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Monday, October 4, 2010

Halloween Special!

YESS you guys, it's finally October :D By far, my favorite month out of the year. One of the reasons being because I love Halloween, so naturally it seemed appropriate to do a special post dedicated to it. I ask you guys this question;

What are your guesses for what some of the beauty "gurus" will dress up as?

Obviously there's no real guessing involved with a couple of them, seeing as they look like they're in their costumes all year around. For example;

MakeupByMel - Snookie

missblairbeautyx3 - Chuckie

Kalel (QueenBeeuty) - An ant.

leave me your thoughts ;)

Happy Halloween Everyjuan :)


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Anonymous said...

Hours later and you girls are STILL here talking about Kailyn. Get a life already please girls! I bet in the morning I'll check this blog and you girls will still be here chatting away about Kailyn. Do you girls even sleep? And to the disgusting girl sending photoshopped naked photos of Kailyn to places for money, you better get a good lawyer because legal action will be taken. I hope Lisa Wilcher sues you and your parents for everything you've got! Maybe that's what it'll take for you girls to finally get off your computers and off this blog. Leave Kailyn alone, for the love of God. Leave her alone already. Kailyn is a good girl. I'm going to bed now. When I get up and check this blog I pray that it'll be deleted and that you girls see the light.

Anonymous said...

Hours later and you girls are STILL here talking about Kailyn. Get a life already please girls! I bet in the morning I'll check this blog and you girls will still be here chatting away about Kailyn. Do you girls even sleep? And to the disgusting girl sending photoshopped naked photos of Kailyn to places for money, you better get a good lawyer because legal action will be taken. I hope Lisa Wilcher sues you and your parents for everything you've got! Maybe that's what it'll take for you girls to finally get off your computers and off this blog. Leave Kailyn alone, for the love of God. Leave her alone already. Kailyn is a good girl. I'm going to bed now. When I get up and check this blog I pray that it'll be deleted and that you girls see the light.

Anonymous said...

Hours later and you girls are STILL here talking about Kailyn. Get a life already please girls! I bet in the morning I'll check this blog and you girls will still be here chatting away about Kailyn. Do you girls even sleep? And to the disgusting girl sending photoshopped naked photos of Kailyn to places for money, you better get a good lawyer because legal action will be taken. I hope Lisa Wilcher sues you and your parents for everything you've got! Maybe that's what it'll take for you girls to finally get off your computers and off this blog. Leave Kailyn alone, for the love of God. Leave her alone already. Kailyn is a good girl. I'm going to bed now. When I get up and check this blog I pray that it'll be deleted and that you girls see the light.

Anonymous said...

what should the next post be about??

Anonymous said...

were not talking about kailyn ass

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

omg that "realvlog" was annoying, there's something about kristin's personality that is ridiculously fake.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Someone needs to get behind her and give it a little tug. I would love to hear the popping sound as it dislodges from her point.

Anonymous said...

fupacharm <333

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OH Kalel you know so much about being famous! Kai is more famous than u. She was on Best Week!!!

Anonymous said...

that looks like kaikaiz, fupa :o is it?

Anonymous said...

guys, if you look at the tweets between kalel and anthony it seems like they are dating, unfortunately. he retweeted when she posted the link to her new tutorial and they tweet each other all the time being ~flirty~ and ~cutesy~

Anonymous said...

o wait, that was the "how i do my hair" tut

Anonymous said...

i dont like kalel because she is fake and i dont like fake people oh and her deep weird voice is annoying to me more then fingernails down a chalkboard

Anonymous said...

lulz, even if we didn't mention lady kaka all night, it'd still come back and say "OMg U GuiZ STILL taLkiNG aBouT InnOCenT KAILYN!" just to bring her up again. but i suppose that's how trolls are.

Anonymous said...

i hope you die aria

Anonymous said...

SHIT, Lizzy's skin is disgusting! Her forehead breakout is bad. She, Kalel, Leesha, Lisa and Kai have such bad skin!

Anonymous said...


everyone is wearing purple on the 20th because of the 6 gay teenagers that killed themselves

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"This video is dedicated to my two faced viewers that "friend" me on facebook so that they can blog about me on the hate blogs, using my personal info"

lmao ok megan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

us heterosexuals have 364 days of the year to ourselves ;)

Anonymous said...

