Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


So most of us are aware that Blair and her sister Elle have been in NYC for Fashion Week. They're contributing editors for (and failing miserably, I might add) and the completely embarrassing article that Blair wrote about the first fashion show they went to was reason enough for a new post. HOWEVER, we all know that Elle and Blair are particularly good at digging their own graves and getting caught up in their own bullshit, case and point;

It's September 11th. A day for remembrance and mourning for those who tragically lost their lives 9 years ago. "Happy" is NEVER a word anyone should ever associated with this day, so imagine the response from trolls AND fans when Blair tweeted this;

And if that wasn't bad enough, ELLE tries to defend her;
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

No. There's no excuse for what Blair posted other than that shes a completely insensitive, ignorant, uneducated little girl who SHOULD be crying, just like everyone else was crying on September 11th 2001. NO ONE should be giving her any sympathy for what she said.

Now, since we're already on the topic of the pathetic QVC sisters, let's talk about the horrible blog article Blair wrote that was mentioned earlier.
This is the article;

and this is the show she wrote about;

I'm pretty sure anyone could have done a better job writing this article. She mentioned colors - ooh good job Blair, so glad your eyes work - and that was about the extent of her review. Oh, other than the fact that she basically insulted the designer, saying his music selection was "blah" and "wacky". Sorry bb, I guess your only acceptable music choices would have been Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

I don't normally say this, but I really do encourage every one reading this to link it to the "OMG LEAVE BALIR ALONE" tweeters. Blair has done a lot of shitty things during her youtube career, but this definietly takes the cake and deserves the attention of the little girls who idolize Blair.


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Anonymous said...

@3:16 - lulz, I originally posted a youtube video containing kai's nudie webcam pic. I couldn't help myself.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Leesha had her skin look AWFUL and greasy in the airbrush videos. I mean in those videos especially people are going to be focusing on her skin, and it usually looks much better in her normal vids and tutorials

Anonymous said...

the hell kai, what happened to "collective hauls"??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

YES! She had a Baconator today! LULZ

Anonymous said...

Why the hell does Kai even bother buying stuff for the seasons? I'm pretty sure her room temperature never changes, it's not like she goes outside.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, see. Kai totally reads here. She's going to whiten those sharkteeth of hers.

Anonymous said...

I hate when she says "I don't know" or "I don't really know" or "It's this type-a color/look/etc." JFC Kai, learn how to describe things!

Anonymous said...

According to Kai's vlogs and fridge tour, her favorite foods are vegetevals, yogurt, carrots.......oh and her daily baconator.

Anonymous said...

I like how loudly she says "scars"
at 319 in the video. I bet it was written in capital letters.

Anonymous said...

"and this U toy"

Uh, you mean a horseshoe?

NuclearReactionz said...

@3:22-#1 Yes. Exactly. I've never seen a bigger waste of money in my life.

Anonymous said...

"i'm not really sure how people use it. so, if you use bio for your acne scars, let me know how it works, and let me know how you use it."

oh, so you don't do any research before you make you mom buy something for you, you don't expect to do do research after you buy it, and expect everyone to do it for you. y/y?

Anonymous said...

"who is nuclear reactionz?"

Its been said that it's Davit.

Anonymous said...

It's been rumoured to be Davit or Pat, yes, but maybe NR would like to say something on the matter ;)

NuclearReactionz said...

@3:31 #2 - refer to post at 3:19

NuclearReactionz said...

Oops, didn't read that properly! I am certainly not Davit or Pat...are you fucking trying to gross me out here? Come off it!!

Anonymous said...

wait people still buy/use cds?

Anonymous said...

I spy with my little eye, a Wendy's cup in the background of Kai's new haul video.

Anonymous said...

Kai wants to eat Katy Perry's pussy!

Needle said...

Is that really NuclearReactionz again? :O

And hey I still buy CDs...but only because I'm a crazy person who likes bands enough to want to look at art, liner notes, how whole cds flow together... etc.

