Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Yup. Everyone who comments here totally called it - MONTHS ago.

Blair and Elle are moving to LA

Come on, guys. How many of you legitimately thought that Blair was sooo generous that she'd let her 7 year old sister move into her huge room while Blair stuffed all her shit into another room less than a third of the size? But let's just backtrack several months. Blair had been talking about how she needed to be done with high school in May - an entire year early. Why, Blair? What "big project" do you have coming up? Naturally, the clever people on this blog instantly knew that her and Elle were likely moving, and probably to LA, where their agent is. Then this facebook conversation surfaced;

Yeahhh. Fast forward to earlier today. In Blair's new June Favorites video, she would not STFU about some makeup artist named Gabriel. They're obviously good friends because they tweet back and forth to eachother;

HMM LOOK AT THAT. As soon as Blair oddly announces that shes changing bedrooms, we find out that she's moving to LA. Soon. Anyone wanna bet on how long she'll try and say her new apartment in LA is the "guest room" at her parent's house that she talked about?

When do the lies stop!?


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Anonymous said...

wow! looks like i need to get into the custom "jeanzz" business if there are idiots who will buy such crap!

Anonymous said...

Why is the blog so slow and dead now? Hardly anyone comments anymore :(

Anonymous said...

:(((( RIP unknowncritic

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

theres just nothing going on recently. lame.

Anonymous said...

no moar comments): wah

RIP unkn0wncritic

you had a good nice long life but you simply couldn't handle it when the drama dried out.

sad to see you go little buddy. you had a nice run.


Anonymous said...

someone please tell me how the fuck this girl has almost 4k subscribers?

Anonymous said...

i've been trying to find a vidcon video with kristin in it but so far nothing. lol, did she tell people not to film her?

Anonymous said...

Nah, this blog'll never be dead so long as guhroos are doing stupid, money-hungry things.

Arezu said...

I found this guy through here, but I was watching his recent video and thought that this 10 year old boy is better at make-up than elle/blair/megan and all those "beauty guru" girls put together.


moar fail plz kthx said...

@arezu lmao. he needs to go get his eyebrows waxed

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are freaking out over the whole "Getting hair and makeup done" and "just filmed first scene" for no reason. Guys come on. There are thousands upon thousand of unsuccessful television shows that never get picked up by any studio or movies that don't get any producer or go straight to video. Guys calm down. We don't even know if it's even big or hell they could even just be in the background of something. Come on. Chill.

Anonymous said...


Arezu said...

@ moar fail plz kthx - yeah but his make-up is not bad no?

I need to vent.. said...

holy shit, i just saw this pic in the link dump that i've never seen before;

Kai and her DAD

she.. kind of looks like him? idk, doesnt really seem like she looks like EITHER of her parents.. hmm..

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I see a hint of her mom in her face. It's only every once and a while though.

Anonymous said...

more proof that momma wilcher couldnt put down the sauce when she was preggo

Anonymous said...

i wonder what elle and blair are working on now. it's weird how elle mentioned on twitterblair was late for work they have never mentioned in the past when they were doing anything.

Anonymous said...

Kai used to be so SKINNY what happened in only 2 years???

Anonymous said...

lol Kandee removed her "cheap flawless foundation" video- probably saw all the comments about her using MUFE and not Loreal. Only makes her look that much more guilty by caving into the claims!

Anonymous said...

Yep, I was just about to say that Kandee removed the Loreal foundation video. She didn't have the FTC disclaimer on the other one when I checked, if she tries to put it back up edited, I'll report her to the FTC.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL WHALE GIRL She's ugly. I always feel secondhand embarrassment for youtube music video, they try to seem soooo dramatic lip synching to miley cyrus lulz

Anonymous said...


Kai got pregnant and then had an abortion, allegedly.

Seriously, her weight gain was random and out of no where and it coincided at the same time pregnancy and abortion allegations were made by people who "knew" Kai.

Anonymous said...

darlingdivachic is better than elle/blair/most other gurus, which just shows being a ~beauty guru~ isn't about talent, just looks and popularity

Anonymous said...

lulz aren't lip synching vids sooo 2005? like when youtube first started? maybe she didn't get the memo.

Anonymous said...

I think the curly, shoulder length hair Kai has in that pic is a lot better than the bob she sports now.