10:06 that is a little far fetched

blair, kai and kalel may have a couple of zits ...big deal.
i actually personally think kai has the best skin out of them her skin is one tone and smooth and baby soft. thats one positive feature kai has is nice skin. elle on the other hand looks like a worn out leather face with lines and wrinkles and bags like nobodys business once you get her out of her bedroom lighting.

Anonymous said...

"thats one positive feature kai has is nice skin"

we don't really ever see her skin cuz she cakes on the makeup.

Anonymous said...

... how would you know if her skin is baby soft? that was a semi creeper comment.

Anonymous said...

I love how even the small box in Lizzy's closet says "Blair's Closet" Oh they're sooo convincing.

The "Blair" makeup bag was a nice touch, but I expected it.

Anonymous said...

why does she have 2 toothbrushes in her bathroom??

Anonymous said...

I think its kinda retarded that they both got the same bedroom furniture. But I do think Blair's decor is kinda cute.

I don't like Elle's bedspread. It looks like something I would've picked out when I was like, 12. lolz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love love love

Anonymous said...

we walkin side by side we ride we ride

Anonymous said...

wtf is up with all those ass-kissing comments on kai's newest shout-out video? made me want to upchuck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

fags hate you too, troll harder.

Anonymous said...

i dont' know any fags so they dont hate me
i dont know any because i hate them
i love god

Anonymous said...

it may sound weird but i kinda like blair again. idk. elle and kalel try so hard to be someone they are not and that is so disturbing. kalel more so because she trys to act "cool" and "unique" and she comes off looking like a total tryhard and then elle trys so hard to be like blair and act dumb.
so i actually think blair is herself she is not putting on an act and i think she is a good person afterall. shes 17 and just like anyone else in the world made a few mistakes when she was 16. but kalel and elle are in their 20's and its not cute the act of trying to be something they are not. they come off as desperate.

Anonymous said...

god hates you

Anonymous said...

there is no such thing as god bb

Anonymous said...

the earth is flat!

Anonymous said...

westboro baptist church 4 lyfe

Anonymous said...


So is Kalel's chest and Blair's new nose

Anonymous said...

@10:31 looks like she stuck pieces of pizza to her face. its called effort megan, heard of it?

Anonymous said...

i whip my niggas back and forth
with a whip
i slap my hos back and forth
with my hand

Anonymous said...

kalel is just po'd because she got caught with her hair all up in anthonys bed and bathroom. he even tweeted about finding long ladies hair all over in his bed as soon as she left

Anonymous said...

i whip my hos back and forth
and i tell them go get me some more $ ho
so they go walk that stroll back and forth

pimpin aint easy

Anonymous said...

i really wanna fuck blair.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm sure lizzy would tell you her pussy is too good for you!

Anonymous said...

blair is a hottie

elle = a NOTtie

Unknown said...

Hey check out my beauty and fashion blog!

Anonymous said...

blair i am a fan of. she is 17 gorgeous and entertaining.

these other people y'all talk about elle, kalel, kai, xsparkage will never go anywhere but with blair she has something to her that is interesting and she will go places fast.

Anonymous said...

^ You are also blind and have no sense of reality.

Anonymous said...

are elle, blair and kalel the only 'beauty gurus' that moved to hollywood to try and make it onto tv or star in a movie?

Anonymous said...

lolol oh, look! the desperate moronic retarded blair minion is back @12:52

Anonymous said...

i could've sworn a few more moved to LA. michelle phan is one. and i know pursebuzz just moved but i never figured out where to.

Anonymous said...

"wasn't kai planning on going to the NYC IMATS with kimi next year? geez, shouldn't have burned that bridge."

lulz ruh roh!

Anonymous said...

go thumbs down this video clevvertv made about elle and blair. it's almost at more dislikes then likes.
lol clevvertv is getting mad because they inserted an annotation that wasnt there before and it says "click like"

Anonymous said...

the comments on that video are a riot. thank god they don't monitor their comments like the guhroos they seem to have taken a liking to. hopefully the people in charge of their reality deal see how disliked the qvc sisters are and put a stop to this. keep biting the hands that feed you, fowlers ;) you only have you to blame for your "haters." YOU created them.

