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Monday, July 5, 2010


Yup. Everyone who comments here totally called it - MONTHS ago.

Blair and Elle are moving to LA

Come on, guys. How many of you legitimately thought that Blair was sooo generous that she'd let her 7 year old sister move into her huge room while Blair stuffed all her shit into another room less than a third of the size? But let's just backtrack several months. Blair had been talking about how she needed to be done with high school in May - an entire year early. Why, Blair? What "big project" do you have coming up? Naturally, the clever people on this blog instantly knew that her and Elle were likely moving, and probably to LA, where their agent is. Then this facebook conversation surfaced;

Yeahhh. Fast forward to earlier today. In Blair's new June Favorites video, she would not STFU about some makeup artist named Gabriel. They're obviously good friends because they tweet back and forth to eachother;

HMM LOOK AT THAT. As soon as Blair oddly announces that shes changing bedrooms, we find out that she's moving to LA. Soon. Anyone wanna bet on how long she'll try and say her new apartment in LA is the "guest room" at her parent's house that she talked about?

When do the lies stop!?


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Anonymous said...

I just got two bed sets at target for 40 dollars. And they were way cuter than her marshals bedding.

that bedding looked like something a 7 year old would put in their room.

and they both sounded so nasally in that vid.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Is Target having a bedding sale?

I have white walls and dark brown carpeting, it's hard to find bedding that looks good.

Anonymous said...

OMFG Someone tell elle she needs to let her roots grow out or dye her hair darker - even if it's light brown; Because that blonde isn't fucking working and neither is her part. Her hair overall is just fucking suck.. she WANTS her hair to be that way but it doesn't flatter her at all, in any way. it doesn't work omg, how many times do people have to tell her? :l It doesn't look good.

Anonymous said...

4:47 lmao i love that you typoed 'word' in that, i'm not even being sarcastic!

Anonymous said...

The creepy old man down the street says hello pretty ladies... please stop doing it, kai.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Kai smacks her lips like 489458 times in the kai-lidascope vid. The sound it makes.. ugh.

Needle said...

@5:03 The thing with marshall's is that they sell overstock from other stores at discounted prices... so maybe that comforter was $50 now, but it was originally like $100. So there might be a brand/materials/quality difference between them and Target. I agree though the print was pretty juvenile.

And yes, their voices sounded really, really nasally. They almost sound like they're trying to take on the "valley girl" accent.

Anonymous said...

ugh kai smacking her lips is disgusting

Anonymous said...

lisa - get a platinum blonde bob, halfway betwen jawlength and shoulder length with long layers, and style it textured and messy. either that or go dark brown. sorry but the extensions have to go

Shady said...

Here's a screencap of Kai's misspelling for Needle and anyone else who didn't see it.

Anonymous said...

Hollyannaeree's lashes always look gross and clumpy. She needs to learn how to put on mascara.

Anonymous said...

why must i be a 30 year old woman stuck in a teenagers body

jfc, i hate when little girls think they're so mature.

Anonymous said...

allie is soooo mature. she wears a red lip and everything!

Anonymous said...

and has thuper long extensions!

Anonymous said...

i'm guessing allie's like 13 or 14, probably entering high school this year.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, these girls on youtube think they are something special. Theyre always trying to give people advice. Seriously? Youre 14. I highly doubt you can give me any serious advice when you just became a teen a year ago.
Get off your high horse.
I didnt know anything about life at 14, and I still dont know everything.

Anonymous said...


Needle said...

@Shady that video screen cap + that title = LULZ

Anonymous said...

so what if im an adult with bills to pay and responsibilities under my belt! im going to seek out my advice from a spoilt 13 year old brat, she clearly know the meaning of hardship!

Anonymous said...

They're so annoying. They haven't even experienced life yet they want to tell us alll about what to do with ours!

Anonymous said...

Allie acts like a pretentious snotty child.

Anonymous said...

Allie acts like a pretentious snotty child.

Anonymous said...

i find it funny when those girls claim they buy everything themselves when they don't have a job. i don't care if their parents buy them stuff but why lie about it? seriously, getting money for doing chores around the house? shouldn't you be expected to do that for free...
and even if they don't have a job they could at least volunteer somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Of course the furniture that Elle picked out would be something in a preteens bedroom.
Thats the age group she always sell stuff to!

