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Monday, March 22, 2010

Good Morning America

Yeah, basically everyone has already seen this, but it's definietly worthy of its own post since it's such a fail. For anyone who follows Lisa or Lizzy on twitter, you may have noticed that the GMA crew was with the QVC sisters for most of the day; I'm not really sure why, seeing as the segment was only was about 4 minutes long and only featured them for about half the time.
Anyway, my favorite lulz of the segment were;
-The segment was aired on Sunday morning - when everyone is sleeping in, at church, or nursing their hangover
-It was mentioned that they live in TN - They've made a huge deal about concealing this fact (even though everyone already knew, anyway)
-Lisa considered herself a "cute girl" and thinks girls want to live vicariously through her
-The reporter said that the reason Lizzy left school was because she's been so "successful"
-It was confirmed that they are paid and have an agent (for all the little girls out there who refused to believe it)
-The two hosts at the end of the segment basically laughed at Lizzy for "quitting school to shop"

The segment basically showed Lisa and Lizzy for what they really are - obnoxious, greedy, money hungry snobs.

So what did you guys think about the QVC sister's national television debut?

Other QVC sister bullshit;
Anyone remember Lisa's "Red Hot Rant" video that made her look like a patronizing, condesending bitch? Well, its baaack:

and for someone who asked, when Lizzy went to visit Lisa in NYC over the summer, she came home and mentioned in a haul that she received a Coach bag from "a very good friend of hers", otherwise known as the woman who created the HugeLipsSkinnyHips lipgloss and sent it to Lizzy to review. Of course Lizzy would never admit that someone she works with on a professional basis would buy her such an expensive gift, but here's what the women had to say about it in response to many viewers accusations;


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Anonymous said...

Elle sucks. End of story.

Needle said...

@10:44 LOL and so? @10:37 had a point.

I mean, my arms are bigger, too (not as big as hers, but I can buy a dress shirt and it will fit everywhere but the arms...) Because of that, I tend to avoid wearing tank tops like Kimi had on. It just draws more attention to your arms.

Anonymous said...


awww thanks!! Right back at ya @shanedawson

Anonymous said...

1044 i dont give a fuck, thats what this blog is here for. kimis makeup pisses me off, its so terrible

Anonymous said...

p0tpies, is that Kai? what the hell? hahaha

Anonymous said...

10:52 You don't know about the "Pot Pie" incident where Kai flashed her titties to a random guy on MSN and then ate a pot pie right after?!

Anonymous said...

new post!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to screencap, so I apologize in advance, but if you pause Lisa's Red Hot Rant part 1 video at 0:14 the fact is HILARIOUS and she looks old as shit. LOOK AT THEM WRINKLES GIRL.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh, i need to learn how to refresh the right page! oops!

Anonymous said...

Ok everwann, we got Elle's Red Hot Rant, now can we PLEASE try and find a copy of Lisa Wilcher's video!?

Anonymous said...

@10:56 no hahaha I never heard of that girl until a few days ago. But I've definitely seen her booby flashin picture before, which is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I've been voting everyday on the Bobbi Brown site.Keep voting for the redhead girl, she just took over FatEagle's spot.
The site lets you vote for everyone one time. If you have the time, do it-except don't vote for Fateagle.

Anonymous said...

1115, that lisa wilcher "INTENTION GOOGLE" (yes, dumb fuck kai wrote "intention" instead of "attwntion") was a GEM. But I believe it was on the kaikhaod channel, hence it was deleted, whereas elles redhotrant was just privated

Anonymous said...

It would be great if someone had that moneybags mom video. "Please give my daughter her ad sense back. She did nothing wrong!"

Anonymous said...

Intention Google ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

whoops, attwntion = attention... Lulz

Anonymous said...

Someone had the Red Hot Rant saved since the summer, and the just uploaded it on YouTube and shared it. Someone HAS to have "Intention Google" saved somewhere!

Anonymous said...

How was someone able to get elle's video?

It was private wasnt it?

Anonymous said...

What's "Intention Google"?

Anonymous said...

Kinda surprised Lisa's agent hasn't demanded the video be taken down. Since she's done hanging out with shane I bet they get on their computers. Where the shit will hit the fan.