Anonymous said...

"2 of our favorite youtubers"

"blair and elle fowler are the youngest and brightest"

LMAO that video is funny

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else really turned off by videos that have those commercials running before the actual video starts?

I just don't watch the video its so annoying.

Anonymous said...

as far as i know kalel elle and blair are the only fakes who use stage names and live in lala land

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard of milli vanilli? they were the laughing stock of the decade after getting caught being fakes. for some reason i see elle and blair being 2011's new version milli vanilli duo. girl you know its true.

Anonymous said...

Megan would be my fab guru cause she actually has a life outside of YouTube unlike kalel, Elle, blair ect. & kalel is a fricken annoying attention whore! Blair is annoying
but Elle is worse, she tries to be all cute but it doesn't work, she's like 22 but she looks atleast 30... bleh ahha

Anonymous said...

"has anyone heard of milli vanilli? they were the laughing stock of the decade after getting caught being fakes. for some reason i see elle and blair being 2011's new version milli vanilli duo. girl you know its true. "

lmaoo yes i remember them !! so funny. They had to give back their grammy too .. rofl

Anonymous said...

yeah i can see that. all the accolades they got from their minions will be turned around once they realize the fowlers have been fake the whole time, only doing youtube videos to get "discovered" and not because they truly care about their subs. nope, everyone was played in hopes of getting a tv deal. i love that the minions are FINALLY figuring this out.

Anonymous said...

can anyone understand this girl talking about elle and blair?

Anonymous said...

Haha, Kalel feeling so concerned about Willow Smith is the ultimate bullshit. Kalel will never know what true fame is, she'll only dream of it. You can't sleep your way to getting famous Kalel! You're just another whore.

Anonymous said...

9:53 not really, but i heard at the end that she unsubbed from them, and i suppose, in the end, that's the only thing we want to hear (well that and that they're shunned off youtube).

Anonymous said...

this girl not only does shitty tutorials, but has a video basically bum fucking lizzy & lisa. fucking hell

shit tutorial.

lizzy & lisa

Anonymous said...

I was right. Still here talking about Kailyn. Leave the poor girl alone already! Get lives! You 4 girls are beyond pathetic and miserable. Why bother living if all you're going to do is bash poor Kailyn and talk about her on here all day everyday? Get a life already! Wasting your life away worrying about what Kailyn is doing. Kailyn is living her life! You should try it!

Anonymous said...

i've been trying to find this guy forever and i can't so i figured i'd ask you guys lulz
like 2 years ago my friend and i watched this guy on youtube, and his friend was in some of his videos..
he had braces and a really big mouth. his friend had straight emo hair and a gap in his teeth.
they had a video lip syncing to barbie girl, and the braces guy had random videos, one when he was on the phone with some chick and was saying "don't give her the credit card!!! she's gonna run those bills right up!!!!!!"

this probably makes ZERO sense hahahaha.
but fuck i wanna watch his videos so bad and just reminisce.

Anonymous said...

I think you're mistaken. Kailyn isn't living any life, nor will she ever. At 20 years old, she manages to still not posess a drivers license, a real job, nor does she aspire to ever go to college or get any form of higher education. Whether or not you accept it, Kailyn is a waste of a human being.

You must be close to where Kai falls on the spectrum if you cannot see this.

Anonymous said...

nobody has mentioned kai in a pretty long time...

Anonymous said...

^ Someone mentioned her 9 minutes ago, tard.

Anonymous said...

i was talking to that person, tard.

Anonymous said...

there's absolutely no reason to respond to the kai stan.

it. is. a. troll.

it keeps coming back to get its lulz by trying to provoke us.

anyone with eyes can see no one was talking about kai for many hours. it knows this, but it repeated its same spiel about leaving kai alone. whether we talk about her or not, it'll continue to do it.

just ignore it.

Anonymous said...

i agree, stop giving it attention and being stupid. their posts stopped being funny the second time around.

Anonymous said...

lol how does kai not get bored doing nothing. I was home for 7 - 8 months after i finished college thinking what to do next, before i went to grad school.

