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Monday, July 5, 2010


Yup. Everyone who comments here totally called it - MONTHS ago.

Blair and Elle are moving to LA

Come on, guys. How many of you legitimately thought that Blair was sooo generous that she'd let her 7 year old sister move into her huge room while Blair stuffed all her shit into another room less than a third of the size? But let's just backtrack several months. Blair had been talking about how she needed to be done with high school in May - an entire year early. Why, Blair? What "big project" do you have coming up? Naturally, the clever people on this blog instantly knew that her and Elle were likely moving, and probably to LA, where their agent is. Then this facebook conversation surfaced;

Yeahhh. Fast forward to earlier today. In Blair's new June Favorites video, she would not STFU about some makeup artist named Gabriel. They're obviously good friends because they tweet back and forth to eachother;

HMM LOOK AT THAT. As soon as Blair oddly announces that shes changing bedrooms, we find out that she's moving to LA. Soon. Anyone wanna bet on how long she'll try and say her new apartment in LA is the "guest room" at her parent's house that she talked about?

When do the lies stop!?


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Anonymous said...

all this talk about the fowlers moving to LA and becoming celebrities and omg they're going places... lol you guys had them pegged from the start. they are QVC sisters. thats what they're going to do for the rest of their lives - plug shit. they are talentless hacks and all they're good at is lying through their teeth to sell shit to idiots. good for them I guess, except there's more to life then money...

Anonymous said...

fafinettex3 so ive been hacked again... i got an email from some phishing site asking me to log in and stupid me did it!! be careful to other youtubers

isnt this like the 5th time shes been hacked? she must be a complete moron to keep giving in to these phishing things

Anonymous said...

A commercial? That's it?

Anonymous said...

lolol fafinette is a dumbass

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Compared to what Blair gets to do, Elle was in a Marshalls commercial? LOL FAIL. That'll probably be her own claim to "fame"

Anonymous said...

^^ LMAO, hacked again? She does seem incredibly stupid!

Isn't she supposed to be an RN? I don't ever want to be in her care.

Anonymous said...

lizzy is in the marshalls commercial.. its like 5 seconds long and they're picking out pillows or some shit and lisas like omg i lahv this and then the advert ends

Anonymous said...

fafinette is a complete moron. GTFO youtube fafi.

Anonymous said...

Now to think of that twitter saying "watching the 'beautiful' ellefowler in the makeup chair"...for a commercial? FAIL.

Anonymous said...

11:49 what do you mean? what is blair doing?

Anonymous said...

It couldn't have been for the commercial. They would need to shoot it and edit it and then it takes awhile to air. Shooting and airing the next day? Not possible.

Anonymous said...

LOL is fafi retarded? Who the hell logs in to any account because of an email? And we think Kai is the one with a disability?

Anonymous said...

Another Marshall's commercial maybe? Or another interview for clevvertv.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see them burn through their money in LA and ultimately end up on QVC or HSN. Like everyone's said before, THAT is their only talent: being paid to say how "great products" are.

Anonymous said...

NICE. Glad the media gets it.

Hauls are bigger than big: More than 159,000 hauls have been posted on YouTube. That has gotten the attention of J.C. Penney and other marketers - who are not shy about turning what, until now, has been mostly consumer-generated content into videos with subtle, underlying corporate ties.

"It's the buzz-worthy story of 2010," says Mandi Mankvitz, social-media director at consultancy Sphere Trending. But, she says, because some retailers now pay "haulers" - providing free gift cards and travel expenses - "eventually, this will become just as mistrustful as traditional advertising."

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I hate you Blogger. Stop fucking up. (Sahrry for the double post)

Anonymous said...

were the qvc sisters really in a commercial

Anonymous said...

what do you guys think of this skirt yeahy or nay? Im thinking of wearing it in spring with wedges, but I dont know about the top, since the skirt is so textured in thinking maybe something with a pattern in a pale colour. I dont want it to be a singlet though. im going to wear it with a cardigan

Anonymous said...

12:25 lulz xxmakeupiscoolxx talking about things she doesn't know about again.

Anonymous said...

"burn down there in the H-word"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what do you think of my dress

Anonymous said...

it looks retarded, but that could just be because of the way you're posing

Anonymous said...

mods, you just banned me from the cbox for no reason..

Anonymous said...

i like the skirt not the dress.

