Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Yup. Everyone who comments here totally called it - MONTHS ago.

Blair and Elle are moving to LA

Come on, guys. How many of you legitimately thought that Blair was sooo generous that she'd let her 7 year old sister move into her huge room while Blair stuffed all her shit into another room less than a third of the size? But let's just backtrack several months. Blair had been talking about how she needed to be done with high school in May - an entire year early. Why, Blair? What "big project" do you have coming up? Naturally, the clever people on this blog instantly knew that her and Elle were likely moving, and probably to LA, where their agent is. Then this facebook conversation surfaced;

Yeahhh. Fast forward to earlier today. In Blair's new June Favorites video, she would not STFU about some makeup artist named Gabriel. They're obviously good friends because they tweet back and forth to eachother;

HMM LOOK AT THAT. As soon as Blair oddly announces that shes changing bedrooms, we find out that she's moving to LA. Soon. Anyone wanna bet on how long she'll try and say her new apartment in LA is the "guest room" at her parent's house that she talked about?

When do the lies stop!?


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Anonymous said...

WOW you girls are pathetic. Why are you trying to tear down such a lovely girl like Kai? She's come a long way with her makeup skills and I think she's beautiful. She's like a catepillar that morphed into a stunning butterfly. She isn't greedy, you girls are jealous that she can afford whatever she wants. She said she has a job at a salon, why would she lie? She is a fine young lady and you should all take notes from her. She has class, something you all lack!

Anonymous said...

"Hello pretty ladies"

We all know where that came from. Lulz

Anonymous said...

How can you have an id when you dont have a licence?

Anonymous said...

"She's like a catepillar that morphed into a stunning butterfly"

more like a caterpillar that morphed into a fat retard with FAS

Anonymous said...

you just go to dmv and bring your birth certificate in. you can have an id without having your license or permit, lol.

Anonymous said...

"FLIP_HATER" you need to get laid

Anonymous said...

i dont think jusss is a spoiled brat or he wouldnt be carrying fake lvs and wearing fake chanel neclaces. maybe hes spoiled for a po'boy in long island

Anonymous said...

Dear Allie,
It's VUH LOOM UH NIS not VAL UME NIS. I even put it into simple text. Now stop acting like you're smarter than you are.

Anonymous said...

Actually Jus is fun. He shouldnt stop making videos. He is still a very young boy that is taking steps into life and you can see where he will be going. It's good.

Anonymous said...


yes, you really do

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Didn't your parents teach you manners? How cruel to say she has FAS, her mother seems like a very smart, nice, caring woman. If Kai puts her mind to it, she can be a amazing makeup artist! She could be a makeup artist to the stars in 10 years. I'm rooting for her! And her mom!

Anonymous said...

this person "rooting" for jussss and kai is either old, delusional or trollin'

Anonymous said...

flip hater, you're fucking annoying with your lesbian obsession with flip, a mod that is never even here anymore. did you hit on her and get turned down or something? lame.

Anonymous said...

flip hater keep it up. the mods have your personal info. all of it.

Anonymous said...

I don't like any of you Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus loving zombies. Go away.

We can all get along in screamo-laced harmony when you can become as deathcore as I am.

Anonymous said...

jus isnt a very young boy? he turns 17 in 6 months hes almost the same age as blair

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

flip hater certainly sounds incredibly butthutt over SOMETHING.. who knows.. maybe she WAS rejected by flip..

Anonymous said...

I'd pick Jus and Kai over Kalel any day.

Anonymous said...

okay suuure "flip hater"'re not convincing anyone...lesbo

Anonymous said...


naaawww dont be mad because im right :) you need to get laid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shout out to the virginnnnz.

word ver. = annoying as a mother fucker.

FLIP Hater Is Mad said...

lol don't click my username

Anonymous said...

you've been alone at home every single day of the summer @ spammer.

Anonymous said...