I went crazy i felt so dumb just sitting there not doing anything, and that was only for 7ish months. Kai has been like that for years i just don't get it. There's nothing stopping her to go to makeup school. And the fact mama W and kai make the excuse it costs to much is BS. Those two have no problem dropping $250 at walmart evrey week.

Anonymous said...

well plus you can get student loans. that's what i'm doing for 4 years of university.

Anonymous said...

Kai could be smart with Mama Wilchers money and get a college education from it.

But nope, she prefers Walmart Hauls over college.

Anonymous said...

Leave Kailyn alone you stupid girls.

Anonymous said...

how long until anthony and kalel break up?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i give it a month.

Anonymous said...

Oh he'll dump her ass in the next month. Then he'll start sleeping with someone new cuz she won't get the hint.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please, just leave Kalel alone and stop talking about her. She hasn't done anything to you girls! She's a good girl! She doesn't deserve this!

Anonymous said...

Please, just leave Kailyn alone and stop talking about her. She hasn't done anything to you girls! She's a good girl! She doesn't deserve this!

Anonymous said...

yeah, kai has money practically thrown at her. instead of doing cheap hauls every week, she could have been saving up to go to MUD. she probably has it in her head that everyone wants to watch haul videos. she prioritizes youtube above her dreams to further her makeup career. fyi kai, youtube will not further your MU career and throwing away your money on cheap makeup that you don't even need won't further it either.

i was actually about to say she hasn't done a haul for while, and had hopefully started to save her money, but them i went and looked and her last haul was just 2 weeks ago. she posts so many videos, it really didn't seem like that short of a time. i also forgot in several videos she asks what ELSE she should get from MAC, etc. sigh.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kalel is loose

Anonymous said...

she could even put a down payment on a used car. but of course, drugstore makeup and leggins are more important.

Anonymous said...

ignore the fucking troll, it's not that hard.

Anonymous said...

"Please, just leave Kalel alone and stop talking about her."

LOL WUT?! and then they post the exact same comment and changed kalel to kailyn. did someone slip up? lmao

Anonymous said...

they keep coming back because of the morons that keep replying to them.

Anonymous said...

i knew that stupid kai stan was really kalel/ a kalel stan trying to stop us from talking about kalel and get the discussion back to kai. they pop up every time kalel is mentioned saying LEAVE KAI ALONE even though no one has mentioned her in a while.

Anonymous said...

that's really retarded to think it's kalel. come the fuck on now.

Anonymous said...

how desperate can kalel get? she tries so hard that it's beyond the point of comical...its just sad now

Anonymous said...

the only reason i wouldnt be surprised if it was kalel herself is because she's home all day and has nothing better to do. she came here trying to talk sense into us before to stop hating her and give her a chance, and when we just kept bashing her she got all huffy and left never to come back.

Anonymous said...

just stop. everyone knows waste-of-space kristin sleeps all day.

have you not noticed every time it crops up, the topic immediately turns to it and derails any conversation that was being had?

just ignore it.

Anonymous said...

kalel cullen is an idiot. nuff said

Anonymous said...

exactly. and it usually pops up when we mention kalel. as soon as kalel is mentioned it's LEAVE KAI ALONE SHE'S A GOOD GIRL!!

Anonymous said...

when kalel comes here, she posts from her account. the same person has been trolling for over a week. we were ignoring them and they got angry and started posting several times in a row. just ignore their comments, the whole thing is really old now.

Anonymous said...

lol why would kalel post from her blogger account? you dont get it.

Anonymous said...

why would she be here at all hours of the day when you know that doesn't even wake up until the evening? don't be stupid.


Anonymous said...

d'aw mel was so cute and timid

Anonymous said...

I am not that Kalel girl. Leave Kailyn alone already. It's disgusting how obsessed you 4 girls are. Get a life and leave Kailyn alone to live hers. Stop obsessing over every move Kailyn makes and rushing here to talk about it amongst yourselves. Stop it. Leave Kailyn alone. And get a life!

Anonymous said...

okay obvious troll.

Anonymous said...

lulz the troll is running out of material

Anonymous said...

why the hell did mel used to talk with a kim kardashian fake baby cutesy high voice?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why is elle tweeting so many ads lately.
She looks so desperate.