Anonymous said...

You need to take a better picture (better lighting), I can't tell the colours, length, etc. It'll be cuter if you accessorize it with a belt or long pendant necklace or something.

Anonymous said...


Had such a long day yesterday! I didn't get to the hotel until 10 pm Cali time.. And I woke up at 1 am Cali time!! That's crazy.


Anonymous said...

lol Kandee's blog about h8ers

"I get hater comments, but I will NEVER let them GET ME!"

Oh! THAT'S why you deleted that video where you lied about what foundation you used and didn't put the FTC disclaimer that you were probably being paid!

...Wait, wut? Ohhhh, right.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I dont have the period!!! Yay!!

Rugget Warehouse said...

12:41 It's a shitty picture and I don't think pink and gray look good together.

Anonymous said...

i have diarrhea

Anonymous said...

I read on some other site (and here, someone mentioned a "bulimia high") that Lizzy's bulimic? Is this true or just speculated?

Anonymous said...

^ it would explain her rapid weight loss and how puffy her face has been looking.

Anonymous said...

is 700000 a lot for a house?

Anonymous said...

i wouldnt call her weight loss rapid. with bulumics usually weigh average weight or a tensey bit under weight. they are much harder to detect than anorexics.

Anonymous said...

MakeupbyMel OMG Who?! Stop lol RT @MakeupMel Wait, what?? Wow RT @dannalajeunesse: ppl having meet and greets and charging admission??? #FAIL

gregorygorgeous is charging a $25 fee to meet him.
i liked him so much u until this point. thats fucking pathetic.

kim kardashian doesnt even charge for her meet and greets (yes im sure she gets paid big time by the lace she meets them at but she doesnt sink so low and charge her "fans" to see her)

a youtube person charging to meet them? WTF!!!! LMAO

Anonymous said...

1:36 so whats the point of being a bullemic then if you are the same average weight? any bullemic ive ever heard of is extremly underweight

Anonymous said...

700 000 is alot for a house but then again it all depends on where you are
500 000 is a realistic price for a great house in a really nice neighbourhood

Anonymous said...

bulimia can actually make you fatter.. your body digests the fat and sugar quickly and then you just throw up all the good stuff

its anorexia that makes you thuper skinny

Anonymous said...

Does Kai say "condom squares"???


Anonymous said...

Kai makes such pointless videos. Everyone should watch that video as what NOT to do. She's tugging the shit out of her eyes. You want wrinkley eyelids like Kai?

Anonymous said...

1:47 PM hahaha! it does sound like condom squares


i heard 30$ too

Anonymous said...

qvc sisters ft marshalls

Anonymous said...

why is lisa talking about dorm rooms if she dropped out

Anonymous said...

thats like not even a fuckin commercial what the hell? and lizzy just sounds fake as shit.

Anonymous said...

You guys, GregoryGeorgeous isn't charging $25 to meet him. The $25 is to get into the venue he's going to be at. There's some event going on and he's having the meet and greet there because it'll be funner than meeting on the street or something.

Anonymous said...

People with bulimia can look perfectly normal. Most of them are of normal weight, and some may be overweight. Women with bulimia tend to be high achievers.

It is often difficult to determine whether a person is suffering from Bulimia. This occurs because bingeing and purging is often done in secret. Also, individuals suffering from Bulimia often deny their condition.

Anonymous said...

why are they pretending that lisa is still in a dorm if she a. dropped out or b. is graduating.. because school's over.. she knows good and well she's not going to a dorm room or using any of that furniture in a damn DORM.
this is pure bullshit
[in reference to the link]

Anonymous said...

Who the hell comes up with these lame ass marketing campaigns featuring random youtube gurus no one in real life has never heard of?

And before her minions come attacking me saying ~OMG SHE'S THUPER FAMOUSSS EVERY1 KNOWSS HER~, no one in everyday life off the internet knows who Elle Fowler is. What percent of the population watches youtube beauty videos? Like 0.00001%?

Anonymous said...

^ exactly

Anonymous said...

nah, i'm pretty sure if you just refuse to eat your stomach starts digesting itself and you don't lose weight (read that somewhere)
personally, i lost 40 pounds in like under 2 months from not being able to hold down food (like a bulemic would throw food up but i wasn't doing it intentionally) & i only lost like 10 pounds in 2 months from not bringing lunch money to school almost every day and not eating breakfast (like an anorexic would just not eat)

Anonymous said...

the commercial thats being played on MTVs website and on TV is from that facebook video..its like a 5 second snippet of it though

Anonymous said...



