Decide for yourself;
Now, before her minions get here and jump down my throat, YES, I know she's 22, she can do whatever she wants with her body, blah blah blah, and to be honest, I think her new nose fits her better than Blair's new nose, but I just think it'll be interesting to see how they handle this. I'm guessing they'll just let their little followers fight their battles for them and never mention anything about a nose job, and block anyone who asks. I wouldn't except anything more from the QVC sisters :) It's also just interesting because both of them try to be positive role models (by saying that they only set their comments on approval to prevent their younger viewers from seeing vulgar comments) and they try to be relatable to other girls their age. Neither of these two, especially Blair, really had horrible noses to begin with, so hopefully the younger girls who actually still like the QVC sisters don't start considering nose jobs for themselves just because "ellen and balir got one!!1!"..
«Oldest ‹Older 5001 – 5200 of 6772 Newer› Newest»"I landed a plane on his chin once. True story."
omg thanks for the good laugh that just gave me!
if they've seen your glamsquad videos, clearly you don't care that you're bigger, domi... who the hell does it hurt if you use flattering pictures? doesn't everyone? like, use logic, anons. lol.
the owner of this blog is 25 and is about to be a phamacist. how do ya like them apples, lil girl? proves you can be "old" AND successful and even downright immature all at the same time.
Leesha has terrible brows. xsparkage, not the poster here.
don't you know after age 23 you are supposed to lose your sense of humor, insert a stick up your ass and have zero personality just like Elle fowler. duh.
Congrats Brooke! You reached a whole new level of tacky. Someone can't let go of the 90's.
what? i thought camille was 22/23
Ok I like reading the new posts but what are yall talking about lollll
I started reading the comments and then i was like wtf?
It had nothing to do with the post. Weird... now i see why most people who have heard of this blog just say this blog is filled with losers and its always the same people over and over. Lammeeeeee!!!!
I wish I could actually see comments about Elles nose job but damn it's all random comments about losers. hahah weird!!!!
Alright bye. If you want more people to read your blog maybe have a seperate post for you regulars randomly chattng for fun LMAO or nobody will read it.
People want to read comments about a post not about a bunch of jibberish loser talk. "i need to poop" soooo sadddddd k by bye
fuck, i'm about to turn 23. i'm gonna miss my sense of humor :( no one's allowed to be immature after 23 guiz
Congrats Brooke! You reached a whole new level of tacky. Someone can't let go of the 90's."
ugh this. i'm biasted though, i don't like nail art. i think it looks childish.
There's a difference between having a sense of humor and being immature.
I believe you mean biased you dummy.
excuse me for making a typo while typing on my phone, god forbid.
i just read an article...i need to find it again and ill post the link but it was for the new season of 90210and apparently one of the new cast members is a dark, mid back length haired southern belle who has a slight southern accent and just moved to la and she takes away one of the older casts bf's and causes alot of drama.
Your stupidity is excused! =]
Lol @ you getting upset at them over a typo. Don't be an ass.
the stick up your ass is excused too.
LOL @ you for pretending to be another person.
10:27 but blair can't act, except when being fake.
ya right
I'm not mad. Just being a bitch, with a stick up my ass of course.
Lol OKAY Jenna Olli 2.0 assuming everyone is the same person. People need to chill, that's all.
Yeah I would agree, Blair's acting is HORRIBLE. I don't think she would even come close to making it on to a show like 90210... But if she does... smh
Aww yeah. You wish I was. You know you love her!
HAHAHAHA Brooke even has the frost blue eyeshadow look to go with the theme. As much as she leeches off of Josh and Leesha you would think she had better taste.
Jenna's a hot greasy babe! Don't hate.
"I'm 34"
holy shit is one of my moms friends on this blog right now?
im 16 and my mom is 36 ya i'm leaving now knowing im pretty much posting comments to people my moms age. too weird.
Of course I love you Jenna, greasy butterball.