I'm totally sure Kailyn does all of that. Not.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kai got them because they're something tangible to hoard. If she got them off of iTunes, she'd have nothing to throw onto her pile of shit.

Anonymous said...

what 20 year old listens to miley ??or wears her clothes what pisses me off the most about kai is she won't grow up she's stuck in her teeny bopper world in her pink room ... ugh

Anonymous said...

LOL Kai ALWAYS has Wendys cups on the desk by her computer

Needle said...

Oh and also, I'm pretty sure that Teenspot link is fake. Kailyn spells bad but she doesn't spell that randomly bad... and people certainly were making fun of her on Livejournal and ONTD in 2008.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

wut are some good cds to buy?

NuclearReactionz said...

Yes, it is me. NOT Davit. NOT Piggy-Pat. NOT even Robin. And definitely NOT Kailyn.

Kailyn was like my "pet-hate"...I couldn't stand her but couldn't get enough of her either. She's the biggest train wreck that I've ever seen and it's SO hard to look away from the disaster area that is her life.

To be honest, I don't know how she shows her face on YouTube anymore. Embarrassing.

Needle said...

Hey look, kailyn's nose jewelry is back to sticking out like a huge booger in her new video.

Whoever told her she wears too much eye makeup all the time is right, though... it's like she doesn't know how to come up with a look that doesn't include thick black liner.

Anonymous said...

KAI, How was that BACONATOR?!?!

Anonymous said...

If that teenspot is fake, why would "Kai" be going on other peoples threads and asking them if they're bi and stuff? That doesn't seem too trollish, I could see Kai doing that. Obviously she thinks highly of herself.

Anonymous said...

"wasn't gonna say anything but i realized she now has close to 20,000 subs, so here it goes...

iamgrape1119 went to UF in Gainesville FL and worked at a MAC as a freelancer (i only saw her at one event so i'm not sure how often she worked) in Macys where I worked in the jewelry area. I heard via the breakroom that she was fired for stealing from the beauty stock area. she also has an account on specktra where she whines about being a freelancer and how she didn't get free products when all the other employees did.

it looks to me like she isn't asking where to keep her stuff safe... but if there are security cameras. hmm i wonder why she would be concerned about that?

there was also an old post that mysteriously disappeared where she whined about not receiving free makeup when all the other employees were, bc she is a freelancer and apparently doesn't receive free makeup. she made a comment about how it is like eating in front of a starving child!"

who posted this?! didn't this ugly alien chick talk about how she now works at a new mac in Colorado? this bitch needs to be fired from there. they wouldn't have hired her theiving ass if she'd disclosed that....

Needle said...

@Nuclear yes I remember when your blog was around, and you commented here before, too. :)

I totally agree with everything in that post, too, lol. But with all her n00ds lately I'm just beginning to get disgustedly bored with her lack of change AT ALL. Despite everyone prodding her on genuinely or as a form of trolling.

Anonymous said...

it was a baconator that was put through a food processor so kai can slurp up that lardy nutrition

Anonymous said...

Ewww I want to see Kai eating a Baconator, imgine those chompers devouring a burger. sexy

Anonymous said...

"...and recommend any teeth whiteners..."

HOLY SHIT! She hasn't even STARTED the one she has now, and she's already asking for other recommendations? Um Kai, bb, couldn't you have asked this in your last video, so you knew about other products BEFORE you went out and bought something? She buys and buys and buys and always want moar!

NuclearReactionz said...

@3:45 I agree

Needle said...

@3:45 Trolls do that sometimes, just to garner more attention to their name/profile/fake lulzy pictures. Especially on livejournal it wasn't uncommon for trolls to go around to different "threads", journals, etc.

NuclearReactionz said...

@Needle, yeah I did comment on here a while ago but people kept saying I was Davit so I just thought "fuck it!", lol.