Anonymous said...

the move to LA wasnt cheap. she needs $$

Anonymous said...

i find it selfish and greedy that elle gets a ton of little girl followers on twitter and the first thing she does is sign up for paid tweet ads and charges $400+ a tweet. greedy whore

Anonymous said...

getting ready :) interview today. I'm kind of excited about it. what are your plans for the day?

STFU Lizzy!!

Anonymous said...

Please, they've always been wealthy and they make plenty from their sponsored videos.

Anonymous said...

part of me still likes blair but i just can't stand elle.

Anonymous said...

does blair do sponsored tweets too?

Anonymous said...

i think kai feels she's above college. On her old channel(question video) some1 asked if she would ever go to college, and she made a disgusted face and said NO !!

Anonymous said...

nope, just elle.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I don't completely hate Blair. She's a lying, scamming, fakeass bitch, but she's a lot more entertaining to watch than some other gurus like Elle and Kalel.

Anonymous said...

College isnt for everyone.
If you have a certain skill youre really good at, then you dont necessarily need college.

But Kai cant do anything. She just sits in her pink room all day.

Either go get an education, or get a job.

Anonymous said...

no, just the money hungry tranny lisa fowler does sponsored tweets. i think lizzy somewhat actually cares about her followers. lisa is all business and $$$ so she couldnt give a shit.

Anonymous said...

kai thinks her natural talent is makeup. even though she does her makeup the. exact. same. way. she did it 4 years ago. she hasnt improved and hasnt learned anything. the only think she's learned is how to manipulate and lie better.

Anonymous said...

she practically dragged her feet through "high school" homechooling, it doesn't surprise me at all that she doesn't want to continue to college.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is also REALLY competitive. You can tell. She wants to be making more money than her sister. So she does whatever it take to keep her numbers high. But she'll never bring in more than Lizzy.

Anonymous said...

elle is all business and money. that's what makes her even more boring. like you said, i do think blair cares about her subs. elle is just in it for fame and money. that's probably why she has no friends. it's just work work work with her.

Anonymous said...

I agree Lizzy cares a tad bit more about her followers than Lisa. Everyone knows how fucking annoying ads are, and because she obviously doesn't care about hers, she continues to tweet ads for her own gain.

Anonymous said...

lisa fowler thinks she's martha stewart or oprah. she thinks she's already a business mogul and media figure everyone looks up to. she's just dragging her little sister along because she knows no one is going to give a shit about her on her own. sometimes i think lisa "forces" lizzy into doing stuff. i hope soon lizzy realizes she doesnt need her boring older sister with her and can do way better on her own. i'd love to see lisa when that happens. she'll probably go insane.

Anonymous said...

elle is an old hag and just tries to hard she's like 24 and the way she acts just makes her look stupid and childish.

I bet she gets pissed off at blair all the time.

Anonymous said...

Soon their management will phase out Lisa. She's a hard sell the older she gets. Lizzy is the cash cow!

Anonymous said...

without elle i bet blair would be even more ahead then she is now and would do much better in hollywood.

without blair elle would be long gone off of youtube by now and would go absolutley nowhere in hollywood. no agent would have ever signed her without blair.

Anonymous said...

it annoys me when elle tries to act upbeat and ditzy because she sees that it works for blair. it's not cute, she makes herself look like such an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching her video 'why am i blue' She looks and sounds stupid, and i love where this 'best friend' came from out of nowhere

Danielle said...

I can't wait until Karma finds you.

Anonymous said...

i cant wait until karma finds elle and blair

Anonymous said...

lol @ you talking about us needing karma and yet you follow kandee who is nothing more than a scam artist and a terrible mother.

Anonymous said...

oh, and look at that. you also follow mel. seriously?

Anonymous said...

Is Danielle the Kai stan? Did you forget to click anonymous?

Anonymous said...

i wonder what danielle thought of mels video where she was going crazy because she got caught for scammin ad sense and had it taken away

Anonymous said...

i wonder if people who kill babies and small animals and don't get caught will ever get karma ..

oh no that's only for us to get right bb ?? gtfo and go watch youtube videos of mel.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i actually like kandee johnson. i think she really really cares abut her subs and values them and actually enjoys helping them. she is also a talented makeup artist. halloween is the time to really see who has talenet and who desn't.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she values her subscribers? is that why she lied about what products she was using in her tutorial? doesn't sound like she was trying to help her subscribers.

