Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Wow, youtube has been kind of quiet and mundane lately, other than the typical scams of the QVC sisters (we KNOW youre moving to LA, how stupid do you think your subscribers are?), but that's nothing new. I suppose some of the minor, mildly interesting things that have happened lately include;

-Kalel deleted all of her videos from both channels. Again. And is now talking about taking a break from youtube. This is after she claimed her video camera was stolen from her HOTEL ROOM and from her camera, these "robbers" were magically able to gain access to her accounts and THEY were the ones who deleted her videos. oooookayy.

-MakeupByMel got her adsense disabled.. and then made a whiny, crying video about it. AKA, expect more sponsored videos in the near future.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

-Aubrey (Fafinettex3) is fucking stupid and supposedly got her youtube hacked.. AGAIN. This time being from a link she clicked. Honestly..

-Kailyn continues to regress as seen recently by her self proclaimed love for SillyBandz, Seventeen Magazine, and Justin Bieber.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

-The QVC sisters recently did a Marshall's commercial which was hysterically bad. Blair was clearly upset the focus was not on her and come on, how many of you really believe that they would shop at Marshall's, had they not been sponsored?

-Elle and Blair keep denying any moving plans although supposedly they have some top secret project going on. Can't wait to inadvertently find out about that before they actually mention it so I can ruin the surprise for all of their minions :)
-We recently found out that Elle and Blair will soon have their own makeup line with NYX cosmetics. Cool, another makeup company I'll stop buying from. It's also speculated (and pretty much confirmed) that they have some sort of Deal with Forever21.
-It's also kinda sketch how they both randomly need their wisdom teeth pulled - at the same time. Do we see a new plastic surgery in their near future?

-Just throwing this out there (because its a slow YT week), but a lot of people seem to be speculating that Elle is 'dating' (LOL IKR?!) an actor named Alex Pettyfer. He had tweeted her, but no one can decide if this is the REAL APet; But I mean really, who could pass up such a hot piece of Tranny?

Amazon Woman


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Anonymous said...

she is so thuper sassy!!! giggle exhale

Anonymous said...

how long is she expecting everyone to be nice to her though? i want her to go on blogtv but she's being manipulative. the minute someone makes a troll comment about her, she'll go crying on twitter about how we're all mean and then she'll start acting like a bitch again.

if she makes a video tomorrow with her nose piercing, are you really expecting no one to say anything?

Anonymous said...

seriously though there hasn't been any spam, and ellen is mia because of her whole divorce fiscal...
she's the resident spammer

Anonymous said...


July 24, 2010 12:36 AM

oh yeah I know. UGh.

Anonymous said...

12:29 #1 so the logical thing to do was to call her a bitch? oook bb

Anonymous said...

Lmao. We have to go a whole day without making fun of Kai? But that's what makes this blog! Damn you Kai and your "Be nice guiseee!" ways!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Kai is expecting this blog to suddenly be her fanclub now lmao. Sorry but I don't care what you guys agreed to. I came here to lulz at her, not pretend to be friends with her. She'll order her Walmart fashions and then go back to being stuck up.

Anonymous said...

does anyone like makeupgeektv? is there any dirt on her or is she one of the good ones?

Anonymous said...

look if she turns into a bitch we'll bitch right back...just give us some lulz for tomorrow

so many things are happening tomorrow

1) Kai's nose job vid
2) Jus new channel
3) Kai's blogtv
4) sP's blogtv

Anonymous said...

Do you think we can say something lulzy about her and then put a just kidding at the end of it? Do you think she'll fall for that?

Anonymous said...

Oh sure she would...Kai you need to talk about your aborted baby- lulz just kidding!

Anonymous said...

I like how Kai straight up told Lily to pick out fall clothes for her. You're her birch now bb, congrats!

Anonymous said...

1:24 i literally lol'd

Anonymous said...

if you're going to troll her at least be sneaky/underhanded
don't ruin it by being obvious

Anonymous said...

birch, bitch same thing.

Anonymous said...

1:21 AM

juss is not going 'reveal' his new channel until sept :(

Anonymous said...

