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Friday, March 19, 2010

Ellen & Balir

So it's a pretty general census on this blog that the QVC sisters are greedy, selfish, fake, bitches.

FYI, QVC sisters = Elle & Blair = Lisa & Lizzy = Ellisa & Elizablair = Ellen & Balir = Eel & Beer

However, several things have recently been discovered that all of their unfortunate subscribers should know about.

First of all, Lisa recently uploaded a "50 Questions Tag" that was quickly taken down because of "copyright" issues. Right, Lisa, your video had copyright issues, just like Kai made a new channel because of "email issues". Before she took down the video, someone was smart enough to download it, and this part of the video was particularly interesting;

She does the same question two times in a row, obviously practicing her "clueless" routine. You have to practice being dumb? I would have guessed it just came naturally to you, Lisa.

Anyway, we all know that Lisa and Lizzy charge companies to review their products (in addition to recieving free products) and as far as we knew, it was only about $250 a video. However, certain emails were leaked and posted in this blog;
Basically showing a couple of back and forth emails between Lizzy's agent and the owner of a company in which the agent insists that Lizzy must be paid $500 for a review on the products AND three free products. Greedy, much?

Finally, does anyone remember maybe.. a year ago? When Lizzy went on a huge shopping spree to Juicy Couture and then felt bad, so she told her subscribers that she was going to give one of them these earrings;
Aww how sweet of her.. except that this picture was taken less than a month ago;
Same earrings? Probably. Why would Lizzy do anything nice for her subscribers? We all know that when they hold contests, they're either sponsered by another company or the prizes consist of some of their shitzy-scam keychains.

By now, everyone knows that these girls will be featured on GMA (probably on sunday, 3/21) but.. WHY? these girls have always been handed everything on a silver platter, why not find someone who worked to become successful? Their agent probably begged for the gig, which is why its being featured on a sunday, when everyone is either sleeping or at church.

These girls ruined the beauty community on youtube, flat out ruined it.

keep rating this vid, too;
and check out the QVC sisters in a nutshell;


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Anonymous said...

What's their address? The link just goes to google maps, not to their address! :/

Anonymous said...

1601 Fairidge Place, Kingsport, TN

cute house, nothing special

land is pretty cheap there

Anonymous said...

why would lizzy be bawling her eyes out? Did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

yep that's their house. Same colors and driveway layout as the GMA segment.

Anonymous said...

@1:47 The GMA piece made her look like a ditzy moron who only cares about shopping? Idk... I don't think they did a very favorable fluff on her and her sister. Even her minions are out foaming at the mouth that it made her look bad and THAT SHE DIDNT QUIT SKOOL FOR SHOPPING OMGOMGOMG Maybe I'm wrong, but if I was in her shoes and was so obviously made fun of on television I'd be a little upset. If she knew the piece was going to portray her this way I guarantee she would have never done it.

Anonymous said...


Last sold for $500,000 on 4/7/2006
Last assessed at $145,025 on 2008

Anonymous said...

YEah Im glad the host on GMA wasnt very fond of the QVC sisters win for us!

Anonymous said...



they don't care about their "fans" they care that they make them money, and will buy what they tell them to! they only do the meetups so they can see their "fans" in order to feed their ever-growing ego. and maybe also because their "fans" are the only people outside of their family that actually would want to be around them ever.

Anonymous said...

bitches be crazy but good stalking work

Anonymous said...

@2:36 AM Well, it's obvious by their actions that they don't give a rats ass, which is why I'm annoyed by their complete and total lack of reality.

I think all of the "gurus" are just asshats who get so self-obsessed or just want to cash in badly. I really liked sardun1 when I first found her videos, but now she's annoying the shit out of me. Kandee wasn't bad and then she started begging for money and her most recent post really, really turned me off. She kept saying how much she really needs more money, but she is not asking for it. If she didn't want to ask, she should of just fucking thanked everyone and left it at that. Or at least thanks everyone and not go into so much fucking detail.

