Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Since something's going on with blogger...

And I would hate to deprive you all of a place to post, here's a new post.

Only I don't know what to post about, soooo, have a funny site that someone on twitter mentioned (If you want credit, just say so, bb :)).

Try searching for your favorite garoos--I think you'll find there are some lulz to be had from it.

I think we should all submit some funny screencaps of the youtubers we laaaaahve tho much!

On a side note, I think we might have a new 5000 comment limit?

/end failpost. :)


«Oldest   ‹Older   2201 – 2400 of 4559   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

what can you tell me about missglamorazzi?

does she live at home
go to school

Anonymous said...

Drunk people say the dumbest things.

Anonymous said...

She goes to college.
Shes currently living at home because shes on summer vacation.

She doesnt have a boyfriend. That I know of.

Anonymous said...

There is no way that Kalel wasnt drunk and/or high in her newest video.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:13 I can say she sold out quicker than any of ther other gurus...She'd been making videos for like 3 months before she started acting like the others.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure come October Kalel will have an excuse as to why she can't move to LA.

Anonymous said...

is alliecosmetics serious with her travel makeup video? jesus christ, you're going on vacation, not moving. why does she need 14 different types of bronzers and 16492 different types of blushes?

Anonymous said...

Missglamorazzi might have sold out, but at least she bought almost all of the gifts for her latest giveaway.

Thats more than most gurus can say.

Anonymous said...

my parents loft is $3k a month and that's in san francisco. LA is more expensive too. keep dreaming kalel.

Anonymous said...

JFC Kalel, put the bottle down and come back to earth. You will stay put in your childhood bedroom with your mini fridge and lunchables. It's what you can afford and where you're most comfortable being. You should of gotten a real job and a boyfriend that respects you & truly loves you. Just goes to show that T&A will only take you so far with a guy.

Anonymous said...

"my parents loft is $3k a month and that's in san francisco. LA is more expensive too. keep dreaming kalel."

are you six? this comment made me laugh.

a loft is a completely different kind of residence compared to a studio, and of course your parents will have something more highbrow than a twenty one year old youtube guru (not to mention san francisco is frequently MORE expensive than l.a.) you're comparing two completely irrelevant circumstances. i wish this blog wasn't full of dummies.

Anonymous said...

i think it's funny that kalel sent missglamorazzi stuff for her contest when she didn't even buy anything for her own

Anonymous said...

actually, i'm moving to the LA area to start school next month. a loft with the same space and standards was a lot more expensive than ours here. no shit they're different. basic apartments aren't that much cheaper unless you want to live in a shit hole. this is kalel we're talking about, the one that wanted a tacky pink barbie car. i'm pretty sure she's expecting to have a nice apartment, which she obviously won't be able to pay for.

Anonymous said...

if you think about all of kalel's la friends that live in apartments they have not that great of apartments with like 3 bedrooms and 5 people living there because LA is expensive.

Anonymous said...

ellefowler--sometimes it amazes me how mean people can be on the internet. there are so many more positive things you could be doing with your time...

LULZZZ!!! Awwe are you butthurt bb??

Anonymous said...

i live in la and it is true for a tiny one room studio in a decent area you are for sure looking at at least $1000 a month and that is not including utilities, internet etc.

i have no idea how she plans on getting approved for a lease. with barely any credit she is going to have to pay first month, last month and an additional damage deposit.

plus she does not have a car and you can not live in la without a car. nobody takes public transportation in la except for illegal mexicans and really poor people on foodstamps etc and high school students. it is not like nyc where taking public transportation is normal and more convenient. nobody does it and that is why traffic is so bad here because you pretty much have to drive in la.

she has never even lived on her own so it is pretty dumb to pack one suitcase and move to la with plans on getting an air mattress and a studio apartment. she has no real friends out here just people she has known for a short little while through youtube. she is in for a surprise. and i think she was drunk in that video.

Anonymous said...

the cheapest studio in la is for $800(still out of kalel's budget)

and it's called Palms Carribean Apartments.

Sounds nice though right? Wrong. I looked up a review and aparently there are drug dealers, and shit like that.

Have fun Kalel!

Anonymous said...

Jenn justjen68

Did @ellefowler REALLY say there are better things to do then the internet? Doesn't she LIVE on the internet with @juicystar007???