Captcha: ausene
Momma Wilcher says, "Ausene you post that pic, Camille."

Anonymous said...

jfc kai changed so much in 2 years! it looks like kai was like 14 in that pic and now she looks like she's a 30 year old ~cool~ soccer mom

Anonymous said...

No matter what hair color she has, and no matter how she applies makeup, Kai will always be ugly.

Anonymous said...


Kai changes a lot. Every few months she's changing her haircuts drastically and her weight is always fluctuating. And she never sticks to one makeup ~look/style

Anonymous said...


True, she can't hide the FAS. I wonder what Kai would look like without FAS. She probably wouldn't look that bad.

Anonymous said...

I still have that Kandee video up. I'm debating whether or not to do something with it...

Anonymous said...

LOL at when little girls come here to promote themselves. darlingdivachic is nothing special and she sounds like a man. gtfo.

Anonymous said...

wait... IS darlingdivachic a man?

Anonymous said...

@8:22 At least screen cap the part where she clearly has the MUFE foundation.

Anonymous said...

or maybe record it/ video cap the part where she has the MUFE foundation but says it's the Loreal one?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

divadarlingchic is guy, hes name is ben and he wants to be like phanny

Anonymous said...

I can't. :( The idiot I am tried to make it full screen and it wouldn't let me because the user had taken it down... :/

Anonymous said...

Where the fuck has Kai been?! Did she drown while "laying" in her pool?

Anonymous said...

this blog is dead because all you idiots kept hating on trolls with accounts

Anonymous said...

I respect DivaDarlingChic way more than Jus. At least DDC is comfortable with himself and doesn't have identity issues and try and be something he's not like Jus. Jus's goal is to be like GregoryGorgeous... or if he wants to be a female (does he know which gender he identifies with?) he wants to be Elle and Blair.

Anonymous said...

lilkaikaiz <3 please get clip ins

Anonymous said...

is juss thumbing up his own videos and having alyx help him? when we start to thumb down it, suddenly people come out of nowhere raising it back up. the fuck?

Anonymous said...

I like Megan but then she starts associating with people like Allie and Cityandmakeup...

Anonymous said...

jus has a large fupa with loose labia lips hanging out at the bottom

Anonymous said...

he wishes he had anything close to a vagina.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kai,

Please grow your hair out to this length. It looks better than your current hair.

Anonymous said...

43 minutes ago
what rumors i havnt heard any

40 minutes ago
@xxshannonxmariexx no i mean in my personal life

Uhh, how about your contest drama Allie? And at .40 she says "In my personal life and on youtube"
Allie you are such a bad liar

Anonymous said...

the eminem poster in the background LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kai.

Anonymous said...

how did her teeth get so messed up like that? seriously worse teeth ever. her teeth are still crap but way better then they were.

kai is a lazy, mooching POS, but honestly all of this could have been prevented with better parenting. Someone should've called CPS on mama wilcher back in the 90s.

Kai may not have had a chance in the beauty department, but maybe she could be at Harvard right now. Or at least community college. ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

aside from her teeth, kai was prettier back then. idk, i find her way more annoying and stupid now. she was timit and not as big of a bitch when she started. she was a lot thinner too and she didn't rock the special ed bob she has going on now.

Anonymous said...

: (

Anonymous said...

Lorainne got another peel. lol

Anonymous said...

10 peels can't help that amount of fug.

Anonymous said...

She doesnt look fugly, she has been shwing her face in her v logs and looks decent

Anonymous said...

"special ed bob"


Anonymous said...

allie is being called out on copying megan. megan is posting quotes on twitter about being original and imitations. lulz uh oh!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ellefowler At the Ivy for dinner. Super cute but a bit quiet since it's Monday. Longest work day EVER!

Anonymous said...

@9:52 link to tweets?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I remember this is the first video I ever watched of Blair. It was featured on the front page and I clicked the thumbnail out of curiosity. I had never bothered to make a youtube account before, but I liked her videos so much that I made one so I could subscribe to her channel.

I didn't take long for me to notice that her videos were becoming advertisements. Then I discovered this blog around February.

I hope Hollywood eats them alive.

Anonymous said...

idk how to link tweets but her twitter is meganheartsm.

Irritated... how is it possible for me to stay original....? At this rate... it isn't.
about 1 hour ago via web

" Be yourself, not a secondary imitation."
12 minutes ago via web

Anonymous said...


