It's September 11th. A day for remembrance and mourning for those who tragically lost their lives 9 years ago. "Happy" is NEVER a word anyone should ever associated with this day, so imagine the response from trolls AND fans when Blair tweeted this;

And if that wasn't bad enough, ELLE tries to defend her;

No. There's no excuse for what Blair posted other than that shes a completely insensitive, ignorant, uneducated little girl who SHOULD be crying, just like everyone else was crying on September 11th 2001. NO ONE should be giving her any sympathy for what she said.
Now, since we're already on the topic of the pathetic QVC sisters, let's talk about the horrible blog article Blair wrote that was mentioned earlier.
This is the article;
and this is the show she wrote about;
I'm pretty sure anyone could have done a better job writing this article. She mentioned colors - ooh good job Blair, so glad your eyes work - and that was about the extent of her review. Oh, other than the fact that she basically insulted the designer, saying his music selection was "blah" and "wacky". Sorry bb, I guess your only acceptable music choices would have been Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.
I don't normally say this, but I really do encourage every one reading this to link it to the "OMG LEAVE BALIR ALONE" tweeters. Blair has done a lot of shitty things during her youtube career, but this definietly takes the cake and deserves the attention of the little girls who idolize Blair.

«Oldest ‹Older 2001 – 2200 of 4822 Newer› Newest»she's "scared" of basic things like cash registers and black people.
ROFLMAO omg... im laughing because it's true, how sad
scared of black people !! what would she do if she saw a punjabi person with a turban or even a muslim lady all covered up ... ffs wilchers are racist i've been saying it for awhile now.
Kais not scared of the blackies. Her dad is black. All of you r jeliz
jeliz bitchez
lol i cant believe kai has only seen one black person in her life, and when she saw him she freaked out and was so scared. she'll never be able to function in the real world.
Whattttt? Kailyn freaked when she saw a black person IRL? TELL MOAR
it took kai 5 minutes to apply her lid color.... ffs.
Whattttt? Kailyn freaked when she saw a black person IRL? TELL MOAR
Everyday school or Work look!
Kai does neither of these. What a joke. She should be doing a Sit In You Bedroom All Day Look! or a Going To Walmart Look! or even a Going to Get A Baconator Look!
Lmao Kai also tagged her beach haul video with "back to school fashion and haul"
Bitch, you were never in school to begin with. You should have tagged it lazy bitch sits on ass all day haul.
Why does Kai bother doing her makeup? She doesn't socialize or make a name for herself in society.
Waste of money.
You're a waste of life, Kai.
Whattttt? Kailyn freaked when she saw a black person IRL? TELL MOAR
i forgot who told us, i think it was david, but they said kai has only seen one black person in real life, and she was scared and trying to hide from him. she thought he was going to hurt her or something.
Kais double chin sure is growing rapidly. Her gowls are meeting with her double chin and she's going to soon have a pinkiecharm face. No definition of a jaw at all. Just a big blog of fat on her face.
i luv thith mathcarahh *bulges eyes*
lol kai is using all mac now because everyone was saying her shit was going rancid.
there is no way she has only seen one black person before.
omg i'm scarred for life.
i just lulzed for like an hour HAHAHAHA
JFC it took kai 5 whole minutes to put one eyeshadow color on one lid. and she thinks she's gonna be a mua?
@12:46"She should be doing a Sit In You Bedroom All Day Look! or a Going To Walmart Look! or even a Going to Get A Baconator Look!"
ikr? that made me lol
"the mascara does not clump at all"
omg kai, why do you need a dupe of that color?! check your hoard, i'm positive you have something EXACTLY like it! you must have 10 dupes of every color in your hoard!
lulz at the pics kai took for the beginning of the new vid.
Why the fuck do you want a dupe Kai?? You have the real thing!!
ugh her teeth against the color of that lipstick... *vom*
i think kai asks the viewers for random advice out of habit. like yesterday she got a teeth whitening system but then asks "what teeth whitening product do you guise recommend?..... for when im done with this one...... maybe another one will work better for me"
she says it and then realizes she looks stupid for asking then mumbles trying to justify it.