Anonymous said...

elle: i saw twilight last night, again for the fourth time

blair: i've seen it 5 times

elle: *pissed face* you haven't seen it 5 times

blair: YES I HAVE! do you want me to name who i went with?

elle: NO

^ lmao i have feeling they fight like that constantly.

Anonymous said...

karma is coming guyss !!! forgot about child rapists and psycho killers. karma will get us because we said elle is childish .. oh knowzz

Anonymous said...

lol blair probably went 5 times with 5 different friends and elle probably went 4 times all alone.

Anonymous said...

im so sick of minions saying how karma will get us. it's just as bad as the YOURE JUST JEALOUS! excuse. ~haters~ are not jealous and will not be punished horribly through karma.

Anonymous said...

mte. I CANT WAIT UNTIL KARMA FINDS YOU! stfu danielle. dont act like you're a perfect angel. look at kai, we all thought she was a perfect angel and come to find out she's had an abortion, takes nudes and sends them out, shoves bottles up her vag, etc. im sure you gossip and talk about people you know irl. stop being a stupid bitch.

Anonymous said...

lisa fowler is in the new elle spain magazine as a trendsetter and they compare her outfit to blake lively from gossip girls

"A very Gossip Girl outfit with a tight knitted striped dress. Like Blake Lively."

Anonymous said...

elle actually looks good in that picture. shocking.

Anonymous said...

nice pic danielle

Anonymous said...

the thing that comes to mind when i look at a picture of lisa is that aerosmith song "dude looks like a lady"

she's got manly feature,especially those hands

Anonymous said...

I don't think Lisa looks good in that photo. She looks like a man dressing up in drag, or a post op tranny.

Anonymous said...

thats not danielle in that picture...its her model

Anonymous said...

ugh, i remember this. she just happened to run into the owner. i know blair does a lot of sponsored videos but this bitch has been a money hungry liar since day one. she's a manipulative cunt.

Anonymous said...

does anyone have acces to the irish magazine steller?

there is an article totally dissing elle and blair in it. i wonder what it says :)

Anonymous said...

2:15 i think blair has been much more manipulative and a liar from the start.

in this video she does a 3 in one check out the side bar...yazmo, huge lips skinny hips, cliche cosmetics.

oh! and not to mentin she makes it sound like she BOUGHT that traincase with her own money "i invested in a good traincase"
after the ftc came out she had another video and it had that same traincase in it and surprise! she didn't invest in it afterall...she listed in the sidebar she was compensated by yazmo and got that traincase free

Anonymous said...

elle did the same thing. she said she saved up for her clarisonic and ghd straightener and then when the ftc rule started, they were suddenly sent to her. a PR company tweeted a photo of the clarisonic and said it was being sent to elle for review. they're both liars when it comes to reviews.

Anonymous said...

at around 8:15 in this video

"and then i have my favorite eye primer which is cliche cosmetics thats what i reach for the most"

sure blair. i wonder how much she got paid to sneak that line into the video

Anonymous said...

sunlove. enough said

Anonymous said...

blair did amiclubwear before elle did sunlove. i dont know which company is worse.

Anonymous said...

Dont even get me started on Ellen and Bliar. I hope this reality show will blow up in their post OP faces.

Kalel seems like the type of girl that prefers guy friends. what do u think?

Anonymous said...

lol, her housemates went out and elle stayed at home. still hasn't changed.

Anonymous said...

leesha's boyfriend lost her kitten while she was visiting back home. i really feel bad for her, but if it were my cat i'd cut my visit short and search for her myself. crying over twitter 3 states away isn't going to help bring it back.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

i don't think kalel prefers guy friends i think she hasn't ever had real girlfriends in her life and as a girl myself i know i wouldn't be able to stand her i find her annying and attention seeking. i think she really wants girlfriends because she always tweets that jessica and tone it up girls saying "we should hang out soon!".
it's alot easier to become friends with guys then girls because alot of guys think their gonna eventually get laid.

Anonymous said...