I have a migraine, insomnia and a backache, so I'm sooooo fierce and full of fury tonight! D:

Anonymous said...

agreed its all one class act for money, sad. you honestly can't find an ounce of respect for any of the gurus.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

3:49 I agree.. I feel the same way about kandee now. She was one of my favorites, and yeah she's a little "crazy" as some people call her here, but I always thought she was sincere. I still have respect for her talent as a makeup artist, but can't really take her seriously as a person anymore. I can only think a handful of gurus that don't do it for the money (unless they are still in high school and just do it as only a 'hobby').

Anonymous said...

I'm not the biggest sP fan at the moment, but he has a point. You never see any women of color featured as gurus on the front page. Just a thought

Anonymous said...

Well, her "craziness" was sweet at first and I totally agree with her that being positive is the way to go if you want to achieve things and that nobody should let self-doubt and shit get in their way, but she really really really gets repetitive. And then she pulled out the gastro excuse for her son and maybe it's true, but it just seemed petty. I don't know how to explain it. The entire post just seemed so petty. My husband had gastro problems when he was in his senior year and missed tons of it too, but the whole post just screamed "feel sorry for me" a little too much.

She is great at make-up though and I still love her tutorials. Especially costume make-up. She kicks ass at that especially. And she's a professional, which makes me have quite a bit more respect and at least you know she knows what she is talking about. She also hasn't really fallen onto the promote crappy products bandwagon as badly as some of the others.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who sP is, but that isn't completely true. Phan is always on there and she's yellow! And that Ethiopian girl has been on the front page too, that is how I found her. I do see more Asians rather than blacks though. I have a lot on my recommended list though. But then again I rarely, rarely look at the front page.

Anonymous said...

I dont know why kalel said "everyone thinks I look 15"

she doesnt. she looks her age...20 turning 21.
well maybe standing next to lisa she looks 15 but thats only because lisa looks ten years older then she is. but kalel just looks her own age not younger.

the only part about kalel that looks 15 is her body. it looks like a 15 year old boys body.

Anonymous said...

I think someone should contact GMA and fill in some of the details these whores(blarir mostly cuz we all know lisa S. is dry and dusty down there) left out. Like real names and how much they charge companies.Maybe then they'll do actuall reporting on dykes who scam 9yr olds.

Anonymous said...

someone should also tell gma that the 2 girls they had on their show use to threaten their own "fans", lie about getting paid etc.

that would make for way more interesting tv then "tweens who get paid to shop and drop out of school to make videos"

Anonymous said...

i hope in an upcoming interview someone asks lisa why she bothers spending thousands on la mer creme and skincare...because it is NOT working.

Anonymous said...

i wonder if lizzy is gonna look 35 when shes 21 too?

she might because she already looks older then she is.

Anonymous said...

she probably will look older, unfortunately for her. but i doubt anything will be remembered about either of them in 5 years - their 15 minutes will be long gone by then.

flipadelphia. said...

vote for anyone but fatneagle! [preferably the person before and after her] she's currently in 5th. let's push her down ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha. Blair's latest tweet informs us that she's on the way to LA and the first thing she wants to do there is go to pinkberry.

Anonymous said...

Every time I go to the bobbi brown voting site, I've noticed a glitch with the redhead behind neagle. I'm always able to vote for her, whereas with the other girls, they still have their timers up (you can only vote every 24 hours) saying when I am able to vote for them again. If this is true for everyone else, exploit it! Keep voting for the redhead :D

tlaxseea said...

Am I on the right post?Why are the comments moving so slow?

Anonymous said...

Cause nobody's talking....

Anonymous said...

Blair is getting her pilot's license? Does anybody know if this is true.

Anonymous said...

She had that room tour vid where she showed books for pilot licensing, but now that her sights are set for LA, I don't know if she'll finish up with it?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how JEALOUS all you STALKERS are! hahahahaha GET THE FUCK OVER IT! If you are dying because you want a review on a certain product, get your lazy ass off the computer chair (or whatever it is you sit on) and go to the mall and see if you can try it out yourself. If you can't do that, there's a wonderful site called where reviews don't lie. Stop stalking and hating on these girls.

Newsflash: YOU. DON'T. KNOW. THEM!