0 FOR SURR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

someone should make an edited video of juss showing that burp and then the part in his last video where he said he hasnt washed his hair in a week and then the part where he says im fat!
such a gross fat slob.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG I laughed so hard!
Thanks Fupa for uploading that!

Anonymous said...

"you've been alone at home every single day of the summer @ spammer."

Yeah, that's pretty sad. They spammed for almost 6 hours earlier...

Anonymous said...

justin is such a handsome young gent. he is not fat he is just big boned. he is very skilled at both makeup and fashion and has beautiful undamaged hair. leave him alone.

Anonymous said...

I laughed my ass of at that burp video. Nice work fupacharm!!!!

Anonymous said...

LULZ. "I don't carry this all the time, like if I'm goin to the movies or somethin..." 2 minutes later, whips out some movie stubs. KAIKAI FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey guiz its jusssss *burrrrrrp*
i havnt washed my hair in a week *burrrrrrp*
im fat *burrrrrrp*
someone please put tgether a vid using those clips

Anonymous said...

that is digsuting who puts that kinda stuff on the internet?
only juss. no wonder he cant find a job. they can prolly smell him from a mile away with his week old unshowered stank self.

Anonymous said...

the burp at the very end with "classy" was fantastic.
the cherry on top of an already great video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what is the link to the jus vid?

Anonymous said...

i wish apple would put out white and black macbooks again. the silver aluminum is fug

Anonymous said...

God stfu. Flip doesn't even come here anymore.

Anonymous said...

"ok i will clear this up before i get anymore questions. I am not trying to copy any guru who uses a background, i am on vacation and the only place i could find with good lighting is against a brown wall. If you guys would rather see a brown wall for the next month and a half then that is fine i will film without the background."

yeah right baby. you totes wanna be megan!!!

Anonymous said...

michelle phan must have got engaged

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! :) RT @RiceBunny: Most beautiful day of my life so far. So many wonderful memories with the new family!

did michelle get married?

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! :) RT @RiceBunny: Most beautiful day of my life so far. So many wonderful memories with the new family!

did michelle get married?

Anonymous said...

"She has class, something you all lack! "

I know, right? I mean, after she showed her boobs to a stranger over the internet, she ate her chicken pot pie with her pinky up. I love her classiness. Pure class! I heard she even smokes her blunts with her pinky up.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, met and they soon became best friends. They went through everything together, and felt so much for each other, but then one day, showed up and was completed moved by his magnetic . This left poor to go and mope with , who also had been ditched for a nymphet. soon began to model himself after to the point where there was nothing left of what he once was. had been completely forgotten.

But wait! remembers everything, and soon felt the inclination to pursue him too. It seemed like it'd be a difficult task, but was so desperate for some that a cheap would do. He was now under her spell too. began to question humanity... After all, had always been such a strong young man. Maybe he wanted to be a diva for a change? Or he just wanted back? So many questions.

, 's mother soon grew worried for her son, and many s, pleading for his return. Everyone missed him so much... Even , who had always been so blasé about anything that didn't pertain to him, and had always been inexplicably in love with the hunk of man that was . Perfectly understandable... However, , 's boss, had different plans for our protagonist here, for he was planning on sending him to his fat wife, , who never seemed satisfied.

Anonymous said...

damn juss got hit with the ugly stick pretty bad. that hooked huge honker, that wirey rats nest he calls hair, fat and lazy. if he started working out 7 months ago like he said he would actually be in shape by now.but instead hes just been sitting around going to homosexual anonymous meetings and packing on the pounds.

Anonymous said...

onz upun a tyme, a purdy gurl
nemmed tori wuz wokin down da str33t. sh3 wuz awl "im nut purdy." and she pizzed ppl off by seyin dat cuz she was SUPAH HAWT.

nao, on one fettful dey, she sed it agen. then awll of a sudden, a gurl came and tied her up.
the gurl's nem was Jordanne, and she was gunna prowstit00t hur fur munee.

then tori wud see how purdy she was!