@ellefowler You're right but there are so many positive things you can be doing with your fame. Inspire girls to do good, not buying goods.

Anonymous said...

lulz an ~online bully~

maybe if you didnt censor every single little thing on your channel and lie about EVERYTHING people wouldnt feel the need to vent on websites like this, bb.

Anonymous said...

seeing elle complain seriously makes me want to shoot myself in the head. Where the fuck does she get off bitching about being bullied? "online bullying" ? TURN YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER OFF!

Anonymous said...

kalel probably is paying monthly payments on her braces... you can get braces and pay like $50 a month

Anonymous said...

I think coning people, lying, cheating and pimping shitty products for your personal gain is FAR worse than some "cyber bullies" on the unknown blog.
Shut your computer off and get a fucking life Lisa!

Anonymous said...

I know guize! I'm gonna get wasted and make vlogs saying it's the raw me y'all!! You'll watch me laugh hysterically and act like kesha. Then I can pay rent in LA with yourube money. No one can look away from a train wreck! Is it a good plan y'all?

Anonymous said...


i'm thinking maybe i should give you guys a quick glimpse at my new bedroom.........

Anonymous said...

I give her a couple weeks before she gives up on her dreams of up-and-going to LA on a whim. She'll realize her drunken/high vlog ramblings are really just unrealistic expectations and give up again. Just like the last time she "planned" on moving to LA.

Anonymous said...

1:52 You're so right! That's exactly what Kalel is doing! Get drunk, film a shitty vlog, get everyone talking about it and saying YOU'RE DRUNK! and rake in views and comments. It's pretty smart actually.

Anonymous said...

blairs bedroom

Anonymous said...

wtf? that's the bedroom from the dorm room video. she's definitely living in LA. That's why lisa made sure to say it was a extra room in her "parent's house". and blair didn't upload a new video today. she uploaded it on august second, but i guess unprivated it today. she's probably in LA right now, but she's just pretending to be home to play into her charade.

Anonymous said...

yup their apartments in la. elle had the same navy bg. there's no way they both painted there rooms navy. their both a bunch of lying cunts

Anonymous said...

ugh i have that comforter...

Anonymous said...

LOL FOREVER i think you're right. thats why lizzys videos arent showing up in the sub box.

Anonymous said...

where'd you get it from? ^

Anonymous said...

doesnt their house have shutters on the windows?

Anonymous said...

"plus she does not have a car and you can not live in la without a car. nobody takes public transportation in la except for illegal mexicans and really poor people on foodstamps etc and high school students. it is not like nyc where taking public transportation is normal and more convenient. nobody does it and that is why traffic is so bad here because you pretty much have to drive in la."

Yep pretty much every1 drives in LA, u never see the bus or taxis except around LAX. Lulz at Cullen thinking she can just hop on the metro ..

Anonymous said...

i'm surprised that she painted it such a dark color. my room is the opposite (white walls, black furniture, navy bedding) and i still have a hard time getting good lighting. i guess she won't be filming in there?

Anonymous said...

i can see kalel riding a bike around la or being the one who always begs her friends for rides

Anonymous said...

yups, the marshalls video lisa filmed has the same tiled flooring as lizzy has in her "new bedroom". why didnt lisa just say that she was filming in lizzys new bedroom? why are they such liars?

Anonymous said...

she didn't paint it that color, it came like that

Anonymous said...

Kalel you are guaranteed for porn!!! Be sure to get waxed before you head west.

Anonymous said...

i think elle's using a green screen. 2:15 made a good point about the lighting and that's why she looked so off in the marshall's video, and lately all of her videos have been looking like that

Anonymous said...

That's totally her LA apartment. Lying dumb bitches. I hope both your noses collapse!!!

Anonymous said...

There was a cat in the background of her last video. The green screen theory is really retarded, sorry.

Anonymous said...

she won't be filming at all soon if her career takes off like she's hoping. she hardly uploads videos as it is. she doesn't care about anything or anyone but the money. i think she made that very clear when she was bashing her subscribers to jesse and his friends. pretty sad considering they're the people that got her where she is today.

Anonymous said...

i wanna see the apartments they live in and i wanna see how much the rent is. i wonder if it's shitty, shitty decent, or just decent. can any one id?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there apartment details will come out in time. They always expose their own personal info.