Shes trying to be relatable! Ha.

Anonymous said...

if i made youtube videos and someone asked me how i paid for stuff, i wouldnt tell them my source of income or whatever. parents are SUPPOSED to provide for their kids if theyre under 18 so i should hope they dont really buy all their own clothes and shit, from money they made from their "job"

Anonymous said...

I agree. Parents should provide for their children.
I have a problem with parents like megans. They downright spoil her. She is always doing hundred dollar hauls.
That isnt good parenting to just buy your child everything they want.

Anonymous said...

yeah, but my point is they all lie and make it seem like their parents don't buy them shit. i'm not saying it's wrong for their parents to buy them stuff.

Anonymous said...

Why is Shay Mitchelle from Pretty Little Liars following Clevver TV now?! Could Lisa and Elle be on Pretty Little Liars soon?!

Anonymous said...

5:06 yeah, I noticed it like 10 min after the fact and thought putting "*word" after a bunch of comments would be silly ;)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that annoys me too. It's not the fact that their parents are providing for them, it's the fact that they act snobby and defensive about how it's their own money.

I don't care how many bags of trash you took out and if you made your bed by yourself, it doesn't make it "your" money. It's parents money that they bribed you with because you're lazy. Alliecosmetics is guilty of doing this. She spends $200 at MAC and then goes into a rant about she paid for all of it. Sweetheart, you didn't. Just stop.

Anonymous said...

And I also don't have a problem with kids getting treated for doing well in school. But giving your daughter an $800 bag at age 14 for good grades? Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

@5:46 i was agreeing with you actually, i dont get why they feel the need to act like "grown ups" when its blindingly obvious their parents buy them that shit

@5:45 megan will never learn the value of money. its a shame really because she would enjoy and appreciate stuff a lot more if she wasnt swamped with it. i like megan from her videos but in real life i bet she acts like a stuck up, spoilt brat

Anonymous said...

Honestly and 85% average for freshman year of highschool isn't that amazing. IMO it's nice to be treated BUT you need to be able to get good grades for your future and yourself, not some stupid bag.

Anonymous said...

an 85% average*

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt say getting paid for doing chores is a bad thing. I think it is a good way for younger children to learn the value of a dollar and for them to learn to manage their money.

Anonymous said...

My parents paid me for my grades when I was in elementary school. But I never got an $800 bag. I got like $20 for all As on my report card and I was happy as a clam to get that money.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This new phase of youtube being a "job" contributes to their snobbery as well. They're all just attention whores/fame whores who act like making a video is a hard day's grafting, whereas in reality they feed off the attention it brings them.

The only person sending them to "work" is themselves because they extract a sense of self-worth from the pathetic approval supplied by their "fans".

Anonymous said...

Jus is such a fat lazy slob idiot

"why havent you been trying to lose weight? i thought you wanted to be skinny like gregory gorgeous... what are you waiting for?!

It's the summer and it's not as easy as just saying it."

NO DUH IT'S NOT AS EASY AS JUST SAYING IT YOU LAZY PIG! That's exactly what you've been doing though! And what the hell does it being summer have to do with anything? He'll forever be obese, he has no motivation at all.

Anonymous said...

I think getting large amounts of cash for simple tasks doesn't really teach the value of a dollar. Because then they expect to be paid for everything. I mean in the real world, no one is going to throw purses at you or a wad of cash at you because you vacuumed or cleaned the dishes.

Needle said...

Dear Kailyn, does NOT equal

Anonymous said...

@6.00 number 1

if we're talking about the make up look, seen it all before, worthless tutorial

Anonymous said...

didn't allies sister get a brand new 17 inch mac book pro just for finishing 6th grade? come on now guys, that's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

needle, to be fair to kailyn, even though her rainbow eye is a crock of shit, the other picture is photoshopped to fuck

Anonymous said...

i made my bed this morning, as a reward i earned £50,000 from my parents. haul later guys ;)

Anonymous said...

Im not saying the parents have to throw hundred dollar bills at their children because they made their beds. But making a child work for their money is a good thing.
Which is better, just handing a kid money whenever they want it or making them do chores and paying them according to how well they did it and then teaching them how to manage that money and save up for things they really want?