You guys. I don't even.... Fuck lulz.

Anonymous said...

Bulimia is a waste of time. Almost all of the calories from the food is absorbed while you're chewing it. Even if you throw it up, you're still keeping 90% of the calories.

Anonymous said...

I agree the people above about the marshalls shit.
And did anyone else notice, THEY DONT FUCKIN SHOP AT MARSHALLS..
They have NEVER been like "oh, y'know i got this top from marshalls" etc.
The shit's not even their style, hence them doing some furniture bullshit because otherwise, that's just a fuckin STRETCH.

At least Forever 21 makes sense cause they dickride that store like it's an actual haven for onpoint fashion, not realizing Forever 21 is late as fuck with the "trends" and they just copy / steal ideas from Urban, American Apparel & actual trends that were done on the runway like 8 seasons ago. Good Lawd.

Anonymous said...

i wouldn't wish bulimia on anyone. i became anemic and it almost ruined my teeth. my throat also suffered damage. please don't toss it around like it's a joke and laugh about blair possibly having it. i doubt she does but still.

Anonymous said...

2:05 if gregorygorgeous was actually as classy as he trys to make himself look on youtube he would have booked and paid for that pool/event and put a guest list out to youtube and once the capacity was filled then closed it.

he would have had a lil class and paid for the pool party himself to show that he is truly made of class.
instead he sunk to a whole new low and actually is asking people to pay to get in to an event just to meet him.

Anonymous said...

"i became anemic and it almost ruined my teeth. my throat also suffered damage."

lol wat

Anonymous said...

lizzy shops at tj max i think which is almost the same as marshalls. i remember she bought couch shoes purfumes and a purse there b4 but never stuff for her room.

Anonymous said...

what? anemia doesn't affect your teeth or throat..
i'm guessing you mean bulimia?

Anonymous said...

"lol wat"

do you have a problem?

Anonymous said...

sorry for posting it twice

Anonymous said...

i didn't say the anemia affected my teeth and throat, i worded it wrong.

Anonymous said...

Medical complications from bulimia

Some of the most common complications of bulimia are:

* Erosion of tooth enamel because of repeated exposure to acidic gastric contents.
* Dental cavities, sensitivity to hot or cold food.
* Swelling and soreness in the salivary glands (from repeated vomiting).
* Stomach Ulcers.
* Ruptures of the stomach and esophagus.
* Abnormal buildup of fluid in the intestines.
* Disruption in the normal bowel release function.
* Electrolyte imbalance.
* Dehydration
* Irregular heartbeat and in severe cases heart attack
* A greater risk for suicidal behavior
* Decrease in libido

Symptoms of Bulimia

Some of the most common symptoms of bulimia are:

* Eating uncontrollably
* Purging
* Strict dieting
* Fasting
* Vigorous exercise
* Vomiting or abusing laxatives or diuretics in an attempt to lose weight.
* Vomiting blood
* Using the bathroom frequently after meals.
* Preoccupation with body weight
* Depression or mood swings. Feeling out of control.
* Swollen glands in neck and face
* Heartburn,
* Bloating,
* Indigestion,
* Constipation
* Irregular periods
* Dental problems
* sore throat
* Weakness
* Exhaustion
* Bloodshot eyes

Anonymous said...

my cousin was a bulemic and her teeth got destroyed. all that acid and chemicals your own body makes rubbed against your teeth daily.
it will break down the enamal and your teeth start to break off and you are left with nasty teeth. you will look like a crackhead with the fucked up teeth.

my cousin is fine now and got porcelin veneers to fix her teeth and now has a perfect smile.
it cost her $20 grand for that but i think she said she only pays $50 a month for the next 20 years or something like that.

Anonymous said...

OMG That "commercial/promotion" LMAO! I don't even.

Anonymous said...

ROFL, that is one low rent commercial...only the best for the QVC sisters! hahaha

lol @ the dorm room shopping BS...

and why does their hair looks so overstyled... and why does blair have a combover?

also elle is obviously more camera savvy then blair who is an awkward moron with the grace of a for her

Anonymous said...