I'll only watch Juss's new channel if he reveals that he's gay

Anonymous said...

new kalel videog

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

thuper sexy pic of jus

Blargh said...

Damn, BeautyAddict101 is one of the most annoying gurus I've seen. She's a complete Blair wannabe and she's so dumb.. D:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that beautyaddict bitch, are you effin serious? i wonder how much money she made her parents shell out to make her a blair clone

Anonymous said...

her website is amazing, but she sucks at makeup...especially the eyeliner

Anonymous said...

Imagine if kai had a fucking macbook? she would take at least 100 pics of herself daily on photobooth. dear lord.

Anonymous said...

Kai likes to be seen
At every party at the Playboy Mansion
Fun, sad
I know I gotta draw the line
She wants to be in the flashes of light
Holding me tight
With her phony laugh
I guess she's gotta be photographed

You can say it's real
But I know where's it's at

Just don't tell me that
You were gonna go on blogtv
I don't wanna hear it, baby
You don't gotta tell me that
It's gonna be your last lie
No baby, I won't go for that
Even if you did say
You were gonna be there
I don't want you back
Cause it's not about love
Just dont tell me that...

Anonymous said...

lmao @ "whudderline"

beautyaddict101 = blair fail

Anonymous said...

does anyone watch laci green? are you going to watch some of her 24 hr chartiy blogtv

Anonymous said...

Who else is seriously annoyed by natneagle?

Anonymous said...

I think Nat is pathetic, tbh. She's a grown adult with children. She doesn't need to be wearing XS Twilight tshirts. Hell, Kai acts more mature than she does.

Anonymous said...

oh look justin (megan's boyfriend), is capitalizing on youtube too now and riding on the coat tails of meganfartsmakeup talentless channel.

they have a whole channel now dedicated to giving girls advice, and megan's little subbies will eat that shit up


Anonymous said...

oh lawd...ingram really?

you creep on the little boys too?!

Anonymous said...


How can these guys give any advice to girls? What are they 15-16?
They know nothing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ikr, most of their answers were bullshit anyway. They know all they want to do is tap that ass.

Anonymous said...

"we don't like Justin bieber because we get called Justin beiber because of our hair" lulz for days.

Anonymous said...

It irritates me when people are like, oh looks dont matter.

Quit lying. You know damn well that looks matter.
They might not be the most important thing but theyre still important.
Youre not going to date some nasty looking guy/girl.

Anonymous said...

On the "what do you like most about megan" question
I thought justin was going to be like,
Well, she buys me macbooks and takes her on her vacations with her.

Anonymous said...

free expense paid trip. concert tickets. her rack.

Anonymous said...

im not even watching the video. the last one was painful to watch. two gangly teenage boys posing topless together and trying to be funny.


captcha: dropin. justin is gonna end up dropin megan in shit

Anonymous said...

megan turns me pedo, not even gonna lie.

her tits are fucking perfect.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

idk about perfect...she just has them out all the fucking time, so not noticing them is kind of hard

Anonymous said...

i know justin denies being gay but does alyx admit he is gay?

Anonymous said...

i love how your issue was i said her tits were perfect, and not that im a pedo

Anonymous said...

i love how your issue was i said her tits were perfect, and not that im a pedo

lmao. our priorities are so off on this blog.

Anonymous said...

i'm sure megan thinks she's 30 or something, so the pedo thing didn't seem as relevant. she does have a pretty nice looking rack though, but she does need to tone that shit down and put some clothes on

Anonymous said...

Uhh Megan hardly ever has her rack showing so I'm a little confused why you think it's so nice?

Anonymous said...

ok you obviously haven't seen her facebook pictures

Anonymous said...

Oh. Sorry thought we were talking about videos. Let me go look.

Anonymous said...

whats her facebook link?

Anonymous said...

yes I watch lacigreen <3 awesome

meganfartsmakeup annoys the hell out ofme, her rackmakes me wanna turn pedo until I look up at her face. Its uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

God. Bitch has got her tits out in almost every photo. And looking through them makes me realize how really just plain she is. Eck.

Anonymous said...

really meg?!/photo.php?pid=4494328&id=565021563&fbid=402839866563

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

8:50 do prostitutes even wear clothes like that?