"see, even kai has said it. she's "scared" of basic things like cash registers and black people. she will never get a job."
I need to meet this girl. I shall dress to my ghetto-ist . And say things like "whas really hood bitch?". And give her the stink eye, you know "the black people thing"
She always does that though. She'll buy something new and then ask her viewers to give her more suggestions for her to buy. Kai has a hoarding problem. She can't just have one of anything, she has to have a whole collection. When she hauled those DC shoes, she said she bought them because she didn't have a lot of sneakers. Wtf? Why do you need "a lot" of everything? It's sick.
"Why do you need "a lot" of everything?"
You know how some women have that thing that they need to have a lot of/collect? For some women, it's handbags, or shoes, or whatever. With Kai, it's EVERYTHING! She needs to have so much of everything! It's ridiculous!
I wonder how much kai's dad knows about what goes on? Id pay good money to witness his reaction to seeing his daughters vag and droopy nipple tits on the internet.
Imagine how different she might have turned out if she grew up under is roof as a kid.
"this is an everyday look..."
yeah for sitting around the house and going to fucking wendy's......... or for a n00d photoshoot....
"since my eyez are n00tral i can do something a little fun...."
...laughs awkwardly..
you know what kai looks like? a who from the grinch hahahha omg
lol n00tral~
i wonder if kai flares her nostrils when shes rly angry
kalel is such a lazy broke slob i dont even...
most women have an obsession with one thing mainly and like to get high quality items.
such as makeeup or shoes or handbags etc. they want expensive long lasting nice stuff. but with kai she wants a bit of everything as cheap as that crap comes so she gets shoes, purses, clothes and makeup from wally world or kmart.
1:56 ,2:05 lollllllll So mean but true
I just wanted to say, that most of us get our relationship ideas from the way our parents treat us. My brother is sort of like kai. 21 lives at home, no work, nor school. Begs my mom for money so he can buy games. My mom doesnt do anything about it never pushes him to do for himself. Ive never known my bro to have a gf but i get this idea that he would treat her the same way.
Thus kai treats davit like shit, and wants him to get a job so he can provide for her because her mom does those things so she needs someone to take her place. But im pretty sure you guys already knew that, just something i noticed
^ yeah, it's kinda hitting on the idea that kailyn doesn't know any better. everything has been handed to her her whole life, and she expects to be treated like that. mama wilcher doesn't help at all by not pushing her and saying it's perfectly fine to sit on her ass and do nothing with her life. mama wilcher is failing as a parent (amongst other reasons) by not giving her daughter guidance.
to add: i know mama wilcher mentioned that she lets kai stay lazy because kai "doesn't know what to do with her life" (or keeps changing her mind) but that doesn't mean she can't get a job while she's still trying to figure her life out. may as well earn your own money, boost your resume, increase your job skills, and get references while you're at it. sitting at home, turning on the camera, and filming yourself put on makeup will do none of that.
i think kai will forever see youtube as her job. she used to be a partner and made money off it, and she keeps trying desperately to make partner again.
Why is Kai wearing a helmet in all of her recent videos?
kai is a loose snatch girl with no morals
I wonder if kai's dad is any different, well probably not because he's not really around, youd think he would be strict and step in but nope! Hay soos! Is theyre anyone in that family that has some control??
her dad visits every wednesday and gives her money, according to davit. sounds like he just encourages it like mama wilcher.
does papa wilcher have another wife?
mama and papa wilcher are still married, just seperated.
Get a TV network to give her money and encourage it. Bitch will be a superstar in no time
Kai the perfect role model for sophistication and class
Her show could have a house full of studly mexican manservants named "Juan"
can you imagine the arguements mama and papa wilcher have over kai.
she gets it from your side of the family.
no she gets it from yours!
no she gets it from yours...........!
does anyone know when papa wilch and mama wilch separated?
when they realized kai was special in her own lil way
when kai was 13 i think, so 7 years
Maybe Papa couldn't handle her. So thats why Kai lives with Mama. Since they separated around her "tough time" with drugs, drinking and sex. She was too much trouble for him.
most guys would jump at the chance
why did kai lose partnership?
camilles a hottie
no special treatment allowed
i emailed kai telling her she was THUPER PRETTY!and asked what her fave thing from wendy's was since i saw the cup.