Anonymous said...

so, tori wuz all "I don't think prostituting myself is really the best idea..." but Jordanne wuz deturmind un prowstituting hur becuz purdy faces dunt com around all de tyme!

so, she put tori 2 work, nd she made a good business.
100k every day

Anonymous said...

but tori, on on day wuz all, "I don't think I should be doing this any longer!"
so, Jordanne b-slapped hur az hard az posseBAL and then tori wuz all, "No fair!"
she wuz cryin and Jordanne haz a soft hert 4 da purdy ladies.

Anonymous said...

People like Kai and Juss NEED nose jobs.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


ATTENTION anyone from calgary are there pinkberrys here i really want some.


Anonymous said...

Fatnat thinks she looks too young to be a momma? LULZ forever

Anonymous said...

Fat Nat tries to flatter herself too much.

Anonymous said...

"with the new family"

Sounds like they got into a cult :o

Anonymous said...

:( I'm in a terrible mood, near the verge of tears really because I only got to see him for an hour after almost two weeks of not being able to see him, and it hurts. (The love of my life)

Anonymous said...

@617 get the fuck over it, clingy bitch

Anonymous said...

People fear death because death is an instrument of fate.
When people are killed by execution rather than by fate,
This is like carving wood in the place of a carpenter.
Those who carve wood in place of a carpenter
Often injure their hands.

Anonymous said...

no your not dude dont lie

Anonymous said...

6:17 Get over it, I only see my boyfriend of almost 4 yrs for 30 minutes every 2 weeks & thats the only time I talk to him. Some women's husbands are over seas and can't see them for months at a time.

Anonymous said...

does anybody else have a problem with opi polish chipping?

Elizabeth said...

i just left this comment on allie's video:
"can you let me know where you got your extensions done so i know never to go there? they don't blend in at all. yuck"

she definitely will not approve it, huh.

Anonymous said...

Allie must have paid a lot for her extensions and would have been better off getting them in California, there was probably a good stylist in LA that could have done her hair. Calgary is a bit of a hick town, I love the place. But honestly, her extensions look like crap.

Anonymous said...

lmfao elizabeth

Anonymous said...

@ 6.24 LOLOLOL allie is so fun to troll

Anonymous said...

6.41 ikr? she's tries so hard and it's so obvious. trolling her about it is like the funnest.

Needle said...

Poor Juss, his feet are way too wide for those heels. He really needs some wide widths.

Idk I'm starting to feel sorry for the kid, he's so awful but at the same time I'm kind of agreeing with someone else... I think he has a lot of identity issues he needs to work out. If I was his mother I wouldn't let him be putting all these baaaaaaad videos online, because he's just opening himself to a lot of ridicule.

LOL at the "Jewish princess" thing. I hate to say it but that's so stereotypically fitting... his accent, hair, nose, everything.

Anonymous said...

Juss' hair is a friggin mess!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 6:17...

I only get to see my fiance TWICE a year for a week at a time.

Suck on that.

Anonymous said...

Has any one here had extensions?

Sour Girl said...

Why are hair extensions the new YT trend? None of them even look good.

This place is kinda dead...we need some excitement.

Anonymous said...

we do. we need lizzy to do something stupid.

Sour Girl said...

Oh, I'm sure she will. Just give it a little time.

Needle said...

LMAO now I'm watching Juss' other video.

No, Juss, my parents are divorced, too, and I still don't get what you're saying about "getting everything you want" and your parents competing for you.

the fact that his parents aren't together probably explains a lot, though.

Anonymous said...

why is Kalel's intro and outro music techno

I always feel like I should be trippin E when I watch her vids

Needle said...

@7:32 And the intro on Kalel's kalelcullentv channel always sounds like it belongs on some low-budget 80's "death rock" album, kind of like this:

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend is always gaming and never wants to talk to me, what should I do?!

Anonymous said...

so dead tonight :(

Needle said...