Anonymous said...

They had it saved since last summer. Before she put it on private.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who is Lisa wilcher?

Anonymous said...

Kai, kaikhaod, kailyn's mom.

Anonymous said...

I doubt someone had Elle's rant saved since last summer.

The person said they figured out a way to download it.

whoever got it thank you so much

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

No i never found out a way to get it. I have had it saved since summer.
I just had a feeling she would take it down and lots of people would continue to be mislead by her.

Anonymous said...

it was public property. it was online for public viewing. she wanted her subs to see it. now they can.

Anonymous said...

i can't stand eleventh gorgeous or whatever. the brunette is always staring at her sisters lips, pretty weird. they need to grow up for real. they act 13.

Anonymous said...

Are these Lisa's sorority sisters?? omg!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do they all have horrible noses? Is that a requirement of her sorority?

Anonymous said...

if only they had just said that they go back fake names, all this could of be avoided.

Anonymous said...

I like how kai went to makeup school yet she still doesn't know her undertone color.

Anonymous said...

I seriously wonder what Kai will do for her day in the life vid. Perhaps some shopping at the Rugged Wharehouse followed by watching General Hospital and then her lounging out by her POOL in her Hot Miami Syles bathing suit while Bella is trapped inside. Hmm...

Anonymous said...

Do you think either of these are Kai's new Hot Miami Styles swimsuit?

Anonymous said...

Kalel got SO ugly, when the fuck did this happen? I know she got insulted a lot for being yellow when she first started...but she used to be so pretty.

I compared her in two screen shots here:

Anonymous said...

her nose is so ugly.

Anonymous said...

12:37-Maybe it's the lighting she uses now because wow does she ever look different! The old lighting was probably doing her a favour.

Needle said...

@12:36 For the sake of the eyes of anyone who may see her...I hope it's the first one. That has a little more coverage.

Anonymous said...

"she use to be so pretty"

LMAO you need glasses

Kalel has always been very very average looking

Anonymous said...

omgg I never was subd to kalel when she looked like that??

she looks much better in the first picture the second one shes a beaverfacee ;3


Anonymous said...

The 2nd pic of Kalel looks like she may have had cheek implants

Anonymous said...

shane dawson is a 21yr old adult who makes sexual references to minors in his videos. watch his videos for evidence

Anonymous said...

@1:09 omg she does look like a beaver face hahha and yeah cheek implants most likely, probably to look more hollywood or something but to me, her facee looks soo fat lately..n her makeup is sloppy n to shimmery sparkley.

notice it in the second picture, how her eyeshow looks so crapppy

i wish she would not do her makeup so sloppy and start wearing her eyeliner again cause she looked better when she looked more asain

quadrilaterals said...

guys why would kalel get cheek implants and ignore her nose? i don't think she's had any plastic surgery. if her face is chunkier it's probably because she does nothing but sit in her room, eating salty snack foods and retaining water.

Anonymous said...

Yep, @quadrilaterals is right. It's all the processed food that she eats. It's not good for the body.

Anonymous said...

is Kalels new name BeaverFace?

Anonymous said...

you guys, this layla grace thing is so fucked up! WHY DO I WATCH THOSE VIDEOS OF HER ON YT??? TORTURE! POOR LITTLE THING! LIFE IS BULLSHIT!

Anonymous said...

Lizzy is BULLSHITTING again!!!!:
"most of you know that my first birth name is not blair. (which, yes, is what i go by in everyday life.) what you like to think you know, but don't, is that it is also NOT elizabeth. i have not gone by my first birth name for as long as i can remember. in my town, it's not strange or uncommon to go by a middle name or nickname. i've gotta admit that i let out a little chuckle every time someone will comment on a video saying "great video ELIZABETH," because they are obviously trying to be all clever, like they know the truth. when really, it's just plain silly and childish. elizabeth is my middle name, tho. oh, and i also never went by lizzy! that was the name of my teachers tarantula, no thanks. "

BULLLLLSHITTT!!! She knows people have seen that news article in which it states her real name. Now she's trying to make it appear as if she never really lied about her name. We've seen her dad's employer page and screenshots of her real facebook - her friends all call her Elizabeth.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody by ANY chance have a copy of elle and blairs ORIGINAL sister vlog? I know they both privated it - and I really want to see it.

