Have a link you want to post but dont want it to get lost in the comments? Post it here - LINKS ONLY - no discussion please :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Msfililocalola has been caught buying video views off of ebay

$2 for 1000 views? is that even worth it? Apparently this seller has sold over 250 of these thousand-view types of things (and I'm sure there are more people out there selling these) so it makes you wonder what other partners are using this to raise their view count, eh?

Whatever, I believe Msfililocalola lost her adsense, anyway, this was probably why ;)


«Oldest   ‹Older   1201 – 1400 of 4835   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

i swear all these people who do youtube videos have mental disorders where they think they're greater than they really are. i dont get it. they're all narcissistic and conceited and so into themselves and think they're the best thing on earth.

Anonymous said...

"and the reality is that having University of Phoenix on you resume hurts you more than it helps you. "

EXACTLY. but fatty natty thinks she's so educated and better than everyone else.

this obese swine needs a kick in the ass.

Anonymous said...

9) I have yet to run into a business professional (ie: someone who might hire you) that actually gives any credibility to a UOPhoenix degree.

Anonymous said...

Woah, hold the fuck on. Did she really compare her novel leaking to rape?

You have no fucking right to call anyone else pathetic Natasha, you're fucking disgusting. Don't you EVER say they're the same thing.

Your shitty novel leaking is NOT the same as having a part of me taken and having to live with that for the rest of my life. Fuck you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

she doesnt even feel bad about the rape comment ~i used that term for a reason~ shut the FUCK up, fatasha.

Anonymous said...


Wasn't nat the one bitching about the mac rodarte collection bc the girls there are raped? and now she's exploiting the term? wtf is this

Anonymous said...

"but what makes you assume I haven't been or that I haven't been very close to people that have"

Because if you honestly did, you would have never made the comparison in the first place you insensitive bitch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

is she saying that she HAS been raped? "What makes you assume that I haven't been"

Anonymous said...

UN-FOLLOW NATTY. now she thinks shes famouthhhh

Anonymous said...

were she raped, i doubt she'd use the word in such a way.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but she seriously crossed a line. I know we talk about gurus doing shady things but there is no excuse for saying something like that. I'm actually shocked that she even said it.

Anonymous said...

Nat would love everyone to think that shes been raped in the past. Like someone else said, if she had been raped she wouldnt even be making the comparison in the first place. She is a drama queen and an attention whore...

Anonymous said...

is anyone here even subbed to nat or follow her on twitter? i only know of her because of this blog. and what ive seen of her is enough to know i despise the cunt

Anonymous said...

nat is 31, this bitch acts like she's 16 and creates unnecessary drama just to bring attention to her fat self. this chick has issues.

Anonymous said...

i was subbed to nat, but i unsubbed.

Anonymous said...

it seems like most of fattynatty's subs/followers are old obese losers like herself. like i bet a lot of twihards like nat. they can relate to her and see themselves in her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how self absorbed and delusional do you have to be to say something like? smh

Anonymous said...

even davit wouldn't say something like that and you know how foul he is... U DUN GOOFD FATTYMCNATTY

Anonymous said...

i didnt even know about nat or care but it pisses me off that she thinks because she wrote one shitty novel and acted like a pro writer during the process that she's a real legit recognized published author.

ok, you wrote one novel. real writers write hundreds of novels and stories before getting anything published. and they dont feel self-important and feel like they deserve recognition and admiration for writing one story. get a fucking grip.

Anonymous said...

nat's #amwriting and #amediting bragging she did while writing that shitastic novel was so annoying. i dont even follow her, but i looked over her twitter once and every other tweet was her announcing to the world she was writing. i bet she wrote 99% of that novel sitting in a starbucks on a laptop, making sure people saw her writing like a real author!

Anonymous said...

The comments on her leaked video are hilarious. They're all sucking up to her telling her what a good writer she is, but every.single.comment has at least one misspelling. Her followers definitely know what good writing is!

Anonymous said...

lmao is Nat Jay-z or something. She's acting like she's tupac and her album got leaked ... sit the fuck down nat ffs.

Anonymous said...

i mean Jay-z not tupac .. lulz

Anonymous said...

what the fuck, im watching my first nat video and she's so ugly, plain, has an annoying hick accent, and is nothing special. just a bored fat jobless housewife wasting time in front of a video camera. and she does act like she's 16. her profile pic is so embarassing. you're 31 years old, grow up.

