. I'll act how I please, cunt.

Anonymous said...

lmao jfc, you're bitter about something. continue acting like a raging bitch.

Anonymous said...

Cry moar, 11:46.

Salty said...

awww the "new post" got me too

i don't get the whole ellen hate thing to be honest. I talk a lot on the blog too. I understand her house was well... a damn mess but I don't really "get" the rest of the hate. if you think shes that sneeky dont give her personal info? but hell.. what makes her any more sneeky or motivated than anyone else on the blog? I don't have beef with her and i dont love her but the bitching about it won't change the fact that shes probably not going anywhere anymore than telling kai she is chubby/ugly/ a waste of human flesh/losery will stop her from making craptastic vids

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:47 whine more.

Sexy said...

look at how butthurt holly got because some corrected her grammar a little...bitch has too much time on her hands

Anonymous said...

anteater ellen was fucked by allie's ET finger.

Salty said...

God I wish Cam would turn off the friggin anons.

Anonymous said...

"I mean really. In no way does this affect my everyday life if some randoms think I'm super cool online."

some randoms, how pretentious?

needleinavein said...

Ok bbz, NOW there is a new post. :) Enjoy

Salty said...

sexy did you notice how she decided to thesaurus her ass some big words in the reply saying that she wasn't trying to sound smart or professional?

any pics of this et finger?

Anonymous said...

Rugget is right in calling us "randoms". Thats what we all are. Random people posting to a hater blog. Suck it up!

Anonymous said...

damn i got fooled by the new post AGAIN!! fml

Anonymous said...

I <3 Rugget!

Anonymous said...

ooh yay there really is a new post up naoo :)

Rugget Warehouse said...

Lol if I said anons you would have whined then too.

Anonymous said...

I want to fucking ride Johnny Depp like theres no tomorrow. ughhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

lol @ "vernacular." no one uses that word just chillin.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry but she's a "guru" among us. i know many gurus come here, but she indirectly promotes her shit. (even if she doesn't post links, just by talking about it)

some pretty nasty stuff happened to her here, her address was posted, she was constantly bashed and she deleted like 8 channels. it's really not about her getting personal info. i think that she wants to stir shit up, destroy the way the blog comments and interacts (which she's done with all of the bashing comments/spam), and she wants to play the victim role for attention. I see her being pretty two faced too, gurus come here anyway but I can totally see her as one of the people who tips people off to come spam here or something

didn't some earlier post talk about how she had mental problems? anyway, her commenting here will be all fun and games, and she'll continue her manipulation but ellen is not good news. end of story. it's been all negativity/spam, within the comments, since she got here

Anonymous said...

anons make this blog what it is you stupid cunts.

UNKNOWN fucking critic, anons usually post the juicy stuff and the stuff calling people out because the registered accounts are too busy kissing ass to each other

Anonymous said...

I don't have any lube and saliva doesn't work, will lotion hurt me? serious question

Salty said...

cute story, i was looking into the whole allie et finger thing and went to watch a video to see if i could sneek a peek, before i got it to play one of the grapes i was eating fell out of hand and closed the window on the laptop mouse thing. guess it was never meant to be.

Anonymous said...

If ellen really only posts videos for her friends on fb then why did she join the officialfailsquad? obv not just for her friends... collab channel = more views, subscribers. dumb bitch

Anonymous said...

12:01 lol..make sure it's not heavily scented lotion

Anonymous said...

It's a hobby, not a way to be oMGZFAMOUS. the glamsquad has like 600 subbies, lol. THO MANY VIEWZ. this is not what i came here to talk about.

1159, maaaan are you paranoid.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Salty. Here's Allie's finger.


Anonymous said...

or maybe she just knows what a cunt you are.

Anonymous said...

ellen i love you! <3

Anonymous said...

I cry with laughter every fucking time I watch that gif, btw.

Anonymous said...

I dont plan on leaving the blog or commenting anon. My twitter is public. i will not change my channel again.

so you paranoid little girls, keep waiting for me to pull whatever awesome trick on a damn BLOG. it isn't going to happen. keep waiting and stalking.

Anonymous said...

Ellen, nice cameltoe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lulz dont flatter yourself smellen.

Salty said...

what in the blue fuck... is that finger always like that? jesus the more i find out about this allie bitch the more i want to like.. kick her in the face... (idk)

wtf is this new youtube thing about .. "whatever commenter you don't even show your face, you wouldn't say that to someone face to face"....

I guess they never met someone like me.

Anonymous said...


Oh. my. God. Did something happen to her? Did she break it?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's advanced carpal tunnel. TOO MUCH YOUTUBE?

Anonymous said...

In her new pic, Ellen Bohn looks amazingly like sticky.

Anonymous said...

comment "1"
if you don't believe smellen's lies.

Anonymous said...

^ I swear to God I said to myself earlier, "Ellen looks like Sticky"

They do have similar features.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ellen and sticky both of shitty personalities too, and they're both attention whores, 2 faced lying slores

Anonymous said...

naw, sticky is much moar feminint

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Do you like sushi? Michelle Phan, you should block me now"


Anonymous said...