If I have the link to it - could someone help me figure how to access it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is shane dawson 21? the same age as lisa?

good grief lisa could pass as his mom

Anonymous said...

Shane is 25, possibly 26, I was shocked when I found out, he looks like 17!

Anonymous said...


Shane is not 25. He just turned 21 during the summer I believe.

tlaxseea said...

whats ELIZABETH's blog url ?
why does she keep lying lol makes no sense

Anonymous said...

they are the ones that have really, in the wise words of lisaellasdflk, "sucked the fun" out of it. and this little good morning america piece really really proves that. they should be ashamed of themselves. i really wish they would get off youtube.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth IS her middle name

she was being HONEST when she said she hasnt gone by her real first birth name ever.

She has ALWAYS gone by Elizabeth...her middle name.

She didnt lie this time.

tlaxseea said...

wtfff Im confused

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is her birth middle name that she has gone by her entire life.
So when those news articles came out it printed Elizabeth...the birth given name she has used her entire life.

Only recently has she started going by Blair to people that know her in real life.

She didnt lie....she NEVER has used her real first name ever. She has always always gone by Elizabeth which is her birth middle name.

tlaxseea said...

This comment thing is weird;;it takes awhile before my comment shows;;anyone else having this problem?

Anonymous said...

shane dawson is 21. have you seen the content of his videos? if i were a parent i would be worried. there is alot of content not appropriate towards underage children. shane should know better or he might be investigated by the police

Anonymous said...

is beaverface in la? she might meet up with Eel and bLiar

Anonymous said...

I just realized how ugly kalel is..her nose makes her face look disorted

Anonymous said...

oh yay the red hot rant is back...ive been dying to watch it again.

Anonymous said...

Shane is 21 and makes sex jokes about everyone and everything. Sometimes they go way too far and are completely unnecessary. This wouldn't be a problem if his fan base were college kids, but most of his fans are TEENAGE GIRLS IN HIGHSCHOOL!!! In his recent video (I think on his 2nd channel) he ran into fans at the mall and it was 3 girls who were no more than 15, and they acted like complete fan girls running away and hiding (in a fucking store) just because Shane Dawson walked in.

Anonymous said...

I used to watch Shane's blogtv's when he used to do them all the time. Most of the people in the chat were female (actually I think almost ALL of them were), and a good 85% of them were still in high school, ffs there were some 11 and 12 year olds in there and everyone was telling them to get out and how his videos weren't for them. Only like 10% of the girls in the blogtv chat were 18+.

Anonymous said...

you should take a look at these photos from page norris who is a friend of "blair":

on page 3 you can see pics of her and her friends

Anonymous said...

i hate when the blog dies

Anonymous said...

me too

Anonymous said...

@11:04 link doesnt work

Anonymous said...

where did you find the picture of Lisa's sorority sisters??

Anonymous said...

i hope child services investigate shane's videos

Anonymous said...

lisa is pretty quiet on twitter. i know she;s in LA. But I think the rant is made her mad. I wonder if she had to show it to her agent.

Anonymous said...

@11:18 that was posted last night. Maybe the poster is her facebook friend.

Anonymous said...

Does Lisa know about the Red Hot Rant yet???

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's been tweeted to her many times. But she hasn't tweeted or blogged about it.

Anonymous said...

I bet the other big guru's have watched it. Wish I knew what they thought.

Anonymous said...

well girl, the blog is dead because you miss me so much.

Anonymous said...

Ha! She said anyone who sends her messages that are "Anti-Elle" would be blocked. Guess that explains her massive blocking habit.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Elle dedicates so much time to go through and read all her comments and block "anit-elle" haters. She must be on the computer for hours a day reading the hundreds of comments she gets on youtube and twitter.

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising, it's not like she works or something... Elle dedicates her entire life to Youtube. It must be sad to be in her place.

Anonymous said...

Why did Shady private the red hot rant video?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Shady got a nastygram from Lisa.

Anonymous said...

Shady didn't private the video--it's still up.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ this comment on the GMA video!!! SO TRUE!