Rugget Warehouse said...

@9:56 Lol I subscribed to both Elle and Blair because other gurus kept mentioning them, but it was like a month before I actually watched one of their videos haha and Blair's accent is so terrible.

Anonymous said...

Here is my problem with Lorainne. She is not a girl's girl. Know what I mean?

I totally support my gf's. I help them look hott and am not jealous if they get attention. I like being a small fish in a big pond.

Lorainne could never handle the big girl's club .

Anonymous said...

lorraine isn't the most gorgeous girl in the world, but you guys talk about her like she looks like kai or something!! jeez.

Anonymous said...

she isnt ugly, but she isnt hot enough to act the way she does. That is a fact. Plus she is rude to subscibers and isnt a nice person.

Anonymous said...

she isnt ugly, but she isnt hot enough to act the way she does. That is a fact. Plus she is rude to subscibers and isnt a nice person.

Anonymous said...

"she isnt ugly, but she isnt hot enough to act the way she does."

That's how I see it too. Lorraine seems really insecure though with the peels, surgery and camera angles.

Anonymous said...

^ have you seen that shrek looking bitch in her imats pictures? jesus. i wouldn't have gone period if that's what i looked like on an off day.

Anonymous said...

and the constand comments about how her boobs are not saggy.etc. YES IT IS BEACAUSE THEY ARE PLASTIC! if I were her making the videos, I wouldnt want to insult women. Thats sooo sad and pathetic. she is not a nice person. She will learn about the real world after she moves from mommi and daddi and has no one to talk to . Hey Lorainne, be nice and maybe you would still have friends , a bf and not depend on youtube and Debbi for company.

Anonymous said...

Who is this Ingram person and why is he known as a pedo?

Anonymous said...

allie lies about like everything. have you seen her comments to her subscribers? she gets so defensive and has some weird excuse for everything. and i highly doubt she is using the backgrounds because "the brown wall is ugly." i bet she is going to come back from "vacation" and say, "well you guys all love the backgrounds so i decided to keep them." blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

what constant comments about how her boobs arent saggy? i have only heard lorraine mention that in one video.
not all girls with big breasts are saggy and if they are then you should get implants cuz thats just nasty. i would rather have breast implants any day over saggy.
and no don't worry i'm not lorraine.

Anonymous said...

Kalel Cullen MissKalelCullen

I think I'm going to make a HUGE change to my hair...I'm super nervous.


Anonymous said...

Lorainne is a symbol of what is wrong with this world. Sefish, entilteled and brainless. Very sad. I wont even comment on anything. I hope it is an age thing. She is 25. Hopefully by 30, she has something of value in her life. She is worse than the qvc sisters. IMO. I used to watch Lorainne on blog tv, she was soo insecure begging for attention. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she's going to dye her hair dark again. I saw an old photo of her with black hair and it looked SO much better than the blonde.

Anonymous said...

10:44. Iam a 34dd all real. I get a lot of attention from my breasts. I am also very pretty and have a great face. I know in the future my breasts will sag. I am married and I dont care if they hang to my knees. LOL. My husband and I will pick them up and stuff them in a bra. I am not against PS. It is a personal choice. I was blesssed with natural beauty, but I would never try and insult anyone to make myself appear better in any way. This is why I have good things in my life. I am humble. I could get into an accident and lose my looks, then what. I thank god I have a great man by myside and good friends that love me for me. That is true strenth my friend!

Anonymous said...

i like to look good for myself and i find saggy breasts disgusting.
if my breasts ever sag i will be getting plastic surgery asap.

Anonymous said...

10:58 thats is sad you hate yourself so much. It really is

Anonymous said...

You say it's disgusting but it happens to every woman with age. That's the way gravity works. Feel free to get plastic surgery but when you're 60, your breasts aren't going to be perky anymore. Your ass is going to sag too babe :)

Anonymous said...