"HAHAHAHA Brooke even has the frost blue eyeshadow look to go with the theme. As much as she leeches off of Josh and Leesha you would think she had better taste."
exactly! tacky as fuck.
lanaindiana is almost 60 and she's "trolled" kais blogtvs several times. so suck on that. no age cutoff for immaturity now and then. go to bed lil wan
i don't like xsparkage chola brows
i didn't like kimis newest video
ive never liked any of her videos
How funny you are! I'm just sitting here smoking and fucking.
you're saying it's okay to be immature at 60 but then you turn around and tear kai apart for acting 13. seriously?
HAHA Chola brows. She did say she's not good at doing eyebrows. She's turned to the sharpie marker.
wtf lanaindiana is only 60, i thought she was 68
I wouldn't be surprised if petrilude or xsparkage were the ones talking shit about sayanythingbrooke.
lanaindiana is not almost 60? shes 53 and when did she ever troll a blog tv? liar.
She went on and on about how important brow shapes are in her newest video. I couldn't stop staring at them, they're bad.
Leesha's younger sister Chelsea is prettier than her. Like how Lizzy is prettier (but still busted) than Lisa.
Hey anon..if you are SO mature what the fuck are you doing on this blog?
no way lanaindiana is 53
Chelsea is way prettier than Leesha, I agree :x
she will admit it. ask her about going to kailyns blogtvs. why else would she be in there if not for strictly lulz at kais expense? poor kaka :(
lanaindiana is 53? no way i thought she was 45. she looks good for a senior
I don't care if you're legal, posting pics of ur disgusting hotel room and u chugging alcohol is trashy
I agree with comments about Chelsea. I loved her videos back when she made them. Not only is she prettier, she's a lot funnier.
lanaindiana is not 45!!! shes def in her 60s! she has to be, otherwise she looks like shit
I agree, Leesha. Chelsea has a lot of personality. Leesha (xsparkage) has a personality as well, but her little sister is pretty cool.
a 16 yr old saying 30 is pretty much 36 is no different than us saying that 16 yr old is practically 10. 6 yrs is a lot when you compare 10 to 16.
some people like kai sorry if you don't. i do she has never ever ever done anything to be deserving of hate. she's disabled and trys her hardest at what she does. it is not her fault her mother abused her and didn't even let her learn to talk right and get a normal education and learn about a normal life. kai has done nothing wrong towards anyone.
i love lana but if that's true, not cool. a 53 year old doesn't need to be trolling someone that much younger. just like warrens old ass doesn't need to be friends with her either.
Hold the fuck up. Kai isn't disabled. She's lazy and uneducated. In simple form: SHE'S A FUCKING MORON. Plain and simple.
Okay and still. You're all sitting there talking about the houses you own and how it's okay to troll over the age of 30. Yet Kai acts like a 13 year old and you rip her apart for it. I can't stand Kai but you are being hypocritical.
who is lanaindiana? a youtuber or a troll?
lanaindiana is a youtuber want for some reason kisses stickys ass
no legit guru would go watch/chat in kais blogtv for any other reason but to laugh at them. she came in after sticky tweeted her telling to come take an afternoon "sTroll" with Kai. everyone who goes to kais blogtvs is there to troll. all ages. teens up to 60s. get over it. respect your elders :)
are you a bunch of lazy/bored house wives or something? i didn't realize that many 30+ year olds gravitate towards this blog. hating on younger gurus because you're past your prime?
fas is a disability ;)
and if you're still not convinced have a closer look at one of kai's baby pics. she is disabled. i could be half blind and look at her baby pics and see that.
so continue to laugh at a disabled person f you want to. disgusting.
"WHATEVA, WHATEVA, I can troll and get lulz on the internet at 60 if I WANT! I can be immature too!"
"Ughh, Kai has the brain of a 13 year old. She's so immature, my GAWD. GROW UP!"