"Ugh what a frigging idiot, who the hell would opt to be homeschooled just to make more stupid youtube videos? Do her parents live under a rock, or don't they know that an education is the most important part of a kid's life? And that brunette isn't pretty at all, if she's aspiring to be an actress or model. Bad skin, ugly bulbous nose, and a semi-horse face - she only has one good angle, and that's straight on. The blonde's alright, and at least she finished high school. Stupid is as stupid does"

Anonymous said...

yeah if beaverface kalel was gunna get any kind of surgery, she would get that nose done.i think its funny when she talks about hanging out with know she has no one but her cat..she forces that thing to be in her videos

someone find a picture of a beaver to put next to the second its like a timeline of what shell look like by the time she become teh famous actress :)

Anonymous said...

WTF is wrong with Makeupbmel's face this girl is Fugly!!!

look at the picture she tweeted! I'm sorry this girls face looks deformed!!!

Anonymous said...

kalel the beaverrrrface

Anonymous said...

Mel is definitely one ugly snookie wanna be!! lmao

Anonymous said...

"She didnt lie....she NEVER has used her real first name ever. She has always always gone by Elizabeth which is her birth middle name."


she lied about her name when she came onto youtube...

Anonymous said...

You're going to love this. It isn't Elle that is sitting there approving comments. She makes her agent do it. HAHA!

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is wrong with the comments?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

fuck blogspot seriously.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:44 how do you know that?

Anonymous said...

Lol, I hope you're kidding about Lisa agent approvig her comments... Seriously? I'm sure her agent has other clients to tend to. Maybe the agent makes her assistants do it

How sad.

Anonymous said...

why is no one commenting?

Anonymous said...

It was her agents idea to censor the comments to keep her image up. Her agent might not personally do it but I do know that she's HIRED someone to do it. Along with Blair too.

Just check out their comments early in the morning, or when they're out. Funny how they're still approved, right?

Anonymous said...

Good point @1:02.

Anonymous said...

They probably have the people who work for Glitzy Glam approving the comments in down time.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you love to hear what the Glitzy Glam employee's have to say about the girls. Oh to be a fly on the wall.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i doubt they'd hire someone just to approve their comments lol.

Anonymous said...

her agent did hire someone. IF i can get ahold of the email, i'll post it.

Anonymous said...

Where are you getting this info from? Do you know their agent? Proof or it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear what those ladies have to say. Didn't Blair say she left school because of bullies. I'm surprised none of these bullies have trashed her on YT yet. Or maybe they have & I just didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, she didn't leave because she was bullied. :)

Anonymous said...

The bullies comments never see the light of day. But I am surprised that none of Lizzy's classmates have found this blog. And said told us all her real birth first name. lol.

Anonymous said...

yeah, she did. she said in her blogtv "i let the mean girls get to me"

Anonymous said...

Yes and she even twittered about being bullied.

Anonymous said...

You believed what she said? Oh dear.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware that people were trusting Blair now. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Damn. I was hoping she was bullied.

Anonymous said...

its probably true. just imagine how strange she must have looked to her classmates going by another totally different name on youtube. that would have looked SO WEIRD and i'm not surprised she got bullied.
plus the fact meganheartsmakeup has always talked about the "mean girls" at her school giving her a lot of grief because she does youtube videos.

Anonymous said...

Being bullied is still no reason to quit school. I call bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I could imagine making YT videos about make up & spinning a web of lies would not be considered cool by high schoolers. Esp. the guys.

Anonymous said...

If that's what you want to believe. She left school to have more time for videos and for the freedom to travel, that wasn't a joke. As far as people reacting to her "double life", no one really cared. A lot of people in our town go by their middle name, surprisingly. Myself included.

P.S. Blairs bff is planning on making Youtube videos too.

Anonymous said...

I could see her wanting to quit school because of bullies. She was crying in her last Blog TV because of the "mean people."

Anonymous said...

um, blair isnt her middle name..

Anonymous said...

I never said it was, dear. My point was that most people here do NOT go by their first names.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but meganheartsmakeup is in middle school, and she would have been in 7th grade at the time. So I'm guessing 8th grade kids were bullying her. I also wish that girl would freaking admit to her age. We all know you're 13/14!