...she hasn't responded.
maybe it made her hungry?!
lulz at kalel's latest vid.
Oh shit, I just laughed so hard at that - the funniest thing is that when I first saw that picture I thought the exact same thing ;)
And I struggle to think of a job Kailyn would actually be able to hold down...except it doesn't really matter as all she wants to do is sit on her fat ass all day long, of course.
The objectives of bullies are Power, Control, Domination, Subjugation. They get a kick out of seeing you react. It doesn't matter how you react, the fact they've successful provoked a reaction is, to the bully, a sign that their attempt at control have been successful. After that, it's a question of wearing you down. The more your try to explain, negotiate, conciliate, etc the more gratification they obtain from your increasingly desperate attempts to communicate with them. Understand that it is not possible to communicate in a mature adult manner with a disordered individual who's emotionally retarded.
The Number One rule for dealing with this type of behaviour is: don't respond, don't interact and don't engage. This is not as easy to do as it sounds. It's a natural response to want to defend yourself, and to put the person right. However, never argue with a serial bully; it's not a mature adult discussion, but like dealing with a child or immature teenager; whilst the serial bully may be an adult on the outside, on the inside they are like a child who's never grown up - and probably never will. Serial bullies and harassers often have disordered thinking patterns and do not share the same thoughts or values as you
^^Whats your point? are you calling us serial bullies orrrr
I thought Kai didnt let the h8erz get to her? Is that why she deleted her twitter, lilkaikaiz channel and okcupid account? Hmm?
Lulz, some of the comments on kaka's newest video are so funny. Thing that gets me is that she's very selective in the (what she calls hater) comments she approves, so as to create just the right amount of drama.
kai is entertainment bb
would love to have an adult and dignfied conversation with her but its hard when she has the mental capacity of a 12 year old
do they sell baby carrots at wendys?
looks like you're in your own personal hell of your own making.
shouldnt have drunk or done drugs when you were pregnant is the moral of the story
thanks for making you and kai an example
Studies are being conducted by large companies to gauge loss of revenue through malicious false postings. Cyberstalkers seek to damage their victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. A 2008 High Court ruling determined that, generally speaking, slander is when a defamatory statement has been made orally without justification. Libelous statements are those that are recorded with some degree of permanence. This would include statements made by email or on online bulletin boards.[
"do they sell baby carrots at wendys?
I'm sorry, but your ~bully~ theory isnt correct. Kai puts herself out there because she wants to, no one forces her to, if she wanted people to stop laughing at her all she would have to do is delete everything, and never return. However she continues to put herself out there, sends people her nudes, gives people more material and then acts surprised/butthurt when it all resurfaces again.
Kai loves ANY kind of attention.
Yes telling kai to get a job or go to school to help her in the future ... is bullying ffs
Kai has tons of unused and unopened products just sitting on her table going to waste. She should do something useful with it, like donate it to a women's shelter. The amount of shit she has is unnecessary and disgusting. Gluttony is a sin, Kai.
Coming from someone who actually works at a grocery store, Kai could get hired there and hold down the job. At the store I work at, I actually have a coworker who DOES suffer from FAS & it has been confirmed by a family member she lives with. To some up this girl, she is 23 going on 24 years old, has all the facial features on the charts, is a bit delusional, and acts like a 12-year-old-boy crazy, 6th grade drama queen. The only characteristics that she lacks, from what I see at work, is she is overweight as most people who suffer from FAS are underweight, and does not have exhibit hyper sexual acts (at work at least)because she was brought up in a very religious home (from what she tells me).