Anonymous said...

i asked megan how she styled her bangs and in the middle of explaining i grabbed her head put it between my legs. got my pussy 8

Anonymous said...

Guise! Megan respects herself so it's okay! Seriously though the way she thinks she's thuper fashionable because she can buy shit from like asos and shit is annoying. Half the time she doesn't look fashionable, just over-dressed.

Anonymous said...

8.57 that was so fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

everyone i know has shit from asos. then again im in england

Anonymous said...

I agree she does over dress, and dresses way too old for her age. But hell i'll admit, i'm jealous of her clothes!! She does have good taste. If she didn't think she was hot shit thuper "classy" shit she'd be ok

Anonymous said...

8:59 its ok she never told anyome

Anonymous said...

new fun fashion with kailyn!
bitch better do blogtv tonight or else

Anonymous said...

that outfit wouldn't be that bad if she put a sweater over it and changed the shoes. i like the top but damn kai's titties are all over the place too!

Anonymous said...

why tf was kai talking so weird in her ffwk?
Is she high?

Hello my lovely people on youtube.
Okaaay. Its oooooooon.
Its 8 Ammmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Go back to her ffwk #3
Its almost the exact same outfit.


Anonymous said...

oh god forbid she wear the same clothes more than once!

Anonymous said...

oh god forbid she wear the same clothes more than once!

Anonymous said...

Its not that she wore the same outfit again. Its that shes making another video with the same outfit.

Anonymous said...

Kai better do a blogtv tonight.
Or she will feel the wrath from this blog.

Anonymous said...

You've been warned K-eye

Rugget Warehouse said...

Does Kristin Smith really think she's that weird/original because she uses mnemonic devices? And she needs to stop talking about college, one semester of taking interior designs classes and shit does not count.

Anonymous said...

Kalel talking about school makes me LOL hard.
She's Kai #2, I learn from her what I shouldn't do.

Anonymous said...

Kristin is not seriously giving advice on organization? This is the same bitch who said because of her "OCD" or rather just extreme want for shit too be overly organized had to drop out because of it? Uhh. So give advice on the organization you dud that didn't get you through college Kristin. That's smart.

Anonymous said...

Kristen Smith is like Jus. They have no authority on anything but make videos like they're experts and know what they're talking about

Anonymous said...

Am I the only person who is excited for school to start again?

I enjoy school.
Plus I get to move back to campus with all of my friends.

Anonymous said...

Is kristin really giving advice on how to be organized in school?
She dropped out after one semester.
That doesnt count as going to college if you only went one semester.

Anonymous said...

Lol at kalel saying shes not going to talk about her college planner.

Yea. Because you dropped out!

Anonymous said...

Why does Kai pair lace and frilly clothing with stud gladiators. It's so horrible that I have to laugh. Britney Spears is probably her fashion icon.

Anonymous said...

jus is gonna cream himself after you just compared him to kristin. he wishes he could be her. ugh.

Anonymous said...

kalel dropped out and honestly has no bussiness talking about school but her tips were kinda helpful i guess.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if people help her pick tops and ugly jeans out. She doesn't know how to pair her outfits together. And I still don't see why she's going to spend a bunch of money on new clothes when she doesn't leave the house. She probably hasn't worn half of the clothes she has when there are kids out there that have nothing. Has she EVER donated to charity? Probably not. She's too selfish.

Anonymous said...

"oh lawd...ingram really?

you creep on the little boys too?!"

Gotta love how someone gets called a lazy bitch on this blog for asking who ingram is, then a few hours later someone posts this. That was sooooooooo hard!

Anonymous said...

Guys I was out all day yesterday. What the hell happened? Can someone sum up the Kai drama?

Anonymous said...

I hate kristin. But I thought the stackable crates in her dorm pictures was cute.
Good way to make extra shelves in a dorm room.

Anonymous said...

"Okay, it is ON!"

lulz Kai

Anonymous said...


Everyone her begged Kai to go on BlogTV, and they went into her room. She didn't go on camera and she kicked them out of her room. Everyone got angry. Kai said she was sorry and promised a BlogTV for today. She also trolled sticky on twitter for fashion advice.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 10:34

She asked sticky for fashion advice? LMAO FOREVER

Anonymous said...