Anonymous said...

do you think kai takes a nail file to her teeth to make them extra sharp and thexy?

Anonymous said...

kai has the same hair as my grandmother.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol forever at the pics from the teenspot post being deleted on photobucket. Kaikais always makes it obvious she's the Refresh Queen on here.

Anonymous said...

I hope Kai slathers that Bio Oil all over her face. I'd love to see what she gets.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nuclear reactionz was davit. it was when kai and davey were fighting right after the pot pie incident. so he posted pics of kai smoking weed and drinking, and her in her bikini. nuclear reactions is some sort of guitar brand or something.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone mentioned that Antz movie looking creature IamGrape. She whines on Makeupalley every chance she gets. Today, she whined about vacuuming. SERIOUSLY? YOU PUSH A MACHINE FORWARD YOU LAZY FUCK. I'm sure she beats up her white boyfriend. He looks like a push over. I laughed my ass off when she made a post saying, "I have to admit that I am conceited. I think I am so attractive" It was something like that. Just freaking hilarious. Why does she even have a makeup channel? It's not like she wears real eyeshadow. She just lines her entire eyelid, or lack there of, with black eyeliner!

NuclearReactionz said...

@3:58 yeah, but what a pisser. I didn't get to see those ones. I did, however, have the misfortune of seeing the most recent n00ds of hers and I was sorry - there was literally nowhere to run and hide, nothing that will ever get her nasty vag images un-burned off of my brain.

And seriously, what WAS that thing she had shoved up there....?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Nuclear was David. I Googled that screen name in the past and it came up connected to David... so..

Anonymous said...

omg. iamgrape is fucking ugly.

i can believe she stole from her store. she just seems that entitled.

Anonymous said...

In Kai's new haul video, she gets really aroused at 2:38 over a nail polish.

"Look at this one."

Anonymous said...

lmfao at kai and mama wilcher. kai's nudes leak (again) so mama wilcher takes kai out shopping and gets her wendy's.

Anonymous said...

^lol, yeah she does go into a sort of entranced whisper.

NuclearReactionz said...

@4:02 - Oh yeah, you're a real genius. Moron. I love how you think you know it all and yet you can't possibly know any of that shit. Lmao.

Anonymous said...

nuclear reactions WAS david. the nuclear here now is either fake or kai and davey got in a fight and he's back to dish more on kai.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

lol nuclear is mad. sorry davit, we know it's you.

NuclearReactionz said...

@4:04 - the reason it came up connected to Davit was because he put a tag in one of his youtube videos with MY username, along with unkn0wncritic. Idiot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@4:02 - Oh yeah, you're a real genius. Moron. I love how you think you know it all and yet you can't possibly know any of that shit. Lmao.

what? how can't i possible know that? the nuclear reactionz blog came out around the time of the pot pie incident, and people google nuclear reactions and it was discovered it was a guitar brand, and connected to david. we know it's you you fat fuck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

considering nuclear isnt davey they sure get thuper defensive about it

Anonymous said...


wtf lol

Anonymous said...

Nuclear calling everyone giving "proof" that it's Davey a moron and idiot makes it seem like it is Davey. Why so mad? If you aren't Davey who cares.

Anonymous said...

Do you have any more Kai pic's Nuclear??

Anonymous said...

U got any dirt on mama wilcher nuclear ?? lol

Anonymous said...

she legit looks like an obese vampire

tho thexy yall

NuclearReactionz said...

@4:12 - lulz you dumbass. Have a think about what you're saying. My blog came about as a result of the pot-pie incident (AFTER I found out about it myself). As for the name I chose, well that was a happy coincidence. I didn't even know about the guitar brand until someone posted it here a little while ago.

Now fuck off :)

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Nuclear, I'm glad you still have your eyesight after seeing Kai's latest noodz!

Anonymous said...

why is kai buying nail polishes if she doesnt even paint her acrylics herself? and how does she keep breaking them off when she doesn't do chores or work or do anything where they'd break off by accident. she probably does break them off herself so she can diddle herself.