Though a store manager a few years back made the very poor decision of promoting her from a courtest clerk (bagging grocery, collecting carts, sweeping, cleaning) to a general merchandise clerk, (gmc), meaning, she stocks beer, paper towels, soda, medication, shampoo, soap, basically non food items. She went to training and passed. She is not very good at the job at all, but she still does it. A different woman also works with us, who is 32, is mentally challenged. Though I do not know the exact diagnosis, she is very slow, it is hard to understand her speech, she has some physical limitations, and all she can do is bag groceries and sweep the floors, so our management will never promote her to a higher paying position such as GMC or Food clerk. She is also only working because she, at of all of her four siblings that are also challenged, DOES NOT qualify for social security. Both of these women CANNOT operate a cash register at a grocery store. The system is a bit more complex than it seems, such as you have to process all different forms of payment (checks, cash, credit/debit cards, food stamps, WIC, recycle redemption, etc.), card people for certain purchases, activate and override orders, and at least where I work and in my union, memorize 300+ codes to even be promoted to a food clerk, which is the highest position. Of course, after being trained to use the cash register, it'll become easy for anyone, but not having any interpersonal communication skills is a huge backlash in any job or career. The difference between cashiers at a grocery store and cashiers at Walmart is that grocery clerks talk and relate to their customers while they are ringing up their order, that's what keeps them coming back. I don't shop at Walmart for this and other reasons, but the employees there just really don't seem to give a fuck or know how to communicate it seems with their customers. It's basically SCAN SCAN SCAN BAG MONEY RECEIPT.
I also have a cousin who is mentally challenged and legally blind. She is aware of it and knows her limitations. But she still went out into the real world and graduated from regular high school, got her driver's license, a job, and got married.
But my point is, is that Kailyn CAN hold and SHOULD have a job. She can work at Walmart with no problem, including a grocery store, retail, restaurant. There is no excuse for her other than that she is lazy and unmotivated because of her mother. She is just a victim of her own enviroment. And I will be really, really pissed off if she is able to get socially security.
There are many methods of internet bullying. It can range from the mere mention of mean words to something more dangerous such as death threats. Internet bullies may use crude, offensive and vulgar language in an attempt to affect the personal status and condition of their victims. The attack may be direct or indirect. Direct attacks are done when the attacker directly communicates the harrying words to the victim. On the other hand, indirect attacks are made through the online posting of malicious writings or commentaries
^ sounds like what mama wilcher does to camille
lol @ you copying and pasting everything from, you're sure showing us bb!
anyone else just skipping right over their comments and not reading them?
Next, put things into perspective. The only reason people spend their time and energy to say something mean about someone else is because they themselves are miserable. Let me clarify, it's GOOD for people to share valid opinions about the actions of politicians and authority figures. And it's okay to think whatever you please about someone in your own mind. But when people physically take action and type out something rude or abusive on the's a sign of an unhappy or jealous person. They are deliberately out to hurt you or get attention from you or others based on what they have said.
I can't stress this one enough, STAY AWAY FROM MESSAGEBOARDS and TALKBACKS. There is zero accountability in these places, and people are often at their nastiest here. People with a cruel streak get a kick out of these places because there are more people to victimize.
"Let me clarify, it's GOOD for people to share valid opinions about the actions of politicians and authority figures"
You should visit the other 95% of the internet and tell them off for stating their opinion.
are you done copying and pasting? fucking loser.
i bet they feel like they really achieved~~ something by copying and pasting all of forever
IKR? ~I sure showed those internet bullies~
@ 4:10
it's probably kai and mama wilcher is patting her on the back for standing up to the bullies lulz
Are the wilchers fucking retarded? I cant even contemplate having parents like that who blame EVERYONE else but not themselves or their own child. How fucking delusional can you get?
I agree, they blame it on everyone else. Mama Wilcher threatened to sue Robin for talking about Kai ffs. It's never poor, sweet, innocent, flawless, saint Kais fault.
ikr the whole family is comletely cray cray
i wonder if when kai was born her dad was like 'wtf' when he saw her.
why the fuck does my child look like that????? were his thoughts.
i'm sure as soon as he found out mama w was guzzling down the booze while preggo he hit her with divorce papers.
kai is freakin 20 !!!
lol @ cray cray and LMAO @ kai's afraid of black people & thought a black man was gunna hurt her.
He probably thought she would hurt him too! or eat him.
on top of everything, she's stereotyping races and sheltered. kai, leeeaaave allllreaaaddyyy.
