What are your guesses for what some of the beauty "gurus" will dress up as?
Obviously there's no real guessing involved with a couple of them, seeing as they look like they're in their costumes all year around. For example;
MakeupByMel - Snookie

missblairbeautyx3 - Chuckie

Kalel (QueenBeeuty) - An ant.

leave me your thoughts ;)
Happy Halloween Everyjuan :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 4494 Newer› Newest»I throw my shoes up on the powerline sometimes, saying ayyo i am Ghetto
I throw my redbull in the air sometimes, sayin ayoooo wheres my wings bro
I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, sayin' ayo, I love Taio.
I throw my turban in the air sometimes sayin ayo i got a bomb yo
I throw my laptop in the air sometimes saying ayo, hurry up, load.
I throw my Dildo in the air sometimes saying Ayo its time to playo
I throw my Sombrero in the air sometimes saying ayo I'm from Mexico
Shut up kneegrow
I throw my condoms in the air somtimes, Saying AYOO ur gonna be preggo
omfg shut up already. you arent funny
do elle and blair have a deal with mark? they both seem to be linking to marks website a lot.
I throw my legs up in the air sometimes saying ayoo im a dirty hoe
I hope you girls enjoy the spammer I sent over. Kailyn is a good girl and doesn't deserve this. =]
I thought Smokeypinkfail got the "help she needed" to get her adsense back? Still not partnered lulz
I throw my coupons in the air sometimes, saying ayoooo, imma cheeeeapooo.
ikr its great hahaha
yes they have a deal with mark. kai is probably crying somewhere.
I Throw My Hands Up in the Air Sometimes Saying Ayo Gotta Let go
I throw my nanna in the air and say ayyo your hair is grayo
Yeah you sent them over meanwhile they said "kai throws her legs in the air ayoo and says take a pic o"
I Throw My Fist Up in the Air Sometimes Sayin Ayoooo I'm a Guidooo
I throw my chickens in the air sometimes saying ayoo lay an eggo
I throw my boyfriend in the air sometimes , saying ayoooo im a lesbooooo
Does anybody here like jalapeno cheetos?
You girls are getting what you deserve. Leave Kailyn alone.
I throw my phone up in the air sometimes saing aaayyyoo my battery is low
you are so dumb you are really dumb, forreal
you sent a spammer to "teach us a lesson", wtf?
I Throw My Haterrs in the Air Sometimes Saying Ayooo Get a Lifeee Yooo
lmao, get what we deserve? they're spending time spamming the blog. it's not doing anything to us.
I throw my finger in your arse sometimes, sayin' ayyooo, i'm a gaaybo.
Kailyn will get the last laugh. =]
I throw my tampon in the air sometimes, sayin ayo its a heavy flow
I throw my razor up in the air sometimes saying ayo I'm an emo
I throw my ipod in the air sometimes singing Ayyyooo why won't you Playyooo
I Throw my cabbage in the air sometimes, Sayin' Ayooo. I Wanna Potatooo
It's probably that psycho fairytails spamming
I Throw My Phone Up in the Air Sometimes Saying AYO I've Got No Signal
I Throw My Salad In The Air Sometimes. Sayin' Ayyo I ordered Tomato
I throw my box up in the air sometimes, sayin ayoo im homeless bro
Keep spamming baby! These girls will get what's coming to them! Kailyn will be laughing all the way to the bank when she's done with these girls! Beware.
the spamming is annoying, but will never stop me from visiting and posting on this blog, nice try though ;)
I throw my g string in the air sometimes sayin ayyo im a fat hoe
I throw my rice up in the air sometimes, saying aiyaaaaah I'm from Asiaaaaa
@ 10:33 yeah, keep talking to yourself bb
I'm not talking to myself. I'm not the spammer. But have fun with them girls.
I throw my weed up in the air sometimes, sayin ayooo it was oregano
yeah, all the way to the bank with no money because she's not partnered derp
I throw my fingers in the air sometimes, saying Ayyoo, fuck the world BRO
wtf is with robin's "giveaway" ?????????
I Throw My Sandwich at the Subway Guy, Sayin Ayooo, Wheres My Mayoo!?
I throw my big mac in the air sometimes, screaming a-yo ima fat hoe
I throw my Pillow in the air sometimes, Sayin aaaayo, Time for bed yo
p.s. chances are if u've done nothing but be mean to me and leave me nasty comments on my vids u'll will not get any samples not matter how much u bug me. this is for my REAL fans. thx =)
uh... ok robin.