Anonymous said...

....right? blair isnt her first name or middle name

just some random name she made up for youtube. PRETTY sure that would have looked fucking weird to her classmates. i know if someone did that in my school they would have been ripped apart.

Anonymous said...

I go by my first name.

But hey, Miley Cyrus doesn't go by a birth name either. I mean, she's a great fucking role model right? Right?

not all that glitters is gold said...


Who uploaded that red hot rant video? It's fuckin golden. It shows how much she actually lied!!! I am so disgusted by these garooos. seriously.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else find it funny how Michelle is all the time like 'yes, in my work people all the time tell me I look like Jessica Alba', 'us Asians always look younger than our actual age', 'I don't have double lids, I have TRIPLE'
(all the time trying to be special and better than anyone else).

Anonymous said...

Most people thought it was cool, especially when she started doing trips to NY for photoshoots. She wasn't bullied. But if you believe her, that's you. :)

Anonymous said...

michelle phan wishes she was white

Anonymous said...

haha, right. just like you're pretending you know her, just like tons of other people come on claim they "know" elle and blair in real life.

Anonymous said...

Balir was bullied

Anonymous said...

come on here claiming they "know" elle and blair in real life***

Anonymous said...

Yea. I'm not buying that you really know her either. Your on the wrong blog if you're trying to defend the QVC sisters.

Anonymous said...

why is blairs blogtv url

Anonymous said...

"But if you believe her, that's you. :)"

why would we believe what you are saying?

Anonymous said...

I was doing the opposite of defending her. :) You actually sound like you're defending her.

I find it hysterical that you rip apart everything she says, yet you turn around and still believe what she says. Pitty.

Anonymous said...

yeah, loads of people have bullshitted on these blogs about how they supposedly "know" elle and blair in real life and none of it is true. especially on the truthabouteb blog..

Anonymous said...

Michelle is such an idiot. How in the hell does she look anything like Jessica Alba? LOLOL

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware that this is an "Elle" and "Blair" fansite. My apologies. :)

Anonymous said...

It seems more likely that Blair would leave because of bullying. She's extremely dramatic and an attention whore. Did you not see her freaking out in Derek's video because she thought someone was going to rape her?

Anonymous said...

well, what she said seems pretty plausible. if someone did what she did, faking names and making makeup tutorials on youtube, they would have been bullied too.

Anonymous said...

if someone did what she did IN MY SCHOOL**

Anonymous said...

"I find it hysterical that you rip apart everything she says, yet you turn around and still believe what she says. Pitty."

lol so you thought you'd come on here and "pretend" you know her to try and make a point?

Anonymous said...

Her ego wouldn't allow petty bullying force her out of school. As I said, most people thought it was cool. However, she did have a bit of an attitude about being better than everyone else. That's partially my reason, anyway. Even so, she wasn't bullied.

I see that her story about being bullied has worked quite well, though. Just wait until they're settled in LA. You're in for a surprise.

Anonymous said...

look what I found!

Michelle's Boyfriend Carlos twitter page is finally not private anymore....

all he does is tweet Michelle... and here is his personal youtube page

I told you guys they were still together...michelle is just a big ass flirt with that other asian dude on twitter.

Anonymous said...

@1:41 #2 Well, because her stupid fans say so. It's incredible the big amount of stupid people out there.

'psssh, dude I love Rock. I like all kinds of music actually. I wanted to be a musician, but my mommy wanted me to be a doctor ha!'

I doubt this girl knows something about rock. I bet she listens to these japanese and korean bands.

Anonymous said...

Again, my apologies. Wasn't aware that this was their fansite. <3 Have fun defending her.

Anonymous said...

check this pic out!

Michelles Bf...wrote "my girlfriends pet rabbit"

Anonymous said...

Either way, she's still an idiot. Leaving school to pursue a Youtube career...yea, great role model.

Anonymous said...

why is this person pretending they know blair?

i doubt someone who knows blair would follow every detail on this blog like this person clearly has.

Anonymous said...

& you're still pretending to know her.

not all that glitters is gold said...

I love Lollipop26just as much as the next person but that blonde hair looks awful on her.