Yeah, no. It doesn't work like that hunnybuns.
go to kais blogtvs not to troll but because i like her. sorry not everyone there is a troll
no one had ever said Kai acts 13 so idk where you're getting your info. we comment about funny things she says. not about her maturity.
There are always comments about Kai acting much younger than her age, actually.
if i was 30 years old + and enjoyed coming to a blog like this for fun i would seriously shoot myself in the head and be put out of my misery
Are you talking about the whole FAS situation? If she really does have that, then yes, that is a disability. That doesn't mean she has to be a complete asshole and spiled little bitch. She's also rude. Not the sweet little princess she makes herself out to be.
"not about her maturity."
you must be new.
I meant spoiled.
i showed my mum kai's bebe fotos and she asked me if she was a disabled child. mums know these things.
we hate on older gurus too. juicytuesday. lisalisad1 talkinmakeup. glittereyes82
has nothing to do with their age little gurl
I just find it odd, really. You tell Kai to grow up and act her age but you're 30+ on this blog acting like a teenager. Grow the fuck up and stop being on little kid bullshit. I thought most of this blog was teenagers because at least then you expect the immaturity. You're an adult, come on now.
It's not even about losing your sense of humor. Most 30 year olds I know wouldn't find trolling funny, just immature and stupid.
Keep calling me a little girl, babe. If you're that much older than I am and you can't see how you're being a hypocrite, that's sad and speaks for itself.
i come here late at night when I'm bored and can't sleep. not sure how you get that people over 25 who post are lazy housewives. GO TO BED CHILD
30 years old just seems sooooooo old to me evcen 28 and 27 sound old to me and im not super young im 19
I said houswives because there were several comments about being married with children. A "child" with more sense than you. IT AINT PAST MY BEDTIME GRANDMA~
@11:00 i hope when im old and your age i can snuggle up with my hubby and he can help make me tired and that i wont go on some blog since i cant sleep. what a sad life : im sorry that hapened to you
my grandma is 80 and she trolls. are you saying she is a loser too?
ever seen jackass? viva la bam? probably the most stupid and immature guys I've ever seen. they are all mid 30s. wake up. just bc you're a frigid bitch doesn't mean everyone has to be. VIVA LA IMMATURITY!!!!!!!¿¡
Yes, your grandma is a loser. Tell her to go knit a sweater and be useful. :)
So because there are grown men making asses out of themselves, it's okay? Lol your logic, I don't even.
If you're looking at it that way, at least they get paid for doing it. You don't, so why do you bother? Grow up please & thank you.
nah, she rather stick a hammer up your asshole.
"we hate on older gurus too. juicytuesday. lisalisad1 talkinmakeup"
o rly? where are the blog posts on then huh?
I'm sorry, I just don't understand why you are even at this blog if you're so mature?
Your grandma likes it rough? No thanks.
Unless of course it's Nat again >_>
Fatnat needs to grow the fuck up too and stop trying to be Stephanie Meyer.
im not mature im 16!!! so im on this blog out of frigging boredom. my mom wont let me go out and ya im in my room bored as fuck. so i was looking at this blog after doing a google search to find that truth blog or whatever about elle and blair...not gonna lie i was curious.
but 26 or 30 dammmmmn someone hit you with a loser stick if you are on this blog and live alone and can do whatev you want and you choose this!
If you're so concerned with people in their 30s trolling and being immature, take your bitching to /b/, I'm sure they'll LOVE you there ;)
Are you saying that you also sit on 4chan when you're not on this blog?
what the hell is /b/ ??? damnn you are an expert on this blog/chat stuff kinda freaky tbh
wat exactly is 4chan? i have heard about it for so long and never knew wat it was
4chan is a message board filled with legit pedophiles and 13 year old boys trying to be bad ass. a lot of child pornography is posted there too.
my name is camille and im a loseraholic
im almost 30 but for fun and giggles i run a loser blog :/
i need help
do hackers post there too?