I throw my strap-on in the air sometimes saying ayo i got no dick yo
I throw my meat pie in the air sometimes saying ayoooo, I'm a vegoooo
I Throw Some Dye In My Hair Sometimes, Sayin' AYO I'm Jared LETO.
so she's giving away one, tiny baggy sample? the fuck
i throw my lit book in the air sometimes singing ayo hello spark notes
I throw my SHUT the FUCK UPP
I Throw My Crayons In The Air Sometimes Saying Ayoo Wheres The Yellow
Looks like Robin is just as fucking greedy as Kai.....hurr durr I won't give you this one tiny sample unless you kiss my ass and have never said a mean thing to me! Hypocrite much?
I throw my drink up in the air sometimes saying AYO im an ALCO
I throw my wig up in the air sometimes, sayin ayoo where'd my hair goo?
i bet kai is going to get her nipples and hood pierced after watching robins video.
Robin is a stupid bitch. I hate her. She is mean to Kailyn for no reason. After all Kailyn has done for her too. If it wasn't for Kailyn, Robin would have no subs. Who agrees?
What exactly has Kai done for her? Given her a Youtube shoutout? Who cares.
I agree! Robin is a horrible person. Kailyn was so sweet to shout out her friend and send subs her way, and as soon as Robin got what she needed she turned on poor Kailyn and stopped being her friend and started this ridiculous feud with her. Robin is disgusting for putting Kailyn's business out there like she did. She is psycho.
You're a psycho.
robin really didn't say anything that we didn't already know...
I throw my Pillow in the air sometimes, Saying ayo time for bed yo
Do you guys ever feel bad for buying buying makeup and beauty products, and end up hating the product so you throw it away after using it a couple times? I've done that alot lately :( maybe I should just do a giveaway on MUA or something idk....or is that gross?
Looks like you're running out of things to say... ayo?
You should get in contact with Kailyn and send her products you don't want. She can do a review on them and let everyone else know that the product is good or bad. She is such a helpful girl.
i don't throw it away, some things i will use. but with beauty products, you never know if you're going to like them until you try it.
i don't buy products i hate enough to throw out *shrug* idk
lol 10:53 trollllllll
i throw my
i bought a nars blush that i really didn't like, i swapped it on mua easily. you could try that?
I'm heartbroken. My bf broke up with me.
Elle and Blair joined thestation!
no they didnt
yes they did.
no they didn't.
ellefowler Moving truck is now 3 days late and counting
they did, i work for the station and watched them sign the contract this morning :S can't wait to see them in videos!!
no you don't
what the hell is someone from the station doing on a guru gossip blog -_-
11:10 and a blog that BASHES elle and blair too. lolwtf
probably the same kai stan, bitch is cray cray.
kai is a loose snatch girl with no morals
sticky was the one spamming the I THROW MY _______ IN THE AIR SOMETIMES SAYING AYO ___________
there's a @ithrowmy twitter and sticky retweeted some of them.
♥ 15 y.o
♥ Currently living in Maryland
♥ Only child ♥ Homeschool ♥ I live with my Mom & 3 pets including ;a dog, bunny, and guinea pig
♥ My birthday is May 18 [1990]
♥ My favorite colors are ; PiNK -N- BLACK
♥ My favorite animals are ; PENGUiNS -N- ZiBRAS
♥ I can be very RANDOM -N- CRAZY at times...but there are times when I am capable of being SERiOUS ♥ CAMERA WHORE HERE!! I ♥ LOVE TAKiNG PiCS!!
♥ I love meeting new people -n- making new friends
♥ In my opinion, love is no gender all you need is a heart=)
♥ I dont like people who judge people without knowing them people should accept other people for who they are
is it just me or did Kai talk better when she was 13???
3 pets including ;a dog, bunny, and guinea pig
wut? where are they now??
they're in her vag
Ayo i throw kai into i need to vent Forum.
End of fucking story
Cannot stand this chick!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDruPPPMK3I&feature=player_embedded holy shit this is fucking creepy lmao
glamistas or glamsquad?
this site is lame now
then leave.
kailyn marie wilcher is gods gift to trolls. ily baby kai <3
Lol the best troll ever!! Except they ruined that dynamite song for me, that was my song when it came on at the bar
Nic got a schnauzer puppy, Kai, so now you can feel better about your dog not being a yorkie!
Tilly is also a way better name for a puppy than Bella.