Anonymous said...

does anyone else notice how out of breath kaikai gets after each sentence?

Anonymous said...

NuclearReactionz said...

@4:12 - lulz you dumbass. Have a think about what you're saying. My blog came about as a result of the pot-pie incident (AFTER I found out about it myself). As for the name I chose, well that was a happy coincidence. I didn't even know about the guitar brand until someone posted it here a little while ago.

Now fuck off :)

ok davit, whatever you say =]

Anonymous said...

going up the stairs must be like running a marathon for kai

the only exercise she gets is jumping on top of a baconator. like sharks at feeding time

NuclearReactionz said...

Well, would you guys like to be thought of as being that "fat fuck". Seriously? It's a tad insulting, but whatever.

And all the things I have ever come across have been through this blog mostly, so no, I don't have any pictures/dirt of my own. Why, do you?!!

Anonymous said...

instead of saying celeb city she says slub city



Anonymous said...

wth is wrong with kai in her new minihaul? she's so out of breath and can hardly speak, and has a slobbery lisp. some days she can speak and is semi-normal then other days shes a complete tard. what's up with this back and forth retardery??

NuclearReactionz said...

"Nuclear, I'm glad you still have your eyesight after seeing Kai's latest noodz!"

Thanks...I have to say it was probably one of the most unpleasant moments in my life..lulz

Anonymous said...

i want to hear her talk when shes drunk or stoned

Anonymous said...

Wait..what happened to lilkaikaiz channel?

Anonymous said...

kai bores me.

is amariex rly preggo?

Anonymous said...

I'm LOL'ing over Kai talking about the Eminem CD...Robin talked about how much she loved Eminem a few videos ago. Can you think for yourself at all, Kai??!!

Anonymous said...

lol forever

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

no way where did you find that cat suit picture??? god she looks so dumb lol

Anonymous said...

could someone please convince kai to fix her wonky bangs...

Anonymous said...

does anyone else notice how out of breath kaikai gets after each sentence?

Anonymous said...

katy perry and miley should run and hide.


and eminem lulz

Anonymous said...

lol forever

Anonymous said...

the cat costume pic is from here

Anonymous said...

letz get awn to ittttt

Anonymous said...

i don't think i can ever go to wendys again. barf.

NuclearReactionz said...

"does anyone else notice how out of breath kaikai gets after each sentence?

When you eat shit and sit around all day I reckon that's bound to happen!

Anonymous said...

isnt this that ugly ass lesbian kai was kissing in the leaked cell phone pics?!

NuclearReactionz said...

Shut the fuck up dudes. I am not David.

Anonymous said...


It's cos Kai has never done a second of exercise in her life.. unless you count tumbling and staring at herself unflinchingly. Perhaps blinking gives her eyelids a workout.

Needle said...

@4:26 and LOL for Kailyn looking for the Eminem CD at their selection in WALMART.


I can't even formulate words for the trashy stupidity right now...

Anonymous said...

oh god, did kai, davey and the ugly lez have a threesome?!

Anonymous said...

omg it does sound like slub city lulz kai.

get a fucking lisp tutor or whatever.

NuclearReactionz said...

Kailyn has exercised dumbass. Remember Curves?

Anonymous said...

hey fucktard fading and going away is the same thing. kai gtfo. go eat another baconator and go die in a hole hehehhe

NuclearReactionz said...

Lulz at 4:36 trying to be me. Nice try :)

@4:37 - "get a fucking lisp tutor or whatever." - lmao :)

Anonymous said...

yeah...@4:38 and chased down that exercise with a fucking baconator.

NuclearReactionz said...

No, she still goes the Curves

Anonymous said...

...she always laughs so uncomfortably. AWK

Anonymous said...