Elle's at the Ivy? I heard that fried chicken is $25.00 there, plus it's no even good. People just go there because the place is a status symbol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 11:01. I thank god I have a good grasp on reality. WTF is wrong with all the self hate? I am also going to be proud of ever line I earn on my face. Perky boobs does not get you love hun.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

my favorite guru is xxmakeupiscoolxx idk why u all hate on her

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i have love hun i have a bf that ive been with for 3 years.
i would not want to look in the mirror and be disgusted with what i see.
to me i am disgusted at the appearance of saggy breasts. and would not want them :)

obviously at like age 50 plus im sure they will sag and at that point i would be ok with it but any younger i would be seeing a plastic surgeon asap just because to me i find saggy breasts unattractive and would not be willing to "embrace" sagginess until i am a senior citizen.

if you dont mind being in your 20's or 30's with saggy tits well thats your choice and more power to ya.

Anonymous said...

u stfu xxmakeupiscoolxx is better than u bitch

Anonymous said...

i let my eyebrows grow out for a month so i could look like xxmakeupiscoolxx she is my idol!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That ugly, bushy eyebrowed, midget needs to stop stalking this blog and whoring herself. Watching her makes my eyes bleed.

Anonymous said...

I think Kalel would look so much better with a darker hair color, and a sort of pixi-cut.

Anonymous said...

isnt xxmakeupiscoolxx related to jus perfectlygorgeousx? i remember people saying they looked alike and someone mentioned they were sisters (well brother and sister)

Anonymous said...

Thuper thexy.

Anonymous said...

xxmakeupiscoolxx is better than all of you so suck it

Anonymous said...

wtf, that youtuber is just a little girl. You are all seriously picking on her?

Anonymous said...

no!! i love her and everyone is being mean 2 her :(

Anonymous said...

Lulz at the midget defending herself. We wouldn't be picking on the girl if she wouldn't come here and whore herself out.

Anonymous said...

im not her i just like her! she has over 9,000 subs. how many do u have? thats what i thought shut up fatty!!

Anonymous said...

Lulz. Mkay bb. Maybe if I made videos I would care? And really fat? That's your best comeback. I'm not over-weight but nice try. ;)

Anonymous said...

u sound fat fatty mcfatfat!

Anonymous said...

Fattty mcfatfat? You must be subscribed to Katharine, you sound about 10.

Anonymous said...

and u sound fat :)

Anonymous said...

Fail troll is failing. Oh those strikes at my ego are just so tormenting please stop! I can't take it!

Anonymous said...

stop using big words plz

Anonymous said...

Fail troll.

Anonymous said...

fail what ur weird

Anonymous said...

wtf? She shows a lip conditioner that has not even been used as her june favourite...
and alot of it seems like a paid advert...

at the end

Anonymous said...

Go to bed little girl.

Anonymous said...

not tired i have a youtube lol wanna see

Anonymous said...

ugh. Just GTFO makeupiscool you keep spamming this blog with your youtube. NO one wants to watch a a midget-looking bushy eyebrowed 12 year old.
We are not interested in tips from you or gbonita.

Anonymous said...

y are u so mean i didnt do neything :(

Anonymous said... see thats me im not xxmakeupiscoolxx i just like her channel!! u r all sooo mean its not nice

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wat does gtfo nao mean

Anonymous said...

is that ur name my name is hannah

Anonymous said...

I wish I could punch you.

Anonymous said...

ur so mean gtfo nao :( i wish i could giv u a hug

Anonymous said...

My name is not gtfo nao You are possibly the most annoying thing evar how did you find this blog? You're like 10 how about you go to bed.

Anonymous said...

cuz xxmakeupiscoolxx told me n i wanna stick up 4 my friend im not tired!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gtfo nao n me are friends now :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

No. You and the midget are in the same category.

DazzledAndConfused said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's Las Vegas Barbie.

Anonymous said...

dear loser: you have no life clearly if you are on this sort of a blog so much instead of living your own life.

it sounds like offing yourself might really be the best answer. nobody wants to live in misery and on this sort of blog all day long during the summer. if that was what i did with my time and life i would have been dead a long time ago.

captcha: sueicde
hmmm is that a sign for you? hmm

Anonymous said...

i love watching panacea81 on british tv :)

Anonymous said...

PerfectlyGORGEx Omg yay I did the laundry all by myself

lmao ok jussss what are you like 10??? so sad that someone at the age of 16 and a half considers that a proud accomplishment to mention public on twitter

when i was 16 and a half i already owned my second car and had loads in my savings account from my job

i'm 20 now and some of these almost adult bloaks in the usa make me wonder how they even get through day to day if at 16 and a half they think they deserve an award for knowing how to do their own laundry and wash their own knickers lmao. bloody pathetic

no wonder the usa has a bad rep thanks to these idiotic rituals of wanting a pat on the back for completing a cycle in the laundry while being almost an adult and able to vote

Anonymous said...


can you guys send me some unique video ideas that are not like anything you have ever seen on youtube. they can not be videos on...