I know that you're all going to lose your shit and cry and comment back all angry but let me tell you something - I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! hahaha and you know what else? Neither does Elle or Blair or whoever the fuck you try to talk shit on. Keep on hating, because nothing you little immature fuckers do or say are going to stop them from doing what they are doing.


Anonymous said...

Wait, what?
Who said anything about wanting a review?
You look like a crazy person. Go take your meds, lady.

Anonymous said...

"Keep on hating, because nothing you little immature fuckers do or say are going to stop them from doing what they are doing. "

you you keep hating on this blog, because nothing you say or do you little immature fuck is going to stop people from commenting and visiting this blog ;)

Anonymous said...

10:26 sounds like sp...

Anonymous said...

and btw 10:26, everytime you come here to read us what ~haters~ are saying, you're adding to the blog owners paycheck :)

good job!

Anonymous said...

Lame, man. I'm pretty sure I'm not a stalker lol, crazy junk honey bunch.

Anonymous said...

lol, sp is a massive hypocrite. he is so fucking pathetic i dont even want to type his name. he isnt even worth THAT. he needs to sort himself out.

Anonymous said...

^ to the moron above this, I'm pretty sure everyone here wants "honest reviews." RIGHT? That's why everyone's panties are all in a bundle because these gurus are getting paid and "not telling the truth." You all are fucking idiotic immature stalkers. Wow. I personally don't know these girls (and neither do any of you!) but if they really are rich/spoiled - who the fuck cares? Why do you have to hate? It's not their fault that your mom couldn't keep her legs shut and had to raise x amount of kids with a paycheck from mcdonalds so she couldn't spend $20 on a MAC lipstick for you.

I bet Elle, Blair, Michelle, etc. read these while laughing HYSTERICALLY as they open their packages of free shit and undo the rubber band off their stacks of money. HAVING HATERS MEANS THAT YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! KEEP IT UP GIRLS!

hahahahhaha! I'm done.


Anonymous said...


I don't care about anyone's paychecks haha, if anything, I support it. GOTTA GET THAT MONEY ANY WAY YOU CAN! Let the gurus get theirs, and the writer/stalker of this blog. I'm done with all you insecure fucks. Have a great time you pathetic low lifes. xoxo

Anonymous said...

"who the fuck cares? Why do you have to hate?"
LOL - so you think its ok that they lie and exploit 11 year old girls?

havent you been following their lies? you know, the name drama, threatening to sue little girls, ellen faking "being funny", the fact lizzy lies about a bracelet she gets for christmas, lying about paid videos, lying about paid contests, lying about giving contest prizes, lying about names...i could go on and on

i'm sorry if you have no morals and think what they are doing is perfectly acceptable but some of us dont just sit back and let them exploit people..

Anonymous said...

lol has anyone noticed sticky has outed herself as lisawilcher and posted a tweet like "omgz lisawilcher is so funny!!!11"

whatta sad bitch

Anonymous said...

wow theres really some severe butthurt coming from this eel and beer fan

try to make it less obvious bb

Anonymous said...

xoxo? do you, like "blair", think you're from gossip girl? You seem a little manic-y. Oh well, it was nice reading your comments for variety's sake.

anywho, something I don't get and never have is why Elizablairs fans are SO FUCKING ATTACHED TO HER to the point where they believe everything out of her mouth and defend it to the death. Like, I just don't see why she merits an insane cult following. I've never understood why ellen and balir got so many views to begin with though, so there's obviously some appeal I'm missing out on.

Anonymous said...

I love the argument that we're "hating" on people we don't even know personally. News flash: you're defending them when you don't "personally don't know these girls" too. Why tell us "why bother?" when you should be asking yourself the same question? Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

^ lol, ikr?

Anonymous said...

"something I don't get and never have is why Elizablairs fans are SO FUCKING ATTACHED TO HER to the point where they believe everything out of her mouth and defend it to the death."

They are the epitome of "lemmings" - they'll go down with the ship defending Elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

someone posted this a page or two ago, but holy shit Lisa looks awful, and seriously old. She has some grandma features, freal.

Anonymous said...

I know what people say about karma being a bitch and everything, but this blog is so entertaining. I'm tempted. Being a good girl gets boring sometimes...

Anonymous said...