Im going with the latter.

Anonymous said...

I at least give Megan credit for not pretending that it's her own money. She's well aware that she's spoiled and fortunate.

I'm not a fan of her videos but I'd take that over someone who pretends that waking up and going to school is "work" and that they "earned" it.

Anonymous said...

I asked Juss if he liked boys or girls and he didn't answer.....

Anonymous said...

Psh, my parents bought me a diamond encrusted toilet seat AND a Barbie dream house when I learned how to use the potty. I EARNED them fair and square. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd like to ask an HR manager what they think of a person claiming "Uploading YouTube Videos and getting paid for it" as a job. Seriously.

I understand people like Phanny who put a little bit more pizazz and Flash (was it Flash she used for the Gaga eyes?) into their videos. That takes a bit more skill then your average YT vid. But most of them? Turn on camera, record, upload, money. I don't really know what you could say you learned from that. You can't claim that you learned how to work well with others, that you can take criticism well, or anything really that would be applicable to a job.

Needle said...

@6:05 yeah, but I was mainly going by color placement. It looks like the original used a yellow just above the inner corner, not a green all over the inner corner. Not to mention there is a defined wing/triangular shape on the outside of the eye, whereas the outside of Kailyn's eye is just messy.

Anonymous said...

I asked Jus if he's transgendered, and if he identifies as male or female and he didn't answer.

But he answered this...

if you like makeup and fashion, does that mean you're gay?

No it mean I like makeup and fashion <3.

Is Jus really gonna try and act like he loves pussy? LOL at even the SOUND of that!

Anonymous said...

"just handing a kid money whenever they want it or making them do chores and paying them according to how well they did it and then teaching them how to manage that money and save up for things they really want?"

That's the thing though. They might as well just hand the money over for nothing because the tasks aren't work. And when they drop hundreds of dollars at MAC or Sephora, I doubt their parents are teaching them how to mange money. I'm not talking about kids that get a few dollars for chores. I don't have an issue with that. I'm talking about the girls on Youtube that get shopping sprees thrown at them for doing simple 2 second "chores" and acting like they've done some amazing task and earned it.

Anonymous said...

@6:08 omg what is your youtube channel plz, i admire and look up to hard grafters like your good self. perhaps throw in some self help vlogs too?

Anonymous said...

haha remember kai did her 'frig tour"
lmaooo how can she not feel stupid that she's 20 and can't spell words from gr 2

Anonymous said...

"Is Jus really gonna try and act like he loves pussy? LOL at even the SOUND of that!"


Needle said...

@6:10 Flash is a way to display moving images/videos on webpages, so no. :P She did do some photoshopping or video effects though.

Anonymous said...


@GlassSlipper13 back off @adizz09 is MY best male youtube friend
about 2 hours ago via web in reply to GlassSlipper13

Anonymous said...

"Is Jus really gonna try and act like he loves pussy? LOL at even the SOUND of that!"

Ewww. Just the thought of him wearing his Steve Madden platforms whilst performing cunnilingus.

Anonymous said...

"Almost all of the calories from the food is absorbed while you're chewing it."

uuhhmmmm no... the only thing thats even PARTIALLY digested in your mouth are starches.. idk where youre getting your info from bb

Anonymous said...

why do you keep pretending you own a LV bag when we all know its fake.

B/c its real.

haha justine has a fake lv ??

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i thought that sounded wrong. i've heard of people just chewing their food for the taste and then spitting it out. if calories were already ingested that wouldn't make much sense...

Anonymous said...

"Almost all of the calories from the food is absorbed while you're chewing it."

What?! I don't.... WHAT!? WHAT IDIOT SAID THIS?!

Anonymous said...

6:14 Ah ok, well, Phanny putting special video effects then :P

Anonymous said...

you absorbed calories when you chew gum dear

Anonymous said...

I hope this bitch gets acne in a few years. Just because you're fifteen and don't break out doesn't mean you won't ever start to.

Anonymous said...

LOL JUSSSSS and his fake LV! He made a haul video showing it and then when people called him out, he deleted it and pretended it never happened. He got one from some corner store and said it was $2,000+ lulz

Anonymous said...