@7:44 game with him :D

Sour Girl said...


Yeah, her KalelCullenTV music is kinda creepy actually, haha.

And @7:44

Dump him. Problem solved

Anonymous said...

But he plays with his friends and doesn't want me to game with him. It's kind of his thing and only comes to me for sex...

Anonymous said...

Then use him for sex.

Anonymous said...

ugh comments are dead.

Anonymous said...

Uhhh if he doesn't spend time with you, don't give him sex you idiot. Then he'll pay attention for sure. If not, then dump his ass unless you like things the way they are now lulz

Anonymous said...

@7:49 My ex was like that to an extent. I left him. The guy I'm with now games too, but he puts my ahead of them.

Anonymous said...

Also, this sounds terrible, but if you've been with him for a long time but can't see yourself without him, try cheating on him. Or what I did was semi breakup with him so that we still talked and hooked up but weren't technically together. And I was free to find another guy to help me get over him.

Anonymous said...

Teresa and her sis like old man cock wtf....I couldn't picture having a bf with white hair. Juicytuesday and her sis must really love money in order to fuck that.

Anonymous said...

Dating a musician is just as bad, if not prepared to always be his 2nd love.

Anonymous said...

i think this has been talked about before, but i'd rather not dig through tens of thousands of comments.
what do you guys know/think about all cosmetics wholesale? i'm still not sure how legitimate it is, but then i've also heard that their prices are low because they jack up shipping.

Needle said...

@8:29 Sometimes with wholesale sites and, for example, brand name cosmetics you might find in the dollar store, the thing is... you pay less, but you're buying overstock or leftovers that have been sitting around in warehouses for god knows how long. So the product you're buying might go bad faster, or might even already be bad.

You just have to be careful and take the chance, I guess.

Taj-Jay Ma-Hai everywaaan said...

All cosmetics wholesale is pretty legit, actually. I ordered grand entrance and smoke and diamonds from there and I received them in 4 or so business days.

If I remember correctly, the shipping wasn't too terrible.

Anonymous said... is fucking awesome!!! I've ordered from there twice now. All of my stuff was fresh and authentic. I don't think that the shipping is any higher than any other website. They're legit.

Anonymous said...


I heard she even smokes her blunts with her pinky up.

Elizabeth said...

For anyone who still doubts that Lorraine got a boob job...

one year ago.
It's annoying that Debbie and her lie about it so blatantly.

Anonymous said...

i've been wanting to order from allcosmeticswholesale for a while because we can't get alot of things here, and to buy mac eyeshadows/lippys is $45... mac foundation $75 (ridic right?) but i added just a few things to my cart and the international shipping on $30ish dollars was $ im trying to weigh up if its worth it

Anonymous said...

@elizabeth are you trying to say her boobs are smaller in that video? because they're not. go back to 2008 vids and she still has huge tits.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

u mad?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GOD it makes me SO mad
when people threaten to commit suicide.
its so freaking selfish, and most of the time, those peoples lives arent even that bad.

GET PILLS OR TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS, instead of making all of the people around you who love you miserable!!

Anonymous said...

No, not again! Ugh.

Anonymous said...


I heard she even smokes her blunts with her pinky up."


Anonymous said...

my computer is making a really weird noise HELP!

Anonymous said...

mission accomplished

Anonymous said...

awww needle thanks for the tweet! BITCH!


Anonymous said...

comment mod?? :(

Anonymous said...

ugh, allie's extensions are just awful.

Anonymous said...

ugh the commentr are dead and now that comments are on moderation itll be even moar dead. but i guess its better than having all the spam.

Elizabeth said...

@ 8.55 her boobs aren't SMALL, but i think it's pretty apparent that they are smaller, even if she just wasn't wearing a bra. and that video is from

Anonymous said...

lol Calgary isn't a hick town. It's not even a town, it's a major city.