I completely agree with you, 11:20.
of course you agree you are the same person
Well I'm not, but good try.
do a post on that hag theresa and how she went back to her old profession hooking and stripping a little sucky sucky for a bucky
after that old man left her ass for someone 20 years younger and she didnt even get him to tie the knot first to secure her future with a divorce payout LMAO SUCKER! he used your ass and you got nothing hahahah
Camille is a fat bitch yet all of you come here and call other people fat. Hmm...
I honestly don't have a problem with Camille.
Of course you don't. You're so thankful she made this blog.
butt paste
Yeah, I'm so thankful she made a blog full of lazy housewives and old women that can't grow up.
^gtfo if you dont like it
Oh are you the one who was posting about the old farts? LOL Well I do agree with you on that one. I mean, 30 isn't old, but at that age, coming to a blog and bashing young girls seems pretty pathetic. I bet they have kids who are begging their mother to get off the computer.
Gtfo if you don't like my comment.
if i made a fake blog troller name with a picture of that cancer kid alyx juss's gay lover would you guys think that was funny?
i guess so sinced you think its funny to post pictures of people who have bad things happen to them that they were born with and have no say in it.
gross. scum of the earth would only pick on people with a disability or disease
That's exactly my point, hah. If you're an adult with children, it's sad to keep trolling the internet. As I said, the 30+ year olds I know wouldn't find it the least bit amusing to troll and laugh at young girls on Youtube. I don't see how they're trying to justify it either.
Kai probably teases people. I bet when she goes to the mall, she looks at attractive girls and goes "Eww she looks so slutty." Or if she sees an obese person she probably says "They're so fat." And then she remembers how large David is.
how many licks does it take till you get to the center of a tootsie roll?
im not sure but for $100 juicytuesday will tell ya!
fuck me, where did all these retards crawl out of of? this blog was great until everyone started to get butthurt and a few people were set on ~exposed~ everyone. cant you guys just make your own blog and you know..piss off?
wow fatneagle is 30? i thought she was like 39 at
if someone is 30 stalking girls on youtube like this like looking up their address, phone number and dads workplace and stuff honestly that is probably illegal and they could be arrested for being a pedophile. at the minimum charged with stalking a child.
^ lol no
I admit it, I used to like Blair's videos. I thought she was really pretty, but whatever surgery she had has ruined her face. She's just too ugly to watch now. It's almost painful.
How was everyones day? :)
lol @ you "arrested for being a pedophile"
i'd love to see you try and make that happen. it would be almost as hilar as fatneagle phoning up bobbi brown and complaining about "trolls" making her lose their contest. boohoo :'(
call the Internet police ! someone over age 25 posts on a venting blog that calls gurus out on their bullshit. ask fatneagle how well her lawsuit went.
"call the Internet police ! someone over age 25 posts on a venting blog that calls gurus out on their bullshit. ask fatneagle how well her lawsuit went."
LOL, ikr?
who? who are all these comments about i have never seen any of them on youtube?
"I admit it, I used to like Blair's videos. I thought she was really pretty, but whatever surgery she had has ruined her face. She's just too ugly to watch now. It's almost painful."
i agree! its like watching a different person. same with lisa.
hahaha I loled irl. anything on is fair game. the internetz po po told me so. it's there for the general public. give it up lil one :-)
"give it up lil one :-)"
I hope you're not assuming that comment about being a pedophile was mine. I think it's sad that adults are getting lulz on the internet but pulling the pedo card is taking it too far.
oh noes someone copy/pasta a entry. they are gonna turn you over to the guroo protection agency department of the Internet police. bet you're shakin in your uggs!
"Yeah, I'm so thankful she made a blog full of lazy housewives and old women that can't grow up."
Yes I guess you could consider me a "lazy housewife", but I love every minute of it! :) I'm definately not old though...I'm in my early 20s.