Anonymous said...

lol @ lizzy not using the shitty marshalls stuff in her bedroom

way to make it obvious you advertise shit you dont really like ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL oh sawa.

What makes it more hilarious is that the audio is disabled.

Anonymous said...

that new bedding is even uglier than her old one.

Anonymous said...

Does it piss anyone else off how Blair pronounces tank tops? She puts way too much emphasis on the 'k' and it sounds so stupid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

irene sat on it sry

Anonymous said...

My dad hates me and i hate him

Yeah, its like i hate him, He hates me.

The only thing he does is give money, and he never gives me attention ;3

&&' He treats me as rubbish and he like's to hit me ;s

I'll hate this, i don't know what to do :'(

Anonymous said...

tell everyone on unknowncritic, i'm sure that will make things better

Anonymous said...

how about the fact that non of her old furniture is there and the bedrooms in her house appear to have carpet this one is tiled fucking balir i hope all her plans fall apart and her minions realize shes a shitzy scam

Anonymous said...

I hope Lizzy and Lisa ruin themselves. Selfish people SUCK!

Anonymous said...

I just don't see what the fuck the big deal is. Just say "Yeah we moved to LA aren't y'all excited??" The minions wouldn't give a shit. They would think E&B did it just so they could film different things for their "fans". Those two girls together are probably dumber than fucking Kai.

Anonymous said...

i bet kai is rolled into a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth as we speak because twitter is broken

Anonymous said...

maybe their plans for whatever they were doing in LA fell through?

Anonymous said...

i was at the store today and there was a girl shopping with her mom who didn't know which size jeans she wore/lost her shit when a justin bieber song came on. jr kai?

Anonymous said...

From Kalel's drunk video...

33 minutes ago
It's so good to see some real people on YouTube. I'm fed up of the Kailyns a.k.a.ForeverKailyn and the Aubreys a.k.a.Fafinettex3. They're so busy with their heads in the clouds. It's nice to get to know some real people.......coz I'm done with the plastic so-called 'beauty gurus' who know less than my neighbour's cat. Lol!!!!


Anonymous said...

The funny thing about that is that kai is actually dumber than most cats...

Anonymous said...

my cat is smarter than kai.

Anonymous said...

sawa dun goofd

Anonymous said...

im sobbing!!! please work twitter i need you!

Anonymous said...

omg plz i am going to cry twitter plz work i need to ask everywan beauty questionssssss :'(

Anonymous said...

lmao stfu kai

Anonymous said...

Should we tell Sawa she's being scammed? Does she really think somebody is going to sign her? Lulz.

Anonymous said...

no dont say anything like that or you'll ruin the lulz. keep egging her on and telling her you're thuper jealous. k? thx.

Anonymous said...

blair's minions would actually be really happy if she move to la. they'd be like omg blair your sooo lucky i'm so happy for you that's soo cool omg! you should do a meetup.

Anonymous said...

jesus, xxmakeupiscoolxx has SEVEN channels

Anonymous said...

can u post her channels?

Anonymous said...

No. No promoting stupid caterpillar eye-browed children.

Anonymous said...

Sawa isn't being scammed... her parents are :/

Anonymous said...

i usually cant even sit thru one of kalels videos she is so boring but this one .......ummmmmm wow
that girl needs help fast. that video was soooooooooo odd that it makes me wonder if she did this on purpose to get talked about and get attention?

Anonymous said...

jealous of xxmakeupiscoolx!!!

Anonymous said...

sawa lahvs xxmidgetiscoolxx

Anonymous said...

Kalel is _____ in her new vidoe!

A) drunk
B) high on X
C) completely insane
D) all of the above

Anonymous said...

blair posted a preview to her new room, why exactly is there tile in there.

the flooring looks a lot like the flooring from elles how to decorate a dorm room hmmm

Anonymous said...

A & C?

Anonymous said...

stay classy phanny

Anonymous said...

Yup I'm THUPER jealous of xxmidgetgirlxx how'd you know? Kathrine how many times do we have to tell you to get off this website and stop promoting yourself.

Anonymous said...


A and C

she is not on 'X' but she does act/sound/look drunk and insane
but acts nothing like someone on 'X' does

Anonymous said...

"but acts nothing like someone on 'X' does"

how does someone on x act/sound/look?