Fuck off. I'm not depressed and I'm pretty content in my life. I laugh at Kai because she's ridiculous and a trainwreck and I don't do it to "validate myself" or "make myself feel better"
Sit the fuck down and stop preaching it. If you don't like it, don't come here.
^ amen sistah
Kais ego won't let her think otherwise though. In her mind, anyone that gives her the truth is just jealous or an internet bully. That's exactly why she is the way she is and she'll never change.
i bet kai will try and look like that now lol
i wonder what kai's daddy thought of her nudes? has he seen them? i have a feeling he might stop sending them money if he does.
"Kais ego won't let her think otherwise though. In her mind, anyone that gives her the truth is just jealous or an internet bully. That's exactly why she is the way she is and she'll never change."
I went online and wrote how I despise Hitler. I must be jealous and unhappy with myself. It all makes sense now..
I just re-watched Kai's "How to be a guru" video and LMAO at the irony of it.
Oh shit, I'm so unhappy and jeluzz
if kai's dad saw her spread eagle willingly on her bed like she was showing her pussy to the cam up, i would hope he would have her removed from her mothers home or put her into a rehab center that she goes to live in for a long while. she needs help and lots of it.
he probably gives kai money so he doesn't have to deal with her.
i bet kais room stinks from her spreading her legs without clothes on to let her crotch air out and to take pictures and letting her dog pee and poo all over the place
Remember when Mama Wilcher created that blog bashing Camille? YEAH, MAMA WILCHER, POT MEET KETTLE YOU IDIOT.
"i bet kais room stinks from her spreading her legs without clothes on to let her crotch air out and to take pictures and letting her dog pee and poo all over the place"
Oh jeeeez, way to put some disturbing thoughts into my head, lol!
Does Mama Wilcher's blog still exist? Do you have the link? I want to see it for the lulz
based on the recent pictures and so on it would be in miss wilchers best interest to remove that dog from kai's bedroom when the door is closed for the time being.
kai has now proven to take on bizarre sexual acts (sticking unidentifiable objects up there etc) and it would not be a surprise to come to find that she does let that dog lick her genitals. beastiality is illegal.
Poor dog :(
Glad I'm not the only one who had that thought.
I hate how Kai applies eyeshadow to her lids. She is doing it all wrong. Her eyelids look old and loose like cottage cheese.
i know i feel bad for that dog :(
does anyone else think it's weird that whenever Kai goes to delaware to her grandma's beach house~, her uncle is always mentioned? How many uncles does Kai have? I know she has that little nephew who she lahhhvs, and she has said before that all her family lives in the same neighborhood. so every time they go somewhere, why does her uncle leave his own family to go with kai and mama wilcher? or does she have two uncles and one of them still lives with the grandma like a dead beat? idk, overthinking oops
lmao i know this isn't a beauty guru...
but she reminds me so much of kai. but instead of makeup, she hoards b&bw shit
Probably not an uncle at all...if you catch my drift.
maybe kai is an inbred and doesn't have fas? maybe kai's "uncle" mama wilchers brother, is really her dad
"maybe kai is an inbred and doesn't have fas? maybe kai's "uncle" mama wilchers brother, is really her dad"
*Giggling uncontrollably*
She only has One uncle and one aunt. I believe the aunt is Mama Wilchers sister. They are the parents of Kai's cousin. THe only other child in the family.
"maybe kai is an inbred and doesn't have fas? maybe kai's "uncle" mama wilchers brother, is really her dad"
sick. i wouldn't even be surprised.
isn't kai from a small town in maryland? i think incest occurs most in small towns actually :/
I hate that now everyone on youtube has dkny be delicious... I must find a new unique scent!! Suggestions?
my god, megan. other people are going to use the same goddamn perfume as you. i've used that perfume for 2 years.
if you don't want other youtubers to use it, DON'T PUT IT ON YOUTUBE. people are obviously going to see that video and want to try out the perfume if you rave about it a lot.
"She only has One uncle and one aunt. I believe the aunt is Mama Wilchers sister. They are the parents of Kai's cousin. THe only other child in the family."