You're welcome. :) And yes, it was pretty funny.

"Would this look good on me?"

"What about this?"


Anonymous said...

A paper bag on her head would look good on her. TRUE FACTZ!

Anonymous said...

10.23 you must be the same person that asked. They told them ingram was a pedo and then they asked again. So people were like what more do you want? Go look him up yourself for specifics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lulz forevarrrrrr

Anonymous said...

Wtf is that metal thing IN her nose?!

Anonymous said...

ew it looks like an infected pussy pimple

Anonymous said...

Kai why are you wearing that outfit to a piercing shop. You look ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

is it normal for campus accommodation in the US to have shared bedrooms?

over here people will share bathrooms, kitchens etc but all have their own individual bedroom.

how the hell are you supposed to have sex when you've got your roommate sleeping in your bunk bed every night?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



I can't stop laughing!!


Anonymous said...

Kai looks like she's been crying. Did it hurt Kai?

Anonymous said...

It's legit comming out of the inside of her nose!!!!

Anonymous said...

In most dorm rooms, yes people share a bedroom.
Some colleges have apartments where 4-6 people share a kitchen, bathrooms, living rooms, and then they have their own bedroom.
Apartments are generally for upperclassmen and dorms are traditionally for freshmen.

You dont necessarily have to have a bunk bed, at least not at my school.
You can have your bed at regular level, lofted, or bunked with your roomate.

Have sex when your roomates gone, or rent a hotel.

Anonymous said...

why does kai have her mouth open? is she breathing out of her mouth? does your nose hurt?

Needle said...


Personally I was withholding judgement on that matter, because I don't really care for nose piercings....but omggggggg you guiz. I lahv u all <3

Anonymous said...

no college dorms have a kitchen :S

you are allowed a microwave and mini fridge in your dorm room there are no kitchens anywhere

Anonymous said...

Kailyn's nose piercing video is up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thats the worst nose piercing Ive ever seen.

We warned her!

Word Ver: Shlow

Kai is shlow and she never takes our advice.

Anonymous said...

Oh god. Can't wait for videos where we get to see straight up her nose to that metal.

Anonymous said...

Guise! Shut up or she won't do a blogtv! You know she's refreshing this shit to see what we think!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My dorm has a shared kitchen on the lower level. But in our rooms we can only have a microwave and fridge.

Anonymous said...

kai is so derp

Anonymous said...

If she doesnt do a blogtv. Im unsubscribing.
We warned her last night.

Needle said...

OMG I just realized she posted a video of the nose piercing, too.

I just woke up and this is making my day interesting rite nao. :D

Anonymous said...

kai seems normal in the nose piercing video. and she actually went with a friend. lulz

Anonymous said...

Normal? Her and her laughing fits she have are not normal.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing.

Shes totally faking her disability so we'll feel bad for her.

Anonymous said...

Great job Kai! I think a nose stud suits you well :). I looks like it may of hurt. Look forward to your blogtv to ask you about it.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a diamond pimple on her fat face. You can't even see it.

Anonymous said...

Her bra was hanging out the entire video.

Please, put your boobs away.

Anonymous said...

looks so good!!!!! i love it!!!!

Anonymous said...


oh stfu. that is normal. kai actually seemed normal and not awkward for once. she acted like anyone else would in that setting. usually she's really nervous and awkward.

Anonymous said...

Shut up! Kai it's beautiful! It's sooo flattering! Now get on blogtv since your home!

Needle said...

Omggggg Kailyn, I thought you said you wouldn't cry, bb? Then what was that tissue for? Was that a tear coming out of your eye?!

But I forgot... You're always right, right?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thupper prettty! Blogtv nao? Kthx!

Anonymous said...

We want to see your nose piercing!
We promise to behave!

Lets all go to her page again!

Needle said...

And whyyyyyy is that piercer using a cotton swab on a new piercing? That's kind of disgusting...considering cotton swabs can leave traces of cotton behind and cause irritation and infections. Even if it had some cleaning solution on it, that's still not an excuse.... fresh piercings don't need to be cleaned RIGHT afterwards unless there's a ton of blood or something.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Poor Bella is locked in her kennel while Kai takes 3973095013495724 pictures of her new nose piercing! :(

Anonymous said...