I dont understand why bella has to be a yorkie!!! There not that great of a dog there actually kinda ugly
LMFAOOO! Kristin as an Ant, that's fucking hilarious! Thank You, you have made my day! XD
I'm sure kai wanted one cause people treat them and see them as a "girly" dog that's more of an accessory to show off and carry around without the need to train one. I doubt she's even bothered to train Bella. the dog probably barks at strangers all the time and is not socialized with other dogs.
Kai is so dumb for real, ive never seen the appeal for little dogs anyway so i wouldnt understand, remember when kai said tha mail lady wouldn come to her door unless bella was on a leesh? She was probably barking at her azz
Ill put my knife up to your neck one day, and youll say ayyyo your a psyyycho
Lol im sorry i had to do it
Theyre both lame
I have recently spent 10 months not doing much, and its been driving me up the wall. how does kai do it and remain happy? ive been so miserable that today having a 9 am lecture and a 2am lecture has just made me day!
kai is so funny. remember when she swore up and down that she didn't name bella after twilight? in the video where she took her to the groomer - you can hear the groomer in the background talking about the movie and kai says she's excited about eclipse coming out. lol, the groomer obviously had just got done asking her if bella was named because of twilight and was making small talk with her.
Kalel Cullen. Talentless Bitch with a pornstars name.
Listen to the advice given by Whataday Derek on one of his ustream blog tv shows. "WHATEVER YOU DO. DONT BE A STARFUCKER!"
I can see Kalel living out a trailer in the deep south come next year
kalel has no idea what she's doing. she's an idiot to be moving halfway across the country, with no job prospects or education, just to hang out with other youtubers (who actually earn a decent income). i'm not even hating on the girl, she's just not thinking rationally. it costs a lot of money to move out on your own, much less moving to california - where everything is twice as expensive. the girl couldn't even afford a cab ride to IMATs. if she were smart, she would have stayed in missouri and got a decent apartment there. at least she wouldn't be squating at somebody's place in a one bedroom.
My friend rents a 3 bedroom house for $1100 a month in suburban Chicago. A one room studio in CA probably costs that much.
oh no guise, davey got hacked!
Pinkiecharm is bragging on twitter about her ipad. She's tweeted about it like 10 times already. So annoying.
why are you guys saying elle and blair are on the station? where did this come from? lol
it was one person.
whats everyone wearing for halloween parties?
LMAO @ 5:52
im going as elles barbie tutorial.. i wont look as pretty as her with it on though who else things blair and elle should sell like wigs that look like they're hair on glitzy glam???
i'm going as a trainwreck/kai.
Lorrainey-pie blocked me because I said her face reminded me of butter :(! She even deleted my comment. Wahhhhhh.
jlovesmac reminds me of that's so raven
is she like that in all her videos? I'm afraid to watch more..
"Lorrainey-pie blocked me because I said her face reminded me of butter :(! She even deleted my comment. Wahhhhhh.
LMAO are you the one who said something like "Your face looks so...buttery"? I LOL'd irl at that, because its TRUE
I looked at dulcecandy's channel for the first time and i was legit surprised at how many of her videos aren't even tutorials or beauty tips, they're just hauls. i had to scroll through like 20 videos before finding a tutorial. why do people want to subscribe to a person who is just basically showing off all their new stuff? lame as hell.
@1227 yes that was me! Lol, I kept trying to say something about her butterface in a nice way! I guess she didn't like if :/
lorraine looks so old with blonde hair
i like lorraine, i dont think shes THAT ugly. I think she just needs to get a nose job and her face will improve dramatically.
I dont get why she buys so much expensive crap and still drives a shit car :/
i think she looks a lot better with blonde hair..
I would have gotten a nosejob over that shitty boob job. I think the only way she gets her confidence is from her subs. They are up her ass constantly.
She would look a lot better if she was bald.
She brings a whole new meaning to butter face.
butta face
Jlovesmac1 needs to go away
What a shocker, Kalel is going back home because shes "really sick"
I'm really sick. So now I'm going home for a couple days to go to my doctor/rest with my family. I will try to make a video soon! :(
lmfao there are no doctors in LA, then?
This might sound rude but w/e. Her parent's should change the locks and not let her in. It's disrespectful of her to leave her parents just because she wants to go to LA and when shit happens she goes crawling back to them and has a free roof and food.
she's only been in LA for a week, right? jesus.
Pbunny is seriously like Kai 2.0... She's 13 and gets $150 a week for allowance, which she spends all at MAC and Sephora. Her entire family is racist, her mom was talking about black people while she was on Blogtv. She started dancing in her underwear on purpose and then talked about showing her boobs for "crazy boys" to look at in Playboy. Pbunny= Playboy bunny? She has issues.
are those hairs coming out of her pimple or mole or whatever?? fucking siiick
wonder where she got the idea to use OCC from.