Hmm, someone must be jealous!
lol you are almost that ervy ingrams age ewww!!! you're old face it couger
Just because some 30 year old chicks are talking about teen girls, doesn't make them pedophiles. Pedophiles are people who are sexually attracted to young children. I don't even think older teenaged girls would be in that category. Atleast that's what I heard on 20/20.
LOL You're really pulling the jealousy card? Oh my.
yeah, its pretty fucking stupid and ignorant to call anyone thats over 20 on here a pedophile.
@ 11:50
Sarcasm, ffs
urgh, we've been through this ~exposing~ business like 3 times before. can we not go through it again? its so fucking boring and no-one actually cares.
Completely unrelated but your name puts Sour Girl by The Stone Temple Pilots in my head.
@ Leesha, that's exactly where it came from! STP is my 2nd favorite band :)
Camille did a post on Megan. she's 14. that's borderline.
Pedophilia is a completely different issue. It shouldn't of even been brought up. This isn't To Catch a Predator.
I agree. The pedo comments really aren't necessary.
"Camille did a post on Megan. she's 14. that's borderline."
yeah, calling her out on not sending contest prizes. are you really going to class that as pedophilia? really now? do you even know what a pedophile IS?
we've got some really dumbass people on this blog.
To be completely honest though, Warren gives off strong pedo vibes.
Well, Warren wouldn't be a pedophile seeing as how Kailyn is 20. He just likes younger women, whether it's sexually or just in a friendship sorta way. I don't think that man is going around chasing young kids.
being in possesion of child porngraphy or have viewed child porn is a major felony
yo yo yo
Warren does the same thing to 13 and 14 year old girls. That really isn't appropriate.
"and if you have ever seen that or have a copy of that you can go to jail for 20 years. seriously."
you do know kai and davey would be charged for distributing child porno too, right?
Lisa wilcher is here guise!!!
"you do know kai and davey would be charged for distributing child porno too, right?"
well i'm off nao
have a nice day everywan <3
dont let lisa wilcher scare you too much guyths ;)
IDGAF if he is in a fucking wheelchair.. Warren is a pedo. You can see it miles away. He creeps me out to no end. I couldn't even get through ONE video. Ugh.
Favorite benefit products?
Warren is creepy.
wow... smh
warren is creppy is an understatement!
Warren is a bit odd, but I just can't imagine him being a pedophile. Unless we confiscate his computer to search for child pornography, I won't call him a pedophile. I feel bad for the guy. However, he does need to lay off Kai.
Okay so Kimi is far from beautiful, but she could make herself look so much better. If only she would improve her hygeine, get rid of those tacky piercings, darken her hair, and learn how to properly apply makeup in decent colors...
Kimi would look better if she:
- Washed her hair and actually did something with it
- Stopped abusing eyeliner
- Took out the piercings
- Learned how to dress properly
- Stopped with the clown makeup in general
12:38 AM but then she wont be thuper special :(
god it is so apparent now :(
OMG look what Kandee Johnson tweeted! This old hag is ridiculous! She is like almost 30 years old and she really gives a shit what ppl say about her! Her subscribers are soooo fucking dumb!
Calling on my Kandee-Army...can you guys go leave nice comments to over-power all the haters leaving me mean comments on this video? some are soooo mean!
that girl being in all of kimi's vids is starting to creep me out. does she live there now? doesn't she have anything better to do?
I can't stand Kandee. Get over it lady, there are people that don't like you. I think it's pathetic that she has to ask people to be nice to her because people are "mean" HOW OLD ARE YOU FFS?
at least kandee doesnt censor her comments on her videos like kalel, blair and elle
1:23 shes pretty close to censoring when she asks her "army" to come and leave "nice comments" and also removes all of the "mean" ones.
^ not dead, just asleep
lol after all the comments in here about michelle's hair looking disgusting and how she should change her hair color...
she did. with TWO hair dye boxes.
and is any of you "daisym888" on twitter? you're soo mean/funny to the gurus, lol except for michelle. wtf man, she's the worst.