Anonymous said...

44 minutes ago

You are a teacher and she is going to tell you how to write?! Screw her

oh molly..... ffs.

Anonymous said...

7 hours ago

im sorry this happend to you nat. i read the part of the novel that was leaked and honestly didnt really think it was that good, sorry!! i still love you though. i think you should maybe take some advice that the haters were giving you though, it was really confusing and there were too many big words.. =)

@oxjennalee so what putting a smiley face behind your rude comment erases what you said?! I'm sorry my writing confused you and used a lot of big words. If what I wrote is hard for you to understand, I'm not going to apologize. I didn't use words over an SAT level education - ie 11th or 12th grade in a US high school. Again, I won't apologize.


Anonymous said...

I come here when I can. This blog is my guilty pleasure. I can't stand Nat Neagle.
Self absorbed, overblown, egotistical, arrogant slob.
Using rape as an example of her writing being critiqued is pathetic.
I unsubscribed

Anonymous said...

im surprised fatbagel hasnt taken a liking to kai like twinkiecharm

they're both so similar

Anonymous said...

CAN WE SWITCH THE TOPIC NOW? im tired of fatnat. sawa put up like 10 vids today. girl is cray cray

Anonymous said...

that's like kai saying she feels raped because her makeup collection was stolen.

Anonymous said...

sticky is a loose snatch girl with no morals

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"i felt so exposed. i was getting, i'm not gonna brag or anything, but i was getting REALLY out there. i had like 160 subscribers"


Anonymous said...

lol obeseneagle is bashing self publishing and thinks her novel will be published.she said she may go the self publishing route but wants to explore her other options. you're no better than ellen, nat. every single publisher will reject your shitty novel. i hope that will finally knock her off her pedestal

Anonymous said...

she got 50 views in one hour U JEALOUS?

Anonymous said...

LOL That one time Sawa was on blogtv, she was talking about her BF Mitchell or whatever, and then she said that they hadn't talked in 3 weeks and she doesn't talk to him outside of school.

Thuper Legit Love<3

Anonymous said...

lol we'll get the last laff. >:)

Anonymous said...

what makes nat think she knows the ins and outs of the writing world? her online degree from the university of phoenix?

Anonymous said...

whats so bad about university of pheonix? im not american... explain please?

Anonymous said...

nat only likes you if your one of her obese fans who leaves her corny overly nice fake messages

Anonymous said...

the university of phoenix is an online school. no one takes it seriously. it's not a "real" degree because the programs are thuper easy and you dont even do half the work of a normal school. you get a degree, but no one takes it seriously and actually look down on it. im not even surprised one of nat's degrees is from there.

Anonymous said...

if you leave her a nice comment with constructive critism she will go apeshit on you.

ex : #
7 hours ago

im sorry this happend to you nat. i read the part of the novel that was leaked and honestly didnt really think it was that good, sorry!! i still love you though. i think you should maybe take some advice that the haters were giving you though, it was really confusing and there were too many big words.. =)

@oxjennalee so what putting a smiley face behind your rude comment erases what you said?! I'm sorry my writing confused you and used a lot of big words. If what I wrote is hard for you to understand, I'm not going to apologize. I didn't use words over an SAT level education - ie 11th or 12th grade in a US high school. Again, I won't apologize.

Anonymous said...

can we stop talking about nat? hate that whale and dont want to even mention her name.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't Sawa been making videos for like over a year?? And she thinks she's the bomb with 160 subscribers lulz

Anonymous said...

I mean, you'd think more people would subscribe to a beautiful ginger goddess like Sawa. She's a fucking model guys. FOR FUCKING TARGET!!!

Anonymous said...

shes the bomb diggity guise!!

Anonymous said...

Online school? Did she do that for four years? Holy shit thats seems pathetic

Anonymous said...

whats natashas youtube?

Anonymous said...

every single time nat talks about something she talks down. nat talked down ellen because she was a self published person and anyone could do that and nat thinks she's above and beyond that and will be published asap. delusional, delusional, delusional

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol @ fatbagel having 15k+ subs yet her videos only average around 1500 views

Anonymous said...

did anyone watch robin's new video?

1 hour ago

@lickthefoot340 i wasnt trying to bash her for accepting the free stuff i was trying to say that i think its dumb she gets all this stuff for free and still goes shopping like every week. from personal experience i know shes greedy as hell and its sickening to see how someone can be so greedy

Anonymous said...