"I'd like to be a size girl's small-medium."


captch: wangs

Anonymous said...

old blair video... jesus christ, im sure i used to think she was good at make up :/ her creaseline is about as smooth as a storm at sea

Anonymous said...


food in her teeth?

Anonymous said...

lol i knew this girl who used to brag about how clear her skin was and they developed really bad acne when she started her senior year of high school.

Needle said...

@6:21 that's because the sugar and flavorings in the gum melt and get carried into your stomach, dear.

Anonymous said...

idk maybe its just me, but i almost felt embarrassed for elle and blair at IMATS.. or any of their meetups, really. I mean, everyone around them is in jeans and shirts, while theyre walking around in dresses and heels. they looked SO out of place at IMATS

Kristen said...

lol @ people still asking Elle how Bear is. She hasn't addressed that ever since it first happened.

But of course, she jumps right on someone that accuses her of charging people to meet her.

And that commercial..I don't even. Horrible

Anonymous said...

when you chew food, you're bound to swallow part of it unintentionally too, dear

Anonymous said...

i wanted to see justine's fake lv video :(

I think juss is crazy he's like that guy in the movie psycho :S

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and flame me but I seriously used to think Blair was gorgeous around this time. I don't even know where to start on how she ruined her face.

Anonymous said...

"I'd like to be a size girl's small-medium."


captch: wangs

LOL did Juss say that?

Anonymous said...

elle and blair are above us lowly humans now, and will only ever be seen in forever21's finest business attire

Anonymous said...

Jus has on his Steve Madden platform heels, his mom's leggins, and a sexy Victoria's Secret bra. His hair was straight as a pin due to his Japanese straightening, and his makeup was a flawless smokey eye look with a bright red lip. Just admired himself in the mirror, and blew himself a little kiss. He looked thuper thexxy and theductive! He then turned to face the bed, where his naughty mistress laid spread eagle.

Jus positioned himself on the bed so that his face was inbetween his mistress' thighs, laying on his stomach, with his Madden heels bend towards the ceiling.

Jus stuck his tongue out and started licking his lover's love hole, which made her moan! Jus brought his right hand up to play with his lover's clitoris, rubbing it while he licked in and out of her vulva. Jus's glitery nail polish shimmered in the light as his fingers vigorously rubbed his mistress' love button.

"You taste so good! All this sweetness and no calories!", Jus giggled.

Jus' mistress was in ecstasy. After 15 minutes of Jus orally pleasing her, she could take no more. She climaxed. Her juices flowed into Jus' thirsty mouth. Jus was sure to get every drop.

Jus then climbed off the bed and stood up. He went to admire himself in the mirror. He fixed his hair, adjusted his bra, picked out a wedgie from his leggings, and reapplyed a layer of Nars Jungle Red lipstick. He them sashayed out of the room, being sure to cross his legs as he walked, not forgetting to do the Barbie toe!

Anonymous said...

something about juss disgusts me, i don't know what it is

Anonymous said...

"when you chew food, you're bound to swallow part of it unintentionally too, dear"

okay hun, but the person who made the original statement said that 90% of the calories are disgested/absorbed in your mouth. so so wrong.

is there a link to elles ~marshalls~ commercial?

Kristen said...

I haven't read the comments/been on my computer in like 2 days and it took me forever to catch up. D:

But now I have new Kai videos to watch!

Anonymous said...

6:30 #1


Anonymous said...


Why didn't you spend the $3500 on getting a nose job?
Nose jobs are way more!

Why do you kiss Kalel's ass? She doesn't give a fuck about you and never will.
Yeah she does we tweet each other and pm on Youtube :]]


Anonymous said...

Jus's glitery nail polish shimmered in the light

lmaooo i know people hate those omegle chats but how funny would one be with Jus

Anonymous said...


I agree with you on that. Im in no way saying that these girls should be rewarded with hundred dollar shopping sprees for doing a few chores, like making your bed. You should be making your bed anyways.
But I do think that getting paid for chores can be a good thing if its done the right way.

Anonymous said...

@6:28 well lets take everything into consideration...

1) she used to be a healthy body weight
2) no plastic surgery
3) she had her own, natural hair
4) she used to actually put time and effort into her make up
5) she wasn't undergoing the physical stress of jetting around the country making appearances
6) she was a lot younger
7) the smile on her face used to actually be natural

oh god there's just so much, i could go on and on

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Jusserotica!