What is wrong with you hags? I google a place to blow off some steam and I run across a bunch of makeup people who are pissed off at the world. Did your daddy not hug you enough when you were a kid? Now you have to rag on everyone else to make them feel as bad as you? Fuck...
What is wrong with you hags? I google a place to blow off some steam and I run across a bunch of makeup people who are pissed off at the world. Did your daddy not hug you enough when you were a kid? Now you have to rag on everyone else to make them feel as bad as you? Fuck...
I love this guy.
LMAOOO. If you start to type into google, "I need to ven.." guess what comes into the drop bar?
"I need to vent elle and blair"
I'm fucking glad people are searching that on Google.
That is all.
new post on twirler0218 ,i want my money back and i have some proofs if you want to
whos that, 5:07?
What did she do, 5:07?
her screen name in youtube is twirler0218, she is a thief she took money from me and other girls in order to get us discounted designer bags and i never heard from her again so as they.
you can check the comments on her page just go to the second comment page and see for your self!!
twirler0218 Hey guys, I know its been a long tough road and I deserved everything yall said about me. But in the spirit of moving forward, Im updating my list of sample sale websites since it's become a great past time of mine. I hope you'll check those out for great deals on anything from Juicy Couture, Tarte, Rock and Republic, Seven for all mankind, Urban Decay, BCBG, Furla, Demeter, KRMA, Ed Hardy, Stila and sooo many more.
**I do hope to one day make a video explaining everything. But for now, patience (2 weeks ago)
this messege was 2 weeks ago. so what now???
and its been more than 1 month since we gave her the money
Oh shit. Really? Thats way illegal. You need to call the police.
Wow. Twirler0218 is a scammer guys.
MrSasasara (1 month ago) Spam Marked as spam becoming a joke!!!! this girl should be behind bars...for scam !
lindanc42 (1 month ago) Spam Marked as spam Really? What kind of shitty @ss person (YOU) would offer to give their subscribers a "good deal" on replica handbags and then completely lie and STEAL OUR MONEY, ignore all of our comments, emails and mesages and then never follow through on sending the handbags to the people who PAID for them!!! You are total scum for what you are doing to all of us regardless of what your excuse is!
glamourgossip981 (1 month ago) Spam Marked as spam whats your excuse? you better speak up.
lindanc42 (1 month ago) Spam Marked as spam To everyone who bought a bag recently and did not receive it...please message me. I have some news.
remshoe (1 month ago) Spam Marked as spam Please dont tell me you are just gunna log on again then never respond to us?
are you kidding? well hopefully when your college classes end you can finally get back to us...
This is KIMIS girlfriend
Swear to god lol I know for a fact.
Kimitoxxxics girlfriend (Holly) mentions their haul together :) awh. Cute.
i remember that twirler girl- she made that video calling lisa and elizabeth out. its sad that she has turned out to be a scammer just like them :/
i really hate Michelle's latest video. she looks so bored out of her mind. its pretty clear that she doesnt make videos bc she thinks its fun. she's doing it to make money and even SHE doesn't enjoy her own videos.
I just flagged both of Lizzy's new videos for mass advertising.
good god 2 new vids she's admitting to being paid to do -- how dumb are her subs?
who would give some complete stranger money for KNOCK-OFFS?
I'm also going to spam some comments maybe you tube will take another video down for spam
I just flagged blair's new video and some comments. It would be hilarious if another video of hers will get taken down, you know she will be PISSED.
Yay! it a flagging Blair's new video party!! WHooo Hoooooo
lol I cant believe you guys haven't thought about doing this until now
^ lulz, how dya know?
lorraine said it in her new video. now i bet all the little girls will want a lisa taubes necklace.
how random for jane lynch to come in the store. weird.
its hard for me to love or trust any guru after seeing this blog!!
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