Wow, I know you guys are sick of talking about Nat but I'm kind of late to this and I wanted to get my comment in here. I am so appalled that she would compare the leaking of her novel to rape. I understand that she probably feels violated because when you write something like that I'm sure you put a lot of yourself into it. But there's no way that a situation like that would EVER compare to rape. Because of that comment, I have no sympathy for her. She can sit there and talk for 20 minutes about how upset she is that her novel is out, but honestly.. it'll be out sometime anyway, it just got leaked a little early. She should be happy it got leaked here because I'm sure more people read that shit here than would read it if it ever got published. She needs to apologize for that comment and I can't believe that her subs let her get away with that. She's clearly an insensitive cow and the most important person in her life, is herself. I hope her family is proud.

Anonymous said...

robins mouth creeps me out

Anonymous said...

nat neglects her kids because she comes first! her getting attention on blogtv is much more important than putting her kids to bed or giving them any attention. she is truly a vile human being. im glad smellen leaked her shitty novel, and she's delusional if she thinks anyone is going to publish that crap.

Anonymous said...

so is natneagle even a writer? or is that novel the first thing she wrote?

Arezu said...

Just my two cents about the novel leak thing..

I've read the first 2 Twilight books and I love the idea of the story, but HATE the way it's written. It's SO slow. I can understand why it's so popular but I couldn't stand the way it was written, and that's the reason why I didn't bother reading the last 2 (or whatever books).

A while back I finished reading a book that had quite a few words that I've never read before and I had to write them down and look them up. Maybe 1 word every 2-3 pages. But, either way I was still able to read through the book and understand completely what the author was saying.

I skimmed through natneagles prologue or whatever, and I didn't like that it seemed to me it followed the same writing style as Stephanie Meyer (the fact that it takes so long to describe one thing) - that's just my thing, I don't like it, but I can see how someone would enjoy having descriptive writing.

In natneagle's video she talks about how she has read books where she has come across words she didn't understand and had to look them up - but for it to be every other word is something that I would think would draw a reader away.

I also didn't like how she's bashing ellen (?) about not being a good writer and being self-published and what not, yet she can't take any critism that people are writing about her prologue.

summary: girl needs to grow up and grow a thicker skin. I'd love to see if she posts about any progress about her novel and what editors and publishers have to say about it.

Anonymous said...

nat lives life by the teachings according to kailyn.

-you are the most important being on earth
-you are beautiful, skinny, and flawless
-you are perfect, dont accept any criticism
- haters and people who disagree with you are just jealous of you!!

Arezu said...

sorry about the long comment, if anyone cares to read, haha.

Anonymous said...

what did robin say about kai? i don't watch her videos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

someone asked robin in the comments why she was bashing kai for accepting free stuff to review when she does the same thing. and robin replied with that comment that was posted above.

Anonymous said...

Nat is really pretentious.

Anonymous said...

lol... robin. "tfc these eyeshadows were given to me free"



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

team kai

Anonymous said...

lol why did kai just lose 4 subscribers

Anonymous said...

Tfc? Ooohh nooo not the tfc!!!! What was robin thinking? You shall never utter the letters tfc!!! They bring nothing but dispair! Come children we shall pray that robin doesnt get strucken by the curse of thy tfc!

Anonymous said...

Lol i remember when i told you idiots to "groe" up and you kept repeating it... It did make me laugh lol

Anonymous said...

the beginning... omfg embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

kai is a loose snatch whore with no morals

robin is a tight twat girl with morals

Anonymous said...

Oh misshevious or however you spell it.... I unsubscribed to her pompous ass long time ago

Anonymous said...

Nat betta groe da F up!

Anonymous said...

i unsubbed too. something about her just bugs me.

Anonymous said...

Hey ya'll, it's Googles birthday! Let's thank Google for directing us to the lovely photos of Kai. WOOT WOOT!

Anonymous said...

OMG 9:05, that sure is second-hand embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

hfs, university of phoenix?!?!1

'nuff said.

you've already lost fatbagel.

Anonymous said...

wth thats not even visual kei. it looks like a goth look.

Anonymous said...

Yeah what is that white shit under Kai's nails? Must be bird shit. That filthy little oinker.

Anonymous said...

the mysterious white stuff under kai's nails = bella's dried out shit from when she picks up after bella when she shit in kai's bedroom

Anonymous said...