You know what I just thought about??! When Kai and Davit get married, Mama Wilcher isn't gonna let her baby gurl attend her own bachelorette party!!! LOL!! Kai's gonna want to go to the strip club to see girls and Mama Wilcher is gonna end up there by herself cuz baby gurl is too innocent to be there....and she doesn't have any friends! Awww...maybe there will be an episode of Gossip Girl on instead, Kaka.

NuclearReactionz said...

"No, she still goes the Curves"

Good one - I can at least remember to put ALL my words into my sentences.

NuclearReactionz said...

Stop trying to be me. It's pathetic ^

Anonymous said...


NuclearReactionz said...

Fine. Whatever. I am david. Whoever said it was me was right, but I only made that blog because me and Kailyn were fighting. I deleted it after we got back together. She knows it was me but she forgave me. I never came back as Nuclear Reactionz after that because I knew you guys would recognize me. But whatever, Im admitting it now.

So fuck off.

NuclearReactionz said...

Lulz - are you having fun Davit?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Is this a Kai thing or a Maryland thing?

Anonymous said...

lulz @ nuclearreactionz

NuclearReactionz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I knew you guys would be like this after I told you it was me. Whatever I know your not gonna stop making fun of Kailyn but know that I am here reading this stuff

NuclearReactionz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

lol we already knew david and mama wilcher AND kai read this blog obsessively. that's not news.

Anonymous said...


NuclearReactionz said...

Yep. You're last comment was as anonymous. Fail 4:48

Anonymous said...

oh lawd

Anonymous said...

I told everyone I dont have an account on here called nuclear reactions anymore so idk who you are so don't pretend to be me. I am david but i probly wont comment anymore because people found out who I was and now pretending to be me. Stop

Anonymous said...

I told you im not nuclear reactions anymore so i will be anonymous. Im not using that name.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who watches true blood/gossip girl/90210!?!?!?!?!

NuclearReactionz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


..........ohkay davit. whatevah you say...did ya see those thexy n00dz??

NuclearReactionz said...

@4:52 - lol, you're quite insane. I do hope you're having a good time with yourself. Anyway, I'm off to work...which is something the REAL Davit doesn't do, so it's over and out for the time being (:

p.s. did I mention you're a complete whacko? ha ha

Oh, and I will ALWAYS use this name - it was my original one and I'm sticking with it ♥

NuclearReactionz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

so anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

anyone have any good UD naked palette combos i should try

Needle said...

...What is going on right now?

The person with an account sounds like Davit but everyone is going back and forth stealing names. As if the name NuclearReactionz was even that important...

Anonymous said...

ew! how did i not know this about cherie?!??!?! HONESTLY i'm not too surprised. she's really full of herself in a way that makes it really obvious taht she's actually super insecure. make sense?

you're right tho: fucking ugly bitch though...she seriously looks deformed

Anonymous said...

Needle, I think one is Davey and one is the real NR. The one with the account sounds like Davey.

Anonymous said...

Uhh... what?

NuclearReactionz said...
No, she still goes the Curves

September 14, 2010 4:40 PM

NuclearReactionz said...
"No, she still goes the Curves"

Good one - I can at least remember to put ALL my words into my sentences.

September 14, 2010 4:42 PM

Anonymous said...

Sorry I should have refreshed the page before I commented lol :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm starting to see why the gurugossip forum is beating this site out now with activity.

this site has seriously become

What is all your guys' sick obsession with a FAS chick?

Needle said...

@5:20 What other guru is stupid enough to leak nude photos every other week?!

And funnily enough you're saying this on a post that is primarily about Elle and Blair...not Kailyn. The topic of the comments seems to redirect to whatever's popular that minute/hour/day/etc.

Anonymous said...
blair befor youtube

Anonymous said...

Why did Davey remove all his posts under his fake account name? Hiding something?

We're onto ya Davey!

Anonymous said...