Anonymous said...

dear spammer,
it's pretty sad and apparent you have no life. i mean your spamming here. whatever i guess if spamming is your thing whatever but you spent litterally six hours here spamming. you spend way to much time on it and it's sorta sad. please get out moar. it's clear britt/flip rubbed you in the wrong way but it makes you look pathetic when you sit here spamming all day. and making a twitter account called fliphater or whatever? lulz. Please go to your local mental hospital and get some help, your beyond sad. I'd say Kai gets out moar than you.


@fliphater Your mental capacity is obviously beyond your years. Truly astounding. :) 37 minutes ago via web in reply to fliphater


Anonymous said...

I know rite? I love Calgary!! I live 8 hours north of there, and I love to go shopping there!! But, maybe to some, Calgary is a hick town. Compared to Toronto, Montreal, NYC, LA, I guess it could be considered a hick town!

Anonymous said...

xsparkage looks like she's a waitress in a rural alabama dinner in her new video. why do so many gahroos have such bad hair?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, we need a new post so the blog isn't so slow. But about what? I can't really think of any new gossip to post about other than the hair extension craze and Lizzy's "convention" in Orlando. Does anyone have any other ideas? :/

Anonymous said...

you are the thunder and i am the lightning :)

Anonymous said...

AT 929


Anonymous said...

idk but definately dont do a post on dulce being pregnant! theres nothin wrong with that

Anonymous said...

what did flip do to you anyway, fliphater? you lesbian freak. all i can think is that she turned down your sexual advances and now you're butt hurt and want ~revenge~. making that twitter account is just sick and she could actually take that and get you for harassment/stalking since she has your IP address. just sayin' ;)

Anonymous said...

yeah yeah spammer or not youre still pathetic.

Anonymous said...

just watched loraines boob video

she says her band is 32 inches
i am 5'4 about 145lbs and my band is 32inches, how's this possible? and i have big boob bigger than lorainnes.

Anonymous said...

I listen to Kai's videos while I am getting ready. I don't watch them. For some reason, the sound of her voice is just.. relaxing..

Needle said...

If you have to waste a few hours, guess what: you limited your own freedom, too, bb.

And we won't stop just as you never will, so yeah.

We don't put anyone's business out there that they don't put out themselves. For the most part, anyway. The posting of addresses and such I could see.

Anonymous said...

her voice is relaxing, i didn't know other people thought that...i kind of like the sound of her voice

Anonymous said...

relaxing? the sound of her voice is like nails on a chalkboard

Anonymous said...

if you're 5'4 and 145lbs i highly doubt your band size is 32"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

if you're modding comments, at least take the captcha off. it's really overkill with both. and if you're moderating them, it won't matter anyway.

Anonymous said...

This video disgusts me to no end.

Needle said...

Kailyn's voice itself doesn't bother me--it's the way I can hear all the spit in her mouth that bothers me, really.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you sure showed us by spamming the blog for SIX HOURS. Meanwhile, everyone else got off of the computer and left to do other things. If you care enough sit here for that long, you seriously have issues. Even Kai has more of a life than you do, get help.

Anonymous said...

yes agree! captcha OFF!

Anonymous said...

The spammer here has a fatter ass than Irene. And that's saying alot.

Anonymous said...

needle, what's your twitter?

Anonymous said...

thx needle <3

Anonymous said...

STFU NEEDLE BUT I BET YOU WON'T PUBLISH This you guys are just mean bitches and you don't get it. you hate gurus, you hate the people here, you hate anyone who tries to be a part of your hater circle


Needle said...

I published it, just for you. :)

I don't personally "hate" anyone, definitely not anyone here, so get over it. Are you holding some sort of grudge, maybe? I'm not the one who called Tyra, Faux, or anyone else out, remember. :)

Needle said...

@10:04 it's twittilytweet

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else broken out from the Coastal Scents Camo Quad? I think that shit made me break out bad along my chin :/

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't trust coastal scents face products but that's just me. that concealer looks like something from the dollar store...