Xsparkage doesnt watch jersey shore, she's thuper groen up

Anonymous said...

Maybe its all the gunk from her scalp under her nails. She only washes her hair every 6 days, it must be pretty itchy and dirty

Anonymous said...

i lahv jersey shore. that meanth im thuper immature rite?!?!

Anonymous said...

"That filthy little oinker."


Anonymous said...

That white stuff is the cheese curds from her vag

Anonymous said...

does fatty still do blog tv's? she needs to invite her "h8ers" to her room again. lulz

Anonymous said...

It's like... dried, crumpled up toilet paper that got stuck under there when she was struggling to wipe her ass. I guess Mama Wilcher wasn't there at the moment to do it for her.

Anonymous said...

Sawa takes Jootoob way too seriously

Anonymous said...

kai snorts coke and she leaves the residue under her nails

Anonymous said...

Who is Sawa?

Anonymous said...

nope. the white stuff is obvs from her fap-erontitis

Anonymous said...

kai showers like once a week nasty ho

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... ***********

Anonymous said...

Wrong link.

Anonymous said...

"That white stuff is the cheese curds from her vag"

lulz this was my first thought

Anonymous said...

God I cannot stand how hairy Kai's arms and hands are. I used to think when she would swatch stuff on her hands and take photos of it, that it was Davit's hand that she was using for it. Fat and furry.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO 57 seconds reminded me of our little Kai.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

does anyone have mrfili's email address and home address?

Anonymous said...

LOL ROBIN @ 3:00

Anonymous said...

mrfili lives in winnipeg, MANitoba, canada

Anonymous said...

God she is so ugly.

Anonymous said...

1006 hello captain obvious

Anonymous said...

Robin said her lips are naturally dark. Oh Lord.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

^ thanks for the mental images 1024

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There's no phony Facebook group for Kailyn?

Anonymous said...

why does blair have a sudden interest in missglamorazzi?

Anonymous said...

I have to say I'm a guru on youtube and I get offered free products and money to do a good review on it but the product is always shit and I don't feel right accepting money to rave about a product I hate! Not all of us are completely driven by money for good reviews and are willing to lie about a product so don't overlook every guru because of some of the idiots who are.

Anonymous said...

Tell us who you are and we'll be the judge of that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol, i really doubt they'll post their youtube link.

Anonymous said...

this is my channel, don't rip me apart.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

AHAH, im not clicking that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why do fat people always have good personalities?

Anonymous said...

Davit has a good personality?

Anonymous said...

oh shit aye ^

Anonymous said...

they call you mr personality because your so ugly

Anonymous said...

this song reminds me of kai

kai is that your face or did your neck throw up :(

Anonymous said...

Watch glorias gort the troll video thats some funny shit right deyre

Captcha: urkywrat

- the sound kailyn wilchers farts make when there confused

Anonymous said...

Sephora is pricey you guise!

Anonymous said...

I love how Kai doesn't like spending $35 on a concealer BUT she will spend ungodly amounts of her Mom's money on shit from Walmart, Rugget Warehouse, TJ Maxx, Target, Forever21, Wet Seal.

Anonymous said...

Get real people, that was an excuse to cover up the fact that mama wilcher buys all her shit. If Kai really had her own money, she would be out at Sephora every week and doing $200 makeup hauls if she could afford it. Mama Wilcher will only buy drugstore stuff cause she's paying out of pocket, not Kai.

Anonymous said...

Our queen is such a diva.

Anonymous said...

if kai isn't on welfare she should go and get on it tomorrow and her mom should tell her that is her spending money and she can do whatever she wants with it but once it runs out she has to wait for her next check. at least that way she can start to learn money management.

Anonymous said...

^ewww. Sawa is creepy. i don't like red heads. their the debil!

Anonymous said...

Kai needs to get a legit job. Less idle time for her to take n00dz and spread them online.

Anonymous said...

nobody would hire kai she would not pass an interview and she probably wouldn't even get called in for an interview in the first place

Anonymous said...

You don't get welfare just by being 20 and having no job or life. I'm sure Mama Wilcher puts her down as a dependent for taxes. If Kai really is disabled and the state knows, it's possible that mom gets some kind of money. That money is probably used for all of her hauls. Mama Wilcher is willingly paying for hauls so that more people will watch her videos, hence more subscribers, hence getting their adsense back. She did say youtube was Kai's only source of income.