Marshall's could have picked any girl off the street and been like HELP *RANDOM GIRL* CHOOSE FURNITURE FOR HER DORM! Elle is random to almost everyone. Most people don't even know what a "youtube fashion guru" is. And if she's a fashion guru why is she picking out furniture and house hold items?

Marshall's could have paid a random girl half, hell prob 1/4 of what they paid Elle. We all know she's not doing that for cheap.

This whole thing is FAIL.

Anonymous said...

i bought a juicy couture bag from marshalls a few months ago for $39 and the original tag said $299

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

marshalls has some really good stuff sometimes but everytime i go they have shit...

Anonymous said...

I'll be satisfied if that's all the "fame" they get from youtube, what a fucking joke. Lmao at the minions who come in here trying to provoke us with "UR just jealz that there goin places!" Wow, a facebook Marshalls promotion! Big stuff!

Anonymous said...

my estimate would be that elle got about $20 thousand to be in that commercial.
considering it is a targeted ad marketed towards a certain demographic (shown during teen shows etc)
that shit costs about $75 thousand for a half page ad in a big magazine with an unknown model and in magazines people usually just flip the page.
so yeah 20-35 thousand would be abut right.

Anonymous said...

i don't think marshalls has the money to be paying elle 20 thousand. but idk

Anonymous said...

lmao 20 thousand...uhm, i dont think so

Anonymous said...

Wonky-eye strikes again!

Lisa can't be too thrilled about that still Marshalls used.

Anonymous said...

but shes a thuperstar u guize!!! shez being paid millions to appear in commercials becauz shes such a huge thuperstar!!

like someone else pointed out, no-one in the real world knows who they are.

Anonymous said...

She probably got paid more than $20,000!

FFS the QVC sisters get paid $4000 just to do a youtube video. This is a huge online marketing campaign, and they're using Elle as a ~spokesperson~. She got AT LEAST $20,000.

Anonymous said...


I heard wonky eyes can be a result of botched eyelids surgery. so not only did she get a shitty nose job, she prob got a shitty eyejob too!

you'd think with all the money they're raking in they could find a good, reputable PS... I guess money cant buy you good judgment.

Anonymous said...

Lisa acted like an idiot with that trash can. "Oh my god, it's soooooooooooooooooo cute"


But then again, they advertised effin tongue scrapers for $$$, right?

Anonymous said...

Who cares what they're making? Come on now ffs.

Anonymous said...

what is the link to elles ad on marshals? it was just on facebook or also air on national tv?

Anonymous said...

"This is a huge online marketing campaign"


Anonymous said...

this is no big marketing campaign it's on facebook. when i'm on facebook i usually only click the like button. if your lucky i'll look at the page. i wouldn't click on the back to campus button though. out of the 3,633 people who liked it i estimate about 1/16 will actually see the video. 20,000 no way.....

Anonymous said...

just on facebook

Anonymous said...

yeah, they usually get paid to market directly to their subscribers. however this time they're just marketing to randomers who dont know or care who they are

Anonymous said...

apparently it's on tv too but probably very minamally. i heard it was only on mtv.

Anonymous said...

2:36 GTFO

Anonymous said...

LOL sorry, but advertising on MTV and Facebook is big.

Anonymous said...

lol sounds like they are paying to say this 5.52

Anonymous said...

Ah good, I stopped watching mtv since they became so shitty.

Anonymous said...

besides marshalls is very trashy and i highly doubt it has the money to give elle 20,000

Anonymous said...

"2:36 GTFO "

Why don't YOU get the fuck out and stop worrying about what they're making? That video is full of lulz and you're getting your panties in a twist over their paycheck? You won't see a dime of it, so why do you care? Retard.

Anonymous said...

some of you are being naive just because you hate elle and blair and DONT WANT them to make money. how much do you think they got paid? $1000? like they would even answer the phone for that. we know their ways already.

Anonymous said...

lulz if anything lisa should be paying marshalls for getting her name out there. MARKETING FAIL

Anonymous said...

2:35 lol she's used to 8 yearold girls that would do whatever she tells them, I dont think she knows how to sell things to anyone 16 and over because that would actually require some salesmanship talent and people skills needed in the real world.

the only reason elle and blair are so big on youtube is because they have free, unsupervised access to little girls who are suckers.

Anonymous said...