"are those hairs coming out of her pimple or mole or whatever?? fucking siiick "
ewww yes it is !!! i just legit threw up
Anthony is sending Kalel back
Either she didnt put out or shes shit in bed.
or her fake tan ran when he smoshed her pussy
whats the link to this pbunny girl?
"and it's called... feesta?"
Oh and she also holds fake giveaways every month for more subscribers.
new kaikaiz video
~twirl me around~
it's called feesta
Festers lile mole hair
lol feesta
oh lawd
wow normamlly i would laugh but 4realll 'feesta'
what..what the fuck is this? why is kai making herself look so out of it in recent photos?
FEESTA? FEESTA?! SMH. I swear sometimes Kai MUST be acting dumb for the cameras. There's no way someone can be that stupid.
bug eyes and her mouth full of spit hanging open = tho theductive
kai is a mouth breather
"There's no way someone can be that stupid. "
If mama wilcher was your teacher then yes it is possible.
she looks uglier than usual in this video. ugh, imagine waking up to dat face.
lulz another new kaikai video, she's on a roll
^ i came
what the fuck is this suppose to be? what is this bitch looking at? she look like a brain dead retard in all the pics where she stares off into space with a blank look on her face thinking that's thuper thexy
Her bags are bad today. And lol at how long that lip part of the tutorial was.
kai probably wakes up with a pool of slobber on her pillow because she can't close her fucking mouth.
SLAAAAG ... it's called SLAAAAAAGGG!
kai is a SLAAAAAG
why does kai have to have one pic where she looks like a lifeless blow up doll when she shows off her looks now?? it's creepy and she looks like a huge dumb ass
HOLY THMOKES thats some messy lipgloth for someone who spends over 2 minutes on average slicking it on
more proof of kai's sheltered existence. this is like the fourth foreign word she fucks up. faux, taj mahal, sahara, fiesta. has she only hung out with white people her whole life?
Is Kalel sick? She blocked me from twitter so i can't see her tweets??
Looks like we've found an even bigger hoarder than Irene.
I really don't think Kalel moved to LA. I think she was just visiting the whole time. And now she fakes sick so it will look like she has to go home and be taken care of. When in reality her week vacation was up.
And if she is sick.. go to a doc in LA. I guess this bitch is so used to mommy taking care of her she can't be an adult and take care of herself. LOL at no one in LA wanting to baby her ass!!
I'm pissed that someone who is that sick is getting on a plane and infecting tons of people!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!
can anyone explain what's going on with kalel and anthony/smosh?
is she honestly "sick" and going home because of something that happened with them? and did she drive to LA? wouldnt it be better to STAY PUT and rest if you were sick rather than fly/drive home again??
or do you think she just doesnt fit in there and everyone hates her?
kalel found bed bugs and fleas in her bed so instead of handling it like an adult and going to buy cleansers and vacuuming it etc to remove that she took off and latched on to the first guy that showed interest aka anthony. she fucked him all week and thats the story she is a joke and really should move home and register for college
"do you think she just doesnt fit in there and everyone hates her?"
I think that is the case. She got there and everyone wasn't kissing her ass. She found out people were talking behind back and no one was her friend. She didn't fit in and is going home permanently. She'll vlog that she got there and she realized that she needed more money to move there and it wasn't smart but it was still worth it.
She's full of bullshit. I'm sure she didn't pack more than two weeks worth of clothes cuz she was NEVER going to move in the first place.
I dont hear anything about Kristin auditioning or doing anything to make her dream of being an actress a reality... laaaaame.
I hope Anthony enjoyed his free maid and sex slave!
couldn't anthony do better than kalel? surely he can be picky
Sorry if this was already brought up...
You can't bring bottles of that size on the plane... So how was she able to take them to LA?
The qvc sisters are laughing right now. I bet Kalel tried to crash at their apartment.
I'd love to hear what Andrea really thinks of Kalel.
I could see andreaschoice getting sick of kalel within 2 hours. almost feel bad for the girl, cos not only is she not gonna be able to stay there, but she's the laughing stock of the la youtubers now and she'll never live it down....almost
i'm honestly impressed that kai had a closed mouth smile in one of those pictures. i didn't think it was possible for her.
you can put bottles of any size in your bag that you check in you just can not carry it onto the plane by your seat
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