Anonymous said...

It WAS her only source. It's possible her dad still gives her money. And its a known fact that Grandma spoils the shit outta her.

Anonymous said...

i thought people on welfare were just people who were unable to get a job and so they just go and apply and then get on it? kai is an adult who is not able to work so she needs money to support herself and that is what welfare is for. people who have no other way of supporting themselves so they have to resort to welfare.

Anonymous said...

Kai can NOT get welfare. She lives at home and her mom is supporting her. Since she's a dependent and her mom makes too much money for Kai to claim welfare. NOW if she would of kept her baby then she could be on welfare.

Anonymous said...


haha wow is that girl for real? She was seriously vile to that other girl that walked in!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

1:58 is right. you have to be living on your own (supporting yourself) or have minor children to receive gov't assistance. kai can't even file for unemployment.

Anonymous said...

Nat is really defending her right to use the word rape in that context and her comments are so snotty.

Anonymous said...

with every stupid thing i'm learning about fatnat (inability to take criticism, thinking she's a literary goddess, using rape inappropriately, university of fucking phoenix), it makes me smile THAT much more that we prevented her from winning that contest ;) what a piss poor attitude she has!

Anonymous said...

I hate her for making me defend Smellen, but it's hilarious she's dogging on her for having an associates degree when hers is from a scammy online school.

An associates is worth more then a U. of Pheonix degree--ask any employer. Listing that school as your education hurts you more then it helps.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Ellen had an AA.
Nat should not be bashing her for that. And honestly, she could just apologize for the rape comment and it wouldn't be an issue. For some reason, she just can't do it.

Anonymous said...

Reading some of the critiques on this blog, I'm sure some of the trolls have had a better education than the university of phoenix can provide. You should let go of that pride and listen to them, Natasha bb.

Anonymous said...

Nat is dead to me.

Liken her writing to that of Harry Potter... right.

Saying she feels raped by us... RIGHT.

Bashing self published authors because they don't write Twilight shit and no one is interested in anything BUT shitty romance novels in the current literary market... RIIIIIGHT.

Poetic my ass, FatNat.

There is a difference between "dumbing down" and removing completely unneeded words that are just thrown in to look like you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

"someone sent me the comment" is code for "I refresh the website 20 times a day hoping to see someone defending me"

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Natasha trying to get this blog shut down. I wonder how she's doing that...

Anonymous said...

I noticed in the video she says she didn't read any of the comments after she saw the one Ellen posted but yet she was here posting herself and had her mom come and post something too. I still can't believe she got her mom to post. So funny.

Anonymous said...

lulz @ all the little housewives in her comments crying "lawyer!" don't let it go to your head fatbagel, just get it over with and post your "novel" to

Anonymous said...

does anyone have the link to nat's prologue and chapter 1? please????? thank you!

Anonymous said...

this video is pretty lulzy though with her talking about her mindless drama, then suddenly, "now i'm going to use this blush!"

Anonymous said...

Her degree came from University of Phoenix? LMAO WHAT A FUCKING JOKE.

Anonymous said...

Nat is not a true writer, shell never ever be. She's not even honest with her writing, she's just trying to appeal to desperate women every where while writing out her fantasy life.

Anonymous said...

nevermind i found them

Anonymous said...

fatasha neagle is a loose saggy sloppy gaping obese snatch girl with a large fupa hanging over it

Anonymous said...

"I KNOW A LOT more about rape than I'd care to know, but you wouldn't know that - you're too busy judging me & you don't know me."

I think it's really low that she's trying to spin it that way. If she had actually been raped or knew someone close to her that has, she wouldn't have even made that comparison. Not only that, the way she talks about it and just throws it around. I don't give a shit how many times she posts the dictionary definition. It was wrong and she needs to get over herself already.

Please go up to any rape victim and sit there and tell them that you know what it feels like because your awful, twilight rip off of a novel was leaked on the interwebs and let me know what happens. Bitch.

Anonymous said...

She is implying she or someone close to her was raped but it's hard to believe since she can't seem to sympathize with those comments.

That video will gain lulz if she ends up having to self publish.

Anonymous said...

^ all the more reason to download it ;) she's the type to delete a video out of embarrassment.

and omfg, i just realized we were at the same nationals/braves game. ugh ffs. get outta my city nat.

Anonymous said...

i find it hilarious that both nat and kai are from maryland. i swear there's something in the local water there.