Anonymous said...

Blair's new room picture is the same damn room in Elle's dorm room video wtf. The tile/walls/window/furniture is exactly the same

Anonymous said...

navy blue colored walls look depressing! their rooms look shady and uncomfortable

Anonymous said...

i wonder what her majesty blair fowler thought of kalel's new video??
have to say i find it funny how kalel has namedropped blair many times on twitter, ustream and stuff and blair has never ever ever once mentioned kalel anywhere lmao

Anonymous said...

i thought elles last tutorial & blair's hair one were green screened cause there's fuzzy lines around their arms when they move..

but elle was burning a candle in the last one so idk..


Anonymous said...

@3:48 Well everyone has a different reaction but the people I know who took X were really hyper and chatty.

Anonymous said...

3:48 LOL, sweating hardcore, telling everyone how much they love them, dancing/running around listening to music, rubbing each others/their own heads, playing with glowsticks, & grinding the shit out of her teeth.

Anonymous said...

Oh & extremely talkative lol

Anonymous said...

i don't believe the greenscreen stuff but i do think they prerecorded videos

Anonymous said...

if that is blairs new room it is uglier than my little brothers room. i def do not believe it now after seeing it. her old room was beautiful and this new room is not nice at all. but what i dont get is if it was their la room why are the rooms so ugly and small? they make more money then some plastic surgeons doctors and attorneys so its not like they cant afford a dream house in malibu. i really dont get it.

Anonymous said...

They are def prerecorded videos, you can tell in Elle's July Favs she named old songs that were her favs that were really popular a while ago.

Anonymous said...

it just goes to show being YT famous won't get you much

Anonymous said...

ur just mad cuz xxmakeupiscoolxx has so many subbies and is good at makeup and makin videos so shut up loser!

Anonymous said...

That whole green screen thing is stupid. There are definite variations between her videos like objects moving and shadows. Her videos are probably just pre-recorded.

Anonymous said...

i yeah they were prerecorded..lizzys latest video was uploaded on the 2nd of aug

Anonymous said...

4.10 Yup you got me! Thuper jealous!!1!!one Go away fucktard.

Anonymous said...

blair and elle make a combined 50 thousand dollars per month (what some folks make per year)
they have the money to live wherever they want and they are very picky so it actually does not make sense these new room pics so i am starting to think they are being honest and these are rooms in like their parents basements or something. they would never move to la and live in a room like that
ever. they are way too materialistic and always need to have the best...they just wouldnt get a place like that in la especially when money is no concern at all to them.

Kristen said...

Oh my God, Kalel has to be either drunk or high. Holy shit, lmfao. What a trainwreck.

Anonymous said...

lol @ 50k per month. you're so full of shit.

Anonymous said...

"blair and elle make a combined 50 thousand dollars per month (what some folks make per year)"

and how do you know that? oh thats right, you dont. stop throwing out random shit and acting like its facts, you're making us all look bad

Anonymous said...

415 true dat

Anonymous said...

4:15 it was published in many news papers ..... it said they each make tens of thousands per month a piece

Anonymous said...

lol @ you believing what someone wrote in a newspaper

Anonymous said...

lol @ you believing what they told a newspaper "we're the best because we're the most honest" much?

Kristen said...

I really hate how Blair says things that are $12.99 are $12; things that are $14.99 are $14, etc etc. SHE'S ROUNDING THE WRONG WAY. Makes it sound like it's cheaper than it is, even if it's just by one dollar. Blah.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ people believing what they read on this blog!

captch-logic. Use it!

Anonymous said...

"lol @ you believing what they told a newspaper "we're the best because we're the most honest" much?"

lulz exactly

Anonymous said...

yes, because this blog is just all lies, right? the screenshots and everything are all just fake. guize, the qvc sisters are completely honest people and their noses are 100% real.


Anonymous said...

la apartements are expensive, and i think we blow how much they make out of porportion. do they make a lot, hell yes! but because blair's a minor her parents might be taking it away for something else and we know elle sure doesn't make that much. and besides because their materialistic they probs blow their paychecks on designer clothes, shoes, handbags and shit

Anonymous said...

4:37 excuse my awful spelling in that please

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:37. When their 5 mins are up, they will have nothing to show for it. But out of style clothes and tacky handbags.