2:41 like I said advertising on facebook won't get you views. I estimate about 227 people will see it on facebook. and ffs do you think after seeing the ad on mtv there gonna hunt down who elle fowler is? NO. gtfo nao honey facebook and mtv are not big

Anonymous said...


what do you guys think of this skirt yeahy or nay? Im thinking of wearing it in spring with wedges, but I dont know about the top, since the skirt is so textured in thinking maybe something with a pattern in a pale colour. I dont want it to be a singlet though. im going to wear it with a cardigan

Anonymous said...

2:42 #3

you're embarrassing yourself. marshall's definitely has $20,000 to pay elle. companies spend millions on advertising.

Anonymous said...

of course we don't want them to make money. they are lying bitches. i'd rather see someone who deserves the money get it

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

no marshalls doesn't really advertise at all probably because they really don't have the money. 20,000 for some youtube wannabee... yeah right!

Anonymous said...

idk what marshalls is, we dont have them here in my country, but do they often run "big" advertising campaigns? if not, they probably didnt get paid much for it

Anonymous said...


you're a fucking idiot

Anonymous said...

marshalls was on a list of businesses that are hurting right now and are predicted to go out of business by the end of 2011

Anonymous said...

2:50 have you ever seen a marshalls ad on tv? i've seen one like twice. rarely see them in magazines gtfo NAO

Anonymous said...

Marshalls has commercials on TV and maybe some ads in magazines? I think?
"'Big' advertising campaigns"? Meh, not more than your average store i don't think.

Anonymous said...

lol at lisa saying 'look at these skinny hangers' and blair going 'OHHHHHHHHH WOWWWWWW'. so fake and dumb.

Anonymous said...

2:43 seriously, GTFO!!

Anonymous said...

I personally dont care how much money they make at this point. fact is they were born rich, and continue to get rich, but since the hilarious nose jobs fiasco I don't even care how rich they get bc like someone here said - there's more to life then money. bottom line is they're insecure and pathetic people, and all the lying and scamming has backfired. blair has dropped out of highschool, elle has dropped out of collage, they both got unnecessary plastic surgery, and they are clinging to their youtube fame to make them something they will never be.all the money in the world wont make them any less of a joke.

Anonymous said...

2:56 varrry true.

Anonymous said...

blair: do you need a picture frame to remember me when you go off to a dorm?

elle: no.

blair: cool.


Anonymous said...

Will you subscribe if I post my channel here?

Anonymous said...

2:56 Amen.

Anonymous said...


2:58 no.

Anonymous said...

"2:43 seriously, GTFO!!"


Anonymous said...

Does someone in here work for Marshalls or something? Damn you're angry!

Anonymous said...

thoughts on this bedding? minus the zebra print.

Anonymous said...

3:01 no where near as tacky as elle's. i like it but yeah no zebra

Anonymous said...

ehhhh its okay. not a huge fan of the polkadot pattern

Anonymous said...

3:01 This is a beauty guru vent blog. Which means no one cares for your bedding. So why don't you take your shitty little picture an GTFO???

Anonymous said...

3:05 U MAD?

Anonymous said...

Blair looked thrilled to be in that video with Elle.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:05.

Anonymous said...

3.02 and 3.04 stfu and gtfo

Anonymous said...

3:01 This is a beauty guru vent blog. Which means no one cares for your bedding. So why don't you take your shitty little picture an GTFO???

hahahaha how would you know that its bedding? did you take some time and actually click on the link or copy/paste?
i guess you cared enough to check ;)

Anonymous said...

fml i can't get the stupid facebook video to work :(

Anonymous said...

This blog sucks now! so dead all the time.

Anonymous said...

Lulz is gtfo the only insult you have? Seriously.

Anonymous said...

3:13 Chill the fuck out. When Blair films her new room all trolls wll be coming out of their holes again

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

elle got paid something like $4000 or $5000 for her youtube suntanlove review didnt she? from a tiny unknown crap product from what ive seen??
if marshals is a store all over the us and this was actually aired on television i imagaine $20,000 isn't far off if im being honest

Anonymous said...

this blog is dead because all you idiots kept hating on trolls with accounts

Anonymous said...

Did Euchante ever say that she got this LV bag??

She confirms that its here in this one -

LOL @ HER WISHLIST. Spoiled girl.