Anonymous said...

@1:46, Yeah, until one day she leaves him to marry to the other asian.

How is this guy named Carlos childish? I think he's more mature than Michelle, the entrepreneur.

Anonymous said...

What I've said isn't outrageous or hard to believe. I've merely confirmed what other people have talked about.

You tear them both apart but also trust their words? Silly, silly. Pick a side already.

Anonymous said...

"Again, my apologies. Wasn't aware that this was their fansite. <3 Have fun defending her."

oh i see, so we should all just pretend we know blair in real life like you are and make up a load of shit. right.

Anonymous said...

Haha, you act as if "Elle" and "Blair" are celebrities and don't know people offline. You really are fans of them, that's cute.

Anonymous said...

Everywan, ignore the person saying they know Blair. It's most likely Tyra aka "The Foreigner", they love Elle and Blair and have a lesbian crush on them, and spend all their time here defending Elle and Blair. Now they're just taking on a new persona as someone who knows them.

Anonymous said...

Yea. Weird that this person didn't say anything until someone made the comment about being surprised one of her friends never found this blog and exposed her real name, then voila- a person who knows Blair appears.

Anonymous said...

Also, everyone keeps speculating on why "Elle" and "Blair" are moving to LA. I'm going to put my money on an affiliation with The Station. "Blair" gets mentions in certain people's videos from time to time and there is also the Whatadayderek ordeal. Makes perfect sense to me. I'll bet that she is going to go work with them and have her videos done by them. Since "Blair" is under 18, she can't move there alone and her family has business ties in Tennessee. Hence the reason "Elle" is moving there with her. "Blair" needs a mommy figure. All of the talk of them doing a reality TV show and such is a bit far fetched, but The Station idea sounds plausible. "Blair" is the real ticket in their situation. Although I find her dull and at times annoying, I can see where she would appeal to young girls. "Elle" on the other hand... um NO.

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Elizabeth are so oblivious and will do anything for fame and fortune. I bet when they watched the GMA clip on them they were shocked. GMA wasn't showcasing Lisa and Elizabeth's success but rather ridiculing them for quitting school to shop and brag. I agree, youtube and haul videos are getting out of hand. It's all about advertisement and bragging. HOORAY for GMA for pointing out the obvious and having the truth come out.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Blair will be doing the station. Derek practically hates her now.

Anonymous said...

wtf you guys, why are you defending elle and blair? what did i miss last night?

TRF said...

1:53 - with the difference that this girl knows english better than me.

Anonymous said...

"Haha, you act as if "Elle" and "Blair" are celebrities and don't know people offline. You really are fans of them, that's cute."

and you're sad enough to pretend you know them in real life, thats cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the one defending them, YOU are. Funny how rabid you get the minute someone tries to confirm your speculations. It's a shame they've brainwashed you.

Anonymous said...

1:58 My point. You act as if no one here has a computer or gossips. How unheard of that someone knows them offline!

Anonymous said...

Prove that you know them then.

Anonymous said...

how is anyone defending them? just because we dont believe what some person who claims to "know" them is saying, it doesnt mean we're defending them bb.

if we believed all the bullshit people came on here and said who claim to know them without proof, well, we'd be idiots.

Anonymous said...

What sort of proof would you like, dear? My Facebook link? You won't be getting it.

All that will do is cut off my source of getting information about them. Though clearly, you don't use the information given to you anyway.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if Ellen has seen the rant video yet?

Anonymous said...

You ARE aware that "Elle" has her own sorority mates following her, right?

Anonymous said...

Exactly. You don't them. Just as we though. You can shut up now.

Anonymous said...

"All that will do is cut off my source of getting information about them. "

LOL you dont know them in real life

Anonymous said...

How do you think I found out about this blog in the first place, loves? One of your people from here added a handful of us on Facebook. Whoever it was probably knows who I am. I know they've been lurking my page, along with everyone elses that accepted her request.

Anonymous said...

Oh, are you one of girls in desperate need of a nose job in the pics of Elle in her Halloween outfit?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

would you rather know Kalel's or Lizzy's real first name?

Anonymous said...