Anonymous said...

when you are camping and the trailer is rocking randomly, NEVER go and see why.. :(

Anonymous said...

i hate hearing
from my parents bedroom

I'm all like wut the fck o.o
then i try to put fruit in my ears to make it stop

Anonymous said...

why would you waste a few hours spamming though? thats just pathetic. we do troll here but we do talk to eachother and all.

Anonymous said...

Those aren't your parents. It's me in there with your mother. sorry for the racket. she just likes to get a little wild, and i'm a sex god what can i say

Anonymous said...

10:13 #1 yeah i'm starting to realize that now....might as well have just went with a cheap ass brand like elf instead of throwing my money away :/

Anonymous said...

for such an expensive brand nars whores themselves out like sigmas tacky cousin

Anonymous said...

needle dont forget to turn off comment mod before you go to bed ;)

Anonymous said...

nars is LOVE!!!

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga is a satanist!

Anonymous said...

i love nars too but their ads are all over the place

Anonymous said...

how does nars whore themselves out?

Anonymous said...

1029 NO lady gaga is NOT!!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ooooooh almost 5000 posts!

Anonymous said...

natasha is explaining how much partners make and she called kalel a fucking liar lulz win

Anonymous said...

whos natasha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well fatasha is no where near as popular as kalel but ok

Anonymous said...

dead :(

Anonymous said...

heyyyyy the spammers gone its ok to turn off comment moderation.

Anonymous said...

not fatneagle, myeyeshadowisodd.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:51 I do that too lol. I just leave it on for a background sound...idk why.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think Kristen Smith has an annoying voice?

Anonymous said...

"Dis fo boss bitches
Fo money makin bitches
All my ladies put yo hands in the air
I got patrone in my cup
And i dont give a fuck
Da baddest bitch in da club right hurr"
- kailyn wilcher

Anonymous said...

Does anyone ever wonder what Kai's ultimate goal is? Like, does she think that eventually she will gain enough subscribers to make her a semi-celebrity? Does she want to be like Blair and Elle and move to LA? Or that someone will hand her a makeup boutique to run? She doesnt even take any action to prepare in any way for the future, how can anyone live like that just day to day relying on someone else entirely???

She doesnt work or study, so obviously she thinks something will come of her yt life. right?

Anonymous said...

Needle, i hate you.

Anonymous said...

wow so dead! needle did you just leave without turning the comments off approval :(

Anonymous said...

im eating nail polish.

Anonymous said...

where is my ocmment :(

Anonymous said...

ELLEN is the voice of this hahahaha

Anonymous said...

ok so this blog is obv full of a bunch of complete obsessed lifeless weirdos. spam, saying :dead: etc.

i would highly suggest to the blog owner to open up some sort of chat blog that way you regular people who like to chat and make sexual and stupid comments or discuss your obsession with this "kai" person can go for it nobody else cares.

i like to see what you post on this blog and click on the comments to read actual comments about the post but sure enough again there are none. i mean maybe there are but im not gonna sift thru a bunch of weird comments to see real comments about this post.

that is why nobody likes this blog much anymore. if there is a post we want to read comments about the post. nobody is gonna sit there and go thru so many comments from the same people talking about disgusting and non relevent stuff.

i do not come here to chat. i read the post and would like to read some comments about the post and maybe leave my own and come back again when you have a new post.

im sure everyone else who has seen this blog feels the same. most people do not want to chat about stupid stuff with "trolls" on a blog all day long. that is just... i dont know weird tbh. it s almost as if some of you make this your life :S

please make your own seperate chat blog post so we can actually see the comments being left about the particular post put up.

you are sending everyone away laughing at what a loserish blog this is because of what you "regular trolls" post.
how do i ut in a tampon? omg im horny! omg you chink!

seriously? that is pathetic people and you need help.
i just wasted 20 min reading some of these weird comments.