I'd like to say that I've met multiple "gurus" so your point is now invalid dumb shit.

And no, it's not because I'm a stalker. Balir and Ellen have been to my city, another guru lives here, and one I met on vacation. Suck on that trick~~

Anonymous said...

someone left this comment on lisa takes a tumble video:

"where did this even come from? it looks fake."

LMAO, seriously? YEAH, cos someone kidnapped elle and made her tape herself fucking up.
srsly. -_-
proof that all elle and balir fans are retarded, naive, stupid, morons.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Lisa's Fumble...
Keep voting!

Anonymous said...

Good for you meeting them. What do you want, a gold star?

Anonymous said...

and some other stupid moron fan left this:

"Sorry kid, but I didn't say "OMG U GUYZ DONT KNO ITZ HER REAL NAME!!!!!1"... okay? and when I see that tweet of her actually admitting Lisa is her real name then I'll believe it, otherwise. gtfo :)"

good god, i swear their fans are brain dead or just so blinded by their love for eel and beer that they cant think straight.

Anonymous said...

"Good for you meeting them. What do you want, a gold star?"

she was replying back to someone left on here.

Anonymous said...

i need the collage of elles tweets admitting her name was lisa that someone made - halp?

Anonymous said...

oh nevermind, found it :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Lisa and Lizzy will attend the Nick Kids Choice awards on the 27th in LA.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something they would attend. So they can meet their "fans".

Anonymous said...

11:56 AM

Anonymous said...


Hitler and Charles Manson has haters. Hmmm..?

Anonymous said...

It is also something that appeals to tweens. That is the main age group that watches their videos. I don't care if they go. As long as they aren't YouTube corespondents like iJustine was for the MTV thing.

piggiecharm said...

LULZ, do you guise seriously believe the kids at the KCA's would give a shit about them having all those REAL celebs on hand. Sure. I doubt these two cunts were invited.

Anonymous said...

Lisa wouldn't look out of place at a nursing home.

TayTay said...

okay guys, two question :)

1) What is this red hot rant of 'elle' that you guys speak of? You mean the moose shiz?

2) in blairs last blogtv, was it the contributor flipadelphia that she was upset by? I just remembered when i say the username :)

Anonymous said...

The red hot rant came out during the summer. She was ranting about the name drama and pretty much avoiding the subject. She also had a red and black eyeshadow look that was ugly.

Anonymous said...

Just Voted for Lisas Superbowl fumble lmao!!!

Anonymous said...

^how did someone up there post screenshots from her red hot rant?

can they see the video?

Anonymous said...

iJustine isn't a real celebrity and she was doing an online thing for the VMAs...I think. I don't think they are anywhere near as big as her. I see companies trying to buy into the whole online thing but I agree that kids at the KCA's probably won't care at all that they are there,.

Anonymous said...

someone on here was asking how to save msn videos:
here ya go

Anonymous said...

They were taken when the video hadn't been privated yet.

And yes, it was flip who was posting Blair's real name on her blogtv.

Anonymous said...

The red hot rant video was so ridiculous. She must of regretted making that as soon as she put it up.

Anonymous said...

^ This. Of course, she explained in a tweet or comment that she took it down cause she didn't feel she owed anyone an explanation.

Anonymous said...

anyone chatroulette? this brings major lulz.

flipadelphia. said...

@ 12:47

hahah yeah. it was me. i might have ruffled her feathers a bit. ;D

flipadelphia. said...

@ 1:19 i saw that--hilarious.

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have been wishing to see the red hot rant video. Your wish will come true.

Anonymous said...

what does Michelle use to bleach her eyebrows?

Anonymous said...

So, I finally watched SOME of Kalel's video and wow, she is ugly. Sure, being blond and tan may be "attractive", but she has ugly facial features. She has small beady eyes, a wide and fat nose and then a small mouth. Her hair is stringy and her eyebrows look like little tadpoles. Her voice is so nasally too.

Anonymous said...

Michelle uses the bones of babies that she mashed up to bleach her eyebrows.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:24 You best not be lying to us ;)

Anonymous said...

I think the person who was bitching at everyone before and calling us "haters" has serious issues and is obviously obsessed with Elle and Blair themselves. Probably another money hungry guru, who is ironically jealous of them.