Mama, you still here ;)
in elle's thumbnail for her "did hair extensions ruin my hair?" video she holding a dkny perfume bottle? aka, her most recent video? so she probably messed up? idiot
"I must find a new unique scent!! Suggestions?"
she wants something "unique" and yet she just asked her followers, oh lawd.
and then when she finds that "unique" scent... she'll put it in a video.
kai's boyfriend tag video made me laugh. her and david have been dating for 4 years and the whole time he thought she was half indian/native?? lulz. he said in that video he thought her dad was a cherokee.
is anybody else getting annoyed with williammmx or whatever his username is and how he's trying so hard to be a troll?
hes what, like, 14? ,,,
and he makes tag videos like every other beauty guru.
wow, those weren't supposed to be commas lulz
... *
william is like jusss in denial/in hiding about being gay
"kai's boyfriend tag video made me laugh. her and david have been dating for 4 years and the whole time he thought she was half indian/native?? lulz. he said in that video he thought her dad was a cherokee."
And did you notice that she was pretty clueless when it came to knowing most things about him? Someone's a little too caught up in themselves I think...
who tf is william
link please?
he drives me nuts. i was just lurking his twitter, he tries SO hard to be rude to everybody and go along with all the trolls.
just because you're a spoiled little teenage new yorker doesn't mean you can put people down for not being able to afford all the unnecessary stuff you have.
Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others. - Bill Belsey
yeeeeeeah hahaha and yet he claims to be straight
with that voice? no way
6:18 lol william is not a new yorker. he is a canadian. he lives in toronto canada.
The practice of cyberbullying is not limited to children and, while the behavior is identified by the same definition in adults, the distinction in age groups is referred to as cyberstalking or cyberharassment when perpetrated by adults toward adults, sometimes directed on the basis of sex. Common tactics used by cyberstalkers are to vandalize a search engine or encyclopedia, to threaten a victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. A repeated pattern of such actions against a target by an adult constitutes cyberstalking
6:24 toronto is a city. biggest city in canada.
Cyberstalkers meet or target their victims by using search engines, online forums, bulletin and discussion boards, chat rooms, and more recently, through online communities such as MySpace, Facebook, Bebo, Friendster, Twitter, and Indymedia, a media outlet known for self-publishing. They may engage in live chat harassment or flaming or they may send electronic viruses and unsolicited e-mails. Victims of cyberstalking may not even know that they are being stalked. Cyberstalkers may research individuals to feed their obsessions and curiosity. Conversely, the acts of cyberstalkers may become more intense, such as repeatedly instant messaging their targets.
i'm aware of that. i live an hour from toronto.
i meant the city as in new york city
@6:24 #3 - F.O ♥
yes some canadians who live in toronto are delusional and think it's the "new york of canada" so they refer to it as the city lol
how do you know he lives in canada?
toronto is nothing interesting.
if u wanna live in canada, BC is the place to be.
Similar to stalking off-line, online stalking can be a terrifying experience for victims, placing them at risk of psychological trauma, and possible physical harm. Many cyberstalking situations do evolve into off-line stalking, and a victim may experience abusive and excessive phone calls, vandalism, threatening or obscene mail, trespassing, and physical assault.
i swear i've heard him say he lives in new york city haha, on his twitter it says he lives in nyc as well.
heeey, i like toronto! :(
With personal information becoming readily available to an increasing number of people through the Internet and other advanced technology, state legislators are addressing the problem of stalkers who harass and threaten their victims over the World Wide Web. Stalking laws and other statutes criminalizing harassment behavior currently in effect in many states may already address this issue by making it a crime to communicate by any means with the intent to harass or alarm the victim.
he always says he lives in nyc and i remember he took a pic of his bedroom or something and someone said it didn't look like he lived in nyc and he lashed out on them
vancouver > toronto
Contact the police if cyberbullying involves acts such as:
Threats of violence
Obscene or harassing phone calls or text messages
Harassment, stalking, or hate crimes
Child pornography
Sexual exploitation
Taking a photo image of someone in a place where he or she would expect privacy
i've never been to vancouver, but a lot of my friends from school are from there and love it so i can imagine it's better than toronto.