Anonymous said...

oh wait, she as talking about friday's game, oh thank god. but still, gtfo of my city.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think nat is the most vile person we've ever discussed. her self-righteous attitude is disgusting and she's just an uneducated retarded housewife trying to act like she's very important and professional and talks down to everyone.

Anonymous said...

she's pretty up there in vileness, but for me, no one surpasses jenna olli.

Anonymous said...

Suprise! She deleted the whole rape convo on youtube.

But yeah, wow, this woman is delusional. Her pretentiousness in regards to her education and vocabulary are hilariously unwarranted. I'd like to see her try to have a conversation with some actual literary geniuses and see how that goes.

I wonder when publishers laugh in her face and criticize her writing the same way we are, if they're going to be labeled as illiterate haters as well.

Anonymous said...

i hate how nat talks in a permanent "talking down" tone. it's sad that she's a teacher, i feel bad for her students. she probably talks down to them and treats them like they're idiots who are wasting her genius and her precious time.

Anonymous said...

nat has to be one of those teachers oprah is ranting about. the ones who just go to collect her paycheck and dont give a fuck about the students and couldnt care less if the kids learn what they need to know. she's too self-centered to be a good teacher who gives her all to make sure her students are learning.

Anonymous said...

when nat invited all the trolls to blogtv people kept telling her to stop neglecting her kids and to get off the computer and go spend time with them. but she's retarded so all she could say was HOW DARE YOU BRING MY KIDS INTO THIS! HOW DARE YOU TALK ABOUT MY CHILDREN!! if she was so smart like she claims she'd know we were talking about HER neglecting her kids. she acted like we were taunting her kids. and all her fat stupid housewife minions were defending nat saying things like HOW COULD YOU TALK ABOUT HER CHILDREN?! DO NOT BRING A CHILD INTO THIS!!

Anonymous said...

Kailyn Marie Wilcher Katy perrys new cd is great I love her
32 minutes ago via mobile web

Kailyn Marie Wilcher I love eminems new cd!
about an hour ago via mobile web

oh lawd.

Anonymous said...

im sorry but nat's credibility was completely thrown out the window. she loves to brag about her 2 degrees and act like she's a scholar but her master's degree is from the university of phoenix, an ONLINE SCHOOL FFS.

Anonymous said...

lol who is kai even talking to on facebook? i bet she'll make a new twitter soon

Anonymous said...

she didn't delete the her end of the rape conversations, they were just thumbed-down ;)

Anonymous said...

Is that Kai's new Twitter??

Anonymous said...

prob her facebook

Anonymous said...

it's on facebook.

Anonymous said...

ah, it was me that fatasha had replied to. i only just checked my e-mail. oh well, if we need a screencap of her reply, i've got it.

what could be more pathetic than using rape as a comparison to leaking a novel? only pretending you or someone else have been raped to get sympathy and have an excuse for using rape in such a contest.

very classy.

Anonymous said...

Nat should call that video- Passive Aggressive Tutorial.

Ariaa said...

I just posted these comments on Nat's video. Can't wait to see her & her minion's responses. :)

3 minutes ago
I respect you as a person but you're handling this whole situation in a nonprofessional & immature manner. I'm going to reserve my opinion on your writing, but I'll say that your novel is going nowhere if you're unwilling to accept criticism. And since you're all about "vocabulary lessons," you said if your writing causes someone to have to pull out a thesaurus then you've done something right... I don't know if you got this memo--but you look up definitions in a dictionary, not a thesaurus.

2 minutes ago
And if you are as intelligent and almighty as you think you are then you'd know the proper grammar is "someone who" and "an eighth grader."

Anonymous said...

6 hours ago 25(thumbs up)
oh my gosh... do you have tips for sitting on the toilet, too?


Anonymous said...

who's nat?

Anonymous said...

"you said if your writing causes someone to have to pull out a thesaurus then you've done something right... I don't know if you got this memo--but you look up definitions in a dictionary, not a thesaurus."

lmaoo i lavvve it, she's going to try and something witty.

Anonymous said...

hahaha natalie's sure going to love those comments haha. which video did you post it on?

Ariaa said...

@ 12:00 this one

Anonymous said...

** say something witty.

Anonymous said...

she's so full of herself. she just never wants to admit that she's wrong about anything -using "rape" in such a context, using words she pulled out of a thesaurus, even though it cheapens her writing-

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