@2:09 LOL

@whoever is trying to prove they know them. Simple. Show a picture of you with one of them, or one of their friends that's been photographed with them (you'll need to show that picture, too). Then show another picture of yourself and a sign that says "I need to vent" or "unkn0wncritic." Then I'll believe you! =)

Anonymous said...

You went from saying that you live in Blair's town, to now implying that you're one of Elle's sorority sisters. At least keep your lies straight.

Anonymous said...

why would anyone link this blog from their personal facebook?

and why would one of blairs friends follow these blogs so religiously?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of, did Blair's friend Lauren block her fb page? I can't find her anymore.

Anonymous said...


captcha: supgiess~~~

Anonymous said...

Ah, it seems that you need to learn how to read properly my dear! I never said I was one of her sorority sisters. I asked you if you were aware that they're following "Elle" on Twitter. Here, here! :)

Anonymous said...

^ yes, we know. someone linked elles roommates twitter on here a while ago.

Anonymous said...

You see, that was my point. People offline are not completely oblivious about their Youtube personas. They're always mentioned in local publications here. As I said, we do have internet here and we do gossip.

Before "Blair" dropped out, it was already known that she was on Youtube.

Also, when Googling her Youtube username (curious), this blog link was on the first page.

I still find it a bit odd that I simply confirmed things YOU had put out there. Suddenly they're bullshit, hm? :)

macbitch said...

I talked to macbarbie on AIM..she is so full of herself

she made a new youtube and had the nerve to im it to me and say " Your VIP since your the first to get the link GO SUBSCRIBE "

Bitch much?I tried talking about me but all she wanted to talk about was herself.

Anonymous said...

"@whoever is trying to prove they know them. Simple. Show a picture of you with one of them, or one of their friends that's been photographed with them (you'll need to show that picture, too). Then show another picture of yourself and a sign that says "I need to vent" or "unkn0wncritic." Then I'll believe you! =)"


Anonymous said...

Lorriane always sounds like shes congested! I cant watch her annoying videos anymore...I want to tell her to blow her fucking nose!

Anonymous said...

Kalel is not attractive and she probably knows it. The blond and orange skin is a stereotypical way to be seen as ~hot~ to guys, but in the end, Kalel is just an ugly little girl with issues and no friends.

Anonymous said...

Michelle and that Carl guy are def dating. I'm friends with Michelle on her FB, and she broke up with Carlos a few months ago. Carl is extremely popular among the LA crowd because he is involved in hollywood. He took Michelle to his birthday party, movie premiere and she sat right next to him. I have photos, but I don't want to post them.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone go anywhere for Spring Break ? I can't wait till summer to go on a longer vacation.

Anonymous said...

2:21, tell us something we don't know, then.

Anonymous said...

what dos it means when you put THIS in the end of a comment?

Anonymous said...

just post one photo then...of michelle and the new guy carl....

Anonymous said...

if you "know" elle and blair you would know why they're going to LA. go on, tell us. if you know and its true, then ill believe you really know them.

Anonymous said...

"what dos it means when you put THIS in the end of a comment?"

it means you agree with the comment

Anonymous said...

Whether you believe me or not, I do hope you find what I've been trying to lead you to. I wasn't defending them, just showing you were to look for information.

To the girl that added us on Facebook, you're close to finding the proof you wanted.

If someone else has the time, search our local publications. You'll also find more articles about them.

Maybe then you'll stop believing what she's telling you.

Anonymous said...

what does it means when you putt THIS at the end of a comment????????????

Anonymous said...

@2:25 I hate people like you. I see you caught Phanny's bragging through facebook. Pics or GTFO. Post them or don't even talk about it bitch.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Shane is 21 and makes sex jokes about everyone and everything. Sometimes they go way too far and are completely unnecessary. "

He's 21...? He acts and looks like he's no older than 17. I believe Shane Dawson is gay anyways. He is way too emotional and he gives off gay vibes. Oh and him being besties with Johnnyboyxo, a transsexual who is obviously in love with shane, isn't helping his case. They both flirt with each other over Twitter lmao.

Anonymous said...

@the person who is claiming to "know" the qvc sisters:
if you "know" elle and blair you would know why they're going to LA. go on, tell us.

then i will believe you really know them.

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