All of those companies are just copy and pastes of each other lol

"Whether the look is demure or dramatic, this is the only blush you'll ever need. A unique, light-to-the-touch formula positively illuminates and celebrates skin. Advanced optical technology brings an incandescent glow to even so-so complexions. The result: velvety -smooth, natural-looking color. Soothing ingredients condition and protect."

Anonymous said...

nahhhhhhhh. if you look back at the comments on each and every page i bet you close to 80% is about the retarded girl.

kinda cheap shots people.

and yeah there's a few comments here and there of people trying to start convos about someone else....only to have no one reciprocate. unkn0wncritic is dying and you know it too needle

Anonymous said...

megan sold her soul when she let that so sassy so hot company buy her name to put on their tacky website and products.
she got paid huge to do that and now doesn't ever have to do anything again she just rakes in commision on whatver new junk they put on their website that idiots actually buy.

Anonymous said...

All of those companies are just copy and pastes of each other lol

its actually all one company

Anonymous said...

lmao they added the megan<3smakeup logo in like ms paint or some shit.

Needle said...

@5:31 IDK I don't visit the site as much anymore, but considering every post eventually reaches max comments--and gets a few hundred comments a day--I'd say it's not really dying out quite yet.

It would be nice if people talked about more of a variety sometimes, but I think every guru gets their chance in the limelight eventually. Aaand I'm not going to control comments that much. :P

But EVERY place on the internet eventually dies out, so what's it really matter, anyway, IMO.

Anonymous said...

it doesn't matter. just pointing out that this is a site basically devoted to a FAS inflicted girl. and wondering if anyone can tell me why they have such a fascination with her?

i mean you all have to have some sort of sick obsession to have maxed comments on every post and have the good majority be about her.

have you seen her little kid pics needle? its OBVIOUS she has FAS

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Having FAS surely doesn't make you a TOTAL fuckwit tho?

Anonymous said...

yes FAS does make you incabable to function in society, be independent, work and much more

Anonymous said...

not a total fuckwit...but retarded. because that's what FAS is....would you devote a blog to making fun of someone with downs?

it just seems like cheap shots honestly. someone with FAS is obviously going to do dumbass things.

Anonymous said...

lol wtf that's not baliar before jewtube, that's her at one of her new york meet ups

Anonymous said...

@5:44 OK, fair enough. Does it also make them overly promiscuous?

Anonymous said...

some1 post kai uncensored pl0x

Anonymous said...

oh well my bad
why do you call it jewtube?

Anonymous said...

no probably not. but being overly promiscuous is a dumbass thing isn't it? most people who don't engage in risky sex (promiscuity included) are generally smart enough to know better. not only do they not realize how damaging that is phsyically, mentally, but they don't understand social cues. DUH. that's what happens when you're mentally retarded. once again, if someone with downs was acting the way kai does, would you obsess over it on this blog or would you be sad for them that they're not getting the proper care?

unfortunately, i don't find too much entertainment in making fun of someone whose retarded. but i guess a lot of you do.

Needle said...

@5:39 I do think something is odd with her, but I don't like diagnosing others--what's important to me is that she says she's not disabled in any way, and as long it's not seriously harming her emotionally or something (say, because she IS mentally incapacitated somehow) I will treat her as just another normal person.

I think people love talking about her because she's the one constant target. People come and go on youtube--especially those who are troll-worthy--they either leave youtube or evolve into something more respectable.

Foreverkailyn is the one person that pretty much never changes, lol.

I guess it's similar to the reason people lovingly follow pixiwoo or makeupgeek or something; they know they'll get a constant source of something from their videos. But after the 5000th round of new Kailyn nudes I'm also started to get disgusted at her lack of willingness to ever learn or change.

Well that was tl;dr.

Anonymous said...


there is no concrete evidence that she has FAS, only speculation, so as far as I'm concerned what you see is what you get and she is just behaving very badly.

She's a bit of a bitch to boot which doesn't help her cause any.

Needle said...

@5:50 Have you ever heard of chris-chan?