Anonymous said...

i really get the vibe that blair's parents take some of her money and put it aside for college or something. her mom seems pretty stage momish but i think her dad is smart enough to know that youtube isn't taking them places.

Anonymous said...

451 i hope so, even if blair doesn't go to college hopefully they set some of the money aside

Anonymous said...

nvm i actually hope they go broke and fail...scamming bitches

Anonymous said...

i bet thats not even blairs new room. shes just trying to pass it off as hers. to make us thinks shes still at her parents house.

Anonymous said...

kristen who comments on here

Anonymous said...

Is Kai okay? no tweets or videos from her today..

Anonymous said...

someone needs to download kalel's vlog... my downloadhelper is acting up

Anonymous said...

we already did

Anonymous said...

Anyone else getting major lulz from this post from Temptalia? Look at the last picture.

LOL, I swear christine can be so ditzy sometimes. Maybe it's funny because I never see her not smile, and the blue... ehh

Anonymous said...

Kalel looks soo creepy you cant see the whites of her eyes lol

Anonymous said...

You think Elle and Blair would get more expensive clothing instead of just buying a lot of Forever 21 clothing. It'd be better to invest in nice, more expensive, clothing that could last and be a staple in a wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

they only "buy" Forever 21 becuz they are sponsored by them

Anonymous said...

Just like how they say they "LOVE" a product and will use it often but we never see it again.

Anonymous said...

Kat Von D
Stars Makeup Haven
Pandoras makeup?

those are just a few of the brands blair ~loved~ and promised to do a bunch of tutorials with. those brands were never featured in any other videos again. yeah i'm sure she really loves them guise.

Anonymous said...

So you know how Elle decorated that "spare room" in her parents house with things from Marshalls? I just was looking at the store locator on the Marshalls site and there is NO Marshalls within 50 miles of Kingsport, TN. There are quite a few in LA area.

Sorry if anyone else realized this and it's already been discussed.

Anonymous said...

have u noticed how even down to earth gurus are getting block crazy and deleting comments b/c theyre butthurt...the "hater"vids they make r so dumb



Anonymous said...

5:45 Good find! They're definitely not in Tennessee anymore.

How many videos do you guys think they prerecorded?

Anonymous said...

2-3 months worth. That's why they barely post anything. Gotta keep it spread out enough.

Anonymous said...

I think Elle said they didn't do the Marshall's commercial in TN tho

Anonymous said...

i hope elle gets her pussy 8 by alex pettyfer

Anonymous said...

Elle uploaded her dorm room video on July 15th.
So, theyve been in their apartment for about a month now.

Anonymous said...

i don't know how many people have the "who to follow" feature on twitter yet but i'm lolling at the suggestions. blairxxl, michelle, kalel, elle. uh, no thanks.

Anonymous said...

LOL @6:05
I just spent 2 minutes pressing the little X button and laughing at that too

Anonymous said...

And the Fox News video where they were in LA was uploaded July 20th.

Anonymous said...

elle pettyfer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lisa pettyfer

Anonymous said...

Lisa Pettyfer getting her pussy 8 by her new husband Alex in their Beverley Hills mansion, and hearing the moans and screams in the background of Lizzy's latest video

Anonymous said...

612...that would be hot


Anonymous said...

Lisa buying a Mojito with the money YOUR last view of her channel earned her, getting too drunk off it and being raped by Bruce Jenner in an LA alleyway

Anonymous said...

Lizzy waking up in the guest room of Lisa's Beverley Hills mansion in the middle of the night, only to see she is getting her pussy 8 by her brother-in-law Alex Pettyfer, whilst Ray-J films it

Anonymous said...

Alex is HOTT how did lisa nab him?! lisa added me on fb and it says shes in a relationship with him his fb is private tho

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lizzy at a house party as a guest of Shane Dawson, getting drunk, an giving him a blowjob in the bathroom while he smokes a spliff

Anonymous said...

Oh oh ooo o
Oh oh ooo o

You were in college working part time waiting tables
Left to small time never looked back
I was the flight risk with the fear of fallin
Wondered why we bothered with love if it never lasts

I say "Can you believe it?"
As we’re lying on a couch
The moment I can see it
Yes yes, I can see it now

Do you remember we were sitting there about the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Flash forward and we'd been taking on the world together
And there is a drawer of my things at your place
You learned my secrets and you figured out why I’m bothered
You said we’d never made my parents’ mistakes.