i still like TO though :)
that DKNY be delicious perfume is gross, it smells like cucumbers
i went to toronto & quebec last year and it was nice. but like when i landed in the airport i was shocked how there was no mountains anywhere! i dont think i would ever be able to move away from BC. i got homesick after like 2 weeks.
williamx is creepy.
camille recognize any of this...?
top of this page there is both kailyn's number and the distribution of an inappropriate image which you have not deleted.
i'm contacting my lawyer right now and have saved the page in my records.
this blog is history
I personally like the DKNY perfume idk
personal opinion i guess
it definitely isn't unique anymore though. i don't know how megan is only realizing that now.
i like it too, but i agree its not unique in any way... its just an apple scent
i like megan, but she always acts way too old. vegtable detox when shes 14? wtf
the one youtube perfume addiction i don't understand is pink sugar
i took a whiff at sephora once and almost passed out
yeah i like her too, one of the few youtubers i can stand.
i agree with you 100% though. she needs to act her age. the clothes she wears are really nice, but inappropriate for a freshie in high school.
nooone of the freshman @ my school dress like megan. even most upperclassmen go to school in jeans/sweater.
i'm in my 2nd year in university and nobody dresses like megan.
and i go to a university known for stuck up rich jewish princesses
Contact the police if cyberbullying involves acts such as:
Threats of violence
Obscene or harassing phone calls or text messages
Harassment, stalking, or hate crimes
Child pornography
Sexual exploitation
Taking a photo image of someone in a place where he or she would expect privacy
top of this page there is both kailyn's number and the distribution of an inappropriate image which you have not deleted.
i'm contacting my lawyer right now and have saved the page in my records.
this blog is history
sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
"and i go to a university known for stuck up rich jewish princesses"
wtf is a rich jewish princess?
really what is that?
as far as i know jews are penny pinchers and cheapskates?
please enlighten me.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me!
bye pretty ppl!!
omg omg omg omg ohhhhh yesssss bebe my shampoo bottle is hitting all the right places now all i need is my grandpa to come into my room and take nude pics of me so i can be just like my idol kai <3
not where i live
my school has like a 70% jewish population, and they're all stuck up girls who only wear name brands and whatnot.
here they are referred to as japs, jewish american princesses
(nothing personal against jewish people)
all inappropriate comments are being monitored and recorded.
Comment deleted by the cyberpolice.
is there such thing as the cyberpolice? website?
I wouldnt recommend anyone calling or texting Kai, not because of Mama Wilcher, but because Kai will seriously call you like 10 times in a row and leave stupid voice mail messages. I know from experience LOL
i wouldnt call her. im too poor to make longdistance calls ;'(
why the fuck does megan care about other people FROM THE INTERNET liking the same scent? she doesn't even interact with them IRL, so it's not like it actually matters? "ZOMG U GUIZ I HAF TO B UNIQ!!!"
She left me one voicemail that was just her saying "HAAAAAAAY EVERYJUANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN" in a really stupid voice. I didn't even realize it was Kai at first lol But recently I texted her something about her newest nude pictures and she or Mama Wilcher proceeded to call me like 5x in a row. I'm always terrified of answering and hearing her gorilla voice
Papa wilcher has a girlfriend that has kids and lives with them...Kai wont go over there because she "doesnt know them".
Elle actually looks decent
Some girl on makeupalley is interviewing Elle and Blair and she asked for questions. I seriously hope she asks some of these.
They're 7 years separated? Why don't they just divorce?
"They're 7 years separated? Why don't they just divorce?"
Because they're ALL fucking strange.
divorce is a lengthy process and is hard on families
megan is dumb "I RLY RECOMMEND U ALL BUY DIS PERFUM IT THA BESS" then people go and buy it and she says "OMG GUISE Y U COPYING ME WTF" dumbass
"divorce is a lengthy process and is hard on families"
It would still be better than being seperated for 7 years regardless.
2200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeahhh!!!!!!!!!
Can someone kill me, right now?
Is it hard to get into American universities?
new page :D
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