The internet loves people like this, unfortunately or not.

Anonymous said...

most medical problems can no tbe diagnosed over the internet and require testing etc.

fas is very unique in that there is no testing for it and it can be diagnosed just by looking at the symptoms.

kai has every single symptom and also the physical characteristics and has had the physical traits since she was born.

she most def has fas.

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up needle you're on here every night

Anonymous said...

Needle is a moderator/contributor, so of course is going to be here often...hello! (@5:54)

Anonymous said...

she doesn't change or learn because she CAN'T. its obvious she's mentally retarded. her brain isn't formed well enough for her to "change" in the way you mean.

pretending like her saying she's not mentally retarded actually means she isn't, given how obvious it is that she is, kinda makes you look like a jerk....:/

people like to pretend there's nothing mentally wrong with her because they like to make fun of her. and in some way probably find some sort of self-satisfaction in how stupid she is. like 'i'm doing all right in life since i'm not like THAT."

honestly, i'm sick of it. you all know she's retarded. and that dumb bitch lisa wilcher will pay for what she's doing to that girl. that stupid hick should've got that girl proper care and treatment. but she'll answer for that sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

FAS makes people do dumb things as they lack common sense and normal judgement. they are missing a huge chunk of their brain. they have a very hard time knowing right from wrong even when told a million times. promiscuity is very common as are other risky behaviours for someone suffering from the disability of FAS.

Anonymous said...

well said @5:56, well said.

Anonymous said...

she said she doesn't come here a lot anymore. fucking bullshit you're here all the time deleting comments

Anonymous said...

i'm sure the internet does, but you should think about why you as an indiviual are okay with follwoing the crowd and engaging.

Anonymous said...

basically making fun of kai is on the same level as making fun of kimi and her fugly looking nose/lip.

it is a birth defect that they did not ask for. kimi is lucky that her defect was only physical.

Anonymous said...

@5:56 if you're sick of it maybe you shouldn't come here and read the shit that's written about her..just a suggestion.

Needle said...

@5:54 LMAO what's funny is I'm not actually on here that often anymore. I've been on here today and yesterday, but before that it's been a few days. I'm not on here everyday anymore. :(

@the other 5:54 Uhhhh not really true.

Diagnoses CAN be made just by looking sometimes, but not all the time. And unless you're a doctor you aren't quite trained in how to appropriately "look" and diagnose anyway.

Anonymous said...

where can i see pics of kai as a child/baby?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

or maybe i'm just trying to get some of you to see what i mean. 5:59. just a suggestion, but maybe you should try and make fun of someone who was actually born with a fully developed brain.

kinda sucks for kai that lisa drank through her pregnancy and caused her to live an unfortunate and diminished life. something that would've been completely avoidable if she had just put down the bottle. she really should feel bad for what she did to her daughter.

and she DOES. why else do you think she buys her anything she wants regardless of the "bitchy" attitude kai presents? not all kids with FAS have behavior problems, but kai does obviously. why would she reward that? because she feels terrible for what she did.

the funniest thing people say for justification for them making fun of kai is "mama wilcher says she's been tested, there's nothing wrong with her."

you really think that low life of a woman who GAVE her daughter FAS is going to admit to it to you guys? trust me, if she was strong enough of a person to do that, kai wouldn't be in this sistuation

Anonymous said...

Inappropriate sexual behavior — Sexual advances, sexual touching, or promiscuity, experienced by about 50% of FAS subjects (age 12 and older)

Needle said...

@5:56 Well Kailyn says she doesn't have any illnesses, so that's what I go by, if it makes me look like a jark. Chances are, though, she probably thinks your vehement fighting over the fact that she MUST have FAS is equally as stupid/insulting/troll-like as all the comments we make.

I totally agree with your last paragraph though. There is some bad parenting in that family.