Anonymous said...

elle had to have been paid decently. like she would even leave the house to go shoot a marshall's commercial for anything less than what she can make doing a 5 minute review on youtube

Anonymous said...

does anyone know what big project allie is working on? i just remember her saying she is going home to canada and from there will be busy travelling for a few months for a "big project relating to youtube"

Anonymous said...

lulz i like how euchante blurred out her face

Anonymous said...

3:22 GTFO

Anonymous said...

Have Lisa and Lizzy used their "fame" (I use that word lightly lulz) for good? Like have they promoted any non-profits, cancer research, etc. on their channels? Cuz if they can merely mention a product and have it sell out, they could, oh idk, mention a specific non-profit and have people donate to it (obviously this would be done for free)?

Anonymous said...

was watching tv and just saw a marshalls commercial and it wasnt just elle. blair was in it too

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LMAO allie aint doing shit! she talks alot of shit to try and seem big like her idols ellen and balir

Anonymous said...

@lexilaree we didn't charge people, don't know where you got your info

wow! what a surprise!
elle is quick to clear up the crazy runour about her having charged ppl at imats to meet her

but she continues to ignore all nosejob questions so yep she had one! if she didnt she would have cleared it up in a tweet just like ths one!

Anonymous said...

her accent or whatever that is, is really annoying

Anonymous said...

blair and elle fowler's first tv commercial

Anonymous said...

wtf amynicolaox only works at american eagle?! she must be making a killing to haul hundreds worth of stuff a week.

Anonymous said...

*facebook promotion

Anonymous said...

go watch elle and blair fowler

i know you all hate them but you do a damn good job of bringing them views which equals big $$ so keep it up guys!!
do the same for their new commercial go view view view like you always do! xo

Needle said...

LOL the marshall's thing. That's probably even worse than an actual commercial--it's just a facebook exclusive thing. And everyone who knows of "elle" online or in real life (even her fans) knows she quit school/left to do stuff online, so it's not even believable that she'd need stuff for a dorm anyway.

And their voices... oh my god. "that's so cute!" "I know" "Cream colors are soooo in" "I know!" They sound so snotty and annoying. Not to mention Elle automatically sounds snottier now due to that nosejob.

Anonymous said...

"i know you all hate them but you do a damn good job of bringing them views which equals big $$ so keep it up guys!!"

I know you hate this blog but you do a damn good job of bringing camille $$ so keep it up ;)

Anonymous said...

haha elle's marhsalls thing is embarrassing. it shows her up as the manipulative, cash hungry moron that she is

Anonymous said...

someone should do a post on that makeupiscool drama, apparentally she called another girl fat and disgusting she was doing some sort of eating disorder video where she jiggled her thighs and put fingers in her thrat and pretended to throw up i think her name was katherine...

anyway makeup iscool said opps the language i used was too strong and apologized lawls

Anonymous said...

no-one cares about that midget and her nondrama

Anonymous said...

They just come off as spoiled, annoying girls in that. I'm sure the average person who sees it will be rolling their eyes. "I know!"

Anonymous said...

That "commercial" screamed scripted to me. Not only that, but I sincerely doubt that two girls with Louis Vuitton purses costing upwards of $750 shop at Marshalls.

I thought Elle said that she graduated?

She said she was going to law school? I'm a law student right now. That is LAUGHABLE. She would be making a complete fool out of herself.

Needle said...

And they called $50 really expensive for a comforter...did I hear that right? Seriously? WTF?

Anonymous said...

Far too much gasping (over-acting) in that video. A pink trash can, a shoe organizer, and some hangers? "*gasp* So cute!"

Anonymous said...

oh lawd. some of you on this blog have the tackiest taste. get some class!!!! i don't even.

Anonymous said...

lmao marhalls should have resized the pic in photoshop rather than with some html script, she looks wonky as shit.

Anonymous said...

@4:16 her eye looks nothing like that on the site :/

Anonymous said...

i seriously though someone on this blog photoshopped her eyes to be like. what the actual fuck.

Anonymous said...

To be fair I think the whole thing with lisas eyes is stupid. first people nitpicked over her hook nose, then complained when she got herself a nosejob. the eye thing is gonna end up being a repeat of that, she'll get the eye fixed and then there will be uproar: "her eye looks even WORSE!"

yes she is not exactly pretty, but for fucks sake focus on the stuff thats actually wrong with her and she could improve on, rather than her mangled eye sockets

Anonymous said...

you can tell the qvc sisters were being extra fake in the marshall's video, they were giggleexhaling!