But we’ve got bills to pay
We’ve got nothing figured out
When it was hard to take yes yes
This is was I thought about

Do you remember we were sitting there about the water?
You put your arm around me for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Do you remember all the city lights on the water
You saw me start to believe for the first time
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Woah oh oo

And I remember that fight 2:30 AM
Cause everything was slipping right out of my hands
And I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street

Raised myself for a goodbye
Cause that’s all I’ve ever known
And you took me by surprise
You said ‘I’ll never leave you’ oh oh

You said
“I remember how we felt sitting about the water
And every time I look at you is like the first time
I fell in love with careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine”

Oh oh

Make it last

Oh oh

Never turn back

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter
You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Woah oh

Yeah yeah…Do you believe it ?

Woah oh

We’re gonna make it now.

Woah oh

And I can see it yeah yeah

And I can see it now, See it now, See it now

Anonymous said...

what if alex hooked up with blair? lisa would lash the fuck out..forget the petty sister rivalry

Anonymous said...

Lizzy getting undressed in her room ready to get in the shower. She leans across her bed to grab her iPhone to quickly snap a naked pic for Shane. Teddy comes, sniffs between her legs and Lizzy gets her pussy 8 by the dog. She has her first orgasm

Anonymous said...

now u ruined the fanfic everyone knows shane dawson is GAY!

Anonymous said...

Lisa quivering in fear every time a troll claims to know her from college, as she remembers her sorority hazing and the topless pics floating around somewhere. Even worse, the pics of her getting her pussy 8

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

alex should hook up with blair just so we can all see lisa freak the fuck out please god let this happen! lolz

Anonymous said...

How many times does this need to be said? Partners only earn money off of ad clicks not by views. Youtube isn't about to hand over money to these bitches just because they gave youtube some hits. Nothing happens if youtube gets a hit and the person doesn't click on the ad.

Anonymous said...

So here's what's happening:

“Eric (Alexander SkarsgÃ¥rd) grapples with his conscience while plotting his perfect revenge against Russell (Denis O’Hare).

Fed up with being “vampire crack,” Sookie (Anna Paquin) considers a new life without Bill (Stephen Moyer)—or any other vampire.

Tara (Rutina Wesley) discovers some surprising news about Sam (Sam Trammell), whose rage resurfaces upon learning of Tommy’s (Marshall Allan) latest transgression.

Jason (Ryan Kwanten) finds a new calling after warning Crystal’s (Lindsay Pulsipher) family about an impending drug raid.

Plagued by visions, Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) turns to Jesus (Kevin Alejandro) for help, and learns his boyfriend has more to offer than companionship.

Hoyt (Jim Parrack) hopes for a future with Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll), spurning Maxine’s (Dale Raoul) pleas to wed Summer (Melissa Rauch).”

Anonymous said...

Scott Fowler being responsible for giving Emily her bath, being unable to resist temptation and fingering her. Yes, she gets her pussy 8

Anonymous said...

i would pay money to see lisas face when she walks in on alex eating blairs pussy

Anonymous said...

Kalel is saying how she is moving to LA... but I thought she said in her Back to School Fun video she was probably going back to school in spring or something idr

Anonymous said...

anyone else find it annoying how sarabelle93x pronounced "golden" as "go-den"??

Anonymous said...

6.16 no it doesn't stfu. They aren't dating, gtfo.

Anonymous said...

Lisa stood next to Jessica Simpson on the red carpet and the crowds cheering and laughing at the parody drag act Jessica must have hired to accompany her

Anonymous said...

im calling it now alex gets bored with elle and hooks it up with blair one night

Anonymous said...

i'm not rich like elle and blair and i don't have thousands of ~fans~ following me. but i'm happy. my friends, family, everything. i really thought about it today and i don't know how they live with themselves, everything is a lie. they have designer this and that but are they happy? yeah, i know no one cares. but i just wish little girls wouldn't aspire to be like them. both of them are probably miserable.

Anonymous said...

The whole Lisa/Alex shit needs to stop. They've tweeted each other like twice. And there's still speculation on if that twitter is even real. Besides we all know Lisa likes black dicks.