...that are like other gurus cause the minute you do something some what similar, it's "copying".
2 minutes ago via web
Reply Retweet

Yea no its copying when u morph yourself and your filming setup to look like someone else.

ALSO, she tweeted:

ok i took my last video down for reasons that i can't really talk about but you can always message me if you need help

earlier today, WHY did she take it down???

Anonymous said...

xxmakeupiscoolxx's parents are probably little people. no joke.
that "disgusting" video = LMFAO

does she have any friends to play with during the summer? all she does is make multiple videos, all day, every day.

Anonymous said...


So you observed a spoiled 16-year-old American and concluded that all American teenagers are the same?

Brilliant logic.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else laugh during Kai's what's in my purse vid when she pulled out her "feminit...feminit...girly" pads??!! LOL!!! It's not her fault she has a heavy flow and a wide- set vagina!

Anonymous said...

Did glassshitterbeauty really just ask for original video ideas? Uhm how about you be the original one and think up the shit for your self. Shows how original you are and How you are definitely not copying Megan.

Anonymous said...

'sup bitches? any QVC sisters news?

Anonymous said...

Just that they're both in la and have some type of "job".

Anonymous said...

what video did allie put up that she deleted?

Anonymous said...

Allie looks even more guilty by tweeting that. It makes it obvious that megan was talking about her now. Allie is stupid. If you cant think of your own ideas for videos, then get off youtube.

Anonymous said...

left this comment on lizzys IMATS video

"FTC Disclaimer:
IMATS was sweet enough to donate the free tickets. i am not being paid by any company mentioned for this video. all opinions are my own."
ummm you ARE being paid you liar - WITH FREE TICKETS TO GIVEAWAY ON YOUR CHANNEL. giveaways get you more views and subscribers (=more money for you), and IMATS gets publicity in your video in return. when was the last time you actually PAID for a giveaway prize with YOUR own money?? stop pretending you're not about getting rich

not that any of her tard fangirls are going to get it though... they actually think shes doing it from the kindness of her heart...

Anonymous said...

6:11 u mean because of all the traveling? well, whatever it is it's about the move to LA no doubt. they're probably traveling to shoot in different locals, no way do they need to fly out that much just to strike deals with companies and sponsorships, they can do that over the phone most of the time. so it's either a reality show or something like that

Anonymous said...

i like allie but when she just got done copying megan and getting bullshit about it why would she make a pictures video just like megan

Anonymous said...

City&fug is such an insecure bitch. I left her a comment on that vote for me video, that wasn't even remotely mean. I said that I agreed with that 'weenis' (or whatever their name was)person's comment, and that I still liked Stephanie. However there were a couple of girls on there who seem like they deserve it more. Something along those lines. She fucking blocked me. I wouldn't care if she deleted my comment, but really? She needs to get over herself. It's funny how she said none of it hurt her feelings, yet she went on a blocking rampage and kept tweeting about how 'stupid' we were for disagreeing with her. I USED to like her, but now I see that she really is just an insecure bitch.

Alexandra said...

I already posted this under the "links" thing. But... check this out:

So, remember Elizabeth/Blair/Juicystar07 's video where she's raving about Bath & Body Work's lotions or whatever? She did some SPONSORED video where she tried them for seven days and "loved" them.

I found this on her old blog. She was imitating Massie Block from the Clique series and doing and "ins" and "outs" post. Wellll... check what she had under "out."

^ that's a link to the actual post.

Below is a screenshot of it; if for, whatever reason, she decides to delete it.

yeah. she "loved" those lotions my as

Anonymous said...

what is meganheartsmakeup twitter?

and i think allies hiding something about her extesnsions. she said shes not gonna do a video on them since there are so many out there.
but then she goes and makes a red lip tutorial? there are way more of those out there then extension videos. and now shes gonna do another uncreative idea her skincare routine.

Anonymous said...

7:29 ahahaha blair cant keep up with her lies. i wish camile would make a post about this! i know it's not breaking news but it is cut and dry proof of what lizzy fowler is all about - MONEY AND LIES.