Anonymous said...

@630 #1

He went to admire himself in the mirror. He fixed his hair, adjusted his bra, picked out a wedgie from his leggings, and reapplyed a layer of Nars Jungle Red lipstick. He them sashayed out of the room, being sure to cross his legs as he walked, not forgetting to do the Barbie toe!

i loled so hard at this ending! thuper thexy!

Anonymous said...

hai pretty ladies! new kai video

Anonymous said...

what sucks about blair nowadays is that she paid thousands of $ for hair that looks nowhere near as good as the video posted at 6:28. that hair was incredible for the length, and she sacrificed it for extensions which any slut could buy if they had the money. the real hair was far more impressive

Anonymous said...

@ 6:30 #1
I AM FUCKING DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

im sooo sick of the 500000 tutorials on kim kardashian makeup. her makeup is always caked on and gross anyway give it a rest gahroos we got it the first time.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how much blair has changed in less than a year. I wonder if she even recognizes herself because she doesnt even look like the same person to me.

If you were to show me a video of her last summer and then show me one of this summer. I would say they were two different girls.

Its really sad actually.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Kim K. tutorials.
Tiffanys latest tutorial was ugly.
I usually like all of her looks, but her newest video looked horrible. Ew. Way too much on her lower lashline.

Anonymous said...

damn. i hope that bitch gets cystic acne all over her face. it was pretentious enough to talk about how perfect and "blessed" she is, but then to say she's mistaken for 20 years old?! WTF?! i honestly thought she was 14 because she's very immature, if she wants to talk about how she "carries herself".

oh and 6:28, it's from his formspring, haha. hes gonna be thuper skinny.

Anonymous said...

how is it ew?

Needle said...

I thought blair's old twitter picture was pretty too, actually. The one where she had on a halter top or one-shouldered top or something?

Anonymous said...

6:37 it honestly is, i remember i 'discovered' blair on like her second or third video and i genuinely adored her for a long time, until the amiclubwear shit. i still watch her old videos tbh, the ones where she had a personality and was honest

Anonymous said...

what did everyone think of pretty little liars? what do you think will happen?
13 minutes ago via web

why don't you read the fucking books to find out.

does anyone here like that show? I can't stand it.

Anonymous said...

Whats the link to this girl talking about her perfect skin?

Anonymous said...

sorry i happen to really really like the show.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

lol wtf kaikai?

'This is how my skin looks, because thats the way it looks today.'

Anonymous said...

Jus's BFFL Alyx can admit to being gay. Why can't jus?

Anonymous said...

i hate the show but i think that's because i read the books.

Anonymous said...

i've read the books and i watch the show. i love both of them. they are different though.

Anonymous said...

whoever read the books should dm kai and tell her everything that happens, then she will have nothing to watch on tuesday nights i mean since she asked ;)

Anonymous said...

everyone should tweet kai and tell her that "A" (you should stop reading now if you don't want it spoiled) is actually Alisons twin sister.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is wrong with Juss? It's obvious he's gay, why won't he admit it? FFS is he ashamed of being gay? He is either in denial or has some mental issues.

Anonymous said...

It makes my skin look FLAWLESS!

Oh Kai... she sure does think highly of herself

Anonymous said...

well actually A currently is (you should stop reading now if you don't want to know...) mona.

Anonymous said...

ugh i hate book snobbery when it comes to things like films and tv. i agree most of the time the books are "better" from most perspectives, but i've seen plenty of films based on novels i haven't read and it doesn't make me retarded.

i'm not accusing anyone here of being like that by the way, i don't think that at all, it just came to mind

Anonymous said...

Could anyone post a few quick pictures of kailyn from about 2 years ago? I can't find any and want to show someone her 80's hair from her old channels.


Anonymous said...

you're all wrong. A is Kimi. okay bye.

Anonymous said...

fish... physicians formula

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She said that concealer makes her skin look flawless and then asks for suggestions because she wants to try others. THIS BITCH, SMH!

Anonymous said...

i dont think juss is gay, i think hes transgendered, he commented on some "dudes" channel about some meeting

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

omg i hope kai is not trolling all of us :(

Anonymous said...