Everyone go to blogtv nao!

Weve alreayd got 4 People waiting!

Anonymous said...

Kai instead of taking all those photos how bout you get on blogtv like you promised?

Anonymous said...

I'm on my iPod I can't. :(

Anonymous said...

why the fuck can't i get in? Did she block everyone?

Anonymous said...

Kai your followers are waiting for youuuu.

Needle said...

@11:16 I have no snarky words... that's just legitimately awful. :(

Anonymous said...

Poor Bella!

Anonymous said...

lmfaoooo what a time for my computer to freeze

Anonymous said...

Five years from now, your life will be improving rapidly. You will be reaching new and exciting challenges.
Your life is fine right now, but you're laying the groundwork to make it better. You are paying your dues.

Ten years from now, you'll be living an amazing life - one close to the life you've always dreamed of.
By staying hopeful and proactive, you will be able to chart your own course.

Anonymous said...

Come on Kai! Youve got 8 people waiting for you.
Dont leave us hanging.

Anonymous said...

look how cool and alternative i am, i am dressed like a stripper to be cool and individual
i'm so unique and funny and interesting

Anonymous said...

wahh i wish i was skinny i want to be just like you guys lol follow my tumblr i want to dye my hair i want to kill myself

Anonymous said...

11:42 link plz?

Anonymous said...


Jessi Slaughter?
Is that you?

Anonymous said...

Did Kai go with Robyn to get her piercing?

Why did she wear that outfit just to get her nose pierced?

Anonymous said...

Told you that Kimi and her friend were the ones that told her to get it pierced.

And I hope "awesome I prolly SHOULD put makeup on my nose" was just a typo.

Needle said...

@12:02 OMG that whole exchange was awful....

"SHOULD put makeup on my nose"
"Wash THREE times a day"
"use DIAL and BACTINE"
"healed in THREE WEEKS"

Kai is being set up for failure.

Anonymous said...

"Kai looks like she's been crying. Did it hurt Kai?

July 24, 2010 10:56 AM"

When you get your nose pierce your eye on whichever side you got pierced water like a bitch. It happens to everyone because of the nerves in the nose.

Anonymous said...

They told me NOT to put bactine on it. It's okay for bellybutton piercings, but for some reason it's not good to put on nose piercings.

Needle said...

@12:07 the thing is, though, kailyn said it wouldn't hurt! She's had her cartilage and belly button done before so she totally knows what to expect, ok!

Anonymous said...

miley cyruths got her nose pierced now i look just like her you guyths!!!!

Needle said...

Kailyn, this is exactly why you should buy darker foundation in the summer. Look at the difference between your face, your nose where they rubbed makeup off, and your arms!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i live in pa too. wazzzup

Anonymous said...

why does everyone think blairxx is pregnant?

Needle said...

@12:29 learn to spell Pennsylvania. :)

And that's old news, anyway. :P

Anonymous said...

Needle did you not read that comment? Your eye will water no matter what, it's just how your nerves are. Honestly you sound like your trying to bitch at Kai for something stupid right now.

Anonymous said...

HAH, oh lawd. Thats fucking terrible. Kai looks like shes got a permanent booger sticking out her nostril.

Needle said...

@12:35 Exactly bb, I told her just that the other day--because there are a lot of nerves and such in your nose. Her response was pretty much that she's had her cartilage and belly button pierced, so she knows what to expect!

Next time I'll try to be a little more explanatory in my sarcasm, just for you guiz. :P

Anonymous said...

regardless if she was crying or not, the nose ring looks fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

i think little nose studs are cute actually.. :/ lol

Anonymous said...

same her but only on certain people, deff not kai

Anonymous said...

I posted that comment Needle & I got your sarcasm lol. Kai is an idiot, I can't believe she said that.

Anonymous said...

Sahry needle. Didn't know you told her that. Love you bb. <333

Anonymous said...

omg did i miss her blogtv?

Anonymous said...

nah, she hasn't been on at all. Only tweeting and ignoring her fans. again!