From what I have observed, no one here cares that much that they are getting sent free stuff, or get paid a lot. That's not really the issue. The issue is what they DO to get that money. Sure, it's not like they're working on the corner or anything, but scamming young and innocent girls is pretty awful. I have never seen anyone lie as much as them (except politicians, maybe). If you can't realize that, then you have no morals or values.

I personally don't care about materialistic things that much.. I was spoiled growing up and around a lot of spoiled rich kids, and it made me realize that material items will come and go - they aren't that important.

But no matter how much Elle and Blair have, it will never be enough. They are digustingly greedy and demanding and would practically sell their souls for a designer bag (luckily for them they don't have to, they can just scam little girls so they can buy a new one!).

Anonymous said...

kalel is not a pretty girl, she has a playdough nose.

Anonymous said...

the hater sounded exactly like spnation

Anonymous said...

I'm not lying. It'll be up. I think people should see it. I knew back in Aug when she put it up that it wouldn't be up for long. I've had this treasure for a while. It needs to be seen. It may not last long as lisa's minions will flag it and it will be deleted. She wanted her subs to see it, that's why she made it public. So when it goes up, enjoy it while it lasts.

Anonymous said...

Are you tagging it with her username or elle fowler? Maybe put it up under a random name so we can all have a good laugh at it, and then change the name after.

Anonymous said...

When it goes up, everyone here can download it before it gets flagged. Lisa's worst nightmare.

Anonymous said...

alright shady, i hope you're telling the truth ;)

Anonymous said...

I still don't get what the video is about...

Anonymous said...

I have keepvid ready LOL

Anonymous said...

Sticky is a fucking fail troll. She's going on and on about the fake Sticky deleting themselves from the internet.

Hello you horsefaced bitch, when you were posted on here you deleted everything and made your shit private.

You're acting big and bad now that the topic has changed but you were fucking shitting your pants when people were laughing at you.

Anonymous said...

She basically was saying in the vid that "Elle" was just a nickname without actually saying it.

Anonymous said...

tagged with her user name, fake name, real name, red hot rant.

i may delete tags for a while then. what do u all think?

Anonymous said...

is it possible that at this moment i am the only person beside lisa that his this vid?

Anonymous said...

Delete the tags til the vid has been up for a couple hours.

Anonymous said...

yeah, not to mention she was going a bit overboard with the whole "my cat has a stage name too!! hurrrrrrdurrrrr"

Anonymous said...

Dunno. You're the first to come forward to say you have it on the blog though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From Ellen's blog:

One more food for thought before going to bed: There is this thing called "sympathetic pregnancy" which is where a man gains weight and suffers morning sickness while his wife is pregnant. Is it a psychological condition, you can research it if you are curious. Anyway... today I noticed Bear had an eye infection. Sure enough, we got him checked, and he needs eye drops. Just like me. He is my own little sympathy lasik case.

Awww how cute. Her cat is her boyfriend. This screams crazy cat lady...

Anonymous said...

I hope the person saying they have red hot rant isn't a lying troll.

Anonymous said...

it probably is

Anonymous said...

Sticky doesn't even go to school.

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I see the video itself...

Anonymous said...

I'll release it in a couple hours and you'll see for yourself. I'm no lying troll. But understand why you would think so. I posted the red hot rant pics a few pages ago.

Anonymous said...

@2:10-Same here.

Anonymous said...

About the whole blairs real name someone posted a while back on the truth about elle and blair blog that blairs full name was laura elizabeth fowler but she goes by elizabeth. That could be her look hole on saying elizabeth isn't my first name.

Anonymous said...

wtf does keepvid now charge you to download youtube videos?

Anonymous said...

If you look at the twitter feedback they got yesterday it's a lot of OMG GMA is mean! They made you look bad. You don't get paid!!

Anonymous said...

A little random, but a parody video of the QVC sisters' haul video that this guy did...with his groceries.

Anonymous said...

2:01 #3 LOL.

I still don't understand why you say she's NEVER had a boyfriend. I mean, how do you know?

Anonymous said...