@5:57 A lot of mental disabilities cause people to lack knowledge about social norms and appropriate behaviors. Being locked in your house for your whole life can also cause some similar reactions. :P

Anonymous said...

guys...she doesnt have FAS.

Anonymous said...

go on with your justifications needle et al. you want to justify your behavior because you know what your doing is wrong. but if you pretend to not know that she's retarded, you can justify it

Anonymous said...

Kailyn's just a slutty-slut-slut. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

google FAS and look under the pictures / images section and tell me those pictures dont look identical to kai as a baby / now

Anonymous said...

hey 6:08 that looks exactly like kai. so wat you talking bout?

needle---i dont care if kai doesnt like what i'm saying, i wasn't coming here to defend her, only explain my pov bout why its lowered the quality of the shit-talking at unkn0wncritic for it to all be about someone who i know is retarded. you don't need a medical diagnosis to know these kindsa things when they're so obvious

Anonymous said...

Yep, my mom has been working at special needs schools and with special needs kids/teen for years. I showed her Kais videos and I told her about her nude pics and stuff. She basically said the same thing that @6:06 reads, they want attention, and they do it by being sexual. Which Kai has been doing since she's been an early teen. I don't care that Kai "says" she's not disabled, she obviously is, and people trying to pretend that she's not sound like idiots.

Needle said...

@6:08 Go on with your holier-than-thou attitude and internet doctoring. How about you show us your diploma from Harvard Medical School or something?

I'm not "justifying" to you, I'm just explaining my because you seem so interested...and you can hold a conversation.

Anonymous said...

and also needle, if anyone had that sort of disability, were locked in their house etc etc, i'd still feel bad about making fun of them knowing that they can't help how they are given their circumstances

Anonymous said...

PLEASE show me ONE picture that looks like baby kai........



Anonymous said...

"Being locked in your house for your whole life can also cause some similar reactions."

maybe but it can not cause a persons face to have all the symptoms of fas

Anonymous said...

Don't parents with disabled children get checks from the gov? Maybe that's how Mama Wilcher pays for all of Kais crap?

Anonymous said...

needle: that "go on" comment wasn't me, someone else. but the rest have been. i'm not trying to pretend like i have an MD (oh but guess what i do have an MCAT 35 biiitches <---unrelated, just very happy bout it).

i'm just explaining a POV, as you are. and i don't think i've been trying to be 'holier than thou'

Needle said...

@6:11 But your mother could also tell us that inappropriate sexual behavior is a symptom of a lot of mental impairments, right? And it could also probably be formed from a simple lack of appropriate contact with the outside world all your life.

@6:10 It's cool. But if you don't like it, bringing up that she's an FAS baby and so on isn't the way to help go about improving the quality of posts on here--it's just going to redirect all the comments to where they are now, which is honestly probably just as boring as everything else about Kailyn. It would be better to just start talking about other gurus and provide links or something so people will know just what you're talking about. Someone sees it, even if they don't comment about it right away--that increases the chance of bringing more people into the conversation in the future.

N*R said...

Mama Wilcher is a pimp and whores Kai out daily. That's where she gets her money from.

Anonymous said...

baby kai

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...,r:1,s:0

bb kai

Anonymous said...

Needle STFU stop trying to justify the fact that you make fun of a mentally retarded person. Get over it. if you honestly think kai is 100% mentally normal, you got issues

Needle said...

@6:14 Breeding can also cause some similar features. When I was a little kid I knew a girl with some similar facial shapes--mainly the eyes, nose, and cupid's bow--but as far as I can remember she was a normal, bright girl. (Of course that's not to say she didn't have FAS, but if she did her FAS obviously didn't impair her in any tangible way).

@6:16 Really? Well good luck to you! :)

Anonymous said...

no, show me a pic of a FAS BABY that looks like BABY KAI


Kai leaks all the photos for attention

Anonymous said...

why is her face like bigger on the bottom? like more round? i really am not trying to be mean, i don't understand it. she seems normal, i mean what is FAS?

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