LULZ which one of you asked her if she hoards twinkies?

Anonymous said...

guest cant chat!!

Anonymous said...

anyone like kesha??

alexandra said...


SoundlyAwake's Kesha?!
I love that Kesha.
Unless you're referring to someone else.

Anonymous said...

713 i dont think juss is gay, i think hes transgendered, he commented on some "dudes" channel about some meeting

What meeting? What did he say? Deetz please

Anonymous said...

Ke$ha the singer

Anonymous said...

i don't like Ke$ha

Anonymous said...

Kai doesn't know how much the concealer costs because MoneyBags Mom paid for it.

Alexandra said...

OH. wow. I'm an idiot. haha.

can someone link Juss's channel?

Anonymous said...

^ MTE, she didn't even pay for it so of course she wouldn't know the price.

Anonymous said...

I LOVEEE Ke$ha!!!

Anonymous said...

lmao "chicken pot pies"

Anonymous said...

ke$ha needs to take a bath

Needle said...

Ke$ha annoys the hell out of me, sorry. :(

Anonymous said...


juss commented on that persons page

PerfectlyGORGEOUSx (1 month ago)
Spam Marked as spam
Haha awwuhh thank you soo much for the sweet comment :]. I agree someone should do a manly "beauty" guru version on Youtube. I mean maybe even you can start the trend by doing a video here and there on what you are learning and then you can inspire other people!! I love your videos too <3.

-Justin <3. :]]


PerfectlyGORGEOUSx (1 month ago)
Spam Marked as spam
Denny <3. It's Justin from the meetings :]]

Anonymous said...

that gay requested "manly" matinence videos. so juss uploads a video on how to walk in heels. lolwut?

Anonymous said...

this momo girl is actually pretty nice and relatable! and she likes baconators lulz

Anonymous said...

*that guy, my bad

Sour Girl said...

I met Ke$ha last month and she was awesome. Really nice. It's kind of weird for me because I usually don't listen to her kind of music, haha.

Alexandra said...

His voice sounds like he's transgendered. Have you ever heard a tranny's voice how it's kind of got that tone to it? That high-pitched rasp sort of to it? That's the best way I can describe it.

And his face has a rounder, softer appearance to it. That's not completely indicative that he's transgendered, but it stands out to me.

Thank you for the link!

Anonymous said...

lolwut? he's not transgendered... yet

Anonymous said...

i asked him why he uses a womans body for thinspiration because he's not going to sprout breasts and have womanly curves. he won't answer it though.

Anonymous said...

am i the only one who thinks alexa (smokeypinkleopard) is hideous?

Needle said...

@Sourgirl yeah the thing is, with famous people, we'll probably never know what they're really like in real life.

But her music. I haaaate when I'm out someplace or my stupid neighbors blast music, and of course they replay ke$ha songs every ten minutes.

Anonymous said...

I caught Ke$ha on SNL a while ago and damn did she look like a huuuge mess! Kinda went along with the image I already had of her LOL

But yeah no. Not into the whole talking/singing thing that she does.

Anonymous said...

hahaha I know! I meant like starting the hormones or whatever you do.

Sour Girl said...


Yeah as I said, not really my thing. I'm more into Progressive rock...the nerdier the better.

Ugh, lets bash the QVC sisters or something, I need to blow off some steam. I got some unsettling news from the doctor today and need something to cheer me up.

Anonymous said...

Ha Lizzy blocked me on twitter this morning I discovered.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm i find it odd that lizzy blocked you. i've left her rude tweets multiple times and well she's never blocked me. lisa on the other hand blocked me the minute i tweeted something rude to her.

Anonymous said...

who is everyones favorite makeup gurus?

I wanna find some new ones to subscribe to!

I need to vent.. said...

haha i tweet blair rude messages all the time on my unkn0wncritic twitter and i have yet to be blocked. however, on my personal twitter, she blocked me out of the blue when i hadnt even tweeted her in a while. weird.

Anonymous said...

ugh the comments were so alive and now they're dead. it was nice while it lasted though.

Anonymous said...

ugh I'm so hungry! eating for 2 sucks!

Anonymous said...

i sorta like morgan, she's nice

Anonymous said...