Needle said...

@12:50 Lol, I get the feeling she just didn't want to believe anyone who might be a troll. From her talking to others on twitter last night I got the impression she felt like she was so experienced about "piercings" because of the two random, easier piercings she's had before. I was trying to tell her stuff more to help her than anything else (although I don't always say things in the nicest possible ways, I know), but she just writes it all off.

@1:00 Lol it's ok. <3 I can be stupidly nit-picky and bitchy, too, I'm sure. I just do it for the lulz, though.

@1:04 Nope, you didn't.

Anonymous said...

needle, what are your piercings?

Anonymous said...

Haha. I thought you were just trying to bitch at Kai for thinking it wouldn't hurt I didn't know yesterday you were trying to tell her it was and she was like noo. Stupid me. :)

Anonymous said...

@stickylipglossx im not sure I can do one [blogtv] tonight i'm going out too


Anonymous said...

If she doesnt do blogtv tonight. Then we all need to unsub from her.

She promised!
And we told her that we would unsub if she didnt go through with her promise!

Anonymous said...

We all need to tweet her about a hundred times telling her to do a blogtv. We've been pretty fucking nice to her today, she promised!

Anonymous said...

You guiz kai is going out all night and she's thuper busy right now, leave her alone!

Anonymous said...

kai is a damn liar. she knew all along she wasnt going to do a blogtv. she's a manipulative little bitch

Anonymous said...

I'm so disappointed in you Kailyn. I thought you might pull something like this, but I wanted to believe you were sincere and actually trying to be a better person.

Anonymous said...

If she doesnt do a blogtv, then we need to make a post about her telling everyone to unsubscribe because shes a manipulative, lying bitch.

Needle said...

@1:09 Mostly various ear piercings, different areas of cartilage piercing, a septum piercing that no one ever sees (and yup, it definitely made me cry) and a microdermal.

Anonymous said...

ok after we ALL unsubscribe, we'll make accounts to downrate all her videos, after ALL her videos are downrate...then what? that's not even the beginning of the wrath

Anonymous said...

ok after we ALL unsubscribe, we'll make accounts to downrate all her videos, after ALL her videos are downrate...then what? that's not even the beginning of the wrath

Anonymous said...

i am not making hundreds of accounts just to down rate her pathetic videos, leave that to stickman aka kai's bitch

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she has 4922 subs, the plan is not working!

Anonymous said...

if each person even did 1 that would make a difference. i don't think a lot of people rate videos so they could do it from their accounts

Anonymous said...

bwahahaha we should call sticky kais bitch to piss her off. lolololoolo

Anonymous said...

We can stop following her on twitter too.

Anonymous said...

You're actually shocked? Why did you guys fall for it in the first place? I told you she wouldn't do it. She wanted you to give her fucking fashion advice. She's a manipulative bitch and she did the same thing when she wanted highlights.

Anonymous said...


Shes going to have a lot less than 4922 if she doesnt do a blogtv by the end of the day.

So much for getting to 5000 Kai!
Better get your butt on blogtv.

Anonymous said...

i'm not shocked, i'm just waiting it out...her true colors are out now. she fucked up. and we will fuck her up

Anonymous said...

i really hope we'll do something because we all cant be fail trolls

Anonymous said...

You can't even rate Kai's videos... She's always had the ratings disabled. You guys aren't true lil kaikai fanz.

Anonymous said...

seriously if we take this kind of shit from KAI, the main LULZ on this blog we might as well shut it down. we fail if we just let her ass walk al over us and lie. just sayin

Anonymous said...

Im seriously going to unsubscribe from both of her channels. Downrate her videos. And unfollow her from twitter.

Im hoping you guys are going to also.
We'll show K-eye she can't fuck with the trolls!!

Anonymous said...

Okay maybe I wont downrate her videos. I never noticed she had her ratings disabled.

But, I will do the other things I said!

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's what she gets for thinking the trolls are her fwends and we'll just let her walk all over us!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see her begging the trolls to subscribe again.
Shell be like, "Ill go on blogtv. I promise! Please subscribe to me again!!!"

Anonymous said...

WTF she gained a subscriber! she ast 4923

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