"1" spammers - no one gives a FUCK. go make an ellen blog. she's posting about gurus and that's fine by me. until her "epic expose" goes down, i dont give a fuck

go make your own ellen dedicated blog, cunts

Anonymous said...

whats this #1 business? I don't understand...please explain.

Salty said...

I could care less. This isn't the friggin clean house association, she could comment with anon and you would never know, you may even like her. I suppose I missed what she actually DID to piss off the entire anon community? I mean beyond the messy house thing? Or what the hell she is supposedly doing that is pissing everyone off? Christ its not like shes olli talking about rotten fetuses again

ooo cool captcha: trictic

Anonymous said...

if you think that was all me, you're delusional?
i posted the original poll, and the rest were other people. stfu.

Anonymous said...

shes a 2-faced slore. she tried talked shit about kai then crawled up her ass when kai gave her a shout out. then she came here when we called her out to say she was just trying to get kai's info to be a good troll, then made a vid sayin she wasnt a troll. shes just an annoying nasty dumbass. she needs to get off here and wash her hair and clean her apartment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Salty, I have a yet unproven plan to expose anonymous trolls. Didn't you know?!

Anonymous said...

there was no proof that she was even going to expose the blog in the first place. her apartment was dirty, who gives a shit?

Anonymous said...

@1218 you're naive & being tricticed

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Does anyone authentically know why Allie's pinkie is like that? i thought i saw her other pinkie doing it too in a video, but that might have been my eyes playing tricks, i dunno.

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt come within a mile of your window you dirty skank. clean to you must mean something different to everyone else.

Anonymous said...

how fucking dumb are you cunts?!

it's her manipulation and motives. she's just here to cause shit which she is doing right now, and you're feeding into it

why the hell is she playing the victim role.

we can't stop her from commenting here, but it's sickening to watch her buddy up like the lying slore she is.

Anonymous said...

I like that you are all still online at this hour.

Anonymous said...

I guess you have to be friends with Kai to understand, that's why I don't fault Ellen for the Kai deal. A lot of people here were at one point friends with Kai or defended her until they found out waht she was really like. She starts acting like a bitch and they join in on trolling her. I used to defend her until she started being fucking rude.

Anonymous said...

What the hell are my motives on a blog where no one has any personal info? jfc. even if i had some weird motives, i'm not doing anything now? I'm just being a nice person. ffs calm down and stop being paranoid about something that isn't real.

Anonymous said...

12:24 you are too...?
ellen's apartment is pretty ghetto, she has no class.

Anonymous said...

she thinks its all about her afartment. no one really gives a shit about it, it's just fuel for our fire.

Salty said...

lol well i think that was directed toward me but wow i have never been called naive before thats a first. correct me if i am wrong but what the hell is there here to expose? I mean people bitch about lame youtubers. if you are concerned try not to post personal information? I would probably not advise it anyway but sharing your info with anyone on a blog like this probably isnt the best idea. granted just about no one really trusts her wtf would she "expose"

anyway i guess kai is a friggin retard and i couldnt care less about her getting fucked over as she has screwed so many of her pen pals. i guess i just dont care about the whole ellen shenanigans its whatever...

HOWEVER kimitoxxic should burn in hell. someone should take her off the fuckin fried chicken for long enough that she can bend over and inhale the noxious fumes exerted from her rotten crotch... beeeeeeotch

Anonymous said...

GTFO Ellen - you're here 24/7 never missing a beat...its pathetic!

Suggestion: spend time with your fiance or go smoke a carton of camels with your cat. Im sure your cat would love the bonding and company.
JFC Life is too short..just do it!!! gooooo.. Pleeeeeeeze!

Anonymous said...

ELLEN STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM. you are so damn annoying. just making everything about yourself. getting so defensive? if you don't give a shit, don't talk, stop egging it on you cunt.

Salty said...

erm wtf is jfc? i am so not down with the lingo

Anonymous said...

i've trolled kai from the first day i found out about her on this blog. i've never been friends with her. there's no need to tell us how kai is, we can tell. we can also tell ellen is a 2 faced, manipulative slore.

Anonymous said...

smellen wants people on here to feel sorry for her so she plays the victim. she thinks if she gets our ideas for her shiity, spit-filled videos, we will like her and subscribe/give her views. fuck her

Anonymous said...

Why are you surprised that she's getting defensive? The entire blog has been attacking her for days.

Anonymous said...

u wouldnt know if ellen was here 247 unless u were too...

Anonymous said...

salty: jesus fucking christ

Im sure Ellen will beat me to it with this response

Anonymous said...

ellen's comments on here, automatically make shit go to her, and she's on here ALL THE TIME..talking about gurus my ass! this is the ellen show now and she knows it! BITCH.

Anonymous said...

Why in the hell do I want youtube subscribers?! i do not give a SHIT. you are fucking twisted if you think everything anyone does is about oMG SUBSCRIBE 2 ME. not everyone is out to get you, bb

salty jfc - jesus fucking christ.

Anonymous said...

shut up spitty, no one cares.

Anonymous said...

subscribers arent even visible on ellens yt btw. she's trying so hard to show off, right?

Anonymous said...

you guys are the ones that make it about her honestly. she was commenting earlier about makeup and one of you had to start spamming and insulting her. why is it such an issue for you to minimize her comment and ignore it?

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