Yeah. I wonder what her parents think about all of this. It's obvious her mother is all for living vicariously through her teenage daughters.

I wonder what her dad, or other relatives, think.

Anonymous said...

I like xbeingneonx. She's like 15 and is really artistic so her looks are really nice. I'm not her but I really do like her videos.

Anonymous said...

who the fuck is morgan

Anonymous said...

i was watching an old reality show on mtv earlier and a commercial came on with elle and blair at marshalls. it was on my tv.

Anonymous said...

What a boring commercial they did. They walked around and were like "Yay. Stuff for free!" "Yay! It's cheap!" Great marketing Marshalls.

Anonymous said...

blair was clearly pissed that she wasnt the center of attention

"omg look at this shoe thing"
dont sound so excited balir.

Unknown said...

Looks like Kai got some work done:

Anonymous said...

Wow, she still looks fug.

Anonymous said...

my boyfriend is a little overweight. he won't get on top during sex so i always have to do the work. do you think it's because he is afraid of crushing me or something? i hate being on top.

Anonymous said...

omg 8:23 delete that pic! the last time someone photoshopped a pic of kai to make her look good she started asking us for more "constructive criticism" and changed her hair style

she'll literally go get a nose job because of that pic!

Anonymous said...

Oh shiiii, K-eye's gonna get PS nao!

Anonymous said...

kai doesn't need plastic surgery on her nose that is the last thing she needs. a smaller nose would just make her cheeks look even bigger.
the 2 things i would suggest to kai is to get her teeth fixed and lose weight. she would look a million times better.

Anonymous said...

@8:23 she looks alot better

Anonymous said...

weight loss and her ceasing to use puke green colors would help

Anonymous said...

the big thing that makes kai look alot better in that picture is whatever you did to the teeth

Anonymous said...

new post!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to vent.. said...

this is from TFLN;


i'm sitting in the pool eating chicken pot pie with my little brother's friend. moments like these are the reason i love weed."

kai?! is that you?!

Anonymous said...

what is tlfn

Anonymous said...

Ugh, go ahead. Tell me to get off the internet, or I don't deserve to live, or whatever. I'm too tired to fight it. Just go ahead and rip me to shreds. After what's happened to me IRL the other day, there isn't much left in me. I'm probably just gonna end it all soon. I can't take the stress from ANY part of my life... it's too much.

I need to vent.. said...

texts from last night

Unknown said...

This is what I did to the teeth:

Anonymous said...

9:33 oh lulz righhtt

Anonymous said...

there is no hope for kai. her nose and cheeks are so unfortunate.

Anonymous said...

It's photoshop Davey!

Anonymous said...

haha Blair looked and acted exactly as I picture her to be if Elle gets even an ounce more attention than her. She was so monotone! This Facebook "commercial" is soooo long and boring too.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was too long too. You can tell Lizzy didn't like her one liners and no attention. I guess Marshall's likes the post-op trannys. Represent!

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I kind of loved seeing Lizzy suffering under the shadow of Lisa. Even if it was just for this stupid Marshall's commercial.

Anonymous said...

blair: do you need a picture frame to remember me when you go off to a dorm?

elle: no.

blair: cool.


^ lulz uh oh!

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to flip

Needle said...

@10:04 OH that part was funny!

I'm pretty sure it was scripted, though. And Lizzy could have played it up with some smart reply or some show of sarcasm or something, but instead she just blandly says "cool".

Anonymous said...

im bored i wanna photoshop kai now. anything i should do to make her all purty?

Needle said...

@10:29 Give her cheekbones :D

Anonymous said...

make her black 1029 lol

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

does anyone else call shopping carts "buggys" like elle and blair did in the marshalls video? ive seriously never heard them called that before. sounded kinda dumb. hah

Kristen said...

I call them buggies. I think it's more of a southern thing, maybe?

Anonymous said...

oh haha guess so, ive never heard that before!

Alicia said...

Lol, it is Southern I think, I say it too. I've heard my friend from MA call them carriages or something like that.

Anonymous said...


its always so weird seeing my friend on degrassi haha, shes fiona if you're wondering

lol no, nobody was wondering. i hate this bitch. all she does is brag or complain.

Anonymous said...

11:09 how come i have a feeling that's a liee...

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