Anonymous said...

blair is secretly a little tranp. she would lead alex on to get back a lisa once again

Anonymous said...

has anyone else noticed how elle seems to hate her life lately? shes probs like "what the fuck have i done to my life"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its gotta kill blair that lisa has a hot boy. i would pay to see blairs freak out.

Anonymous said...

Lizzy on the toilet in her old en suite taking a big dirty shit, and just out of sheer curiosity, jamming her fingers into her own shitty asshole and giving them a long, hard sniff

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lisa attending IMATS NY, meeting Kai, only to be presented with Kai's prize thilly band as a gesture of goodwill. She has a strange inkling to sniff it, and it smells like wet, sexed up pussy

Anonymous said...

i dont think it bothers ;iz, i mean she knows lisas eating black pus behind closed doors

Anonymous said...

Lisa getting an extraordinary heavy period, sitting on the toilets plopping out huge blood clots, and being reminded of the birth of her daughter Emily

Anonymous said...

Lauren Kaiser fondling her moist clitoris over faint memories of pillow fighting with Lizzy wearing nothing but her Juicy Couture knee socks

Anonymous said...

i bet elles selfish in bed

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lisa getting an extraordinary heavy period, sitting on the toilets plopping out huge blood clots, and being reminded of the birth of her daughter Emily


Anonymous said...

i hope for kais sake she doesn't go to imats. with all of the people and having to wait in line, she's going to have a meltdown.

Anonymous said...

Lisa lying motionless whilst Alex Pettyfer awkwardly fumbles around with a condom, panting above her, sweating all over her Hairdreams

Anonymous said...

Lisa getting an extraordinary heavy period, sitting on the toilets plopping out huge blood clots, and being reminded of the birth of her daughter Emily


These are disgusting but negl this one made me laugh

Anonymous said...

how much u wanna bet he goes bareback which is fine by her but how dare he sweat on her hair extensions!

Anonymous said...

Lizzy getting her pussy 8 by Dakota Merrill on her rainbow bed whilst sipping on Keystone Lite, Dakota pausing every now and then to tell Lizzy her nail polish colour reminds her of pee

Anonymous said...

life is no nintendo game

Anonymous said...

Lisa making awkward drunk threesome porn with Leesha and Petrilude, with Josh peeing all over Lisa's face as the grand finale, whilst Kalel films the whole ordeal

Anonymous said...

Where did the Lisa/Elle likes black dick/pussy come from? How do we know she's into negros?

Anonymous said...

Lisa making awkward drunk threesome porn with Leesha and Petrilude, with Josh peeing all over Lisa's face as the grand finale, whilst Kalel films the whole ordeal


Anonymous said...

640 im black and i got my pussy 8 by lisa

Anonymous said...

Why aren't there any niggers on omegle?

Anonymous said...

apparently skinny aryan british boys is more her thing i wonder how she feels knowing shes the ugly one in the relationship?

Anonymous said...

She's not dating him you morons. She likes her black dick thank you.

Anonymous said...

Lizzy getting famous and dating Taylor Lautner, only to discover in real life he has bad breath, and on the night they consummate their marriage she discovers he has a tiny cheesedick, and farts during sex

Anonymous said...

someone in sP's blogtv said lisa dated black guys

Anonymous said...

im surprised none of these ga-rus have leaked a sex tape for a lil extra publicity

Anonymous said...

@ 6:21 Yes Youtube does pay partners. In your adsense account at the end of the month it gives a total for "adsense revenue" and then before closing out, Youtube adds in a pretty hefty amount based on number of views, number of honors etc. This amount is usually about the same as adsense revenue, so Youtube doubles your earnings.

Anonymous said...

@6:48 ooOOOooo who would have the best and worst sex tapes?

Anonymous said...

Taylor Lautner is 100% gay... but then again Shane Dawson is too and that didn't stop him from using lizzehh.

Anonymous said...

purple lipstick should die a slow painful death, it rarely looks good on most people that insist on wearing it.

Anonymous said...


Honestly. I'm surprised Kai is the ONLY guru (that I know of) that had a a short clip of a sex tape leak and a pic of her flashing her boobies. Of all gurus... KAI is the one with naughty pics! SMH

Anonymous said...

oh lawd @ kais sextape. she probably kept stopping to stare at herself in the camera and smile at herself. kai is her own biggest fan <3

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