A lot of my friends go by their middle name, so it makes sense for Elizablair's friends to refer to her as Lizzy, a nickname for her middle name.

Anonymous said...

ragh how can i download youtube videos?

keepvid is now giving me some bullshit about having to buy a licence

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, keepvid is now charging people to download the vids.

Anonymous said...

2:18 I don't think anyone really knows for sure, but it's hard to picture her with a boyfriend. She's so full of herself and it goes without saying she has no personality. And as for looks, well that's based on individual opinion. I mean, maybe she did when she was younger but probably not anytime in the recent past

Anonymous said...

Thank you @2:24.

Is it me or she always seems to wear the exact same look?

Anonymous said...

whats going on with kai's speech. Its getting worse and her saliva is in overload.

Anonymous said...

i wish kai would stop trying to be some peppy girl with attitude
it just makes her look like a retard

Anonymous said...

Blair's name might be Laura.. idk. Though actually, I don't get why she'd go by Elizabeth then.. Laura is a cuter name, imo. When the thing about Jane being her possible real name came out, I tweeted Elle about it and she blocked me LOL. That's probably their grandma or aunt's name but it's stupid that she'd block me for that.

Anonymous said...

ugh keepvid! wtf!

Anonymous said...

I think Jane is an Aunt. And still a possible first name for lizzy.

Anonymous said...

shit, kai did her notorious "HELLO!"

Anonymous said...

Kai doesn't leave the house without a full face of makeup. Kai, seriously it's ok to go out without a pound of makeup on.

Anonymous said...

"what is your favourite blush to use? nars orgasms"


Anonymous said...

@2:34 LOL!!

JuicyCunt07 said...

why is no one posting anymore? the blog is dead :(

Anonymous said...

WHAT HAPPENED TO LIL KAIKAIZ?! Is she ok?! She hasn't uploaded a video in DAYS! Usually she uploads 1 or 2 vids daily. I'M WORRIED Y'ALL!

Anonymous said...

anyone looking for an alternative way to download youtube videos try this firefox addon:

its had 58 mil downloads so i think its safe

flipadelphia. said...

HAHAHAH at the random noise kaka makes @ 2:41

Anonymous said...

She has new one! Under her ForeverKailyn account.

Anonymous said...

This is going to sound so terrible but... Watching Kais videos where she's salivating seriously kill my apetite. Can't say that it's not helping with my diet, lulz.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and when she's applying lipgloss. Also kills the apetite.

Anonymous said...

OH THANK GOD Y'ALL! KaiKaiz just uploaded a video! She's ok!

Anonymous said...

@2:36 no one is posting because TRF is not here :(

Anonymous said...

lol @ JuicyCunt07
that should be blairs real username

Anonymous said...

Kai says she has normal skin that isn't dry. So why was she begging everyone to give her names of moisturizers?

Anonymous said...

She talks like a fat lazy person ... just all sloppy ... can hear the fat pockets in her cheeks work their magic with the over-abundance of saliva ... no doubt in anticipation of her next dose of pot-pie and nachos ... MOOOOMMMM!!!! MORE NACHOSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

f'in Kai ... FAS much?

Here's hoping she discovers fanny packs so she can complete her "special person" image ... f'ing Fashion of the week ... LULZ of the week more like.

Anonymous said...

Your such an ass anonymous with that fas crap

Anonymous said...

i bet we would have a big laugh if you dare to show your wonderful face

Anonymous said...

She's wearing that new dress from rugged outfitters or wherever. I smell a fashion of the day coming up.

Anonymous said...

I was there for her blogtv when she was yelling at her mom to make nachos. I was pretty horrified at how demanding she was.

Anonymous said...

I really feel bad for Kai when she can't answer questions like what her favorite lipgloss/lipsticks/etc are. "That's SOOOOOOO hard *giggleexhale*" Really? :|

Anonymous said...

making fun of people makes you feel better about your life

Anonymous said...

can you just imagine kai gathering all of that spit in her cheeks making the noise SSSShhhLLLLLLHHHHHHHHHHHHHHLLLLHHURRRRRRRHHHHHPPP

Anonymous said...

knock it off camille

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

at least kai doesn't pick on anyone

Anonymous said...

lol if you think all the comments about kai are from camille


Anonymous said...