Anonymous said...

7:29 sorry but that post is from last summer. your point isn't really valid....

Anonymous said...

@7:36 megan doesn't have twitter.

does anyone know which video it is that blair said something along the lines of "this is actually the first time i would ever order the product myself". because that is also proof that in all the videos before she was lying saying "it's my fave!"

Anonymous said...

megan does have a twitter:

Anonymous said...

Megan has a new twitter.

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah!

Anonymous said...

Someone should ask moar fail to message megan about this new Allie drama

Anonymous said...

How about you ask Megan yourself retard

Anonymous said...

i wonder if this person would give out any info. shes working with elle. maybe if someone who has a public twitter so she can see your tweets msgs her and says "too cool! what are you filming? a commercial? tv show?" or something she might budge

Anonymous said...

i don't know who keeps saying jus is spoiled. are you kidding me? look around his room he doesnt have many nice things. he has just a few perfumes and when he does hauls he usually has boughten just one thing and even showed his samples he gets from sephora all the time as a haul. he definately does not come from a wealthy family that spoils him. he has said before too how bad he wants mac brushes. if he was spoiled he would have had them by now.

Anonymous said...

hello pretty ladies

new kai video

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lilkaikaiz, "hello pretty ladies" is never gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

lol capcha...untry

Anonymous said...

why is this blog so dead :(

Anonymous said...

With that haircut, gray streaks, not being able to drive, and now "hello pretty ladies", Kai is getting closer and closer to being like a grandma everyday.

Anonymous said...

7:56 it's still valid. she blogged that bath & body works products are "ew" and later raved about them in a sponsored video. it proves that she's lying when she claims her reviews are her honest opinion, that she'll never push products on her subs if she doesn't believe in them just to get paid. her "opinions" are whatever she's being paid to think, just like all the other crap she's paid to rave about and then she NEVER uses it again... now THAT would be an awesome post.

Anonymous said...

lol how the fuck can "health" be out? what a shitty and insensitive thing to say. and of course shitzy glam and lush are ~in~.

captcha: latard

lizzy is a latard.

Anonymous said...

7:56 I mean I guess you can say the girl is entitled to change her mind, but not when there's a definite pattern since she does this sort of thing over and over again, then it's just a serial scam plan.

Anonymous said...

9:44 is "out". she must've been on a bulimia high when she wrote that dumb fucking blog entree.

Anonymous said...

omg how many skincare products does this bitch use on herself. Fuck me, how does she use these every night on herself. I cant figure it out...
so she uses the liz earle cleanse and polish morn and night. the 2 different serums, one in the morning, one at night, the eye makeup remover then the eye cream and im guessing not moisturizer because of the serum

Anonymous said...

5 minutes ago
hey kai!
my names sarah and im in my teens, i see on websites like unkn0wncritic all the hate u get.. and i wonder why on earth!? your just a girl who wants to share her makeup tips with us. i love ya kai!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Liz Earle 'Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser'

morning and night + night again

Origins 'Brighter By Nature'

2/3 times a week

Estee Lauder 'Idealist' (Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher)

Estee Lauder 'Advanced Night Repair' Serum
one in the morning one at night.

Origins 'Plantidote Mega-Mushroom Eye Makeup Remover Pads'
after cleansing for mascara

Origins 'GinZing' Eye Cream
every night on eyes.

mega mushroom moisturizer
?? dont know when

Elizabeth Arden 'Eight Hour Cream'
lips at when its bad

Clarins 'Intense Bronze Self Tanning Tint'
at night after skincare

Clinique 'City Block Sheer SPF 25'

Estee Lauder 'DayWear Plus' (SPF
15 Sheer Tint Release Formula)

lol damn...

I just cleanse my skin, use my acne cream and moisturise once in while.

Anonymous said...

obviously she doesn't use most of that shit, she's just plugging it like the whore she is.

Anonymous said...

Some of these aren't really skin care. There's fake tan, body butter and tinted moisturizer in this list!!!! She's just taking care of her skin imo!

Anonymous said...

Some of these aren't really skin care. There's fake tan, body butter and tinted moisturizer in this list!!!! She's just taking care of her skin imo!

Anonymous said...