TBH, I do think Kalel had real friends when she was younger, before youtube. Like in high school. But then they went to college and actually did something with their lives while she got lazy and worked at Hooters. And now she's lonely so she has to whore herself out and be all "unique" and "edgy" to get people to like her. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I love when people throw around the idea of Karma as though it only applies to everyone BUT them. By wishing negativity on someone else you are ALSO attaining bad Karma, dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

He probably got rid of the cat.

Anonymous said...

i want to see what that irish magazine says to diss elle and blair

Anonymous said...

i hate when gurus rush to twitter to cry about something. no one fucking cares about your cat leesha. no one is going to go out and search for it. you can shut up now.

Anonymous said...

i feel bad for leesha :\

Anonymous said...

this eyehous girl is in love with elle and blair. creepy

@ellefowler I know you get these requests a lot, and i'm not asking for a shout out or whatever, I just want to be your friend

@ellefowler and i feel like you might find pleasure out of them too, because we got along well at the meetup :)

@ellefowler it made my life when your sister subscribed to my channel

@ellefowler I asked a bunch of questions at the little q&a session after everyone came to meet you, and you are so genuine and everything.

@ellefowler i know people say that word a lot, but i feel like you are my sister, along with blair of course.

@ellefowler hiya elle. i was at your nyc meetup, and i hope you read this because i want you to know that i truely love you.

Anonymous said...

i hate when people bitch and act insensitive about things when they know they'd be upset if the same thing happened to them.

Anonymous said...

i feel bad for leesha as well but there comes a point when you have to say that enough. she made a video and has sent out atleast 10 tweets about her. i understand it sucks and i would miss my animals if they ran away but she's just saying the same thing over and over

Anonymous said...

ah, yeah i agree that it's a bit excessive. when i lost my cat, the last thing i did was turn to twitter. i think she's just freaked because she's in another state and can't help/do anything.

Anonymous said...

the willofdc annunces that the fowlers are getting a reality show

Anonymous said...

Did a cat go missing?

Anonymous said...

leesha leaves and cat suddenly goes missing. does her boyfriend hate cats?

Anonymous said...

i dont think kalel had any friends in high school. she seems more like she was a social outcast. she worked at hooters and went to college for a few months and that is a great way to meet girlfriends but kalel made zero.
i think she has social problems and was shunned in school and then she came on youtube and suddenly had all these girls looking up to her and telling her she is pretty she is this she is that and she loved the attention since she lacked it in real life from girls.

Anonymous said...

lol mte. her bf probably gave the cat away. she's dumb

Anonymous said...

i'm surprised willofdc congratulates them, i thought when he mentioned unknowncritic in regards to kandee johnson's child neglect case that he perused the blog every once in a while. guess not, or else he would know about the fowlers.

Anonymous said...

i remember kristen twitpic'd a photo of herself with some random girl.. the caption was like "i miss high school days, this was my best friend" or some shit like that

i dont think she was a total loner..

Anonymous said...

^oh hai Kalel

Anonymous said...

haha he seems so excited "i can't wait to see how they live their lives!"

Anonymous said...

*waits for kalel to post "LEAVE KAILYN ALONE SHE'S A GOOD GIRL" to get the discussion off of her*

Anonymous said...

at least thewillofdc didn't link their channels like he did with the other people he mentioned

Anonymous said...

elle and blair dont even have a reality show yet. people need to learn to read ffs. they're in the works to DEVELOP one with that Kinetic entertainment company. they dont have one yet and it's not going to air anytime soon since it doesnt even exist yet. ffs.

Anonymous said...

who is this "friend" elle is suddenly talking about? they like came out of nowhere.

Anonymous said...

3:26 yes that was her only friend in high school. she mentioned it once on ustream and said that girl got pregnent and ever since she has never had friends in real life.

Anonymous said...

lulz im not kalel, but its pretty obvious she wasnt a total loner in high school. shes not like kai, im sure shes more than capable of having a conversation with someone..

Anonymous said...

i don't know why so many comments on that video are saying shaytards should have been the ones to get a reality show. the shaytards already have been offered many reality show deals and they turned them all down.

Anonymous said...

"elle and blair dont even have a reality show yet. people need to learn to read ffs. they're in the works to DEVELOP one with that Kinetic entertainment company. they dont have one yet and it's not going to air anytime soon since it doesnt even exist yet. ffs."


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