Camille isn't even commenting here.

Anonymous said...

2:43 #2

Your comment was a bit too much, even for this blog.

Anonymous said...

i think camille would post under her own account not anon.

Anonymous said...

thuuuuuuuuper gorgeousth

Anonymous said...


Agree. Jane is probably her grandma's name.

Anonymous said...

Kai demanded her mom make her nachos on blog tv?! WHEN WAS THIS?! Does Kai even go on blogtv anymore? I've never been to one of Kai's live shows.

What happened with the nachos? DETAILS!

Anonymous said...

you're just jealous of my pool and my 40 hour makeup class bithches!

Anonymous said...

kai demands her mom to make her pot pies and sits all ronery in her room eating them whilst naked on webcam :'(


Anonymous said...


Her "fun fashion" videos kill me.

Anonymous said...

It was a long time back. Maybe last summer. She was doing an obnoxious blogtv then randomly was hungry and wanted nachos. She says, "just a second guys." You see her get up and yell out her bedroom doorway, "MOOOOOOOOMMMMM MAKE ME NACHOOOOOOSSSSS!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Are elle and blair in LA or NC?

I heard they are moving to LA this week.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

a pedophile's dream

Anonymous said...


I heard that too, but they keep saying they are in NC visiting family.

Didn't Elle say she was going to LA though?

Anonymous said...

Elle and Blair get so many subs from their contests and they never pay for the prizes themselves.

Its always glitzy glam stuff or sponsored by another company.

Cheap bitches

Anonymous said...

Do you remember when Kai was bitching about her diet? She was saying how good she was doing, eating well and going to Curves. But she was all upset because she wasn't losing anything. Then all of a sudden, she starts scarfing down a huge ice cream sundae! Before that, she was scarfing down nachos. And we all kept trying to tell her that THAT was why she wasn't losing. She got pissed and left Blogtv lulz. Never went back to Curves either.

Anonymous said...

Why are elle and blair so popular?

all they do is scam people

Anonymous said...

They still are good people.Well, they can't be bad if they banded together with RWY and Misch Phan right? (sorry, i still don't leran some words' uses)

Anonymous said...


It really annoys me that the same companies contact all of the gurus. Kind of defeats the purpose when we all talk about the same product.

I only review things I genuinely like and I am always 100% honest, but no one thinks I I don't really see the point anymore?

I'd rather have happy viewers than a pile of free products...

I'm still going to review products...I'm just not accepting sponsorships anymore. Maybe like 1 every few months.

Kalel just tweeted all that...more likely that her compulsive deleting habits means that v. few people still want much to do with her..

Anonymous said...

@3:04 PM- In there GMA interview they said people like looking at cute girls who shop and people want to live through them.

They think they are famous.

Anonymous said...

3:04 - ther are popular because they are pretty. have you seen an ugly popular make-up guru?

Anonymous said...

@3:02 LMAO I'm so pissed I never saw one of Kai's blogvs! I've been subbed to her since KaiKhaod days, how does she let everyone know when she's on blogtv? Does she still go on? When was her last show?

Anonymous said...

lol, well.... kai.

Anonymous said...


It really annoys me that the same companies contact all of the gurus. Kind of defeats the purpose when we all talk about the same product.

I only review things I genuinely like and I am always 100% honest, but no one thinks I I don't really see the point anymore?

I'd rather have happy viewers than a pile of free products...

I'm still going to review products...I'm just not accepting sponsorships anymore. Maybe like 1 every few months.

Kalel just tweeted all that...more likely that her compulsive deleting habits means that v. few people still want much to do with her..

WTF Kalel needs to shut up

she loves getting free shit

Anonymous said...

3:07 - so is KAI really popular?

Anonymous said...


Lisa and Lizzy are buttah faces.

Anonymous said...

Kalel looks like a glowing carrot.

Anonymous said...

"have you seen an ugly popular make-up guru?"

yepp...lisa is a fug
blair is the pretty one.. lisa hands down is ug to the ly ;)

Anonymous said...

so what kalel means is that she does wanna get payed for reviews but she wishes it would only be her getting the sponsorship so she doesn't look so dodgy...right

Anonymous said...