Anonymous said...

ha so i finally watched one of "juss" videos perfectlygorgeousx
all i can say is he must know how disgusting and what a joke he comes off as... nobody can be that out to touch with reality to think people watch him for useful info. he must be doing this as a joke there is nooooo way anyone would put those kinds of videos up without meaning to make people laugh...right?? i like him he is a good comedian he did suceed at making me laugh! i wonder what he is really like when he is not trying to make everyone laugh with his comedy act?

Anonymous said...

vidcon looked so so dull and boring
i can't believe people actually paid to get in
and wasnt kristin smith suppose to go after asking to be on panel and paying for her own flight and hotel there (unlike youtubers they really wanted there who got their flights and hotels for free)

did anyone see her on panel? what did she talk about anyway? how to drop out of college after a few months and sponge off ma and pa living rent free in their home at 21?

Anonymous said...

i wonder if the ~paparazzi~ are at lax airport waiting for blair fowler to arrive

Anonymous said...

Blair is flying alone.
Oh no. She doesn't have a bodyguard with her? She's sooo famous now, it's dangerous for her to be by herself. Swarms of pre teen girls might come running at her when she gets off the plane.

Please note my sarcasm in that post.

Anonymous said...

haha lollipop21s eyebrows are looking too thin

Anonymous said...

I feel like maybe I should start making youtube videos...
I mean
a. Almost everyone on youtube sucks at doing makeup. Not everyone but there is enough crap that makes me want to punch the computer screen.
b. Youtube is what inspired me to become a makeup artist in the first place. If all these fucking noobs can do it then so can I.

Anonymous said...

megan is on twitter now...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whats megans twitter?

Anonymous said...

In Kandee's new foundation video she says she's using L'Oreal True Match foundation for contouring...but when she reaches for the darker color you can see in the mirror behind her that she's picked up MUFE HD! What a scam! Someone needs to screen cap it and post it before she deletes it!

Anonymous said...

"Most beautiful day of my life so far. So many wonderful memories with the new family!"

"Goodnight world. Enjoyed a beautiful day with the wonderful new family. Super Blessed. <3"

why does phanny keep mentioning this "new family"..

Anonymous said...

who was part of the beauty panel at vidcon?

Anonymous said...

I dont see how it's a scam Kandee is holding a diff bottle. What does she gain from that? Also in her video , she says she messed up and didnt edit very well. I dont think its a major discovery.

Anonymous said...

lol this person has blair and elle as their desktop wallpaper

Anonymous said...

It's a scam because how many people will buy the True Match foundation based on that video...when that's not what she used. It's pointless to lie, but she did. I'm tired of the gooroos lying. I don't care if she's using a diff foundation...but don't frikken lie about it and say it's so great.

Anonymous said...

well we dony know what was accually used though, just cause she looks to be holding the other foundation,could be a mistake.

Anonymous said...

Lizzy's on her way to LA.

Anonymous said...

kandee wouldnt have "scammed" about something like that. it was a mistake and she even had other editing problems

Anonymous said...


awake and heading to work. Hurry up Blair! You're late!

looks like they got "jobs" or something.

Anonymous said...

ellefowler awake and heading to work. Hurry up Blair! You're late!

awwww cute i guess elle did get a part in the show too not just blair

Anonymous said...

Believe what you want to, 7:49.

But that foundation is crap anyway. I'd have doubts about anyone that reccommended it to begin with...on top of her reaching for that HD foundation in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

maybe they got jobs at clevver tv.

Anonymous said...

awake and heading to work. Hurry up Blair! You're late!

i really think elle and blair are going to have their own reality show. it will probably do well too because they will be like the younger versions of the kardashians so teens and younger people will relate to them more

watch out the fowlers are coming to a tv station near you

Anonymous said...

Wonder what their "jobs" are?
When do you think theyre going to tell us?

Probably not for a while. They have some videos prerecorded im sure, so we wont find out about the LA move for... maybe two weeks. Thats my guess.

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