Anonymous said...

"wtf amynicolaox only works at american eagle?! she must be making a killing to haul hundreds worth of stuff a week."

Is that where she works? Maybe she has a second job or something because she seriously drops like $300 a week on random makeup.

Anonymous said...

They said it was inexpensive, Needle.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice how bored Blair looked in that video? Marshalls isn't advertising it as Elle and Blair, they're focusing it on Elle. Maybe that's why?

Anonymous said...


Lisa Left-wonky Eye Fowler said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Left-wonky Eye Fowler said...


Anonymous said...


what would i do without @missglamorazzi to call and talk to every time something goes wrong.

Anonymous said...

Great job Marshall's, you got a post-op tranny college drop out with a bad nose job to promote your store.
Lol at Lizzy being there, cuz if she wasn't ... NO ONE would know who Lisa was.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Before you worked at AE, did you have a lot of experience? I want to get into retail but I don't have a whole lot of experience in that area.

Before I started there I worked for a year at Old Navy! I know AE does sometimes hire people with little retail experience, but I think they prefer you to have some. At least in the 2 AE stores I've worked in that is the case, because when I had no retail experience I didn't get an interview there.

Answer Ask Friends
amynicolaox answered 6 weeks ago

Anonymous said...

"Kalidascope" LULZ

Wonder who did that one? I bet K-eye's never heard of a kaleidoscope, and Mama Wilcher probably can't spell. Maybe the latter.

Anonymous said...

yes blair looked really awkward. when they're in a professional environment their lack of skills sticks out.

to be fair the whole advertisement was shit and it would take a genuine spastic to believe she really was a customer in the shop buying stuff

Anonymous said...

gotdamn kai's eyelids are all loose and floppy like some damn loose labia lips

Anonymous said...

Kai's cottage cheese eyelids lol

Anonymous said...

Kai, every intime you say "Hello Pretty Ladies" you are leaving out us guys. We like/watch your vids too. Please go back to saying Everyone. Thx.

Anonymous said...

Kai, if you don't know how to spell a work, ffs google it. I'm sure if you had put in "kalidascope" you would have gotten the correct spelling. Lazy.

Anonymous said...

Kai is excluding 4:46, Davit, and her best friend Warren by saying HI PRETTY LADIES!


Anonymous said...

she just fixed the spelling, someones lurking!

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot about Warren! Kai you always say how much you love guys who make makeup vids and promote them. But why won't you address them too?? Please say, Hello Everyone. It's totally you and you do it well.

Anonymous said... lawl, who did it?

Anonymous said...

I thought she said she wasn't going to hold the brush that close anymore.

DazzledAndConfused said...

Oh geez, it's just really painful to watch Kai draaaaag that pencil across her eyelid..

My god.

DazzledAndConfused said...

Oh geez, it's just really painful to watch Kai draaaaag that pencil across her eyelid..

My god.

Anonymous said...

LOL you know as soon as Kai uploads a video she rushed on here to see the feedback. That's why as soon as we start talking about a mess up she deletes the video, like fox tan.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Lisa never lived in a dorm. She lived in a house on campus. Fucking liar.

Anonymous said...

8 minutes ago
You should have called this tutorial KAI-LIDASCOPE! <3"

Hehehe I like you.

Anonymous said...

kai sounds like a butch lesbian trying to hit on girls at a bar.


Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

well, she lived in her sorority house/her own house the last 3 years, but pretty sure umiami requires freshman to live in the dorms. regardless, the vid is still ridic.

Anonymous said...

I hope K-eye never fixes that random sideways picture in her intro <3

Needle said...

Oh, thanks anon, I was really hoping I heard them wrong--I didn't hear the "in" in inexpensive.

And yeah the vid looked totally scripted. Plus I've never been to a Marshall's with setups like that anyway.... but most of the marshall's and similar stores around here are more for function and not show, lol.

And lol at Kailyn changing her spelling... she must be lurking this blog hard, because I didn't even see the video before the title was changed.

Anonymous said...

Did lisa keep all that shitty dorm furniture?? I would laugh my ass off she re-does her LA apartment with it.

Anonymous said...
just thumbs down it lmao. she took off comments cause she was tired of being wrong.

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