"Forever 21. Forever 21 is in discussions with two of the Internet's most popular haulers, sisters Blair (17) and Elle (21) Fowler, "but nothing is solidified," says Kirstin Nagle, marketing manager."


UHM if those bitches get sponsored / make an endorsement deal with forever 21 i'm never shopping there again.
Urban Outfitters SALE bin it is.

Anonymous said...

'in discussion'? nah, i think it's already happened. the qvc girls do not do videos unless they're compensated in some way.

Karen said...

why hasn't anyone made a Wikipedia page about the QVC sisters?

someone needs to compile all of their lies/fake reviews/sponsors into a huge list with sources

Anonymous said...

this girl is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

blueyedbabe10001 needs a speech therapist.

Anonymous said...

Did Kai say that headband from Sally's was THIRTY dollars?

Please tell me I'm mishearing her! JFC $30 for a headband!?

Anonymous said...

You heard wrong. She said 3 dollars.

But, omfg. She is tugging the crap out of her eyes! No wonder her eyelids are saggy and gross.

Anonymous said...

i heard kai say $30 too. i listened to it over and over like 10 times trying to hear it and she pronounced some weird cross between three and thirty

THUUUURY dollars

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

that proves nothing. she made that blog post a year ago. plus the product she "reviewed" was one of bath and body brand new products.
so in her defense it could be she hated all their other stuff and liked this new stuff. also dont forget lisa bought lizza bath and body stuff for her birthday so she does like some of the stuff i guess.

Anonymous said...

I heard $30 too, but chocked it up to her mispronouncing things again and concluded it must have been $3 ;)

Anonymous said...

holy crap! *wipe wipe wipe tug tug*
hasn't she watched other gurus and guhroos who lay the pad on their eye for a few moments and then use one or two swipes max to remove everything? no wonder she has those cottage cheese eyelids!

Anonymous said...

msfili clip in fake hair, means yo ass cant afford to put in a weave!

naw fattie it just means that you dont want to damage your own hair.

i have had permanent thousand dollar extensions and no matter what your natural hair DOES get damaged. no matter what the stylists say trust me it does.

Anonymous said...

e4126 @ellefowler I just saw you in a Marshalls commercial! :)

Anonymous said...

"I'm actually goin' to remove... my other eye now!"


Anonymous said...

lol clevvertv is tweeting about elle and blairs new vid they are desperate to get tons of high ratings since people are disliking it

thumbs it down folks!

Anonymous said...

I was watching something on ABC news earlier and it showed DulceCandy and it said "5 other haul vloggers" or something like that were all going to do sponsored videos for JCPenny's back to school stuff. They all were given gift cards to get what they wanted.

Anonymous said...

JCPenny needs it- they've been all but wiped out in my area! I don't think I've seen a JCP in 6 years.

& lulz if Lizzy & Lisa are in on this, they dropped out of their schools.

Anonymous said...

I got my license!! :DD
When are you going to get on that as well, Kai?

I'm're 20!

Anonymous said...

Theyll be like, well... Im not in school... but if i was, i would wear this.

Anonymous said...

marshalls is huge in california they are everywhere in california where i live at least marshalls has all the same stuff that tj maxx does it looks like the same store inside. i bought a $300 betsey johnson bag there yesterday for $60 and it was a recent release too

Anonymous said...

i just saw elle on tv in that marshalls commercial wtf

Anonymous said...

Allie is worse than Macbarbie07 copying Blair. She's trying to morph into a Megan 2.0... The background, the video ideas, her hair, the outro at the end, the picture slideshow.

And lol @ her asking people for original ideas. She sounds like Kai and can't think for herself.

Anonymous said...

nah. you can get extensions without damage if you get your hair braided and the track sewn into the braids like black people do, your hair doesn't get damaged at all; you leave it in for like 3 months and your hair grows because it's protected from heat etc. i think it only works for black people though.

Anonymous said...

11:12 what about sigma brushes? and coastal scents? and all the other companies she got paid to advertise and never mentioned or used again after that one video?

Anonymous said...

Kai sounds a LOT more natural in this new video.

Anonymous said...

i bet blair and elle are doing some major deal with forever 21. that would make sense why that jewlery girl someone linked before from her twitter is involved.
maybe forever21 took on some of her jewlery and then elle and blair were in the commercial or something.

Anonymous said...

what happened in the commercial? did she talk or anything?

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