3:10 - if they are butterfaces, that means they have a nice body right??? aren't you saying that???

Anonymous said...

"have you seen an ugly popular make-up guru?"
tiffanyd is also fuggers and shes popular

Anonymous said...

kalels the biggest butterface on youtube

Anonymous said...

@ 3:11
LMAO! Oh, Kalel. I only hope to be as successful as her when I'm 21! I still love her twitter bio, "No relation to Superman or Edward Cullen...haha". She's just so darn clever!

Anonymous said...

Tiffanyd looks like celine dion and not in a good way

Anonymous said...

Omg, Kais Blogtv chats were pure gold. I WISH that someone had recorded them. She hasn't gone live in about a year. :(

Proud moments of Kai on Blogtv:

- The notorious nacho scnerio.

- Kai telling everyone that Davey makes $75k per year and then getting frustrated when no one believes her.

- Kais failed diet plan, as mentioned above.

- The AMAZING prank calls

- All of us egging on Kai to sing Taylor swift.

- Her random dance spasms which included fist pumps and getting up on her chair and shaking her ass.

- Kai on the phone with her exboyfriend. He has downs syndrome and was threatening to kill himself because she was with Davey. We tried telling her to call the police, she just sat there laughing hysterically with Davey.

- Davey throwing shit fits everytime Kai would ignore him.

- Davey saying vulgar things and Kai saying "Daveyyyyyyy stopppp itttt *giggleexhale* he's just joking guiseee"

- Kais mom coming on Blogtv and Kai getting infront of the screen or distracting her mother when someone would post the weed and bikini photos.

That's only a fraction of what went on when she was live.

Anonymous said...

i dont think panacea81 is all that pretty but shes popular too. and tiffanyd.
so yes, in answer to your question, there ARE "ugly" popular make-up gurus.

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm yeah maybe, but they are the prettiest out of those!

who is the most popular on youtube? Misch Phan! and she is the prettiest one :)

Anonymous said...

Phanny's not the prettiest guru.

shes only popular because of how shes edits her videos and her shitty voiceovers

Anonymous said...

lol um wasnt 'TheShadyOnBlast' supposed to upload ellens red hot rant video?

i dont think they have it. aah well.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

@3:15 I laughed so hard imaging those moments

Anonymous said...

OMFG I'M SO PISSED I MISSED ALL THAT EPICNESS! Lil KaiKaiz needs to get her ass on blogtv again!

Anonymous said...

What happened in Elle's red hot rant besides her just lying about her name?

Anonymous said...

shane dawson's brother has a channel now

Anonymous said...

This may sound like a mean comment, but are her subscribers being serious? When they tell her things like 'you're so pretty/talented', keep it up, or is it just pity???

Anonymous said...

95% of those comments are just us trolling her.

Anonymous said...

From what I remember, she said something like-"I would never lie to you guys." I want to see it again, though!

Anonymous said...

@3:06 I completely agree.

She was being very egotistical to assume she is being lived through ... perhaps people are being informed but then again informing is not on her priority list ...g etting payed is!

Anonymous said...

@3:22 #1 - yes and it's kinda pathetic tbh. It's obvious he's just going to ride Shane's coat tails. But he wants in on that YouTube $$$. He's the new Elle! Riding his younger, more successful siblings YouTube coat tails.

3:22 #2 - Most people watch Kai for lulz. Most of the nice comments she gets are from people who pity her and feel bad, or people just being patronizing and sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

"who is the most popular on youtube? Misch Phan! and she is the prettiest one :)"

lol foreigner always refers to her as mish.

gtfo foreigner you fucking lesbian.

all you do is come here and talk about how pretty ellen and balir are.

seriously, we're not going to join in with your lesbian fantasies about your "exotic beauties".

Anonymous said...

I think elle tried to make it seem like ppl were only mad bc in other cultures using a nickname was bad or something

Anonymous said...

btw guys, if anyone comes here and talks about how pretty ellen and balir are its that foreigner freak. ever since foreigner found this website they've been on here 24/7 posting lesbian love for the qvc sisters..

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